I’m at the Ale House to watch the debate, and I kinda sorta plan to live blog, that is, in between bites of my fish & chips, and assuming the wireless network holds up. But I just want to start out by saying that I absolutely hate this stupid-ass “town hall” format. The first debate, with Jim Lehrer actually asking a few follow up questions, but mostly allowing the candidates to go back and forth at each other, was the best and most informative debate I’ve seen… well… ever. I’m not expecting much substance tonight.
Anyway, I’ll be updating the post with my comments, please share your comments in the thread.
UPDATE (6:08):
John McCain has a secret plain to end the economic crisis. And by the way, when McCain says “we don’t have trust and confidence,” isn’t that dangerously close to Jimmy Carter’s “crisis of confidence”…?
UPDATE (6:12):
McCain thinks the questioner doesn’t even know who Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is, because you know, he’s just a dumb voter. So he needs to explain this all very slowly and very carefully and with very small words.
UPDATE (6:18):
McCain: “Americans are the best importers in the world.” No doubt about that.
UPDATE (6:25):
Question: When McCain says “my friends,” is he referring to Facebook?
UPDATE (6:30):
McCain wants a spending freeze except for defense, veterans affairs and, you know, “other stuff”. How bold.
UPDATE (6:35):
Does it really matter what Obama and McCain actually say? It seems like CNN’s dial test squiggly line goes up when Obama speaks, and down for McCain, pretty much regardless of the content.
UPDATE (6:38):
Really, what is the point of a debate in which the moderator actively prevents the participants from engaging in a substantive discussion. Fuck the rules, Tom.
UPDATE (6:50):
Okay, perhaps I have a fetish on this, but I really wish the candidates would answer the fucking question. “Should health care be a commodity?” That’s a yes or no question. There’s nothing particularly wrong with Obama’s answer except it’s not really one, and I don’t expect McCain to be anymore direct.
UPDATE (6:52):
McCain: “You really have identified one of the main issues facing America…” but I’m not going to answer the question either. Okay, I’ll answer the question for both you: health coverage should not be a commodity.
UPDATE (6:55):
I’m watching CNN’s squiggly lines, and it raises one question: who the hell chooses orange and green as the distinguishing colors when 10% of the men are red green color blind? Thanks a fucking lot.
UPDATE (6:57):
“Is health care a privilege, a right or a responsibility?” Obama answers, “it is a right.” Finally. I direct answer. (And bonus, one I agree with.)
UPDATE (7:01):
According to the dial test audience, Americans like to be told how great we are, but we don’t particularly like it when McCain uses that to attack Obama.
UPDATE (7:04):
Obama needs to use the words “orgy” and “troops” in the same sentence. The dial test audience loves that.
UPDATE (7:12):
McCain: “My hero is Teddy Roosevelt.” Which is a good answer, say, if the question is about the environment or regulation. But when the question is on foreign policy… um… not so much.
UPDATE (7:13):
I disagree with Obama: Tom Brokaw sucks.
UPDATE (7:16):
McCain has a secret plan to catch bin Laden.
UPDATE (7:18):
Have you noticed that sometimes, when McCain finishes his answer, the squiggly lines of go up when Brokaw starts talking? McCain risks coming in third.
UPDATE (7:22):
Dollars to donuts, the pundits won’t be so quick to call this debate one way or the other… until the snap polls come in. Not after being burned in the last two debates. (Shhh… Obama wins.)
UPDATE (7:30):
Brokaw: “We’ve come to the last question.” Millions of American viewers: “Thank God!”
This debate sucked, and would have been intolerable without beer. But more importantly, whoever Americans ultimately determine won the debate (shh… Obama), there’s no way McCain did what he needed to do to shake up this race and seize the momentum. Therefore, Obama wins. (Shhh.)
CNN this huge panel of what, ten analysts discussing the debate… and they’re all white? Really?
CBS: Obama, 39-27. CNN: Obama, 54-30. Only an assassin’s bullet can win this race for McCain.
Why doesn’t McCain tackle the “known terrorist” and turn him over to Gitmo? I think it’s an outrage that the Secret Service allows McCain to be exposed to this danger. McCain should cancel the debate immediately!
“Suspend the campaign”: There goes Ejection Seat McCain again!
McCain: “If we buy these loans”. They’re not buying loans. They’re buying worthless securities.
Oh yes…how could he be onsatge with that, that, that terrorist. And he’s a black man too!
I’d rather vote for the wrinkly old dude with the sharp gestures, short arms, and little yellow teeth. He’s got a hot white woman…adn that terrorist will take her and have his way with her with his mumble lips…McCain should cancel this debate…he is too good to be onstage with that, that, that, that terrorist!
Drinking word is “reaching across the aisle.”
and “main street”
oh and “American People”
McSame is so, so, boring.. Nukes? Gimmee a break.
Tootin his horn.. How many times has he said “millions of new jobs”?
He sounds like a continuous running campaign spot. Nauseating..
If they can make the I-Phone…they can kick us off foreign oil!
McCain- We are going to cut entitlement programs. Future retirees are not going to get what current retirees are getting.
The sounds you just heard are everyday American workers slapping their heads in disbelief.
Mr.McCain- Foot, meet bullet from gun on hip.
Hah!! The senator from Airbus!
Why do I feel the-” When I was a POW” speech coming?
6:12 update:
Did you notice the question came from a black man?
Then he talks down to him.
Very nice.
“We are going to work together we a Amerukkuns…
except for the terrorist over there…
and we can work together except without him….the terrorists…”
I is a black woman and nobody talks down to my man…John McSame can’t talk down to my brother without having a conversation with my fist! He don’t even know what a “terrorist” truly is…cause every second he doesn’t make eye contact to Obama is time he spends an angry wrinkly dude…with a very bad comb-over
Geez, McCain is shamelessly palin’ around the stage with a known terrorist! Now both candidates are terrorists!
McCain scribbles furiously, Obama has hardly touched his note pad.
Why is that? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
Uhhh. John..
Hoover was a Republican.
Nailing Jell-O to a wall. Snippy McAngry is making an appearance.
How much longer before he just walks up and slugs Obama.
If he does, Obama should immediately call Roger Rabbit for representation.
McSame is so Lollipop Guild!
I heard McSame wants to cut 1 TRILLION from Medicare and Medicaid to pay for his 5 grand tax credit.
Not going to go over too well with the seniors in Florida.
Obama- Straight talk express lost a wheel. On taxes and the economy.
Just one wheel?
McCain: “I ‘want’ to reduce taxes on the middle class”. Uh-huh. Right…:
…just as long the tax cut is bigger for the opulent. That way, when the dollar devalues and prices go up, the billionaires will be even wealthier than the rest of us.
McSame- Social Security is not hard to fix. That sound of head slapping again.
OK, that drinking game has to include MY FRIENDS.
@17. My Left Foot:
McCain won’t slug Obama… He reserves that for “The Cunt”.
No shit! Let em duke it out. He saved McCain a bloody nose.
Oh…there it is…reformer…look the black woman in the eyes…her name is Ingrid, bitch!
@0 UPDATE (6:38):
Oh, now that’s just un-American!
thanks for the link…that’s deliberate and blatant…
Tom, wave at me. I’ll look at you but I can’t remeber Ingrid’s name. She’s black and does not count, John McCain.
Obama: “We can’t simply drill our way out of the problem.”
There goes that fucking liberal mathematics again, “1+1=2” confounding the issue.
oh he did not say ‘that one’…oh shit…if he says ‘you people’ it will be a smack down of senatorial proportions…where the Miss Congeniality?
Now I can look at the Blond, white philly…but the “Kizzie” looking woman who’s name I forgot…well…she blends in…Senator Obama will find you? The Bogey man will find you…
Miss Congeniality is with Taaaaaaahd. They are beating Levi Johnson senseless for fucking their innocent daughter.
There goes that fucking liberal mathematics again, “1+1=2″ confounding the issue.
“It is going to take 10 years to get a drop of oil out of the ground” when democrats have been standing in the way of drilling for the last 30 years. heheheheh
If health care is a commodity, can I buy futures, leverage my position and get rich doing so?
The hair transplant train left about 40 years ago John…you need a campaign transplant…and a weave…then you can talk to black women!
Obama actually outlining the main planks of his health care plan!?!? Is that allowed?
@35. My Left Foot:
Technically, that would have to be a Health Care Default Swap…
Snippy McAngry- Did we hear the size of fine?
Sarcasm is not becoming a presidential candidate.
And Obama is Goddam right, health care is a right.
Iraq is the hidden Achilles heel of the Republicans. Now you talk about spending money there while our economy is in the toilet.
Americans can put 2 and 2 together and see that money is better off spent here at home on things we actually fucking need!!
What is a victory? Death and destruction…what is winning?…I thought saving precious lives was winning…oh here it comes the POW speech…
My friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends my friends…
I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know…
McCain invoking Petraeus again—a General who fundamentally disagrees with him with regard to general strategy:
@42. Aaron:
That’s an anger-management technique. Whenever McCain feels like saying “You fucking commoner”, he says, “My friend”.
The “I know” thing, tho, is just part of his megalomania.
Bomb bomb bomb Iran. Finally, he slugs back. This is not your mommas pussy Democrat.
“Bomb-bomb-bomb Iran” != “Speak softly”
Was that a “Reagan moment” I just heard?
@0 Goldy [UPDATE (7:12)]:
I think McCain meant to say “My college roommate was Teddy Roosevelt.”
It was a McBush moment—they need to get off Foreign Policy-the fucking splurge—!
I got a bridge to nowhere to sell you in Alaska.
What is the secret plan? I am reminded of the lyrics of a Bob Seger song, see second verse:
Are you sorry when the lights begin to fade
Are you sorry for the promises you made
for the burden of the ones who had to fall
When you didn’t see the writing on the wall
It was forty years ago and I was young
and the jungle not the desert heard the guns
Someone said they had a secret plan
and the rest of us were told to understand
Well I don’t want this, no I don’t want this
I have had enough no more
Tomorrow is the price for yesterday
A billion waves won’t wash the truth away
Someday you’ll be ordered to explain
No one gets to walk between the rain
And I don’t want this, no I don’t want this
I have had enough no more
No I don’t want this no I don’t want this
I have had enough no more
No more
This is painful to watch. McCain is being slaughtered.
I just hate to see a 72 year old man making such a fool of himself.
It is just sad.
@0 Goldy [UPDATE (6:16)]:
He’s been saying that since January—but he won’t say what it us, presumably unless he gets elected president. He’d rather let people die than give-up a campaign secret.
@ 38
Technically, that would have to be a Health Care Default Swap
Or a catheterized debt obligation…
McCain: “I looked into [Putin’s] eye and saw a K, a G and a B.”
McCain stole that line from Colin Powell.
the body language specialists on Inside Edition will comment on his little McSame Hands in a little-pointy fingered fist-translates-War, Kill, Kill, Fire, Burn, Plane, Bomb, Crash, Torture, Death…President, me!
McCain are you or are you not going to wait for the UN? Answer the question? McFuckup. This is embarrassing. Talking is bad, bombing good. So answer the question.
@0 Goldy [UPDATE (7:18)]:
LMFAO! It’s that Beavis and Butt-head laugh of his that’s weirding everyone out.
@53. Don Joe:
Good one!… I think my uncle had one of those.
Ya know, McSame just weirds me out. It is a visceral thing.
@0 Goldy [UPDATE (7:22)]:
Typical, boring debate = front-runner wins.
Before this debate, I had not seen a grey haired guy that confused since Gandalf battled the Balrog.
He made Palin seem lucid by comparison.
Little McFisty-he was about to say “What I don’t know is who the fuck is Barack Obama?” but he didn’t. Yup he is weirding me out too…is Cindy actually alive? She looks like Mrs Crypt Keeper!
For those of you drinking, if it was “my friends” for the drinking game, take a cab home.
McCain said one thing I totally agree with- “we need a cool hand on the ’tiller.” Couldn’t agree more. But its surely not him.
Sprint home and win big.
Yes, the debate was kind of sucky. We deserve better.
No way McSame gained though. The people’s minds seem made up.
No more of the (Mc)Same. It’s going to be a landslide for Barack Obama!!
Instapoll comment:
Call me superstitious but lets not put these thoughts in the air.
Take a look at this:
“Current veterans grade McCain ‘D’, Obama ‘B'”
I know it is a joke, but please… shhh
We have enough evidence on this forum that this is not a meme that needs to be repeated to the wingnut mind.
McDone/Falin’ 2008. Stick a fork in them.
The “That One” phrase by McCain won’t go over well.
What happened after the debate was interesting. McCain and his wife seemed uncomfortable around the audience and left after a few moments. Obama and his wife seemed to enjoy being with those people and hung around for a long time, talking and laughing. Just about everybody there had the opportunity for a few words and many of them had their photo taken with the candidate and Michelle. The audience members were real people to Obama. McCain had no further use for them. Obama connected, McCain did not.
This anger is really amazing. I saw this site as a link from another one- never heard of it before but horsesas.org drew me in.
Obviously, this is a very opinionated site. The true value of any website, however, can be reflected by the opinions of the readership. If a site has opinions and posts from both sides of the issue, it may have some merit of at least being a somewhat credible reporting outlet. Without knowing what to expect, I read the comments to this blog, after which I came to the conclusion that this site is simply a one sided sounding board. Nice job. Keep up the good work. (Read the previous two accolades again, this time with extreme sarcasm.) I’m sure to some of you, I probably shouldn’t reveal this (what is probably to most of you) big secret, but by reading things that only agree with your side and spending your time posting mindless agreements and abhorrence for the other side, you are simply illustrating the simple-mindedness with which many the other side believes supporters of Obama actually approach this race.
I’m glad that I read this site. It serves as further evidence that perhaps my theory about many of those who support Obama is correct. If I may be so bold, please do yourself a favor and conduct some research. If you have already done so and reached your decision about this election, then I applaud you. Everybody in this country is, thanks to our forefathers and the thousands who have since fought to protect our independence and freedom, entitled to his or her own opinion. On the other hand, if you have arrived at your conclusions about this race based upon the opinions expressed by your parents or friends or those expressed by any (and yes I do mean any) media outlet, please (again) do yourself and this country a favor, and don’t “go with your gut” when it comes to making a decision about this election. Look into the issues and form your own conclusion. Chances are you may be surprised. By the way, the talking heads and bloggers are not the people to whom you should be looking for answers, but hey, don’t let me tell you what to do. It’s your right (so far) to do whatever you’d like.
Only an assassin’s bullet can win this race for McCain.
Goldy, I wish you would remove that comment. That is a fear a lot of people have had for months and months. Please.
Roger Rabbit’s Debate Summary
I think Obama realized tonight he’s actually going to be President of the United States.
@70 Welcome to Horsesass.org! As the official greeter, it’s my duty to inform you of the ad hoc HA posting rules:
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here (except JCH).
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the living shit out of fascist traitors.
5. No mercy for wingnuts!
6. Our terms are unconditional surrender; there will be trials.
7. Klake is a Nazi.
Any questions?
@69 Did you see what I saw? McCain refused to shake Obama’s hand after the debate.
Watching this debate as I did, with my head shoved 3′ up my ass (I’m a Republican), I have to say that from my point of view, John McCain won handily.
Thank you for your reply “Roger Rabbit.” I could do what everybody else does and get all fired up, but I won’t. I guess the reason why is because yours is the sort of reply I would expect. This is ridiculous.
Your last sentence is a new low, even for you Goldy.
This whole presidential race has been tainted by partisan politics.
@70- Normally I would ignore your comments and let it pass. I am not the most regular of posters here but I enjoy tuning in and occasionally participating. I have to say, though, the vapid nature of your comments combined with the condensending tone actually pissed me off.
So, since I am feeling so good tonight as I finally see a 28 year of catastropic governing philosophy crashing and burning, and see us on the edge of a true progressive era of government that will be “of the people, by the people, for the people…” I have a comment or two.
I don’t follow my dad, or anyone else. My dad was a Goldwater repub. I have greater respect for the libertarian strain of conservative philosophies of government than I do for the combination of a moralizing big state conservatism that has combined with philosophical contradictions of corporate autocratic socialism that carries the day in todays Repub party. This is conservatism in the classic Burkean sense, which does have a rich theoretical and philosophical history. (And Burkean conservatism is not as we define it in our third grade civics education levels in America.)
This trend started with Reagan, was blown into incoherence by Gingrich and Tom the hammer Delay, and has been twisted into a true evil by Bush-Cheney.
I respected the conservatism of Russell Kirk and the early days of William Buckley. They had a sense of the common good.I differed in means to the end, and the role of the state and government, but they agreed with fundamental issues of the common good.
This has gotten lost as the modern day Repubs sell out their principles to big business and corporations, to the point where they have no principles, and then also shill for the bizarre moral dictatorships of their foot soldiers in the radical right.
Did you know that fundamentalism as we know it today did not exist on the face of the earth in the hostory of theology until a series of essays called “The fundamentals” was published in rural Tennesse in 1910 by a rural preacher opposed to public education and who helped lead the resurgence of the KKK? Did you know that the rapture was also a rural american invention not taken seriously anywhere else in the reasoning religious world? Serious theology has a great place in our society and history, but not the superficial garbage of today, and not the witch doctors of Wasilla.
So, it may surprise you to learn that many of us have given this a great deal of thought and put this election into a historical perspective. I happen to believe that the American experiment in our form of government may very well perish from the earth if we continue down this road we have been on. If you want to dispute this, go ahead, and take your best shot. But spare me the condescending BS.
Oh, and BTW, Teddy Roosevelt was the exact opposite of everything McCain has stood for and worked for in his Senate career, and Reagan and Nancy hated MCCain for dumping his first wife when the going got tough for him.
But heck, he found the rich heiress who’s daddy and sleazy business connections could buy him a spot in Congress and then the Senate. Thats white affirmative action.
re 78: The Kennedys, MLK… The list goes on. Except they all seem to be liberals.
Wonder who’s killing them?
Terrorist Huggers
Washington has tree huggers; Alaska has terrorist huggers.
Todd Palin is a long-time member of the secessionist Alaska Independence Party, which was led by rabid America-hater Joe Vogler until his death in 1993.
Vogler wanted to address the United Nations to denounce U.S. “tyranny” and demand Alaska’s independence, but needed a government to sponsor him. So he lined up sponsorship for his anti-U.S. speech from … Iran.
Our government has designated Iran as a terrorist nation. Vogler hung out with Iran, and Todd Palin hangs out with AIP, and Sarah Palin hangs out with Todd.
Therefore, Sarah Palin “pals around” with terrorists.
I thought business was going to drown our government in the bathtub. Care to inform me about the ‘other side’ to that story?
Looks like they only kicked themselves in the ass hard enough to force all the ‘little people’ to bail them out.
Adam Smith had it right: Wealth is not created by capital. It’s created by the labor of the working man.
Reading all the comments here, McCain must have done well….interesting
Tom Foss @ 80
I always appreciate your too rare comments. Great response to a new troll. Of course, he isn’t seeing any conservative responses tonight because our usual trolls are storing up food, guns, ammo, and methamphetamines to somehow endure the next 4 years of rational rule. GreatSite @ 77, we usually have lots of voices of your ilk. Not tonight, though, because our regulars haven’t yet got their talking points from Hannity and Limbaugh.
John McCain is such a little man, and I’m talking about his character, that he can’t even shake Barack Obama’s hand. Nonetheless, he claims he is the guy who can reach across the aisle and get things done. Yeah, right. McCain is a tiny little puke who has made a career out of having gotten his plane shot down. Democrats need to stop honoring his “service.” Since his release from the Hanoi Hilton, all he had done is harm to this nation.
You leftist KLOWNS! You Lennin’s usefull IDIOTS!
It is obvious that McCain is ready to take us back to the good old days of 1929, and you PINHEADS can’t handle that!!!
What we need is a good old fashioned back breaking working class that has no hope for the future! And McCain will give us that!!!
But you middle class KLOWNS and SOCIALISTS want to handicap the select few BIAW prophets that will bring you your dreams of despair!!!
What do you KLOWNS want??? A fair shake? A level field??
McCain has presented a clear plain for the future. A future where you can be a cog!!!
Do not deny you want to be a cog with a cog wife and several cog children living in abstract nameless poverty!!! LEFTISTS!!!!!
McCain has presented the future… all you have to do is let him implement it.
Thank you for your comments. My intent was to commentate on the general impression of this site. I believe in open forums and by no means do not intend to belittle people who have put serious thought into this election. Believe it or not, this is the first (and probably will be the last) political site on which I’ve posted. It would seem that you have obviously put thought into not only the issues but the ideas and philosophies behind them. I might take issue with your support of “the early days of William Buckley.” Depending on what you’re referring to as his “early days,” you could be treading on dangerous ground with some people. (For those of you following this, it took Buckley until he was somewhere around 40 years old to make a statement publicly that he was against racism.) Regardless, you have sparked some thought, and hopefully others think about this election as much as you have.
I think McCain realized tonight he’s not going to be POTUS. That’s why he stalked off the stage instead of doing “meet and greet” with the no-longer-undecided voters. John McCain conceded more than the stage to Obama; he conceded the election tonight.
Now that Republicans have been defeated, McCain’s boner will go down and workers’ wages will go up.
Next week’s polls are going to be brutal. Even Texas could go Democrat.
… er… sorry for the last 8 years.
eh heh. eh heh.
Bing ’em on!
eh heh
not really….
@ 77 Hi “Hannah”!
If Barry Goldwater were alive today, he’d have long since led a B52 squadron over Crawford and ended this nonsense long ago…and the now mostly purged professionals in the officers’ corps and the intelligence community would have backed him up. We now have a government led by lunatics and managed by imbeciles.
I’d like to say that I, too, look forward to a speedy end to our national nightmare and a return to government based on virtue and reason, but I’m afraid our society is too damaged, and the Democrats so compromised, that even if they win really big next month it’s going to get one hell of a lot worse before it starts getting better.
I swear, I am certain that McCain in the next debate is going to use the “N” word.
He has nothing to lose. He can only hope to ignite his Republican base by saying that “If you vote for this Nigger, you hate America!”
That is all he has left of his campaign.
And, yes, the Republican base will respond, but where does that leave BuddyPud?
BuddyPud? What will you do then?
Will you have a moment of clarity finally? Like an alcoholic who finally realizes that he has been living a lie sucking off the tit that is feeding him and the rest of America poison?
I am always cheering for my friend Buddypuddy!
I know he will make a breakthrough.
87 Thank you, Cyn…for such a clear and lucid description of the Republican vision of a capitalist utopia.
Brokaw managed to accomplish what Jim Lehrer tried and failed to do, and which Gwen Ifill also tried and failed to do with Palin and Biden–get both candidates to admit that they see Social Security as fair game to pay for all this crap. That’s a double whammy after the crash has decimated the 401K’s we’ve all been told over and over were going to be a better deal.
Whatever the networks’ talking heads and squiggly lines said about the public’s reaction, that has to have left a lot of people thinking, “Fuck both of these turkeys!”
artfart, I think you perhaps are not reading between enough obfuscated lines.
@95. The Blatantly Obvious:
“Neocon”? Now, that truly would be sick.
Oh Cyn. Poor, poor Cyn. Is your survival shelter ready yet?
Survival Shelter??
I Bot Apple yesterday @ 89
We have a sell order in right now @ 94.
Mrs. C is yelling for me.
I’ve been ready for an hour…now we have to hurry up and go.
One thing we all probably have pretty much in common is wives like that!
Y’all have a nice day!
Goldy, get rid of the last line. It only incites idiots.
Where to start? “That one”? McCain saying Obama didn’t answer the question. (If Biden had done that one of the times that Palin didn’t answer a direct question, he would have gotten eaten alive by conservatives. Now I wish there were another VP debate.) McCain saying Obama worries about nuclear waste? Really, you mean that radioactive stuff that all the European countries export to Africa?
McCain was surely on the defensive last night with his snide asides. I only felt he connected right at the end but it was too late and people were getting tired.
Hated the format, thought some of the questions were dumb and the audience looked almost zombie-like. I did catch one woman in a blue sweater in a back row who did smile slightly at Obama.
Number one reason to not vote for McCain: if I had to hear “My friends” for 4 years, I’d go out of my mind.”
Goldy, get rid of the last line. It only incites idiots.
Where to start? “That one”? McCain saying Obama didn’t answer the question. (If Biden had done that one of the times that Palin didn’t answer a direct question, he would have gotten eaten alive by conservatives. Now I wish there were another VP debate.) McCain saying Obama worries about nuclear waste? Really, you mean that radioactive stuff that all the European countries export to Africa?
McCain was surely on the defensive last night with his snide asides. I only felt he connected right at the end but it was too late and people were getting tired.
Hated the format, thought some of the questions were dumb and the audience looked almost zombie-like. I did catch one woman in a blue sweater in a back row who did smile slightly at Obama.
Number one reason to not vote for McCain: if I had to hear “My friends” for 4 years, I’d go out of my mind.
Good observation goldy…
You know when liberals start seeing the bias just how bad the bias is.