“Five years after 9/11, the worst attack on the American homeland in our history, Democrats offer nothing but criticism and obstruction and endless second-guessing,” Bush said at a GOP fundraiser.
“The party of FDR and the party of Harry Truman has become the party of cut and run,”
“A prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.”
Andrew Sullivan today:
They have bungled the war, trashed the constitution, wrecked the fiscal future, deeply damaged America’s reputation, and profoundly corrupted conservatism as a coherent political philosophy. I don’t care what we have to do to get rid of them, but we must by every peaceful, lawful means imaginable. They have gone too far. Vote them out.
Here’s an alternate version
“Five years after 9/11, the worst attack on the American homeland in our history, which happened under my watch (and I froze in a Kindergarten room for 7 minutes) and I did NOTHING to prevent, Republicans offer nothing but rubberstamping and no oversight to my endless fiascos”
“The party of Eisenhower and the party of Reagan has become the party of cronyism, corruption, religious-pandering, fear mongering, and massive deficits.”
But I thought no one could dissent in America or they would be arrested and tortured. Clownstein just told us so.
And yet Clownstein goes on. Talk about being a fearmonger. Will the censorship come now Clownstein? You know your little socialist itch to censor is just killing you.
More of the same old crap from the GOP. America’s getting tired of guys who can fling mud but who can’t get anything done.
The Republican Congress is NOT going to “get to” the sales tax deduction for Washington families. Dave Reichert CAN’T GET THE JOB DONE!
What’s Mike! going to say now that HIS PARTY WON’T EXTEND THE SALES TAX DEDUCTION?
“I thought no one could dissent in America or they would be arrested and tortured. Clownstein just told us so.”
What, until you see it, you don’t believe it can happen? This administration took some guy, a Canadian citizen, Arrested him, sent him to Syria as a terrorist suspect where he was tortured, and was eventually released only after a campaign by his wife. HE could easily have been an American citizen.
The point of Contitutional protections is and has always been to protect us against what “men of bad will” in the State would to us.
“Bush good!” bleats the flock.
Here we go again, from the AP via MSNBC.com
Updated: 13 minutes ago
WASHINGTON – Rep. Mark Foley, R-Fla., is considering resigning from the House in the wake of questions about e-mails he wrote a former Capitol male page, congressional officials said Friday.
These officials said a decision appeared imminent.
Foley’s campaign has acknowledged that the Republican congressman e-mailed the former page five times, but said there was nothing inappropriate about the exchange.
And yet here you all still are, posting away. Apparenting the Gestapo is not working hard enough.
Foley has resigned. Oh darn.
That is actually old. Drudge had in frontpage yesterday. The emails were not inappropriate. But hey, investigate him. If it is found inappropriate, unlike liberals who defend their politicians inappropriate sex acts, I will be all for prosecuting him to the full extent of the law.
But of course you aren’t advocating we rush to throw him away without due process nwo are you? Why that is the same thing you liberals are accusing Bush of doing with this bill.
pbj said: But of course you aren’t advocating we rush to throw him away without due process nwo are you? Why that is the same thing you liberals are accusing Bush of doing with this bill.
wow! perhaps he understands due process after all! amazing, I never would have thought it would excape his cowardly lips. Even faceless blog terrorists like pbj can be made to understand the importance of innocent until proven guilty… perhaps he should write a letter to pres brush!
I disagree with you. Big time.
FUCKING ASSHOLE is more like it.
(esp. if you think about it for awhile)
Can we agree most teachers are liberals?……can you libs speak to the nearly daily rape of our children in your liberal schools? How about being honest that conservatives resign, even before the facts are in, yet you guys have no problem keeping a congressman caught with $90,000 in frozen assets or a (former) president (who’s also a rapist) found guilty of perjury. Just be honest so the 9 or 10 far lefties that actually read this site learn something useful/idiots.
“Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.â€
C.S. Lewis
“This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector.â€
“The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood. It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present generation – enlightened as it is – if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men.” Samuel Adamsâ€
“wow! perhaps he understands due process after all! amazing, I never would have thought it would excape his cowardly lips. Even faceless blog terrorists like pbj can be made to understand the importance of innocent until proven guilty… perhaps he should write a letter to pres brush!”– nonsensical
There is nothing in the bill that denies any US citizen their constitutional rights. Now terrorists on the other hand…
(former) president (who’s also a rapist) found guilty of perjury.
Hell, AF, YOU’D be found guilty of perjury if you testified to that shit in court. Clinton was never “found guilty” of perjury in any court, nor was he ever convicted of the uncorroborated “rape” allegations, denied by the complainant in a sworn statement. That never got anywahere besides in the GOP fevere swamp.
pbj said: There is nothing in the bill that denies any US citizen their constitutional rights. Now terrorists on the other hand…
are you saying that I, as a citizen of the US, can’t be accused of also being a terrorist?
and what is so wrong about giving suspected terrorists rights anyway? Afterall, wasn’t it terrorists who founded this country?
what you hypocritical fear mongering jerks fail to be able to practice is cultural relativism. pub yourself in somebody elses shoes for once.
@5 Daddy,
Mike! will say the Cantwell and Murray both voted against cloture in the Senate for the bill containing the sales tax deduction.
Did I say that they are demanding that their pork get passed while not supporting someone’s pork. The US Senate has always been about comprimise. Shame on both of those female Senators for failing us!
Free Speech
The bas is if you are found to have “supported” hostilities against the United States. Plenty of prosecutors could drive a truck through that loophole. But you know what? It wouldn’t be prosecutors doing it. Because there is no judicial review of detention, law enforcement officials would just have to claim it, snatch the American citizen on that charge, and bingo! Secret prison and torture indefinitely without the right to challenge it.
Another repressed REPUBLICAN pervert bites the dust. Must be bad when you resign immediately. Getting harder and harder hang on to power when your ranks are resigning, being indicted and locked away.
From the AP….
“The Senate unanimously approved $70 billion more for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan Friday as part of a record Pentagon budget.”
“The bill, now on its way to the White House for President Bush’s signature, totals $448 billion. It was passed by a 100-0 vote after minimal debate.”
Looks like Cantwell and Murray are still in Washington and still voting for the wars……..
Oh the thread is about Bush being an asshole. I agree with Goldy. George W Bush is an asshole. I hope this does not make me an enemy combatant. No, not the waterboard. I will die before I submit. I suspect that I am not the only one.
We are taking our damn country back.
The battles will come after November, sgmmac. Where there is leverage to be applied and a president to be lame ducked into oblivion. Bush is still an asshole.
YOU TOO can become a “Former Republican”!! “But How?” you ask? Just follow the lead of someone who knows what goes in administrations that perform illegal whitehouse take overs: Robert Woodward!
Book Says Bush Ignored Urgent Warning on Iraq
Look when the opposite of “cut and run” is “stay and be killed,” the wise leaders order their troops to get their asses out of there to fight another day. I suppose Bushco is having its own little Hirohito moment, staying the course after the Hiroshima bomb went off. At this rate it seems as though Iran will be their Nagasaki realization; or not.
Here we go again, from the AP via MSNBC.com
Updated: 13 minutes ago
WASHINGTON – Rep. Mark Foley, R-Fla., is considering resigning from the House in the wake of questions about e-mails he wrote a former Capitol male page, congressional officials said Friday.
These officials said a decision appeared imminent.
Foley’s campaign has acknowledged that the Republican congressman e-mailed the former page five times, but said there was nothing inappropriate about the exchange.
Commentby My Left Foot […..Er, Carl, I must have missed your post on REP Barnet fag, er, Frank, DEMOCRAT, MASS. Good morning, JCH]
EAST ST. LOUIS, Ill. – A federal jury Wednesday convicted the head of this city’s Democratic Party and four others of scheming to buy votes with cash, cigarettes and liquor last November to try to get key Democrats elected.
Jurors in the monthlong trial deliberated more than five hours before convicting local Democratic Party chairman Charles Powell Jr., 61, and Kelvin Ellis, 55, the city’s former director of regulatory affairs, of felony conspiracy to commit vote fraud. Also convicted were Democratic precinct committee members Sheila Thomas, 31, and Jesse Lewis, 56, and City Hall worker Yvette Johnson, 46.
Ellis, Thomas, Lewis and Johnson also were convicted of one count apiece of election fraud for allegedly paying at least one person to vote – or offering to do so. Powell was never charged with that count. […………”If I vote Democrat fo times, do I gets fo cases of Marlboros?” Leroy “MoFo” Jacksooooooooooon, East St. Louis, MO]
“and what is so wrong about giving suspected terrorists rights anyway? Afterall, wasn’t it terrorists who founded this country?
what you hypocritical fear mongering jerks fail to be able to practice is cultural relativism. pub yourself in somebody elses shoes for once. “
Not sure what school you went to but terrorist did not found this country. I am also unsure how to “pub” myself in somebody elses shoes. Is that what you do when you “drink liberally?”
Does Bush know he’s related to Franklin Delano Roosevelt? (I know a man who can claim them respectively as fifteenth and ninth cousins.)
While he’s slamming relatives why doesn’t he slam his pop? Oh yeah, he only slams down the telephone when Dad’s trying to talk sense into him.
In my lifetime, all presidents have at least put on a pretense of considering all citizens, whatever their partisan stripe, to be their constituents. This president, however, cannot even act like he gives a shit about those who disagree with him, which is, of course, a majority of the American people. He governs only for his thinning ranks of rightwingers. He is a puny fellow, entitled to respect on no front. Anyone who believes a word he says would be better off chasing Peter Pan. I would rather piss on his shoes than shake his hand.
“The bas is if you are found to have “supported” hostilities against the United States. Plenty of prosecutors could drive a truck through that loophole. But you know what? It wouldn’t be prosecutors doing it. Because there is no judicial review of detention, law enforcement officials would just have to claim it, snatch the American citizen on that charge, and bingo! Secret prison and torture indefinitely without the right to challenge it.”
Please provide the exact link and wording of the actual bill, not some “interpretation”. You are the one spreading fear. Terrorist sawing off heads is real. We saw them do it to Danny Perl and Nick Berg. Your simply talking hypotheticals based upon false assumptions and cannot even provide the source document.
Why the hell is it so damn hard for you liberals, supposedly PhD’s amongst you, that you cannot even provide a damn citation for your claims?
18 sgmmac
When Congress passed and the president signed the latest tax legislation, language for deducting state sales taxes was NOT included in the final bill. Now, with the current lawmakers session about to wrap up in less than two weeks, there is approximately no time to fix it.
The Republicans are the Congressional majority. They had the opporetunity and responsibility to bring a sales-tax decuction bill to the floor this year and pass it, but instead they made it into an election-year poison pill and used it to bash Democrats instaed of helping families. Yes, the Democrats filibustered the estate tax repeal. That was the Republican plan. They never wanted to PASS the sales ta deduction.
Dave Reichert is among the GOP idiots responsible. As it stands now, the average taxpayer will lose approximately $500-700 in deductions. Dave, I’m looking right at you.
JCH @ 26
The issue is not one of sexuality. The issue is one of unwanted and inappropriate contact with a minor who is 16 years of age.
I could care less if Foley is gay, straight, bi-sexual, Taliban or Islamic. He is a possible sexual predator, that is the issue and he agrees, he resigned. I commend him for that.
Can you cite any case where Frank has been implicated in a similar situation?
Good morning to you also!
I am going to take some shit from my side, but you ain’t nearly all bad.
Free speech
1. S.AMDT.5085 to S.3930 In the nature of a substitute.
Sponsor: Sen Frist, William H. [TN] (introduced 9/27/2006) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 9/27/2006 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 5085 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
That would be “Free Speech @ 31”
What teh fuck, you think I’m lying to you? I’ll bury you with citations, dickhead.
21 sgmmac
“Looks like Cantwell and Murray are still in Washington and still voting for the wars…….. ”
Nope. They’re supporting the troops. Bush went to war, the asshole.
BTW, I’d like to say that besides his request for a picture of the 16-year-old boy, I didn’t see anything overtly “dsisgusting” about Foley’s emails. However, having been more or less witness to the predation of several pedophiles in my lifetime, my impression was definitely that he was “grooming” the kid.
Free Speech @ 31
“You are the one spreading fear. Terrorist sawing off heads is real. We saw them do it to Danny Perl and Nick Berg. Your simply talking hypotheticals
FYI, Daniel Pearl’s head was cut off some time after his filmed murder. You didn’t “see” it.
Canadian Maher Arar who was sent to Syria to be tortured who should not have even been on the watch list is real too. The government makes mistakes. The government does bad things to good people. Constitutional protections are important. If you trade your rights for security, you’ll ed up with neither.
@14 “The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood. It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present generation ‘enlightened as it is’ if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men.” Samuel Adams
Did you not read the part that goes “We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors.”? After that “fair inheritance” has been taxed for so many generations by you liberals, why would you expect there to be anything left of it?
@5, and elsewhere- Who gives a shit if those wealthy enough to itemize deductions get another tax break. It will do nothing for Joe and Jane Average Taxpayer in this state. We can address it when we get to comprehensive tax reform sometime in the next millenium. What’s good enough for small business owners screwed by the estate tax is good enough for Mrs. Costco Owner wanting a deduction for the sales tax paid on her major art purchases.
Oh, that’s right- Mrs. Costco Owner didn’t pay her sales tax on her major art purchases. Sales taxes are for the peasants…
“They have bungled the war, trashed the constitution, wrecked the fiscal future, deeply damaged America’s reputation, and profoundly corrupted Republicanism as a coherent political philosophy. I don’t care what we have to do to get rid of them, but we must by every peaceful, lawful means imaginable. They have gone too far. Vote them out.”
Ohio Copperheads, 1864
Dems need a message…they need something. This stings because he’s right. Dems are now just complainers…they need to be leaders on something.
So Foley resigned . . . gee, wonder why?
Just another perverted rethug, I guess. Maybe we won’t have to vote them out . . . maybe they’ll just all eventually resign.
So Daddy Love who are you grooming?
Hey Bush what are our choices? Cut, and run, or stay and die, and die, and die?
You got us into this mess with your lies, and lust for power and blood. You obviously have not done a single thing right.
How dare you speak of Democrats. This is not their mess, and they WILL have to clean up after you.
Damn you all to hell.
41 Jim King
Mayber you don’t care about the sales tax cdeduction. Guess what? Plenty of people do. And many of those who do not will still see the supposed “anti-tax” Republicans hypocritically refusing to extend a very popular deduction while bashing the Democrats who refused to vote for their election-year poison pill stunt.
These gags are getting old and tired.
Shrubya lies to you:
In May, President Bush spoke in Chicago and gave a characteristically upbeat forecast: “Years from now, people will look back on the formation of a unity government in Iraq as a decisive moment in the story of liberty, a moment when freedom gained a firm foothold in the Middle East and the forces of terror began their long retreat.”
Two days later, the intelligence division of the Joint Chiefs of Staff circulated a secret intelligence assessment to the White House that contradicted the president’s forecast.
Instead of a “long retreat,” the report predicted a more violent 2007: “Insurgents and terrorists retain the resources and capabilities to sustain and even increase current level of violence through the next year.”
But that’s ok. You wingnuts will lap up any lie for the team.
Only bashing and name calling? Typical. Try offering some good constructive criticism, or come up with some applicable ideas, instead of this childish “I’ll hold my breath damnit, I will!!” mentality. I’m not in love with the man either, much like our “Governor” he was elected illegitimately. At the very least Crissy and Georgie certainly are equal in their arrogance and total naiveness.
Telling the truth makes you an a$$hole?
Methinks you doth protest too much.
Be happy! Don’t worry.
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