The Democratic Party has nominated an African-American for the Presidency of the United States of America.
The nominee, Barack Hussein Obama, has been elected to the highest office in the land.
I’m proud to have voted for him.
Me too. I am very proud of our country right now.
And the world has just breathed a sigh of relief.
my two cents worthspews:
You called it. At the top of the hour, when our polls closed, the west coast gave Obama the EV’s needed to clinch. How sweet is that!
What did you think?
We have 140 days to start getting us our money.
Finally we have a man who like to give out money to the American people.
Anything you want ask Obama.
I am thinking at this moment about Martin Luther King, of Rosa Parks. I heard a great quote today…Rosa Parks sat, so Martin Luther King could stand, so Barack Obama could run.
What a fabulous night.
333-146…Indiana, Arizona, Nevada, and Montana are expected to go for Obama…
Don Joespews:
MSNBC has just called Virginia and Florida for Obama, which means that it’s time for this.
Farley Mowatspews:
All before 9pm, this is a mandate.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Kudos to Obama for being the first black president of the united states of america.
Don Joespews:
@ 2
After months of telling us what President Elect Barack Obama will do, now Cynical decides to ask us.
I think that about says it all.
citizen rosebudspews:
I can’t get used to it. It’s just too good. I’m so happy and so relieved.
I’m still trying to convince myself that any second now, I’m going to wake up and find we’re all still in hell.
It looked like McCain had been rehearsing that speech for a few months.
I clearly remember the title of the lead editorial in the Wall Street Journal the day after Ronald Reagan was elected. It was:
Mandate for Change
I wonder what it will be tomorrow?
@16: Be assured, we’re not in hell anymore. We just have to start cleaning up all the damage they did while they were in power.
My compliments to McCain – possibly the finest speech he gave in the last 6 months. If only he had not lurched so far to the right and run such a divisive campaign – he sold his soul for the presidency.
I think he actually felt free – free to be himself again. He is a fine American. He just ran one of the worst campaigns in history. Probably nothing he could have done would have worked with the economic collapse we saw – but he could have left with his honor intact.
I feel sorry for him – he really wanted to be President and it must be tough to see it slip away. Again, a good speech about us all being americans on a very tough night for him.
I just wish the networks and TV pundits would stop pressing the race issue.
Yes, this is historic but Obama is more than just his race – and by the way he is half white too.
It couldn’t happen to a better country.
Congrats everyone!
“If only he had not lurched so far to the right and run such a divisive campaign – he sold his soul for the presidency.”
I suspect he knows that. I also can’t discount the possibility that the decision to take that course wasn’t entirely his. Maybe it isn’t too much of a stretch to hope that tonight also marks the first step of the Republican Party breaking free from the grip of the lunatics and charlatans who have dominated it in recent years.
Holy Moses! Darcy’s leading. By a lot.
@20: It’s true. He gave a good speech, a good concession.
David Aquariusspews:
God, I knew the Universe couldn’t have been than pissed at us. Obama had to win!
Daddy Lovespews:
Ok, now what will he do???
He will do what we hired him to do: he will raise America’s standing in the world, he will bring peace to the Middle East, he will take us out of Iraq, he will set us on a course to reduce our carbon spew while still developing prosperous industries.
In short, he will do everything that GW Bush should have done but did not.
Congrats to all of you Dems. I sincerely hope that you’re right about Obama being a great president.
Thanks for all your hard work.
29 So do we all, sir. So do we all.
Is Rossi,the second place finisher,still paying
for adds on this site?
Goodman’s winning handily in the state House. Good on him, but at the same time I hope that doesn’t mean we’ve seen the last of Toby Nixon.
@32. eastsider:
Rossi doesn’t pay for ads. That’s what BIAW, the US Chamber of Commerce, and NRCC do. He who plays the tune (or is that “pulls the puppet strings”?) pays the piper.
Looks like Prop 1, Sound Transit expansion, is passing and Tim Eyman’s shit sandwich I-985 is going down in flames.
Thanks morons. I had my last dinner and drink in a free country before we became the United Socialist States of America.
Thanks to you my money is not mine. My time is not mine. My business is not mine. Your new president elect is a fascist piece of shit who isn’t worth the toilet paper to clean up.
Go to hell you liberal idiots and take your goddamn marxist president with you. He is sure as hell not an American president and will never be my president. Please collectively fuck off. Why the hell couldn’t you dickheads just pollute Europe by moving there? I hate all of you and wish you a terrible four years before we take this country back for real Americans.
Real Americanspews:
@ 36. same at you, you delusional asshole.
Don Joespews:
@ 36
The election is over. You can stop believing the Republican propaganda, and come back to reality.
Or, you can remain lost at sea. Your choice.
Go to communist China you goddamn bastards and leave this country to decent people. Go fuck goats or whatever liberal dicks do. Do whatever but leave my country alone. Fuck off. Fuck off. Fuck off.
Barack won wingnuts – deal with Reality for a change.
Aww… seaofblue is just having a temper tantrum because he just realized he’s been wrong for the past eight years. :)
change in timespews: is calling the Gov race for Gregoire. She has a four point lead, with 43% reporting, so this may be premature. Lots of votes to count in King County, so hopefully she’s safe.
Oh, and to lostinaseaofblue @36:
suck on it
Reality is a communist president in what used to be a free country. Reality is the destruction of the US economy by a far left lunatic. Reality is the lunatics running the assylum. Reality is that a person who hates this country is now its president. Thanks assholes.
I was over at the orange clown bus ((un)SP) just right now and Mr. Cynical is saying is that Rossi can’t win it.
I luuuuuuvvvvv it !!!!!
I’m not wrong. You are. Wrong about everything. Wrong about my country. Go to hell.
eponymous cowardspews:
Get used to Governor Christine Gregoire, Lands Commissioner Peter Goldmark and Representative Darcy Burner too, bitches.
change in timespews:
Man, I hope so. That sorry piece of shit needs to go crawl back under a rock. I’m sure his pals at biaw have a few to spare. On second thought, they may be tired of wasting money on his sorry loser ass.
change in timespews:
From the look of the state election results, it looks like Goldmark lost.
This is a wonderful night. I’m so happy for my country.
The American people don’t want name calling and hostility, they want progress and action. That’s why the Dems are sweeping the country.
God Bless the President-Elect.
God Bless the United States of America.
43 – You’re lost in world of right wing lunacy – the land of the interminably stupid.
There’s nothing socialist about Obama. Find me one practicing socialist in the world who considers Obama socialist.
There is none. You’re just a deluded fool. This is a historic moment and you hate it. This is a man who came from almost nothing, yet was able to attend elite schools and attain the highest office in the land. This is an American success story and you hate it.
You hate it because you hate America.
Blue Johnspews:
Damn. That was great!
We are not just blue or red, conservative or liberal, we are Americans.
(Even lostinaseaofblue is part of our America, unless he leaves)
God elp the republican politicians trying to hold back the sea of stupidity. God help America. God damn all of you.
First thing hes ever said that made sense.
Broadway Joespews:
lostinaseaofblue, are you new here? Well, whether you’re new here or not, who gives a fuck what you think? Go move to the Shrub’s rancherita in Paraguay if you don’t love your country any more.
The reality is that you need some therapy and meds to get back to reality.
It wasn’t the Democrats. It was bigoted Neoconism killed the Republican party.
Whoa, lost, you need to take a reality check. You may hate us, but we’re most of your neighbors, you’re surrounded. When you come to the city to get stuff, you get to rub shoulders with even more of us.
Might want to try and get along.
Waaayyy too early for that, but I bet we know by morning.
Yes, he came from almost nothing and sleazed his way to the presidency. What companies has he run? What departments at a college? What concrete accomplishmnet except a pair of bad books that sell to soppy idiots has he made? Came from nothing should be followed by an accomplishment, not a national con job. He isn’t a success story unless that con job makes him one. You idiots have ruined this country and destroyed the last bastion of true freedom in the world. In a sane world you’d be tried for treason. In Obama world you’re the victors. Up is down and right is wrong.
eponymous cowardspews:
From the look of the state election results, it looks like Goldmark lost.
Um, go look at King County results again. Hint: if the Republican is only getting 52% of the vote when 80-90% of King County hasn’t reported yet, he’s fucked.
You are NOT my neighbors. My neighbors are decent Americans who love their country, not Marxist lunatics who hate it. I go into Seattle only at necessity for business and spend as little money supporting that sanatorium as possible while there. Then I go back home to America.
The Guy With No Carspews:
My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over.
Maybe even for lost if he sobers up anytime soon. Whether he realizes it or not.
KOMO TV just showed people by Pike Place Market literally dancing in the street.
The Guy With No Carspews:
Apparently the street is closed off down by the Shoebox theater as a victory party that was being held there spilled out into the street.
62 – Barack Obama fought his way to the top with his smarts and ambition – the way anyone rises you idiot.
What companies has McSame run? Nothing… What did Shrub run? Financial failures stupid and still you gave that monkey your vote twice.
Barack Obama has had a winning streak since he was elected as President of the Harvard Law Review. He’s a winner. You’re a bigoted loser.
It’s you who’s the sleaze.
A high-tech gizmo trace of the Inter-tubes shows that lostinaseaofblue is tapped-in from Dino Rossi’s personal laptop computer.
In other news: KOMO TV is still waiting to hear from Rossi regarding all the major networks calling the race for Gregoire.
Western Wa. is a sea of blue, so unless you’re commuting from Cle Elum there’s a good chance your neighbors voted for Obama.
My Left Footspews:
I would answer every point delusional rant you have made, but talking to fools is not my strong suit. I will point out that United States Senator is a pretty good accomplishment. Have you made block captain for your local Wingnuts of America chapter?
Sweetie, try and get some sleep. In the morning it won’t seem so bad. And has it occurred to you that a whole bunch of Republicans voted for Obama? That majority rules shit really is a pisser, ain’t it?
Tim Eyman= fail.
proud leftistspews:
This night is remarkable. Right and wisdom have triumphed. Reaganism is over. If people like lostinaseaofblue want to still promote their agenda, keep it up, fucks. We’re moving forward. This nation has a future, if whatever is left of the right (and there ain’t much) would move aside. You lost, boys. You lost in spades.
Yes, lost, you can come here and buy stuff from us Marxists any time you like. We welcome your money.
Try to get your vehicle emmisions tested and cleaned up before you drive our streets and use our air. And get that damn oil pan gasket replaced, you’re making a salmon killing mess. You’re mother would be ashamed of you.
Yay, I-1029 is cruising to an easy victory.
@72. Aaron:
lost doesn’t really buy anything from the Marxists in Seattle–he just takes according to his need.
US Senator would have been an accomplishment, as would Illinois congressment. It would if he had done it, which he didn’t. He ran for president instead of doing his job. I’m bigoted? I didn’t sit in a rascist church for 20 years and listen to the anti-american rhetoric spewed by its pastor. I don’t pal around with men who should be in prison for bombing their own country. I don’t go home at night to a wife who hates the country that man is now presedent of. For the record I could care less about his color so drop the bigoted. It is his Chavez style ideology I abhor. I know all of you think the fascist leftist dictator thing is pretty cool, but some of us actually like our freedoms.
I know you assholes find it hard to believe but some of us actually like being Americans.
The Guy With No Carspews:
Don’t forget that in addition to Harvard Law Review, Barack Obama — excuse me, President-Elect Barack Obama — ran one of the largest businesses in recent memory. I don’t have the figures at hand, so I hope I’m not too far off the mark to say that as CEO of the Barack Obama for President Campaign, President-Elect Obama ran a “company” that over the last two years took in over a half billion dollars, he supervised a staff of I have no idea how many employees, successfully sold a product (yeah, let’s be honest) to the American people, and hit all of his major milestones — chief among them being beating the Clinton machine for the Democratic Presidential nomination, and winning the presidency for President-Elect Obama. That’s much more successful than the CEOs of many traditional companies have met with lately.
President-Elect Barack Obama. I don’t think I’ll get tired of saying that anytime soon.
My Left Footspews:
YOUR president SHREDDED my constitution. Tried to usurp power not intended for the office of the President and generally made a mess of things with his “signing statements” which totaled more that all previous presidents before him.
You are a fucktard.
My Left Footspews:
You left out garnering more votes than any man in the history of this country.
The Guy With No Carspews:
So I did. My apologies.
I also forgot to mention that he is the first Democrat since Lyndon Johnson to get over 51% of the popular vote for president.
There’s nothing you can say to spoil our joy tonight. We now know that for the next 8 years, we’ll have a President who’ll end wars instead of starting them, who’ll restore America to its former standing in the international community, who’ll work to get the country out of the financial nightmare Bush & Co. created, and get our country back on track. Tonight, we’re proud to be Americans again.
The fact that this has rightwing idiots like you are so utterly crushed and demoralized that you feel the need to spout all this meaningless nonsense — why, that’s just icing on the cake. By all means, if you don’t mind, please keep it up. We’re really enjoying this demonstration of your self-inflicted misery.
change in timespews:
Yeah, I did some quick calculations, and if the King County vote projects at current percentages, Goldmark gets 120,000 more votes than Sutherland. That should be more than enough.
On another note, it’s kind of perplexing that Lewis County would go so heavy for Sutherland, given how fucked up his policies left their county last December.
You can spew your irrational idiocy all you want. We have freedom of speech in *our* country. This is as much my country as it is yours. While you want to expel me, try me for treason, and curse me to your god, I’m hoping that some of your fellow republicans can bury the hatchet and work with us to get America, our America back on track.
Just remember though, you can vent and door slam all you want, you will not take away the absolute elation over the results of this election of a majority of Americans who are just as real as you.
The celebration in the streets downtown is growing as of 11:00 PM.
Wow. I’m wondering which of our resident wingnuts has taken the name “lostinaseaofblue”. From the rabid denial of reality, I’d guess it’s Mark, but there are a few others that could also fill the bill.
The United States of America has just elected Barack Hussein Obama as President. Apparently a few people see the United States as a country for the priviledged few, and greatly resent the fact that the people of the United States have said otherwise.
Curse and swear all you like. Our Democracy has worked. The people of the United States have spoken. Yes, we like being Americans. WE are the Americans. You folks that cannot deal with that are the ones at are unAmerican. How can I say that? Because the people of the United States have said so, in no uncertain terms.
Don’t like it? Tough. Get over it. There’s more work to be done, but we’re on the right track. You can either fish, cut bait, or get out of the way.
The Guy With No Carspews:
Treason is defined as “giving aid and comfort to the enemy” — the only crime specifically enumerated in the Constitution. Tell me again, who does that describe? Who for the past eight years has serially violated his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States?
You bet your butt I’m enjoying this.
I’m really looking forward to having a president that taught constitutional law at one on the top law schools in the country.
Don Joespews:
These rabid wingnuts always remind me of Sydney Ellen Wade’s line from The American President:
How do you have patience for people who claim they love America, but clearly can’t stand Americans?
I was in a bar in California tonight… I wished I’d been at home, but c’est la vie. I wasn’t facing the TV but at one point someone shouted “THE NIGHTMARE IS OVER!” and I turned to see CNN calling it for Obama.. The place exploded..
We couldn’t get the DJ to stop the music for McCain’s concession… But when Obama came on, the music stopped, people gathered around the TV agape.. You could have heard a pin drop while Obama talked except for the a few people crying and a handful of people muttering “yes we can,” along with President Elect Obama.
Honestly I’ve never seen anything like it… Yes we can.
Broadway Joespews:
Why do you hate America?
Don Joespews:
@ 89
He doesn’t hate America. He just can’t stand americans.
The Guy With No Carspews:
I think he hates himself. You can’t really like anyone if you don’t like yourself.
Real Americanspews:
In other news, it is looking more and more like Al Franken is going to beat Coleman in Minn.
I so want to see Senator Franken on CSPAN.
My Goldy Itchesspews:
I must face the music and admit: I MGI, who has been derided as a troll and a wing nut at times……
Voted for BHO
Voted for Gregoire
Voted for…..The Darcy
It was a long and gut wrenching, even torchered process and digestion of information, facts, and well…a little fear for what a McCain Administration might have brought. What ultimately pushed me over the edge for Obama was Sarah Palin. The thought of a theoretical possibility of Sarah Palin being President scared the living shit out of me. As for my votes for Gregoire, I didn’t think she was that bad of a Governor. And The Darcy… was down to the moment in the voting booth, staring at my ballot for 5 minutes before thinking about Reichert’s record in Congress so far and I was underwhelmed so I thought what the fuck, I’ll give The Darcy a shot. I may be embarrassed in a year, but I just wanted to scribble a vote for SOMEONE and get the fuck out of there because I was late to work.
Real Americanspews:
I MGI, who has been derided as a troll and a wing nut at times……
For fucks sake… your moniker is “My Goldy Itches” What were you expecting?
I could get used to that!
93 – Very good. Many if not most on your side were energized by Palin (the execrable pudge stands out) and you had the response most of us on the other side had – sheer terror at the thought that this woman could be one heartbeat away from a 72 year old cancer survivor.
Good choices at the local level. You chose people of substance over empty suits.
God Damn America!
I’ve never been proud of my country and I’m still not now that Barack Hussein Obama has won.
Let it backfire bitches.
Daddy Lovespews:
I think we should enjoy lostinaseaofblue. It’s the angry reaction we wanted. Let them rant, and fume, and rant some more. We’ve got to get to work. It’s going to take real blood, sweat, and tears to trun his “lost freedom” into good jobs, clean air, alternative fuels, peace, and international stature and influence. It’s going to take real work to effectively compete with the rising economies of China and Indai in this century. And it’s especially goign to take hard work to turn our government from the political operation and ATM for the rich into a vigorous protector of all people’s rights, regulator of out-of-control financial markets, guardian of our safety (air, water, drugs, borders), and referee ensuring fair play in our country.
Daddy Lovespews:
Why I did’t include universal health care for all Americans I don’t know. Maybe I’m just assuming it. It WILL be one of the first things passed, right after Obama recinds the gag rule, orders funding of stem-cell research, and orders the military to stop harassing gay people.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?”
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
I found this to be really befitting of Obama and what he means to me. :o)
I wish him and his family the best and here’s to the next 8 years of good times ahead ! Amen ! :o)
~Dixie Liberal~
The party won’t last long, kids. We have a couple months for the two stooges in the control room to bomb Iran, and or otherwise wreek havoc on the free world. And the economy will continue it’s nosedive…..there’s that bodies in motion tend to stay in motion, thing. The Dems just stood in line for 8 years to have a big glob of shit slapped on their plates. Now they’ll have to clean it up.
I’d like to thank Lostinaseaofblue for sharing his exploding head with us.
More than just Republican candidates have gone down to defeat — their age old strategies of lies, fear & smear mongering have also taken a hit, methinks (mehopes?).
Ok, now what will he do???
God Bless America.
God Bless President Barack Hussien Obama!!
The Democratic Party has nominated an African-American for the Presidency of the United States of America.
The nominee, Barack Hussein Obama, has been elected to the highest office in the land.
I’m proud to have voted for him.
Me too. I am very proud of our country right now.
And the world has just breathed a sigh of relief.
You called it. At the top of the hour, when our polls closed, the west coast gave Obama the EV’s needed to clinch. How sweet is that!
What did you think?
We have 140 days to start getting us our money.
Finally we have a man who like to give out money to the American people.
Anything you want ask Obama.
I am thinking at this moment about Martin Luther King, of Rosa Parks. I heard a great quote today…Rosa Parks sat, so Martin Luther King could stand, so Barack Obama could run.
What a fabulous night.
333-146…Indiana, Arizona, Nevada, and Montana are expected to go for Obama…
MSNBC has just called Virginia and Florida for Obama, which means that it’s time for this.
All before 9pm, this is a mandate.
Kudos to Obama for being the first black president of the united states of america.
@ 2
After months of telling us what President Elect Barack Obama will do, now Cynical decides to ask us.
I think that about says it all.
I can’t get used to it. It’s just too good. I’m so happy and so relieved.
I’m still trying to convince myself that any second now, I’m going to wake up and find we’re all still in hell.
It looked like McCain had been rehearsing that speech for a few months.
I clearly remember the title of the lead editorial in the Wall Street Journal the day after Ronald Reagan was elected. It was:
Mandate for Change
I wonder what it will be tomorrow?
@16: Be assured, we’re not in hell anymore. We just have to start cleaning up all the damage they did while they were in power.
My compliments to McCain – possibly the finest speech he gave in the last 6 months. If only he had not lurched so far to the right and run such a divisive campaign – he sold his soul for the presidency.
I think he actually felt free – free to be himself again. He is a fine American. He just ran one of the worst campaigns in history. Probably nothing he could have done would have worked with the economic collapse we saw – but he could have left with his honor intact.
I feel sorry for him – he really wanted to be President and it must be tough to see it slip away. Again, a good speech about us all being americans on a very tough night for him.
I just wish the networks and TV pundits would stop pressing the race issue.
Yes, this is historic but Obama is more than just his race – and by the way he is half white too.
It couldn’t happen to a better country.
Congrats everyone!
“If only he had not lurched so far to the right and run such a divisive campaign – he sold his soul for the presidency.”
I suspect he knows that. I also can’t discount the possibility that the decision to take that course wasn’t entirely his. Maybe it isn’t too much of a stretch to hope that tonight also marks the first step of the Republican Party breaking free from the grip of the lunatics and charlatans who have dominated it in recent years.
Holy Moses! Darcy’s leading. By a lot.
@20: It’s true. He gave a good speech, a good concession.
God, I knew the Universe couldn’t have been than pissed at us. Obama had to win!
He will do what we hired him to do: he will raise America’s standing in the world, he will bring peace to the Middle East, he will take us out of Iraq, he will set us on a course to reduce our carbon spew while still developing prosperous industries.
In short, he will do everything that GW Bush should have done but did not.
KING5.COM is reporting results so far:
U.S. Cong. Dist. 8
Nov 04, 2008 – 20:29:55
10% of vote counted
Darcy Burner (D)
21,594 votes
57% of vote
Dave Reichert*(R)
16,396 votes
43% of vote
Nov 04, 2008 – 20:48:23
37% of vote counted
Christine Gregoire*(D)
579,908 votes
53% of vote
Dino Rossi (R)
519,231 votes
47% of vote
Congrats to all of you Dems. I sincerely hope that you’re right about Obama being a great president.
Thanks for all your hard work.
29 So do we all, sir. So do we all.
Is Rossi,the second place finisher,still paying
for adds on this site?
Goodman’s winning handily in the state House. Good on him, but at the same time I hope that doesn’t mean we’ve seen the last of Toby Nixon.
@32. eastsider:
Rossi doesn’t pay for ads. That’s what BIAW, the US Chamber of Commerce, and NRCC do. He who plays the tune (or is that “pulls the puppet strings”?) pays the piper.
Looks like Prop 1, Sound Transit expansion, is passing and Tim Eyman’s shit sandwich I-985 is going down in flames.
Thanks morons. I had my last dinner and drink in a free country before we became the United Socialist States of America.
Thanks to you my money is not mine. My time is not mine. My business is not mine. Your new president elect is a fascist piece of shit who isn’t worth the toilet paper to clean up.
Go to hell you liberal idiots and take your goddamn marxist president with you. He is sure as hell not an American president and will never be my president. Please collectively fuck off. Why the hell couldn’t you dickheads just pollute Europe by moving there? I hate all of you and wish you a terrible four years before we take this country back for real Americans.
@ 36. same at you, you delusional asshole.
@ 36
The election is over. You can stop believing the Republican propaganda, and come back to reality.
Or, you can remain lost at sea. Your choice.
Go to communist China you goddamn bastards and leave this country to decent people. Go fuck goats or whatever liberal dicks do. Do whatever but leave my country alone. Fuck off. Fuck off. Fuck off.
Barack won wingnuts – deal with Reality for a change.
Aww… seaofblue is just having a temper tantrum because he just realized he’s been wrong for the past eight years. :) is calling the Gov race for Gregoire. She has a four point lead, with 43% reporting, so this may be premature. Lots of votes to count in King County, so hopefully she’s safe.
Oh, and to lostinaseaofblue @36:
suck on it
Reality is a communist president in what used to be a free country. Reality is the destruction of the US economy by a far left lunatic. Reality is the lunatics running the assylum. Reality is that a person who hates this country is now its president. Thanks assholes.
I was over at the orange clown bus ((un)SP) just right now and Mr. Cynical is saying is that Rossi can’t win it.
I luuuuuuvvvvv it !!!!!
I’m not wrong. You are. Wrong about everything. Wrong about my country. Go to hell.
Get used to Governor Christine Gregoire, Lands Commissioner Peter Goldmark and Representative Darcy Burner too, bitches.
Man, I hope so. That sorry piece of shit needs to go crawl back under a rock. I’m sure his pals at biaw have a few to spare. On second thought, they may be tired of wasting money on his sorry loser ass.
From the look of the state election results, it looks like Goldmark lost.
This is a wonderful night. I’m so happy for my country.
The American people don’t want name calling and hostility, they want progress and action. That’s why the Dems are sweeping the country.
God Bless the President-Elect.
God Bless the United States of America.
43 – You’re lost in world of right wing lunacy – the land of the interminably stupid.
There’s nothing socialist about Obama. Find me one practicing socialist in the world who considers Obama socialist.
There is none. You’re just a deluded fool. This is a historic moment and you hate it. This is a man who came from almost nothing, yet was able to attend elite schools and attain the highest office in the land. This is an American success story and you hate it.
You hate it because you hate America.
Damn. That was great!
We are not just blue or red, conservative or liberal, we are Americans.
(Even lostinaseaofblue is part of our America, unless he leaves)
God elp the republican politicians trying to hold back the sea of stupidity. God help America. God damn all of you.
First thing hes ever said that made sense.
lostinaseaofblue, are you new here? Well, whether you’re new here or not, who gives a fuck what you think? Go move to the Shrub’s rancherita in Paraguay if you don’t love your country any more.
The reality is that you need some therapy and meds to get back to reality.
It wasn’t the Democrats. It was bigoted Neoconism killed the Republican party.
Whoa, lost, you need to take a reality check. You may hate us, but we’re most of your neighbors, you’re surrounded. When you come to the city to get stuff, you get to rub shoulders with even more of us.
Might want to try and get along.
Waaayyy too early for that, but I bet we know by morning.
Yes, he came from almost nothing and sleazed his way to the presidency. What companies has he run? What departments at a college? What concrete accomplishmnet except a pair of bad books that sell to soppy idiots has he made? Came from nothing should be followed by an accomplishment, not a national con job. He isn’t a success story unless that con job makes him one. You idiots have ruined this country and destroyed the last bastion of true freedom in the world. In a sane world you’d be tried for treason. In Obama world you’re the victors. Up is down and right is wrong.
Um, go look at King County results again. Hint: if the Republican is only getting 52% of the vote when 80-90% of King County hasn’t reported yet, he’s fucked.
You are NOT my neighbors. My neighbors are decent Americans who love their country, not Marxist lunatics who hate it. I go into Seattle only at necessity for business and spend as little money supporting that sanatorium as possible while there. Then I go back home to America.
My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over.
Maybe even for lost if he sobers up anytime soon. Whether he realizes it or not.
KOMO TV just showed people by Pike Place Market literally dancing in the street.
Apparently the street is closed off down by the Shoebox theater as a victory party that was being held there spilled out into the street.
62 – Barack Obama fought his way to the top with his smarts and ambition – the way anyone rises you idiot.
What companies has McSame run? Nothing… What did Shrub run? Financial failures stupid and still you gave that monkey your vote twice.
Barack Obama has had a winning streak since he was elected as President of the Harvard Law Review. He’s a winner. You’re a bigoted loser.
It’s you who’s the sleaze.
A high-tech gizmo trace of the Inter-tubes shows that lostinaseaofblue is tapped-in from Dino Rossi’s personal laptop computer.
In other news: KOMO TV is still waiting to hear from Rossi regarding all the major networks calling the race for Gregoire.
Western Wa. is a sea of blue, so unless you’re commuting from Cle Elum there’s a good chance your neighbors voted for Obama.
I would answer every
pointdelusional rant you have made, but talking to fools is not my strong suit. I will point out that United States Senator is a pretty good accomplishment. Have you made block captain for your local Wingnuts of America chapter?Sweetie, try and get some sleep. In the morning it won’t seem so bad. And has it occurred to you that a whole bunch of Republicans voted for Obama? That majority rules shit really is a pisser, ain’t it?
Tim Eyman= fail.
This night is remarkable. Right and wisdom have triumphed. Reaganism is over. If people like lostinaseaofblue want to still promote their agenda, keep it up, fucks. We’re moving forward. This nation has a future, if whatever is left of the right (and there ain’t much) would move aside. You lost, boys. You lost in spades.
Yes, lost, you can come here and buy stuff from us Marxists any time you like. We welcome your money.
Try to get your vehicle emmisions tested and cleaned up before you drive our streets and use our air. And get that damn oil pan gasket replaced, you’re making a salmon killing mess. You’re mother would be ashamed of you.
Yay, I-1029 is cruising to an easy victory.
@72. Aaron:
lost doesn’t really buy anything from the Marxists in Seattle–he just takes according to his need.
US Senator would have been an accomplishment, as would Illinois congressment. It would if he had done it, which he didn’t. He ran for president instead of doing his job.
I’m bigoted? I didn’t sit in a rascist church for 20 years and listen to the anti-american rhetoric spewed by its pastor. I don’t pal around with men who should be in prison for bombing their own country. I don’t go home at night to a wife who hates the country that man is now presedent of. For the record I could care less about his color so drop the bigoted. It is his Chavez style ideology I abhor. I know all of you think the fascist leftist dictator thing is pretty cool, but some of us actually like our freedoms.
I know you assholes find it hard to believe but some of us actually like being Americans.
Don’t forget that in addition to Harvard Law Review, Barack Obama — excuse me, President-Elect Barack Obama — ran one of the largest businesses in recent memory. I don’t have the figures at hand, so I hope I’m not too far off the mark to say that as CEO of the Barack Obama for President Campaign, President-Elect Obama ran a “company” that over the last two years took in over a half billion dollars, he supervised a staff of I have no idea how many employees, successfully sold a product (yeah, let’s be honest) to the American people, and hit all of his major milestones — chief among them being beating the Clinton machine for the Democratic Presidential nomination, and winning the presidency for President-Elect Obama. That’s much more successful than the CEOs of many traditional companies have met with lately.
President-Elect Barack Obama. I don’t think I’ll get tired of saying that anytime soon.
YOUR president SHREDDED my constitution. Tried to usurp power not intended for the office of the President and generally made a mess of things with his “signing statements” which totaled more that all previous presidents before him.
You are a fucktard.
You left out garnering more votes than any man in the history of this country.
So I did. My apologies.
I also forgot to mention that he is the first Democrat since Lyndon Johnson to get over 51% of the popular vote for president.
There’s nothing you can say to spoil our joy tonight. We now know that for the next 8 years, we’ll have a President who’ll end wars instead of starting them, who’ll restore America to its former standing in the international community, who’ll work to get the country out of the financial nightmare Bush & Co. created, and get our country back on track. Tonight, we’re proud to be Americans again.
The fact that this has rightwing idiots like you are so utterly crushed and demoralized that you feel the need to spout all this meaningless nonsense — why, that’s just icing on the cake. By all means, if you don’t mind, please keep it up. We’re really enjoying this demonstration of your self-inflicted misery.
Yeah, I did some quick calculations, and if the King County vote projects at current percentages, Goldmark gets 120,000 more votes than Sutherland. That should be more than enough.
On another note, it’s kind of perplexing that Lewis County would go so heavy for Sutherland, given how fucked up his policies left their county last December.
You can spew your irrational idiocy all you want. We have freedom of speech in *our* country. This is as much my country as it is yours. While you want to expel me, try me for treason, and curse me to your god, I’m hoping that some of your fellow republicans can bury the hatchet and work with us to get America, our America back on track.
Just remember though, you can vent and door slam all you want, you will not take away the absolute elation over the results of this election of a majority of Americans who are just as real as you.
The celebration in the streets downtown is growing as of 11:00 PM.
Thousands take to the streets in Seattle
Wow. I’m wondering which of our resident wingnuts has taken the name “lostinaseaofblue”. From the rabid denial of reality, I’d guess it’s Mark, but there are a few others that could also fill the bill.
The United States of America has just elected Barack Hussein Obama as President. Apparently a few people see the United States as a country for the priviledged few, and greatly resent the fact that the people of the United States have said otherwise.
Curse and swear all you like. Our Democracy has worked. The people of the United States have spoken. Yes, we like being Americans. WE are the Americans. You folks that cannot deal with that are the ones at are unAmerican. How can I say that? Because the people of the United States have said so, in no uncertain terms.
Don’t like it? Tough. Get over it. There’s more work to be done, but we’re on the right track. You can either fish, cut bait, or get out of the way.
Treason is defined as “giving aid and comfort to the enemy” — the only crime specifically enumerated in the Constitution. Tell me again, who does that describe? Who for the past eight years has serially violated his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States?
You bet your butt I’m enjoying this.
I’m really looking forward to having a president that taught constitutional law at one on the top law schools in the country.
These rabid wingnuts always remind me of Sydney Ellen Wade’s line from The American President:
How do you have patience for people who claim they love America, but clearly can’t stand Americans?
I was in a bar in California tonight… I wished I’d been at home, but c’est la vie. I wasn’t facing the TV but at one point someone shouted “THE NIGHTMARE IS OVER!” and I turned to see CNN calling it for Obama.. The place exploded..
We couldn’t get the DJ to stop the music for McCain’s concession… But when Obama came on, the music stopped, people gathered around the TV agape.. You could have heard a pin drop while Obama talked except for the a few people crying and a handful of people muttering “yes we can,” along with President Elect Obama.
Honestly I’ve never seen anything like it… Yes we can.
Why do you hate America?
@ 89
He doesn’t hate America. He just can’t stand americans.
I think he hates himself. You can’t really like anyone if you don’t like yourself.
In other news, it is looking more and more like Al Franken is going to beat Coleman in Minn.
I so want to see Senator Franken on CSPAN.
I must face the music and admit: I MGI, who has been derided as a troll and a wing nut at times……
Voted for BHO
Voted for Gregoire
Voted for…..The Darcy
It was a long and gut wrenching, even torchered process and digestion of information, facts, and well…a little fear for what a McCain Administration might have brought. What ultimately pushed me over the edge for Obama was Sarah Palin. The thought of a theoretical possibility of Sarah Palin being President scared the living shit out of me. As for my votes for Gregoire, I didn’t think she was that bad of a Governor. And The Darcy… was down to the moment in the voting booth, staring at my ballot for 5 minutes before thinking about Reichert’s record in Congress so far and I was underwhelmed so I thought what the fuck, I’ll give The Darcy a shot. I may be embarrassed in a year, but I just wanted to scribble a vote for SOMEONE and get the fuck out of there because I was late to work.
For fucks sake… your moniker is “My Goldy Itches” What were you expecting?
I could get used to that!
93 – Very good. Many if not most on your side were energized by Palin (the execrable pudge stands out) and you had the response most of us on the other side had – sheer terror at the thought that this woman could be one heartbeat away from a 72 year old cancer survivor.
Good choices at the local level. You chose people of substance over empty suits.
God Damn America!
I’ve never been proud of my country and I’m still not now that Barack Hussein Obama has won.
Let it backfire bitches.
I think we should enjoy lostinaseaofblue. It’s the angry reaction we wanted. Let them rant, and fume, and rant some more. We’ve got to get to work. It’s going to take real blood, sweat, and tears to trun his “lost freedom” into good jobs, clean air, alternative fuels, peace, and international stature and influence. It’s going to take real work to effectively compete with the rising economies of China and Indai in this century. And it’s especially goign to take hard work to turn our government from the political operation and ATM for the rich into a vigorous protector of all people’s rights, regulator of out-of-control financial markets, guardian of our safety (air, water, drugs, borders), and referee ensuring fair play in our country.
Why I did’t include universal health care for all Americans I don’t know. Maybe I’m just assuming it. It WILL be one of the first things passed, right after Obama recinds the gag rule, orders funding of stem-cell research, and orders the military to stop harassing gay people.
“Our Deepest Fear” by Marianne Williamson
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?”
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
I found this to be really befitting of Obama and what he means to me. :o)
I wish him and his family the best and here’s to the next 8 years of good times ahead ! Amen ! :o)
~Dixie Liberal~
The party won’t last long, kids. We have a couple months for the two stooges in the control room to bomb Iran, and or otherwise wreek havoc on the free world. And the economy will continue it’s nosedive…..there’s that bodies in motion tend to stay in motion, thing. The Dems just stood in line for 8 years to have a big glob of shit slapped on their plates. Now they’ll have to clean it up.
I’d like to thank Lostinaseaofblue for sharing his exploding head with us.
You left out “socialist”, though.
More than just Republican candidates have gone down to defeat — their age old strategies of lies, fear & smear mongering have also taken a hit, methinks (mehopes?).