The righties had a field day attacking Senator-elect Jim Webb (D-VA) for the following exchange with President Bush:
“How’s your boy?” Bush asked, referring to Webb’s son, a Marine serving in Iraq.
“I’d like to get them out of Iraq, Mr. President,” Webb responded, echoing a campaign theme.
“That’s not what I asked you,” Bush said. “How’s your boy?”
“That’s between me and my boy, Mr. President,” Webb said coldly…
Republicans and their toadies in the media accused Webb of being rude to Bush and disrespectful to the office of the President. But as it turns out…
Today we learn that Bush was warned to be “extra sensitive” about asking Webb anything about his son. While Bush’s partying daughters were causing a diplomatic row in Argentina, Webb’s son had a close call with a car bomb and almost died the day before in Iraq. But Bush being Bush—and being Bush means being an asshole—couldn’t resist the opportunity to piss on Webb.
As the WP reported, Webb tried to avoid Bush but “it wasn’t long before the Bush found him.” So Bush sought Webb out, and asked him about his son.
Because, as Dan Savage points out, President Bush is an asshole. But then, that’s not really news, is it?
If only Webb had told the president to go Cheney himself, there would have been no controversy. After all, the civility police didn’t have much of a problem with Cheney’s if-it-feels-good-do-it approach then, why would they hold Webb to a different standard?
What? Webb’s a Democrat? Oh, well, that’s a horse of a different color. Of course he’s held to a different standard. That’s how these things work.
And, isn’t this the whole thing in a nutshell?
Senator-elect Web’s son is risking his life in a war started by Bush based on lies, but he’d never risk his own children’s life.
So, it turns out Cindy Sheehan was right to ask “What did my son die for?”
Well, President Asshole, what noble cause did Casey did for?
correx @ one.
Should read “what noble cause did Casey die for?”
2,900+ dead American soldiers, 20,000+ wounded, half a trillion dollars spent, 10’s of thousands of Iraqi’s killed, hundereds of thousands Iraqi’s wounded, millions stressed beyond belief living in daily violence.
And for what?
No WMD’s.
No connection to 9/11.
No connection to al Qeada.
An Iraq that signed a defense pact with Iran.
Living conditions that are worse than under Saddam Hussein.
Violence that Saddam didn’t match.
Less electricity and other services.
Basically, it was better under Saddam Hussein than George W. Bush.
Of course, Bush has the Midas touch in reverse — everything he touches turns to shit.
I’m glad I’m not George W. Bush. If I had to see that face in the mirror, I’d vomit.
Bush is entitled to neither deference nor respect. He is a bully and a baby who has soiled the executive office. Senator-elect Webb showed some backbone in talking to Bush. I hope that others follow his lead.
Well. This whole thing morphs back to the entire Bush Presidency. ANY THING bad about Bush is blindly supported by his BushBots. ANY FAILURE is blindly supported.
ANY revelation about the lies and evil is okayed morally, to use a word I don’t like.
To put it in the simplest terms, his supporters MUST support this stuff, as failure to do so indicates they LOST any ability to recognize they hitched their wagon to the BIGGEST FAILURE in the history of the U.S.A.
All I have to say is:
“Ohhhh Monica ,,, er I mean Hillary.”
Everybody is an asshole at some time or another. Shut the fuck up and do something worthwhile. This is about as important as, oh, clipping my nails this morning.
Bush has no right to even SPEAK to a combat vet like Webb. Especially given the fact that Bush was an AWOL draft dodger who doesn’t think his own kids should be fighting in the war he claims is so important.
Bush IS a fucking coward AND an asshole and I couldn’t give a good golly fuck what the righties think. They lost – remember?
Most of the states under Dem control are on the healthy list and most of the states under rethug control are on the unhealthy list. Gee what a surprise. Hopefully that means those republican assholes will live shorter lives and get on their way to Hell where they belong.
And of course GBS parrots the lefty lines. Swallows them hook line and sinker. How’s that teabag GBS?
Look for the facts. Read something that isn’t fed to the MSM by a stringer.
You can go through your own post point by point and find the foil or argument to most of the items.
Anyone else see the irony in a former (reformed, come to see the light) Republican talking to a Republican president and using the same tone that Republicans have been using when speaking to,with, or about Democrats for the past 6 years?
Mr. RC Guy Asshole,
Um, well, uh, how do I put this? You are new here, or are a troll who changed your moniker, so I was tempted to take it easy on you. But you changed my mind.
Fuck you!
I have a son, fighting next to (not literally next to) Senator Elect Webb’s son. If the President asked me how he was doing I would have been far less kind in my response. Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing and it applies when speaking with the President. Senator Elect Webb said nothing wrong.
As a former military officer I admire, what I see as, his restraint.
Again, welcome to HA.
Fuck you!
The Righties would argue the same thing if you substituted Clinton for Bush in your harangue.
For the record, Mr RC Guy Asshole,
I see nothing untrue in GBS’s post.
Again, in case you missed it: FUCK YOU IN THE ASS. You are a blind, ignorant fool. You have swallowed Bush’s bullshit. Hook, line and sinker! How does that teabag feel bouncing off your chin?
Webb was being a true horses ass. Disrespect to the office of the President AND being in the White House while doing so is just a no-class act. For a former military man to disrespect the rank (of office) marks him as a fucking jerk and anybody who served in uniform knows that.
Only an asshole refers to a soldier in a combat zone as “boy.”
6 proud leftist says: Bush … has soiled the executive office. 12/05/2006 at 2:01 pm
I wouldn’t have imagined it possible to debase the Oval Office worse than Clinton did, but the boy-president has pulled it off.
Here is what Bush hopes you won’t see or think about.
Now shut the fuck up!
8 Mr. RC Guy says: This is about as important as, oh, clipping my nails this morning. 12/05/2006 at 2:08 pm
Can you explain why Kerry’s botched joke about “getting stuck in Iraq” was important enough to merit headlines for an entire week, but Bush’s rude behavior toward a decorated Vietnam veteran and his soldier son serving in Iraq is no more important than “clipping your nails?” You wingnut pricks claim to “support the troops” but the only thing you support is your own overinflated notion of your importance. YOU are not important. Got that? You lying, troop-hating, unpatriotic pigfuckers were just repudiated by America’s voters. You’re done. Finis. Kaput. So get out of here. Go fuck your pig.
John 425 @ 16:
1. Webb is no longer a military officer. Bush is not his Commander in Chief.
2. Bush gave up the right to expect respect when he disrepected Senator Elect Webb’s stated desire not to discuss his son with him. Bush knew not to do it, but he could not resist for whatever reason.
3. You can respect the office of President without respecting the man. The men who protect him do that everyday. If you ask them, to a man, they will tell you they proctect the office, not the office holder.
4. Shove it up your apologist ass and fuck you too.
11 Mr. RC Guy says: Read something that isn’t fed to the MSM by a stringer. 12/05/2006 at 2:11 pm
No thank you, troop-hating traitor. We’ve eaten enough rightwing shit. Now we’re gonna dish some back. Your wife is a pig. So is your daughter. Go fuck your pigs.
Goldy, this story came out almost a week ago. When you have nothing else to talk about, just call Bush an a**hole. Now that’s insightful blogging.
All of you that hate the war. (Not just disagree with, but hate the war.) Calling Bush names isn’t going to stop people dying in Iraq. So, what’s your solution to the current situation there?
Conservative First:
Here is my solution, without the political speak.
1. Set timetable for getting out. Not redeployment, GETTING THE FUCK OUT.
2. Give the region the dates and let them deal with the aftermath. (I don’t care about the oil).
3. Apologize for lying to the American public from the very beginning of this fiasco. Finish out your last two years, quietly and move to Crawford, Texas. Work on your library, lament how you were misunderstood, and hope time will be kind to your legacy. Not going to happen, but you can hope.
16 John425 says: Webb was being a true horses ass. Disrespect to the office of the President AND being in the White House while doing so is just a no-class act. For a former military man to disrespect the rank (of office) marks him as a fucking jerk and anybody who served in uniform knows that. 12/05/2006 at 2:34 pm
You and your suck-buddy RC Guy are the jerks. Have a problem figuring out who the class act is, and who the jerk is? Here’s a few clues to help you out:
Jerk: Uses congressman daddy’s connections to jump the waiting list for National Guard slot to avoid going to Vietnam, then goes AWOL from NG.
Class Act: Graduates from Naval Academy, becomes Marine officer, commands infantry platoon in Vietnam, awarded Navy Cross (the second highest decoration, behind Medal of Honor) Silver Star, 2 Bronze Stars, and 2 Purple Hearts.
Jerk: Calls a soldier serving in Iraq “boy.”
Class Act: Restrains himself from punching out jerk who called his soldier son in Iraq “boy.”
Jerks: Presumptuous wingnut fartblowers who, themselves, have never been within 5,000 miles of real combat but deign to call the Class Act a “jerk” and the Jerk a “class act.”
No wonder everyone in this country things wingnuts are lying, brain-dead, bloviating idiots who blow smoke out of their asses.
thinks not things
Hey wingnut fuck @16: Am I being disrespectful enough to you? How about a kick in the nuts? Or would you like me to shove a bunny dick up your smokin’ ass? For a good time, call 1-800-BEND-4ROG.
16 (continued)
P.S., did I mention that your wife is a pig? And your daughter is a pig, too. Now go fuck your pigs.
23 ConservativeFirst says: All of you that hate the war. (Not just disagree with, but hate the war.) 12/05/2006 at 2:45 pm
What’s wrong with hating war? What’s right about liking war? What sane person likes war? Anyone who likes war ought to be locked up in a ward for the criminally insane.
Attention New Wingnuts — HA Posting Rules
Since you guys are new here, it’s appropriate to acquaint you with the informal posting rules for this board.
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the living shit out of you troop-hating, America-hating, lying, unpatriotic, trollfuck traitors.
5. No mercy for wingnuts.
6. Our terms are unconditional surrender. After you surrender, there will be trials and hangings.
7. klake is a nazi.
Any questions?
“Extra sensitive” means you can’t even ask about his son? If that’s the case, then Webb has a pretty thin skin for a politician. In addition the link provided by Goldy (try Permalink next time), is to a liberal blog, who’s references are other liberal blogs. I don’t give this information a lot of credibility.
I think Bush’s attempts to engage Webb were clumsy and misguided. Calling Bush an a**hole seems like a stretch. I also think Webb could have done a better job of diffusing the situation. What does being confrontational solve? There’s plenty of time for that in Congressional hearings or floor speeches. I guess his response appeals to those who think life is politics and politics is life.
Hey, just kidding about HANGING you traitors! Ann Coulter makes jokes about killing liberals, so why can’t I crack jokes about hanging wingnut traitors who have it coming? Why should Coulter have all the fun? I don’t see why Coulter-cunt is entitled to a monopoly on death jokes. Repukes want a monopoly on every fucking thing! Fuck you! Now go fuck your pigs.
Don’t read what I didn’t write. Apparently you hate war, but have no ideas on how to resolve the current war in Iraq. That’s not policy, it’s a childish copout. Which is about what I’d expect from you Roger.
I’d rather hear some constructive proposals, rather than name calling. I think a majority of Americans, especially those who voted Democrat in November, agree with me.
31 ConservativeFirst:
Try this link:
This is certainly not a liberal blog. This link was in Goldy’s post.
GWB put Webb’s son in harms way. He has done the same with my son. He lied to it for his own selfish interests. It is any wonder we are bitter? There is a huge difference between being thin skinned and expressing righteous indignation.
ConFirst @23,
President Bush is an asshole. So there.
RR @ 18
“I wouldn’t have imagined it possible to debase the Oval Office worse than Clinton did, but the boy-president has pulled it off.”
Your post displays one of the strengths of liberals. Liberals are capable of criticizing other liberals. Conservatives are incapable of finding fault in other conservatives, or in themselves for that matter. Party unity is far more important to them than is truth.
Yea, the story is a week old, but O’Reilly is bringing it up again this week, trying to rally the “base” by arguing that this is an example of Democrats that don’t know their manners.
Funny that they have to forget so many facts to get to that point. That Bush knew he shouldn’t bring up the subject with Webb. That Webb indeed was a decorated combat veteran and service acadamy graduate. That Webb’s son is following in the family tradition, serving his country in combat in Iraq, even though his father thinks the war is a mistake. Also note that, unlike Bush, Webb brought himself up by his own bootstraps, and is a bit rougher on the edges for it.
And that, as RR pointed out above, all this serves as a stark contrast to a President who used his Daddy’s connections to avoid going to Vietnam (and even to finish his Texas Air National Guard obligations), and his daughters are conspicuously absent from any real national service, and causing diplomatic problems in S. America.
In asking the question, Bush thought he knew better than his handlers, and that he could make a good impression with Webb by making a pretense of caring by asking about Webb’s son. Bush thinks he is a great salesman, and that he could win over Webb. But Webb is not like the business and political toadies who were beholding to Bush’s father, and therefore laughed at all of W. Bush’s jokes and pretended he was a great salesman, businessman, and politician. Webb grew up the hard way and made quite a name for himself, even being Secty of the Navy under Reagan.
Webb tried to deflect the question in a reasonable manner, saying words to the effect that “We need to bring them home”. Any reasonably intuitive person would have then realized his mistake in bringing up the subject, and dropped it with some non-committal response like “That’s going to be our top priority”, or something like that.
But Bush was irritated that Webb didn’t respond in the expected manner, being grateful at the attention accorded him by the President. So instead he says “That’s not what I asked”, as if Webb was a witness in a trial being quizzed by the prosecutor. Webb’s cool response to that is as respectful a response as Bush deserved.
But we might want to look at this a bit further. I didn’t know before today that Bush had been warned not to bring up the subject with Webb. So, given the amount of attention being paid to this by the right-wing media, perhaps this little exchange wasn’t an unintentional blunder by Bush, made worse by his arrogance. Instead, could it be that Bush was trying to provoke a response?
Remember that as a former Republican, Webb was targeted for some particularly nasty attention at the end of his campaign. Republicans, and the Bush family in particular, are not very forgiving of those who they feel “betray” them, in a very broad sense of the word. They targeted former Texas Governor Anne Richards with every resource they had after she skewered Bush# 41 at the Democratic convention, not only because the attacks were personal, but also because as a Texan they thought she owed it to her state to support Bush # 41, or at least keep quiet.
So, could Bush have been trying to mug for the cameras, and make himself a victim after Webb was provoked?
Hey, its a lot more of a reasonable scenario than the story some here have been pushing that a bunch of muslim clerics arranged to get themselves thrown off an airplane so they could then complain about it!
Daddy does that when he’s drunk. Why is anyone surprised?
“Conservative First” at 33: Webb’s desire not to talk about his son was well known during the Senate campaign in Virginia. He repeatedly deflected questions from reporters, saying that his communications with his son were a private matter, and none of their business. In doing so, he carefully avoided making political points of his son’s service for his country.
And he deflected the President’s question the same way. But Bush was offended that he was not the only person in the world who would be excepted from Webb’s rule. It seems to me it was Bush who had a pretty thin skin.
But what really ticks me off is that if the roles had been reversed, and Gore was President, and Webb had been elected to the Senate as a Republican (not an unrealistic scenario), then the Republicans would be having a field day, laughing about how Webb made Gore look so silly, and how Webb had given Gore the come-uppance he deserved, and how Webb should have really let him have it.
What a bunch of hypocrites.
Attention dumbasses who defend Smirky McFlightsuit.
No, the whole thing is NOT a week old. It just came to light that somebody warned the Smirkster not to discuss it with the Senator-elect, as it is a sensitive issue.
So he did any, referring to a “boy.”
Now go sign up for your newspaper subscription somewhere other than O’Lielly and put the dumbass pills down NOW.
What’s the difference between Jane Fonda and George Bush?
Jane had the stones to go to Nam!
Attention Thomas Dumbass Trainwinder:
1. Clinton got a blow job.
2. Lied about it.
3. Everybody knows he was a skunk on this one. I must remind you that nobody died. Got that, sonny?
Different scenario:
1. Chimpy McCokespoon lied about Iraq every chance he had to do so.
2. More than a hundred thousand folks are dead, not to mention the several hundred billion $.
3. Biggest blunder in the history of the U.S.A.
So go bleep yourself if you think automatically defending Smirky McFlightsuit is a reciprocal situation compared to Clinton’s administrations. If you can understand the difference.
While I think the Post is a credible source. The linked article didn’t mention Webb’s being “extra sensistive”. I’m not saying the exchange didn’t happen, just questioning the veracity of the information that Bush had been told Webb was “extra sensitive” on the subject of his son.
GWB put Webb’s son in harms way. He has done the same with my son.
Thank your son, on my behalf, for his service to our country. As a parent of someone of an all volunteer military, I’m not sure how you can reasonably expect to not be “put in harm’s way” at some point. Being in the military is a dangerous occupation, even when we’re not involved in a war. As such this alone doesn’t seem like justification for Webb to be “extra sensitive” about being asked about his son’s welfare.
The whole “Bush Lied. People Died.” argument has been hashed over so much, why bring it up? The real problem at this point is how do we finish what we started.
I’m curious what selfish interest you think motivated Bush to go to war in Iraq. I’m not going to argue with your beliefs on this issue, since I think it’s a waste of time, but your statement piqued my interest.
Time to get over being bitter and time to get to work on solving the problem. At this point history will judge Bush’s decisions on Iraq. I’m more interested in looking forward to find a way to give peace, democracy and freedom to the Iraqi people. Maybe that’s not possible at this point, but I think we need to look at what are options are and proceed forward accordingly. Instead of being bitter and spiteful.
(expletive deleted)
Apparently liberals like Goldy are only interested in calling names. Now that’s leadership.
hey gbs you little piss ant do you think cindy got her son a head stone lossssssssssssssssssssssssssser.
ConservativeFirst: “The whole “Bush Lied. People Died.” argument has been hashed over so much, why bring it up? The real problem at this point is how do we finish what we started.”
To some extent, your point is legitimate, but I believe discrediting Bush is tied up intimately with the question of what to do about the mess we’ve created in Iraq. By many accounts, Bush remains defiant and closed to any suggestions about Iraq other than those that come from his inner circle. Supposedly, he’s even prepared to tell the Baker Commission to go jump in a lake. If that is the case, continually challenging Bush’s credibility, even to the point of monotony, is important. From my humble perspective, he has foregone any legitimate claim to be the one to guide Iraq policy at this point. Someone else needs to make the calls, and he just needs to sign off. What to do? It’s a helluva tough question, though the most persuasive position seems to be to start pulling troops immediately. This war can’t be won.
I realize that you dismissed my points, ignored the facts and repeated the party line.
Your president put my son in harms way and LIED to do it. End of story. Now get us out. NOW!
My son accepts his duty with honor. He completely disagrees with how things are handled (as a private citizen). He, and the rest of correct thinking America, know that the military is, first, a deterent to those who would harm us, and second, a well trained machine capable of a vicious defense of America and our freedom in the event that a foreign power would test that deterent. Saddam was not a threat to our freedom.
Bush is not only an asshole, he is an arrogant asshole who believes he is omnipotent and beyond fallibility. Again, that is the definition of an arrogant asshole. Small wonder he put up with Don Rumsfeld for so long. Like minds and all that.
ConservativeFirst likes to edit expletives in the false belief that this places him above others in the fight for the (ugh) moral high ground.
Yo @ 45
Fuck yo!
Go fuck yo’self.
The whole “Bush Lied. People Died.” argument has been hashed over so much, why bring it up? The real problem at this point is how do we finish what we started.
Yeah, just a river of blood under the bridge, eh?
At this point history will judge Bush’s decisions on Iraq. I’m more interested in looking forward to find a way to give peace, democracy and freedom to the Iraqi people. Maybe that’s not possible at this point, but I think we need to look at what are options are and proceed forward accordingly. Instead of being bitter and spiteful.
There are no ponies under the pile of manure President Bush helped spread over Iraq, and losing one more American soldier digging through it so Bush can have the privilege of saying ‘I didn’t cut and run’ is one soldier too many.
The fact is we who opposed the war were RIGHT about this.
Rep. John M. Spratt Jr. (S.C.), a senior member of the Armed Services Committee, was one of several Democrats who predicted during the House floor debate that “the outcome after the conflict is actually going to be the hardest part, and it is far less certain.” He credited his views in part to what he heard over breakfasts with retired generals Anthony C. Zinni and Joseph P. Hoar, both of whom had led the U.S. Army’s Central Command — a part of which is in Spratt’s district.
“They made the point: We do not want to win this war, only to lose the peace and swell the ranks of terrorists who hate us,” Spratt said.
Spratt recently looked back at his resolution, which would have required Bush to come back to Congress before launching an attack. It was defeated 270 to 158. He recalled that extended hearings were held before the Persian Gulf War but that nothing similar preceded the vote on the 2002 resolution. “I remember we talked this time about how we got to get answers before this train leaves the station,” Spratt said.
The incoming Armed Services chairman, Rep. Ike Skelton (D-Mo.), spoke in support of Spratt’s amendment, stressing the need for “a plan for rebuilding of the Iraqi government and society, if the worst comes to pass and armed conflict is necessary.”
Skelton had written Bush a month earlier, after a White House meeting, to say that “I have no doubt that our military would decisively defeat Iraq’s forces and remove Saddam. But like the proverbial dog chasing the car down the road, we must consider what we would do after we caught it.”
Skelton went on to note the “extreme difficulty of occupying Iraq with its history of autocratic rule, its balkanized ethnic tensions and its isolated economic system.” He also warned that Bush’s postwar strategy must “take seriously” the possibility that a replacement regime “might be rejected by the Iraqi people, leading to civil unrest and even anarchy.”
At this point, expecting the people who screwed up Iraq, Katrina, Medicare and you name it to get this one right is handing the coke addict in your family your mortgage money after he’s put the money that was supposed to go for car payments and clothes for the kids up his nose.
If 130,000 US troops can’t pacify Iraq in almost 4 years and have been present while the situation has become WORSE, clearly we’re not the solution, not under this incompetent President and his neocon, “pre-emptive war” cronies. We need to come home, and in the words of John Adams, quit seeking out monsters to destroy. It’s our job to defend our country and allies, not to start crusades to save western civilization.
31 Why didn’t Bush “diffuse” (sp) the situation by not bringing up Webb’s son? Or, at least, not calling a combat soldier in Iraq “boy” in front of his combat veteran dad. Webb had absolutely no obligation to be civil to this smirking asshole of an ersatz president who was never elected by the people of this country. Bush forfeited that expectation when he was uncivil to Webb. Fuck you, CF, and fuck your pigs too!
33 “ConservativeFirst says: Apparently you hate war …”
No shit, Sherlock!
“but have no ideas on how to resolve the current war in Iraq.”
How do you know? Are you a fucking mind reader?
“That’s not policy, it’s a childish copout.”
You want to know what “childish” is? I’ll tell you:
Gaming the intelligence
Lying about WMDs
Refusing to use diplomacy
Misleading Congress
Ignoring military advice
Going in with no occupation plan
Torturing Iraqi civilians
Sending criminals to fight in Iraq
Stubbornly refusing to change a policy that doesn’t work
“I’d rather hear some constructive proposals, rather than name calling.”
Me, too. Unfortunately, you guys didn’t have any constructive proposals when it mattered most. All you did was name-calling … you know: “Unpatriotic,” “anti-American,” “troop-hating,” “traitors,” etc.
“I think a majority of Americans, especially those who voted Democrat in November, agree with me.”
Nobody agrees with you — least of all the majority who voted you lying, warmongering, troop-hating traitors out of office last month.
You want a “constructive proposal” for Iraq? Okay, here it is. You fuckups lost your war. Cut your losses and get out. Stop throwing away the lives of brave young Americans on a vain effort to save face. The longer you stay, the worse it’ll get, and the more humiliating your defeat and withdrawal will be. Admit your mistakes and take the consequences like a man.
Man Who Killed Deputy Sheriff Committed Suicide
Autopsy results show the gang member who killed a King County deputy in White Center killed himself with his own gun, King 5 News reports.
37 Hey, its a lot more of a reasonable scenario than the story some here have been pushing that a bunch of muslim clerics arranged to get themselves thrown off an airplane so they could then complain about it! 12/05/2006 at 3:36 pm
Nothing wingnuts say is reasonable. Ever. They’re all pigfucking liars.
John425 says:
Webb was being a true horses ass. Disrespect to the office of the President AND being in the White House while doing so is just a no-class act. For a former military man to disrespect the rank (of office) marks him as a fucking jerk and anybody who served in uniform knows that.
Let me understand this. Webb telling Bush he wants our troops brought home is disrespectful, but lying us into a war at the wrong time, in the wrong place, against the wrong people is fine with you?
How is that 55 gallon an hour kool aide enema going Johnnie425?
It is funny how you think Clinton should be impeached, but Bush should be allowed to commit any crime he wants with no consequences whatsoever.
You are not an American, and you may not even be human.
By the way, what was the noble cause Cindy´s son died for? Cindy is a friend of mine, and I will let her know the next time I see her.
NAZIS = Republicans
Bush was just plain rude to ask the question, and got what he deserved. Period, end of debate. All you wingnut whiners are hereby dismissed.
The sheer hypocrisy of wingnuts is breathtaking. They excoriated Kerry for his “stuck in Iraq” remark, but didn’t say a damn thing when Bush called a combat soldier in Iraq “boy.” Fuck you troop-hating bastards.
The easiest thing to do is get yourself a soapbox and criticize while you sit there with no responsibility and no decision making authroity.
You and Stefan are the perfect examples of people who love verbally assaulting your opponents yet never wish to take on the actual responsibilty, by say, serving in a public capacity.
Go yell. Go scream. Go make fun. Until you have walked in their shoes, your views count a lot less.
I have served public office — and can tell you that you show less than 5% of the understanding of what is involved.
At least Carlson put his money where his (hugely rejected) mouth is. Course…he found out how little people thought of his ideas…but at least he had the stones to take it on. Same for Dave Ross.
The opposite applies to you and Stefan.
John425 says:
Webb was being a true horses ass. Disrespect to the office of the President AND being in the White House while doing so is just a no-class act. For a former military man to disrespect the rank (of office) marks him as a fucking jerk and anybody who served in uniform knows that.
Oh by the way. As far as disrespecting the office of the president goes, how do you feel about Bush, and Tony Snow job lying to the American People on a daily basis?
How about this one:
On April 20, 2004, in Buffalo, New York, Bush said: “Any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires—a wiretap requires a court order.” He added: “Nothing has changed, by the way. When we’re talking about chasing down terrorists, we’re talking about getting a court order before we do so.”
I truly understand your mentality. Everything a Republican says is pretty much a lie, so it is expected of Bush to lie about everything.
The whole Republican ideology is one big huge fraud, and their followers are far too stupid to realize it.
44 ConUSFirst says “As a parent of someone of an all volunteer military, I’m not sure how you can reasonably expect to not be ‘put in harm’s way’ at some point. Being in the military is a dangerous occupation, even when we’re not involved in a war. As such this alone doesn’t seem like justification for Webb to be ‘extra sensitive’ about being asked about his son’s welfare.”
Is this your limp-wristed, weak-kneed, jelly-bellied apologia for failing in the greatest duty a president owes the nation: To not squander our children’s lives through stupidity? Fuck you, troop-hating jerk.
45 “Yo” is a contraction of “yahoo” (as in “trailer park yahoo”) and is properly spelled “Y’o.” Like most wingnuts, Y’o can’t spell his own fucking name.
So where does this asshole Bush get off by referring to a soldier in Iraq as “boy?”
I agree with you and I think the problem of being closed to outside suggestion is larger than just Iraq policy. Based upon the recent election results I think Bush’s Iraq policy has been discredited. The only reason I can see to bring up the same old tired dogma, is to make the person regurgitating said dogma feel better.
If the Bush Administration ignores the Baker Commission completely, then it will be something new to criticize them about. Until then I’ll wait and see.
While that seems like a good idea on the surface, it’s not Constitutional. For better or worse, Bush is Commander in Chief until Jan 20, 2009. I think the political reality, and a reason democracy works, is that Bush will be more flexible on Iraq or the Republicans will sustain further losses in Congress, and likely lose the Presidency in 2008.
My disagreement with this position is that we will lose Iraq as a potential ally forever if we immediately pull our troops out. Chaos will mount, more people will die (they just won’t be Americans), and the Iraqis that support freedom and democracy will feel betrayed by both Bushes. I’m not sure we can win, in a traditional sense, i.e World War II, since we aren’t fighting the government of another country at this point. I think part of our strategy is to take our troups out of harm’s way and let the Iraqi troops handle things. I’m not sure we’ve gotten them ready for that though.
Actually I delete them because I think they add nothing to reasoned discourse. Morality doesn’t come into play. If people choose to curse here, that’s their business. I choose not to also choose to not curse by proxy when quoting others.
57 “You are not an American, and you may not even be human.”
Amen to that! I predict John425 has a future on this blog rivaling that of flaky klake, proudass, and janet slut! He manages to be cheeky and cheesy at the same time. Bend over John, you’ve got an asskicking coming your way. Your wife is a pig, and your daughter is a pig too. Now go fuck your pigs.
Can any of you trolls tell us where the hell Bush gets off calling Webb’s son “boy?”
ConservativeFirst says:
Goldy, this story came out almost a week ago. When you have nothing else to talk about, just call Bush an a**hole. Now that’s insightful blogging.
All of you that hate the war. (Not just disagree with, but hate the war.) Calling Bush names isn’t going to stop people dying in Iraq. So, what’s your solution to the current situation there?
Hey Goldy I will help you out a little.
Solution for Iraq.
Impeach Bush, and Cheney. Arrest Bush, Cheney, Rice, and Rumsfeld for war crimes, and high treason for lying us into a war.
Send convicted felons to the Hague to face further prosecution, and to show the world how truly sorry America is for Bush´s war for profit, based on lies, and fabricated, known to be false intelligence.
Pull our troops out of Iraq NOW and give their elected government anything they want to help them stop the civil war “””WE STARTED”””!!!!
How is that for a solution?
Works for me.
Would probably work for the rest of the world too!
The only people that it wouldn´t work for is the people profiting from Bush´s fiasco, and right wingers that couldn´t recognize reality if it took their life.
Oh by the way I like your handle. Conservative first.
Please explain to me one way in which our chimperator is conservative.
He is a radical gambler, and his stake are our future. He has also rolled snake eyes more times in a row than any other loser. Future generations of Americans, and the rest of the world will have to pay for his mistakes.
God Damn anyone still deluded enough to still support this lying traitor.
60 What public office did you serve in? Care to give us a resume of your accomplishments? P.S., voting “no” to everything this community needs doesn’t count as “public service.”
65 How many times does a person have to be wrong before we stop giving him more chances to hurt the rest of us? When are we entitled to say, “George W. Bush doesn’t belong in the White House, the job is too big for him, and too far over his head?”
CF @ 65
I appreciate your answer. I agree with your comments about Bush being the Commander-in-Chief, as much as I’d like not to, because the Constitution always rules the day. I don’t agree with your last comment. So, it goes.
While your comment is a nice turn of phrase, how does it help stem the “river of blood”?
True, Bush is an asshole, but he’s not just an asshole, he’s a stupid, audacious asshole. If the wingnuts are worried about respect for the Presidency, maybe next time they should vote for a person who has enough brains to earn respect, instead of foolishly thinking it comes with the office.
66 What have you ever added to “reasoned discourse?” Frankly, I don’t believe you give a damn about reasoned discourse. If you did, you would tell your conservative friends to stop calling liberals “traitors” and “terrorists.” As long as that name-calling continues, there won’t be any reasoned political discourse in this contry, just division and hate. And don’t blame that on us, your side is responsible for it. We don’t have to give you assholes a free pass when you kick our shins. Fuck you, pigfucker. Your wife is ugly, and your daughter is ugly too.
Can any of you wingfuck apologists come up with one good reason why Bush should get a free pass for calling Webb’s son “boy?”
ConservativeFirst says:
Goldy, this story came out almost a week ago. When you have nothing else to talk about, just call Bush an a**hole. Now that’s insightful blogging.
All of you that hate the war. (Not just disagree with, but hate the war.) Calling Bush names isn’t going to stop people dying in Iraq. So, what’s your solution to the current situation there?
Hate the war? It is not war we hate. It is needless war against innocent people, while ignoring the people that DID attack us on 9-11.
OK wingnut I have a question for you. What would be better for America. Spending 2 trillion dollars, and 3,000 soldiers lives hunting down, investigating, capturing, and bringing to justice Al Queda operatives, or invading a non threatening country for a reason that has still not been addressed? (all reasons given to date have been lies)
I know. I know. You Republicans are not happy unless someone innocent is dying somewhere…..
Why don´t you ask your one brain cell why they hate us. Why they attacked us.
The answers would require deep thought, and most Republicans can not think past a 6 word Rovian soundbite.
It is not war we hate. It is Republicans.
I just can´t wait till we get a few of these lying animals under oath……
What this proves is that all the wingfucks who criticized Kerry are hypocrites.
Someone else needs to make the calls, and he just needs to sign off.
While that seems like a good idea on the surface, it’s not Constitutional.
It most certainly is constitutional. There is nothing in the constitution preventing the president from using any source he chooses in making his decisions. He could cede all his decision making to a magic 8-ball – he could literally walk out to the Rose Garden each evening and publicly consult the magic 8-ball to determine his choices for each decision presented to him that day – and it would be perfectly constitutional.
And, as for the quality of those decisions, could that option be much worse?
Since you chose to not answer the question, and insult me instead, I could only assume. If you don’t want me to have to attempt to read your mine, just state your position. It’s really not that hard.
That statement is clearly false. There’s a lot of people that agree with me. In fact most polls support my position that the people who voted in the last election want a change of direction in Iraq.
Thanks for clarifying. I gave some of my reasons against immediate pullout in another post.
While your comment is a nice turn of phrase, how does it help stem the “river of blood”?
Thanks. It reminds us that there are people who have no credibility when it comes to offering solutions to this mess. Saying, “Okay, we get it, move on” makes the problem worse by presenting new choices in a vacuum. Without the benefit of hindsight, we keep listening to the same fools over and over.
ConservativeFirst says:
He lied to it for his own selfish interests.
The whole “Bush Lied. People Died.” argument has been hashed over so much, why bring it up? The real problem at this point is how do we finish what we started.
What do you mean hashed over?
There has not been one single legitimate hearing YET.
The problems is the fact that it has not been hashed over. It has been practically ignored by the 99% GOP controlled MSM.
Lying us into a war is high treason. Sorry if it bothers me my president committed treason, along with all his friends, with the help of the MSM.
I am amazed that it doesn´t bother you.
You must not be an American.
Do you have blood in your veins?
We have a solution.
Impeachment. Prosecution. Sentencing. Sent to the Hague.
As far as Iraq is concerned, I doubt there is any amount of American blood that can make that place better if they all want to kill each other.
Every soldier that has died for Bush´s insanity died making Iraq worse off. Hate to say it, but things got worse from day 1, due to Bush´s incompetence, or lack of intelligence.
I say pull our troops out, and let the Iraqis go at it. It´s their country, let them die for it.
We will have enough problems with the tens of thousands that have joined other terrorist groups because of GEORGE BUSH´S idiotic policies, and actions, with the full support of the Republicans in congress. I guess they brought it on.
I’m not sure which point I missed. Going back and reviewing your post, I don’t see any facts I ignored.
Clearly the notion that Bush knew Webb was “extra sensitive” about his son, is not a “fact” but a rumor propogated by liberal blogs. This being the case, the argument that Bush is an a**hole for his comments to Webb is quite weak.
I appreciate your reasonable responses.
Here are some comments by Stefan’s father, Professor Ira Sharkansky at Hebrew University in Israel:
“My own perception is that the civil war started about the time of the media event some years ago when that statue of Saddam Hussein came tumbling down. For the American president, a “civil war” may require only two orderly armies fighting one another, perhaps one dressed in blue and the other in gray.
Whether it is a civil war or something else, the American army, with its British allies and a few others does not seem to be dealing with it effectively. …
Whether it is or is not a civil war may have something to do with there being a misstep or a total failure in Bush’s effort to produce democracy in Iraq. Among the motivations for groups fighting one another, and the foreigners, is their strong opposition to an American version of democracy.”
Calling a soldier a boy (unless he is YOUR SON) is condesending. The mere fact that Bush knew the son was in Iraq is proof that someone told him something. I choose to believe he was cautioned not to bring it up and it was in that context that he was told about Webb’s son.
Feel free to stick your head in the sand, continue to justify YOUR Presidents actions. The rest of us started a revolution that will be complete in two years time. There is no way that a Republican will be elected President. America has spoken and still he refuses to listen. He is supposed to bend to the will of the people. He has chosen to go his own way, drive his politcal party off the highest of cliffs and last, but not least, hijack the constitution.
84 What’s your excuse for Bush calling a combat soldier in Iraq “boy?” Isn’t that disrespectful? If someone called me “boy” in Vietnam, I would’ve given him a good kick in the breadbasket and maybe scratched him with my razor-sharp claws for good measure.
I think I’ve added more to reasoned discourse on this thread than you have for quite a while, and I’ve wasted more than enough time admonishing “wingnut” posters. You just choose not to remember. You do plenty of admonishing. Why should I bother being redundant (minus the foul language and vitriolic rhetoric)?
There’s plenty of blame to go around on the name calling. Neither side is pure in this area. So as long as you are willing use this lame rationalization to justify your behavior there won’t be any reasoned discourse in this country, just division and hate.
To follow up on my previous post. John Murtha has been thoroughly vilified by both the right-wing media and the “serious centrists” in the establishment press. However, he was exactly right a year ago when he called for pulling the troops out. Earlier today, this was posted at Daily Kos:
As you can see, the man nailed it. Shouldn’t he have considerable credibility on this issue? Conversely, if we continue to listen to people who are consistently wrong (and/or cravenly deceptive), what does that say about our judgment as citizens?
How does it help end the war? It will hasten the end of the mess if we are careful to listen to those who were right and ignore – even mock – those who were not just a little wrong, but colossally, fundamentally, undeniably wrong.
re 16: Soldiers swear to protect and uphold the Constitution — not to respect that douchebag who happens to be illegally occupying the office of president at this time.
Our troops have been called “the boys” for generations. Are you really trying to argue that the collective “the boys” is acceptable, while the singular “boy” is condescending? I think both of you are putting your own biases to work here. I’ve not seen Webb indicated he was offended by Bush referring to his son as “boy”. As such, your argumets for supporting Goldy’s original premise that Bush is an a**hole are very weak.
By the way Roger, the above is an argument, not an excuse.
If Webb’s honor has been so insulted, maybe he and Bush should have a duel, like Burr and Hamilton. (That’s sarcasm for the uninitiated.)
OK you win. In my humble opinion George W Bush is an unmitigated liar, Presidential failure and arrogant asshole.
My body of evidence lies in his 6 years of holding the office of president. From day one he has proven that his “election” is the single biggest folly foisted on the American public.
The record is clear and convincing. He is the worst President in the history of the United States of America.
It just makes me sad.
Oh wow, Bush was warned that Webb might be a disrespectful asshole!
Man, that makes it much better! Why didn’t you say so before?
Clearly, the fact that he was warned that Webb might be an asshole makes him an asshole for not being extra nice to an asshole so that asshole wouldn’t show his asshole tendencies.
The record is clear and convincing. He is the worst President in the history of the United States of America.
Yah, record low unemployment, a skyrocketing stock market, low inflation, and no repeat terrorist attacks in 5 years sure does suck!
Soldiers swear to protect and uphold the Constitution — not to respect that douchebag who happens to be illegally occupying the office of president at this time.
Yah, you quote obviously don’t know the first thing about the military. You clearly don’t know anyone who’s been in it for any lenght of time.
You are also clearly ignorant about the Constitution, as well as history.
According to the Constitution, the President is Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. He ranks above every private, sargent, or general. He is at the absolute top of the line of command.
If you knew the first goddamn thing about the military, you would know that respecing your superiors is the NUMBER ONE THING THEY TEACH YOU. It is the first thing you learn when you get there, and they ‘remind’ you every single time you step out of line. This ‘reminder’ usually involves a blow to the head, staying up all night cleaning a toilet with a toothbrush, or even spending a while in ‘the brig’.
Matter of fact, even public disagreement with a superior officer is against the rules and can be severely punished. General MacAurther, yes, THAT General MacAurther, the one that won the war in the Pacific during WW2, was REMOVED FROM COMMAND in Korea for disrespecting the President (Harry Truman, DEMOCRAT, btw) by disagreeing with the President publically.
No terrorist attacks in the last five years? Horse crap. We just had one about a week ago. Oh, but we didn’t call it a “terrorist attack” because the terrorist was from America and he attacked an abortion clinic.
How about the shredding of the fourth amendment? Oh wait, we weren’t using it anyway.
How about the fact that the goodwill after the big terrorist attack that happened on George Bush’s watch has been completely squandered by this administration?
How about the fact that American servicemen and women are dying every day in Iraq for no good reason, and the longer we stay there, the more of them will die for no good reason, and Bush has promised the troops will stay there as long as he’s President?
How about the reverse Robin Hood effect of stealing from the poor and giving to the rich in the form of tax cuts for the least deserving of our populace, while schools go begging?
How about a Clean Air Initiative that fouls the air and a Healthy Forests Initiative that encourages clear cutting?
How about refusing to acknowledge our hand in the causing of global warming and refusing to do anything meaningful to reduce our dependence on foreign oil?
How about the President’s usurpation of power that Congress is supposed to wield, making himself a de facto king?
How about warrantless eavesdropping on American citizens?
How about abrogating treaty obligations?
How about saber rattling against countries that don’t have nukes and wagging our fingers at countries that got them, again, on Bush’s watch?
Am I getting close yet?
I’m just getting warmed up.
Hi Cliff:
Welcome to HA. Fuck you!
The 9/11 attack occured on Bush’s watch. So he is responsible. It is intellectually dishonest to take credit for “no repeat terrorist attacks in 5 years sure does suck” without accepting the responsibility for the attack that started it all.
No one told Bush that Webb would be an asshole. Your sarcasm is based on some element that you derived from thin air. It looks more like a foolish rant anyway.
Now to your military comment:
Look asshole, I served this country for over 20 years as an officer in the United States Army. I spent the last 18 years in Special Operations. I know what I swore to and I know that once I hung up the uniform I was free to state my opinion, free to respect whom I choose and not bound by military code to honor rank.
Senator-Elect Webb is under no obligation to “respect” George Bush as his superior, or, Commander in Chief. They are both citizens with EQUAL rights, from opposite sides of the political isle. Where you get the idea that respect is owed and not earned, is a testament to your lack of values.
Bush chose to ignore his handlers advice and he paid for it in an embarrassing exchange. It is not the first time this asshole has fucked up in a personal setting. He once “massaged” the shoulders of a female head of state. He continually trips over himself verbally.
I know you are bitter over the ass kicking your party took. I know you feel like a loser. You only have one man to blame and yet you keep defending him. Your party is morally bankrupt and your base has vanished.
Funny how that works.
One more thing. It is called spell check. Use it. Asshole!
We lost all possibility of Iraq as a potential ally 3 years ago when we completely screwed the pooch by failing to give Sunni tribal leaders our assurances that we did not want to occupy Iraq.
As for chaos mounting, what, on earth, do you call what’s happening now?!
No one told Bush that Webb would be an asshole. Your sarcasm is based on some element that you derived from thin air.
Today we learn that Bush was warned to be “extra sensitive” to Webb about his son.
The implication is clear.
Senator-Elect Webb is under no obligation to “respect” George Bush as his superior, or, Commander in Chief.
Gee, where did I say he was? Have trouble with reading comprehention?
My comment was in reply to someone saying “Soldiers” didn’t have to respect Bush. Which is flat out wrong.
And if you don’t know that, I call bullshit on you. Nobody could serve 20 years in the military and not know that. So you either either are lying your ass off about your military service, or you already know that and didn’t want to admit it because you wanted to ‘win’ an arguement.
Even at that, you are still wrong. Webb might be under no rule that makes him respect the office of the Presidency, but common decency and professionalism seem like obligations that should be respected. Webb has neither. That’s why Reagan fired his ass after 6 months.
Bush chose to ignore his handlers advice and he paid for it in an embarrassing exchange.
Embarrassing? For whom? For Webb, certainly. For Bush? Only if you are a leftist nutjob like yourself.
What’s the difference between Jane Fonda and George Bush?
Jane had the stones to go to Nam!
Gee, silly me, I thought that it was that Jane SHOT AT AMERICAN TROOPS while Bush served honorably in the national guard.
Even if Bush were a draft dodger like Clinton, it’s a lot better then being a traitor who would shoot at American troops.
Oh grow up. There was nothing in this to warrant Webb’s response. He was being a putz.
Asking how his son is doing *is* being sensitive.
Cliff (Sparky):
You said: “If you knew the first goddamn thing about the military, you would know that respecing your superiors is the NUMBER ONE THING THEY TEACH YOU. It is the first thing you learn when you get there, and they ‘remind’ you every single time you step out of line. This ‘reminder’ usually involves a blow to the head, staying up all night cleaning a toilet with a toothbrush, or even spending a while in ‘the brig’”.
I said: “Look asshole, I served this country for over 20 years as an officer in the United States Army. I spent the last 18 years in Special Operations. I know what I swore to and I know that once I hung up the uniform I was free to state my opinion, free to respect whom I choose and not bound by military code to honor rank.
Senator-Elect Webb is under no obligation to “respect” George Bush as his superior, or, Commander in Chief. They are both citizens with EQUAL rights, from opposite sides of the political isle. Where you get the idea that respect is owed and not earned, is a testament to your lack of values”.
Read it carefully, sir. I know what military code is. I also know that Webb’s comment was perfectly appropriate. His contact with his son is personal and he was under no obligation to share it with the president or anyone else. If Bush wanted to know he could very easily find out. He is after the Commander in Chief.
He was told that Webb was sensitive about his son. He was not told that Webb would undress him if he broached the subject. He was told in the context of showing sensitivity. He ignored his handlers and got the cold shoulder he deserved. All reports indicate that Webb tried to avoid him the entire evening. Now, asshole, who was wrong?
As for Webb being a rebel, there is a history of rebels in the military. They don’t win brownie points, they win wars.
Short course on rebels in the military: George Custer, Andrew Jackson, George Patton, Douglas MacArthur and William Tecumseh Sherman to name just a few. These men did not suffer fools nor idiots, and more to the point, did what was necessary, regardless of the consequence. All went their own way. Several took their punishment, secure in the knowledge that they served their country with honor. They are revered in the history of the military.
Bush falsely believes he is of the same cloth. The fact is he is wearing the emperors new clothes.
LSU @ 102:
“How’s your boy?” Bush asked, referring to Webb’s son, a Marine serving in Iraq.
“I’d like to get them out of Iraq, Mr. President,” Webb responded, echoing a campaign theme.
“That’s not what I asked you,” Bush said. “How’s your boy?”
“That’s between me and my boy, Mr. President,” Webb said coldly…
Lets see, he told the president it was personal. He called him Mr. President. Where is the rudeness? Where is he disrespectful? Webb, as I said before and according to all the published reports, tried to avoid Bush. Bush sought him out. Explain that?
(sound of crickets)
Again, Bush was told he was sensitive. He chose to push the button. It is my understanding that Bush is very sensitive to any appearance that his father is helping him. David Gregory of NBC is constantly chastised and denegrated by Bush when Mr. Gregory asks a tough question. Where is your outrage?
Bush was wrong. He was told it was a sensitive area and for his own entertainment he went right for the hot button.
94 Cliff says:
The record is clear and convincing. He is the worst President in the history of the United States of America.
Yah, record low unemployment, a skyrocketing stock market, low inflation, and no repeat terrorist attacks in 5 years sure does suck!
Huh Cliff????
Yah, record low unemployment:
unless you count the under employed, or people that have given up looking for work Bush needed to create 200,000 jobs a month to keep up with population growth alone. Dismal failure. Reality
a skyrocketing stock market:
you mean the nasdaq? Even the Dow underperformed every Democratic president in the last 50 years. Sorry wrong again.
low inflation:
and record public debt. Zero savings rate. The Bush Crime Family has borrowed 5 TRILLION dollars to pump into our economy to keep it from collapsing from his administrations insane policies. We are still paying $180,000,000,000 a year in interest on the money Reagan borrowed to keep his economy from looking like the disaster it was. Bush has borrowed 3 times as much as Reagan. Who is gonna pay it back? Wal Mart, and McDonalds employees?
and no repeat terrorist attacks in 5 years:
Tell that to the people of Madrid, London, Bali, and elsewhere. There are far more fundie terrorists now than when the chimperator took office, and terror attacks worldwide have increased alarmingly. If they decided not to attack us after 9-11 I doubt it is because of anything Bush has done. Of course maybe pulling our troops out of Saudi Arabia like Bin Laden wanted did buy us some time…. we may never know. BTW after the 1st WTC bombing there were also no more attacks here. Does that mean Clinton did a great job protecting America?
sure does suck!
You still feel Bush has done a good job as president?
I feel sorry for you.
I bet you would have defended Hitler, Stalin, or Atilla too!
Bush is by far the worst president in the last 100 years. And we know this without one single subpoena powered investigation. Wait till we start turning over rocks, and watching Reubublican slimy things crawling out into the spotlight of public opinion.
Bush and his criminal friends thought they could hold onto power forever, and never be investigated. Just another thing they were wrong about! Add it to the list.
Even the Jesus Freaks, and government haters won´t vote for criminals. I think the days of the Republican Party are over……
Good Riddance. They were pure sleaze anyway. And this comes from a former Republican. If Goldwater were alive today, he would be calling for Bush´s impeachment louder than anyone conservatives!!!!
101 Cliff says:
What’s the difference between Jane Fonda and George Bush?
Jane had the stones to go to Nam!
Gee, silly me, I thought that it was that Jane SHOT AT AMERICAN TROOPS while Bush served honorably in the national guard.
Even if Bush were a draft dodger like Clinton, it’s a lot better then being a traitor who would shoot at American troops.
Jane Fonda did not shoot at American troops. Who told you she did, Rush fat pig lying sack of shit Limbaugh?
Clinton signed up for the draft, and went to college like every kid that could. How is that draft dodging? I heard the interview with the Lt. Governor of Texas that moved Bush Jr. ahead of all those kids to get his spot in the Texas Air National Guard. As far as him serving honorably, we don´t know that, because Bush´s handlers had all his military records in triplicate shredded. If the chimperator served honorably, he would have brandished his record, because it would have been the only successful thing he had done in his whole life. Remember Bush was born with a silver spoon up his nose. Clinton was from a broken home, worked his way through college, and went on to be a good president by most accounts.
Tell you what Cliff. Since your reality is so warped, turn your radio off Rush, and Hannity, these lying sacks of human feces, and turn on Air America, and find out what the Republican Crime Machine has actually been doing to hurt our county.
What, you can´t handle the truth?
I happened to be watching Fox the other day, and saw Hannity claim we did find WMD´s in Iraq.
I just don´t see how people can stand watching people lie to them on the TV and not get mad……
Good arguments…but nobody has bundged an inch on their positions.
We do realize that posters here are never convinced they’re wrong…they are just convinced to post additional arguments proving they’re right. No wonder the posts number 100 or more on a regular basis.
Roger: This post will probably be unread, as this thread is about dead. But RR, I will quibble a little bit regarding your criticism of Bush for using the term “boy” to describe a soldier in Iraq.
Using “boy” instead of “son” is a common use of language in the South. It doesn’t carry with it an implication of disrespect when used in that manner. I’ve heard 70 year olds refer to their sons in their fifties as “my boy”, as in “My boy got promoted last week. He’s heading the whole factory down in Decater”.
But that doesn’t mean that Bush should have gotten pissed when Webb deflected his question. And Webb was entirely justified in his response.
Personally, though, if Webb had had time to think of a better response, perhaps he should have said: “My boy almost got killed serving his country in Iraq yesterday, due to your FUBAR policies there. How are your two girls doing in their little swing through Argentina?”
TT at 107:
Discourse is a good thing. Every once in a while someone hits an argument that rings true to someone. It is then that a new Democrat is created and comes to light.
RHP6003 @ 108
Good point.
It’ll get worse if we leave immediately. That’s the point I was trying to make.
Perhaps…..haven’t seen that anywhere recently though.
Interesting vebiage used here. Lots of hate. Hardly anything positive. Bunch of name calling, like in high school.
Roger Rabbit, did you serve in the military? I ask, since you seem to be a little bit critical of the President’s service.
And Left Foot, Custer served with honor? I must have read different books than you.
Interesting verbiage used here. Lots of hate. Hardly anything positive. Bunch of name calling, like in high school.
Roger Rabbit, did you serve in the military? I ask, since you seem to be a little bit critical of the President’s service.
And Left Foot, Custer served with honor? I must have read different books than you.
Rober Rabbit served in Army infantry in Vietnam and saw his fair share of firefights.
I served, too, and was engaged in a couple of firefights as well.
So, guess what, we’ve earned the right to be hyper critcal of the C-in-C.
Morecourteous @ 113
Here is a quick snipet about General Custer.
In 1861, Custer had graduated from West Point just in time to participate in the First Battle of Manassas. He later served on the staffs of Generals McClellan and Pleasanton. He had a distinguished military career in the Civil War. On 26 June 1863, he was appointed the “Brevet” rank of Brigadier General of Volunteers and placed in command of the 2nd Brigade, 3rd Cavalry Division at Gettysburg and Yellow Tavern. He commanded the 3rd Cavalry Division in the Shenandoah Valley campaign, Fisher’s Hill and Five Forks. In April 1865, he was promoted to Major General of Volunteers.
I stand by my statement. He was a maverick and he served with honor.
Dude! My Left Foot, you are totally way off topic and off base!
Not only was Custer a terrible tactician, he was also a vicious, cruel colonizer. He ordered his men to slaughter hundreds of women, children, elderly and disabled people, in order to provoke a response from the warriors that he thought had gone into hiding.
The guy was scum, and he died like the dog that he was. Anyone who holds Custer up to be some kind of hero is either not reading all the available history due to some kind of military propaganda training, or they are a cold-blooded colonialist at heart.
The major problem with this war, and the reason why Jim Webb’s son is in such constant, mortal danger, is that indigenous people HATE TO HAVE THEIR COUNTRIES OCCUPIED!
These people will do whatever it takes to get us out, and that includes planting the bomb that nearly killed Jim Webb’s son. I wish you would pull your head out of your butt and realize that colonialism is not only morally objectionable, it’s dangerous as hell. When you try to control people in order to make money and control their resources, they will fucking shoot to kill. They will attempt to cause you as much pain as humanly possible.
We did the same shit during the American Revolution, when a colonizing force wanted to restrict our freedoms, and it’s the good and just thing to do in the face of occupation. I have no contempt for the Iraqi people for doing what they have to do to save their country from us, the occupying force. But I also respect Jim Webb, for respecting his son’s service and not saying what all of us in that situation would have wanted to say:
“FUCK YOU, Mr. President! You are a fucking murderer and you deserve to be fucking impeached and put in a fucking Tennessee prison and get butt-fucked by the fucking Aryan Brotherhood for the next twenty years, you fucking amoral piece of shit!”