Yes. But this time she’ll have experience as a know-nothing candidate.
I hate to say it, but this airhead may pull it off and win from the way things are going.
I heard her talking gibberish about the Sonics on KJR this afternoon and I couldn’t believe how the talking head host was just eating it up even though she spewed nothing but very broad generalized sound bites.
I really hope I am wrong but I think she may pull this off…
Heaven help us..really..
Mr. Cynicalspews:
2. JerryM spews:
I hate to say it, but this airhead may pull it off and win from the way things are going.
You must mean by that, the way Obama has blown all of his political capital and then some.
The Progressives got in power and threw up all over themselves revealing a no-nothing, FUBAR plan to turn America into a Marxist state.
America is rebelling obviously.
Only the hardcore “freeloaders” are supporting Obama.
Did you hear the Obama supporters phone calls about wantin’ to git some of that Obama Money.
Barrack promised his folks “free money”!
I’ll see if I can find a link.
It’s hysterical…and empbarrassing that OBAMA is yet another PIMP OF POVERTY like Rev. Jess and Al.
Puddy, it just dawned on me Reid is putting forth the Public Option without the votes to satisfy the LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS.
When it fails, Reid can try & convince Goldy how hard he tried.
think Susan Hutchinson is a great choice as a senator because she has really, really iggorant.
And some call this “patriotism?” As a service to the Trolls I posted at SJ a wonderful attack on the antiBeckistas. The attack, broadcast by Bart is great satire. Enjoy.
Hmm Beck for President wi Suzie as Vice Palin?
I think most people could see that coming the minute she announced for King Co. Exec..which she’s using as a stepping stone.
The time to stop her is now. Unfortunately, if you believe the polls, that’s probably not going to happen.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hell, she might even do better than cigaret smoke (38%)! It’s been a while since a GOP Party candidate beat cigaret smoke.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 “Only the hardcore ‘freeloaders’ are supporting Obama.”
You had me fooled, Klown! Didn’t know you had it in you …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@ad nauseum — listening to these Bushit trolls rant about “freeloading” makes you want to puke after living through 8 years of Republican titsucking, doesn’t it?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4, @5 — Hey you two, wanna get serious about cracking down on freeloaders? I’ve got a plan for you.
Independent studies of Washington’s tax structure have shown that poor people pay 17% of their income to state and local taxes while the top 20% of households pay only 3%. Obviously someone’s not paying their fair share and is getting a free ride for public services and we both know who it is, don’t we?
OK, so here’s the deal. We’ll make our tax system more fair by swapping out the B & O tax, which discriminates against small businesses, and the state sales tax, which discriminates against low-income households, for a flat-rate, revenue-neutral, state income tax. How about it, are you boys on board for tax reform?
If not, shut the fuck up about “freeloading,” because you have absolutely nothing legitimate to say on that subject.
She may be an excellent candidate for Senator after her successful run as the King County Executive.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I say let Suzie Cute run for U.S. Senator. Preferably against Murray, but Cantwell will do, or if there’s ever an open seat in our lifetimes then maybe against Gregoire. Any one of these three ladies would kick Suzie’s ass to the curb. So, I repeat, let Suzie Q. run all she wants … running ain’t the same thing as winning, and frankly, a picture postcard is as close as Suzie Airhead will ever get to the U.S. Senate — unless she moves to Mississippi or some other state where they appreciate Bible-thumpin’ creationists.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Suzie would never be an “excellent” candidate for anything except maybe a wax museum. She might be a viable Republican candidate for Senator in the sense that she likely would beat Roadkill McGavick’s numbers because she’s better looking — that is, she might make it all the way to 40%, which would be a major breakthrough for WSRP.
@12: And what drugs are you on John?
@3: From our resident fool and ignoramus, Klynical says:
no-nothing, FUBAR plan to turn America into a Marxist state.
Here is a hint idiot – it is KNOW-nothing and you really do KNOW nothing. You would not know a Marxist if one was living in your house (assuming an idiot like you even has a house in California).
Obama is a Harvard law school graduate (graduated magna cum laude) and was selected as the first black President of the Law Review.
Hutchinson? Hahahaha, BA in Journalism from University of florida in 1976.
Fired from her job at KIRO for lying to her boss about her vacation (claimed she was sick).
Refuses to say what her real positions are…and lies when asked about supporting republican party candidates.
No comparison….you lose again, idiot. Go back to the third grade and learn the meaning of the the word KNOW.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Sure as shit, for your sake, I hope you didn’t buy GOLD, klown! The dollar is up again today.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
@ad nauseum — listening to these Bushit trolls rant about “freeloading” makes you want to puke after living through 8 years of Republican titsucking, doesn’t it?
Hey Roger, seems to Puddy you were bragging about your titsucking as you improved your stock market positions since you arrived on HA Libtardos. Glad you found a big tit to latch on.
HA newbies. Standard Roger Rabbit deflection. Make something out as really bad while not admitting to the action themselves. Pay attention… he does it all the time and the HA moronic class eat it up!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Independent studies of Washington’s tax structure have shown that poor people pay 17% of their income to state and local taxes while the top 20% of households pay only 3%.
What kind of comparison is that Roger Rabbit? Why not look at federal income taxes which is where the fed gets it’s milk for your titsucking?
You are right
you have absolutely nothing legitimate to say on that subject.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Fired from her job at KIRO for lying to her boss about her vacation (claimed she was sick).
Hey that’s progressive. Why are you complaining correctnotright? Lefties lie like that all the time to go to baseball games during the day.
@18 Wrongola, Pudwax. Nowadays they just print more greenbacks. Especially when it’s time to feed the Wall Street piggies or go blow up another country.
Strangely, she’s probably more qualified for the U.S. Senate than she is as King County Executive. And as a minority Republican, she could probably do less damage there than she could running King County (except for that troublesome 60-vote cloiture rule).
The problem with her as King County Executive is the same problem you saw with Bush as President. Sure, it’s easy to see the consequences of some decisions and critique them right away. But many other decisions (or perhaps as important, non-decisions) don’t show their consequences until several years later.
In the example of George W. Bush, his deconstruction of FEMA (to become only a small contract-issuing headquarters under Homeland Security’s budget) wasn’t felt until Katrina. His laissez-faire policies with respect to the financial and investment industry prevented the government from recognizing and taking action against the reckless investment and loan vehicles promoted by Wall Street and the banking industry until after it had resulted in the collapse of both systems, requiring the infusion of trillions of dollars of taxpayer money to avoid having the entire western economic system being plunged into another great depression.
With respect to Hutchinson, her religions beliefs are probably irrelevant to the administration of King County, but her economic instincts are not. We already know that light rail would probably hit a roadblock with her at the helm. But the real impact of her Republican pre-disposition to starve and out-source public services, without being fully aware of the consequences or level of detail required to fully administer government programs, may not be fully felt until years later.
In the current high-level talks between Boeing and the IAM, what position would Hutchinson take – encouraging Boeing to stay in Western Washington because our work force is the most experienced aircraft producers in the nation, or siding with Boeing management in blaming the Union for any decision it makes to go elsewhere?
Ten years from now, would we look upon this election as the turning point where King County went from one of the most prosperious counties in the nation to one where Seattle crumbles due to neglect and the rich minority build fortress mountains on the eastside?
Puddy @ 19: “Lefties lie like that all the time to go to baseball games during the day.”
1. Sometimes people lie to go to baseball games regardless of political affiliation. But you knew that, but chose to say otherwise because, well, you prefer to lie when it suits your purposes.
Others don’t have to lie, because they took vacation or personal days, work third shift, or are self-employed and can set their own schedule, or they are business executives or salesmen who justify the outing as a business function one way or another.
2. Most of the people who call in sick, when they are not, are not hurting anyone else. If they have sick leave available, then they are using up that leave and taking a risk – if they get sick later they will have to use vacation time or unpaid leave. In the meantime, their workload will either wait for their return, or will be handled by their co-workers (and they will do the same for their co-workers when the co-workers call in sick).
Employers sometimes call it “theft”, arguing that the employee is stealing from them by taking time off without being sick. But, of course, that works against Puddy’s minimalization of Hutchinson’s act – if she indeed stole from her employer, then how could we trust her with government funds?
What is different about Hutchinson’s situation is that she specifically asked for time off over a holiday period and was refused due to scheduling issues. By calling in sick, she was being insubordinate (in effect, telling her boss that her will trumped any of his scheduling problems). More importantly in my mind, her desire to go river rafting over a holiday weekend forced some other staffer to cancel their holiday plans at the last minute in order to cover for her – after all, the news can’t wait until she gets back. That shows an incredible amount of selfishness and disregard for the impact upon her junior co-workers. It doesn’t bode well for placing her in a management position over thousands of King County employees.
Gee, what if the day she takes office, every King County worker called in sick? No employees at the Sheriff’s office, no jail workers, no road crews, etc., etc., etc. It might give her a new perspective.
Chris Stefanspews:
Boy, you wingnuts sure are funny. Susan Hutchison running for Senate? You have got to be kidding me! She’d end up roadkill just like Nethercutt or McGavick.
The only viable candidate the Republicans have for a top state office is McKenna. He has a reasonable shot of winning if he runs for Governor, however I doubt he’d take on the losers bet of running against either Murray or Cantwell.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
11. Roger Rabbit spews:
Independent studies of Washington’s tax structure have shown that poor people pay 17% of their income to state and local taxes while the top 20% of households pay only 3%. Obviously someone’s not paying their fair share and is getting a free ride for public services and we both know who it is, don’t we?
Explain this Rog…how is it freeloading for a small minority to pay the majority of taxes?
How is it NOT freeloading for such a huge % of citizens to take advantage of Public Services and pay nothing??
Your tired old % of Income analysis of what is fair is laughable.
Only in Obamunism could someone who pays ZERO, feel good that they are paying their “fair share”!
Daddy Lovespews:
15 cnr
The real difference is that president Obama got elected, while Suzie is going to be kicked to the kerb.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
16. Roger Rabbit spews:
Sure as shit, for your sake, I hope you didn’t buy GOLD, klown! The dollar is up again today.
I have set up an account at Ameritrade for $25,000. Will take a few days to get the funds and paperwork in order so I can start trading.
Besides, I told you I was looking at Barrack Gold (ABX) IF gold dips below $1020. It’s still at $1038.
Actually ABX is UP Rog…wish I had bought.
You are mighty ignorant about precious metal opportunities Rog.
Wake up.
I guess it’s easier for you to attempt to be critical of those who are successful and willing to take risks.
You sit and wait for a call that your Government Pension check has been deposited and then pretend to be an investor.
Turn up your OXYGEN TANK Rog!
Hackin’ up loogies all day as a result of smoking cannot be much fun nor can draggin’ that tank around with you.
I guess that explains why you are Mr. Negative all the time, huh?
A few years back we switched from having sick and vacation leave to just having leave. The rate of people calling in sick stayed the same and people like me that never used their sick leave got a few extra days of vacation a year.
“Only the hardcore freeloaders are supporting Obama.”
I didnt know president Obama had such huge support in red southern states.
by Goldy, 10/26/2009, 10:00 PM
Susan Hutchison will run for the U.S. Senate. (As a Republican, silly.)
Ya THINK?????
@28 Or are we talking about Wall St. gangsters…er, I mean bankers?
@27 Many companies (especially smaller ones) now give each employee some number of days off per year, to be used for sick leave, vacation or whatever as they see fit. This can cause more people to drag themselves to work when the’re sick as death because they want to save more days for fun in the sun later. This doesn’t do much for productivity, and also helps things like this lovely flu spread even wider and faster than might otherwise be the case.
This is the AMAZINGLY stupifying Cal Thomas from his Washington Times column:
If conservatives and Republicans support an exodus from public schools as a strategic goal, they will strike at the heart of liberalism while simultaneously liberating minorities trapped in failed government schools. To free them and teach them about America and its promise of hope would produce everything they are seeking but can’t find in politics. It also would pay political dividends as children and their parents saw which party and persuasion cared about them enough to bring real change to their lives.
THIS is how Klownsevatards really think. Puddy, Cyniklown and the rest. Nobody beet them counts, no one but them desreves an edducation…NO VIEW but theirs deserves discussion.
“Scorch the Earth, Baby”…and like cockroach, they may be the only critters left.
Chris Stefanspews:
I knew Thomas was nutty, but not that nutty.
One problem with going to an all voucher system is at least in the short term the demand for private school space will far exceed supply driving up the cost. Another issue is public schools have to take all students where private schools are allowed to be much more picky about who they admit.
The other thing is once the public schools are all but shut down the next step is cutting the voucher amounts until it is $0 so lower income parents can’t afford to send their kids to school. I guess the next stage after that is to repeal the child labor laws to give the kids something to do during the day.
Mr. Concervycalspews:
The Republican ‘freeloader’ meme is to convince blue collar, low-information voters that their economic woes are caused by freeloading welfare recipients who jack up everyone’s taxes.
It’s a false claim, and they know it. They just enjoy waving it in your face because they know it makes rational, informed people mad.
But, as even Newt Gingrich knows, you can’t govern when you only have 20% of the electorate snowed. You need 50% and another 1% on the recount.
@26 “You sit and wait for a call that your Government Pension check has been deposited and then pretend to be an investor.”
You have nothing on the ball so you’re reduced to making up shit about Roger Rabbit. Well, Klynical, Goldy has my trade confirmations. He never received yours. Bye the bye, that one position I sent Goldy the trade confirmation for is now up nearly 400%. Heh- one of my underachievers. Too bad you didn’t have the courage to get in the market when it was down, Klynical. Sucks to be you, huh?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 “Why not look at federal income taxes which is where the fed gets it’s milk for your titsucking?”
Why not talk about the fact poor people pay 5 1/2 times as much of their income to state and local taxes as affluent households do?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Puddy, are you afraid to defend our regressive state tax structure?
Yes. But this time she’ll have experience as a know-nothing candidate.
I hate to say it, but this airhead may pull it off and win from the way things are going.
I heard her talking gibberish about the Sonics on KJR this afternoon and I couldn’t believe how the talking head host was just eating it up even though she spewed nothing but very broad generalized sound bites.
I really hope I am wrong but I think she may pull this off…
Heaven help us..really..
2. JerryM spews:
You must mean by that, the way Obama has blown all of his political capital and then some.
The Progressives got in power and threw up all over themselves revealing a no-nothing, FUBAR plan to turn America into a Marxist state.
America is rebelling obviously.
Only the hardcore “freeloaders” are supporting Obama.
Did you hear the Obama supporters phone calls about wantin’ to git some of that Obama Money.
Barrack promised his folks “free money”!
I’ll see if I can find a link.
It’s hysterical…and empbarrassing that OBAMA is yet another PIMP OF POVERTY like Rev. Jess and Al.
Obama gonna pay my mortgage
Sad & funny at the same time. Freeloader mentality…something ylb has not only promoted, but has lived that lifestyle for years!
I’ll bet Susan would vote no on the smoke-and-mirrors Public Option. So might several Democrats..
Puddy, it just dawned on me Reid is putting forth the Public Option without the votes to satisfy the LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS.
When it fails, Reid can try & convince Goldy how hard he tried.
Cynical and Puddy
think Susan Hutchinson is a great choice as a senator because she has really, really iggorant.
And some call this “patriotism?” As a service to the Trolls I posted at SJ a wonderful attack on the antiBeckistas. The attack, broadcast by Bart is great satire. Enjoy.
Hmm Beck for President wi Suzie as Vice Palin?
I think most people could see that coming the minute she announced for King Co. Exec..which she’s using as a stepping stone.
The time to stop her is now. Unfortunately, if you believe the polls, that’s probably not going to happen.
Hell, she might even do better than cigaret smoke (38%)! It’s been a while since a GOP Party candidate beat cigaret smoke.
@3 “Only the hardcore ‘freeloaders’ are supporting Obama.”
You had me fooled, Klown! Didn’t know you had it in you …
@ad nauseum — listening to these Bushit trolls rant about “freeloading” makes you want to puke after living through 8 years of Republican titsucking, doesn’t it?
@4, @5 — Hey you two, wanna get serious about cracking down on freeloaders? I’ve got a plan for you.
Independent studies of Washington’s tax structure have shown that poor people pay 17% of their income to state and local taxes while the top 20% of households pay only 3%. Obviously someone’s not paying their fair share and is getting a free ride for public services and we both know who it is, don’t we?
OK, so here’s the deal. We’ll make our tax system more fair by swapping out the B & O tax, which discriminates against small businesses, and the state sales tax, which discriminates against low-income households, for a flat-rate, revenue-neutral, state income tax. How about it, are you boys on board for tax reform?
If not, shut the fuck up about “freeloading,” because you have absolutely nothing legitimate to say on that subject.
She may be an excellent candidate for Senator after her successful run as the King County Executive.
I say let Suzie Cute run for U.S. Senator. Preferably against Murray, but Cantwell will do, or if there’s ever an open seat in our lifetimes then maybe against Gregoire. Any one of these three ladies would kick Suzie’s ass to the curb. So, I repeat, let Suzie Q. run all she wants … running ain’t the same thing as winning, and frankly, a picture postcard is as close as Suzie Airhead will ever get to the U.S. Senate — unless she moves to Mississippi or some other state where they appreciate Bible-thumpin’ creationists.
@12 Suzie would never be an “excellent” candidate for anything except maybe a wax museum. She might be a viable Republican candidate for Senator in the sense that she likely would beat Roadkill McGavick’s numbers because she’s better looking — that is, she might make it all the way to 40%, which would be a major breakthrough for WSRP.
@12: And what drugs are you on John?
@3: From our resident fool and ignoramus, Klynical says:
Here is a hint idiot – it is KNOW-nothing and you really do KNOW nothing. You would not know a Marxist if one was living in your house (assuming an idiot like you even has a house in California).
Obama is a Harvard law school graduate (graduated magna cum laude) and was selected as the first black President of the Law Review.
Hutchinson? Hahahaha, BA in Journalism from University of florida in 1976.
Fired from her job at KIRO for lying to her boss about her vacation (claimed she was sick).
Refuses to say what her real positions are…and lies when asked about supporting republican party candidates.
No comparison….you lose again, idiot. Go back to the third grade and learn the meaning of the the word KNOW.
Sure as shit, for your sake, I hope you didn’t buy GOLD, klown! The dollar is up again today.
Hey Roger, seems to Puddy you were bragging about your titsucking as you improved your stock market positions since you arrived on HA Libtardos. Glad you found a big tit to latch on.
HA newbies. Standard Roger Rabbit deflection. Make something out as really bad while not admitting to the action themselves. Pay attention… he does it all the time and the HA moronic class eat it up!
What kind of comparison is that Roger Rabbit? Why not look at federal income taxes which is where the fed gets it’s milk for your titsucking?
You are right
Hey that’s progressive. Why are you complaining correctnotright? Lefties lie like that all the time to go to baseball games during the day.
@18 Wrongola, Pudwax. Nowadays they just print more greenbacks. Especially when it’s time to feed the Wall Street piggies or go blow up another country.
Strangely, she’s probably more qualified for the U.S. Senate than she is as King County Executive. And as a minority Republican, she could probably do less damage there than she could running King County (except for that troublesome 60-vote cloiture rule).
The problem with her as King County Executive is the same problem you saw with Bush as President. Sure, it’s easy to see the consequences of some decisions and critique them right away. But many other decisions (or perhaps as important, non-decisions) don’t show their consequences until several years later.
In the example of George W. Bush, his deconstruction of FEMA (to become only a small contract-issuing headquarters under Homeland Security’s budget) wasn’t felt until Katrina. His laissez-faire policies with respect to the financial and investment industry prevented the government from recognizing and taking action against the reckless investment and loan vehicles promoted by Wall Street and the banking industry until after it had resulted in the collapse of both systems, requiring the infusion of trillions of dollars of taxpayer money to avoid having the entire western economic system being plunged into another great depression.
With respect to Hutchinson, her religions beliefs are probably irrelevant to the administration of King County, but her economic instincts are not. We already know that light rail would probably hit a roadblock with her at the helm. But the real impact of her Republican pre-disposition to starve and out-source public services, without being fully aware of the consequences or level of detail required to fully administer government programs, may not be fully felt until years later.
In the current high-level talks between Boeing and the IAM, what position would Hutchinson take – encouraging Boeing to stay in Western Washington because our work force is the most experienced aircraft producers in the nation, or siding with Boeing management in blaming the Union for any decision it makes to go elsewhere?
Ten years from now, would we look upon this election as the turning point where King County went from one of the most prosperious counties in the nation to one where Seattle crumbles due to neglect and the rich minority build fortress mountains on the eastside?
Puddy @ 19: “Lefties lie like that all the time to go to baseball games during the day.”
1. Sometimes people lie to go to baseball games regardless of political affiliation. But you knew that, but chose to say otherwise because, well, you prefer to lie when it suits your purposes.
Others don’t have to lie, because they took vacation or personal days, work third shift, or are self-employed and can set their own schedule, or they are business executives or salesmen who justify the outing as a business function one way or another.
2. Most of the people who call in sick, when they are not, are not hurting anyone else. If they have sick leave available, then they are using up that leave and taking a risk – if they get sick later they will have to use vacation time or unpaid leave. In the meantime, their workload will either wait for their return, or will be handled by their co-workers (and they will do the same for their co-workers when the co-workers call in sick).
Employers sometimes call it “theft”, arguing that the employee is stealing from them by taking time off without being sick. But, of course, that works against Puddy’s minimalization of Hutchinson’s act – if she indeed stole from her employer, then how could we trust her with government funds?
What is different about Hutchinson’s situation is that she specifically asked for time off over a holiday period and was refused due to scheduling issues. By calling in sick, she was being insubordinate (in effect, telling her boss that her will trumped any of his scheduling problems). More importantly in my mind, her desire to go river rafting over a holiday weekend forced some other staffer to cancel their holiday plans at the last minute in order to cover for her – after all, the news can’t wait until she gets back. That shows an incredible amount of selfishness and disregard for the impact upon her junior co-workers. It doesn’t bode well for placing her in a management position over thousands of King County employees.
Gee, what if the day she takes office, every King County worker called in sick? No employees at the Sheriff’s office, no jail workers, no road crews, etc., etc., etc. It might give her a new perspective.
Boy, you wingnuts sure are funny. Susan Hutchison running for Senate? You have got to be kidding me! She’d end up roadkill just like Nethercutt or McGavick.
The only viable candidate the Republicans have for a top state office is McKenna. He has a reasonable shot of winning if he runs for Governor, however I doubt he’d take on the losers bet of running against either Murray or Cantwell.
11. Roger Rabbit spews:
Explain this Rog…how is it freeloading for a small minority to pay the majority of taxes?
How is it NOT freeloading for such a huge % of citizens to take advantage of Public Services and pay nothing??
Your tired old % of Income analysis of what is fair is laughable.
Only in Obamunism could someone who pays ZERO, feel good that they are paying their “fair share”!
15 cnr
The real difference is that president Obama got elected, while Suzie is going to be kicked to the kerb.
16. Roger Rabbit spews:
I have set up an account at Ameritrade for $25,000. Will take a few days to get the funds and paperwork in order so I can start trading.
Besides, I told you I was looking at Barrack Gold (ABX) IF gold dips below $1020. It’s still at $1038.
Actually ABX is UP Rog…wish I had bought.
You are mighty ignorant about precious metal opportunities Rog.
Wake up.
I guess it’s easier for you to attempt to be critical of those who are successful and willing to take risks.
You sit and wait for a call that your Government Pension check has been deposited and then pretend to be an investor.
Turn up your OXYGEN TANK Rog!
Hackin’ up loogies all day as a result of smoking cannot be much fun nor can draggin’ that tank around with you.
I guess that explains why you are Mr. Negative all the time, huh?
A few years back we switched from having sick and vacation leave to just having leave. The rate of people calling in sick stayed the same and people like me that never used their sick leave got a few extra days of vacation a year.
“Only the hardcore freeloaders are supporting Obama.”
I didnt know president Obama had such huge support in red southern states.
And Alaska!
Ya THINK?????
@28 Or are we talking about Wall St. gangsters…er, I mean bankers?
@27 Many companies (especially smaller ones) now give each employee some number of days off per year, to be used for sick leave, vacation or whatever as they see fit. This can cause more people to drag themselves to work when the’re sick as death because they want to save more days for fun in the sun later. This doesn’t do much for productivity, and also helps things like this lovely flu spread even wider and faster than might otherwise be the case.
This is the AMAZINGLY stupifying Cal Thomas from his Washington Times column:
THIS is how Klownsevatards really think. Puddy, Cyniklown and the rest. Nobody beet them counts, no one but them desreves an edducation…NO VIEW but theirs deserves discussion.
“Scorch the Earth, Baby”…and like cockroach, they may be the only critters left.
I knew Thomas was nutty, but not that nutty.
One problem with going to an all voucher system is at least in the short term the demand for private school space will far exceed supply driving up the cost. Another issue is public schools have to take all students where private schools are allowed to be much more picky about who they admit.
The other thing is once the public schools are all but shut down the next step is cutting the voucher amounts until it is $0 so lower income parents can’t afford to send their kids to school. I guess the next stage after that is to repeal the child labor laws to give the kids something to do during the day.
The Republican ‘freeloader’ meme is to convince blue collar, low-information voters that their economic woes are caused by freeloading welfare recipients who jack up everyone’s taxes.
It’s a false claim, and they know it. They just enjoy waving it in your face because they know it makes rational, informed people mad.
But, as even Newt Gingrich knows, you can’t govern when you only have 20% of the electorate snowed. You need 50% and another 1% on the recount.
@26 “You sit and wait for a call that your Government Pension check has been deposited and then pretend to be an investor.”
You have nothing on the ball so you’re reduced to making up shit about Roger Rabbit. Well, Klynical, Goldy has my trade confirmations. He never received yours. Bye the bye, that one position I sent Goldy the trade confirmation for is now up nearly 400%. Heh- one of my underachievers. Too bad you didn’t have the courage to get in the market when it was down, Klynical. Sucks to be you, huh?
@18 “Why not look at federal income taxes which is where the fed gets it’s milk for your titsucking?”
Why not talk about the fact poor people pay 5 1/2 times as much of their income to state and local taxes as affluent households do?
Puddy, are you afraid to defend our regressive state tax structure?
Chickenshit …