I want to apologize for the truly excessive number of marijuana posts recently. This has been quite a week and month for drug law reform, and as I’ve found myself with lots more free time than I’m used to having, I’ve been ramping up my volunteer time with some local organizations. As I’ve previously mentioned, I’m leading the monthly Cannabis Defense Coalition public meetings (next one is Monday, May 2 at 7pm). I’ve also recently agreed to play a bigger role with Sensible Washington, helping them out with both media relations and tech stuff. Between that and the Gregoire veto threat, for the first time in about two months, I have no idea what the hell is happening in Libya right now (although I’m having lunch with my Libyan friend tomorrow).
I’m hoping things get back to normal here soon, but I also wanted to throw in my two cents on Carl’s post from yesterday. First and foremost, I’d like to see more writers here. I’ve privately recommended adding some new front-pagers. I’ve done that in part because I realize that I’m easily the biggest culprit in the lack of topic diversity. And as awesome as Darryl and Carl are, we’re all greatly limited in the amount of time we can devote to posting. The best way to overcome that is to have more people posting here. And I think we have a couple of people in our online community who would be amazing additions to the blog.
In the meantime, there are a number of stories that I’m hoping to catch up on this week. There’s the DOJ attack on online poker, the inexcusable treatment of Bradley Manning, the uprising in Syria, the tension between Israel and the new leadership in Egypt, and perhaps scariest of all, the fact that Donald Trump is both insane and leading the 2012 GOP field. What else has been happening while I’ve been knee-deep in pot news?
If a Republican was gonna win the White House in 2012, I’d take Donald Trump over most of the GOP field. Hey, I’m not saying he’d be a terrific president, but at least the guy owns enough property that he has a financial incentive to not start a nuclear war. Smoking craters are bad for business.
Don’t apologize Lee, it’s ok. When you get the munchies, you just have to go for it :-)
Seriously, when there is a lot of stuff happening you can’t ignore it just because then there will be too many posts. What you are doing is important, seriously.
Redeye News Wrapup
Okay, here are the latest scoops for all you insomniacs, night owls, and graveyard shift workers out there:
1. Olympia is headed for a special session.
2. In a throwback to medieval times, many American mothers kill their kids. (Even not counting the ones they abort!)
3. Kids who grow up in conservative communities are more likely to commit suicide.
The best way to overcome that is to have more people posting here.
Yes, I’ve been carried away with RL issues, but I want to get back on the case as soon as possible! Can’t resist the opportunity to point out the crazy…
You can tell Sensible Washington they need to get some paid signature gatherers for I-1149 or something..
Last year, down here in Lewis County, I never even got a whiff of 1068…and it’s not as if there aren’t folks here who want to sign it.
One of the things we hope to have up and running soon is an interactive map where people can find out where they can sign. We certainly lack adequate volunteer presence in the most rural parts of the state.
Thanks Howie, I appreciate that.
Dude, do you have a set of keys for this place now? If so, I’m thrilled.
If Marc Emery is a political prisoner, and Obama is the one who imprisoned him, and HA told us to vote for Obama, is HA to blame for Emery’s imprisonment?
Were it not for you, it would be very difficult to keep up with the status of this bill. Thank you for keeping us informed.
Ive said it before – our Governor should be properly called Christine Gorton Eikenberry Gregoire. Yes, she was the lesser of two evils but that isn’t much of a recommendation. As someone said last week, she will do whatever is best for her career. A berth in the bowels of the ineffective Obama Administration is where she belongs.
@8 Where do you get such vapidity? Do they sell it in a wingnut bookstore? Or do you just stick your fingers up your ass and pull it out? In which case, what are you eating? (Shit in, shit out.)
And in case anyone was wondering where our Boy Attorney General stands, here’s a clue:
Monday Morning News
Okay, kiddies, it’s the start of a new week and we have a few interesting things going on in the world.
1. A 16-year-old girl survived a suicide leap from the Golden Gate Bridge yesterday. She was conscious and responsive when rescuers fished her out of San Francisco Bay. Why on earth would a 16-year-old, with everything in front of her, want to end her life? I don’t know the details, but my guess is she needs a new (a) mom, (b) boyfriend, or (c) both.
2. A former aide to Sarah Palin (while she was Alaska’s hobby governor and McCain’s erstwhile running mate) is getting set to publish what he calls a “chilling expose.” No details were announced, but using a little imagination here, I wonder whether she tried to order SAC bombers based in Alaska to bomb Russia or something like that; but, not knowing which direction Russia is from Wasilla, they bombed Montreal instead. Has anyone here checked lately to see if Montreal is still there?
3. Finally, here are some thoughts on what could be at stake in the 2012 election. The death or survival of America’s safety net, for starters, but that’s only for starters.
@7: Dude, do you have a set of keys for this place now? If so, I’m thrilled.
I did a few months ago when Goldy left, but I haven’t followed up. I wanted to be in a position to contribute material first, and work just got in the way for a while…
But yes, we should correspond by email to brainstorm. I have a few ideas…
No worries.
A few years back, I decided that what the Republican’s really want is a neo-feudal state. They want to be the lords of the manor.
Obama will probably win in 2012 because the Republicans don’t have anyone of note to run against him.
It doesn’t much matter to me because I’ve given up on voting for Democrats or Republicans.
If anything we need MORE Seattle blogs covering the MMJ that don’t counter any statement resembling a pro-medical marijuana (forget legalization) stance with rambling apologia for the status quo (prohibition) and the government officials who are helping to keep it.
Roger Rabbit said at 12,
“…I wonder whether she tried to order SAC bombers based in Alaska to bomb Russia or something like that;…”
Last time I checked, the USAF doesn’t have any ACC bombers (B-52s, B1-s, B-2s) in Alaska. (It’s called “Air combat Command” now, Roger, and it includes bombers like the B-52 and fighters like the F-15. “SAC” is gone.) They have some KC-135 boys and girls at Eielson (Fairbanks), and Elmendorf (Anchorage) is pretty much a Air Mobility Command base (trash haulers) with C-5s and C-17s transiting, maybe some C-130s. Yeah, there’s some other stuff up in Alaska, but there aren’t any bombers. The bombers were placed in the “lower 48” to add protection from a supposed Soviet first strike. Same theory goes with a lot of the missile silos.
In any event, Sarah Palin wouldn’t have any command and control authority over ACC assets even if she wanted to. Roger, if you’re going to say something about the Air Force and aviation, take the time to learn what you’re talking about. You’re dead wrong here, and I don’t think you even know it.
Just like your C-130 statement so many years ago: How many C-130s does it take to fly 369,000 pounds of cash from the East Coast to Iraq?
Take time to learn about what you’re talking about, Roger.
Magoo Rabbit doesnt have any clue what the hell he is talking about.
just a few days ago, he was trying to convince everyone that florida was the #1 beef producer in the US
the guy is a fucking liar and a retard. What do you expect from a dis-barred lawyer?