It looks like the long expected backlash has finally struck KIRO radio in the wake my controversial firing:
At KIRO-AM and KIRO-FM, well, it was time to be philosophical about the quake that had just gone through the market. […] Ross and Monson and the rest of the gang had sunk from No. 3 in the winter 2009 book (which used the diary format) to No. 19 in the PPM rankings.
Yeah, I suppose KIRO’s plummetting News/Talk ratings might be due to Arbitron’s switch from diaries to PPM ratings, or due to the audience disruption created by dropping its familiar AM signal, or some combination of the two. But I prefer to think it’s all due to a delayed audience rebellion after my weekend show was dropped back in February of 2008.
Meanwhile, Fisher Communications’ STAR 101.5, which has its studio just down the hall from those of KOMO 1000, saw its ratings climb to number one exactly at the time I started showing up at the building, subbing on The Commentators. Coincidence? I think not.
If you want to lift the curse Rod, you know how to reach me. Personally, I’d prefer Dori’s slot, but I’m willing to negotiate.
I think KIRO’s basic problem is that they are boring and uninformative. They put me to sleep just tuning in for a few seconds.
You go, Goldy, and get yourself a deal. Just don’t let all the folks who post here get the call in number.
Good job Goldy! I’d love to get that creep Monson off the air. But it won’t happen til his butt-buddy Arquette is gone.
I do have to wonder how long they’ll keep Arquette on board…his quotes in the times are pathetic! “We’re not surprised by this.”….
You mean you were planning on dropping from 3rd to 19th in the market?!?
“There will be a settling period”. Yeah. Just Like the dirt settles around the coffins at the cemetery, Rod!
I agree with bamajenk. Dori holds views I don’t agree with, so he shouldn’t be on the radio!
I haven’t listened to KIRO since Goldy left the airwaves (either AM or FM). I tried listening to an early TBTL show once via podcast, but found it silly and grating at the time and didn’t continue on.
Monson will have a job as long as bigoted, angry, small-minded people need their views validated by some kind of media megaphone.
In Monson’s case the megaphone will always be radio. No one wants to see people like him on the tube. Not even his fans.
I agree with YLB. Anyone who does not think exactly like me is bigoted and small-minded.
howard schultz thinks joe scarborough is informative so gives him $10m to plug starbux. go sonics!
hey bainbridge islanders could you try to hold it until you get on the ferry?
@6 You can take small comfort from knowing that your multiple personalities agree with you, even though no one else does.
The really interesting item in this news story is the fact that over $200 million annually is spent on radio advertisting in the Seattle-Tacoma market. Washington’s gross state product and personal income figures are both a bit over $200 billion, so about $1 of every $1,000 earned or produced in our state goes to radio advertising in the metro market. That seems like a lot.
I also see that Air America has essentially caught up with the rightwing loudmouths in listenership.
Poor little Goldy. Can’t make it on the air, can’t find gainful employment, can’t make it as a lawyer, and can’t keep any relationships with women. I almost feel sorry for you. Almost. Good luck!
“It’s all because they fired me!” Geez, talk about egocentric personality!
@12 Of course Goldy can’t make it as a lawyer. Because he isn’t a lawyer, dummy! Sheesh.
I’m sure olbermann appreciates your support.
Damn rabbit, I didn’t know you could make funnies.
I hope stamn crawls back under the rock he came from.
Maybe you free-market types can explain this one to me. General Motors, the paragon of American capitalism, files for bankruptcy. And how does Wall Street, the temple of capitalism, react? The stock market is UP by 215 points!! Not exactly wailing and gnashing of teeth among the capitalist crowd when the world’s most iconic corporation goes under, is it? Apparently the investor class likes the idea of the U.S. government becoming the majority shareholder in what used to be the world’s biggest private corporation. They’re all fucking socialists now. Actually, I think that happened many years ago, roughly circa Ronald Reagan, when CEOs figured out that living off the taxpayers is more lucrative than working for a living. Hey, I don’t work for a living! I’ve made $3,200 in the stock market this morning by doing nothing more than staying in bed until 10 AM and then parking my fat rabbit ass in front of the computer and staring at the monitor! And I get huge tax breaks for doing nothing instead of working or producing anything!! Why would anyone work under a system like this? I mean, the incentives are all screwed up, and you get rewarded for flipping assets and pushing the same money in endless circles, and punished for being productive. I didn’t invent this crazy system, the Republicans did, and I just go with the flow. I wonder how much my stock portfolio will go up if I file for bankruptcy? I know a lot of lawyers, and I’m sure there’s a good bankruptcy specialist somewhere here in my Rolodex … sorry folks, I gotta go, I see opportunity beckoning …
Well, that idea was short-lived. The lawyer told me you have to be in debt to go bankrupt, and I don’t have any debts, so I don’t qualify. I would have to borrow some money and not pay it back in order to be in a position to reap the full benefits of American capitalism … so I’ll have to settle for making $3,200 from GM’s bankruptcy and let it go at that. But hey, the 5% tax rate I enjoy on my stock flipping sure beats the hell out of the 32.65% marginal tax rate on wages that you working shmucks are paying …
To RR at 18: Of course you already know this, but the GM bankruptcy was no surprise, so there is no reason for the market to react to it today. It’s been assumed for weeks (if not months) that GM would go bankrupt. Any market reaction was already priced in.
As for the original topic, it would be great if Goldy got his own show. We need more local radio talk and less national! Don’t take Dori’s slot, Goldy, take some syndicated slot. Go ahead and show Dori up on the air.
@16 Even though I’m only 30″ tall, and half of that is my ears, I’m the biggest fucking comedian on this board and have been for a long time. But my comic talents are wasted on you, rocks, patio pavers, and other objects of low intelligence that can’t recognize a good joke even when one punches you in the nose.
@20 See #21.
Dori is no longer #1? What is the World coming to with our favorite nittering nay-bob of negatism Dori going down? The fm signal sucks. The kiro signal used to be a good one for us out of town listeners
What’s with KTPK 1090? Only national voices on our local “progressive talk” stations? What kind of BS is that?
There’s Goldy’s outlet, if only KTPK management would give it a thought (and who is their local mgmt anyway? Locals, or parachute corps from who-knows-where?)
Olbermann is still on TV last I looked. Monson would last just about as long as Michael Savage-Weiner did.
Your loyal audience of 15 unemployed Leftist Pinheaded KLOWNS is hardly the advertising demographic ANY radio station is trying to reach.
When you apply for a job, DO NOT list HorsesAss on your resume.
And do not list the foul-mouthed losers like Kommodore & Kountry-Klubber steve and his band of goat-obsessed losers like YLB and especially ByeByeGoober!!
Goldy, if you didn’t smoke so much pot and watched your language….you may be able to double or even triple your current 15 listeners.
Got to start somewhere.
But here’s a tip…
You need to try and appeal to folks who have a job, earn a living and actually SPEND money.
Good luck.
14. Roger Rabbit spews:
He isn’t a lawyer Rog??
From his delusional, self-impressive belief of his knowledge of the law…one could easily conclude Goldy is portraying himself to be a lawyer.
Loser? This is interesting indeed coming from “Mr. Irrelevant”.
Goldy has a voice made for mime.
29. kirk91 spews:
You mean sounding like Pee-Wee Herman after Pee-Wee gets kicked in the nuts??
Dave Ross is one of the most boring talk hosts in history and his holier than thou “I’m a middle of the road kinda guy” is lame.
Goldy would clean up on AM 1090 (#21 in the new ratings)!
Of course, emerging on-air talent often gets stuck with odd jobs around the station. It’s only temporary. :)
’28. YLB spews:
goat-obsessed losers
Loser? This is interesting indeed coming from “Mr. Irrelevant”.’
This coming from our favorite HA habitual “in between jobs”…ahem…unemployed non-taxpaying schmuck that lives with his Momma with a severe self-esteem problem. That’s ironic, yes. Poor YLB.
kiro has had some pretty good liberal talent in the past 20 years, people like Goldy, Mike Webb, Bill Gallant, drake collier, etc. Now it has dwindled down to Dave Ross & nobody else.
It’s a sign of the times. With liberalism having devolved into vacuming of taxpayer wallets, it is just not interesting anymore.
Remember, KIRO is owned by the Mormon Church.
As long as they are the owners, someone as vocal about their progressive views as Goldy will NEVER be on KIRO.
They tolerate Dave Ross because he doesn’t push too hard. And they cherish Dori and their KTTH heroes Rush and Beck.
It’s a shame we allow an organization with BILLION$ of Dollar$ of tax-free properties to also have control of the media.
34. zdp 189 spews:
Goldy is on the top of your KIRO talent list??
Are you his one & only “groupie”?? Obviously you have serious perspective problems.
Goldy..get a restraining order on this KLOWN.