You’d think this story of an orphaned 11-year-old might make a pretty compelling case for health care reform, but I suppose conservatives like Dori Monson would just say that the kid only has himself to blame for making the poor choice to be born to a mother who got sick, lost her job, lost the health insurance that came with it, and subsequently died as a result.
Another market failure, depending on how you look at it. If the objective is to make sure our citizens continue paying taxes, then the market failed in this case, because this dead woman ain’t earn any more taxable income. If the goal is to enrich insurance company executives at the expense of the other taxpayers who now have to pick up the slack for the taxes this woman isn’t paying anymore, then arguably it worked fine.
If the objective is to improve overall economic performance by euthanizing the unemployed so they won’t be a drag on the economy’s resources, this isn’t the most efficient way to do it. A bullet is quicker and cheaper than an insurance company bureaucracy.
Cheap labor conservatives think health care should be an unregulated consumer product like payday loans. Anything else makes the transfer of wealth from your pocket to theirs less efficient.
This seems like a good idea to me:
If the US Gov is going to require that you have to have healthcare insurance, there should be a public provided option available to all, IMO. I haven’t studied medicare at all, but during the reform debates, many have touted its success at low overhead. At least this would be an option that could potentially be cheaper than buying a policy from a company with a huge lobbyist team in DC….
Isn’t this a great situation? There are reasons for everything. IF we unspin (sic) them we find threads of the truth. Did she make bad, or costly choices in her life; yes? Is it tasteful that her surviving son gets all this ink and air time; debateble/relative, for me no…get over it.
Does Goldy need to personalize the situation by writing about other biased reporters/bloggers/news folks like himself; No? Stay on issue folks, name calling will just get you…more names.
Does this Rabbit person have a life beyond HA dribble?
Well that’s it. Give Dori a gun and a mission to eliminate all the inferior folks in the world, but he has to start with himself first, because if he has the right to cast such judgements, then we all have that same right.
Ya’ know, if there were no poor people in the world, there would be no rich people, just like the concept of somehow getting to the point where everybody is “above average” is a rather impossible endeavor.
Think about it.
@6: Does this Rabbit person have a life beyond HA dribble?
Why do you ask? Do you even give a fuck? Some say there is no such thing as a stupid question. Yours stretched that concept to the limit.
Couple of things-
40,000 people did not die for lack of health care. This is a Grayson lie, consistent with his unethical grandstanding. Yes it’s good for his political career, and whether it’s bad for the country is not his problem, I guess. I’m unaware of any law against a person getting a physical or any other preventive medical procedure, whether insured or not. It’s relatively inexpensive.
In my rentals I have tenants who can afford tobacco, cable tv and lattes. I have yet to see a home without cable and internet, without some expensive little habit that could be foregone if necessary. The poorer the person, the more this is true. My taxpayer money pays for Ding Dongs and Pepsi more often than fruit and vegetables with food stamps.
So yes, I feel badly for this little boy, but don’t see the link to destroying medical care throughout the US.
Sounds good to me.
Why do you hate personal responsibility so much? Why do you hate robust societies of adults who accept the consequences of their actions?
40,000 people did not die for lack of health care.
The study by the Harvard Medical School concludes that uninsured working age Americans have a 40% higher risk of death than their insured counterparts. The study explicitly took into account factors such as education, income, and some of your personal favorite sins such as smoking, drinking, and obesity. This translates into approximately 45,000 deaths/yr. due to lack of insurance.
You, on the other hand, do not challenge the study or its methodology, you simply call people liars. Way to go. Somehow, I am unconvinced.
My taxpayer money pays for Ding Dongs and Pepsi more often than fruit and vegetables with food stamps.
In the absence of any evidence for this assertion, I would put that myth right up there with 9/11 conspiracy nuts and Obama “birther” claims.
lostinaseaofblue Why do you hate personal responsibility so much?
Give us a real name and an address of one of your properties. We’ll go and see your tenants and ask them how you are as a landlord.
If what you describe your tenants as, is correct, the personal name that any decent human being would call you is slumlord.
Yes, I believe that would be the correct term.
Sad story for that little boy. To lose your mother is terrible.
The real story is that Democrats have no shame.
It’s not fact that she died because she had no health insurance. As a matter of fact, she could have walked into any ER and received care. The fact that Democrats trot out this young boy and exploit his tragedy for political gain is pitiful. Of course this is right out of the Democrat playbook.
Dori goes for ratings, and was IMO over the top criticising the mother. Shame on Patty Murray and Democrats who have nothing to add to the debate accept to eploit a vulnerable child.
LostinNarcissism whines: “Why do you hate robust societies of adults who accept the consequences of their actions?
Start by showing me one such “society”. Show me one group that demonstrably “accepts the consequences of their actions” more than others. When the shit hits the fan, they whine like anybody else…take whining bankers defending their outrageous bonuses for just one example.
This is a favorite conservative trick…reduce disagreeable (to them) group political claims to individual pathologies stemming from personal moral or psychological flaws (the lazy, the undiciplined, those lacking in “morality”, you know, the usual suspects). This view reduces society and social discourse to purely individualistic and self-righteous moral claims….claims that by their very construct cannot be refuted. “I did it, why can’t you?” is the repeated construction of nearly all of Losty’s posts.
To those holding these views, collective action is not legitimate by definition, unless of course, it is employed to protect the “rights” of the “innocent (foeteses, the rich) or inflict deserving punishment on the “guilty” (xenophobic nationalism, jingoism, and invading foreign countries, generally those inhabited by brown folks).
It is a fantastical thought pattern that attempts to use extreme individualism to build a construct (society) that one of their heros (Margaret Thatcher) claimed “doesn’t exist”.
And they call leftists “irrational”? Simply amazing.
Claim: “As a matter of fact, she could have walked into any ER and received care…”
Validity: False. If she was bleeding or had a broken bone, yes, she would receive care. If she had cancer, heart disease, or diabetis, to cite just a few examples, no she would not receive medical care.
Extreme fail. You’re not even trying.
“Validity: False. If she was bleeding or had a broken bone, yes, she would receive care. If she had cancer, heart disease, or diabetis, to cite just a few examples, no she would not receive medical care.”
Reality- walk into any ER (Been there recently with my kid BTW) I’ll bet you find the same thing I did. Lots of people with non-emergent, no outward distress symptoms waiting to see a doctor… They are not turned away…
A simple “my tummy hurts” or “I have head pain” is all it takes.
In this mothers case, She died of a pulminary embolism. There are symptoms of that condition that she could have walked into an ER and received treatment for…
@12: It’s actually 45000. Here: http://www.harvardscience.harv.....h-coverage
@17: Fuck, you’re an idiot!
An embolism is a result of a disease process that did not receive care when it would have mattered, you stupid right wing fuckstick!
If only you could live for one hour in the shoes of someone who actually matters in this world!
What the fuck is wrong with you!?
An embolism can spontaneously occur with very little time for any care or cure whatsoever, including perhaps not enough time to call 911.
Many times embolisms kill so fast, with NO prior symptoms, nothing can be done. She may have died in an ER anyway.
Re Grayson Lies and Harvard Misdirections
45,000 people died because they made bad choices. They chose to ignore heart pain, or a lump. They chose not to take the simple step of giving up a vacation or some other discretionary expense to go to the doctor and pay cash for preventive care. At a certain level of poverty goverment charity kicks in, so don’t bother with the poor people can’t afford it argument. It’s all a matter of priority. 45,000 people died because they made choices which had consequences. I can feel badly for this little boy, just as I would for a Haiitian orphan or a child survivor of a vehicle accident which takes his parents. But to blame insurance or the lack is just playing political games.
Re 13
Yes, go for the predictable liberal personal attack when you don’t have anything to say to the actual argument. Bravo!
Re 15
Sometimes I don’t know if liberals don’t understand irony. When you say “reduce disagreeable (to them) group political claims to individual pathologies,” you could be giving a textbook definition of the current democrat political game. Parade a lot of unfortunate folks with individual problems in front of Congress, exploit their problems for a false equivalency and political gain. Or didn’t you notice that?
As for the general argument the US prior to FDR was such a society. American industry was innovative and made the best products in the world prior to irrational union demands. American schools turned out the best students in the world prior to PC games in which education took a backseat to social equality and the pupils self esteem.
Governments are supposed to tell whining people to figure it out, not give them money. They are supposed to tell banks who made bad choices that they must figure a way out of their bad choices, not bail them out.
The current batch of progressives would think JFK a ‘wingnut’ for saying “ask not what your government can do for you, but what you can do for your government.”
BTW, that study had a lot of caveats hidden in it.
I won’t bother with all of them, because you folks have made up your minds. For all your vaunted liberal open mindedness you couldn’t re-evaluate a personal position to save your lives.
But the primary argument is that of overextension and bias. They took a set of pre-set conditons including socio-economic status, habits and insurance status and found a ‘link’ between insurance and death. No quantification other than an estimate of 45,000 deaths. Just a link.
It’s the same kind of junk science that finds a ‘link’ b
Sorry, I accidently hit submit.
So to continue-
The same kind of junk science takes a complicated issue like global climate and finds a link between human behavior and warming- sorry they stopped calling it that when the planet stopped warming a decade ago- climate change. Which could mean anything, except that rational policy decisions will stem from that amorphous term.
Re 13
Sorry, didn’t read your nonsense fully until a moment ago.
First, only a fool would give any personal information online to strangers. Honestly.
Second, you assume I’m responsible for the life choices of my tenants? Really? Let me tell you something, as you seem ignorant of even basic life facts. I’ve worked with professionals a few paychecks away from being homeless and losing their cars. If they lost their income they would be in real trouble, as they lived within a few dollars of it. Are they my responsibility too? How about an Italian pasta maker in CivitaVecchia? A coffee roaster in Brazil? Just where does my personal responsiblity end, in your view?
See that’s the fly in the progressive ointment. It doesn’t have a rational stop point. I hate to break it to you folks, but the world isn’t fair. It isn’t always or even often just. It is what it is due to human nature. As long as you predicate your political philosophy on the hope of human perfection rather than the reality of imperfection yours will be the juvenile worldview that it is.
@13…dude, you are off your rocker.
so a person who provides affordable housing to low income people is a slumlord?
well then what the fuck do you call organizations like Seattle Public Housing or King County Public Housing or countless other public housing agencies?
Puddy noticed Goldy wouldn’t link the Seattle Times story here…
“Two months later, Owens sought emergency care at Swedish Medical Center‘s Central Area campus, where a doctor diagnosed her with pulmonary hypertension, a serious type of high blood pressure involving the arteries in the lungs. In January, she again went to Swedish’s emergency room and was hospitalized for eight days.
Owens’ mother, Gina Owens, said her daughter, who didn’t qualify for Medicaid, avoided regular visits to a doctor despite frequently throwing up blood. In June 2007, Tifanny Owens was hospitalized yet again, this time at University of Washington Medical Center. After a week of unconsciousness, she died at age 27, leaving Marcelas and his two younger sisters. Gina Owens has custody of the three children.”
Isn’t Medicaid a guvmint insurance program? Why was she denied by the guvmint?
Even Marcelas admits: “I don’t think it’s anyone’s fault. But they could have done more.”
Yet here is another instance of the HA Libtardo fools not digging into the full story. And Puddy know why! Looks like she went to two of the best places in Seattle for help with no insurance and she still died. Since Tiffany received free health care and treatment from both Swedish Hospital, and the UW Medical Center on multiple occasions, what could it be?
Butt the story gets better HA Libtardos… Here you’ll see a picture of Tifanny, the mother. It’s at 1:13 into the report or at 1:48 left in the report. She’s the picture of health huh? What’s that in her left hand? Is that marijuana Lee? Puddy thinks not. Is that a substance the Surgeon General claims could be hazardous to your health? Puddy thinks so. Puddy suggests it was Tiffany’s lifestyle that killed her, not a lack of health care as DUMMOCRAPTS would lead you to believe. Seems to Puddy:
– Her mom, family, and friends chose not to help her or force a lifestyle change. See the Q13 video.
– She chose to be overweight. Lifestyle choice. She looks like a small woman. Over 40% body fat is morbid obesity per Dr Oz, Oprah’s doctor buddy. See the Q13 video.
– She chose to smoke. Lifestyle choice. See the Q13 video.
She apparently chose not to go to the doctors. See Seattle Times article.
She chose not to seek Washington state’s program since Medicaid rejected her. See Seattle Times article. Puddy wonders why Medicaid rejected her. Could it be her “healthy lifestyle”?
EPIC FAIL eh ProudAndStupidASS? What a bunch of Libtardo jackASSes today.
Also we find out some info on Grandma. Grandma who has Marcelas in her care worked for “Washington Community Action Network” aka ACORN. Also Grandma works for SEIU. Maybe Mrs arschloch knows grandma. And there is the BIG LIE over Washington State coverage for Marcelas, as low-income children are covered either through Medicaid, SCHIP, or the SCHIP expansion program Apple Health for Kids. Butt look at the right corner box – “Under her budget proposal, the Basic Health program would be eliminated effective June 30, 2010.” Who is her again… Guvnur Queen Gregoire. Yep she “cares for the kids”.
So once again Goldy EPICALLY FAILED to perform his due diligence. Hmmm… that’s what you get for hanging around Jon DeVore!
@5 Can we use you as a poster boy in this fall’s campaigns? You personify everything the GOP stands for.
@6 At least I’m a sentient being with a scrap of feeling for other living creatures, which is more than you can say.
@19 “What the fuck is wrong with you!?”
That’s an easy question to answer. Conservative dogmatism is a pathology.
@21 “They chose not to take the simple step of giving up a vacation or some other discretionary expense to go to the doctor and pay cash for preventive care.”
Since you didn’t know those 45,000 people, and know nothing about the circumstances of their deaths, you’re blowing shit out of your ass.
@23 “the planet stopped warming a decade ago”
@24 “I hate to break it to you folks, but the world isn’t fair. It isn’t always or even often just. It is what it is due to human nature. As long as you predicate your political philosophy on the hope of human perfection rather than the reality of imperfection yours will be the juvenile worldview that it is.”
The difference between you and us is you’re a cynic who has given up on humanity whereas we think the world can be better. In fact, we know it can. Just compare life today with what it was 100, 200, or 400 years ago — slavery is gone, people are no longer burned at the stake for religious heresy, etc.
Human nature is what it is, but that doesn’t mean we have to passively sit back and let the worst-behaved run riot over society, as you seem to think we should do.
I don’t think we’ve ever previously had a troll so completely lacking in social conscience.
@26 “Grandma who has Marcelas in her care worked for “Washington Community Action Network” aka ACORN. Also Grandma works for SEIU.”
That does it for puttbutt! The kid dies too!
I haven’t given up on human beings. I think Ghandi and Mother Theresa as indicative of what folks can be as Ted Bundy. We have the capability of great good, of great evil and of all the stops along the way.
Politicians are best summed up as actors were by Stoppard. “We’re the opposite of people. We’re politicians.” I honestly believe that on a local level great good can be done for people by people. I just don’t think much good comes out of Washington.
Good people acting locally can make more difference than all the Graysons grandstanding on dubious data. Good people acting locally can affect more change than all political sloganeering put together.
So if it makes you feel better, just dismiss me as stupid, wingnut, cynic or whatever. Doesn’t make it so.
EPIC FAIL THE DUMB BUNNY @34. All those facts and what do you have the audacity to focus on? ABSOLUTELY nuthin important.
You’re an embarrassment THE DUMB BUNNY!
BTW your link is a FAIL too!
Puddy and lost,
Wow, and I thought you were the best of our trolls. It’s all about good decisions? Have either of you ever read the Book of Job? The self-righteousness of the two of you is remarkable. If you are where you want to be in life, a helluva lot of luck has come your way. It is not because you’ve made good decisions. Christ made good decisions, didn’t he? But, he got hung on a cross. Please quit claiming to be Christian. Neither of you has any humility. Being a Christian requires humility.
Proud Goatist,
Wazzzzzzzup Goatist? Puddy identified the lies of the libtardo class above starting from the thread head itself and this is the crap you post? Job? Good decisions? Tifanny made good decisions?
Yes Puddy read the Book of Job. Puddy quoted much from the Book of Job. Ask your cousin the arschloch. He’ll replay all of the Puddy commentary using Job from his personal backup of Goldy’s HA blog. Job lost his family, all of his cattle, etc. to Satanic forces. His friends condemned him. His wife told him to curse God and die. In the end Job was found righteous and got double what he originally had.
Are you equating Marcelas’ plight to Job? You’ve got to be kidding. What do you smoke on the weekends Proud Goatist.
This whole episode was due to Senate morons using little Marcelas for political gain. Yet Puddy decided to check it out and lo and behold the story ain’t what it seems. Kind of explodes your libtardo head eh Proud Goatist? Is #26 Goatist “award” worthy Proud Goatist? Did you reshape the goatist award with your recent weight change?
What telling the truth kills someone’s humility? Puddy should not have placed the information regarding Tifany and how she was rejected from Medicaid? How Tifanny was way overweight and she smoked? Telling that is not in humility? Knowing the truth and letting you leftist pinhead peeps tell lie after lie after lie about a subject none of them researched is hurting one’s humility? You’re more stupid than Puddy thought Proud Goatist.
Identifying you as a hater hurts huh? You have humility? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You created the Proud Goatist award and named it after yourself. That’s “humility” eh? Telling the world THE DUMB BUNNY is an embarrassment kills someone’s humility? You’re a joke too Proud Goatist.
Puddy looked into the real issue with Marcelas and it’s sad his mother is dead. Puddy even thought of sending some money to Marcelas until Puddy looked into the abuse Marcelas is receiving at the hands of Patty Lost My Sneaker Brain Murray. To use Marcelas as a political pawn by peeps who won’t lift a finger to financially help him with their personal largess is appalling to Puddy you idiot!
Wake up for a change and look at the fools you jock strap Proud Goatist.
Good night!
BTW Proud Goatist, did you look at the “Harvard Study”?
More on that later moron!
Your post is a rather emotional reaction. Do you know what the requirements to be on Medicaid are, by chance? Puddy, you need help.
Fox News and Rush Limbaugh do not equate to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. You, however, don’t seem to understand that.
Proud Goatist,
You betcha it’s an emotional reaction. It sucks to see another inner city black kid put through the libtardo method of pity, shame, and false pretenses. You betcha it’s an emotional reaction. You leftist pinhead progressives will drop Marcelas and his grandmother like A DUMB BUNNY smelly pellet within a week, and he’ll not be heard of again. You leftist pinhead progressives will ignore Marcelas’ plight and he’ll get NOTHING from your kind. You betcha it’s an emotional reaction. He’s being used as a pawn and he doesn’t know, comprehend, or fully grasp the situation. That’s very sad to Puddy and missed by someone as dense as you Proud Goatist. And you have the audacity to use Job and attack Puddy over the truth? No wonder Dan Rather (Fake Papers), Howell Raines (Fake Reporters), and Bill Moyers (Fake News) long for the days when they could speak their “reports” and no one would be able to fact check them!
Once again Proud Goatist why when caught in lies do you progressives yank out Fox News and Rush Limbaugh? Puddy used the Seattle Times and and included the links. Of course Goldy hates both of those sites too. Again, it must be something about truth.
Regarding Medicaid requirements, it’s a government program Proud Goatist. Since this “struck a nerve” Proud Goatist, why don’t you take on Medicaid for Marcelas’ pro bono? You would be a hero to your HA progressive libtardo friends. Wait a minute… you’d meet the naked wrath of Rahmbo Emanuel. So instead you make up some phony Job attack against Puddy.
You are pushing for government run health care Proud Goatist. You want it to pass with the public option. That too would be a government program. Would the public option covered Tifanny? This was never brought up. It is assumed it would. Would Tifanny qualify? Could she afford the coverage Proud Goatist? Since Tifanny was rejected by Medicaid in WA State why aren’t progressive libtardos asking why Tifanny was rejected? That’s one threshold you won’t cross Proud Goatist.
Instead of learning about Marcelas’ case, HA progressive libtardos would rather watch the political theater of Patty Lost Sneaker Brain Murray and the rest of the whackamole DUMMOCRAPTS exploiting little Marcelas. You and your ilk would rather make asinine comments in this thread. You can visibly see the smirks on the DUMMOCRAPT senator faces in the news clips.
This isn’t about the real truth on health care issues, it’s about exploitative banal “sucky politics”; the same name incorrectly thrown about to describe Stefan’s fine blog. You Proud Goatist jackboot goosestep march to that drum beat. Get your left foot on the beat Proud Goatist. BTW did you reshape the Proud Goatist award?
So Proud Goatist, if 45,000 peeps dies each year from no health care…
… why are the DUMMOCRAPTS waiting for four years to initiate their prized health care plans? Seems to Puddy that’s another 180,000 preventable deaths on DUMMOCRAPT heads. Oh wait a minute… the CBO savings numbers would really suck huh Proud Goatist?
Turban Dick Durban claimed 70 peeps a day or 25550 a year. That’s 102200 for the four years. So who’s correct Proud Goatist?
These Atheist Progressives are precisely like Lot in Genesis 19.
Isn’t it wonderful Goldy has made this our weekly Bible Study??
They are so self-absorbed and attached to whatever FEELS good…just like Lot.
Thanks Lord for saving Puddy & I.
Strengthen us & guide us to address the problems of this world.
Nehemiah 4—PRAYER and ACTION!!
@20: Rae: Umm, if a person has a history of DVT then they should be on treatment to prevent an embolism…wow, do you have a degree in medical ignorance?
And by the way….it takes time to get coverage after losing your job. If you have assets and a job, and then lose coverage….there is a gap time and then you have to COBRA the expensive coverage (that is really expensive without a job) and you can’t get new coverage (prior condsiton). Had a relative with a rare form of malignant cancer…lsot the job and only because family chiiped in for expensive coverage did they get through the situation.
It stinks…and health care portability and no prexisting conditions are part of the fix that republicans are opposed to….typical!
@26: She did not qualify for Mdicaid because she probably had money when she was working and you need to be dirt poor to qualify for Medicaid or for state aid.
I had a relative who had the same thing…not yet poor enough to qualify for the programs…but too poor to pay the monthly bills after losing a job and too poor to pay for doctors bills.
Health problems are the number one cause of bankruptcy inthis country…unlike most of the rest of the world. Here, you lose your job, your coverage and your life….before you are poor enough or bankrupt to survive.
But hey, this is the system puddy and the republicans think is the greatest in the world….and of course, you can’t buy cheaper non-COBRA onsurance becuase of a pre-existing condition.
Catch-22 …no job, no insurnace and no way to get insurance. But hey, idiot republicans keep criticizing her for not going to the doctor when she had no money to pay for food, even.
What uncaring bastards the republiocan are…including Dory (Moron) Monson.
@35: You are not stupid…just simple minded. You can’t hink any deeper than “big government bad”.
On health care, you are just plain stupid. We spend more than double what other countries spend and we get very little (on level with Slovenia).
We pay more for drugs than any country on earth….because the republicans pushed through a plan that Medicare cannot negotiate on drug costs.
You supported the corrupt republicans who idd this. You oppose the no pre-existing condition changes in health care reform….you support the current mes we have.
Can you justify your simple minded views? No.
Oh, and Puddy, you have never refuted the Harvard study….you talk a lot but you have never shown any peer reviewed studies to refute it.
Put up or shut up.
First dear Klynical moron – you are on the wrong thread. This one is about health care
Speaking of atheists…, only people who don’t believe in God would support the current system and how it treats poor people and people who have lost their jobs.
Do you enjoy being a hypocrite, Klynical?
@42: Umm, then why are you and the republicans opposed to ANY health care reform?
Tell us how you would fix things Puddy….and spare me the “open up the competition between states” argument that has been shown to fix nothing but the pockets of cut-rate insurance companies who offer worthless coverage.
correctnotright blighted the blog,
Odumba claimed he was adding that to “his plan” stupido. So much for that useless fart from correctnotright.
Puddy already suggested how to fix things. You are too stupid to remember. Ask the arschloch for the links where Puddy gave suggestions. Tired of your circular logic.
Harvard study claims
From the CDC 12/31/09
2,426,264 died minus 45,000 claimed died w/o insurance equals 2,381,264 died w/ insurance or 98.15% of Americans died with insurance. Interesting statistic correctnotright.
So correctnotright, if 45,000 die per year, why are DUMMOCRAPTS allowing 180,000 peeps to die over the next four years without insurance? Why ain’t their proposed plan starting now? The numbas would explode negative!
Still waiting for correctnotright to answer that question.
Also correctnotright…
So where are the drug overdose or gang banger death contribution reductions? How did they handle car accident victims? How did they know they had or didn’t have medical insurance?
Also correctnotright, Tifanny had no insurance yet UW and Swedish admitted her and gave her treatment more than once.
@52: cite? What was the threshold for the p-value that indicated non-normal data?
@49: did you say something Puddy….I thought I heard the wind blowing….once again you add nothing to the debate.
Why are you and the right wing noise machine so devoid of ideas?
Thanks for proving that the right wingnuts have no clue about healthj care reform and support the current broken system.
Haha, Puddy already suggested how to fix things….gee, I don’t recall that….and I guess Puddy forgot his own pathetically weak arguments. How sad.
@50: wow, another example of “stupid” logic at work.
Those are 45,000 additional deaths due to lack of health care coverage.
Just because 2 million or so die a year doesn’t mean that they all had coverage either….and of course many of them are covered by Medicare.
Wow, you really have no clue how to use statistics…do you?
Wow, you are dumber than a doornail, too.
@52: thanks for being so stooooopid!
Yes, you can get emergency treatment for a deadly chronic condition….so what.
Where is the preventative treatment?
Were you sleeping though the whole health care debate?
Are you so immersed in the rightwing noise maching that you don’t care about your fellow citizens?
Have you ever tried getting care after losing health insurance and a job?
I have a relative who did just that with a rare form of cancer and they were denied drug treatment.
It took too long to go bankrupt, lose their house and all their savings before they qualified to get the exhorbitantly expensive drugs (that public research money mostly pioneered) to save their life. So treatment was delayed too long and they DIED.
Oh, but we have the best health care in the world….for those who can get it.
There’s much you seem to lose in recall correctnotright. Puddy told you to ask the arschloch. Puddy ain’t gonna repeat himself for the likes of you!
ProudStillStupidASS… That’s what Puddy asked for. 33,963 died in 2009. 37,261 died in 2008. Yet there is no P-Value.
So StupidASS, look at all these death statistics… how many of them died without health insurance? Where are their P-Values? Hmmmm………..?
@57: If you can’t recall or repeat your own weak little arguments…why should I bother to look them up. They must be worth nothing.
Just goes to show how little you have thought about health care and how little you know about it.
Argueing like a petulent child makes you appear to be….a petulent, spoiled little person (i.e: child).
Tifanny decided not to visit doctors. It was her choice. Tifanny decided not to get on WA State medical coverage. And this is Puddy’s fault.
And from your above commentary, you did nothing to help them. How progressive of you correctnotright. Nuff SAID Sucka!
You are a buffoon and a blowhard!
It seems to me that conservatives want a government that reflects their values – to hell with the poor, they made bad choices.
Lost seems to resent that his poor tenants have a TV or a phone. Does he resent that the children of these poor have a few toys? Or are both the children and their toys just another bad choice?
I knew poverty. The church, attended by other poor people, helped but it was the welfare check that paid the rent, bought the food and paid the (Gasp! How dare we have a phone!) phone, coal, and electric bills. The church helped us greatly, both in concrete ways and spiritually, but it was the state that paid for the heart surgeries that kept my mother alive.
Conservatives, with their seeming acceptance of Dickensian poverty in America, apparently would rather she had died at the doors of an inadequate Harbourview ER and that I had lived on the streets, no doubt because she had made the bad choice of being both poor and sick in America, and because I made the bad choice of being born into poverty to a dying mother. If our church is overburdened, so be it, the state will not be there for you. That overburdened church problem is just another bad choice, of course, the poor choosing to go to a church attended by other poor people.
Steve, you ain’t the only one who knew poverty. Ask the arachloch for the Phully coordinates where Puddy from. You’ll see it ain’t da burbs like some of the HA Libtardo headliners are from.
Wrong Wrong Wrong Steve.
Only you could project worthless crap like that Steve, and you are better than that (I hoped)! If Tifanny was more of the picture of health and didn’t ingest cancel sticks and massive quantities of food Puddy would have another theme here. Butt when you abuse your body and then an illness strikes due to the physical abuse, Puddy supposed to coff up bug bucks for that? Isn’t the body the temple of God Steve?
Puddy didn’t know your situation and you are conflating it with the Tifanny argument above. That’s Projection 101 Steve.
Have you noticed Sneakers Murray has nothing more to say about Marcelas’? They used him just as Puddy said and now they moved on. Welcome to the adult progressive reservation Marcelas!
“Only you could project worthless crap like that Steve”
Project? Me? Isn’t that a Psych 101 thing? I only comment on a number of right wing posts by Lostinaseaofblue where he’s talking about the poor and their so-called bad choices. You should know better, starting with understanding the difference between making bad choices in life and being cast in a poor lot in life. One is about personal responsibility, the other isn’t. Someone like Lostinaseaofblue should just be glad that he wasn’t born into poverty, understand that he doesn’t know everybody’s personal history or what obstacles some tenant may have overcome just to pay their rent, and to cut his tenants some slack if they happen to own a damned TV. Imagine Lost as your landlord when you were poor, Puddy, standing in judgement of your family because he saw that you had a televison in the house. Yeah. Now tell me more about worthless crap.
“Puddy didn’t know”
Hey, you promised first person!