Brewster’s blowing the lid off the scandal of the century.
Politicians? Raising money this early? Shocking, I tell you! Simply shocking!
Here we are two years away from the next Seattle city election, and already it appears that Mayor Greg Nickels is raising money and building up his inevitability. Neighbors for Nickels reports a relatively modest $72,493 in its account (as of a Nov. 17 filing with the city). The Mayor Greg Nickels Web site doesn’t play coy, touting, “Re-elect Greg Nickels Seattle Mayor 2009.”
I too was surprised by the “Re-elect Greg Nickels Seattle Mayor 2009” headline. I was also surprised to hear that hookers aren’t in it for the health insurance, or that the sun comes up each morning.
The peculiar new timetable for American politics is that you start raising money for the next election just a few weeks after getting elected. The real campaign takes place right about now in a four year cycle — 18 to 24 months before the actual election. Raise enough money now and line up enough early big names, and by the time a serious opponent gets organized, it’s too late.
There’s nothing peculiar about it. It’s called politics. It’s common for politicians to keep in touch with their supporters through low-dollar fund raisers. Besides, any candidate who is considering running for mayor should decide soon. Last cycle, the media elites whined incessantly that Nickels wasn’t drawing a serious candidate, as if some poor city councilman is obligated to spend a year campaigning only to be creamed in the general election. Nickels’ eventual ’05 opponent, former UW professor Al Runte, was quite comical on the campaign trail. At one of Runte’s many Drinking Liberally visits, I heard him say:
“Hi, I’m Al Runte, and I’m running for Mayor. No really, I’m running for Mayor.”
Media big dogs like Brewster wonder why Nickels is getting an early start to his next campaign. I’m sure that in December of next year, he’ll wonder why no one wants a piece of him. Eventually, somebody is going to connect the dots.
A fine slam. David Brewster is a typical “political observer” in that he knows many politicians, but nothing about how politics works.
Further evidence of the corrosive influence of money on politics.
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Does Paul Allen know Greg Nickels sees other people?
Crosscut is still around? Who knew?
Isn’t this the same blog site that had a cow over Dino Rossi “raising” funds for a retry and now excusing Greg I don’t give two Nickels starting now?
How can anyone run in the most liberal city west of the Mississippi? Greg I Don’t Give Tow Nickels wins easily without having to raise many funds. Maybe he can give some to his good friend Jim McDimwitt for his “losses”!
And………. Wow A Pelletizer (TM) Post deleted. Shocking.
You liberals know you are required to bail out Baghdad Jim and send the money you were going to send to Burner and Gregoire to him don’t you?
He lost again in court, this time the Supreme Court, seems like the only place he can win is on Gay Hill.
McDermott legal fund running dry
Re: 9. Just remember when you write your check to McDermott the money will be going to Republican John Boehner.
Thanks for your support and have a nice day.
@9 & 10
Oh yes, the boner. Long history of unethical conduct. Good hero for you to worship.
Re: 11. I don’t worship anyone, just telling you where your money is going when you contribute to the loser Baghday Jim’s account. Now if you are worshiping Jim just send him a check!
Have a nice day.
Nickels is ready to roll. He is out raising money, going to the tanning salon and been measured for a couple of new suits down at Seattle Tent and Awning.
Re: 13 Bwaaaahhhhaaahha. wonder what the carbon footprint is on that slug. I fogor liberals don’t have carbon footprints, my bad.
Rat@13: That was tongue in cheek right?
Otherwise that’s a howl.
Rob: They are not “carbon life forms”.
RE: 16. Probably aren’t, I guess that explians their affection for illegal alien rapists, drunk drivers, child molesters and murderers.
Is Nichols Kid in prison yet?
The devil is in the wings – for Greg – soon to be ex council member Steinbrocker – who can say nothing in a ten minute opinion on anything at all
Greg will cream him, the city beyond the hip on two hills likes Greg. He does these neighborhood walks all the time, hometown lad who make good. A little over weight, what is this, Queer Boys Commenting With no Brains?
A little overweight is universal and Greg is not trying to get butt fucked. He can make a joke about it on the campaign trail.
He has made few mistakes – the streetcar is a great success.
The mayor gets better ratings than the mumble it to death council.
Go Greg.
Parental angst should give Nickels five points. As a parent, I prayed every night and still barely got them raised and out of prison.
A Casino scam is almost a resume check, to some.
Rob: If McDimWitt just paid the $10K fine this would be old news. But as most libs like to do is take it to court. Well Ol Jim lost. Too bad for being a law breaker!
Somehow I remember some of the great legal “scholars” (in their own mind) on ASSWipes tell us whom think right McDimWitt would not lose his case. I am not going to take the time to search the blog, but Ol Puddy remembers!
Well, if you consider Constitutional Law prior to the year 2000, McDermot wouldn’t have lost the case. But the fix is in at the Supreme Court, by virtue of years of Reagan, Bush I, and W. Bush appointiees. Long-standing precedents are falling fast. This past session they even decided that there was nothing wrong with monopolistic collusion in price-fixing – thereby destroying one of the bullwarks of Teddy Roosevelt’s reform programs, and ignoring about a century of precedent in the process. It seems that open and fair free-market competition isn’t part of the Republican agenda – they want the decks stacked in their favor.
Perhaps they are just laying the groundwork to protect the oil companies from charges of price-fixing surrounding the 2006 elections (gas prices dropped over 20 cents per gallon in the two weeks before the election, but magically rose again – starting with a 10 cents p/gallon jump the day afterwards.
So anyway, it doesn’t surprise me that the Supremes supported the persecution of McDermott for revealing the evidence that Gingrinch had lied. If there is anything persistent in the Neo-Con and Republican strategies, it has been to reserve their severest punishment for those that expose the Neo-Con and Republican lies.
Gee, it used to be that politicians from either party would have been too ashamed to use the courts this way to cover up their unethical behavior, especially when substance of the evidence had already been public. Instead, they would have forced the miscreant out of office, and out of the party, disavowed their actions, apologize to the nation, and point out how they took prompt steps to clean their own house. But the Republicans have taken this to an unheard-of level: they deny the truth until the evidence is clear to see, then they try to crush the accuser, not caring that they have proven to be liars.
9, 10 – McDermott is a hero and a patriot for sacrificing himself to expose the crimes and corruption of Gingrich and his anti-American cabal. McDermott should be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for this.
Rhp6033: Again since you can’t fathom it, if McDimWitt paid the fine this would be old news. Now his penalty is 70x.
Waaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa