Washington’s best political satire site is without a doubt, Red County, a pitch-perfect, Colbert-esque parody of the angry, deluded, self-denial that tends to fill the right-wing blogs. And it doesn’t get any better than their frenetic mock analysis of the King County Executive race:
The general election result that shattered any hope of Republican resurgence in the state was the King County Executive’s race. Councilman Dow Constantine smashed blue dog, moderate Democrat Susan Hutchinson in that election contest. Republicans in King County now go down in defeat again in their attempt to elect someone other than radical, leftwing, crackpots like Constantine. Many are questioning why the King County Republican Party backed Susan and not a principled conservative in the first place!
Susan Hutchison is a “blue dog, moderate Democrat” who lost because she wasn’t conservative enough? Absolutely brilliant! And delivered with such unwavering deadpan and stereotypically stilted cadence, you can almost hear the (u)SP crowd angrily cheering along.
Funny stuff.
The KCGOP obviously needs to find a local Michelle Bachmann clone to run for KCE.
Good luck with that.
Hopefully the GOP will continue to eat their young when McKenna runs for governor in 2012. It would be kind of funny if the top-two end up being Insley and Gregiore.
Chris ..
You gettin weed from Lee?
Look at the effin R71 map!
If the Dem party has any discipline, they will find a graceful exit for Gregoire BEFORE 2012. Maybe have her quit to help the Obama re-election campaign or appoint her to a judgeship …
“this is my governor, take her PLEASSSSS!”
If they do not do this, Gregoire play dirty and she will hurt Inslee.
My bet is that McKenna runs unopposed on the R for Gov. and gets 45%. Greg and Inslee split the rest if both run, wi Inlsee number one (I hope).
If McKenna runs in the primary vs Inslee with no serious other candidates, they will be a good match for each other.
I think R71 shows even in Washington there are plenty of Conservative thinkers. You’re right.
Gregoire has been a disaster…2 smoke-and-mirrors, unsustainable Budgets in a row kicking the can down the road to the next Governor. She won’t run again. Whoever wins (Inslee or McKenna) will inherit a disaster.
Boeing was truly the tip of the iceberg.
Look at Hours Worked reported in Washington.
It is plummetting and a key number.
If the economy is still stuck in 2012, with all the debt related to Underfunded Pensions, it will be a horrible job for someone.
Gary Locke was on track…a bit too late.
Gregoire cannot make decisions to grow the economy or cut spending…just kick the can to the next Governor.
re 3: If the economy is still bad in 2012, it’s because that’s what 30 years of Republican rule does to the economy.
Did you really say “Conservative thinkers”?
Hilarious. I underestimated your sense of humor. I didn’t think anyone could top Jonah Goldberg’s Liberals are Nazi’s meme.
Not quite as funny as this Goldy–
4. Mr. Always Right Constitution Interpreter and Flag Worshiper spews:
See 5 above.
Is that really going to be the Democrat 2012 Campaign stragey? Blame Republicans??
Haven’t you seen the recent polls??
Obama is blamed right now TODAY as much as Bush. By next year, it will be even more so.
YLB, you are one of the unemployed and have been for the past decade.
Have you considered looking for a job??
Would mean taking a bath….forget it.
Your kids & wife would go into shock seeing the lazy old man actually take a stab at respectability.
Breaking News In Seattle Cop Killing Case
A tip apparently led police to the car sought in last week’s killing of a Seattle police officer and a suspect has been shot at a Tukwila apartment building.
Police sources now confirm the person shot in Tukwila a few minutes ago is a “person of interest” in the murder of a Seattle police officer.
Sounds like there’s now 3 people in custody in the Seattle police murder investigation.
@5 Anyone who knows anything about economics understands that you can’t turn off a recession overnight. It takes time to get into an economic decline, and it takes time to get out of it.
re 6: You are always big on what the polls say people believe rather than what actually is the fact of the matter.
Name one depression that was preceded by decades of Democratic rule.
re 6: Name one depression that was NOT preceded by decades of Republican or conservative rule.
@12, it’s a good thing you added “or conservative”. The Republican Party didn’t yet exist at the time of the Panic of 1837.
Seattle Times reports the 41-year-old suspect was shot in the head, so it doesn’t look too good for him.
LOL… in the comment thread on that RC post one person noted friends moving to Idaho. Go ye weary republicans! To the land where you can do no harm!
re 13: Do I get x-tra credit points?
re 15: And a man can take a wide stance.
Uhhhh. Mr Klown? This is my first comment in this thread.
You don’t know crap about crap.
Sure sucks to be you.
“Sure sucks to be you.”
Try to imagine this – it sucks even more to be Marvin.
@18 “You don’t know crap about crap.”
I suspect Klown knows much more about crap than we want to know. He seems to have made a lifetime study of crap.
I’ve never been to Red County before–may I sound stupid? Is this satire or is this just a fine example of wingnuttery? It most certainly could be either.
Grade AAA wingnuttery, PL.
Refuckingmarkable. These people should not be permitted to drive on state highways, drink from public fountains, or shit in a public toilet.
Speaking of shitting in a public toilet, Kathi Lambert has gone missing. If anyone finds a floater, with bits of undigested corn and spinach and an unhealthy yellow-orange pallor about it, please give her a flush.
Let’s see if I’ve got this right-
When you folks disagree with the ideological stance of the Bush administration and what you conceive to be the problems it caused vocal and angry dissent it patriotic and morally required.
When folks who don’d think Lenin or Chavez are good models for American governance or that a president should actually like the country he serves this is wingnuttery?
lost @ 25
Sometimes, I can make sense of you. That distinguishes you from most of the trolls who post here. This post? Not so much, you’re pretty much sounding like the Limbaughian, Beckian nutcases. I feel better now, knowing that no one on the right is objective at all.
Re 26
Glad to help.
But comparing me to Limbaugh or Beck is hitting below the belt. They are entertainers. Like Olberman and Maddow on the left, they use extreme views to sell a product and to hell with the consequences.
Also, just so you know, I’m not defending the slurs used against those on the left during the Bush years. There’s nothing unamerican or unpatriotic about dissent. Quite the opposite.
All I’m saying is that it seems like there’s a double standard at work on both sides and the left is certainly not immune.
Parody? Really? Did I just get kicked in the nuts by Poe’s law again?
I’d say this–Maddow tends to incorporate facts into her arguments (uh, and she has a Ph.D.), which distinguishes her from Limbaugh and Beck, even though she is, most certainly, paid to entertain. With regard to the rest of your post, even that which suggests the left might occasionally and without enthusiasm make statements or participate in acts that evidence hypocrisy, I have little disagreement.
McKenna is the only Republican in this state who could win the Governorship in 2012.
That being how it is, I hope that the right wing of the GOP spends the next three years tearing him down. It’ll make it that much easier for Inslee or Marr in 2012.
Lost @ 25
You’ve missed an important distinction. I’ll try to demonstrate it by way of example. A while back, you claimed that Reagan’s policies were good for business. I pointed out that Reagan’s policies brought us the Savings and Loan crisis of the 80’s and asked you exactly how that crisis was good for business. You still haven’t answered my question, but I’ll bet that you still believe that Reagan’s policies were good for business.
Please let me know if that doesn’t make the difference between us abundantly clear.
re 31: He would have to know what Reagan’s policies were to address that issue with you.
He does not know.
Rob McKenna, whose aspirations are indeed large, is so frequently portrayed as a Republican who could win statewide office in this very blue state. How many of you have ever met Rob McKenna? He is a very colorless fellow, whose sole aspiration throughout his legal career has been to gain higher office. He gained the Attorney General position because Deborah Senn (sorry if this offends anyone) is disgusting. Hell, I had trouble voting for her. McKenna is not a threat. He is the Eagle Scout who has always had this aspiration to be all that he can be, but, as Gertrude Stein suggested, there ain’t no there there. Go for it, Rob.
And who do you suggest the GOP Party run for governor in 2012 then?? Reichart? McMorris? Another state legislator retread?
Best thinking says Gregoire gets out sooner rather than later. Really was foolish of her not to take an appointment already in the Obama Admin. But she could be holding out for AG (Holder’s war with the CIA could spell trouble for him), or a Sup. Ct. appointment (the latter being a lifetime gig).
As for this Bob Clark fellow…he is quite comedic.
You couldn’t possibly be asking me, because I couldn’t give a rat’s ass who the GOP runs for anything. They will run some buttsuck who will lose.
The ultra right are so batty I can’t tell the satirists from the true believers.
The ultras chased out a moderate in NY’s 23rd and now look to eliminate all the moderates in Washington. If McKenna and Hutchinson are too moderate than Republicans won’t even be able to win in Okanogan County.
Pretty soon Washington State will just have the Democratic Party and the DINOs.