The Seattle Times this morning asks the question, “Bag fee: bad idea or bad timing?”
Huh. Well, I suppose it could be one or the other or both. Or, and perhaps I’m reaching here, but just maybe Referendum 1’s failure had something to do with the chemical industry outspending the Yes campaign by fifteen to one, an astounding $1.4 million to $95,000 margin? I mean perhaps, if the American Chemistry Council hadn’t spent about twenty bucks a piece for every No vote it would ultimately win, the vote might have been a little closer?
Or maybe I’m crazy, and money has no influence whatsoever on elections?
Of course, the reason the plastic bag industry was willing to spend so much money in a city initiative had nothing to do with lofty ideals or even the plastic bag market here in Seattle. It was to head off a cascade of similar measures in other cities should the Seattle bag fee had gone into effect, and proven to be, well, not so bad and not so unpopular. So here’s what I would do if I were on the Seattle City Council: pass the bag fee ordinance again.
And again. And again, and again and again.
Just keep passing that sucker, forcing the chemical industry to pump a million and half dollars or so into our local media economy year after year after year. It’s good for business and good for our democracy. And it sure would feel good to give the American Chemistry Council the finger.
Haaahahahaha!! Look at the homo liberals going down! Hutchinson is winning and ‘meat neck’ commie homo Nickels is going OUT! About time. And screw you fairies and your plastic bag tax/ban. We’re sick of your liberal anti American commie homo bullshit and were going to run you out of town.
I think the chemical industry just reminded folks that this is a bullshit issue. Given the host of Seattle’s everyday issues, this was way down on the list of things-to-do.
Okay, pass it again. But this time, leave paper bags out of the mix. Or, in the alternative, put a $1.00 fee on paper newspapers, which weigh a LOT more than paper bags.
Do you have any statistics about the chemical composition of a single plastic bag?
10 years ago, you LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWN brethren was up in arms about the Foam Meat Trays. They were insisting on the Hard Plastic Trays despite the fact that those trays were so sharp they cut Meatcutters, Customers and the plastic wrap around the meat causing blood to contiminate all sorts of things. Yet the KLOWNS marched forward…based on the emotion that Foam was bad.
Then after making their appeal for the umpteenth time, they ran into a City Council Member who was a retired Chemical Engineer and author of 6 Chemical Engineering books.
This Councilor let the numbskulls rant & rave…then took out the chalkboard and proceeded to lay out the chemical composition of both foam and hard plastic. Then he asked the fools in the crowd to identify the difference between the 2. No one even had the courage to venture a guess…they were overwhelmed as usual by REAL SCIENCE!!
After a long pause, the Councilor announced the difference between hard plastic and foam trays was…………………………..
Can any of you KLOWNS tell us the answer??
When these liberal pinko nutjobs outlaw all of our private sector jobs, who will they steal from then to support their stupid asses?
I say ALL COMMUNISTS OUT OF THE U.S. starting with Pinko ‘Goldy’.
Freakin thieves!
All the trolls’ taking to the dance floor here notwithstanding, I don’t think the voters paid a whole lot of attention to the campaigning by either side. Nobody particularly gets his rocks off on using plastic bags. However, it’s not necessary to pass a law enforcing every snippet of common sense. What debate there’s been over this may have had a laudatory effect by prompting a few more people to try reusable bags, but it’s also given the righties a new talking–er, hollering point about the “nanny state” and taxation.
And Cyn…what many of us had hoped for ten years ago was the return of paper trays. Instead the grocery stores came up with another petrochemical kludge. At least most of the fast food industry more or less got it right.
Plastic bags will make great shoe covers and hats when we are all living in tents thanks to the bi-partisan support of tax cuts for the rich, outsourcing jobs, breaking unions, endless world wide wars, and deregulating the banking system.
Very true, I think money has a lot to do with the bag tax’s failure. However I think McGinn showed that being outspent doesn’t equal outvoted. Also consider how Seattle voters historically are generally brave enough to vote to increase taxes when they think it’s for a good cause and I think you are left with the timing. I would bet my left foot this would have passed two years ago or (hopefully) two years from now when the anti-government hysteria has died down.
Perhaps instead of encouraging council members to ignore public votes they should try a different strategy. Maybe engaging grocers, perhaps setting up a voluntary tax. After all grocers carry plastic bags because people ask for them not because they want to carry them.
I hate to agree with @2, and as usual, Mr. Klynical the fucking douchebag comes up with an irrelevant example (and yes, it IS irrelevant), but I think that this would have been voted down regardless of the money coming in from the ACS.
Why? Two reasons. First, it seemed to be quite pointless. In practice, adding an extra twenty cents per bag is nominal; for most middle-class households, adding an extra three or four dollars to a hundred and fifty dollar food bill isn’t going to be devastating. But when folks either use the bags they get from the supermarket for other uses, or wrap them up and put them in the recycling bin, where exactly is the sense that this is providing some positive benefit to the environment? If you’re just going to be putting plastic bags in your office wastebasket anyway, is there really a net environmental gain here? If you’re just going to buy other plastic bags to pick up your dog’s shit, isn’t that a net environmental impact?
I think that environmental alarmism in this case just didn’t pan out with the common sense of many folks. Tackling other sources of plastic waste would have been a far better use of time, and would have gained far more support.
Second, the policy was just fucking stupid, even for Seattle. Willingness-to-pay is NOT the same as the willingness-to-accept in this case. If you were to increase the costs of goods in every store by a very small amount, and offer a small percentage rebate that amounted to about twenty cents per bag, people wouldn’t perceive it as a tax but as an incentive, even if the net effects were the same. Environmentalists need lessons in marketing and policy development, plain and simple, because these types of approaches are doomed to failure.
I’m getting a little sick of the right wingers who know just enough economics to be dangerous.
Classical economic theory, which you all cling to in order to support arguments for free enterprise, argues for “Pareto optimality”, the holy grail of economic theory.
The most economically efficient system we can have, according to classical economic theory, is one that TAXES polluters to compensate for the societal costs of the negative externalities that stem from the polluting acts.
That is exactly what a bag tax would do. And a LARGE gas tax, like in the DOLLARS, would do the same. And there are many more.
But the conservatives don’t really want to pursue economically efficient and socially just solutions – just policies that are convenient and profitable for themselves.
Exactly! And encourage other cities to do the same…
As a piece of public policy the bag fee was stupid. As a way to drain the Chemistry Councils lobbying budget, it seemed to workout alright.
Hey Cynical, Mrs Puddy frequents places that use foam containers exclusively.
Why? The food is excellent!
Hey demo kid@9 are you one of those who will be “boycotting” Whole Foods” too?
@13: What does that have to do with anything? You’re talking about a completely separate issue and making a completely unreasonable connection (as usual!).
(And no. There are far better reasons not to shop at Whole Foods than one op-ed.)
Puddy wonders if sarge@10 remembers this about the plastic bag discussion?
“Despite its apparent success, Ireland’s plastax came with several unforeseen externalities, such as an increased crime rate and use of paper, garbage, and vegetable bag alternatives. Since the plastax was introduced in 2002, plastic bag purchases increased 400% and paper bag usage also skyrocketed, which is harmful to the environment because it requires more energy to produce and creates twice the level of air pollution as plastic bags.”
Or this editorial?
Are these peeps right-wingers sarge?
demo kid you are against a …”policy… fucking stupid even for Seattle” [your words]. To Puddy the proposed boycott against Whole Foods is also “fucking stupid even for Seattle”.
Just wanted to see if you think both are fucking stupid?
Puddy: The point is, the massive resources we consume for convenience adversely affect the environment, even to the point of threatening the viability of life on this planet.
And America is the biggest abuser. We need to stop consuming so much of the world’s resources, and contributing so much to the destruction of the environment.
That means consuming less gasoline, and using reusable bags.
Of course the people that oppose every conceivable environmental law are going to construct bullshit arguments on why they don’t work.
Meanwhile, we destroy the planet.
We overproduce and over-consume paper bags, plastic bags, gas, oil, electricity, and a myriad of other commodities. The reason we overproduce and over-consume is the negative environmental externalities are not fully internalized at either the manufacturing or purchasing level.
The evidence for this is obvious, and I can’t get into this in a comment post.
The production and consumption of commodities that are destroying this planet are massively underpriced.
Or, there were enough people like me that want to ban the bag and that tax would have institutionalized a half-assed law.
Ban the bag, I would not only vote for that but actively support it.
10. sarge spews:
HOWEVER sarge, one must consider the cost-benefit of the Bureaucracy required to implement your noble goal.
I think all you Vegans ought to pay a hefty FART Tax…y’all know damn well what that diet does to your system…worse than cows cuz cows FART out in the rural areas.
You VEGAN KLOWNS FART in Public Buildings, on Public Busses and pretty much everywhere ESPECIALLY THE CO-OP where the Produce Dept. always smells like a bunch of Hippies just shit themselves!!
Hey, none of you KLOWNS answered my Question at #4!!
@ 18: what I think we should do, is charge for them.
I went to a liquor store a while back, it was disgusting. People would buy a single bottle, which would be placed in a paper bag that would in turn be placed into a plastic bag.
If everyone who walked out of a liquor store with a single bottle, just walked out with the bottle…no paper bag, no plastic bag, no receipt, the state would save a fortune and the environment would benefit.
ANY bag should cost. Even receipts.
We have to start incentivizing conservation.
You would have to change the Democrat Law to be able to walk out of a store with a Liquor bottle. A lush like you outta know that.
Unless of course yer that gal over at the weekly who just tucks the bottle under her coat and STEALS IT!!
That’s what most Lefty’s do.
4 Cyn
The answer is…it’s irrelevant to the discussion.
This coming from a wingnut loon who occasionally speaks in tongues and who’s grandmother rode dinosaurs.
@4 Glad to see you’re in favor of basing public policy decisions on real science and hard facts instead of lies, myths, and rumors.
So … when did you become a Democrat?
Word is the next step is likely to be a bag ban law from the council. Don’t know if it will pass with the new mix of members in the Fall though.
Um, yea right. Dow was competing against 4 other democrats who split the vote. Susan may have the most votes in the primary but I suspect she is going to find it hard to get to 50%+ in the general.
As for the mayor’s race I doubt conservatives will have much to cheer about with either McGinn or Mallahan. Both are pretty green crunchy-granola types who don’t really give a shit what color your skin is or who you like to have sex with. At best both are likely to be somewhat more fiscally conservative than Nickels was.
I wouldn’t just change that law, I would get the state out of the liquor business and let the grocery stores, Costco, etc sell it, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The state could not only continue to collect a tax on sales, it could be set such that the state nets even more income.
The state would make more money, and private businesses would make more money.
I’m one of those evil commie gay leftists, but I thought this was a bad idea. Just too complicated. If you want to outright ban plastic bags, just do so. But a whole tax/fee collection system, JUST to discourage their use? Overkill. See, even Democrats like me (and a majority of Seattle which is majority Democrat) can kill silly ideas.
Rather folks just talk to their local stores and try to convince them to phase out plastic bags in favor of something more biodegradable. And of course, just don’t use them! Just bring your own bag, many folks do you notice now a days. No one is FORCING you to take a bag. Kills me to see someone buy ONE item in a store and walk out the door with it in a BAG. Just tell the clerk no…I don’t need a bag, I can carry one or two items just fine.
I may be a proud progressive/lefty/Democrat, but I’m still an Iowa common sense Democrat. I don’t like “hidden” fee’s or taxes. If you need to raise taxes for something you feel is important, do it. But I hate Republicans and Democrats always nickel and diming with all these semi-hidden fees. This just wasn’t the best way to accomplish the goal. That’s all.
@16: I think that both are pretty dumb, yes. Don’t get me wrong… I may be liberal, but there are times when my native New England liberalism and this West Coast liberalism doesn’t quite mesh.
Doesn’t make your comment about Whole Foods any more relevant, though, and still doesn’t mean that you’re anything but a pathetic piece of shit.
22 Cyn
The legislature does not regulate liquor or liquor stores. The Washington State Liquor Control Board (WSLCB) does.
@17: Of course the people that oppose every conceivable environmental law are going to construct bullshit arguments on why they don’t work.
But that’s not the group that environmental activists need to win over! It’s the political independents, the reasonable conservatives, and the traditional liberals that get tired of hearing case after case after case where the world is about to end, polar bears are about to drown, etc. etc. ad infinitum.
To paraphrase an unrelated source… for me to be an environmentalist in many circles, it turns out I suddenly find myself needing to know the plural of apocalypse.
re 19: I have always thought that methane collection fart-stations should be placed everywhere. You can just back up to the foam cushioned station and let ‘er rip.
Millions upon millions of good Americans contributing to solving the energy crisis we face would leave a good feeling for most of us.
And the bonus part is that all 7th grade boys and Republicans would make an extra effort to fart as loudly, often, and conspicuously as possible.
Great Idea Cyn!!! Glad to see you are hoppin’ aboard the methane powered eco-peace train. Cat Stevens will be happy to miss a few flights when he hears about this.
I voted for the bag fee .. somewhat to the surprise of my wife who knows I like shopping as uncomplex as possible.
I am certain that the ads worked, but why shouldn’t they? All they this do was to make normal folks realize how annoying this could be.
I suspect that a better tactic might be something like the return fee on soft drink bottles.
I suspect something could be drafted that is less intrusive.
Amazing…humor from you!
We’ll call ‘er The Co-op Pretend Hippy Peace Train powered by “recycled” organic produce.
What is the matter with you??
Did you even study the bureaucracy it would take to collect, account for and enforce this ham-handed Legislation.
I thought you were outrage at some of the Higher Ed “overhead”.
Make up your mind!
Hopefully Mrs. SJ has the common sense in your family and cancelled your vote!
Not one of you moroon’s can answer my Question at #4.
I guess we’ll have to call on Puddy.
He is the only one bright enough to know the answer.
Mr. Cynical
“Not one of you moroon’s [sic] can answer my Question at #4.”
Ummm…Cynical. Why would someone answer a question you asked of Goldy?
From 4:
But…okay, I’ll give it a stab:
I don’t know if Goldy has any “statistics about the chemical composition of a single plastic bag”. You’d have to ask him.
Now…if you had asked me, I would have responded:
Yes…I do have those statistics. One hundred percent (SE ± 0%) of plastic bags have a chemical composition.
We can reject the hypothesis that a plastic bag has no chemical composition at p < 0.000000001
She already has fabric bags and uses them.
I do not see why this needs overhead.
For example, it ought to be possible to require that stores reduce theri prices by some rational amount to reflect the costs of disposables.
All this would require is asking the customer “yourbag? or paper or plastic?” IUs the customer says yourbag, they get a 1% discount.
What is wrong with that? The store benefits by saving on the disposables and by selling the yourbags. The customer sames a few penneys. Enforcement, if any, woould be minimal, n fact I suwspect if it were worked correctly mnost stores would WANT to do it a way of making an extra buck.
Darryl snarks at Cynical:
Furthermore, those bags are organic.
@4 and @38 Christ, you’re an idiot. What form of “hard plastic”? Identify the plastic that the tray is made of and then one can compare it to expanded polystyrene foam. Your ignorance and your willingness to share it with the world knows no bounds.
Thanks dummokid!
Cynical @ 4
It’s really rich for you to refer to science as having a role to play in public policy debates. Given that you deny global warming, you really look hypocritical in suggesting science should be consulted on this bag issue.
It’s a red herring and you know it Cyn. I could provide you links to answer but I’m sure you’ve heard of Bing, or the google.
Any bag that is used once and tossed is a waste of resources. It could be a bamboo fabric bag, manufactured by susistance organic farmers in Columbia city and delivered on foot to PCC so as to avoid all fossil fuel use whatsoever. If the shopper takes it home, unpacks it and throws it away it is still a waste.
Nice to see that you haven’t peppered your writing with any new O’Reily catch phrases lately.
@4 OK, Cyn….I’ll have a go at it by asking another question:
WHO CARES what the chemical composition of a single plastic bag is…except for the fact that it’s something that doesn’t just decompose and blend back in with the environment.
It’s a different problem when you’re talking about billions of the damned things. Then they wind up taking up space and being a nuisance–for a long, long time.
There’s a secondary issue, and that’s that although we’re making some efforts at recycling them (which for all I know you also detest), anything made of petrochemicals and then used once and buried in the ground is a waste of valuable raw materials which otherwise could have been used for something more useful and durable.
Slightly off topic but…
Can we pass a law that it is legal to bitch slap the person who trains retail clerks under the following conditions?
Customer approaches cashier with any single item in hand and pays for single item. Single item is placed in a bag and handed to customer. Trainer gets one bitch slap.
Customer walks into coffee shop and orders any drink, for here. Drink is made, served in a paper cup with a plastic lid. Lid is immediately dropped into the trash at the counter. Traier gets one bitch slap.
And while I’m ranting, why do I get a 40foot long register receipt when I buy a couple items at either of the major home improvement chains dominating the Puget Sound area?
re 47: I have a plan to enact a law that forces stupid and/or obtuse individuals to wear those electric shock colars that they make for dog training. Then the rest of us would be supplied with electric ‘buzzers’, if you will, that enable us to apply a mild shock to the stupid person as they are IN THE ACT of being stupid.
Think of it! Appropriate negative reinforcment at the time the stupid behavior is occurring.
Republicans won’t even have to reflect on whether or not they are being stupid. They will develop an automatic aversion to the stupid behavior that seems to come to them so naturally.
Sorry. I gotta grab my gun and run. There are some town hall meetings I have to attend.
Goldy, I’m a card carrying liberal and I opposed the bag fee. Why? Because it legislated something that we should just do as a matter of course. It was plainly a bad idea, which is why it was rejected. It has nothing to do with spending on political advertising, it was just a bad idea.
@48 I’ve long said that the proper application of voltage and current would get Puddy’s mind right in no time. However, the voltage necessary to get Klyical’s or Marvin’s mind right would likely kill them first, not that we shouldn’t at least give it a try.
Vs The Bag Fee
Frankly, my wife and I recycle BOTH plastic and paer bags and have done so for a long time.
It seems to me that the simplest way og doing this is either just to require that stores charge a minimum fee for a bag or give an automatic discount when a customer does not use one.
One thing that may have annoyed some was the law was trying to do to many things.
re 35: I am like an eagle swooping down upon the furry little marmot that is your psyche.
Actully if you read my post #4, I said “Any of you KLOWNS”.
That obviously includes you Darryl!
You KLOWNS still cannot answer a simple question.
I understand y’all are doing the best you can though!
I guess when there are not “feelings” involved, you KLOWNS get a little lost, huh?
yeah, SCREW the people and what they voted for! Don’t those morons know WE know better for them, that they should just follow our lead….
you really are a nazi enviromentalist, aren’t you?
For me (and I suspect many others) wasn’t the outside advertising, but the heavy handed approach and ‘penalizing’ attitude. Sure, I use my cloth bags but I voted against the bag tax.
Back when the recycle program was first being proposed in the 1980’s I requested the first recycle bin in the neighborhood. Went to each of my neighbors (2 sets of duplexes) and suggested they put their recycles in MY bin. I would haul it down the stairs every other week. They were HAPPY to help the effort. No demands needed, the four of us filled my single bin quite nicely. All it took was to ASK politely!
This spring we were told that we now had to go to Green Food Waste bins or declare that we were Composting. I’ve been paying next door neighbor $50/yr to utilize his large yardwaste bin. Sometimes HE would fill it up, or sometimes I would fill it up between both of our weeds (he was elderly so I kind of took over weeding/raking for him when he couldn’t).
Now, no more sharing. One house = one yardwaste bin @ $3.60/mo minimum. I think people are getting tired of being treated like stupid endless pocketbooks.
you could have purchased biodegradable bags for your dog’s poop rather than the non-biodegradable ones that sit in landfills.
seattle messed up on this one. if we want to complain about taxes we should next complain about the tax on certain food items. or the taxes on underwear or gasoline or everything else. but a tax on plastic bags…never!
as a protest i will be throwing all of my plastic bags into the puget sound and dumping them in your kids’ playgrounds.
i’ll make the closet republicans in this city cringe and swim in the mess of their own doing.
re 54: Here’s a simple question for you. Do you think that you have the right to prevent the majority from having universal healthcare?
Cite your source.
@56 fricknfrack
Good post. I think they effed this by turning a simple idea into an onerous obtacle.
All that they needed to do was to require that stores charge a fee, whatever fee the stores wanted to charge, for bags. Is Safeway wanted to give bags away, that would NOT be OK, but let them set the price. Seems simple to me .. you wanna bag, you pay for the bag.
For that matter, we already pay for disposal of the effin things.
58. headless: Rat City Runcible Spoon spews:
First cite your sources that the majority wants Universal Health Care.
Second…according to the Leftist AMA $20 Million Study, 10 Million of the 47 Million are ILLEGAL ALIENS.
I’m certain the vast majority of Americans are NOT for insuring ILLEGALS.
There are lots of FREE THINGS people emotionally desire…but in the end you have to pay for them. Increasing the Debt is not a sustainable way of paying for it.
Face it, the more Americans vet Obama’s lies, the less desirable it is. Canada, one of your KLOWNISH cadre’s success stories is IMPLODING!
Huge cuts announced earlier this week. Backlog of over 1 million NECESSARY surgeries and over 1 million needed tests…many of which would result in surgeries.
The American System would face the same consequence….
Do you really think Obama’s wishing and Bullsh*t are the key to success???
It ain’t happening headless.
You lose!!
Are you an AMA member??
If not, why not?
If so, why??
Did you know AMA is down from 25% of all Docs to 17%? They are dropping like flies!
It will even be worse as more just decline to renew membership.
Does the AMA represent the majority of the Docs?? Methinks NOT!
i haven’t seen one other poster comment on the anti-democratic and pro-dictator views this blog post represents…
you’re saying “SCREW the way people voted, we’re gonna force them to accept my ideology any way possible!!”
“i haven’t seen one other poster comment on the anti-democratic and pro-dictator views this blog post represents…”
Right…because nothing says “democratic” like an industry pumping millions of dollars into an election…
Are you fucking retarded?
are you a fucking nazi, insisting to hold votes ad infinitum until the idiotic people finally see the wisdom of your holy position?
Gosh, so bad we’re not so socially conscious like you! Your Jonestown awaits!
“are you a fucking nazi”
You got the wrong end of the political spectrum, there, Squirt.
“insisting to hold votes ad infinitum until the idiotic people finally see the wisdom of your holy position?”
Wait, what? That doesn’t sound like a Nazi policy. Do you have any fucking idea what you are babbling about?
“Gosh, so bad we’re not so socially conscious like you! Your Jonestown awaits!”
I’m guessing you aren’t fully conscious, period.
I’m sure you’ll also join in and call into question the legitimacy of Obama’s election because he spent more money than McCain.
and like your conmpatriots the wingnuts, you’ll demand over a& over & over again to re-run the 2008 election until the Republicans win.
When you walk like a wingnut and talk like a wingnut and act like a wingnut, you’re a wingnut & disdainful of da people’s vote too boot.
chicagoexpat @ 66,
“I’m sure you’ll also join in and call into question the legitimacy of Obama’s election because he spent more money than McCain.”
Maybe! Let’s see…if we scale up from Seattle with a population of 581,000 to the U.S. at 304 M, we get a multiplier of 522 times 1.4 million, gives $731 million.
So, show me an industry that contributed $731 million unanswered dollars to Obama’s campaign and I will call into question his legitimacy. The FEC would like your report, too.
“and like your conmpatriots the wingnuts, you’ll demand over a& over & over again to re-run the 2008 election until the Republicans win.”
What the fuck are you babbling about?
“When you walk like a wingnut and talk like a wingnut and act like a wingnut, you’re a wingnut & disdainful of da people’s vote too boot.”
Let me guess…you’ve had a “little bit” to drink….
just send me back to the re-education camps since i voted against the bag tax
refuse to reject the outcome of an election just because you think voters are stupid when they vote against your ideology
“just send me back to the re-education camps since i voted against the bag tax”
Yeah…we’ll have to first have you stand before the Obama death panels to assess your net value to humanity….
“refuse to reject the outcome of an election just because you think voters are stupid when they vote against your ideology”
Ummm…I don’t think you really understand what Goldy was getting at….
i see very well exactly what this anti-democracy wingnut is demanding. if idiotic Seattle voters don’t agree with his cult, they must be the ones who are wrong.
people will either vote his way, or they’ll be forced to vote again & again & again & again until they cave in and agree with him…
just like the birthers & the deathpanelists, Obama’s election must not be legitimate cause it wasn’t what they wanted, he must be unconstitutional
and as long as the uber-nazis continue to delay & reopen any decision on the viaduct, you’re happy … when the next earthquake hits & a bunch of motorists are crushed flat, why that’s 2 problems solved! The throughway is rubble and a bunch of devils wagons are scrap!
“i see very well exactly what this anti-democracy wingnut is demanding.”
LOL…you don’t even have Goldy pegged to the proper side of the political spectrum. I suppose it could be a local Chicago dialect, except that I am a Chicago expat too, and it ain’t so.
“if idiotic Seattle voters don’t agree with his cult, they must be the ones who are wrong.”
Nope…you didn’t comprehend the post. Maybe your mommy can help.
“people will either vote his way, or they’ll be forced to vote again & again & again & again until they cave in and agree with him…”
Psssst…Squirt, that is called satire. Look it up sometime.
“just like the birthers & the deathpanelists, Obama’s election must not be legitimate cause it wasn’t what they wanted, he must be unconstitutional”
Again…the meaning of the post flew right over your noggin.
“and as long as the uber-nazis continue to delay & reopen any decision on the viaduct, you’re happy … when the next earthquake hits & a bunch of motorists are crushed flat, why that’s 2 problems solved! The throughway is rubble and a bunch of devils wagons are scrap!”
Whew…26 minutes past noon and it sure seems like you’re already hittin’ the bottle pretty hard! Slow down, there, Squirt.
garsh, i’se just not as smarts as you Mistuh Darryl! Pwease edumacate me so’s I can see the wisdom of yorn master plan!