It was journalist night at Seattle’s Drinking Liberally, with one of the region’s most venerable political writers, The Seattle P-I’s Joel Connelly, duking it out with one of the region’s newest, The Stranger’s Cienna Madrid. Also joining me for our weekly political beerfest was Carl, Mollie, Will, and Lee. (Well, sort of Lee… we actually bumped him for Joel before he managed to say a word.)
Cienna and I continue our tussle over Maria Cantwell, Dirk Kempthorne and how political journalists influence the issues they cover. Then Joel joins in and the discussion ranges from Barak Obama, Al Gore, Mark Warner, John Edwards, John Kerry and the third anniversary of the start of the Iraq War.
The show is 53:19, and is available here as a 34.4MB MP3, and archived at
[Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for producing our show.]
I’m still listening, but I want to congratulate you on how much more polished the podcast is sounding, and for getting interesting people to participate.
Good job.
Why do the righty trolls hurl their mere opinions like gobbets of projectile vomit all over the place and the minute anyone else quotes a fact to support an opinion they want an entire footnote and reference– when they could easily check the facts themselves??
Why do the righty trolls hurl their mere opinions like gobbets of projectile vomit all over the place and the minute anyone else quotes a fact to support an opinion they want an entire footnote and reference– when they could easily check the facts themselves??
Commentby Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anabaptist— 3/22/06@ 9:56 am
What are you referring to, chaplan? Check it out!
Our podcast is now available on iTunes, which is a free software download.
Why not discuss a REAL problem like Affordable Housing??
I ask you KLOWNS to come up with your PLAN for Affordable Housing that goes beyond the feel-good blah, blah of saying “The Democrats are for Affordable Housing” (but we don’t have a fucking clue as to how to accomplish it…..and EVERYTHING we’ve done the past 21 years has made it WORSE!!).
The response??? NONE!!
This is precisely the legacy of the LEFT. Criticize, play Robin Hood, allege conspiracy theories and FEAR, FEAR, FEAR!!!!
But ask the Dems, who are in Charge of the State, King KOUNTY and Seattle for a plan that includes an assessment of CONSEQUENCES and all they can do is spew anger.
What are you doing?????
Look at Transportation and Gridlock!!!
The Dems in Washington are completely inept!
More taxes down the gullet….and a small turd comes out the back-end!!
Bang for the Buck???
More like smoke-and-mirrors.
We are talking about affordable housing in Washington State and the LEFTIST PINHEADS can only blame Bush.
Inept, incompetent….you IDIOTS are in charge!!!!
You can’t BLAME anyone but yourselves.
Time’s a-wastin’!!
Affordable Housing guys…..what is YOUR plan other than to talk about it ad infinitum???
My G*d! How politically illiterate is Cienna?!? Naderites gave us George W. Bush. Are people like this going to give us McGavick?
Idiots. Sure roll your eyes at goofy statements made during an election year but you better do the right thing come November and reject evil.
For the Clueless – Ross Perot gave us Clinton!
The Libertarians and other independents gave us Queen Chrissie!
Now Joel Connelly – that guy IS politically literate despite some of the loopy stands he’s taken over the years.
Ciena – PLEASE take notice!
Why do the righty trolls hurl their mere opinions like gobbets of projectile vomit all over the place and the minute anyone else quotes a fact to support an opinion they want an entire footnote and reference– when they could easily check the facts themselves??
Commentby Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anabaptist— 3/22/06@ 9:56 am
Rev. A.A. Tappman the trolls you refer to are interested in where you get your information. They like you love to throw opinions and references just to see how you accept that point of view. The vomit you refer to is to provoke different points of view. The person that is famous for doing this is Roger Rabbit and it adds humor, makes life interesting, provokes comment, forces people to step out of their little squares, and sometimes-emotional breakdowns. Now some folks like yourself do not like to have breakdowns because it causes undue stress, and realizes that position you took was not your best decision after the fact. Everybody has great hindsight especially Roger he has more experience at that due to age and his worldly experiences. Referencing other web sites can be fun but (now that is a big but) you can be burned because who posted it and it could be very wrong. You may not know that until someone reminds in embarrassing ways that you blew it. Now that can be fun, but some folks do not take ribbing very well. Roger Rabbit does not count he ask for it all the time and loves the attention. If you have thin skin and cannot take the abuse keep you fingers off the key board. Great advice Roger gave me when I made my first comment.
7 – Thank G*d for Ross Perot and his animus towards the Bush crime family. Clinton left this country in a hopeful financial situation. Shrub has brought us to the brink of total bankruptcy and has diminished America in the eyes of the world. We’re no longer looked up to – we’re despised.
Thank G*d for the Libertarians and Independents saving us from the BIAW-creature and Rovian stealth candidate Rossi who succeeded in fooling thousands of gullible Democrats into voting for him.
Gregoire has proven to be a capable Governor.
I agree that Cienna’s protest of Cantwell supporting Kempthorne is extreme, since the reason not to spit on the guys shoes is to make it easier to work with him.
Some civil rights activists met with Lyndon Johnson when Nixon was elected, bemoaning their plight and seeking his counsel. LBJ said something like — You think he’s a dumb SOB, and maybe I think he’s a dumb SOB, but het think he’s a dumb SOB, so you better not lecture him about how wrong he is.
But, Mollie was right on when she said that there was plenty else to be upset with Cantwell about.
My opinion is that Maria has told me she doesn’t need my vote, has gone out of her way to make it clear that 30,000 people on the streets protesting the war, all the letters written to her, all the vigils over the war since don’t mean much to her.
I don’t want to reward her behavior. If she thinks she bought the seat and she owns it, I want to set her straight. Since I’m not going to get what I want out of her or McGarvick, at least I may have the opportunity to vote for what I want.
There’s some big money donor opposing me who is getting what he/she wants. They wouldn’t support her if she went against them, why should I support her when she tows their line?
My next issue is Universal Health Care. The Democrats have been yammering, off and on, about that since 1948.
I’m going to start voting for people who want what I want.
These LEFTIST PINHEADS like the Wrong-Reverend prove their KLOWNliness with every passing day here in Washington State. These IDIOTS are in charge and look what we get:
1) Illegal tax increase schemed up by the Gregoire Regime to circumvent VOTER APPROVED spending limits.
2) Lies about Transportation Emergencies like AWV to get more dollars into the bureaucratic tub of goo.
3) Lies about cutting 1000 middle-managers. Gregoire has added people and simply called them something else! Smoke-and-mirrors.
They have no plans for Affordable Housing and cannot get out of the planning mode on much of anything. They are inept.
So you have a bunch of inept KLOWNS with no plan….only a burning desire to be incharge. They gain power by “fear-mongering”. Then everything they touch turns to shit.
Even worse than the fact these KLOWNS don’t know what they are doing… that THEY DON’T KNOW THAT THEY DON’T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING!!!!!!!
Combined with their lack of sense of humor and an oh so serious, oh so self-righteous attitude… wonder they are so dysfunctional!!! Can you believe these KLOWNS are serious about some of the LEFTIST shit they spew?????
These LEFTISTS have also found a way on the extreme fringe to indebt the State in a highly UNPRUDENT and FISCALLY IRRESPONSIBLE way.
It’s called INTENTIONALLY underfunding future pension liabilities. The DEMOCRATS created this monster and have made it worse and worse in recent years. A reasonable person would take care of current obligations first. Not these KLOWNS. They have the never to adopt a completely unsustainable Budget and call it PRUDENT??? They fail to address the huge Pension underfunding.
These are the VERY SAME Leftist Pinheaded KLOWNS that criticize General Motors for doing the same thing THEY are doing.
What a joke.
In that anecdote above, Nixon didn’t think he was a dumb SOB. That HTML always bites me.
Hmmmm…I don’t want to read too much into Mr. Cynical’s comments, but….
Has Mr. Cynical just become homeless?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Thank G*d for the Libertarians and Independents saving us from the BIAW-creature and Rovian stealth candidate Rossi who succeeded in fooling thousands of gullible Democrats into voting for him.
Gregoire has proven to be a capable Governor.
Commentby For the Clueless— 3/22/06@ 10:48 am
You’re welcome, I guess.
To the trolls Klake and Cynical —
Nobody wants to ride your hobby horses in this thread. Take it to an open thread, or listen to the podcast and get on topic.
My opinion is that Maria has told me she doesn’t need my vote, has gone out of her way to make it clear that 30,000 people on the streets protesting the war, all the letters written to her, all the vigils over the war since don’t mean much to her.
Commentby Voter Advocate— 3/22/06@ 10:55 am
Dean Logan is that 30,000 in the US or around the world? You should stick to counting votes more than once, the job is fitting for you. The funny thing how folks like you make the numbers bigger than what they really are in the beginning. Now is that the new math they teach in the Seattle school district today? Now wonder your check books never balance.
I was there troll, I know how many people marched.
Affordable housing – what a laugh! Is this the BIAW’s latest talking point?
BOZO – if you don’t want goofy tax schemes to fund education and health care for kids in the absence of a sane income tax – where do you want to cut? Balance the budget for us asshole. Put up or shut up, prick.
On another thread horseless looselips wrote:
Who flew the bin Laden family out of the U.S. after 9/11? Their business partners: the Bush family.
Commentby headless lucy— 3/20/06@ 9:45 pm
Now read this entry RevMan wrote:
Why did Bush fly his business partners, the bin Ladens, out of the U.S. the day after 9/11?
Commentby Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anabaptist— 3/22/06@ 8:16 am
These post are too similar. I submit horseless looselips is the RevMan!
PENSIONS…YOU are fucking spewing about PENSIONS???????
You HATE worker protection, including “pensions” and you’re accusing DEMS of underfunding them?
You’re good, buddy. Really good. You’re next job oughta be White House Press Sec.
You make Baghdad Bob look WEAK!
My next issue is Universal Health Care. The Democrats have been yammering, off and on, about that since 1948.
So you’re going to enable a filty rich Insurance executive who sent 3000 jobs to India to buy a seat in the Senate millionaire’s club.
Makes sense to me.
RevMan_AKA_Headless_Lucy@3: Donnageddon started it with citation please. So we ask the SOBs on your side to provide the same courtesies we are required to perform!!!
Maybe you and Pee-Dookie can start a PR firm.
“You spew it…we spin it.”
They’ve already got the seat locked up, it appears.
For teh Clueless: Did you scream bloody murder over NAFTA when Clinton said this is a great program and Perot said the sucking sound would soon occur? Naah I didn’t think so!
Why don’t you let the Republicans fuck with YOUR pension. Invest it in “rare nail guns” or something.
Yeah…I thought so.
Rujax: Good to see you spew your low-life venom! You are spiraling into Donnageddon land!
GBS: Getting ready to leave in 5 minutes!
HEY Pee-Dookie!!!!
Donna is WAY MORE highbrow than I am!
BTW-Got your “brown face” on Mr. Invisible Man???
Funny rujax. When GBS sees two blacks he’ll have a heart attack.
Then Yo/DaWo will have no one to pick upon!
re 12: Everything Cynical said is true —– about the Bush Administration.
This is what you get when SCOTA starts appointing the idiot sons of American $$$$$$$$$ocracy president.
It is a falsehood to blame a voter who does not vote for a candidate with that candidate’s victory.
Coke and Pepsi have no claim on my consumption if my favorite beverate is V-8.
Why did Bush fly the bin Laden family out of the U.S. the day after 9/11?
Puddybud, if Rujax is spiraling into Donnageddon land, that leaves him about 24 flights of stairs above neoCONs like yourself!
Cantwell has already received on gift vote from me, as my preference was Deborah Senn in 2000. I figured that Maria had to be better than Gorton, and she is. Marginally.
Ya know, BIAW’s Dick-
Like you really care about “low income housing” and “transportation”.
If you cared about “low income housing”…you’d fucking BUILD some without fleecing the taxpayers by over-running and padding the construction costs (and then SCREAMING about gummint waste…NICE!). And employ some “low income people” (like women and minorities) so they maybe wouldn’t be “low income” anymore (and not your “niece” or her black athlete boyfriend, either…though THAT’s a nice little scam…I NEVER said you were stupid).
And then when you build 5000 McMansions and fuck up several square miles of rural land…you BUILD SOME INFRASTRUCTURE instead of de-railing the taxes us poor peons have to pay to build roads and schools and stuff you shoulda built ’cause you assholes bought all the politicians.
Like I said…you’re Rove’s kinda guy.
rujax can wale, scream, shout and holler all he wants, but it doesn’t change the fact that the Washington Democrats created this Underfunded State Pension Monster that someone will have to deal with at some point.
LEFTIST PINHEADS have absolute no understanding or interest in the finances of government or laws of basic economics for that matter. No wonder they desperately want “the guv’mint” to take care of them. They are too stupid to take care of themselves!
“Why did Bush fly the bin Laden family out of the U.S. the day after 9/11?
Commentby Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anabaptist— 3/22/06@ 11:23 am”
“Cause they couldn’t cross the road with the chicken?”
“Cause Bush I was afraid Cheney would “accidentally” shoot ’em?”
“Cause they maybe wouldn’t give us more cheap oil?”
“Cause they wouldn’t let us have a Saudi military base anymore?”
I dunno…I give up…what’s the punch line, Rev.?
After a couple decades of the BIAW fucking with workman’s comp and pensions BIAW’s Dick won’t take credit for his handiwork?
Too modest, my man…too modest by half. Your masters are PROUD of you.
Hmmmm…I don’t want to read too much into Mr. Cynical’s comments, but….
Has Mr. Cynical just become homeless?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Just the opposite my friend.
Cash will soon become king.
I’ve sold property…and I’m selling more.
My problem was I was too HOMEFULL. Rents did not justify my return on current Fair Market Value. And I saw the days of hyper-inflation as over for awhile. I could get more in the Stock Market. So I got rid of some houses….but I’m far from homeless.
Thanks for your concern though!
Nahhhh…he just got kicked out of his provider’s incall.
Hearing BIAW’s Dick get upset about affordable housing, pensions and gridlock is like hearing Halliburton complain about no-bid contracts.
Actually…I think he’s working on his talking points for when the DemoRevolution hits…then all of a sudden everything will be the Demo’s fault. Like magic…poooooooof…the last six years will disappear!
I see, Mr. Cynical couldn’t extract any more rent on the fleabag shacks he was renting, so he cashed out. His idea of making housing affordable is to forgive property owners to pay for the sewers, streets, schools, etc., so that landlords will reduce rents? In a pig’s eye they will.
We have an adequate number of low-priced units in my area. It is done by incentivizing property owners once they offer the units at affordable rents. Regulation, in other words.
We have an adequate number of low-priced units in my area. It is done by incentivizing property owners once they offer the units at affordable rents. Regulation, in other words.
Commentby Voter Advocate— 3/22/06@ 11:52 am
Like most PINHEADS, this KLOWN confuses Government subsidized housing with affordable housing.
re 41: There is no “punch line” because there is no adequate answer other than that the bin Laden family are protected by the Bushistas.
I only use the definitions of words and concepts as they are generally used.
Property values are highly dependent on supply and demand, like most commodities. If one wants to buy a house, it is a matter of saving enough money to make a down payment, exhibiting the ability to make the payments on a loan and keeping up a household, and a good credit record. A lending institution will then let you live in the house as long as you make the payments, and if your lucky, build equity.
That’s the way it worked for me, for my parents, for my kids. Affordable is a function of the buyer, and none of us has ever needed any subsidy, thank you.
Now, for a variety of reasons, me and my neighbors would like some people to live in our community who otherwise would not be able to pay the rents or buy. Firemen, police, even people who work in the restaurants and shops. We don’t want our propety values to go down, but we want those people to be part of the community. We don’t want worse schools, poorer roads, or less city sevices.
So we are willing, in a regulated way, to make certain propertes less expensive for people who qualify.
These properties are known as affordable housing.
What you are talking about is a hand-out to businesses. We already do enough of that.
re 50: Don’t piss me off ex-lax. I bite back.
No offense meant, Rev. I honestly thought it was a “Why did the chicken cross the road” joke.
You have it right…the Bushies have been in bed with the House of Saud for decades.
Seriously…wouldn’t want to get on the bad side of a man of the cloth.
re 53: I’m a bit paranoid because of the venomous trolls who view their efforts as ,”humor”.
Not to worry rujax206
GBS: Where were you? We were the only two black men there. There were many people who saw PacMan and Puddybud together. The ice cream vendor near the Uwajimaya Village door of 5th & Weller served us ice cream. The chinese food choose your combination vendor #282 server Jodi saw us. We asked her to look for a single guy.
We stopped at Isami Asian Grill Sushi Bar Lounge and met with a little hostess named Vee. We asked her to look for a military looking guy G******(not to say his real first name here)BS. This occurred at 12:10 and again at 12:50PM No show.
We did meet a person with the same first two letters in the name. When confronted he had a deer in the headlights look. I guess two black men asking if he was GBS scared the shit out of him.
RevMan AKA Headless Lucy, so you bite? Wow, so much for being like Jesus! You called rujax ex-lax! I like that. Ex-Lax gets the shit flowing and rujax makes it flow on ASSes!
So I ask you RevMan: If a person who hates GWB and the Administration leaves the administration and writes a book. He appears in front of SeeBS and touts his book and then in front of Congress tells them and the 9/11 Commission how he warned Condi Rice. He travels around to all the librul talk shows and says “Look at me”. When finally confronted he admits he and only he authorized the Bin Ladens’ leaving the US. Why would he be the fall guy? Makes no sense RevMan. You are stuck on stupid!
Oh GBS: We did a complete sweep of the area. I know you understand that terminology. We called out your first name!
We have an adequate number of low-priced units in my area. It is done by incentivizing property owners once they offer the units at affordable rents. Regulation, in other words.
Commentby Voter Advocate— 3/22/06@ 11:52
Dean Logan I would not rent you one of my houses because I do not own anything in a ghetto. Next, I do not rent to folks who need government assistance for most do not pay their rent in the first place. Second if they need help the can check into Fort Lawton with their tent and sleeping bag. Free meals are now being served at City Hall and crying towels are available at DSHS. Regulations do not fix the poor problems, but a good education is a place to start. Now you Social Democrats do you have anything new that L. B. Johnson has not already tried and failed. You all can move to Cuba or Canada if you want more compassion, but it will cost about a half million to get in the front door. I have not heard anybody trying to sneak or swim across the border for a better life. You know that only happens in the good old USA. Dean how is that federal audit going lately?
You know, Flake, you really ought to learn to read before you reply. You seem such a fool to inject irrelevancies, as you always do.
So, you and Mr. Cynical are one in the same?
You’re inviting journalists get invited and I wasn’t on the list.
And with the PI’s circulation hovering around 90,000 I think my byline is appearing in more homes now.
Ah well.
You’re inviting journalists and I wasn’t on the list. Although I don’t think I’m as far to left of the political spectrum as those esteemed writers.
And with the PI’s circulation hovering around 90,000 I think my byline is appearing in more homes now.
Ah well.
KLake: You better watch out. Voter Advocate (Dean Logan) would claim he’s gay and you would then get a nice court date when you reject him. Amazing how libruls will twist the FUWA laws to their benefit!
I’m up in Canada making fucking bank. Don’t mind me though. Think what you want.
Yer such a lying sack.