Our producers Gavin & Richard (you know, the guys with the portable recording studio) are out galavanting through Europe, so we weren’t expecting to record a podcast this week… until Bruno & the Professor gallantly rode in on their white steeds to save the day. The result is a very special edition of Podcasting Liberally, not just because it’s a bit noisier, but because I also conducted a special one-on-one interview with WA’s 8th Congressional District candidate Darcy Burner.
Darcy tells me about the really big fundraising week she had, thanks in part to an outpouring of grassroots (and netroots) support, and then we talk about why she really is the perfect candidate to represent the working class families in her district. (She really is.) Afterwards, regulars Carl, Mollie and Will join me, Bruno, and of course, the Professor, in a round of our usual witty banter. Topics include the fucking language police at (u)SP, Tom DeLay and the imminent GOP collapse, Matt Rosenberg’s superior writing skills, and why Mollie and I are offended by people who hate atheists.
The show is 48:31, and is available here as a 34.3 MB MP3. Please visit PodcastingLiberally.com for complete archives and RSS feeds.
[Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally.]
Thanks for another episode of Podcasting Liberally, and thanks for Darcy, Bruno and the Professor for helping to make it happen. (you other guys also!)
Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens, once again demonstrating his PR acumen, is throwing a fund-raiser for Mike McGavick next week to raise campaign cash from oil barons, developers, and other supporters of ANWR drilling. Ya, that get Mike the environmental vote — just like being the $14-million-a-year CEO of an insurance company should help him get votes of people who lost their health insurance.
Mike wants to be the health-care and environmental senator.
“Oil money in Alaska lines up for McGavick
“By Alicia Mundy
“Seattle Times Washington bureau
“WASHINGTON — Arctic oil-drilling supporters are rallying behind Republican Senate candidate Mike McGavick of Seattle for a fundraiser organized by Alaska’s most powerful politicians.
“The April 13 event in Anchorage is being hosted by Sens. Ted Stevens and Lisa Murkowski, and Alaska’s lone Congressman Don Young, all Republicans. … The Alaska politicians are the stars, but the other 23 special patrons listed on the invitation are a who’s who in Alaska politics and commerce, particularly in the energy industry.
“Many of them have been vocal and financial supporters of opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to oil drilling ….
“(S)aid former Rep. Al Swift, a Democrat, … ‘this could be a little PR problem for him’ … because some people might see it as Alaska’s congressional delegation jumping into the Washington race. …”
(This article probably is copyrighted by somebody other, maybe the chick who wrote it, or Frank Blethen, or the Seattle Times — I don’t know and I don’t care! I quote it under the Fair Use Doctrine. If you want to know who copyrighted it, click on the link and look it up! I’m not your fucking research assistant — I’m a fucking rabbit!)
Now, David, my expression of amusement at last week’s Podcast nothing to do with being “language police”. I did however find it entertaining that Dwight and Sandeep chose to summarize the foregoing discussing by declaring that the Democratic Party was the party of “drinking and fucking”.
By the way, did anybody ask Darcy why she wasn’t sufficiently engaged in her community to be a regular voter until she decided she was qualified to run for Congress?
BREAKING NEWS — bones found in Tacoma identified as missing 10-year-old Adre’anna Jackson
Hey Stefan — if Republicans don’t fuck, how come there’s so many of you? Why aren’t you gonna share the loot from your lawsuit against Dean Logan and King County with the generous donors to your “legal action fund” who paid for the lawsuit? Di you marry your 14-year-old cousin?
If Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens succeeds in raising 500K for Mike’s campaign, that would be enough to pay Rakeface’s child support! If Stefan tosses Mike an extra $100, Mike could pay off Rakeface’s gambling debts, too!
So, Stefan — I know you read this blog — let me ask you a personal question.
Carrots! I love carrots! Yummy! :D :D :D
(crunch crunch)
(crunch crunch)
(crunch crunch)
Someone ask Darcy if she was an executive as she claims on her website, or if she was a program manager. And if she knows the difference.
This is great…..
A program manager is in no way an Executive at Microsoft. The only thing a program manager could be confused with, is a program manager.
So Goldy…. You going to call her on this lie in the same fashion that you have so aggressively gone after Aaron Dixon and David Irons?
How about her lackluster voting participation?
Wow, Like the green party, did they do any research on this fraud?
So much for this race. Dave Reivhert didn’t really have a threat on his hands any way
So Goldy, did she even attend Harvard?
Rochester police say they hope the arrest of the man who dropped off a newborn girl Monday at Strong Memorial Hospital won’t have a chilling effect on others trying to do the right thing in such cases. But police said they had no choice in this case because Lamar Brown, the man who brought the baby to Strong, is 31 years old and the mother is 13. [LAMAR!!! He be “doing” the 13 yr old!!!!! She be taking it “Tookie” style!!!!!!!!!]
Like Republican votes in Florida, my posts just seem to “disappear”. Goldy, You Democrat libs certainly know how to make Republican posts and votes just “go away”!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stefan @3,
Now you know very well that Dwight didn’t say anything of the sort. Dwight joked, in closing his appearance at Drinking Liberally, that the Dems are a party of values, and that two of these values are “drinking… and being liberal.”
You want to attack Sandeep for interjecting the word “fucking” that’s up to you. But Dwight had nothing to do with it, and you know it.
As for Darcy, go ahead and split hairs over voting in primaries and such, or the comparative meanings of the words “manager” and “executive.” It’s not going to stick.
Really… you guys have to do better opposition research than that.
Goldy, are you serious?
Ummm, fuck yes, people are going to attack her for padding her resume and if this was a candidate opposing a democrat, you would be screaming your head off.
fraud P Pronunciation Key (frôd)
A deception deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain.
A piece of trickery; a trick.
One that defrauds; a cheat.
One who assumes a false pose; an impostor.
Hey, if she feels like an executive, than that is what counts. It would just hurt her self esteem to have to accurately describe what her job was. And who is really hurt, anyway?
And if she really meant to do some community service, than that is good enough for me. Having been a non-profit leader for many years, I have always wanted those who talked the most about helping, but never actually showed up to do the work. It left so much more for us to do.
All that interest in the community is over blown anyway. Voting is just a fun pasttime. Understanding local issues is SO meaningless, when you have a Harvard degree and lots of money.
Where do I send my donation?
When it comes to Darcy, I think Gandhi had it right.
“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.“
I think we’re in the seoncd stage. The third stage is this summer and fall. The fourth is election night.
verb vet (vet•ted , vet•ting) [trans]
by Goldy, 03/24/2006, 8:36 AM
Oh man. I don’t mean to pile on poor Aaron Dixon (rep;lace with Darcy Burner)…
Let’s just say that if this were a real candidate representing a real party, we would expect him (replace with her) to announce his (replace with her) withdrawal momentarily.
I’ve got nothing against Dixon (replace with Burner). People who know him (replace with her) tell me he’s (she?) a great guy (girl?) and a dedicated community activist.
What he (She) isn’t, is a viable candidate for U.S. Senate, and I have absolutely no compassion for those in the Green Party who put him (her) out there for public scrutiny, apparently without any vetting process whatsoever.
The Greens (Donks?) say they want to become a major party. Well start acting like one.
David, please make the proper edits and resubmit.
This is a very passionate try, but I give you a D- on your background research.
A program manager is in no way an Executive at Microsoft. The only thing a program manager could be confused with, is a program manager.
Excuse me? Darcy’s work was not in tech development. Outside of tech groups, many people who are program managers or project managers do have executive type jobs. Get a freaking clue, man.
BunnyBoy @ 8
Hmmmm… Sounds like you’re… FREELOADING!
Not only do you freeload by collecting a check for a lifetime of more harm than good… and whatever extra you collect for your prolific breeding… but now you’re talking trespassing and theft. Keep it up!
I believe her title was “Group Program Manager”, and that she managed a large staff and a budget of about $20 million. Most people would probably consider that an executive position. But hey, whatever.
The him,
I know it will be difficult, but take off the tinfoil hat long enough to learn something
Follow this line of communication.
“Momus: Is a program manager at Microsoft considedered an Executive.
Momus’s contact at Microsoft (recruiter): No, A program manager is just that, A program manager”
So….. I heard Darcy used to run Micrsoft and gave that up to spend time with her muic and do volunteer work.
Fred @ 22
Do you consider the branch manager of your local bank to be an “executive” in the commonly accepted sense?
Go check it out… You’ll find plenty of “vice presidents” running small branches of WaMu, Wells, etc.
I worked at Microsoft for 5 years, you retard. There are two types of program managers. The people who design specs for software projects are one kind. That’s what the recruiter was referring to, and they’re not executives. The other kind are what Fred describes, and they are in charge of operations within the company related to marketing, sales, etc. The latter kind are most certainly considered executive level work.
As I said, get a clue before you come on here and start embarrassing yourself.
Her resume is a bit thin. No real mention of just where she worked, except ms, and no other school she attended except Harvard. Doesn’t even mention what state she graduated high school. I believe her that she did well, and that she really did attend Harvard, because ms would of course check out her resume before hiring her.
There’s also no mention of her maiden name, so can’t trace back to before 1993. And until 2000 when she started at ms, there is no mention of what actual companies she worked at.
Not sure that any of this matters, but is sure isn’t the scrutiny that has been given to others running for a national office.
@ 27
What? Are you expecting people in the Burner campaign to tell you every last fact about her life? You have Google and (probably) half a brain, see if you can find out more. Otherwise, I think a military upbringing, a Harvard degree, and some good business experience at a major global corporation is some pretty good background for someone in Congress. In fact, it’s probably more than most Congresspersons have.
Darcy invented the Internet.
Two years at ms is not any where near the equivalent experience as 20 years as king county sheriff. I did google her, and find lots of references from other “progressive” sites, but no substance.
Why should we have to use detective skills to vet someone running for congress? Isn’t that the job of her campaign to tell us who she is? Being vague on details just raises alarms. If she inflated her experience at ms, what else has she enhanced?
The DCCC site says:
Darcy Burner is a former Microsoft executive with more than a decade of experience in the hi-tech field in both California and Washington. She graduated from Harvard. She is married to Mike and they have a two year old son, Henry. She is the leader of Hoopers, the Microsoft Women’s organization.
A decade of experience? Doing what? The only job she actually lists is program manager, starting in 2000, at ms. She quit that in 2003. She didn’t graduate from Harvard until 1996. Yes, she worked during school. Doing what? Where? She has worked for a decade, but the resume implies a decade as an executive at ms. Call me picky, but this is really misleading on her part.
Two years at ms is not any where near the equivalent experience as 20 years as king county sheriff.
That’s nice, except that Dave Reichert didn’t become Sheriff until 1997. But good luck in your fact checking on Burner. You’re really impressing us so far with your fact checking skills.
Off topic but you gotta love it:
I’m Jewish. Thank you. I’m not an expert on the New Testament. But I know that if you cut out all the passages where Jesus talks about helping the poor, helping the least among us, if you literally took a pair of scissors and cut out all those passages, you’d have the perfect box to smuggle Rush Limbaugh’s drugs in.
At least finding out about Reichert’s background means going to his website, where he has it all detailed with dates and places. Darcy has nothing but vague references, no names, no specific places.
She also has absolutely no experience in community service except as the head of a some group of ms volunteers, but lists no iniatives taken or leadership initiatives. What exactly has been her contribution to our community? Procreating?
re 12: That Jack Daniel’s is going straight into your keyboard.
Sober up.
Get help.
@32: “Call me picky, but this is really misleading on her part.”
Then you must really be outraged by this grossly misleading petition headline from Tim Eyman:
Link missing from previous comment is: http://www.horsesass.org/wp-trackback.php/1510
“What exactly has been her contribution to our community?”
I’d say that anyone willing to spend 15 hours a day for a year running for office is making a huge commitment and sacrifice to their community.
Look at the bright side — Darcy Burner is a lot more qualified than Aaron Dixon. She has a valid driver’s license and liability insurance. No unpaid traffic tickets. No criminal charges. Maybe a lot less “executive” experience than Dixon, but what the heck …
@14 & 22 While dictionary.com may be ambiguous about the difference between a manager and an executive, the law is not. Take for example L-1 Visa Status.
What is the difference between an “executive” and a “manager”?
An “executive” is one who directs the management of the company. Usually these are executive positions such as presidents, vice-presidents and controllers. An executive is expected to have a supervisory role in the company and would not include people who are primarily performing the lower tier and menial tasks such as production or providing service to customers. A “manager” directs the organization, a department, or a function of the organization. Like executives, a qualifying manager will not be overseeing the primary performance of menial tasks.
Every executive at Microsoft has the word “President” or “Vice President” in their title, with the exception of Chief Executive Officer (Ballmer), Chairman of the Board and Chief Software Architect (Gates), Chief Financial Officer (Liddell), Chief Technical Officer, Advanced Strategies and Policy (Mundie), Chief Technical Officer (Ozzie), and Chief Operating Officer (Turner).
Trying to make a big deal out of the difference between a manager and an executive (with a small e) is really splitting hairs. Or is that hares? Sorry Roger, couldn’t resist. Stefan’s other attacks are equally lame.
Reichert could be in trouble given his totally lackluster first term performance and the leftward lean of his district. He is not the brightest bulb in the pack.
Look at the Google cache webpage for “Contact” for PALS – Parents Attending Law School at the University of Washington for March 12, 2006:;ie=UTF-8
Now compare it with the current webpage for PALS contact information:
PALS has “sanitized” its webpage so that folks won’t be able to tell that Darcy Burner attended the University of Washington law school and dropped out!
A friend of Darcy Burner’s posted this entry on her own blog on August 15, 2005, stating that Burner quit working at Microsoft to go to law school, then dropped out of law school to run for Congress:
However, Burner’s campaign biography on her candidate website says absolutely nothing about law school, and instead claims that Burner left Microsoft in order to run for Congress:
“After Darcy got her degree, she and Mike moved to California to work in the high tech sector. She focused on changing companies’ products and services to better respond to the customers’ real problems.
In the summer of 1998, Mike was offered a job at Microsoft. Darcy and he moved to Washington.
Darcy went to work for Microsoft in 2000 and became the lead manager for an initiative to change the way software was built. It was very successful and enhanced Darcy’s reputation as a successful executive.
Eager to start a family, Darcy became pregnant and took maternity leave from Microsoft. Henry Burner was born in January of 2003.
Darcy has been active in her community and in state politics. She left Microsoft to spend the time necessary to be elected to the United States Congress in the 8th District.”
Look at Page 7 of this PDF, which is the May 2, 2005 edition of The Crier, a weekly newsletter put out by the University of Washington Law School:
Darcy Burner was elected to serve on the Executive Board of the Student Bar Association, which is the student government at the law school, for the coming 2005-06 academic year. In fact, Burner was elected to be the law student representative to the Washington State Bar Association.
However, Burner dropped out of law school after the spring quarter of 2005 and decided to run for U.S. House instead (and not mention the fact that she ever attended law school). As a result, Burner never served a day in the position that she had been elected to, and the SBA had to appoint another law student to fill the vacant position:
If we elect Darcy Burner to Congress, will she actually serve?
@44 Trying to make a big deal out of the difference between a manager and an executive (with a small e) is really splitting hairs.
Excuse me? Isn’t this the same board that went on for months about whether some Republican lied on his resume about being “assistant manager” instead of “assistant to the manager” or some nonsense like that?
In fact, isn’t that Goldy’s entire claim to fame, that he discovered that Mike Brown was actually “assistant to the city manager,” not “assistant city manager” as he claimed on his resume?