It was a primary election night edition of Podcasting Liberally, and like most elections there were mixed emotions. Us DL regulars were sharing a packed Montlake Alehouse with a couple other election night parties, and while we all cheered as BIAW-backed, winger-ringer Supreme Court candidate John Groen went down to defeat, the Yes on I-88 and Bill Sherman for Legislature folks were left crying in the beers.
Joining me in live coverage as the election results poured in were Mollie, Jon, Daniel, Carl, and Seattle P-I columnist Joel Connelly. A fascinating evening of breaking news, erudite commentary, brilliant analysis, and of course, penis jokes.
The show is 49:39, and is available here as a 45.5 MB MP3. Please visit for complete archives and RSS feeds.
[Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for producing the show.]
And Mayor Nickels will be crying in his beer today after his beloved Big Dig’s estimate just went up another Billion dollars (25%) just since his last estimate.
The tears will be flowing……
GS: Nickels is a lefty. They don’t care here!
Care to hear a black conservatives views on the primary? Just ask and I’ll scamper right out of the brier patch and tell you!
PUDDYBUD( Bre’r Rabbit )
Moonbat Poll
To get to Podcasting librully and slobber over my drink, I drive:
[ ] American made Big 3 – Includes Canada
[ ] American made Foreign Owned
[ ] Foreign Made
Looks like the headless one is taking a burn because of Puddy.
Headless Ass: You wrote the nastiness. You didn’t apologize from my recollection. Now you try and make him the bad guy through brer rabbit? Just like a librul to ridicule minorities. You guys hate anything and everything not WASP!
Furball is the rabbit. A nasty imitation of one that is!
Call the wingnut gestapo! You neocons did not let Semen Recruit JCH post the first garbage on this thread.
Holy shit… this is serious….
This is a fucking emergency. California should outlaw vehicles immediately and show the rest of us what responsible stewardship is really all about.
Wow… great… headlesslucy is here. Hey loocy, how ya doin’ wif dat “negro problem”?
“Black people can be stressful to be around 24/7. Believe me , I know.” Commentby headless lucy— 9/16/05@ 10:12 pm
Thanks Cynical though for your help with the Negro problem.
Commentby headless lucy— 9/17/05@ 7:47 am
“I did not defend my husband.”
Commentby Mrs Left Foot […………Right!!! ROTFLMAO!! Perhaps you could sue everyone who makes fun of Carl! That should keep you busy!!]
Actually 50% of MTR Kennedy’s post are interesting, 25% are funny and the rest are his attempt to attack moonbats in their arena!
Even though he’s a Kennedy, they seem to get under the moonbat’s skin!
Commentby Mike Webb Sucks— 8/19/06@ 8:47 pm
BAY MINETTE — A 32-year-old Baldwin County man, charged with raping a 5-year-old girl, said he knew he was HIV positive at the time, according to authorities.
Baldwin County sheriff’s officers said the man, tentatively identified as Julio Cesar Cruz Martinez, was arrested Friday and charged with first-degree rape, sexual abuse and sodomy. He had no valid identification and is believed to be a Mexican national who has lived in the U.S. illegally for several years, said sheriff’s Sgt. Tony Nolfe.
The 5-year-old and her mother, who are believed to be Hurricane Katrina evacuees from New Orleans, were living with Martinez in the Marlow community, Nolfe said. […..Anoter illegal [Democrat-to-be] just doing the felonies that welfare Democrats are too lazy to do! Multiply this problem by 20 million, and you have the biggest problem facing America]
Here’s a new one for the archives. I’ll get lots of use out of this shining example of big minded libruls:
As a Seattle resident, I’m not if sure why I should care about the fate of “fly over” communities in Washington.
Commentby Had Enough Yet?— 9/20/06@ 2:31 pm
Typical arrogant elitist asshole seattle empty skirt librul..
The act described #12 is disgusting, not the poster JCH in this case. An illegal raping one of my peeps and they’re only 5?
So tell me moby troll moonbats of the NorthWest; is this the type of vermin you all support with them open borders ideas your leaders like Stretch Face Pelosi or Scary Reid propose? If not then why not place a fence to keep out the vermin and allow checks for the good people and allow them in? Oh wait… because that donk woman in San Diego who ran for Cunningham’s seat AND LOST said illegals can vote right moonbats?
Don’t worry moonbats I realize answering this truthfull will hurt your librul minds.
Horseface Loocy: Still on that racist kick? Just can’t let it go? Just can’t apologize? You call for Bush to apologize and you can’t apologize to me? Well this nigga ain’t going anywhere!
:) BTW Kiss de black ass loocy! :)
15, Pud, great post.
“My Penis…..”
Commentby Mrs Left Foot [………T, since you are interested, a little smaller than your “special friend “Jerome”, but a little larger than “Little Carl”.]
Semen Recruit JCH, report to Puddy’s house, his boys desire your tonsils
Isn’t it great that the right wing taliban controlled BIAW wasted two million right wing dollars to get its ass kicked last night? How’s that taste you right wing fucks? HE HE!
Post #12 This could be the Willie Horton ad of 2006. Let me send this to Karl Rove!
Richard Pope: You have connections what is the best was to get this to RubberStampReichert or Mike! McGavick? Donk support vermin like this with no fence!
I have to go out now but I will look into this too.
Puddybutt died and went to Hell. Satan said, “You haven’t had sex in 10 years, so all you get is a used foreign car.”
Janet S. died and went to Hell. Satan said, “You haven’t had sex since you were 15, so all you get is a riding mower.”
A short time later, Puddybutt and Janet S. collided at an insection. Puddybutt screamed, “Why didn’t you watch where you’re going?!” but Janet was laughing too hard to answer. Puddybutt exclaimed, “What in Hell is so damned funny!!?”
After a while Janet S. answered, “I just saw Mike Webb Sucks go by on a skateboard!”
Nothing I say is of any import or cleverness, yet I expect you to treat me with kid gloves because I claim to be a minority.
It is true, however, that as I was growing up on the Mississippi Delta and learning to play blues guitar on a homemade ax made out of a cigar box, a cane catfish pole and some baling wire, that I knew Mr. Bluebird was right there on my shoulder makin’ me a happychile because those crackers wouldn’t let no damn libruls down there to mess up PARADISE for the black race!
If I’m lyin’, I’m DYIN’, BRO’!!!!!!!!!!!!
PUDDYBUD ( Bre’r Rabbit )
22 – you forgot the bet-welsher on a 15 inch bike with training wheels.
24 – you forgot the banana seat and the sissy bar…
the welsher, still getting huka hoop lessons after 32 years, and JCH still needing his mommy to tie his shoes
Donations are being accepted for the Roger Rabbit Spinach Fund
[]I’m a liberal, I’m CHEAP and what the hell, I’ll just taint my own spinach and send it to the annoying little furbee.
[]I’m a headless lucy and I’d rather eat it myself.
Carl, One free surf lesson!! Where and when?
Mt Rainier: How are those cum laden condoms tasting?
Pelletizer: You first funny in a long time. I am glad you know about Sheol. I’m sure you’ll be right at home there.
What? Huh? did Horsehead loocy just say sumtin?
The funniest thing about Republicans, is the fact that they can not discuss politics. Only cheap attacks. When it comes to issues, they are dead wrong every time. Unless of course you have a billion dollars…..
When someone tells a Republican their memorized talking point has nothing to do with reality, they run away as fast as their little Republican sneakers can carry them.
The next time I hear “It’s better to fight them over there than over here” I will puke right on the face of the inbred moron that says it.
All the Trolls can do is call people names, because reality is working against them 24/7.
We have more enemies than ever, our empire is crumbling, and we are in debt up to our ears, and we want our children to bail us out? Our military has been destroyed along with our country’s standing in the world.
God damn you Republican lying crooked traitor sleazebags for helping to destroy my country.
“Our military has been destroyed….”
Commentby Facts Support My Positions [……………………………………………………………..Really? Just”axing”, but could you tell us a little bit about YOUR military service? hehe, JCH]
God damn you Republican
lying crooked traitor sleazebags for helping to destroy my country.
Commentby Facts Support My Positions [………………………………………………………………………………..God damn welfare, illegals, union hack, “guvment” parasite Democrats lying crooked traitor sleazebags for helping to destroy my country.]
BAY MINETTE – A 32-year-old Baldwin County man, charged with raping a 5-year-old girl, said he knew he was HIV positive at the time, according to authorities.
Baldwin County sheriff’s officers said the man, tentatively identified as Julio Cesar Cruz Martinez, was arrested Friday and charged with first-degree rape, sexual abuse and sodomy. He had no valid identification and is believed to be a Mexican national who has lived in the U.S. illegally for several years, said sheriff’s Sgt. Tony Nolfe.
The 5-year-old and her mother, who are believed to be Hurricane Katrina evacuees from New Orleans, were living with Martinez in the Marlow community, Nolfe said. […..Anoter illegal [Democrat-to-be] just doing the felonies that welfare Democrats are too lazy to do! Multiply this problem by 20 million, and you have the biggest problem facing America]
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 9/20/06@ 6:18 pm
JCH; Guess you missed my post on the other thread, but this story is impossible. The police just think Julio is Mexican. If they keep looking they will find an expired Icelandic visa. Just ask “Jim King.”
Besides- most people here illegally or not Mexican, not even Hispanic- they came on visas and overstayed.
Commentby Jim King—— 9/17/06@ 7:38 pm
“Bush no good! Bush no good! Bush no good!”
Comment by My Left Foot [……… “If we all convert to Islam, and say prayers in Muuuuuuuslim, the terrorists have assured me they will land the plane safely at JFK!” [Carl Grossman, Jewish Democrat]]
JCH @ 27:
I believe the dates Carl has given you are Nov 9-14.
Are you accepting the meeting? Or are you just full of more bluster?
Recently I read lefties attacking us neocons for claiming many on the left don’t support Israel. Goldie is one of them. Where is his coverage on this:
As world leaders convened for the second day of the United Nations General Assembly, tens of thousands of supporters of Israel gathered across the street from United Nations headquarters to protest President Ahmadinejad of Iran and to call for the unconditional release of the Israeli soldiers kidnapped on July 12. The international and national leaders who stepped up to the podium also challenged the United Nations to take preventative action against the Iranian leader who threatens the Jewish people with genocide.
The National Solidarity Rally, sponsored by the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and the Jewish Community Relations Council, sent a message of solidarity with Israel and support for the war against global terrorism and its state sponsors.
“This is a message to the leaders of the world that we reject Ahmadinejad and his message of hate and the immorality he represents,” the executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents, Malcolm Hoenlein, said.
Speakers at the rally included Foreign Minister Livni, Ambassador Bolton, Governor Pataki, Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel, and Professor Alan Dershowitz.
John Bolton and Alan Dershowitz in the same audience agreeing on the same topic? You couldn’t get any of the lefty idiots here to support anything John Bolton supports. It’s refreshing Deshowitz can see the forest, the trees, the limbs, the branches and the leaves.
Carl Grossman, David, Goldie, and others whom have Jewish blood never see the world correctly! Only claim Israel is the aggressor. Fer sure, fer sure!
I have family in the DC area. This Virginia race is interesting between Jim Webb and George Allen. Writing now on more of Goldie’s ignorance to the left and how they hate Jews look at this:
Henrietta “Etty” Allen said Wednesday that she concealed her upbringing as a Jew in North Africa from her children, including Sen. George Allen (R-Va.), until a conversation across the dining room table in late August.
She said Allen asked her directly about his Jewish heritage when he was in Los Angeles for a fundraiser. “We sat across the table and he said, ‘Mom, there’s a rumor that Pop-pop and Mom-mom were Jewish and so were you,’ ” she recalled, a day after Allen issued a statement acknowledging and embracing his Jewish roots as he campaigns for a second term in the U.S. Senate.
At the table in Palos Verdes, Calif., Allen’s mother, who is 83, said she told her son the truth: That she had been raised as a Jew in Tunisia before moving to the United States. She said that she and the senator’s father, famed former Redskins coach George Allen, had wanted to protect their children from living with the fear that she had experienced during World War II. Her father, Felix Lumbroso, was imprisoned by the Nazis during the German occupation of Tunis.
“What they put my father through. I always was fearful,” Etty Allen said in a telephone interview. “I didn’t want my children to have to go through that fear all the time. When I told Georgie, I said, ‘Now you don’t love me anymore.’ He said, ‘Mom, I respect you more than ever.’ ”
Now see the moonbats in action:
“George Allen’s New Jew Revue”
“They seriously want us to believe that Allen never knew why his grandfather was thrown in a concentration camp?” [actually, yes –.ed]
“[Allen has] something against Jews”
“[either] 1) he’s an anti-Jewish bigot, or 2) he’s afraid he’ll lose the bubba vote if people think he’s a Jew.”
“George Allen has a nasty, sadistic, vicious, violent streak”
“What did [George Allen’s mother] tell her son all these years, that her father was imprisoned by the Nazis because he was gay or a gypsy?”
I always thought DailyKos was a racist son-of-a-bitch and his kool-aid drinkers like Clueless, Tree Frog Farmer, Goldie, McCrainium, and other Furballettes here are Black, Hispanic and Jewish racists. Their own blogs prove it in their posts.
You lib boys had an opportunity to bury Macacas as one idiot here called himself. Then there was Monkey Fest
where lefties dressed as monkies to mimic black people speaking to Allen?
Puddy is oh so right! Leftist loony tune libruls hate minorities!
Oh So Clueless and other Moonbats: Using Kos to make a point will continue to paint you as a racist. Do you want the public to measure you for what you are or whom you associate with? Don’t use that arcane Air Force Academy issue against us because you have a KOS problem.
Hey Furball: Do you support this?
Looks like FactCheck.Org blew apart another lefty lib lie!
LLL the next trio letters set after KKK. Lefty Librul Lie from the Band of Brothers who support Robert KKK Byrd!
In your next Pod Cast while drinking librully and smoking some BC Bud, why not discuss Whak-jobminedad being invited to another librul Jewish bastion to speak – Columbia University – Home of many ACLU acolytes.
While at your next PodCasting Librully why not debate why I have to show an ID for so many things but to vote libs are against it.
Day 16 and Goldie has not linked in the Jerusalem Post or Haaretz. Goldie DOES NOT CARE About ISRAEL!
MWS gets an early start posting facts that hurt the librul mind!
Commentby Mike Webb SUCKS— 9/20/06@ 5:20 pm
Re: Moonbat car poll
Didn’t we do this already?
Of course, you should also add:
Foriegn made, American owned (Jaguar, Volvo, Saab, Rover, Mazda, etc…)
American made from foriegn parts (Many GM, some Ford)
Oh, and that should be American Made (big 2), as Chrysler is owned by Mercedes. Does that make Chrysler a foriegn company, or do Mercedes now count as American?
My Mercury was assembled in Mexico (I checked). Is it a foriegn car? The Aerostar is all US, except for most of the parts, which are made just about everywhere.
And what do we call those Fords and GM vehicles that are made overseas? (I used to own a Mercury that was made by Ford in Australia with parts from Japan. What category would I put that car into?)
Oh, and I prefer beer brewed in Ireland or Mexico. You know what they say about American beer. Like making love in a canoe.
Commentby Mike Webb SUCKS— 9/21/06@ 7:21 am
“While at your next PodCasting Librully why not debate why I have to show an ID for so many things but to vote libs are against it.
This is an easy one, covered many times.
The reason people can demand ID for renting a car, cashing a check, or picking up dry cleaning is that these things are not rights.
Blockbuster is not obligated by the Constitution to rent you a video. Safeway is not required by law to cash your check.
Voting is a right guaranteed by the Constitution of the State of Washington. The Constitution of the United States does not give the federal government the right to interfere with elections.
Even the elections for “federal offices” are state elections. Upon further reading, I’m of the impression that the upcoming HR4844 would not pass Constitutional muster, as we are not voting for a federal officer, but are voting to choose the person that the State of Washington will send to represent us. (It’s that “federalism” thing.)
Since it is a right, the state may not interfere with it. The state may choose to verify that I am a legitimate voter, but may not impose a restriction on me in doing so.
Several courts in various places have said that the requirement to produce a photo id is just such a restriction, as I must spend money to procure that ID. It becomes, in essence, a “poll tax”, which has been declared to be unconstitutional.
My understanding is that if the ID can be provided at no cost to the voter (this includes incidental costs, such as the cost of procuring a certified birth certificate) then the requirement would pass Constitutional muster.
I think this would be a fine idea, as it could also help indigent people to find employment and reenter society. (It would only be a small help, but any step in that direction is a good one.)
So far, none of the proposals from the right include this kind of provision, although the latest version of HR4844 is better than most I’ve seen. We’re getting a bit closer, but we’re still a long way from something that would be acceptable.
Acceptable means a plan that would reduce or eliminate the chance of fraudulent voting while not interfereing with legitimate voters. Legitimate voter means any person legally permitted to vote (not just folks with money, or a nice home).
Issue a no-cost photo ID at the time of registration. No problem. They send a voter registration card anyway, so put a picture on it. (With modern digital photography, this can be easy and cheap to implement.).
Include a sworn statement and thumbprint with the registration. Stiff penalties for fraud, either by the voter or by anyone trying to interfere with a legitimate voter. The state may verify (at its option and cost) the citizenship of the voter, but without evidence to the contrary, a sworn statement would be sufficient.
(I’m still annoyed with the Republicans pulling that stunt with hundreds of bogus voter challenges. The folks doing that swore under penalty of purjury that they were telling the truth. Why aren’t they in jail? Why aren’t the right-wing types screaming about that fraud?)
See? A way to do a photo ID, reduce the possibility of fraud, while making detection of fraud easier and more reliable. Too simple. So, why aren’t the folks screaming “fraud” suggesting this?
Remember, we aren’t the folks that see a problem here. There have been very few cases of fraud documented, and even this type of system would have costs. Not much bang for our buck here, but if you folks think it’s that big a problem, then propose something along these lines.
All the proposals we’ve seen come out of the right have the effect of making it more difficult for legitimate voters to excersize their right to vote. Almost seems like that is the real goal.
No ID: No vote! [Sorry, illegals!]
One citizen, one vote! [Sorry, Detroit, Gary, Philly, and Cleveland!]
Voter fraud: capital punishment [Sorry, Democrats in Milwaukee!]
Not a citizen? No Vote! [Sorry, South Central LA!]
A Washington-based advocacy group on Wednesday criticized Florida’s new system for verifying the identities of people registering to vote, suggesting it disenfranchises potential voters. Although the organization that complained, the Advancement Project, said the system was affecting “a large percentage of otherwise eligible registrants,” that doesn’t appear to be the case in Broward County.
Yup, it certainly does disenfranchise ILLEGAL voters.
The 16-year-old who was arrested early Wednesday after a police chase in which a law enforcement officer fired his gun at the fleeing driver’s vehicle faces deportation, Mecklenburg County Sheriff Jim Pendergraph says. Jorge Luis Marin, of Charlotte, was taken into custody early Wednesday morning after being captured on Maywood Drive, off The Plaza. He is charged with assault with a deadly weapon, possession of a stolen vehicle, possession of a firearm by a minor, carrying a concealed weapon, resisting arrest, and numerous traffic offenses.
The only way to solve this problem is to vote–and vote Republican.
This November go to the polls. Get your family and friends to the polls. Call your neighbors and get them to the polls.
The Democrats want fully open borders–and they want us to lose in Iraq–just so they can have power.
This election is critical. Vote.
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