Apparently, the whole blogging craze has pretty much run its course, because other than me there wasn’t a single active, political blogger on the panel last night. (Political bloggers are so July.)
Joining me were non-bloggers Sandeep and Laura, former bloggers Will and Carl, and non-political blogger Gavin. So of course we led off our conversation with the biggest political issue of the day: Snakes on a Plane! No really… tune in and listen to how we cleverly connect this seemingly unrelated topic to Ned Lamont’s victory over Joe Lieberman in the Connecticut primary. Other topics of discussion included Mike!™ McGavick’s career path through Washington D.C.’s lucrative revolving door, the Seattle Storm’s imminent move to Oklahoma City after their fan support collapses in the wake of their disappointing playoff loss, the John Bircher behind WA’s estate tax repeal initiative, Will’s manly love for John Edwards, replacing the Viaduct with nothin’, the GOP’s intentional non-grammatical use of the term "Democrat" Party instead of the proper "Democratic" Party, Kyle Taylor Lucas’s strong challenge to faux-Democratic Sen. Tim Sheldon in the primary, and the hypocritical, mean-spirited Rev. Joe Fuiten.
The show is 53:49, and is available here as a 41.1 MB MP3. Please visit for complete archives and RSS feeds.
[Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for producing the show.]
Does the United States have the power to eliminate terrorists and the states that support them? In terms of capacity, as opposed to will, the answer is a clear yes. Think about it. Currently, the U.S. has an arsenal of 18 Ohio class submarines. Just one submarine is loaded with 24 Trident nuclear missiles. Each Trident missile has eight nuclear warheads capable of being independently targeted.
Hey, commie lib idiot Democrats!! [GBS, My Left Foot, Carl Grossman, Roger Rabbit, Harry, and JDB], Did you know that if you feel you are not paying enough tax you can simply send a check to Uncle Sam? To say thank you for all of the blessings that have been showered upon your grateful and smiling countenance? Why force others to pay more when you can step up and show us the way? Show us that you care!!! Do it for “da chillin”!!!!! Indeed you can and the address is here:
Gifts to the United States
U.S. Department of the Treasury
Credit Accounting Branch
3700 East-West Highway, Room 6D37
Hyattsville, MD 20782
Goldy and Gang;
“Can Democrats win the House is no longer the valid question. The question is whether Republicans can do anything about it.”
— Amy Walter, Non Partisan Political Analyst, New York Times, 8/10/06.
Democratic grassroots energy has given us the momentum as we head into the final 10 weeks before the election. Even more exciting is that you can feel this energy in every one of our House campaigns. Hundreds of volunteers are joining in across the country.
We have gotten such an overwhelming response to our “Candidate for Change” contest that we’re extending the deadline!
Right now it’s neck and neck, so we’re keeping the voting open five more days to make sure everyone has a chance to cast their vote.
The top three winners of the contest will get a fundraising email from the DCCC, a volunteer phone bank run out of Democratic National Headquarters, a feature spot on the DCCC website, and a chance to talk with our supporters in a DCCC online chat. Votes have been flooding in, but the outcome is still very much in doubt. Have your say now.
DEADLINE EXTENDED: Vote For Your Candidates Now!
Every ounce of help we can give our candidates is crucial. The Republicans have their special-interest cronies attacking our candidates day after day — the US Chamber of Commerce (USCC) will be spending more than $10 million trying to ensure they maintain a Republican Congress that will vote against raising the minimum wage, in favor of endless corporate welfare, and against decent wages and labor standards for working Americans everywhere. Right-wing extremists like James Dobson are holding rallies in key battlegrounds to rally their base with the worst vitriol imaginable.
The “Candidate for Change” contest is about our candidates who are at the top of the Republican target list, directly in the line of fire. They are the Democrats from the DCCC’s Red to Blue program, which means they have proven they can win the pivotal battles in the media, in fundraising, and on the ground. But if there is another Democrat inspiring you, definitely write them in as your choice in the “other” box. We’ve already seen grassroots communities supporting several candidates not listed on the page mobilize to put their favorites in the running.
Only a handful of votes are separating the ten great candidates at the top of the list right now — Patrick Murphy, Joe Sestak, Tammy Duckworth, Patty Wetterling, Lois Murphy, Ron Klein, Mary Jo Kilroy, Darcy Burner and Zack Space — but others are well within reach. The extended voting will give all of the campaigns the chance to reach out to their supporters and at the end we’ll have three winners. Vote for your favorite candidate before it’s too late.
DEADLINE EXTENDED: Vote For Your Candidates Now!
Here at the DCCC, we know our candidates can win and they are giving Republicans the fights of their lives. There are so many great Democrats to choose from, I hope you’ll take the time to vote.
Karin Johanson
Executive Director, DCCC
Where is Dean Logan we need to stuff the ballot boxes and count them more than twice. Love those Socialist Democrats and how they count!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JCH @ 1
Yeah, murder millions of innocent people, mostly Muslims. That’ll “eliminate terrorism.” Not.
But we could be so proud as a nation that we murder the innocent wholesale. Just think of the prestige.
” … the GOP’s intentional non-grammatical use of the term ‘Democrat’ Party …”
No problem, turnabout is fair play — I sometimes call ’em the “Republican Party” instead of their true name, the Fascist Party …
4, It worked to defeat Germany [ massive bombings of Hamburg, Dresden, Schwinferd [sp] , and the firebombing of Toyko, Japan in 1945. Let’s not forget that nuclear weapons helped to end WW II. BTW, perhaps the Muuuuuuuuuuslims would return the Israel kidnapped IDF soldiers, and the FOX reporters, if Mecca was turned to glass. And ten more nuckes to ten more raghead cities if they piss us off again.
You libs want to play “paddycake” with the ragheads. Remember Neville Chamberlin before WW II? It’s time to end this bull shit. If a few million muuuuuuuuuslims get killed, they should be happy we didn’t kill a few HUNDRED million.
Just think of the prestige.
Commentby Daddy Love [Desden…….Hamburg, Toyko, Haroshima………..The purpose of war is to kill the enemy, not to “understand” them, Daddy Love]
“Cheap-labor conservatives want all the military force we can stand to pay for and never saw a weapons system they didn’t like.
“Cheap-labor conservatives support every right-wing authoritarian hoodlum in the third world.
“Cheap-labor conservatives support foreign assassinations, covert intervention in foreign countries, and every other ‘black bag’ operation the CIA can dream up, even against constitutional governments, elected by the people of those countries. …
“Cheap-labor conservatives support our new concentration camp down at Guantanamo Bay. They also support these ‘secret tribunals’ with ‘secret evidence’ and virtually no judicial review of the trials and sentences. …
“See the pattern? Cheap-labor conservatives support every coercive and oppressive function of government …. ”
Hey Craig, why not eliminate the complexities and expenses of football — recruiting players, hiring coaches, building a stadium and playing field, playing games, etc. — and just NUKE Penn’s opponents? One well-timed, well-placed nuclear bomb (of, say, a couple megatons) on the enemy campus will not only get rid of the opposing players and coaches, but all of their fans as well! Do that once a week for 11 weeks and you’ve got a perfect 11-0 season!! What do you think of THAT idea, Craig?
Before I forget, klake is a nazi
“The purpose of war is to kill the enemy, not to ‘understand’ them”
We’ll keep that in mind when Republicans like Newt Gingrich and Ann Coulter start a civil war in our country, Craig. (We’ll laster-paint a bullseye on your miserable $1.5 million grass shack and drop a 500-lb. bomb on it, does that work for ya?)
Just a reality check:
A recent news item today pointed out that college freshman have known no other President other than Bill Clinton and George W. Bush (the previous Bush having left office when they were only age four). CD’s are “old technology” to them, and their family has always had cell phones as long as they can remember. They recognize the name “Watergate”, but don’t know what it is about.
Remember the Iraqi guy in the Gulf War film who ran like hell INTO a building seconds before the building blew up? ha-ha-ha
I can hardly wait to see the film of JCH running to hide in his closet when he hears our F-16s coming …
Hey GBS I want to hear the story again about how JCH washed out of flight school and LIED on HorsesAss about his military service!
re 8: It’s a good thing Prescott Bush only traded with the enemy during WW II. If he’d actually spent time in Germany, who knows, he might’ve been killed –or, even worse — only hurt!
Do you know why the government never made a big deal about the elitist-conservative industrial and financial traitors in the US who profited by trading with the enemy? According to FDR the general feeling in the administration was that the soldiers would not be motivated to fight if they understood what big money in the US was up to.
And you are an apoligist for these types. Shame on you, JCH!!
Just a reality check:
A recent news item today pointed out that college freshman have known no other President other than Bill Clinton and George W. Bush (the previous Bush having left office when they were only age four). CD’s are “old technology” to them, and their family has always had cell phones as long as they can remember. They recognize the name “Watergate”, but don’t know what it is about.
Commentby rhp6033
Some of that’s just “God, I’m getting old” stuff, so try this one on for size:
Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that Hillary Clinton wins the presidency in 2008. Barring impeachment, resignation, or death, that will mean a minimum of 24 consecutive years with either a Bush or a Clinton in the White House. There will be people in 2012 approaching 30 years old who will not have any memory of a president not named Bush or Clinton.
I’m rooting for others in ’08, but it’s a not implausible scenario.
Question for JC HERMAN: Is it true that you are Pee Wee’s twin? Whenever I read your posts I can’t help thinking that you are typing them on your hand phone while you are passing your time in an adult book store.
@19 Naw, can’t be. He’s got to have one hand “free” when he’s at the adult book store. . .
Osama Bin Laden has been telling the Muslim world for years that America is the enemy, that they tolerate Muslims only to take advantage of their oil, and they would nuke them if it was profitable for America to do so. He, and his other Mullahs, argue that America is already engaged in WWIII with the Muslim world, and they need to fight back.
Most Muslims rejected these rantings, seeing no evidence of American intereference for years. Only a handful of crackpots responded to his calls to be “martyrs for Islam”, (i.e., suicide bombers).
But now America has occupied a Muslim country. Images of “collateral damage” (i.e., civilian deaths) are being streamed to the Muslim public via internet and Al Jahira daily. Now there are more volunteers than Al Quida can absorb.
And in the U.S., Bush is announcing that his “War on Terror” will continue, that Iran is the next enemy, and Newt Gingrich is also arguing that WWIII has already started between the Christian and the Muslim worlds. Their words and policies, calculated to garner fear and support from within the U.S., are actually making the situation worse in the rest of the world.
They forget, or choose to ignore, that the Muslim world stretches not only across the northern half of Africa and most of the Middle East, but includes large parts of South-West Asia (Iran, Afganistan, Pakistan, parts of India, and all of the former Soviet republics bordering on that region. They forget that the Muslim world extends into S.E. Asia, with Indonesia being one of the largest Muslim populations in the world. They also forget that Muslims are part of jmust about every Western country, including America, Canada, Britain, and Western Europe.
And even on these boards, JCH (at # 1, above) is actively promoting the use of nuclear weapons against all Muslim countries! He argues that it is only a question of whether we have the “will” to use them. His rhetoric is a chilling reminder of Nazi propoganda, where Goebbels would argue that the “Jewish Question” could be solved once and for all if only the German people have the “courage and will” to put aside their sentimentality and do whatever was necessary.
(Previously on this board I was called to task for comparing a type of argument to that used by neo-Nazis. For that I apologized, because I believe the Nazi crimes were so evil that any comparison should not be bandied about loosely. But in this case I stand by it, because JCH’s comments are so chillingly similar to the Nazi justifications that the comparison holds true).
So, will the Republicans repudiate an extremist such as JCH, or will they silently accept the benefits of his arguments? Will the Republicans, if they can remain in office, willing to commit that they are in favor of using nuclear force against Muslim countries if they don’t accept U.S. foreign policy?
100, RR, Agreed. Nuke UM [Ann Arbor]! A great idea!!
rhp6033: Neville Chamberlin?? I think so!!!
And even on these boards, JCH (at # 1, above) is actively promoting the use of nuclear weapons against all Muslim countries!
Commentby rhp6033 [………………………………………Correct! And depost all the ragheads from the USU back to Muuuuuuslimland!! Every fucking one!!!]
(We’ll laster-paint a bullseye on your miserable $1.5 million grass shack and drop a 500-lb. bomb on it, does that work for ya?)
Commentby Roger Rabbit [ RR, As long as Republican Californians keep leaving the Hillary “Baja Norte” POS Village of Democrat Socialist Kalifornia and move to the “Islands”, 3 million by 2008!!!]
JCH at 24:
“And even on these boards, JCH (at # 1, above) is actively promoting the use of nuclear weapons against all Muslim countries!
Commentby rhp6033 [………………………………………Correct! And depost all the ragheads from the USU back to Muuuuuuslimland!! Every fucking one!!!]
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 8/23/06@ 1:53 pm”
So now we have a clear photo of JCH, compatible with his ideological and moral stance. Just substitute “Muslims” for “Jews”, and you cannot tell the difference between their rants.
Note that Goebbles was 5’4″, barely 100 lbs, had a club foot, and was a virgin until he was in his thirties. I suspect it took him that long to find a willing prostitute, and enough money to pay her (or him).
Republicans are dying to use nukes against somebody. I don’t even think they care much who.
JCH, however is a lost cause.
And certainly the innocence or guilt of any particular person in the area to be nuked is of no consequence to them. Why not nuke ’em all? It’s cheapoer than Gitmo.
Deaths of innocent people? What do Republicnas care? “Kill ’em all!” is their motto.
So JCH, we declared war against the nation-states of Germany and Japan, which, as we know, was the last time the Congress declared war on ANYONE.
With which nation-states are we at war now?
Under what Congressional Declaration of War?
Which nation-state or nation states have attacked the US?
Points will be deducted for incorrect answers.
Please note that JCH is an avowed Republican who is advocating nuking every nation containing Muslims.
Aside from the problems inherent in nuking all of Western Europe, Canada, and even the U.S. as well…….
We should make sure that everyone understands that the Republican position is in favor of nuclear war.
Gee, this is easy! Why in the world did Democrats waste all that time campaigning on the issues in previous elections? Just let the Republicans talk for a while, and ultimately they end up revolting just about everyone.
Please note that JCH is an avowed Republican who is advocating nuking every nation containing Muslims.
Commentby rhp6033 […………………………..Let’s start with just one, and see how that works!!!! I suggest Iran!!!!]
rhp6033: Nivelle “Jane Fonda” Chamberlain??? Yes, I think so!!! Get out the white flag, rhp!!!!
“4, It worked to defeat Germany [ massive bombings of Hamburg, Dresden, Schwinferd [sp] , and the firebombing of Toyko, Japan in 1945. Let’s not forget that nuclear weapons helped to end WW II.” Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 8/23/06@ 12:04 pm
Shows how little you know about history — or military strategy. When U.S. troops crossed the Rhine into Germany in 1945, the main hindrance to their advance was the mountains of rubble created by allied bombing — there was very little resistance from what was left of the Germany army, and none from German civilians who just wanted the war over. Yet, German war production peaked in 1944 — at the height of the allied bombing, which obviously failed to wreck German industry. Where the bombing did do salutary service was in disrupting German communications prior to the Normandy landing, preventing critical resupply and reinforcements from getting to the German forces trying to hold the beaches.
The strategic bombing of Japanese cities also has been overrated, especially in popular imagination. The Japanese war leaders didn’t care about civilian suffering. Most Japanese knew nothing of the A-bombings until after the war. The critical factor in the defeat of Japan was the destruction of 95% of her shipping. Japan was a maritime power, and dependent on overseas sources of oil, rubber, and other critical raw materials. Once her shipping was gone, she could not move troops, resupply troops, or produce war materiel. Japan would have surrendered without the A-bombs. Yes, the U.S. would have encountered fanatical resistance upon invading the home islands … but invasion was not necessary to finish off Japan. The U.S. war leaders probably did not have the patience to wait for her collapse, but that collapse was inevitable once Japan no longer had access to the sea lanes.
I don’t think we should have a hereditary presidency, regardless of whether the name is “Bush” or “Clinton.” But if Hillary Clinton IS the Democratic nominee, I will vote for her before voting for any Republican, sight unseen. I might have made an exception for McCain, but then he started sucking up to Bush, the neocons, and the fundies (e.g., Bob Jones University), and that eliminated McCain for me. There is no Republican out there whom I can vote for at this point in time. They are all insane.
“We should make sure that everyone understands that the Republican position is in favor of nuclear war.” Commentby rhp6033— 8/23/06@ 4:13 pm
Nothing new about that. They were demanding pre-emptive nuclear strikes against Russia back in the ’50s.
re 8: It’s a good thing Prescott Bush only traded with the enemy during WW II. If he’d actually spent time in Germany, who knows, he might’ve been killed –or, even worse – only hurt!
Do you know why the government never made a big deal about the elitist-conservative industrial and financial traitors in the US who profited by trading with the enemy? According to FDR the general feeling in the administration was that the soldiers would not be motivated to fight if they understood what big money in the US was up to.
And you are an apoligist for these types. Shame on you, JCH!!
Commentby headless lucy— 8/23/06@ 12:32 pm
Right headless; yes, Joe Kennedy was a good guy. He loved them Nazis, friends of Furball. He must know what a nazi is since he thinks KLake is one.
Shows how little you know about history – or military strategy.
Commentby Roger Rabbit [………….RR, You truely must have been an “enlisted man”. Your attitude hasn’t changed.]
The strategic bombing of Japanese cities also has been overrated, especially in popular imagination.
Commentby Roger Rabbit [Gee, that must be news to USAF General LeMay. “Overrated”? Rewriting history, Roger?]
… “but invasion was not necessary to finish off Japan.”
Commentby Roger Rabbit [………………………………………Roger, where were you when General MacArthur and ADM Nimitz needed you? Those stupid fools!! They needed to listen to you!!!!!! Hehe, JCH]
“I don’t think we should have a hereditary presidency,”
Commentby Roger Rabbit {………………I must have missed you posts when Bobby, and then Teddy “Oldsmobile” Kennedy were running for President.]
e 8: It’s a good thing Prescott Bush only traded with the enemy during WW II. If he’d actually spent time in Germany, who knows, he might’ve been killed –or, even worse – only hurt!
Do you know why the government never made a big deal about the elitist-conservative industrial and financial traitors in the US who profited by trading with the enemy? According to FDR the general feeling in the administration was that the soldiers would not be motivated to fight if they understood what big money in the US was up to.
And you are an apoligist for these types. Shame on you, JCH!!
Commentby headless lucy [….I am??? News to me?? Welcome back, Headless!! We need another dumb ass liberal Democrat on here to laugh at!!!!!]
Furball was sitting at the knee of the Desert Fox Erwin Rommel and his Panzer divisions. Yep, Furball’s father.
38, [Wasn’t old Joe Kennedy tight with the Nazis?? Why, yes, He was!!! I must have missed your post on Joe Kennedy, Headless!]
Headless Lucy is back. Now the moonbat league is complete.
Oh Looooooocy, the Field Nigger Brigade is Home.
Puddybud only comes out for special occasions. The ruteun of Loooooooooocy is one of them.
I looked for Rabbit Pellet at DL but someone told me he was doing his bestiality tricks last night. You libruls know his type; a humanoid screwing animals. The horseman of Seattle whom died in Enumclaw was a personal friend of Pellethead!
The part not printed in the Seattle Pee-Eye was the guy mentioned Pellet’s name in his dying breath!
If I could only type the return of looooooooocy is one of them!
BTW MWS, thanks for the fudge packing links. Speaking of fudge packers – how is headless looooooooocy tonight?
“Cheap-labor conservatives support foreign assassinations, covert intervention in foreign countries, and every other ‘black bag’ operation the CIA can dream up, even against constitutional governments, elected by the people of those countries. …
Furball must be talking about John Fitzgerald Kennedy!