I missed this week’s Drinking Liberally, and in my absence Lynn from Evergreen Politics took over the reigns and led a “Boomer Edition” of Podcasting Liberally, featuring political and social activists from the Vietnam War era who are still active on the local scene. Guests included Alice Woldt, Don Hopps, Michael Hood and Howie Martin. I’ve been without broadband so I haven’t listened to it yet, but I’ve heard some really good buzz.
The show is 53:43, and is available here as a 33.4 MB MP3. Please visit PodcastingLiberally.com for complete archives and RSS feeds.
[Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for producing the show.]
I dont know about you other Kennedys but I am going to look at some old family photos. Great uncle Joe was so proud of his Nazi uniform. Remember little Teddy in his swimming trunks. Hahahaha. Ah the memories.
Here’s an oldy but goody…
The story on Ted The Swimmer and his little accident.
Seriously though… it’s shocking to me that a piece of shit like this is allowed to have a voice in setting Murkan policy.
I-912, DOOFUS, I-912… Ahhh the memories..
Judge Bridges decision….
David “knock-out” Irons Jr….
Heck-uv-a-job Brownie…
Coming soon Nov. 2006….
Hey Mark the 18th was last Tuesday. You know what that means. This weekend marks the 37th aniversary celebration of that proud Kennedy Day. Rum and Cokes on me!!!
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. The world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children…This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.”
What a bunch of drivel. If good men stand by at let evil men reign there will be no peace nor do they deserve peace.
Sir Charles was RIGHT!
If Hezbollah was smart they would demand that Jummy Carter come in to hash out a cease fire and peace plan. Who know in another 8 years they to could get a nuke. Hehe
The average rightwing troll has an IQ of like 85 tops.
When even a Tom like Sir Charles can enter Republican Recovery, and you guys keep on keepin’ on, there’s little hope for ya. Don’t wind up in an “E” room, ‘cuz you’ll manifest a flat line on the ole EEG.
The average rightwing troll has an IQ of like 85 tops.
Commentby killatroll/saveablog— 7/21/06@ 11:57 pm
This coming from a party who doen’t know what the meaning of “is” is. hehe
Wow, why is it the wingnuts have no lives? Oh yeah, no women in their lives (well, other than their over protective mothers).
And, while Governor Gregoire’s ratings keep improving, The Wall Street Journal reports that Bush’s continue to suck:
So when do we get to start killing Republicans? Hey — just kidding! If Coulter can tell jokes like that, why can’t I? Why should Republicans have a monopoly on tasteless jokes about killing people? Republicans want a monopoly on every fucking thing! They’ve been monopolizing bad taste quite a bit lately.
Rufus is another one of the wingers who would not do well under a ranked comments system. Look at his missives above; almost all mindless snark. It would be one thing if his comments showed some intelligence and originality, but instead he comes across as mean-spirited, dishonest and rather . . . dumb.
Rufus, why do you even bother? Are you so bored that you are compelled to make a public fool of yourself?
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Oh great, JCH has been hitting the bottle again. Must have had a hard night playing “Sailor.”
22, US Navy Vets don’t need to “play sailor”. Tell us about YOUR military service! hehe, JCH
RuFuK: “I dont know about you other Kennedys but I am going to look at some old family photos. Great uncle Joe was so proud of his Nazi uniform. Remember little Teddy in his swimming trunks. Hahahaha. Ah the memories.”
RUFUK: HAVE YOU GIVEN BACK THOSE MEDALS? I haven’t seen your medical records yet so give ’em back. We all know you are a coward so we don’t believe you could possible have earned those medals. JUST GIVE THEM BACK OR SHOW US YOUR MEDICAL RECORDS! DO IT NOW!
Can’t you all see RuFuK hiding in the bushes? I’m sure you shot kids in the back cuz that’s what cowards do. You have no right to unearned medals; MEDALS FOR COWARDICE!
And RP-KKK, we all know you spent your time lynchin’, lying, drinking and brawling . . . so I guess maybe you oughta show us your medical records too. Nah, you never even went, did ya. You little Bushie twin! Cowards just like your president!
I’ve no time for COWARDS!
I see a lot of links with the word “crazy” in them.
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