Did the world change last weekend when 1200 bloggers converged on Las Vegas and yours truly invaded the local airwaves? N and Ellen just returned from Yearly Kos and joined the panel to talk about an amazing weekend that will surely be looked back on as a seminal event in the development of the netroots. Or so they say.
Joining me, N and Ellen in self-congratulatory lovefest were Mollie, Will, Carl, and Nick. Topics of discussion included Yearly Kos and the incredible convergence of bloggers, politicians and the press, my new weekly gig on 710-KIRO (Sundays, 7-10PM), President Bush’s upcoming visit to Seattle to raise money for struggling sycophant Dave Reichert, Peter Goldmark and his soon to be hot race in WA-05, Carl Ballard’s "three county strategy," house warming presents for Dean Logan, and of course… Tim Eyman’s many failures.
The show is 55:55, and is available here as a 36.1 MB MP3. Please visit PodcastingLiberally.com for complete archives and RSS feeds.
[Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for producing the show.]
Goldy, does your shoulder joint hurt? Must be tough on the old rotator cup, patting yourself on the back so much.
So when are you going to start discussing how to get wealthy white liberals in Seattle to start sending their children back to public school? Preferably without setting up special programs designed to concentrate white students (such as the Graham Hill Montessori)?
For all the left-wing lurkers out there: Listen to this week’s podcast. It is an extra good one…
lota flies here this morning & they brought their crap with them
Jealous do nothings
“Patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.” – Adlai E. Stevenson, Jr.
I guess white liberal racism is the real “Inconvenient Truth” these days.
Fibbertarian. . .tryblogging your own blog and then we can comment on your carpal tunnel syndrome. . .inside of your crappy attitude syndrome.
More shilling for the Right, Richard. Perhaps now your aspirations are to a job writing guest editorials. In the interests of full disclosure:
Richard Poop is a failed politician. (When is your next scheduled defeat Richard?) Judging from some of his ramblings with regard to the law (on at least one occasion he conflated criminal procedures with civil) he cannot be too snazzy a lawyer. (The old law practice not keeping you busy enough,Richard?)
His only hope appears to be getting on as a paid RightwingWhackjob troll. Hence, he confuses quantity for quality in his posts. Of necessity the quality suffers.
Is it possible that the righties just don’t have the brain capacity to do anything other than shout right wing talking points over and over? I guess Pope proves:
1) That he is not a lawyer because no lawyer could be that stupid
2) That if he is a lawyer, he’s a bad one who can’t think for himself
Bush proves stupid is as stupid does…
um… Goldy –
I think the 1200 bloggers in Las Vegas are going to have a hell of a lot more impact on the Democratic party and on electoral politics than your two-week old talk show.
But, please, keep on reminding everyone about your Sunday night gig and how it’s going to change the world and all.
Hey shoephone, YearlyKos doesn’t need Goldy to get its impact reported and talked about (it doesn’t need me to shill for it either, but I have). OTOH, if Markos and the rest of the dKos crew were linking to Horsesass.org and KIRO with regularity, perhaps Goldy wouldn’t feel the need to promote himself quite so much.
In any case, what’s it to you?
Tree frog farmer – what’s your problenm? If Goldy can’t take a little ribbing, he ain’t cut out for blogging!
You need an attitude adjustment.
Or possibly some good medications.