I could have ranted all night about Seattle school closings, but my fellow panelists threatened to bound and gag me. And so we invited 43rd Legislative District candidate Lynne Dodson onto the podcast to act as a kind of informal stopwatch on the subject. Lynne, a teacher herself, graciously gave us 15 minutes of her time, and I wasted most of it ranting. In an informative and entertaining manner, of course.
Joining me and Lynne in our weekly, liquored up lecture series were Mollie, Will, Carl, Lee and eventually, Gavin. Topics of discussion included school closures, immigration, Bush’s base betrayal, Will’s obsession with escalator etiquette, why Republicans aren’t funny, US atrocities in Iraq, and the WA State GOP’s proposal to reinstitute slavery. And of course, we reminded everybody to go see "An Inconvenient Truth" this weekend.
The show is 1:00:49, and is available here as a 38.8 MB MP3. Please visit PodcastingLiberally.com for complete archives and RSS feeds.
[Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for producing the show.]
Joining me (Goldy) and Lynne in our weekly, liquored up lecture series were Mollie, Will, Carl, Lee and eventually, Gavin.
[Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for producing the show. Except for Gavin, who wasn’t there this week.]
You might want to figure out how to reconcile these two statements.
N in Seattle @ 1
Oh’ oh…Now the FBI has what it needs to raid Goldy’s house….
N… yeah, even more important, it would have been nice if I had actually linked to the this week’s podcast instead of last week’s.
Fixed both cut-and-paste errors.
So much for the inbred right wing boycott of the Dixie Chicks. Dixie Chicks # 1 on Billboard Top 200!!!
SCOTUS, in a decision that broke along ideological lines, with Samuel Alito casting the deciding vote, today sharply limited the right of whistleblowers to sue government employers for retaliation for exposing governmental misconduct.
The case involved a lawyer working for the Los Angeles D.A. who claimed he was demoted and denied promotion for revealing that a detective lied in a search warrant.
The FBI doesn’t need anything to raid Goldy’s house. According to Sammy Alito and his Prussian pals on the Extremist Court, all they have to do is lie in the search warrant. But wait! According to Bush, they don’t need a search warrant! The dictator has declared the Fourth Amendment inoperative.
It’s easy! Just follow this simple 5-Step Plan:
1. Make other people work hard so you don’t have to work.
2. Make other people fight your wars.
3. Make other people pay your taxes.
4. Make other people take risks.
5. Never miss any opportunity to bitch and moan about how hard you work and how much taxes you pay, and to claim you deserve to be wealthy because you’re a risk taker.
The case involved a lawyer working for the Los Angeles D.A. who claimed he was demoted and denied promotion for revealing that a detective lied in a search warrant.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 5/31/06@ 10:10 am
Los Angeles County District Attorney Gil Garcetti is a DEMOCRAT. But not a very popular one — his GOP challenger Steve Cooley is leading by 3-to-1 in the polls for the November 2006 election. And this is in a strongly Democrat county.
In addition, the defendant in that criminal case challenged the validity of the warrant in a pre-trial motion to suppress evidence. The judge considered the testimony of the assistant DA — who testified in favor of the defendant — and decided that the search warrant was valid, in spite of what the assistant DA was claiming about the officers supposedly lying.
The Democrat legislature and Governor Gregoire will soon come up with a solution to the Seattle school closing problem. Gregoire will convene a special session of the legislature. They will approve additional state funding for Seattle public schools — much more than is provided per student to other school districts. This additional money will subsidize the continued liberal mismanagement of the Seattle school system, and enable all schools to remain open — making 20 years of declining enrollment without closing a single school.
Critics Blast Al Gore’s Documentary As ‘Realistic’
NEW YORK— The Al Gore-produced global-warming documentary An Inconvenient Truth is being panned by critics nationwide who claim the 90-plus minute environmental film is “too disturbingly realistic and well-researched to enjoy.” “I found it difficult to suspend my disbelief in man-made climate change for the first half-hour—and utterly impossible after that—which makes for a movie-going experience that’s far more educational than it is enjoyable,” said New York Post film critic Skip Hack. “Gore’s film overwhelms viewers with staggering amounts of scientific information until nothing about global warming is left to the imagination, and that’s just not good entertainment. Two stars.” Some critics have called the film’s claims that sea levels could rise 20 feet somewhat sensationalistic, although most agree that this is not enough to save the film from being unwatchably factual.
Read the whole thing, it’s good.
For eight years we watched vicious attacks on a first family that had done nothing but try to serve the American people and bring justice to the world. Sure, they weren’t perfect, but who is?
But now, while we watch what is arguably the WORST President in the history of our country shit all over our Constitution, the Geneva Convention, and everything it means to be an American, the only thing you have to say is to call us Bush haters.
Well, no shit. We’ve been “misled” into war, participated in the slaughter of countless civilians, sent 2500 hundred of our soldiers to the Great Beyond, practically crippled our armed forces, discovered that our President considers himself above any act of Congress, and are now being spied upon IN OUR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY while all too many people shrug and say “so what?.”
What’s to hate?
You people make me sick. Every one of you Bush apologists is a hypocritical gasbag of monumental proportions. If a Democratic government did 1/10 of these things, you’d be up in arms. Hell, you’d be calling for mass assassinations.
All we want is his impeachment. Clinton lied about sexual indiscretions. Bush lies about EVERYTHING. Yet you seem to consider him above reproach.
What’s wrong with you people cannot be fixed. Therapy would be like a bandaid placed over a knife-wound to the belly. We used to think you were simply deluded. Maybe a bit confused.
No, I think now that you’re clinically insane. Too crazy to be allowed to vote. You’d vote for a rabid pitbull if he could be taught to speak like a human being. As long as he mouthed the right catch-phrases.
Sure, maybe Bush wouldn’t be a bad guy to sit down and have a beer with. But YOU would be picking up the tab. Or maybe you could just defer it to your children and grandchildren. That’s the gist of his economic policy, after all. Play now, pay later.
You call us traitors because we don’t like Bush?
Fuck you. Look in the goddam mirror. EVERY principle on which this country was founded is but a hurdle for this asshole to jump. He has about as much respect for America as he did for the population of New Orleans when Katrina was bearing down on them. Which is is to say… NOT THE SLIGHTEST BIT.
“America…Love it or leave it.” Remember when that was thrown in the faces of those who dared to stand up to oppressive government in the past? We do. You know what? We know who REALLY hates America and all she stands for. YOU PEOPLE. Every last one of you who still think Bush walks on water and turns water into wine. Why don’t YOU just get the hell on a boat and get the fuck out of our country?
We don’t want you. We don’t need you. And we’re sick and tired of listening to your stupid excuses.
We don’t care where you go. Just go somewhere where you can’t fuck up our country anymore. And take your dumbass President with you. We’ll even throw you a going-away party.
Bon Voyage, you stupid bastards. Write when you find work.
Dr. E: It’d be a shame to let all those FEMA concentration camps to go to waste. And, as long as the idiots are incarcerated, we should ship them around to pick our crops for nothing.
What’s good for the goose…
Dr. E-
Calm down and take your meds, dumbshit.
@13 InoBservant Pipedown TRAITOR ,
Well said E. I love listening to the right wing cowards crying about – “Don’t elect Dems…cause we’ll have an investigation.” No shit? You fucks spent at LEAST $60 million taxpayer dollars to prove President Clinton got a BJ. You attacked him for every move he made, good or bad. You attacked him while we were at war. You attacked him personally. You attacked his family and still attack his family. You lied, cheated and misrepresented the facts to make political points. Now that your right wing taliban style government has been exposed – you worry about US investigating YOU? Well guess what – SOMEBODY NEEDS TO DO IT! You corrupt fucks have destroyed much of what this country stands for and you can bet your ass we’ll come after you. And then we’ll remove you from power, put you in jail where you belong and start rebuilding everything that you destroyed. Get used to it and bend over. You got an assfucking coming!!!
Pope, Cynical and Jim West just got excited about the prospect of being ass fucked. Janet S got excited about doing the fucking!
Why does Observer hate America?
Uhhh, I din’t write the text quoted above. Got it?
Like all Neoconvicts, Observer hates everything truly American. Doesn’t know, honor or respect the Constitution, any of the Amendmendments, and is stubbornly opposed to the principles enumerated in the Declaration of Independence. Yes, he HATES America. A true Bushista.
Bon Voyage, you stupid bastards. Write when you find work.
Comment by Dr. E — 5/31/06 @ 12:10 pm
Dr E we could use you skills in Cuba when can you come for a visit?
Your poor English skills aren’t enough to convince me that you’re actually Cuban, “Fedil” (sic).
You’re right,Dr. E the Neconvict trolls cannot even read let alone think.
well good golly miss molly, already past 1pm and no daily whine from goldstein regarding the fact that his kids school is still on the chopping block…
Lost world found inside Israeli cave
Previously unknown species lurk in cavern that was sealed off for ages
JERUSALEM – Israeli scientists say they have discovered a prehistoric ecosystem dating back millions of years. . . who discovered the cave believe it has been intact for millions of years.
“Every species we examined had no eyes, which means they lost their sight due to evolution,”
Hmmmmm. . . So much for the Earth being only 6,000 years old according to the Bible. Oh, and that “evolution” scientific thingy seems to run counter intuitive to the neocons who simply don’t believe in science, either.
Global Warming caused by humans. . . .naaahhhhhhh. Don’t like science, facts and figures get in the way of the truth. The world is still flat, right?
I wonder if a chi-squared analysis could tell us how those critters got into that cave more than 6000 years ago.
Senator Clinton announced her re-election campaign today. She leads ANY potential GOP candidate by double digits. It’s a cakewalk folks. Man this must just BURN the taliban wing of the GOP that they can’t beat her. I love it!
Senator Clinton announced her re-election campaign today. She leads ANY potential GOP candidate by double digits. It’s a cakewalk folks. Man this must just BURN the taliban wing of the GOP that they can’t beat her. I love it!
E is for error-
If you are going to quote somthing, then do so. “…” Get it, dumbshit. And really, are you trying to make a sensible argument by ‘quoting’ dumbshit underground, get real. Take your meds, Simsbot.
@29: E provided the link and invited all to “read the whole thing”. What followed was obviously from the article.
Seemed kinda’ tame to me. But then I’m biased.
The only dumb shit around here is YOU and your wingfuck pals. Everything Dr. E said is true. Bush is shitting on the Constitution, everything generations of U.S. veterans fought for, and everything it means to be an American. In just 5 short years, Bush has turned the U.S. from one of the world’s most admired countries into one of the most reviled and hated countries. Thanks to the Republicans, we are the new Soviet Union, soon to be complete with secret police and a gulag. Fuck you and all other apologists for right-wing dictatorship! You should be jailed for treason.
what’s your point, klake? do you have one?
“Why does Observer hate America?” Commentby Menlo Park— 5/31/06@ 12:57 pm
Because he’s a nazi.
Senator Clinton announced her re-election campaign today. She leads ANY potential GOP candidate by double digits. It’s a cakewalk folks. Man this must just BURN the taliban wing of the GOP that they can’t beat her. I love it!
Commentby LeftTurn— 5/31/06@ 2:11 pm
Al Gore is her running mate no need to make new signs.
@ 34:
Interesting, the last time a Clinton / Gore ticket ran they cleaned the GOP’s clocks. Remember?
Get used to losing, pal.
Oh, and get used to the idea of Bush having a congressional investigation, followed by articles of impeachment, and finally, impeached and removed from office.
Cheney will be persuaded not to pardon him and we’ll consider letting the rest of his administration off the hook with a stern rebuke in the well of the Senate.
what’s your point, klake? do you have one?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 5/31/06@ 2:55 pm
For you Roger the point would be missing, but for the record did you read anything new in those fish wrappers? What really happen in the world today Roger, and how did it impact you life or pocket book? Roger why is the paper running in the red and why are their customers cancelling their deliveries for the past years? The question is it wouldn’t be the contents of the paper causing it’s demised over the last few years? No today the writers are a little bias about the subject matter they are writing about, but not for you Roger? There is no real media bias in Seattle today if you are a Socialist Democrat or an illegal immigrant who can’t read English. School closures are the by product of a poorly educated public. What did those papers do to improve that illiteracy of this city? So Roger go back to your rants and close your mind to anything new that takes place outside your little world.
Get used to losing, pal.
Oh, and get used to the idea of Bush having a congressional investigation, followed by articles of impeachment, and finally, impeached and removed from office.
Cheney will be persuaded not to pardon him and we’ll consider letting the rest of his administration off the hook with a stern rebuke in the well of the Senate.
Commentby GBS— 5/31/06@ 3:14 pm
GBS what is the name of the Med’s you are taking today?
GBS what is the name of the Med’s you are taking today?
Whatever they are, I’d like some. They do appear to pale into insignificance compared to the psychotrophics on steroids you take. That must explain your crisp and oh!, so manly! muscular writing style.
Let’s see if this works… (testing, testing)
testing, testing…
Woo hoo! You don’t need “…” to quote after all! (BLOCKQUOTE works quite well for that purpose.)
Oh, and by the way, Mr. O, in this country, we use ” ” for quotes, not “inverted commas” like the British.
1. Woo hoo! You don’t need “…†to quote after all! (BLOCKQUOTE works quite well for that purpose.)
Oh, and by the way, Mr. O, in this country, we use††for quotes, not “inverted commas†like the British.
Comment by Dr. E — 5/31/06 @ 3:46 pm
1. Cheney will be persuaded not to pardon him and we’ll consider letting the rest of his administration off the hook with a stern rebuke in the well of the Senate.
Comment by GBS? 5/31/06@ 3:14 pm
GBS what is the name of the Med’s you are taking today?
Wow you two are really bouncing of the ceilings today, sharing your Med’s? I’m so glad you all love the President of the United States and love how he pulls us all together on one subject matter.
Folks do you support this veteran or you friend Michael Moore on how he was portrayed in the movie “Fahrenheit 9/11� Remember you want just the truth about the War in Iraq and dame about who is paying the price to change that part of the world. Maybe Al Gore will make a movie about the truth on WMD and what he knew about it when being Vice President. Sure you all support the troops only when it is convent for your point in an argument, but vaporize when you get cornered on your subject manner. Oh how sweet it is to have a back bone of a jelly fish.
GI Sues Michael Moore for $85 Million
A double-amputee veteran of the Iraq war is suing filmmaker Michael Moore for $85 million, claiming Moore used an old interview with the G.I. to make him appear anti-war in his movie “Fahrenheit 9/11.”
Sgt. Peter Damon, 33, who strongly supports America’s invasion of Iraq, said he never agreed to be in the 2004 movie. Damon lost his arms when a Black Hawk helicopter exploded in front of him.
In the 2003 interview, which he did at Walter Reed Army Hospital for NBC News, he discussed only a new painkiller the military was using on wounded veterans, the New York Post reports.
“They took the clip because it was a gut-wrenching scene,” Damon said. “They sandwiched it in. [Moore] was using me as ammunition.”
According to the lawsuit filed in Suffolk County, Mass., Damon seems to “voice a complaint about the war effort” in the movie.
I think the question is, “What meds are they forgetting to take today?”
Hey Doc E-
Did you notice how I used quotation marks? There is after all only one key for it on my board, how did it make you feel to twist my point, Dumbass?
“Did you notice how I used quotation marks?”
What do you want, an “A” on your report card? You’ve picked the wrong guy to lecture on quotation and citation procedures, pal. But, if you couldn’t tell that it was an extended quote from the context, that’s not my problem.