We had so much fun (and perhaps, beer) at Drinking Liberally Tuesday night, that I haven’t gotten around to posting the podcast until Thursday.
Joining me (Goldy) in our typically insightful and inciteful evening of drunken discourse were Chris, Carl, Lynn and Seattle P-I columnist Joel Connelly. Topics of discussion include Barack Obama’s possibly historic speech on race, Hillary Clinton’s gender problem, Darcy Burner’s "Responsible Plan" to end the war in Iraq, Rep. Dave Reichert’s ridiculous flip-flop on earmarks, and the teetering state of the national toilet economy.
The show is 53:21, and can be downloaded here as a 48.8 MB MP3.
[Podcasting Liberally is recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Darryl for producing the show, and Confab creators Gavin and Richard for hosting the site.]
Goldy: The amount of podcasting appears to be inversly correlated to amount of beer consumed.
Wells Fargo!
I bought @ $27.25 earlier this week.
Closed today @ $32.55
NOV dropped again today.
The fringe lunatic leftist Neo-Hippy’s don’t know jackshit about investing & money…obviously.
Listen next time…and act.
In the last week the Federal Reserve has loaned nearly $140 billion to shaky financial institutions so their executives can continue to smugly drive their Bentleys home at night to their little shacks in the Hamptons. At the same time, more and more, shall we say, ordinary Americans are getting kicked out of their houses, or packing up and leaving before they do.
That’s $140 billion of your money and mine. Do you recall them asking our permission? I don’t.
This week’s Birds Eye View Contest is posted.
Maybe you can talk about how the dirty tricks squad at the GOP are illegally committing crimes by accessing Democratic candidates’ passports.
And for all you so-called Democratic moderates – hey assholes…. pay attention, this is what we’re up against. If you don’t go on offense you might as well be one of them.
These assholes will lie, cheat, steal, burglarize and anything else they can to win. We better be ready to fight fire with fire.
Art @ 2
Truly remarkable, isn’t it? Where are all the rightwingers who scream about “welfare queens” concerning this little upward redistribution of wealth? Silent, as always, content in their hypocrisy.
@ 5, and the truly amazing thing is that the wingnuts posting here are getting shafted as well.
Just blissfully, like good little zombies, voting against their own self interest.
It is impossible to fathom the workings of the wingnut mind.
Our current recession explained….finally someone who aknowledges we are in a recession and the reasons behind it, how it could have been prevented and what is to come..
http://money.cnn.com/2008/03/2 0/news/economy/recession_forec ast/index.htm?eref=ib_topstori es
The fed reserve….not one of our candidates have opposed this, as a matter of fact all 3 backed the rate cuts and bail out! I personally wanted to see the big banker fall on his face, but we common folk mean nothing to the fed reserve.
Here’s the story on passport breach…according to this report, these were low level employees (probably some dumb guys sitting around saying”hey let’s look at Obama’s passport”) and not politically motivated, although Obama campaign seems to point the blame to the current administration:
“not politically motivated” I think a full independent investigation is needed to draw that conclusion.
@5: Rightwingers screaming about corporate welfare queens? Maybe you didn’t hear George Will in 1990 when he shouted that most welfare transfers in America go to the middle class and above.
Maybe you didn’t hear KVI’s Kirby Wilbur a few years later when he lamented welfare subsidies given to Archer Daniels Midland.
Maybe you haven’t paid attention to the Cato rightwing that loudly denounces big-government ‘conservatism.’
“I thought Barack Obama’s speech was strong, thoughtful and important. Rather beautifully, it was a speech to think to, not clap to. It was clear that’s what he wanted, and this is rare.
“It seemed to me as honest a speech as one in his position could give within the limits imposed by politics.” – Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal, today:
Sicko: Check the new New Republic about the failure of most physicians, most of the time, to assess or establish the effectiveness of medical procedures. The cardiac stent, for example, treatment-of-choice used by many cardiologists, has never been proven to work. Inexpensive beta blockers, proven in clinical trials to be amazingly effective, were resisted by cardiologists.
More important is the fact that this breach of a candidate’s passport file happened three times over a two month period.
“not politically motivated” may be true, but the holding back of the information regarding these breaches reeks of “political motivation”.
7: Took out the URL gaps, and still couldn’t get it. Please give a summary.
” … reeks of ‘political motivation'”
Unlike, say, Clinton & Clinton holding 900+ raw and unredacted FBI files of their political enemies from the rightwing conspiracy.
You are such the cute little troll, Hannah. Did you read the link you provided on the breach? It occurred multiple times. Who is the contractor? I did not see Obama’s organization blaming the administration, yet. They asked for an investigation. Don’t you think that’s warrented?
@12- I’ll give you the summary, it blames Congress. What a shock.
K- you and all your accusations crack me up…I back Obama campaign into looking into it…that’s why I noted Obama campaign pointing to Bush. Hmmm have voted dem my entire life, and backing Obama, votes like a dem, believes in the views of a dem, must be a troll. LMFAO!
@12 go to CNNmoney.com and on the main page there click the story under latest headlines labled “Slowdown Could Have Been Avoided”
@16 – it doesn’t just blame congress, but it blames the US Gov in all…it is an explanation as to what is currently happening, how it happened (in his views) and what is to come of the next few months.
No Hannah, it’s your cute little implications “…although Obama campaign seems to point the blame to the current administration” I reacted to. What did the Obama folks do to point blame? You protray yourself as being on the Democratic side, but “why oh why do they keep doing these things”. Too cute by a half, and not at all believable.
Quoted directly from the story…
This is an outrageous breach of security and privacy, even from an administration that has shown little regard for either over the last eight years. Our government’s duty is to protect the private information of the American people, not use it for political purposes,” Burton said.
BTW, Burton is a spokesman for Obama’s presidential campaign.
So on the one hand – the State Dept is saying there was no political motivation – but on the other – they admit that no criminal investigation has begun so how do they know? And since this is a felony why is there no investigation? Simple – more Bush regime cronies at work.
And I for one don’t care what Condi Rice says about the motivation. Like we would believe that bitch? She’s got Bush’s dick in her ass 94% of the time.
What part of the quote is a problem Hannah? There were apparently three separate breaches over three months. There was also allegedly a monitoring system. How did it get so far? Do the Obama folks do not have the right to be outraged and suspicious?
Get real.
K – where did I say that Obama doesn’t have the right to be outraged and suspicious???? I was pointing out that they are pointing to the current admin…did I say anything is wrong with that????
Gee, words like “however…point the blame..” have a pretty negative and accusatory tone.
And your CNN story blamed the Fed and Congress, but omited mention of the current administration.
Convenient, but not credible
“however point the blame” I was contradicting that “according to the report it was not politically motivated” Paranoid? Accusatory tone? Why? If I beleived it was NOT politically motivated I would not have included the suspicions of Obama’s campaign…once again….where did I say that Obama doesn’t have the right to be outraged and suspicious????
K – also noted I pointed out the CNN story as FINALLY someone who believes we are in recession, as Bush & Co keep telling us we are not!
An Open Letter to the Democratic Party
By Lt. Colonel Frances Rice, U.S. Army Retired
Rob@28: Great post.
I have continually stood up for my people from the city carpetbaggers of the Donkey party so I smiled when I saw this: “Whereas the Democratic Party’s soft bigotry of low expectations and social promotions have consigned African Americans to economic bondage and created a culture of dependency on government social programs” You Donkey have controlled the cities for all my life and nothing has been done for my people!
When I posted the PuddyFact JFK was originally against MLK, Jr. and civil rights, the 16%ers here said I was lying. The submitted thread was one man’s opinion. I don’t know this lady and this is the first time I’ve seen her compile this wonderful knife thrust at the Donkey. Blacks who really know history not that crap being posted as revisionist history know this and other things she didn’t mention.
This is great. Tells it like it is.
Still waiting for McCain to release his medical and war records. What’s he got to hide – oh yeah, we know – his cancer is back and he was a traitor during the time he was a POW – but that will be okay with the inbred right. They don’t care – just so long as there is an (R) by his name – they’ll vote for him – over and over.