For those who missed this week’s “The David Goldstein Show” (Newsradio 710-KIRO, Sunday nights from 7PM to 10PM,) the commercial-free podcasts are now available for your offline listening pleasure.
Hour 1: Are we on the brink of an historic military defeat in Iraq? Philip Gold is a former Senior Fellow in National Security Affairs at the conservative Seattle-based think tank the Discovery Institute. He predicted a Jihadist terrorist attack on US soil months before 9/11, and was one of the first prominent conservatives to warn that an Iraq invasion would lead to disaster. Now he fears that our current foreign policy could lead to our biggest ground defeat since the loss of the Philippines in 1942. Tune in and find out why this “former lifelong Republican” will be voting a straight Democratic ticket.
Hour 2: Q&A with Darcy and Peter. Two of the hottest House races in the nation are right here in Washington state, and both Democratic challengers, Darcy Burner and Peter Goldmark, joined me to talk about the election and their legislative agenda.
Hour 3: Do you believe what you read in the papers? Well, maybe the comics. Former Seattle Weekly columnist Geov Parrish came into the studio to give his kiss-and-tell account of the alt-weekly’s recent political purge, and to join me in ragging on the local media in general. Believe it or not, we had some harsh things to say about the Seattle Times editorial board. Go figure.
We will soon make full archives available online at, where you can always find my weekly podcast for the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally.
So many republican crooks and thugs, so little time.
Vote For Darcy. Enough is enough.
Finally I agree with the righties on something. Voter fraud is a problem. That is, attempts to fraudulently stop people from voting by republicans who know that they can’t win without cheating that is.
Finally I agree with the righties on something. Voter fraud is a problem. That is, attempts to fraudulently stop people from voting by republicans who know that they can’t win without cheating that is.
Turn the scoundrels out!
Two weeks until the election, and I keep waiting for the Republican’s promised “October Surprise” to drop.
So far, only the “leak” from the House that they suspended a Democratic staffer on charges that he leaked intelligence reports to the press. Republican lawmakers acted outraged at the “Democratic disregard to national security, etc., etc.”.
But if this was supposed to be a bomb, it went off more like a cap gun.
The problem is that the Republicans don’t have any credibility left to make such charges.
In the first place, the public and the news media is very skeptical about whether the charges are true in the first place, coming just two weeks before the election. It smacks of typical Rovian electoral politics – make a damaging accusation shortly before an election, smear anyone who expresses doubts about the allegation, and then ride it through the election. After all, when the truth is made clear months later, it will be burried in the back pages of the papers.
Secondly, given the apparant contradictions between what the military and professional intelligence agencies are saying in their reports about the situation in Iraq and what the Republicans are saying, the public is more inclined to reward a leaker which tells them the truth, than to punish them and reward the liars who try to cover up the truth.
If the Republicans still have an arrow in their quiver, they had better shoot it now. Snohomish County is now on a mail-in ballot only system. I received mine over the weekend, and filled it out and put it in the mail yesterday. The election campaign is over. What we have now is an extended two-week “get out the vote” campaign, instead of a one day campaign that we were accustomed to in the past.
Haven’t you right wing morons learned anything since the days of your hero Trickie Dickie? It’s the cover up stoooooopid!
Two weeks before the midterm elections, Republicans are losing the battle for independent voters, who now strongly favor Democrats on Iraq and other major issues facing the country and overwhelmingly prefer to see them take over the House in November, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
The new poll underscores how much of a drag the war threatens to be on Republican candidates in competitive races. With debate underway in Washington about possible course changes in Iraq, Americans cite the war as the most important issue in determining their vote next month more often than any other issue, and those who do favor Democrats over Republicans by 76 percent to 21 percent.
Independents are poised to play a pivotal role in next month’s elections because Democrats and Republicans are basically united behind candidates of their own parties. Ninety-five percent of Democrats said they will support Democratic candidates for the House, while slightly fewer Republicans, 88 percent, said they plan to vote for their party’s candidates.
The independent voters surveyed said they plan to support Democratic candidates over Republicans by roughly 2 to 1 — 59 percent to 31 percent — the largest margin in any Post-ABC News poll this year. Forty-five percent said it would be good if Democrats recaptured the House majority, while 10 percent said it would not be. The rest said it would not matter.
Commentators are worried that Rush Limbaugh is either on drugs or acting when he came out against Michael J. Fox and his adds supporting Stem Cell research.
“We have no idea why Rush is doing this” said one conservative insider. “Sure, his lies usually help us, but in this case, he is bringing to the center a issue that we are clearly wrong on, and kicking a person with Parkinson’s to make his point. How that is supposed to help us keep a dolt like Jim Talent in office is beyond us,” said the source. “One has to wonder if Rush is back on drugs, or just trying to act and be funny.”
Incumbent Democratic Sen. Maria Cantwell led Republican Mike McGavick by 52-37 percent, increasing her lead from 50-40 percent three weeks before.
Cantwell had the highest favorable rating – 48 percent – of any candidate in the battleground states.
Washington state is hostile to Republicans this year, giving some of the lowest approval ratings to Bush (34 percent) and Congress (22 percent).
Iraq is the top issue, followed by the economy and jobs in a distant second place. Terrorism lags behind in seventh place. Iraq voters support Cantwell by a ratio of 8-1.
The McClatchy-MSNBC Poll is a snapshot of voter opinion at the time it was conducted. It is not a prediction of how people will vote on Election Day.
Its looking worse and worse for the GOP. And they are stuck with their “Stay the Course” campaign. I would have thought that Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, &c. would have come up with something better after all this time than a continuation of the “Fear Itself” campaign.
This should really belong here, but I couldn’t resist:
Source Code
–AZ-01: Rick Renzi
–AZ-05: J.D. Hayworth
–CA-04: John Doolittle
–CA-11: Richard Pombo
–CA-50: Brian Bilbray
–CO-04: Marilyn Musgrave
–CO-05: Doug Lamborn
–CO-07: Rick O’Donnell
–CT-04: Christopher Shays
–FL-13: Vernon Buchanan
–FL-16: Joe Negron
–FL-22: Clay Shaw
–ID-01: Bill Sali
–IL-06: Peter Roskam
–IL-10: Mark Kirk
–IL-14: Dennis Hastert
–IN-02: Chris Chocola
–IN-08: John Hostettler
–IA-01: Mike Whalen
–KS-02: Jim Ryun
–KY-03: Anne Northup
–KY-04: Geoff Davis
–MD-Sen: Michael Steele
–MN-01: Gil Gutknecht
–MN-06: Michele Bachmann
–MO-Sen: Jim Talent
–MT-Sen: Conrad Burns
–NV-03: Jon Porter
–NH-02: Charlie Bass
–NJ-07: Mike Ferguson
–NM-01: Heather Wilson
–NY-03: Peter King
–NY-20: John Sweeney
–NY-26: Tom Reynolds
–NY-29: Randy Kuhl
–NC-08: Robin Hayes
–NC-11: Charles Taylor
–OH-01: Steve Chabot
–OH-02: Jean Schmidt
–OH-15: Deborah Pryce
–OH-18: Joy Padgett
–PA-04: Melissa Hart
–PA-07: Curt Weldon
–PA-08: Mike Fitzpatrick
–PA-10: Don Sherwood
–RI-Sen: Lincoln Chafee
–TN-Sen: Bob Corker
–VA-Sen: George Allen
–VA-10: Frank Wolf
–WA-Sen: Mike McGavick
–WA-08: Dave Reichert
Dude, McGavick was toast once those primary results came out. I’ll go on the record as betting the percentage breakdown goes like this:
Cantwell: 52
McGavick: 43
Guthrie: 3
Dixon: 2
And once again, the state GOP muffs a statewide race at the top of the ticket. Awesome job, dudes. That plus a state Senate seat or two, plus Darcy, plus continued control of the House is what I’d be happy with- add in Goldmark (who I still think is a Hail Mary, but maybe a 40 yard one now instead of an 80 yard one) and I’d be ecstatic.
Bush’s “Stay the Course” mantra has now officially been changed to “Whatever.” In announcing this shift, the primary presidential prevaricator, Tony Snow, stated that, “We feel this new characterization of our Iraq strategy provides us with the flexibility necessary to adapt to political winds and trends here at home. We feel that the Democrats have unfairly and maliciously demanded that we have some articulable and principled position concerning our Iraq strategy. Such demands fail to recognize that the president’s most important task is to ensure a continuing Republican majority.”
Thanks for having Philip Gold on the show. I’ve always enjoyed listening to his perspective even though I don’t agree with all of it. Unlike the braindead wingnuts who troll here, Gold is an adult.
11 & 14
I guess the Administration’s agenda was being obstructed by the Ty-D-Bol Man.
Yeah, what FTC said. As another example, I think Bill Lind is, well, an unreconstructed troglodyte who if he was present at Creation would have voted for Chaos, politically speaking…
But the guy knows his military history, and I have no hesitation listening to his analysis. Most of my disagreement comes from me being a liberal and having a much more different and optimistic take on American/world history.
Republicans looking for a “hot button” issue are still trying to flog the “illegal immigrants” issue. But they have to be careful, because lots of their important financial backers don’t want to cut out illegal immigrants. They want the cheap labor, and to keep the price of labor down generally.
So they spend their time making a lot of noise about it, and finally pass legislation to build a 700+ mile fence on the border with Mexico. Of course, they didn’t appropriate any significant money with which to build the fence, and left the details to the Bush administration to decide, with the option to use a “technological fence” (i.e., cameras, sensors, and drones), instead of a physical fence. You know, Maria Cantwell’s proposal which McGavick tried to ricicule in his ads.
So while they have something they can point to to claim that they did something about the “problem”, they really didn’t do anything that isn’t already in progress. They approved a fence which is not a fence, which only stretches across about 20% of the border, but didn’t give anyone the money with which to build it, and left open the option of not building it at all.
On top of that, the whole idea of a fence of this type is ludicrus, for the following reasons:
First, no ten-foot fence has ever been build that can’t be beat with a twelve foot ladder, or a pair of wire clippers.
Second, building a 700+ mile fence on our border with Mexico is, as Jay Leno pointed out, like building a 30 mile bridge to Hawaii.
Third, as military professionals well knows, there is no fence, fortification, or entrenchment which cannot be beat if you don’t allow for sufficient manpwer to man it. Such a barrier only allows you to somewhat reduce your manpower, but it does not replace it.
Fourth, what are you going to do with the people who try to breach the fence? Wait until they get to our side, then arrest them and send them back to try again tomorrow night? Or perhaps put them in jail for a year while they are waiting for their hearing, then convict them of trying to enter the country illegally, sentence them to time served, and then deport them after paying for guarding them, feeding them, and giving them medical treatment and shelter for a year? Or perhaps you want us to adopt the E. German approach – mines, automated machine guns, etc. to kill any men, women, or children who stip across the wire? I can imagine the first phots of the kid who died trying to retrieve his pet puppy who ran through the fence.
From the DSCC:
* Dems Hold Largest Head-to-Head Margin in Two Decades. The ABC/WP survey gives Democrats a 54%-41% lead over Republicans, the highest level of Dem preference in this survey this close to Election Day since 1984. Dems also lead among independents (59%-31%) and men (54%-42). The Cook Political Report survey gives Dems a 57%-35% lead among most likely voters.
* By a 20-Point Margin, Dems are Much More Enthusiastic About Midterms. 69% of Dems call the 2006 midterms more important than other congressional elections in their lifetime, versus just 49% of Republicans. (ABC/WP)
* Dems’ Early Voter Contact Effort Is Paying Off. As many registered voters say, they’ve been contacted on behalf of a Democratic candidate as often as on behalf of a Republican candidate (about two in 10 in both cases). And the Democratic calls seems better targeted: People who’ve been solicited on behalf of a Democratic candidate favor the Democrat in their district by a 45-point margin; people who’ve been contacted on behalf of a Republican prefer the Republican by a narrower 19 points. (ABC/WP)
* Dems Lead On Every Issue. The ABC/Post poll has Dems leading on every issue, including terror (+1), Iraq (+8), North Korea (+7), ethics (+13) and the economy (+9). Almost two-thirds of independents disapprove of Iraq, including a quarter of Republicans. Of the nearly 60% of registered voters who oppose the war in Iraq, more than three quarters say they favor Democrats for Congress. (ABC/WP)
* Bush’s Numbers Sink Again. Bush approval ratings fell another five points this month to 37%, his second-lowest approval rating ever in the ABC/Post poll. Even worse: Nearly twice as many registered voters say they’ll cast their ballot as a way to show opposition to the president (31 percent) as to support him (17 percent). (ABC/WP)
And to revise and extend my remarks, this is why I like Lind:
The money shot (note this was written over 2 and a half years ago):
So what comes next? The current violence may follow a sine wave, ebbing and then flowing again, with the whole curve gradually trending up. Or, it may rise in a linear, accelerating curve, in which case we will soon be driven out of Iraq, possibly in a full-scale sauve que peut rout. The former appears more likely, but it still leads to the same ending, if taking a bit more time to get there.
Unlike traditional twelve-course dinners, this one does not finish with a dessert or a savoury. It ends, to borrow one of John Boyd’s favorite phrases, with the “coalition” getting the whole enchilada right up the p— chute. You cannot get anything you want at Mohammed’s restaurant.
Gee, a Republican candidate for Congress turns out to be a lying sack of shit! Why, I never would have guessed! I wonder why Stefan isn’t covering this in his pathetic little blog. I guess Stefan is extremely selective in his definition of “voting fraud” huh? Stefan is nothing but a partisan hack like me.
But I’m actually better than Stefan and his ilk, because I don’t condone lying, corruption, and fraud when it happens among Democrats. As soon as Rep. William Jefferson (D-LA) was caught with a refrigerator full of cold (and illicit) cash, I posted on HA that his sorry thieving ass should be kicked out of Congress and thrown in jail! If Gregoire had stolen the 2004 election, I’d be demanding that she step down!
You’ll never see Stefan or other wingnut apologists for lying, corruption, and fraud do that. When Republicans are caught voting twice, voting dead people’s ballots, hacking voting machines, or perpetrating electoral dirty tricks like the “Hispanics go to jail for voting” letter in California, they pretend it didn’t happen, sweep it under the rug, lie about it — or try to blame it on the Democrats!
If Stefan ever posts anything about this voting suppression scandal on his pathetic little blog, he’ll say Tan Nguyen (R-jerk) is a “Democrat”! That’s why his blog is little, and pathetic.
As a matter of fact, Sucky Politics is bitching this morning about “smarmy” political ads — no, not Osama bin Laden’s GOP-paid national advertising, but Democratic ads (of course).
And these guys wonder why they have no credibility.
Hey, if they can run smarmy lies, we can run the smarmy truth! Fuck ’em!
You’ll never see Stefan or other wingnut apologists for lying, corruption, and fraud do that. When Republicans are caught voting twice, voting dead people’s ballots, hacking voting machines, or perpetrating electoral dirty tricks like the “Hispanics go to jail for voting” letter in California, they pretend it didn’t happen, sweep it under the rug, lie about it – or try to blame it on the Democrats!
That’s because reaching out to independent voters is expensive and chancy. You’ll note that businesses, when they take over other businesses, aren’t interested in attracting customer dollars with innovative and value-based products and services: they usually try to flood the unemployment pool with outsourcing and add on a slew of fees and higher prices to punish the loyal.
The GOP tried being the party of fair-minded middle-class people. Then they figured that a rich fratboy-failure with a coke & alcohol past was the best person to lead them, even though there are 300 million US citizens. But fair-minded people don’t see value in electronic voting machines that can be tampered with. Middle-class people don’t see value in the top 1% receiving the bulk of tax cuts. If the truth hurts (global warming, peak oil) the GOP won’t do anything about it unless it involves keeping people uneducated or denying benefits. But lots of middle-class people see they need to be educated. The cost of living is rising and they need their
It’s cheaper and more effective for the GOP to limit the # of people voting than it is for them to clean themselves up, make examples of their most shameful miscreants and criminals, tell the corporations they won’t be bought, and reach out to new thinking independent voters. The thinking independents are turning Green, Libertarian, or Democrat.
If the Bushites want an accurate term for their “strategy” in Iraq, how about “screwing the pooch”, or perhaps “upward failure”.
Note the absolutely consistent doublethink: the White House reports that they’re changing the “tactics” and intend to try and accellerate the process of getting things to where the Iraqui “government” (or whatever you want to call our hand-picked stooges) can handle things on its own. Right after that, the highest-ranking officer on the ground comes out and says that to do that, they’re going to need MORE TROOPS. Evidently they hope the voters are going to buy this upside-down logic for the next two weeks, while they in fact escalate this war and get ready to start another one in Iran.
How about “Clusterfucks Happen”?
I just saw a McGavick TV ad claiming “I am NOT for privatizing Social Security!”
Sure he is. McGavick has come out for “private accounts.” We already have private accounts. They’re called IRAs, Roths, Keoghs, and 401(k)s. The difference is McGavick wants to fund private accounts with Social Security taxes. If that’s not “privatizing” Social Security, I don’t know what is, because it takes money away from retirees and gives it to Wall Street. Fucking liar!
I assume McGavick’s arugment goes something like this. The Social Security program would still be run be the government, so he’s not “privatizing it.” Only its money would be privatized, and there wouldn’t be any benefits.
I guess it depends on what your definition of “privatizing” is.
Speaking of TV ads, Caligula would have a better reputation if he had fed Republicans instead of Christians to the lions. He hired the wrong PR firm. He used the same guys who are running ads for Osama bin Laden paid for with American business tax-break dollars.
Those Republican idiot-liars running ads in black districts claiming Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican need a better ad agency, too. Even the black Republicans in Congress are running away from that slime like kids piling out of a classroom when the class dunce runs his fingernails down the blackboard.
On the news this morning, the administration is estimating that the Iraqi military and police force will be able to take over security in Iraq in twelve to to eighteen months. They thought this was a great accomplishment worth bragging about. So according to their estimates, we can BEGIN to pull out US troops about six months before the next presidential election. I would say that was convenient timing, but we all know what this administration’s predictions regarding Iraq are worth.
1. “Iraqi citizens will welcome US troops with Open Arms!”
2. “Nobody could expect the looting…”
3. “We will find the WMD shortly…”
4. “The resistance will stop once Saddam is captured…”
5. “The insurgents are just a few dead enders….”
6. “The violance will stop once the coalition government is put in place….”
7. “There is no civil war in Iraq….”
8. “‘Stay the Course’ never accurately reflected our strategy…”
WASHINGTON – More American Muslims are now supporting the Democratic Party but their votes should not be taken for granted, an Islamic civil rights group said on Tuesday. The Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, released a poll of 1,000 registered Muslim voters in the United States it said showed the community has changed a great deal since supporting Republicans in 2000. [……..Gee what a fucking surprise! Moooooooooooooooslims for Democrats!!! hehe, JCH]
32 You forgot to mention the line about little children throwing rose petals in front of our soldiers’ feet.
(Grownups putting IED’s in the paths of Humvees is more like the way it’s turned out.)
In response to allegations that Bush lied about never saying he was going to, “stay the course” in Iraq, White House press secretary, Tony Snow, has stated: “The President has never said, in reference to Iraq, that he was going to ,’stay the course’ — and what’s more — he’s never going to say it again!”
Tick, tock Puddle Pirate. You better get your fill of posts here on HA.
You’ve only got 14 days left. . . [hehe]
33: These Muslims include the same Iraqi-Americans that the Bush administration advertised as grateful we had rescued their mother country from Saddam Hussein.
But Osama Bin Laden seems to be the only person who wants the Republicans to stay in power. As long as he is in power, he keeps getting tons of new recruits and contributions. Only when Bush is out of office and we return to a sane foreign policy will Bin Laden’s power base be lessoned.
Bush and Osama need each other. Without Osama, Bush would have lost the 2004 election. Without Bush, Osama would be isolated, even from the support of the Muslim world.
Rush Limbaugh is absolutely right in outing Michael J. Fox for faking Parkinson’s disease. Its easy to see that he’s putting on a show for the cameras.
Fox’s vanity gets in the way of a convincing performance. Merely shaking and rocking isn’t enough to sway me. But the telltail spitting and drooling of a real Parkinsons sufferer is obviously more than Fox’s self image can tollerate.
I commend Rush Limbaugh for seeing through this typical liberal ruse. And I look forward to him unmasking the fakery of other, similar liberal ruses intended to discredit conservatives, such as:
fake IED double amputees;
fake adolescent Iraqi rape victims;
fake Katrina drowning victims;
fake crude oil fouled marine mammals;
fake Texas pickup truck dragging victims.
36 Basically, we’ve been given the Tony Snow version of the celebrated Ron Zeigler “That-statement-is-inoperative” line from the Nixon years.
The more things stay the same, the more they stay the same.
re 39: When asked point-blank by Merv Griffin if his mother was a two dollar Picadilly Circus Strumpet, Rush Limbaugh replied, “Whah?”
Thank God Rush has quit faking that he’s human. Now that he’s come out as a beast of Satan’s tribe, he’l be able to unabashedly rip into those damned liberals. Don’t you get tired of Rush holding back? Isn’t it tiresome when he lets little things like facts, reason, and “common decency” get in the way of saying what he needs to say?
39: Okay, you had me going there for a moment. Its hard to make good satire of some of the Republicans postings here. Their real comments are so funny, its difficult to exagerate them.
40: Gee, somebody else (other than me) remembers Zeigler? Didn’t he die this past year? Its a shame. He, Snow, and Bagdad Jim (the former Iraqi Press Spokesman for Saddam Hussein) could have formed a club.
@17, rhp6033,
You are so right about the fence……
They need 3 fences and a fucking moat!
They need a 15 foot fence with concertina on top of it.
Then they need a 25 foot bouncing betty mine field.
Then they need the second fence, it should be concrete or rocks and 10 feet high.
Then they need 25 feet of free running terrority with doberman pinchers.
Then the final fence should be chain link and electrified, of course you will lose some dogs…..
Lastly you should have another 25 feet with alligators and a moat for them to swim freely in!
sgmmac, They found crocs in the Rio Grande. Perfect!!!!
Seanman [E3] GBS, Fight’s on! I [we] voted straight Republican yesterday in Hawaii. Now, I’m traveling for ten days, but the bets on, and after 8 NOV, you will require my permission to post on HA. ORG.
40 – Sarge your position is irrational. Why don’t we have a wall up keeping the Canadians out?
Many mexicans have come to this country because we want them here. We want their cheap labor. We want cheap food, cheap construction and cheap menial services. We want these things from Mexican immigrants like we’ve wanted the same from waves of Asian and European immigrants throughout this country’s history.
YOU Sarge have benefited from this and you want to repeat the mistakes of the past and brutalize these people. You want to treat our neighbor to the South like an enemy country instead of one of our largest trading partners.
You mean “Baghdad Bob.” The GOP wants to hire him for post-election-day commentary.
“He gained something of a cult following in the west, appearing on T-shirts, cartoons, and from internet phenomena came satirical websites. A popular site,, featured sound bites of the minister, as well as Photoshop-type doctored pictures of him on the Star Wars Death Star, at The Battle of Waterloo and at the D-Day landings, in all cases maintaining that ‘everything is just fine.’ At its peak, the site claimed 4,000 visitors a second. He was also used by St Louis Blues fans who, after a win over the Detroit Red Wings, played a message on the video monitor at Savvis Center of al-Sahaf, dressed in a Red Wings sweater, saying that ‘the Red Wings dynasty has not fallen! All is well!'”
44 (continued)
“When asked where he had gotten his information he replied ‘authentic sources – many authentic sources'”.
Why not just build a replica of the Maginot Line on the U.S.-Mexico border. It worked the last time!
(sarcastic rabbit laughter in background)
Mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooslims vote Democrat!! Terrorist Mooooooooooooooooooooooslims vote Democrat!! Illegal alien Mooooooooooooooooooooooooslims vote Democrat!! Welfare hack Mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooslims vote Democrat! Louis Farhahkan Moooooooooooooooooooslims vote Democrat!! HA.ORG liberal “progressive” Mooooooooooooslims vote Democrat!! Whatever………..All are enemies of Americans and need to be deported to Mooooooooooooooslimland!!
Somebody forget to flush after taking a shit.
All long as Moooooooooooooooooslims vote Democrat, NOTHING will be done to stop terrorist Mooooooooooooooslims!!!
The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) released a poll of 1,000 registered Moooooooooooooooooooooslim terrorist voters in the United States two weeks before U.S. Congressional elections.
A total of 84 percent of those surveyed said they consider themselves members of the Democratic Party, none say they are Republicans and 16 percent say they do not belong to any party.
The Republicans are really screwed now!
Look at this just posted on P-I Website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For the Clueless,
Actually, I was being a smart ass. I haven’t seen any moats filled with alligators and I’m thinking raging pit bulls are rather dangerous.
When I was stationed at Fort Bliss, I had a maid. Her youngest daughter was born in San Diego and I had never heard of an illegal alien. She had three kids and needed the money. I do like the fence and something has to be done with the immigration problem.
As for the food, we need a guest worker program with paperwork. There are over 12 million illegal aliens and there are lots of other ethnic groups in that figure. I was disgusted during the Katrina disaster to find out that the illegals were being abused, robbed, raped and murdered. They are held as sex slaves and every other imaginable horror that you can think of, all because they are here illegally and are scared to death to go to the police……..
Looks like Posts 57-60 are for you libruls. Goldy knows his audience at ASSWipes. It’s for the election, ummm… no… erection. You moonbats are masturbating all over ASSWipes for Pelosi to cum and be speaker. Don’t shoot too early moonbats!!!
The Republicans are really screwed now!
Look at this just posted on P-I Website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah, yes. The ex wife would have no ax to grind at all. Nooooo. She is unbiased and only tells the truth. Her motives are completely altruistic. She can be believed simply because her position seems to favor the WingNuts and their wild accusations.
Now, sit down and shut the fuck up. You are nothing but a partisan hack. Cantwell will win going away. McGavick can go back to drinking and driving. The drinking won’t make him a better absentee father, but it will help him forget, at least momentarily, what huge piece of shit he really is.
Funny how that works.
Why are reading the spam? Us liberals recognize it and skip over it without reading it. Perhaps you need some dingle in your dangle?
Cum back to my stall dear Puddy. CynnicalIDIOT and MWS are already here. Just like old times, three koolaid drinking, condom sucking and inbred predators with a very liberal (and liberally hung) stallion.
ps: bring yo boyz and I can dress up as MAF
My Left Foot–
So open the file and let the WHOLE truth come out my friend.
Dotzauer is in trouble with:
1) IRS
2) PDC
3) Back Child Support
Cantwell loaned him $50K
Dotzauer admits laundering NON-DEDUCTIBLE contributions thru his Lobbying Firm.
Get the info out and let the truth prevail.
LeftOUT @ 66, I am quite sure that in the history of this ‘once great’ (and it will be great again once the Dems start to clean up the Repub cesspools) Nation, there has never been a NeoCON Wingnut caught with their fingers in the cookie jar or their pants down. 13 days then the journey to regain stolen freedoms and protect the US Constitution begins.
Mt. Rainier–
You minimize once again what happened here.
Nice try.
MyLeftNut, seems like you maximize what you think happened there.
Is My Left Nut supposed to be My Left Foot? Um, I am the card carrying Liberal, Democrat, Jew, Patriot here at HA. I think you meant Leftoutofhismind.