I’m interested in recording a 1-hour, weekly podcast from Drinking Liberally… unfortunately, I don’t have any audio equipment, or in fact, any experience at all creating podcasts.
If one or more of my loyal readers would like to volunteer to serve as a producer and get this project rolling, I’d love to hear from you; please leave a comment or send me any email if you are interested. Or, if you think this is a really stupid idea, let me know that too.
And FYI… this coming Tuesday, Rep. Jay Inslee will be stopping by Drinking Liberally. Should be some good conversation.
Roger Rabbit rarely attends DL due to traffic problems caused by crowds of admiring fans, autograph seekers, papparazzi, process servers, and NSA guys with tape recorders.
If Insley is there, yeah…. it’ll be really stupid.
I’m not near my e-mail but I think I have a way to help you. I will send you a note.
Tell Jay we don’t need a Pet Evacuation Plan.
Podcasting From DL? Schweet.
The WSRP are Bitchcasting and Whinecasting. I download all of them from iTunes.
Why are “guvment” pensions twice as large as those in the private sector? Are “guvment” employees “servants”, or “parasites”? RR, I’m sure you get your “guvment” check every month. Atlas has Shrugged, parasite!!
Jay is headed for major leadership if the Dems take back the House. Much better than anticiapted – in the opinon of this lefty.
An interesting idea. NPI now podcasts, but we like to keep it short and sweet….I don’t think there would be an audience big enough to do an hour show every week. Furthermore, those would be big files and require lots of storage space and bandwidth.
Listen to NPI’s inaugural podcast…now available on iTunes:
Ah, good way to avoid the FCC. No doubt your filthy language could never make it to radio.
Satellite maybe, like howard?
Gee, I will make a confession. I don’t even know what a “podcast” is. Maybe I could find out, but I don’t really care to do so.
“If Insley is there, yeah…. it’ll be really stupid.” — MTR
He’s smarter than you, which is why he’s a congressman, and you’re not. Hell, you can’t even spell his name correctly.
“Tell Jay we don’t need a Pet Evacuation Plan.”
We already know Republicans hate small furry animals; ya don’t have to brag about it.
“Ah, good way to avoid the FCC. No doubt your filthy language could never make it to radio. Satellite maybe, like howard?”
One thing I’ll give the Republicans — they’re against filthy language on the public airwaves. Now if only they were against warmongering, torture, stealing, and lying! We just have a difference of opinion over priorities.
Where is Mr. Cynical? Is he taking a break from HA to spend more time with his goats?
Mr C told Howcanyoubeproud…. on one thread that if how… took a leave of absence he would join him.
Goldy, we gotta keep this podcasting thing HOT. So many podcasts are totally shite. It’ll be like radio, only better.
it’s good idea, goldy. but how will you “produce” it, since the scene is usually kinda of random and multi-conversational??
I can see Howie’s point, too. Putting this stuff together is a lot of work. And my understanding of DL is that it’s not just one person talking, but lots of people having conversations…how do you put that into a podcast? And what if some people don’t want their conversations on the Net?
Here’s the problem with podcast. Ummm… in order to get an audience, it has to be interesting. The media doesn’t make the message. The message makes the message. There has to be content.
As a student of the disease of librulism, I’d love to get some video documentation of actual people, words and events. It would be enormously entertaining to see libruls in their native habitat exhibiting their odd behaviors and speaking in their native language to their own people.
I say “go for it”.
Man, I’m know this podcast shit. I am a consumer of podcasts. Although, I don’t think video is a good idea (sorry MTR), because it’s harder to do.
@ 16, 17
Don’t poo-poo this thing so early. Besides, some folks at DL are really uninteresting, so they won’t mind being excluded. We can set up anywhere we like at Montlake Ale House, so noise won’t be an issue.
Goldy, you know how to reach me. I don’t have the equipment, but I like podcasts and I’ll help you if you need it.
Someone doesn’t get out of their house very often.
Speaking of getting out of the house:
…it’s just that the reality is vaginas make us men .
Comment by GBS— 12/29/05 @ 5:44 pm
…vaginas do indeed make us men.
Comment by Donnageddon— 12/29/05 @ 5:55 pm
Speaking of mysgonistic Redneck ignorance
Comment by Mark The Redneck— 12/15/05 @ 6:27 pm
OK. I got it. Moonbat, go with me on this…
Air Murka has proven conclusively that there is NOT a market for librul talk radio. But given the arrogance and elitism of librulism, they can’t just accept market forces because “the masses” do need to be “educated”. So if ya remember, Air Murka solved their cash flow problems by stealing money from poor kids in New York City.
Certainly if Goldy goes Podcast with Drankin’ Librully, he’ll have same cash flow problem. So hell, what’s good nuf for NYC is sure nuf good for Librul Seattle. I mean, hell, we’re talkin McDermott Zone, so about anything goes, right?
So Goldy, invite your friend Ron Sims to the next Drankin’ Librully session and aks him if he could steal a few bucks from a children’s program to give to you kinda hush hush. Course, if he gets busted, he could pull a Bill Huennekens maneuver and give a stooge a do nothing job at a fat salary for a couple of years as a payoff to keep quiet.
Problem solved. Gawd, I feel good. I’ve done my civic duty here at HA.
You’re welcome.
“As a student of the disease of librulism”
You? A student? of anything? You’ve got to be kidding.
Let’s find out if MTR is a “student of librulism” [sic] MTR, we need your cooperation for this — you have to take this test! SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: You will be scored! And you may look stupid!! Are you ready? Okay, here we go.
1. Who gave us the 40 hour work week?
a. [ ] Republicans
b. [ ] Liberals
2. Who gave us workplace safety regulations?
a. [ ] Republicans
b. [ ] Liberals
3. Who gave us Social Security?
a. [ ] Republicans
b. [ ] Liberals
4. Who gave us free public education?
a. [ ] Republicans
b. [ ] Liberals
5. Who attacked the wrong country in the war against terrorism?
a. [ ] Republicans
b. [ ] Liberals
6. Who beat, sodomized, and murdered innocent Iraqi civilians?
a. [ ] Republicans
b. [ ] Liberals
7. Whose deregulation fiascos resulted in the S & L and Enron scandals?
a. [ ] Republicans
b. [ ] Liberals
8. Who wiretapped American citizens without warrants in violation of the FISA?
a. [ ] Republicans
b. [ ] Liberals
You have 5 minutes. A non-response will be scored as zero.
“Have ya ever noticed the correlation between presence of a vagina and stoopidty?”
Now that you mention it, yes, I have! Every human with a vagina I’ve ever met was smarter than Mark the Redneck. No doubt that explains why he is alone.
Roger –
Who created the system where ANYONE can be successful if they work at it:
a. [ ] Republicans
b. [ ] Libruls
Who believes free education in the Constitution?
a. [ ] Republicans
b. [ ] Libruls
Who protects Murka from our enemies?
a. [ ] Republicans
b. [ ] Libruls
Who won the Cold War?
a. [ ] Republicans
b. [ ] Libruls
Who beats the fuck out of assholes to get information before the assholes kill us?
a. [ ] Republicans
b. [ ] Libruls
Which party did Bill Clinton belong to: The Bill Clinton who was impeached and disbarred for committing felony assault:
a. [ ] Republican
b. [ ] Librul
Whose policies created the largest economic expansion in Murka’s history:
a. [ ] Ronald Reagan
b. [ ] Ronald Reagan
Speaking of vaginas and stupidity. Tell me if I’m wrong here:
When you get behind someone in the left lane doing 20 mph slower than everyone else in traffic is it shaker or wiper? 99 times out of 10 it’s a wiper. Is that smart or dumb? Does it piss you off?
When you get behind someone in the checkout lane digging for pennies or writing a check is it shaker or wiper? 99 times out of 10, it’s a wiper. Is that smart or dumb? Does it piss you off?
Read Nicole Brodeur’s column in the Times. Tell me she’s not a fucking idiot. This week’s column is a real gem.
Who ended the cold war?
The Beatles
snap bitch, I called you out like a ho’, bitch
@ 27
Nigga pleez
Clinton led America during the biggest expansion of the economy since WW2. Ronald Reagan made more people homeless and poor.
snap bitch, that’s 2 on you
I will have Mart The Ho’Bitch turning tricks this weekend, as I am schooling you like you was still takin’ da short bus.
Thank you MTR for @ 28.
Perfect. Keep diggin asshole.
99 times out of 10 (sic) the most insanely mysogonistic, mouth breathing, nuckle dragging posts are made by Mark The Villiage Idiot Yellowdicked Redneck.
Hey dumbass would you please number your questions next time, so I don’t have to copy and paste them?
Who created the system where ANYONE can be successful if they work at it:
a. [ ] Republicans
b. [x] Libruls
Liberals eliminated the feudal system of inherited peerages and property holdings, and created the conditions that made free markets and social mobility possible. If Republicans had their way, America would go back to kings, barons, and dukes.
Who believes free education in the Constitution?
a. [ ] Republicans
b. [x] Libruls
I’m not sure what the question is, as this ungrammatical sentence makes no sense, but it’s clear that Republicans support neither free education nor the Constitution.
Who protects Murka from our enemies?
a. [x] Republicans
b. [ ] Libruls
Who else would worry so goddamned much about Murka while America is falling apart under our noses?
Who won the Cold War?
a. [ ] Republicans
b. [x] Libruls
It’s not really a fair question, because many people deserve credit for winning the Cold War. I have listed below, in order of importance, some of the leading players:
#1 Winston Churchill — he was the first to warn about postwar Soviet expansionism, warned the world of the “Iron Curtain,” and crafted the policy of defending Western Europe
#2 Harry Truman — drew the line in the sand to stop Soviet expansion into Europe, armed America with nuclear bombs to prevent Soviet domination of the world, fought the Korean War to stop the communist threat in Asia before it could reach the Pacific, Japan, or Phillippines, and saved Berlin from Soviet takeover with the Berlin airlift
#3 Pope John Paul II — his importance in history can hardly be overstated. He released the Soviet grip on eastern Europe, and without him, the USSR might not have fallen
#4 Micheal Gorbachev — he opted for the peaceful fall of the USSR instead of resorting to violence and war to preserve it.
#5 JFK — faced down Khrushchev in Cuba
#23 Ronald Reagan — put some jackhammers on a credit card and mailed them to East Berlin
Who beats the fuck out of assholes to get information before the assholes kill us?
a. [ ] Republicans
b. [ ] Libruls
None of the above. Republicans beat the fuck out of people, but not the assholes who are trying to kill us. They almost always get the wrong guys. We liberals don’t beat up America’s enemies, we just kill them.
I answered your quiz, MTR, but it’s in the spam filter. Don’t go away! It’ll come out, by and by.
“When you get behind someone in the left lane doing 20 mph slower than everyone else in traffic is it shaker or wiper?”
It’s usually a wiper with babies on board who thinks that just because everyone else is doing 20 over the limit doesn’t mean she should, too.
“When you get behind someone in the checkout lane digging for pennies or writing a check is it shaker or wiper?
My field research indicates it’s about 50-50.
“Is that smart or dumb?”
It’s smarter than shoplifting, by far.
“Does it piss you off?”
Nope. If someone has to dig through their pockets for pennies to buy food, I feel empathy for them. These are God’s people. Jesus loves them. I doubt very much, though, that Jesus loves you.
“Who ended the cold war? The Beatles”
My God, you’re right!!! I blew that question!!! I said Winston Churchill, Harry Truman, Pope John Paul II, Mikhail Gorbachev, and JFK, in that order.
@ 35
What Mark The Douche-Licker can’t handle is fifty million Russkies all singin’ “I Want To Hold Your Hand”. Pitch-perfect pop songs have a way of breaking down barriers.
“Speaking of vaginas and stupidity ….”
Is anybody out there still wondering why Mark the Redneck is (a) single, and (b) complaining about child support?
Hey Mark, who is smarter? You, or the 6 women you are paying support to?
The barbarians are at the gates.
Sounds like a “vanilla” get together!
GS, the only ‘vanilla’ is when you constantly ‘take care of you r own needs’ because no ‘normal’ female will have you!
It’s not really a fair question, because many people deserve credit for winning the Cold War. I have listed below, in order of importance, some of the leading players:
#1 Winston Churchill – he was the first to warn about postwar Soviet expansionism, warned the world of the “Iron Curtain,” and crafted the policy of defending Western Europe
Yeah typical left wing thinking. Winston Churchill was a great man but I dont think he was in position to effect foriegn policy after WWII. We just freaking saved his royal ass from the NAZI’s for crying out loud.
MTR, you are correct.
MTR isn’t “correct” about anything, politically or otherwise.
I think you should do this, but not from Drinking Liberally. Maybe you should record it beforehand?
There actually used to be some liberal Republicans in Congress. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maines, might qualify. So please no more “Republican versus Liberal” garbage. Save that silliness for the radio wars of Rush versus Al.
When I was taking political science at the University of Washingon in 1976 and ’77, even then, we were told that Political Science professors were not using terms such as “liberal” or “conservative,” because hardly anyone fufilled the criteria for all of what each (supposedly) meant. Most people look at issues individually, as they do with politicians. That is why a majorit of people consider themselves independent of any party – as did Thomas Jefferson.
And we do need a Pet Evacuation Plan. Every major city in America does; that was one of the major lessons of the debacle in New Orleans and the surrounding area, last year.