The headline is a little off (he was held in one facility rather than transferred to a different facility). And even if it was accurate, we’re not as a society going to be as worried about violent criminals in jail too long as we are with the early release scandal that happened earlier. Still and all, I hope he’s the only one. And we should have better safeguards going forward.
So, let’s be honest. Everybody dies eventually. Dying because Hillbilly-Traitors in Congress took away your health insurance to give Fuckface Von Clownstick a giant tax cut sucks, for sure. But you would have dies anyway, eventually, right?
But aside from a few hundred thousand people having their lives cut short so a bloated, orange, impotent, Russian puppet can put Recaro leather in his golf cart, there’s the millions of children and adults who may actually manage to survive it, but live enormously diminished lives in misery and suffering because that’s how the health care system responds to people without insurance.
And save yourself, too.
Perhaps the state corrections system can hire some consultants from the federal VA system to help them improve their coordination.
For the period October 1, 2014 through August 9, 2015, we identified 225 deceased
patients who had 371 open or pending consults at the time of their death or had
discontinued consults after their death.
We found 117 patients with 158 consults who experienced a delay in obtaining
requested consults. We substantiated that 43 percent (158/371) of consults were not
Really, too bad about Seattlish and CHS. Today’s horror is a guy kept too long in a state facility when he really should have been doing fed time instead. Yawn.
@ 1
…live enormously diminished lives in misery and suffering because that’s how the health care system responds to people without insurance.
Actually, the health care system, at least the government-run part of it, doesn’t respond all that well to those who have insurance, either. See @ 2.
Sadly, Goodwin Liu not among them.
Trump to Announce Slate of Conservative Federal Court Nominees
Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, the nation’s right-leaning citizens owe you our deep gratitude.
Owing to the enduring affection of Hillbilly-Traitors for something they call “regime change”.
You bought it. You can pay for it.
“Trump to Announce Slate of Conservative Federal Court Nominees”
Just what America needs, fascist traitors infesting the federal courts like they do the White House, Congress and HA threads.
@ 6
You know, Steve, I cannot help but wonder who might have been nominated by a President Bernie Sanders.
You chose poorly.
The family that bleats about immigration is selling visas.
Hypocrisy is every Republican’s middle name.
@1 Conservatives oppose aborting microencephalic fetuses because that would subtract from the future Republican voter base.
@3 So you subscribe to the Ryan theory that bad insurance is worse than no insurance?
@4 Get a load of Doctor Dumbfuck celebrating the accession of more reactionaries to the federal bench.
@7 “You chose poorly.”
Look who’s talking — so did your mother when she decided not to go through with the abortion.
… President Bernie Sanders.
We shouldn’t expect anything more from Hillbilly-Traitors. But you’d think the En Marche! whooping of racist Nazis in La France would give them a clue. Sure, some of the voter file data supports the idea that some of Fuckface Von Clownstick’s narrow Electoral College victory is owing to progressive voter disaffection from Clinton. And considering how Врач немой ебать is now fated to spend what little time he has left before the daily Bourbon intake destroys his liver, stuck on Nov. 9th 2016 – you’d think at least he’d recognize the significant changes that have occurred among global progressives since Russian traitors gained control of U.S. nuclear launch codes.
Fuckface Von Clownstick: The Great Unifier!
@ 13
…you’d think at least he’d recognize the significant changes that have occurred among global progressives since Russian traitors gained control of U.S. nuclear launch codes.
Well, Venezuela’s progressive revolucion is faring well, certainly. So you’ve got that, I’ll grant you.
Oh, and there’s Germany’s continued staunch support for incoming refugees, who have blended so well with the locals.
Even The Nation has taken notice that things are changing in northern Europe, although not as you would seem to claim.
If Sweden and Denmark Are So Progressive, Why Did They Close Their Doors to Refugees?
Moreover, Canada’s Golden Boy isn’t so golden, when one looks past, er, his looks and pays attention instead to what he’s managed to accomplish:
Each week, Trudeau feeds the news cycle a new sharable moment, and our Facebook feeds are overwhelmed with shots of the adorable young statesman cuddling pandas and hugging refugees and getting accidentally photographed in the wild with his top off, twice.
For international audiences, the Justin moment has been a harmless diversion. For Canadians, it’s a dangerous distraction. Canadians care far more about what Americans think of us than we do about Canadian politics. Little wonder that things remain so grim.
Despite Trudeau’s progressive branding, Canada is right where Stephen Harper left us. It’s been a year since the election, and we’re still selling arms to Saudi Arabia, still cutting $36bn from healthcare and still basing our economy on fossil fuel extraction, and running roughshod over indigenous rights to do so.
This no doubt comes as a surprise to YLB, who has yet to consider anything beyond the physical attractiveness of a male politician, but I digress.
So, cheer the election of Macron, certainly. Although the more progressive candidates in Round 1 were drubbed. Oh, and a third of the progressive nation of France wanted Le Pen in Round 2.
What have progressives gained, exactly? France is about to become less progressive, if Macron’s ‘centrist’ label is anything close to accurate.
14, tldr;
Seriously, while you cheered them all on with thousands of full on, delusional lying hashtags and and Nazi hyperlinks your “conservative” party of chin rubbing intellectual hustlers and televangelists transformed themselves into a towering racist shitpile of re-programmable imbeciles and meatheads who without a hint of contrition now routinely pose before media cameras flashing white power hand signs.
So of course you need to keep a few ridiculous dirty-hippie strawmen around to tire yourself out punching from time to time. And certainly as long as you do it for the entertainment of loathsome creatures like the trolls on these comments you can count on a hearty round of applause echoing through the trailer park, presumably accompanied by random gunfire. Do you really mean to imply you can’t do better than Hugo Chavez? Where’s Patrice Lamumba when Врач немой ебать needs him.
And there’s the real irony. Of all the “Russian Puppets” paraded before the cringing masses of “conservative” imbeciles over the decades, the scariest one of all is the one you voted for and who controls your political destiny and future. Nicely done.
@ 15
If my bourbon intake @ 13 will be so limiting to my future, why the hell would I care who controls it? Just don’t replace my Jefferson Reserve with Stoli, товарищ.
LMAO at the troll boob who reaches for its crotch at a jpeg of bare-chested Vlad Putin… or Vlad Putin with a rifle.. or Vlad Putin dressed like Bond villain on a yacht..
After all, Vlad is the richest…
What else?
Damn boob! Did you read the article?
“The reforms put Denmark at odds with several articles in the European Convention on Human Rights, a treaty signed by 47 countries, which is increasingly unpopular with conservatives across Europe.”
Also see Vlad Putin..
Another day, another fart blast from doc dumbfuck..
Apple hit a new all-time high today.
Apple said this week it is increasing and extending its shareholder-returns program and said it would tap the bond market at home and overseas to fund the program. Apple first issued bonds to finance huge buybacks and dividend payments, rather than repatriate the roughly $250 billion in cash it holds outside of the U.S., which would be subject to a 35% corporate tax rate.
Since Apple began its investor return program in 2012, it’s debt load has increased from zero to $84.5 billion, as of the end of the last quarter.
Hey, Dems, want some infrastructure money? I know how you can get it.
LOL! Sally Yates is testifying today..
She’s a smart, stand up lady.. , someone who served as a prosecutor during the G. Dumbya Bush years. She was hired as US Attorney by Bob freaking Barr.
She was lead prosecutor on the team that sent always wrong wing terrorist Eric Rudolph to jail – oh what a disappointment to the HA trolls.
However, yours truly recalls boob dumbfuck called her an “obamabot”..
Again Sally Yates is a stand up lady..
And boob dumbfuck is a slime feeding bottom dweller.
“you cheered them all on with thousands of full on, delusional lying hashtags and and Nazi hyperlinks”
I hate that you came up with that and I didn’t.
@ 19:
Hoo boy, did she ever lay it out. The Trumppp is, at the very least, so utterly incompetent and unintelligent that he really has no business whatsoever doing anything but (pretending) to manage a hotel chain. The worst case scenario is that he actively colluded with a hostile foreign state for the purpose of subjugating the United States Government and assuming power for himself.
The day that all of these people are marched to the guillotine on the steps of the Capitol Building will be a day to celebrate.
Whoa! Yates utterly humiliated Cruz and Cornyn. That was some fine bitch-slapping.
“The day that all of these people are marched to the guillotine on the steps of the Capitol Building will be a day to celebrate.”
I’d rather they hang, then leave them strung up for a week so American patriots can drop by at their leisure and throw shit at them.
Headlines today. Funny stuff.
“Obama Warned Trump Against Hiring Mike Flynn, Say Officials”
“White House Blames Obama For Trump Hiring Flynn”
well, yes and no.
In order to gauge the political embarrassment and/or the decline in Hillbilly-Traitor support, I think it’s important here to understand just how degenerate these people really are. Helps to recap exactly where we are, right now, with this administration and it’s senior staff.
Fuckface Von Clownstick just shit the health insurance bed of at least 50 million Americans for the sake of a photo op. His daughter is running an illegal venture capital fund out of the White House using her father’s influence to drum up investors. The three most senior appointees in the Executive Branch have all gone to bat, repeatedly, to save the job of an openly Nazi, white supremacist, Hungarian pseudo security adviser with faked academic credentials. The President, his family, and a handful of former advisers continue to flirt with removing Russian sanctions in return for oil leases. The President’s son-in-law and his sister are selling immigration visas for $500,000. The guy who made up the whole preposterous hillbilly-idiot fever dream about Comet Ping Pong child sex slaves is attending daily White House press briefings in the front row, grinning like an idiot and flashing white power hand signs to Sean Spicer. The U.S. Department of State has gone into business promoting investments in Trump properties. The President is tweet-threatening sworn witnesses appearing before Senate investigative committees. The President’s son was caught bragging that the company get’s all it’s financing from Russian oligarchs. And of course, three different investigative committees in Congress, as well as the FBI all are currently being obstructed and stonewalled by the administration as they struggle to get to the bottom of the Russian infiltration of the Trump campaign and the Hillbilly-Traitor party. And this is just the current, as yet ongoing stuff that comes on top of the pussy grabbing, the security leaks, stealing from charities, the random unexplained firings, the serial bankruptcies, the Cali money laundering, the bigoted outbursts, the cheated and unpaid contractors, the attacks on Federal Judges, all the hundreds of seemingly daily racist and sexist personal attacks, the dozens of lawsuits, the tax cheating, the fake university scam, all the lying, etc. etc. etc. To say nothing of what is undoubtedly yet to come.
To me, these people appear to be utterly incapable of embarrassment, political or otherwise. And their voters are simply too ignorant, and too tribal to be capable of feeling it for them. So long as the administration maintains a concentrated serious frowny-face and continues to force-feed the lies while the world laughs at them, the typical Hillbilly-Traitor voter is going to stick with them and go along with the disgusting pretense.
@15 See #12.
@16 So, Doctor Dumbfuck has learned how to use Google Translate? It appears he has a learning curve after all, albeit a miniscule one.
@18 Borrowing money to pay off the shareholders. How quaint. Sounds a lot like GOP tax “reform.” The $880 billion he’s stealing from Medicaid won’t be enough to fund the windfall he intends to lavish on giant corporations, himself, and his fellow billionaires. Hey hillbillies, you’re getting what you voted for!
@19 Two CBS headlines today make for interesting reading:
“Yates: I warned WH that Flynn could be blackmailed”
“Obama warned Trump against hiring Flynn”
You can’t call this negligence. Even a dumbfuck isn’t that blind. This is proof of treason.
I wonder if the”Bennnggghhhaaazi” catcalls emanating from GOP-chaired committees will soon be replaced by “Flynn, Flynn, Flynn”?
Don’t hold your breath. Hypocrisy is every Republican’s middle name.
@24 “it’s important here to understand just how degenerate these people really are”
Republicans may have a point. People degenerate enough to vote for them shouldn’t necessarily get health care. Arguably they don’t deserve to be kept alive.
@ 23
Headlines today. Funny stuff.
I heartily agree.
Reports: Seattle mayor may not run for re-election
I just received a text from a colleague. He heard on KIRO that the boy-fucker is out.
Funny stuff.
A lot of companies have been doing share buy-backs as a way to artificially boost a stock’s price. While it can be a nice reward for shareholders who have owned a company’s shares for years, the fundamental valuation of the company still depends on a good clean balance sheet, good and growing earning per share, increasing market share and positive cash flows from operations.
The real beneficiaries of the stock buy-backs are the CEOs whose monetary reward depends on stock price. It worked well for Lee Iacocca and his saving Chrysler (for a while, at least), but in the long term, it’s a financial trick that doesn’t have an extended life. It can only work a time or two. Eventually, the fundamentals always trump financial engineering.
@ 32
You’re assuming that a share buyback is always a sleight-of-hand tool.
A board of directors has few basic options for profits:
1) Reinvest it into the company by capital expenditures or R&D.
2) Invest it until needed in the future.
3) Return it to the shareholders in the form of a dividend.
4) Retire debt.
5) Return it to the shareholders in the form of a stock buyback, which increases the value of shares remaining by decreasing the denominator in the determination of per-share value.
If a corporate board of directors, based on proprietary inside information or based on information publicly available, truly believes that the corporation is significantly undervalued by the market, repurchase of shares at favorable prices may be the best way of delivering value to the shareholder.
Sometimes it’s a gimmick. In Apple’s case, it isn’t.
“He heard on KIRO that the boy-fucker is out.”
Whatever, traitor. We know you’re good with pussy-grabbing rapists of 13 year old little girls seeing as how we’ve all witnessed you drop 3,000+ hashtags for the little girl-raping pedo in the WH. Must be a sympatico thing, huh?
@3 And you think Roger bores with stock talk? You might take it Yahoo finance where someone might give a flying fuck.
@ 35
Or I could take it to Seeking Alpha, publish it under a different pseudonym, and tomorrow Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will be spewing it here like it’s gospel.
John PodhoretzVerified account
“I say it here, it comes out there”–Albert Brooks in BROADCAST NEWS or Ben Rhodes in NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE?
6:23 AM – 7 May 2016
Or HA, maybe.
@31 Murray is small fry. When are you gonna get serious about removing sexual predators from public office? You know who I’m referring to.
Hypocrisy is every Republican’s middle name.
@32 “The real beneficiaries of the stock buy-backs are the CEOs whose monetary reward depends on stock price.”
Perhaps you’re not quite as stupid as you look in most of your other posts. Buybacks can boost earnings per share and trigger executive stock options even if aggregate profits don’t increase. Best of all for management, they can purchase these goodies with the shareholders’ money. And ending buybacks is a lot easier (and less visible) than cutting the dividend if things really to shit. I’m not saying be afraid of buybacks, but don’t swallow them whole. For the managements that do them, they’re more than a little self-serving.
By the way, there’s one — and only one — free lunch in the stock market. Anybody know what it is? The answer should pop right out of Doctor Dumbfuck’s keyboard given his expertise in such matters.
@36 You must be the dumbfuck who posted under an SA article that tree lines are caused by carbon dioxide being heavier than air. In other words, there isn’t enough CO2 in the air at higher elevations to keep trees alive because all the CO2 we spew into the atmosphere sinks back to sea level.
@ 39
By the way, there’s one — and only one — free lunch in the stock market. Anybody know what it is?
If only the market were in Seattle. No one knows how to grab a meal paid for by someone else better than YLB.
Let the Ed Murray jokes begin anew.
Source: Seattle Mayor Ed Murray will not seek re-election
The Case of the Mystery Mole has apparently been solved.
@42 As I thought. You don’t know.
“No one knows how to grab a meal paid for by someone else better than YLB.”
Damn! I’ll have some fresh salad greens with a savory vinagarette, Lobster Thermidor and a bottle of Sancerre tonight – courtesy of dumbfuck boob.
Why stop with food? I’ll order one of those Bond villain yachts that Vlad Putin tools around on.
Again courtesy of dumbfuck boob. Sure sux to be you dumbfuck boob.
She was awful. Truly awful.
Most important, the polls taken before the letter were as bad for Mrs. Clinton as those conducted after it. Again, there aren’t many of these polls, but taken at face value there’s a case that Mrs. Clinton had nearly or even completely bottomed out by the time the Comey letter was released. Even if she had not, the trend line heading into the Comey letter was bad enough that there’s no need to assume that the Comey letter was necessary for any additional erosion in her lead.
Think on your sins.
No takers for my copy of Shattered when I’m through?
The to-be First Lady of France in a bathing suit (scroll down).
You’re welcome.
Hey, y’all, Sarah Palin’s a grammy again.
Yup, outta the most fertile Myrtle in AK, Bristol. By Dakota.
Because we are supposed to be a society of law, and we are supposed to support the intent of the US Constitution and Washington State Constitution when anyone is held an hour, a day, a month longer than their sentence we should be holding our officials to account. We should be out in the streets. The accidental release of 1 or 3000 early is much ado about nothing in a time of heightened criminal sentences, and a society demanding that we act against our constitution and demand what is cruel and unusual punishment. That is what the rabble cries for though these days. An eye for an eye, prison forever, black men in the state and federal plantation prison system. Or anyone else who the elites don’t particularly care for.
Sure Fake News exists. But I think all these pols claiming fake news as mainstream are fake pols that are afraid of the real media. Spread the word – Fake Politicians.
If they can brainwash to fear the media then fight fire with fire, let everyone know that they are fake politicians that fake patriotism and religious purity to the fake dumbfuck hillbillies.
@4 These are all appeals appointments. To be expected with any Republican in the white house. Some may turn out not being as conservative, but it may remain hidden as judges hands are somewhat tied by law, and prior decisions.
Noting in the article indicates the Trump administration is going to ignore the usual role Senators play in the nomination process of trial judges in the Federal courts. If there is an opening on the benches here in Washington our Senators will be consulted and even asked for names. Our Senators can resist by not providing input at which case the seats may remain open or the administration will have a free hand with nominating who it pleases.
@49 I’m pretty sure they are real politicians and we are not living in a Potemkin village. Surely you believe your local borough and city politicians exist and you can meat them pretty easily. Along with your New York state representatives. Now you might have a harder time meeting your House Representative, but I’m sure he or she has an office you can visit. So any of the people you can vote for fake politicians? Have you met any of them at any time? IF yo have not the scientific method requires you to go and to seek them out and see if they are real or fake and verify or put your theory of fake politicians to rest. If you should find you in a Potemkin village please let us no. We can send the A Team in to get you out.
We are all Russians! Ask Boob how Putin’s penis tastes.
And for those that criticize the libies that call the dumbfuck hillbillies hillbillies, saying that if we keep it up no lib will ever get elected again…news flash, that’s my goal, so you dumbfuck hillbillies will suffer all your lives with the likes of Drumpfy. Hey maybe we can even see if he’ll run for a third term!
Make America Great Again!
Fight fire with fire!
@9 So Republicans are not NAZI’s and fascists. Nor communists.
@51. Bunch of gibberish…,your Fake fuckers are the GOP, Drumpfy, Putin, and even add Netty the Puffy Dragon to the list. I don’t have to search anymore for the time being. Oh and include every African Nation leader to that list. Right above Hitler.
Long Live Ireland!
@51. Meet not Meat. You having fucking dinner or cock tonight?
@13 Now Macron has to deliver. Le Penn did not expect to win and this is her set up for 2022. This is French party politics. She is the loyal opposition to Macron going to get a lot of ink spilled following her in France. And the Brexit fall out is not really started, and that is going to probably get down and dirty after the German elections, and since May called a snap election and it appears the Conservatives have the upper hand the English government and the EU are going to be at each others throats. Which may play out to Le Penn’s advantage.
Personally I like the EU as it makes another bloody huge war in Europe much less likely.
@14 So Trudeau is sexy and you know it?
No hashtags from the dumbfuck today? Why not? Somebody grab him by the pussy?
So America’s first crime family has apparently decided how to divide the spoils. The Trump boys get Russia. The Kushners get China.
And trump had the balls to accuse the CLintons of corruption.
Guys it’s not the Trumps that are the dumb ones, it’s the hillbillies that he’s taking for a ride. I’ve never met so many dumbfucks….but I’ve should have known, this is America!
Long live Ireland!!!
@21 So why didn’t the Obama administration arrest Flynn and frog march him when they knew he was in bed with the Russians? If what they are saying is true they should have. Or would that have meant they were spying on the incoming administration? Or they wanted to embarrass the incoming administration rather than put first the oath they made to the constitution, and the obligations they hold to the American people?
@24 OH I see it’s the gilded age. once again.
@28 Well then why didn’t Yates and Obama make the appropriate charge of treason as the two witnesses required and arrest Flynn? Seems that is what they should have done if what you are saying is true.
And it should be the Democratic members of the committee asking her this exact question.
@22 What people? You mean Cruz and Cornyn? And the rest of what you are saying is just absurd. The current execution method of the US Government is chemical injection if they have the chemicals, and well the Federal Government has not done an execution in a long time in the prison in Indiana where death row inmates hang out for decades and die of old age.
@31 While the Mayor may not run he has not been found guilty of any crime merely accused.
As citizens we should be concerned about this whole circus as the current law may be too liberal and flies in the face of the normal reason why there is a statute of limitations, Thirty years afterward is too lenient even if the major is guilty.
If the mayor does not run it will be a precedent for any politician in the state. So anyone wanting them out just has to come up with accusers who are willing to say said politician paid for sex and hey were a child. Then find an attorney and file a civil lawsuit. Works until they go against an onery cuss who will call them a whore and say they were very good. And then the old cuss will get elected even if he or she did not do it. We love politicians like that.
@37 Why is removing sexual predators from office a desirable public good? It’s entirely possible for a rapist to run and be elected to office whether or not the rapist can vote. Also it’s entirely possible to be a sexual predator, but act entirely legally. Isn’t this the same as saying we should not have any sociopaths in office while we likely do have many in office from both parties. If they abide by the law they should be able to run and participate in the political process, though it may make some uncomfortable.
@38 Of course in Apple’s case and other companies with millions and billions parked overseas shareholders should be given the opportunity to tell the company to bring the money home to be paid out as dividends ect. And companies will put great effort in resisting shareholders pushing this agenda. These resistors you will not find participating in any marches, and often are being marched against, but this allows them to have empathy for the marchers.
@40 Well the person never been to Antarctica or Patagonia is has been unable to compare the alpine environment of the Mt Baker ski area and above to those regions. Hey the Ske to Sea is coming up here this month they are welcome to pay us a visit and do some research.
Naturally, Trump-Kushner family members don’t want reporters present when they sell U.S. visas to rich foreigners.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Don’t even apply if you’re a poor child trying to escape from violence in your Central American country. The privilege of living in America is reserved exclusively for those who can (and will) put money in the Trump-Kushner families’ pockets.
@45 et al.: You’re starting to look an awful lot like a stalker.
@48 Do your part. Become a lawyer. Fight oppression and injustice where it counts — in the courts. There’s still a couple of Democratic judges out there.
@50 Hahaha, you think Trump will listen to Murray or Cantwell when it comes to appointing federal judges for our state? Man, you are naive.
@53 Like Democrats aren’t fascists, communists, or socialists. (Hint: They’re Democrats.)
@58 He got too close to Drumpf.
Irrefutable video evidence has emerged of Flynn going through the 15 item line with 16 items during the previous administration.
And they did NOTHING!
(Well, they did fire his crooked ass, but really. Also BENGHAZIIIII!)
I lost the election because the people I hired put their own personal careers and the advancement of those careers over the goal of getting me elected.
@76 Your opponent also benefited from Comey lying about that.
don’t forget the little thing about Russian spies infiltrating the Hillbilly-Traitor party and throwing the election.
“Perhaps you’re not quite as stupid as you look in most of your other posts.”
It comes from having an advanced degree in finance and working as a financial analyst for years in the private sector. You wouldn’t know about the private sector, but there you have to show up and actually accomplish something, not just be there, like in a nice government job.
Honestly rodent, your ego makes Louis XIV seem like a shy introvert. You spent your whole life on the government teat and act as if you somehow were successful and important.