It’s been pointed out to me that I haven’t been writing as much, and of course that’s true, as I’ve kinda been immersed in coding these days. Recently, I’ve been banging my head against the wall trying to implement a basic Rich Text comment editor, but I’ve given up. If you’re a WordPress jockey who can give me Rich Text comments while automatically stripping out all but the most basic HTML and CSS, I could use your help, but in the meanwhile everybody will just have to get by with the formatting buttons I’ve added to the comment form.
Speaking of hitting a wall, that’s exactly what the Pledge Drive has done over the past 24 hours. We had a great first three days, but as expected, donations slowed to a crawl as we headed into the weekend. 55 readers have now contributed $3,110, and I thank you all, but we’re falling far short of the pace we need to meet our $6,000/150 donor targets.
If I were a righty, I’d have some cushy think tank job or bullshit book deal to pay my bills and keep me blogging. But progressives, well… too often, we’re just expected to volunteer. But you know, I can’t eat passion, and for some reason my bank won’t take page views in lieu of dollars when paying my mortgage, so if you want me to be able to continue blogging full time — and continue developing the all new HA — I need your financial support. Maintaining HA is a helluva lot of work, and I do it for next to nothing. But I can’t afford to do it for absolutely nothing.
So please, show your appreciation by giving whatever you can. An average $40 donation from 150 readers will hit our target, but just five or ten bucks is always welcome. Thanks.
Goldy is this going to me a monthly amount you try to raise? If not – what period of time will this $6k cover for you?
I have a challenge for everyone who hasn’t donated because they don’t like using their debit or credit card online, or they want to remain anonymous, or whatever, just email Goldy, like I did, and he’ll tell you where you can send an anonymous cash donation.
Maybe you should solicit Al Gore of the Clintons for donations, Goldy. They’ve made millions from “bullshit book deals”.
Good lord, if ever anyone lived in a glass house…
ByeBye @1,
While I reserve the right to hold pledge week’s multiple times a year, this is only my second funder for myself in my four years of blogging.
The $6,000 would basically give me some breathing room for a couple months to continue developing the new HA without distraction, and to appeal to some big donors for some more steady support.
Why anyone would support a website that hosts an endless string of profane leftist whining is entirely beyond me.
Oh, but I forgot. This is Seattle after all. Profane, pointless leftist whining is what Seattleites do for amusement.
Keep up the great work, Goldy. I just sent you my $40. And Bill, why do you spend time commenting on a blog you despise so much?
I agree with you to a certain degree, but even I donated because I like, and use the site. It doesn’t mean I agree with the majority of what I read on here.
The Department for Revenue will probably be hitting you up for sales taxes in a year or two. They like to let things simmer a bit so they can charge a nice penalty along with the interest and taxes due. It’s how they justify their existence.
@5 For better reasons than the rich white guys who squander hundreds of millions on rightwing propaganda mills that spew lies, smears, and misinformation. We’re saving America and the world from you ignorant, hateful bastards.
Just wondering… is this what we’re headed for?
God help us…
Roger said,
“We’re saving America and the world from you ignorant, hateful bastards.”
But you are an ignorant, hateful bastard, Roger!!
While we’re on the subject of profanity, it’s hard to imagine anything more profane than what Republicans do to the ordinary citizens of this country.
Dino Rossi’s kicking 40,000 poor kids off Medicaid in Washington State was profane.
The $200-a-month bed tax Mike Huckabee slapped on elderly nursing home residents in Arkansas is profane.
The railroading of a Wisconsin state employee to prison on false charges by a partisan U.S. attorney was profane.
Economic policies that screw workers and coddle the rich are profane.
The (deliberate?) mismanagement of federal disaster response to the Katrina tragedy was profane.
All the lies told about Iraq in order to get us into an unnecessary war are, of course, the ultimate profanity committed by this administration.
The lies Republicans spew about the 2004 governor’s election in Washington is a profanity against truth and civilization.
Global warming denial is profane.
In fact, pretty much everything Republicans say and do is a profanity. All we liberals do is use vulgar language. That’s nothing — NOTHING — less than a triviality — compared to the damage Republicans are doing to our country and the world.
And you preach to us about profanity? Fuck you. Fuck your dog. Fuck your mother for depositing spawn like you on this planet! And don’t forget to go fuck yourself …
Goldy – Geez…Let me help you…
Instead of looking for a fucking handout, why don’t you get some money the old fashioned way. The way The Producers do it.
It’s not complicated. Here you go.
1) Get an education in an area where there is demand. CAUTION: The jobs that pay well are hard to do. (That’s why they pay well.) You can get education for free or at 80% subsidy using Producer subsidized schools.
2) Get a real job with a good outfit.
3) Show up every fucking day.
4) Work your ass off for 30-40 years.
5) Spend less than you make.
6) Invest the savings wisely.
Now wouldn’t that be easier than trying to make a go out of being a “wonk”. Shit, you couldn’t even beat out fucking informercials when KIRO gave you a chance. Get a fucking clue fercrissakes…
@11 Opinions are like assholes — everybody’s got one — and I see you’ve got at least one of each.
@13 “Instead of looking for a fucking handout, why don’t you get some money the old fashioned way.”
You mean fitting welshers with cement overshoes and taking them on a one-way ride on the Pacific Ocean? Pay Goldy the $100 you owe him, you worthless sack of shit!
Roger IS the hate he ascribes to others. It’s called transference. It’s basic Psych 101.
@13(6) “Invest the savings wisely.”
Ooooooh, I really like this one! Here’s how savers get treated in our country now that wingnuts are running things:
Regular savings accounts and money market funds pay less than 1% interest on savings.
CDs, Treasuries, and bonds pay less than the inflation rate on long-term savings.
Banks pay you 1/2% a year on your savings and charge you 28% interest when they lend your money back to you on your credit card account.
Real estate values are falling.
Stock prices are falling.
Yep, Bush’s Ownership Society is a real savers’ Valhalla! America is now like a Swiss bank, you pay them for the privilege of keeping your money in their vault.
Way lot of incentive for Americans to save their money, instead of spending it before it becomes worthless, ya think?
Waaaaaytagooooo wiiiingfuuuuucks!!!
Not everybody can make a 50% return on their stock portfolio in one year, like I did in 2007 despite last year’s choppy market. It takes talent and skills most people don’t have. Any fool could have told Bush and his GOP lackeys years ago that their policies were setting up the American economy for a disaster. Well, the fucking meltdown is here and hooboy is it going to be costly, especially to the working class. But guess what the damn fools who voted these clowns into power will go right on being damn fools and voting Republican anyway, and they’re dragging the rest of us down with them.
Thanks for nothing, wingnut idiots.
@16 I’m just a reporter. I simply state facts. I didn’t create the facts. It’s not my fault Republicans are what they are — that’s their fault.
@12: That was a righteous rant, RR!
Thanks Goldy – I sent my $40 in. I was just curious how you were determining your financial support for the blog. I know it’s hard work – and while I usually just come here to play with the retards on the right – I actually appreciate the work you put in.
Rabbit 17
You are really a fucking idiot.
Here’s a question for you:
What’s the difference between going to Wall Street and going to Vegas?
This should tell us a lot…
Rabbit – Do you agree with Loocy that investing is like checkers?
“Best Of Moonbat Economic Theory”.
I like Castro’s system better. He confiscates the employer’s property, shoots the employer, and the workers get quality health care for free. We need something like that in America.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/19/06@ 3:42 pm
Don’t talk to me about “core beliefs…”
Commentby headless lucy— 3/25/06@ 7:07 pm
…the oil industry is a zero sum game ( like checkers )
Commentby headless lucy— 4/9/06@ 2:56 pm
“…higher PRODUCTIVITY means fewer jobs…”
Commentby Donnageddon— 4/9/06@ 4:06 pm
“Most wealthy people inherited their wealth and haven’t worked a day in their lives…”
Commentby headless lucy— 4/13/06@ 5:14 pm
..Corporate profits are driven by the cheap labor binge. Corporate executives, board members and their lackeys have rewarded themselves hugely.
Commentby For the Clueless— 4/15/06@ 12:12 pm
America has been reduced to an oil for paper trade.
Commentby For the Clueless— 4/15/06@ 1:05 pm
…The only way to battle the oil-paper-land casino is to opt out of it through micro-capitalism, localized production and consumption…
Commentby For the Clueless— 4/15/06@ 4:21 pm
The rich people who get all these tax breaks lend us that money back in the form of government bonds that they buy and that we have to repay them at interest.
This is not investing in the economy. It’s a double jeopardy rip-off!
Commentby harry poon— 4/18/06@ 8:21 pm
Roger Rabbit spews:
“@11 Opinions are like assholes — everybody’s got one — and I see you’ve got at least one of each.”
Roger, the same is true of YOU,, asshole!
Arrogant asshole Roger said:
“Not everybody can make a 50% return on their stock portfolio in one year, like I did in 2007 despite last year’s choppy market.”
How did you do in 1987, Roger? How about 1991? How about 2000 through 2003? What’s your geometric average return for the past thirty years?
Hey Roger, you think Obama or Hillary are
going to save your gigantic portfolio by
raising the capital gains taxes? They both
said they would. And you make 500 dollars
every time you take a shit. Do you jerk off
in the mirror?
Just for the record, I’m a big believer now in “Global Warming”. Shit… I was wrong… and Algore was right all along. What the fuck was I thinking?
“…and Bill why do you spend time commenting on a blog you hate do much?”
Well, I don’t. Except for the couple times a year when I feel the need to remind myself what vile, nasty, immature children compose the modern left.
Why would I support fools that run around sporting Che t-shirts or produce the amazingly in vogue Soviet looking Obama posters?
Nothing you leftists have ever done has contributed a single thing to civilization.
Can any of you name a single leftist program that has been a success?
In the meantime, you clowns cry for raised taxes on the people who actually have the courage to take risks, and employ people.
Let me put it in simple terms some of you might actually understand.
You haven’t a clue how things work.
Here’s a “leftist” program that works – freedom of expression – and it shoots down the ideas of traitors on the right who would sell this country’s soul for a buck – sending other people’s kids to die for a war that the chickenhawks won’t fight – spending money that belongs to six generations from now – all in the name of oil and George Bush’s replacement for Viagra. Talk about not having a clue how things work. The USA is the laughing stock of the world. All because of the right – and the time is coming when that will change.
Once again corporate America has stiked again….this time someone has to actually pay!!! Even after “stealing” from the government though, no jail time? What’s up with that? If it were me, an average person, I’d probably be sent for life! Well he paid up so they would dismiss charges…hmm the government way.
They are ALL crooks!
Hey “bye bye Gop” If you’d pledge this minute not to use anything that was oil based that would instantly end your computer commenting career.
If you want to play the “Bush is sending people to die” card how about I play the “leftists kill thousands of innocent unborn children” card?
Playing the “holier than thou” card really doesn’t stand the light of day, does it?
Again Puddy/Hannah pretends to be a Dem but posts 100% of the time stuff like this – pointing at Dems.
Once again Puddy/Hannah for every Dem you can find arrested, indicted or convicted of a crime – I can find two of your fellow republicans. Last time I offered this bet to you – you did what you republicans always do – you cut and run. What about this time asshole?
Leftists don’t kill innocent unborn children – Bush kills them once they are born by denying them health care so he can fund his war. And I do pledge to stop using Iraqi oil – right now. No problem. We don’t need it and for that matter aren’t getting it. Your pals are selling it on the European market at incredible markup. It’s blood money. Blood money you and yours are too chicken to fight for.
Tell you what – you think it’s so important go stick your ass over there and fight for it. In the mean time, people who actually care about “Right to Life” are working on paying for health care that all those babies need after you see to it they are born even though nobody wants them.
What was that you were saying about “holier than thou?” And by the way – you tacitly admitted that the war in Iraq is all about the oil. If you’re the best the right has to offer – keep reading and commenting on this “leftist” blog you pretend to hate. LOL!
@22 “What’s the difference between going to Wall Street and going to Vegas? This should tell us a lot…”
So you’re going to lecture us on the infallible correlation between stock prices and company fundamentals?
@23 In a zero-sum economy like the one you wingnuts have created, investing IS a lot like checkers: I win, you lose. You wanna make a 3.5% return on your money then invest it in a nice blue-chip growth stock like GE. You wanna make an above-market return then by definition you gotta take it away from someone else by being smarter and/or better informed than him.
@24 Thanks for the recap of what you assholes are doing to the economy. Now pay your gambling debt, freeloader!
@25 “Roger, the same is true of YOU,, asshole!”
No, it isn’t, because I’m right and you’re wrong.
I’m sick and tired of this cockamamie argument that bullshit deserves equal time and equal standing with truth. It’s too bad the media latched onto this, because it’s the most idiotic idea in journalism and politics of the last 100 years.
Bullshit is never as good as truth.
How are you going to treat the proceeds??
Is it income…or a gift?
You have turned blogging into a trade or business.
Do you have a business license?
How about Washington B&O Tax and don’t forget Seattle B&O Tax.
I would never rat you out….that’s chicken-sh*t.
But it is kind of interesting for the Tax folks out there.
I guess anyone who provides a service could ask for “donations” and not declare the income.
Oh and what did I say about the nasty childish name calling so typical of the left?
“What about this time, asshole”
You don’t even have to comb through the threads here at HA, you can simply go to the most recent comment or two.
Just like Obama in his gaffe about “clinging to guns and religion” you lefties reveal what a bunch of truly unpleasant, unhappy folks you are on comment after comment.
What you don’t realize is that most decent people are starting to get what you amazingly unhinged people are about. We are realizing the damage you’ve done to our country and to our families.
Your liberal programs have resulted in 70% of young African Americans being raised in single parent homes. You can turn on the TV news every weekend night and watch videos of angry young African American males committing acts of violence or being photographed after they are arrested. Nice going,liberals.
Your programs are utter failures. You can’t even run our schools despite massive infusions of tax money year after year.
Something that no one would have batted an eye about 60 years ago such as building a new ferry or two sends liberal lawmakers into a frenzy that perhaps only their yoga teachers can calm.
A couple weeks ago there was a section in the P-I showing kids that were spelling bee finalists. There must have been 60 kids featured. Only 1 was African American and I believe he was an immigrant. If one wants to point to the failure of liberalism that certainly ought to be enough evidence. What liberal policies have done to African Americans should make any reasonable person ill.
You leftists are nothing but a horrid bunch of crybabies who every day, just like Goldy, cry “gimmee”.
How dare any of you bring up the death toll of soldiers who willingly fight in Iraq when you bear the incredible burden of all the innocent aborted babies, and the deaths your anti-family policies have caused.
The day the true legacy of leftist ideology is given the light of day will be the same day Americans show leftists the door.
And that day may well be at hand.
ByeByeGOP – get to DL lately? Oh I forgot, you hide behind hateful words? No shower.
Where did I say ANYTHING about the dems? I posted a link showing someone FINALLY in corporate america, getting caught and punished for cheating the american people by stealing millions upon millions.
Is it because the reps opened an investigation into him and he admitted in order for them to drop criminal charges, you claim I am blaming the dems? If so, re-read!
I was, and am, pointing out that it is about time a cheater in the corporate world got nailed. Too bad this doesn’t happen at places like WAMU, Countrywide and BofA.
@26 “How did you do in 1987, Roger? How about 1991? How about 2000 through 2003? What’s your geometric average return for the past thirty years?”
I didn’t do anything in 1987. I started investing in 1989 and my aggregate market gains (including reinvested dividends) since then are in the neighborhood of 1,200%. I didn’t keep annual performance figures before 2003, but I never bought any dot.coms so I didn’t lose my ass in the 2001-2003 bust like some people did. From Dec. 31, 2002 to Dec. 31, 2003, my stocks were up 4.6%; in 2004, up 36.4%; in 2005, up 4.5%; in 2006, up 10.1%. Off the top of my head, I don’t recall ever having a losing year, or if I did it was only down 2% or so. 2007 was exceptional because I began buying oilfield services stocks in 2005 and 2006, and they have doubled or tripled since then. That situation won’t repeat in 2008. Right now, I’m focused on avoiding the market decline and increasing my cash position so I can buy at the market bottom.
I’m sick and tired of this cockamamie argument that bullshit deserves equal time and equal standing with truth. It’s too bad the media latched onto this, because it’s the most idiotic idea in journalism and politics of the last 100 years.
I whole heartedly agree. As long as we have liberals running the media though we will never get the truth. There is no truth in liberalism.
“it’s about time a cheater in the corporate world got nailed.”
Yup,it’s sure never happened before.
Are those who comment here just plain dumb?
Or do they just continue to regurgitate the liberal playbook over and over despite what common sense and reason might reveal?
@46 – show me a few names (RECENT) that have actually been investigated and faced criminal charges…and ACTUALLY PAID?
Seems WAMU share holders would love to see Killinger go thru what Fannie Mae ex Franklin went thru.
Your programs are utter failures. You can’t even run our schools despite massive infusions of tax money year after year.
You can say that again. Only a liberal can throw 10k plus per kid a year and yet 40% of the parents pass up free education to send their kids to private schools.
I went to public schools, back when they were good. Now there is no chance I would send my kids to public school here in Western Wa. 46th in the nation? Pathetic! And I know many a teachers that can explain why, no money, not just for good teachers, but smaller class sizes, text books, standard teaching utensils. Some feel like the state government looks at them like “glorified babysitters”, sure expensive!
I donated $240. That’s my $40, and an additional $200 for five deadbeat wingnuts who entertain themselves in the comments thread but are too damn cheap to pay for it.
So, Piper, Puddy, Barking Dog, Pee Eye and Cynical, you may rest assured: DJ’s got you covered. How does it feel to be recipients of librul charity?
@43 SO FUCKING EASY you stoooopid cunt. You swore you were going to ignore me and TWICE in one week I got you to – now wait for it – directly respond.
As usual – you prove to be no good when it comes to your word. And if you’d just tell me when you’re going to be at DL Puddy/Hannah I’ll be there. But no – you hide out – bring back up, do all the things cowards like you do.
PLEASE find me someone who’s got the IQ of a turtle to debate with. Puddy/Hannah is just too easy.
@42 Billie Boy runs from the topic once I kick his ass and starts spewing batshit crazy talk that sounds like it came from the spawning grounds of the Deliverance gang.
Billy – you wouldn’t know fuck about the brave soldiers in Iraq because you and your ilk are all chickenshit chickenhawks. You send OTHER people to fight – just like your gutless, drunken, coke-snorting, AWOL, draft-dodging coward of a leader GW Bush.
You’ll gladly send someone else to die in order to further your “programs” which are all about helping the rich get richer while Americans are left to die in the streets.
You say you’re pro life but you support the death penalty. You say you’re pro life but you support the killing of innocent women and children in Iraq. You say you’re pro life but you want to nuke Iran. You say you’re pro life but you don’t want to allow stem cell research that would save lives. You say you’re pro life but you won’t support moving war money to health care so little infants in this country who are left to die for lack of funds for medical care could be saved.
You’re just a typical ignorant, pig-fucking, inbred coward and traitor like all your right wing hypocritical friends in the GOP. So fuck you and all your ilk.
Sorry double post
I’d love to be able to go to DL, but as being a FT caretaker to an ailing grandmother, this prohibits me from much free time. I work as a “producer” as RR calls it, working a FT day job in the real world then a FT evening/night job taking care of my elder.
You said: “As usual – you prove to be no good when it comes to your word. And if you’d just tell me when you’re going to be at DL Puddy/Hannah I’ll be there. But no – you hide out – bring back up, do all the things cowards like you do.”
Seems like YOU, ByeByeGOP, are the one you are describing in your comment, as Puddy has been to DL when YOU challenged him to show….and what happened??? YOU no showed TWICE!!!! har har har har
And no, you don’t “get” to me, but I see many others are disgusted by your non factual chitter chatter! :) And I have yet to see you actually “debate” anything here…no facts, just vulgar spit. Keep it up, we all know who you stand for. You bring nothing of value to this board…except some entertainment like MTR…all talk no walk.
@27 I think taxes on wages and capital gains should be equal. I’ve never said the CG tax should be raised. All I’m saying is I don’t see why workers shouldn’t get the same tax rates that investors get. If that implies raising the taxes of people who aren’t paying their fair share in order to treat wage earners fairly, so be it. If you pay for it with more deficits you will be taxed by inflation instead of the IRS, but either way you will pay. If you wanted lower taxes in real terms, then you shouldn’t have squandered two trillion dollars on a recreational war in Iraq which you’re losing.
In a fair world, the cost of their Iraq military misadventure would silence the wingnuts for the rest of time. They are in no position to complain about government spending or high taxes ever again.
@28 No, you’re still as stupid and dishonest as you always were. Pay your gambling debt, welsher.
@29 “I feel the need to remind myself what vile, nasty, immature children compose the modern left.”
What do you have against us behaving like Republicans? Why should they have a monopoly on that behavior? We like to have fun, too!
BTW, the correct word is “comprise” not “compose,” you illiterate fuck! Did you go to a private school? Looks like it.
@32 “If you want to play the ‘Bush is sending people to die’ card how about I play the ‘leftists kill thousands of innocent unborn children’ card?”
Fair enough, Bill. I’m against war AND abortion. You may say, “1 out of 2 ain’t bad,” but I’m here to tell you it ain’t good. And we really should call it 1 out of 3, because you Repubs don’t give a shit what happens to the kids after they’re born. They can starve or die for lack of basic medical care for all you care.
You hypocrites think you can force women to bring children into the world they don’t want and can’t support, then walk away with no responsibilities. Doesn’t work that way, pardner. If you’re going to dictate parenthood to people who aren’t prepared for it, then you’ll also have to carry your share of the societal burden of taking care of them.
@34 “Leftists don’t kill innocent unborn children – Bush kills them once they are born by denying them health care so he can fund his war.”
Repubs do far more than that. They’ve supported and armed every baby-killing tinpot dictator in the world. Including Saddam Hussein. Their only criterion is you have to be in favor of cheap labor and against labor unions. That wasn’t a problem for Saddam, and because it wasn’t, Saddam wasn’t a problem for them while he was out there slaughtering hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.
In a fair world, the cost of their Iraq military misadventure would silence the wingnuts for the rest of time. They are in no position to complain about government spending or high taxes ever again.
04/19/2008 at 8:42 p
War is the main reason the feds exist. The cost of the war pales in comparison to all the stoopid social programs that do more harm then good. If we are going to have guvmint waste it should be 80% for the military. I can live with that.
@42 “Oh and what did I say about the nasty childish name calling so typical of the left? ‘What about this time, asshole'”
Oh my! Now that we’re behaving like Republicans, you’re gonna have a snit about it?
Roger @ 55
The capital gains tax is a shell game. The argument that’s used to justify it is based on Economists’ definition of “investment,” but an Economist’s definition of “investment” doesn’t include pieces of paper representing a small percentage of ownership in a public corporation. Buying and selling those pieces of paper doesn’t create a single job (well, except for the brokers who actually carry out the transactions–talk about leeches).
Now, if the IRS wants to start using the same definition of “investment” that Economists use, then I’d be entirely in favor of a lower rate for capital gains. For gains realized through buying and selling pieces of paper, the rate should be at least that applied to regular income.
@45 Hey stupid dog, howling at the moon doesn’t make your barking intelligent.
Barking Dog @ 61
Bullshit yourself, you leeching bastard. In terms of funds outlays, the military accounts 54% of all Federal government expenditures.
Or are you simply too ignorant to know that the Iraq war is accounted as an off-budget expenditure? (Must be the private education they give to dogs.)
In a fair world we would not have liberals in government federal,state and local. If republicans ran the publics schools we could fund two or three Iraq wars off the savings and have better educated kids.
@46 Bernie Ebbers, John Rigas, Jeff Skilling, and Dennis Kozlowski, among others, are top corporate officers who all drew prison sentences for skimming their companies. The biggest thief of them all, Cheney’s buddy Kenny Lay, died before justice could be served.
@48 Washington doesn’t spend 10k per kid on public education. That would be about $12 billion a year, and the entire state budget is only $16 billion a year.
Bullshit yourself, you leeching bastard. In terms of funds outlays, the military accounts 54% of all Federal government expenditures.
So you are saying that 54 cents out of every dollar the guvmint collects is spent on the military???? heheheheheh
Oh that public school math is hilarious. hehehehe
@47 Killinger is a prime example of how the capitalist system wingies love so much rewards failure. After he ran his company into the ground and WAMU’s stock went from $70 to $10, the board gave him stock options that allow him to make millions if the stock goes back up to $20 and more millions if the company goes bankrupt or is sold. This should be against the law, because it’s tantamount to fraud.
Memo to WAMU directors: Roger Rabbit never bought your company’s stock and never will. If you can’t do any better than that, only a nut would trust you with his money. In fact, I’m going to pull my CDs out of WAMU because I think management is lying about your bank’s financial condition and I think you will go under.
I read in the Seattle Times a couple days ago that something like 45% of WAMU’s mortgage portfolio is in subprimes, and the nonperforming ratio in their credit card business is heading toward 10%.
@48 Washington doesn’t spend 10k per kid on public education. That would be about $12 billion a year, and the entire state budget is only $16 billion a year.
04/19/2008 at 9:22 pm
Yeah but Seattle public schools do. Liberals run both…. it’s a moot point. And the 10k figure is conservative.
@50 Oh, they never said they wouldn’t take liberal money. In fact, they’ve been taking it for decades. Remember the red state – blue state chart? The one that shows red states get more federal money than they pay in taxes, and blue states pay more than they get?
@54 “I work as a “producer” as RR calls it”
No, that would be Mark the Welsher’s terminology. I use it mockingly. He’s so easy to mock …
Oh, they never said they wouldn’t take liberal money. In fact, they’ve been taking it for decades. Remember the red state – blue state chart? The one that shows red states get more federal money than they pay in taxes, and blue states pay more than they get?
Why is it the red states fault that blue states don’t allow military bases,power plants ect in their state??? Why don’t you do a statistical analysis of which states receive the most welfare payments?? Oh, I know why. Nevermind. heehehhe
@61 Then you should have no objection to my donating your Social Security, Medicare, unemployment benefits, and the numerous federal subsidies you enjoy to the Pentagon. For example, every Rx you take was subsidized by federal research dollars, so we’ll have to take your pills away from you and donate them to the soldiers.
hen you should have no objection to my donating your Social Security, Medicare, unemployment benefits, and the numerous federal subsidies you enjoy to the Pentagon
No, I want to pocket that. I will never collect social security, its a ponsi scheme. Of course I wouldn’t be against forcing my neighbor to spend a little of their savings on the military. roof roof.
@63 “Buying and selling those pieces of paper doesn’t create a single job (well, except for the brokers who actually carry out the transactions–talk about leeches).”
You are absolutely right. As I’ve never bought a single share of an IPO, it follows that I’ve never contributed a penny to any corporation’s capital. All I do is push numbers representing dollars in circles. And, because I often trade in and out of the same stocks over and over, I am truly pushing the same money around the same circle. This doesn’t create a single job or produce even one widget. It’s amazing I get paid for it, and downright silly that I get a 66% discount on my taxes for doing it!
But the real damage from the pervasive worker-bashing in our society is the corrosive effect it has on the work ethic and the social fabric that in former, more prosperous, times formed the backbone of our economy and made it the most productive economy in the world.
Not any more. Not only American employers, but their own government, now treats American workers like third world serfs. Only a fool would have any company loyalty in these times. And only a fool could fail to see where a system that makes working the worst option for making money is going to take us. America is going to be the 21st century’s Argentina.
I don’t think the government should tell companies they can’t pay their CEOs 500 or 1000 times what their workers get. I merely think the government should tax the shit out of those who do.
You won’t see any more billion-dollar bonuses to hedge fund managers if the tax rate on those salary checks is 110% instead of 10%. For that matter, why should hedge fund managers get paid a fucking dime for what they do? They’re nothing but flippers like me. Except I do it with my own money. Most of those guys don’t have anything at all invested in their hedge funds. They’re merely bookies getting a cut of the investors’ winnings — usually about the same percentage that trial lawyers get, 25% to 40%.
Barking Dog
“So you are saying that 54 cents out of every dollar the guvmint collects is spent on the military????”
Nope. Apparently you don’t understand the meaning of the phrase “federal funds”. Hint: Not all government programs are funded by federal income tax.
Why in hell should a commission salesperson who has no money of his own invested in the hedge fund get a capital gains rate simply because he makes over $1 billion a year in commissions? Why shouldn’t a car or appliance salesman making $400 a week get the capital gains rate, too? Why the first guy, and not the other guys? It makes no sense.
@73 “Yeah but Seattle public schools do. Liberals run both…. it’s a moot point. And the 10k figure is conservative.”
I know that bitch-slapping this yapping mutt on his pus-filled snout won’t shut him up, but I’m going to do it anyway just for the fun of it.
Seattle: $8,999
State average: $7,717
You were barking something about 10k being “conservative,” mutt?
Nope. Apparently you don’t understand the meaning of the phrase “federal funds”. Hint: Not all government programs are funded by federal income tax.
04/19/2008 at 9:50 pm
So???? What’s your point. Taxes are life energy. Taxes are “jointly and severely” spent when collected. I don’t care if the money comes from an individual or a corporation.
It’s not surprising that wingnuts are going after public school funding. That’s very likely where Rossi intends to get $15 billion for roads without raising taxes. In fact, it’s the only place he CAN get it, because K-12 education is 48% of the state budget. The wingnuts figure if they eliminate public schools, they can get a 50% cut in their state taxes, i.e. $10 a year (which is a lot of money to them). And they won’t miss public schools because, after all, they didn’t get anything out of their educations.
Seattle: $8,999
State average: $7,717
Yeah that $8,999 includes
Initial building costs-not
Facility and maintenance costs-not
School lunch-not
hheheehehe Liberal math strikes again. hehehehe
@76 “Why don’t you do a statistical analysis of which states receive the most welfare payments??”
That would be you Bible-thumping hillbillies.
@78 “I will never collect social security”
Promise? Will you put that in writing and sign it with your real name in front of a notary public?
I hope ALL the wingers refuse to sign up for social security! That’ll leave more for me.
@88 When was the last time Seattle built a school? 1920?
Barking Dog
“I don’t care if the money comes from an individual or a corporation.”
I wasn’t talking about individuals vs corporations. You really don’t know what the term “federal funds” means, which is why you really shouldn’t be correcting other people’s comments regarding federal expenditures.
Seattle: $8,999
State average: $7,717
Rabbit illustrates whats wrong by even spewing these figures out. I guarantee that you can send your kid to a private school at a cost much less than $7,717 and get twice the education. Yeah you wouldn’t get the bus service or the crappy school lunch. But who cares. And the building and facility costs would be free!!!
91. Roger Rabbit spews:
@88 When was the last time Seattle built a school? 1920?
04/19/2008 at 10:11 pm
No, now it’s the renovation costs. I bet you would be surprised how much the renovation costs are for Ballard and Garfield. Next is Franklin. You may as well start from scratch.
@93 Really? Private schools cost “much less” than $7,717? What “schools” are you referring to, your next-door neighbor’s daycare?
“A new Newsweek poll shows Obama pulling away.
“By Michael Hirsh | Newsweek Web Exclusive
” … Hillary Clinton has lost a lot of ground with Democratic voters nationwide going into Tuesday’s critical primary in Pennsylvania, a new NEWSWEEK poll shows.
” … Obama now leads Clinton by nearly 20 points, or 54 percent to 35 percent, among registered Democrats and those who lean Democratic nationwide. The previous Newsweek poll … in March … showed the two Democrats locked in a statistical tie ….
“The new poll puts Obama ahead among women as well as men, and voters aged 60 and older as well as younger voters.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info see
@ 93
“I guarantee that you can send your kid to a private school at a cost much less than $7,717 and get twice the education.”
Cool. I’ll send my daughter to a private school in the Seattle area. If the cost is less than $7717, I’ll pay you the difference. If the cost is more than $7717, you pay me the difference.
I’m willing to take you up on your “guarantee.” Are you willing to follow through on it?
Before you do, I suggest you read this. The daughter in question is in the 11th grade now.
Well not any private school??? I am talking Blanchet or Odea (Holy names). And no you don’t have to be a catholic to go to those fine schools. Yeah Lakeside costs 20 k per year. Most don’t.
… Hillary Clinton has lost a lot of ground with Democratic voters nationwide going into Tuesday’s critical primary in Pennsylvania, a new NEWSWEEK poll shows.
The only thing that matters is Pennsylvania right now. If Hillary wins big every thing changes. Even if she wins by a small margin(and she will) the fight will continue.
Remember when righties responded to the Abu Ghraib torture scandal with snide remarks about flushing Korans down toilets?
Sorry, liars, but Iraqis were beaten to death by American soldiers in Abu Ghraib, and there are photographs and eyewitness accounts to prove it.
Bad news for righties: A documentary film AND a documentary book with photographs are coming out soon. And keep in mind this is only the stuff that got past the censors.
Overly expensive private schools (K-12) are a waste, but at least it’s an individual choice.
If private schools had the same numbers that are forced to go to public schools then the price would go down even further. Public schools are a waste.
Barking Dog
“Well not any private school???”
Um. O’Dea’s tuition for seniors is $7,920.00, and we’d have to add in the cost of a sex change operation to turn my daughter into a son. For Blanchet, the tuition for non-Catholics is $9372, but at least that saves us the sex-change operation. Neither option includes a year’s worth of transportation from our east-side home to Seattle.
Eastside Catholic, the tuition for the 2008-09 school year is $15,252. That would save some on the transportation costs, but I don’t think you want to be paying the $8k difference on that one, do you?
Um. O’Dea’s tuition for seniors is $7,920.00, and we’d have to add in the cost of a sex change operation to turn my daughter into a son
What about Holy names? And that $7,920 is still a lot cheaper than the state average because the public schools don’t count there facility cost and maintenance whereas the private schools do. And this is in Seattle. You are proving my point.
Barking Dog
“What about Holy names?”
The last figure I saw for Holy Names was $10224.
“And that $7,920 is still a lot cheaper than the state average because the public schools don’t count there facility cost and maintenance whereas the private schools do.”
First of all, the word is “their,” not “there.” Second, for most Catholic schools, there’s additional funding from the diocese which is not reflected in the tuition. Lastly, you seem to have forgotten that O’Dea is really out of the question. So far, Blanchet is the least expensive option of the schools you’ve named.
“You are proving my point.”
I am? You’ve yet to come up with a school that would make good on your guarantee. And this is proving your point? How?
If you’re going to dictate parenthood to people who aren’t prepared for it, then you’ll also have to carry your share of the societal burden of taking care of them.
Roger – the wingnuts got that covered – the wingnut’s favorite social program is called prison and it’s being increasingly outsourced to private companies that profit off the cheap labor. Medical care for the inmate and other “externalities” are handed off to the taxpayer, of course.
Kid grows up being raised by a parent that’s ill equipped. Gets into trouble, goes to jail – cheap labor for the wingnuts and it’s completely legal.
I wonder if that stupid, crap-eating mutt accounts for all the fund raising that parents are highly encouraged to do ON TOP of the tuition they pay at those private schools.
Auctions, rummage sales, raffles, etc…
I wonder if that stupid, crap-eating mutt accounts for all the fund raising that parents are highly encouraged to do ON TOP of the tuition they pay at those private schools.
Auctions, rummage sales, raffles, etc…
They do the same thing in public schools. Have you ever looked at the list they expect parents to supply their kids in public school.
The discussion of private tuition rates here is about what parochial schools charge. You couldn’t touch the tuition at Bush School, Annie Wright, Seattle Country Day, or most other secular private schools for what the parochials cost.
108 – No matter butt-sniffer – the funding for your beloved private schools START with the tuition and doesn’t end there – not by a long shot.
West Seattle Montessori school charges $5,400 per year for kids 1-3rd grade, $5,730 for kids 4-5th grade and $6,700 for kids 6-8th. This includes everything except transportation and food… which the parent should be responsible for anyways.
108 – No matter butt-sniffer – the funding for your beloved private schools START with the tuition and doesn’t end there – not by a long shot.
04/20/2008 at 12:23 am
Yes it does end there. Those rates include everything. A catholic would probably pay half as much in tuition. Dumbshit.
Apart from cost issues, what would happen if public schools disappeared overnight and our state’s private schools suddenly had to absorb over 1 million new students? They couldn’t. Not in 30 years.
he discussion of private tuition rates here is about what parochial schools charge. You couldn’t touch the tuition at Bush School, Annie Wright, Seattle Country Day, or most other secular private schools for what the parochials cost.
04/20/2008 at 12:04 am
Your right. Those are elitist schools probably filled with kids of rich liberal politicians. Remember Carter??? hehehehe
Apart from cost issues, what would happen if public schools disappeared overnight and our state’s private schools suddenly had to absorb over 1 million new students? They couldn’t. Not in 30 years.
04/20/2008 at 12:41 am
With vouchers public schools would become extinct (or close to it) within a generation. It would not happen over night, but the hell we have now didn’t happen over night either.
@ 111
The average cost per student in public school also rises from elementary to middle school and from middle school to high school. Comparisons between a private school that doesn’t go beyond the 8th grade and an average of public schools that includes grades 9 through 12 are bogus to say the least.
“Yes it does end there. Those rates include everything.”
No, they don’t. As I and Roger have pointed out, a number of parochial schools receive funding over and above tuition. In most cases, that funding is substantial. You, of course, know this. That’s why you suggested Catholic schools as the best chance for making good on your guarantee. That hasn’t worked out very well, has it?
“A catholic would probably pay half as much in tuition.”
The only school where I saw a different tuition quoted for Catholics was Blanchet. The tuition for Catholics is $8184, as opposed to $9372 for non-Catholics.
No shit.
No, they don’t. As I and Roger have pointed out, a number of parochial school receive funding over and above tuition. In most cases, that funding is substantial.
Where?? Not from government. If you are suggesting that tithes support the school than you are mistaken. Most of that money goes to catholic outreaches and the numerous hospitals and the church itself (convents, church planting.. ect). Are you are suggesting that having a rummage sale for renovating a gym is substantial? Most of the fund raising for the catholic schools is for discretionary purposes (some not even benefiting the school)…period.
The average cost per student in public school also rises from elementary to middle school and from middle school to high school.
So then you are saying that the average cost of 8,999 per student for Seattle public schools does not apply to High School??? Right?? They spend more?? WOW. Why are you complaining about the tuition at parochial school again??
“Where?? Not from government. If you are suggesting that tithes support the school than you are mistaken.”
I’ve already stated that Catholic schools receive funds from the diocese directly. This is pretty common knowledge, but it’s not all that difficult to find verification of that fact.
For example, apparently you’ve never heard of the Fulcrum Foundation. From a portion of their mission statement:
The facts are not being all that helpful to you, are they?
@114 I don’t know any liberals who can afford to send their kids to those schools. I think most of the parents at those schools are wealthy Republican business people.
@115 Let’s see. Public schools become extinct and private schools take over their function. Here’s what will happen:
The private schools, funded with public money, will be run by elected school boards.
The private schools, because they’re the only education system in existence, can no longer be selective of their student body; laws will be passed requiring them to accept slow learners, disabled kids, etc.
The state will still be involved in establishing uniform curriculum requirements, certifying teachers and administrators, and providing oversight of how public money is spent by the schools.
Hmmm … starting to look an awful lot like the public school system we already have, except teachers will be paid less and education will cost taxpayers more because now you have to add in a private organization’s profit margin …
“So then you are saying that the average cost of 8,999 per student for Seattle public schools does not apply to High School???”
No. I’m saying that it includes high school. If you really want to know the exact break down, I’d suggest doing some research.
“Why are you complaining about the tuition at parochial school again??”
What makes you think I’m complaining? You made the bold assertion that I could, somehow, obtain a better education for less money, and you cited the precise figure of $7717. I’ve merely gone out and found the facts that have shown your claim to be complete bullshit.
I should point out that you’ve provided no evidence to even suggest that parochial schools in Seattle have a better track record with students on standard scores. You’ve merely assumed it to be the case along with just about every other statement of fact that you’ve pulled out of your ass.
Might I suggest a novel approach for you: become informed first. Then formulate your opinion based on a full review of the facts.
Private schools make themselves look good by skimming off the cream of the students. If they had to educate everyone, like public schools do, their scores wouldn’t be any better. They can’t wave a magic wand to motivate underachievers to apply themselves or want to study.
School vouchers are about giving taxpayers’ money to private businesses with no accountability to voters for how the funds are spent, what the children are taught, or whether they learn. I wouldn’t vote for that in a million years.
Class size, per student expenditure, etc. is all meaningless. It all has to do with who you’re teaching. The Wash. D.C. school district is one of the best funded school districts in the nation, but has some of the lowest test scores and highest dropout rates in the nation.
This has been a good thread. That lying, stinking, butt-sniffing cur is totally shredded.
Excellent work guys.
123 – With Doofus as vice-principal, a private school can institute right-wing motivation sessions. Like this:
Sick ’em doofus – there’s school voucher dollar profit to be made.
120. Roger Rabbit spews:
I don’t know any liberals who can afford to send their kids to those schools. I think most of the parents at those schools are wealthy Republican business people.
Ummm, Rog..
The former Chair of the State Democratic Party, Paul Berendt, sends his kids to private schools in Olympia.
And….Paul is also now a Lobbyist for Ron Dotzauer (Strategies 360) sucking tax dollars lobbying for municipalities!!!
Local Tax Dollars to these KLOWNS to lobby their pals in State Government.
Check it out Rog.
Nice, huh?!
Watching you supposedly enlightend,hip,cutting edge,folks collapse upon yourselves in a childish, obscenity laden train wreck cannot be more educational.
This sort of entertainment can be had at any leftist website. Whatever you want to call it at the moment, leftism, progressivism, liberalism, and so on, it’s clearly a sewer that sucks in truly unpleasant,uncivilized people.
Wow…Mr. Chythead…I’m impressed with that factoid which is supposed to prove just WHAT?
Hey Bill…been to “Little Green Barfballs” lately.
How ’bout RedState?
REAL grown-ups there…yessssssireeeebob!!!!
And of course the playground response…”yeah well you guys do it too!”
No assshole…
…you started it.
I guess in the fantasy world leftists occupy just about anything is preferable to listing the great advancements in civilization that have occurred because of leftist policies. Because there aren’t any.
When you get comments like “you’re just a typical inbred pig-fucking coward” what more really needs to be said?
It’s amazing how the anonymity of the computer age has emboldened folks who wouldn’t have the guts to say this kind of garbage to a person’s face.
But then, if you can’t admit the bankruptcy of you ideas, what is left to you?
Well gee whiz Bill…
I guess the Labor Movement, the Civil Rights Movement, the Human Rights Movement…to start, and to name just a FEW…but of course these enrich, empower, and improve the lives of regular working people “Bill”…not the wealthy like you, who just want more money and more power and could give a fuck about anyone else…or the general welfare of society.
Seems to me the only bankrupt ideolgy around here is this greed and power grabbing disguised as phony religionistic oligachical conservatism.
@42 “You leftists are nothing but a horrid bunch of crybabies”
We’re merely mimicking you guys. Why should you have all the fun? Republicans want a monopoly on every fucking thing.
@126 would someone pleeeeease give that stinky dog a bath (phew) or, better yet, an injection …
The “Civil Rights Movement” started with leftists? The facts are that leftists fought civil rights for African Americans for nearly a 100 years after the Civil War. A Republican named Dwight Eisenhower finally began to put an end to segregation and racism in this country.
If you’ve been subjected to the leftist brainwashing of the past 40 years you wouldn’t know this.
@128 “The former Chair of the State Democratic Party, Paul Berendt, sends his kids to private schools in Olympia.”
I don’t know him.
“And….Paul is also now a Lobbyist for Ron Dotzauer …”
I don’t know him, either.
So … after racking your brain for 12 hours you come up with TWO Democrats who send their kids to private schools. As Washington Mutual would say, Whoo Hoo! Oops, that’s trademarked, so you can’t use it. How about this one? Pfffffffffft.
In other words, you comment proves — what … ? (crickets chirping)
Cynical, in case you haven’t figured it out yet, we’re Democrats so that someday we can live like Republicans too.
Being a Democrat is an act of self-preservation against the greedy bastards of this world. It’s also an act of self-preservation against the militarists, imperialists, and colonialists who want to fight their wars of aggression with our dead bodies.
@129 Cruchon now fancies himself and his ilk as pleasant and civilized? Someone call the 24-hour emergency shrink; this guy is detached from his central nervous system.
@132 Not only that, you guys do it better than we do. But we’re working on it.
Not to be confused, Roger, with all the dead innocent children who die every year to fulfill the greedy, selfish desires of the left.
@134 “the great advancements in civilization that have occurred because of leftist policies”
Bill, I’m glad you brought that up! Because liberals are responsible for all the advances in civilization, including civilization itself. If it were up to you wingnuts we’d still be swinging in trees and eating bananas. But let me get more specific:
Liberals invented democracy.
Liberals instituted the system of universal free public education that underpins human history’s most successful economy.
Liberals are responsible for all of your individual liberties and legal rights.
Liberals abolished slavery and outlawed child labor.
Liberals created America’s middle class by giving workers collective bargaining rights.
Liberals instituted our system of injured worker compensation, unemployment and disability insurance, and old age insurance.
Liberals invented and have defended free speech, the free press, and religious freedom.
Liberals have repeatedly saved capitalism from its self-destructive tendencies.
Liberals defeated monarchism and fascism in two world wars, and staved off communism in the Cold War.
Liberals gave us virtually all of the social progress of the last 500 years.
Liberals gave us workplace safety laws, food and drug laws, safe drinking water, and consumer rights.
Liberals gave us the 40-hour workweek, collective bargaining rights, and minimum wage laws.
Conservatives say “ookle ookle” as they try to repeal all of the above.
If you really want an intellectual exercise Roger perhaps you can come up with a list of Democrat politicians who didn’t send their kids to private school. I’ll help you a bit. The list won’t include the Clintons or the Gores. It likely doesn’t include the Edwards, or the Obamas either.
Unfortunately, some natural-born Democrats have been fooled by conservative bullshit and lost their way:
“Day in the Life of Joe Middle-Class Republican
“A TvNewsLIES Reader contribution.
“By John Gray Cincinnati, Ohio
“Joe gets up at 6:00am to prepare his morning coffee. He fills his pot full of good clean drinking water because some liberal fought for minimum water quality standards. He takes his daily medication with his first swallow of coffee. His medications are safe to take because some liberal fought to insure their safety and work as advertised.
“All but $10.00 of his medications are paid for by his employers medical plan because some liberal union workers fought their employers for paid medical insurance, now Joe gets it too. He prepares his morning breakfast, bacon and eggs this day. Joe’s bacon is safe to eat because some liberal fought for laws to regulate the meat packing industry.
“Joe takes his morning shower reaching for his shampoo; His bottle is properly labeled with every ingredient and the amount of its contents because some liberal fought for his right to know what he was putting on his body and how much it contained. Joe dresses, walks outside and takes a deep breath. The air he breathes is clean because some tree hugging liberal fought for laws to stop industries from polluting our air. He walks to the subway station for his government subsidized ride to work; it saves him considerable money in parking and transportation fees. You see, some liberal fought for affordable public transportation, which gives everyone the opportunity to be a contributor.
“Joe begins his work day; he has a good job with excellent pay, medicals benefits, retirement, paid holidays and vacation because some liberal union members fought and died for these working standards. Joe’s employer pays these standards because Joe’s employer doesn’t want his employees to call the union. If Joe is hurt on the job or becomes unemployed he’ll get a worker compensation or unemployment check because some liberal didn’t think he should loose his home because of his temporary misfortune.
“Its noon time, Joe needs to make a Bank Deposit so he can pay some bills. Joe’s deposit is federally insured by the FSLIC because some liberal wanted to protect Joe’s money from unscrupulous bankers who ruined the banking system before the depression.
“Joe has to pay his Fannie Mae underwritten Mortgage and his below market federal student loan because some stupid liberal decided that Joe and the government would be better off if he was educated and earned more money over his life-time.
“Joe is home from work, he plans to visit his father this evening at his farm home in the country. He gets in his car for the drive to dads; his car is among the safest in the world because some liberal fought for car safety standards. He arrives at his boyhood home. He was the third generation to live in the house financed by Farmers Home Administration because bankers didn’t want to make rural loans. The house didn’t have electric until some big government liberal stuck his nose where it didn’t belong and demanded rural electrification. (Those rural Republican’s would still be sitting in the dark)
“He is happy to see his dad who is now retired. His dad lives on Social Security and his union pension because some liberal made sure he could take care of himself so Joe wouldn’t have to. After his visit with dad he gets back in his car for the ride home.
“He turns on a radio talk show, the host’s keeps saying that liberals are bad and conservatives are good. (He doesn’t tell Joe that his beloved Republicans have fought against every protection and benefit Joe enjoys throughout his day) Joe agrees, ‘We don’t need those big government liberals ruining our lives; after all, I’m a self made man who believes everyone should take care of themselves, just like I have’.”
Day in the Life of Joe Middle-Class Republican
Liberals “invented democracy” and “abolished slavery”?
Please Roger, a few facts, dates, names and places to back your statements up. Bet you ain’t got any.
If private education is so cheap, why do they need taxpayer money in the form of vouchers?
Climate is not weather.
@149 Why don’t you come up with a rebuttal instead of sniveling like a novice tennis player who just saw the ball give him a crotch haircut?
I love it that this right wing piece of shit Bill Cruchon hates this blog – but yet can’t seem to get enough of it.
I also love how when you wax Billy’s ass with facts – he just changes the subject.
Go back to sucking your brother’s dick punk. You simply don’t have what it takes to make it here.
Well let’s see here. Cruchon would have us to believe that conservatives were in the forefront of drafting the Magna Carta, extending suffrage to unlanded peasants, overthrowing monarchists, the abolition movement, women’s suffrage, etc. etc. …
The only contribution that conservatives ever made to human progress was by providing interesting subjects for mutation studies by marrying their first cousins for 20 straight generations.
I’ve read that “Joe” story before.
Life would be so wonderful if we all just depended on a big, bloated liberal government. The average person’s life didn’t improve at all due to the inventions and creativity fostered by the free market. Nah! it was all due to liberal government programs.
Now I get it.
@153 See #155.
“Go back to sucking your brother’s dick, punk, you simply don’t have what it takes to make it here”
And for that I am more thankful than you can possibly imagine.
@156 Umm, hate to break it to ya Bill, but conservatives can’t take credit for free markets. In fact, conservatives don’t even like free markets! I’ve never yet met a Republican businessman who wanted more competition or didn’t want a monopoly. The latest manifestation of this is the Bushevik scheme of raising the cost of government purchasing by awarding no-bid contracts to cronies and campaign contributors.
@158 May we assume, then, that your unflagging perserverance here reflects some sort of psychological pathology?
Roger, you don’t even have the personal integrity to back up your statements about liberals having “invented democracy” and “abolishing slavery”.
It’s easier to avoid the hard work involved and simply do some more name calling.
Poor Cruchon is getting chewed up worse than a cancelled check in a $300 shredder. We shouldn’t feel sorry for him, though. We must not show weakness in the form of sympathy for the cockroaches under the kitchen sink, either.
@161 WTF are you prattling about? All I did was ask you to rebut it. Apparently you can’t. Of course, I knew that when I posted it.
In fiscal year 2007, the Fulcrum Foundation was able to provide $755,000 in Assistance to Schools in Need Grants to 22 Archdiocese of Seattle schools.
The facts are not being all that helpful to you, are they?
Public schools are subsidized by the federal guvmint all the time. And the subsidies are a lot more than $755,000. Whoopdi doo.
@164 Public schools are paid for by local taxes. A limited amount of federal money is provided for specific programs like special education under federal laws requiring equal treatment of handicapped students as a civil right. This funding is provided to avoid burdening local school districts with unfunded mandates and to assist them in providing federally-mandated services they can’t afford on their own.
School vouchers are about giving taxpayers’ money to private businesses with no accountability to voters for how the funds are spent, what the children are taught, or whether they learn. I wouldn’t vote for that in a million years.
04/20/2008 at 1:59 am
There is no accountability now. Right now we have predator teachers being protected by the teachers union. Abolishing the teachers union alone is worth supporting vouchers.
150. Roger Rabbit spews:
If private education is so cheap, why do they need taxpayer money in the form of vouchers?
04/20/2008 at 12:59 pm
Well I would be for eliminating the public school system. The money the taxpayer saves can be used for funding private education. We should also eliminate SS taxes and medicare taxes, those kids won’t be able to use it anyways. Enjoy your dog food rabbit. hehehehehe
Democrats gave us social security, the biggest ponsi scheme ever.
What leftist hate more than anything is to have their beliefs challenged.
That’s why Hillary and company formed Media Matters to monitor talk radio and hopefully bring down Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Michael Medved. If you doubt me, Rabbit, a simple Google search will reveal Hillary proudly talking about how she helped found Media Matters.
If you accept all the leftist garbage that’s been pumped into your heads since you started daycare I can’t possibly do much for you. Hillary wants government funded daycare. All the better to begin brainwashing another generation of liberals.
And certainly, don’t even question that liberal socialism as been a historic utter failure.
Even Rabbit can’t back up his ridiculous claim that liberals “abolished” slavery. He doesn’t have a clue what he’s talking about.
60 years ago Democrats and Republicans worked together to do decent public works projects such as cleaning up Lake Washington and building the Columbia River dams that have brought all of us clean, dependable electricity and the local farms needed irrigation.
Can anyone here imagine modern liberals doing anything remotely comparable? Heck no. Modern liberals dwell in the dark world of “no” and “we can’t”. And “what about global warming”?
The good news? People are beginning to reject the gloom and doom of today’s liberal socialists.
Your hopeless little pity party might be over.
limited amount of federal money is provided for specific programs like special education under federal laws requiring equal treatment of handicapped students
You mean like how private schools have to put in ramps and elevators in schools with their own momey??? How nice of them.
Roger says at #159,”I’ve never yet met a Republican businessman who wanted more competition or didn’t want a monopoly”
My guess is that you’ve probably never met a “Republican businessman” in your life, Roger. If you have, it certainly would be easy enough for you to provide a name or two.
All business people long for a lack of competition and a monopoly you dumb nitwit! What do you think drives people to constantly try to make a better mousetrap? Good god, you are as dumb as a box of rocks.
You dimbulb leftists want that to actually occur? You want the means of production to belong to the state? Can you be any more stupid? How many readers of this blog would enjoy not having the choice of phone providers?
And how much more lying are we going to hear from the Democrats about the “worst economy since the Depression”?
I guess Democrats are hoping folks can’t remember the 20% interest rates, massive unemployment, and the gas lines of the Carter years where that stupid clown wandered around the White House in a sweater telling us we all need to shiver in our homes. If there every was a role model for leftist negativity Jimmy Carter was it. My wife and I were young folks starting out during those days. And you damned phonies want us to believe things are bad now.
@Billy who hates HA so much he’s here 24/7
You ask for facts – and when we give them to you – you do what GOP cowards always do – you cut and run and change the subject. So why bother to debate a coward? It’s easier to point out that you’re clearly a deluded hypocrite who has serious mental problems.
And by the way – I may start fucking your wife in the ass rather than Puddydick’s ugly wife. While your wife is also ugly, she’s got a tighter asshole!
By the way I assume that Billy spends all his time listening to Faux News so he’s probably unaware that Dems are leading in all national and regional polls and that all the pundits, even the lying cowards on the right admit that we will GAIN seats in Congress this year – but go ahead Billy – don’t let facts get in the way of that bizarre fantasy world you inhabit.
How many have died in Iraq since your cowardly buddy GW declared “Mission Accomplished?”
Talk to me like to my face you coward. I’ll kick your teeth down your throat.
The nastiness of some who comment here is truly beyond the pale.
My apologies for responding in kind.
When people respond to political commentary with what they’d like to do to your wife it goes beyond dreadful.
It does however illustrate that the left is filled with cowardly and very, very nasty people.
My entire point was to make this illustration. Easier than the proverbial shooting fish in a barrel.
@167 “Well I would be for eliminating the public school system.”
Well I’m for eliminating you. Hey dog! — the last thing you’re ever going to see is the veterinarian smiling at you as he snaps on a pair of rubber gloves and then taps on the syringe …
But don’t worry, it’s quick and painless. It takes only seconds. Then your physical pain and mental stupidity will end, and you’ll be gently engulfed by an eternal nothingness in which you simply don’t exist. roof! roof!
@168 Social Security has paid every promised benefit to every entitled individual on time for over 75 years. I can’t think of a single private company that has done that. In fact, nowadays you have to sue medical insurance companies to get the benefits you paid premiums for.
@170 “60 years ago Democrats and Republicans worked together to do decent public works projects such as cleaning up Lake Washington and building the Columbia River dams that have brought all of us clean, dependable electricity and the local farms needed irrigation.”
That would never happen today because we don’t have real Republicans any more, just a mob of redneck yahoos who suck everything they know about the world out of longneck bottles of cheap beer.
@172 “All business people long for a lack of competition and a monopoly you dumb nitwit!”
That’s what I said, dummy! I’m glad you finally see things my way.
@173 “And how much more lying are we going to hear from the Democrats about the ‘worst economy since the Depression’?”
Uh, that’s not what we’re saying Bill. The correct rendition is, “the worst financial crisis since the Depression,” and these words are coming primarily from people in your own party. Try reading a newspaper once in a while so you won’t be so fucking ill-informed!
#179 just puts an unexpected emphasis on my remarks.
What in the world is wrong with so many of you?
A truly unhappy bitter bunch it certainly would seem. Where else but on a liberal blog can you spew your opinion and end up with someone telling you what he’d like to do with your wife? Has our culture gone entirely mad?
One thing I truly enjoy as a conservative. I don’t have to spend lots of time dreaming up silly lies about liberals.
You do it to yourselves with amazing consistancy. Read through the comments on this just this thread alone if you don’t believe me.
Liberals have utilized the internet since its inception. Little did they know that the exposure of their vile, obscenity laced culture to the rest of us would lead to their downfall.
What goes around, comes around.
Liberals are constantly on the lookout for signs of bias they can throw their well entrenched polictical correctness machine at. That’s what Hillary’s Media Matters is all about.
So how does one explain this Roger Rabbit comment?
“That would never happen today because we don’t have any real Republicans anymore, just a mob of redneck yahoos who suck everything they know about the world out of longneck bottles of cheap beer”
You are awfully fortunate Roger that I only come to this site once in a while. I only do so to confirm that far lefties are among the nastiest, biased, prejudiced, unpleasant folks around.
Your comment above is more than enough to prove my point. Isn’t it?
Thank your lucky stars that I don’t have the time or inclination to beat you and your friends into an intellectual pulp every day. Once or twice a year will suffice.
@168 Social Security has paid every promised benefit to every entitled individual on time for over 75 years.
Good, then your money you paid over the years should still be there waiting for you when the younger generation decides to cut you off. Good luck. heheheehhe
@173 “I guess Democrats are hoping folks can’t remember the 20% interest rates, massive unemployment, and the gas lines of the Carter years”
Well Bill, I certainly remember how that started with Nixon paying for a war by printing paper money, which is one of the many reasons why I didn’t vote for Bush or your Party of Idiots. And that’s exactly what’s happening now because your chimpanzee president is doing exactly the same thing.
And I also remember Jerry Ford’s silly “WIN” (“Whip Inflation Now”) program, whose centerpiece was asking workers to forego asking for COLAs while the GOP-run government kept debasing their wages by printing even more paper money.
In order to make this discussion a little more fact-based, let’s check out the actual figures of what the bank prime rate was:
Depression Years Under FDR: Generally about 1.5%
World War 2 Years Under FDR & Truman: 1.5%
Postwar Years Under Truman: 2% gradually increasing to 3%
Fifties Under Eisenhower: 3% increasing to
Kennedy Years: 4.5%
Vietnam Years Under LBJ: 4.5% to 6.75%
Nixon Years: Started at 7% and was 12% when he left office in Aug. 1974
Ford Years: Stayed in double digits until 1975 and never fell below 7% until his last year in office, bottoming at 6.25% in Dec. 1976
Carter Years: Stayed below 8% throughout 1977 then rapidly climbed above 15%, briefly peaking at 20% in April 1980, declined to 11 – 12% range by summer of 1980, but rose to 21.5% in Dec. 1980
Reagan Years: Started at 20.5% in Jan. 1981, never fell below 17% that year, was above 20% all summer, ended the year in the 16%-17% range; stayed in double digits for the next 2 1/2 years, never fell below 8% during Reagan’s presidency and was 10.5% when Bush Sr. took over.
Bush41 Years: Stayed in the 10.5 – 11.r% range for 1 1/2 years, gradually declined to 6% by mid-1992.
Clinton Years: Stayed at 6% for almost two years, then began a graduated ascent peaking at 9% in early 1995, and stayed in the 8 – 9% range for the rest of his presidency.
Chimp: Inherited a 9.0% bank prime rate in Jan. 2001 which gradually declined to 4.0% by mid-2003 because of the Bush Recession, then climbed to 8.25% over the next 3 years, and during the financial system meltdown that began in the fall of 2007 has been reduced in stages to 5.25% as of March 18, 2008
Now, it is obvious from this that Carter inherited stagflation, which resulted from GOP economic mismanagement, from Nixon and Ford; and that the performance of Republican presidents after Eisenhower’s time has been rather abysmal.
Wow. Of course this doesn’t explain why the economy is in shambles whenever a dems leaves office. But hey this is a donk web site… the truth is not permitted. roof roof
And while you’re telling lies Roger how about backing up your earlier claim about Democrats “ending slavery”.
Anyone who talks about the “Bush Recession” has to have had memory lapses that would make Rip Van Winkle proud. Honest people know that the bubble burst just prior to the 2000 election. The bust born of “irrational exhuberance” made Clinton look like a hero. In reality he was one lucky puppy. Bush was smart enough to cut taxes and keep the economy on a secure footing. You know this Roger but in your frenzy to blame Republicans for everything including the snow we had this weekend you lose perspective.
Now, how about getting back to how Democrats ended slavery?
It’s even more obvious that Republicans are crappy managers of the economy when you look at unemployment rates.
Beginning with Eisenhower, a major factor in Kennedy’s 1960 election victory was the 1958 recession, during which unemployment peaked at 7.5%, then stayed stubbornly high for the rest of Ike’s presidency.
By 1962, Kennedy had reduced unemployment to the mid-5.5% range. After his death, it continued to fall under LBJ to below 4% by 1966 and was 3.4% when LBJ left office in Jan. 1968.
Well, that lasted only a couple months under Nixon, and unemployment was above 5% by the summer of 1970, and stayed there for most of Tricky Dicky’s presidency; it was 5.5% when he was forced out of office by the Watergate Scandal in Aug. 1974.
Now look what happens under Ford — within a month the unemployment rate is 5.9% and it keeps going up, hitting 9% in May of 1975 and never falling much below 8% for the rest of his abbreviated presidency … not too hard to understand why Carter easily defeated him.
Carter inherited an unemployment rate of 7.5% and pushed it below 7% within 6 months. It was below 6% for most of 1978 and 1979 but rose above 7% in May of 1980 and was 7.5% when Carter lost to Reagan in Nov. 1980.
It would take the worst depression since the 1930s to wring inflation out of the economy. The 7.5% unemployment rate Reagan inherited in Jan. 1981 stood at 8.6% a year later and continued an upward ascend, peaking at 10.8% in Nov.-Dec. 1982. It never fell below 8% until 1984, and didn’t get into the 5.7-5.9% range until late 1987. Thus, American workers struggled under high unemployment continuously for all but the last year of Reagan’s presidency — that’s a long time to go hungry, but Republicans don’t give a shit about workers.
Bush Sr. inherited a 5.4% unemployment rate — still uncomfortably high — in Jan. 1989 and did nothing to improve it. By the end of 1990 it was well above 6% and from there things only got worse, with unemployment peaking at 7.8% in June of 1990 and still at 7.3% when Clinton took office in Jan. 1991.
From Clinton’s first day onward, the unemployment rate steadily dropped, and was in the low to mid 4% range for almost all of his second term, and below 4% in the closing months of 2000.
Well we can’t have that now, can we? Chimp got it back up above 5% by Sept. 2001 and above 6% by early 2003. It then stayed above 5% to almost the end of 2005. This is the “great economy” the Pukes brag about?! Then it hovered in the mid to high 4% range in 2006 – 2007 … well we can’t have that now, can we, so it’s back up above 5% and climbing as the second recession of Bush’s troubled presidency deepens.
@176 Oooo, now things are getting interesting. It’s always fun to see if these tough-talking wingnuts actually show up for their “appointments” with liberals.
@177 “The nastiness of some who comment here is truly beyond the pale.”
Our verbal nastiness is merely a pale attempt to parody the ugliness of wingtards who for years have smeared our candidates, threatened to throw us into concentration camps and kill us, and have gone into other peoples’ countries and murdered their women and children.
Cruchon – just go back to (un)SP comfortable in your right wing bubble. Nothing will pierce it not even a complete rejection of the Republicans in November that will probably stretch as long as the remainder of your lifetime.
@192 was a duplicate comment that I deleted.
Billy you’re too fucking easy you cunt. Come to the next DL and let me know when you’re coming and I’ll say that and more to your face. But like all republicans – especially those who say they hate to be around liberals yet can’t seem to get enough of this liberal blog – you’ll chicken out. Just like you chickened out when it was your turn to fight for your country. Just like you chickened out on this thread when I called your bluff, destroyed your insane ravings with facts and you bailed, switching the subject as if nothing happened.
Oh yeah – bring your wife – tell her I’ll let her give me a blow job after I get through making you look like the punk you are! HE HE!
Billy wouldn’t know intellect if it bit his big fat ugly wife’s ass.
Roger says us “wingtards” have “threatened to throw us into concentration camps and kill us”
Just give us one example Roger.
Betcha can’t!
Leftists would be far better served if they’d avoid these kinds of completly irrational statements they haven’t a prayer if substantiating.
But, as Roger consistenly illustrates, they appear to be unable to help themselves.
Luckily for him, Roger lives in a country that is tolerant of even the most vile of commentary. Unless that commentary happens to come from a Republican such as Trent Lott.
How tolerant would the far left be of dissent should they come into power?
Surely they would welcome contrary opinions. Just as they welcome them here.
Billy still waiting to hear about all those kids you want to die because you don’t want to pay for their health care. You’re all for stopping their abortion but fuck em after that right? Have you EVER had an intellectually – honest bone in your retarded little body? Never mind – I know the answer is fuck no.
I imagine “ByeByeGOP is expecting a response in kind.
It’s far more effective from my point of view, and that of civilized people everywhere to let his post speak for itself. Mean, profane comments don’t sit well with most folks. Please, please keep it up. You are sealing your own doom.
The more you reveal the obscene, anger filled,uncivilized crybabies you are the more damage you do to yourselves.
Please, keep it up!
No problem Billy I’ll keep it up while you keep ducking the facts like the cowardly pig fucker that you are.
Bill, you have got to laugh at ByeByeGOP, he would NEVER meet you at DL or a nuetral place to “tell it to your face”…GBS (a true liberal) and Puddy (a true conservative) will both tell you the no show story. BBG is all talk and no walk. And if you notice, NEVER posts any links to factual data, just spews spit with no proof….just don’t allow yourself to stoop to his level, no matter what side of the fence you’re on! :)
I have slowly questioned by belief system on the liberal side, see how far left some go, just as I see how far right some go.
Hannah/Puddy you failed to show last Sunday in Port Orchard so start telling the truth before you go to Hell.
And stop pretending to be a liberal. Not one person here is fooled by your shit.
No need to argue facts with people like you who can’t even come clean with the basics. You’ve been outed so many times on this board you’ve managed to have less than zero credibility.
All that you have to do to prove me wrong is promise to show at the next DL. Go ahead and bring your pal PacMan. I’ll bring my pal Big Al and we’ll see what we see.
Until then – I’ll continue to remind you that you’re a cunt – and by the way – great job ignoring me – you lasted one day – FOOL! LOL!
@202 So…you actually showed at last weeks DL??? Was it in Port Orchard? I thought it was at the Montlake Ale House? Musta read Darryl’s DL post incorrectly on the 15th. And I think it is absolutely HILARIOUS you think Puddy and myself are one in the same…although I think you are MTR also. And when did I say I would ignore you? I will ignore the name calling and not lower myself to your lower than low standards. Provide data and I will pay attention and you can call me all the names in the book, once you bring facts and data to the table.
If they do a DL in Issaquah, I would definately go, as I can escape for about an hour away from Grandma…and be close enough in the case of emergency.
Well, Hannah, ByeByeGOP can walk up my driveway anytime he wants and spew his nastiness about my wife to my face. I don’t make a secret of who I am or where I live.
I’ve written letters to the editor to the P-I and Times for years. At least they require you to have the guts to identify yourself.
I sure as heck am not worried about having to deal with some slimy foul mouthed blogger.
God didn’t make men equal. Colonel Colt did.
Bill, it’s in his nature to slander mens wives. GBS told him a few weeks back when he no showed after talking smack about kicking Puddy’s a**, that he lost his right to slander Puddy’s wife…looks like he has latched onto you. That’s ok….he calls me the “C” word every chance he gets. Basically as soon as he is called on the carpet for facts, he starts the name calling….hmmm what does that say?
Bill and Hannahs little side conversation is cute and all (get a room!)…
…but the facts are that Rabbit’s kicking your ass and you have no answers Bill.
In fact we’re looking at what 26 years of Republican domination has accomplished.
Absolute catastrophy everywhere…corruption run rampant…looting of the Treasury…destruction of the Middle Class.
Yep…heckuva job Billy!
@184 “What in the world is wrong with so many of you?”
Most of what’s here is plagiarized from rightwing web sites. Honestly Bill, are you so fucking dense that you don’t know who started the shit-flinging, or are you in major-league denial? Go fuck yourself, boy!
@197 Today’s your lucky day, Billieboy, because we’re offering the 2-for-the-price-of-1 special today!
Ann Coulter
Jonathan Gardner
Well, it says volumes, Hannah.
As I said earlier I only comment on HA a couple times a year just to comfirm how truly ugly the denizens of the far left are. I’m never disappointed.
Wouldn’t it be refreshing to have an honest political give and take? But no, lefties reward political discourse with “F” this and “F” that and things that I won’t print about how they’d like to treat my wife.
Goldie of course tolerates all of this.
It’s sad. But some good will come of the display of schoolyard childishness here and on almost every other leftist blog. Sane, decent people are sick to death of it. And they are about to vote these people into the history books.
Doesn’t matter what you all say or do now either…
The only way you’ll win this election is to steal it.
The voting public is too hip to the scams and is verrry pissed. I predict you will be shocked by the size of the Republican losses.
Bush has destroyed the Republican brand and McSame is not the guy who can save it.
RR I think you need to back up with facts for Bill…you usually do, just do your thing Roger….you are one of the few on here, who do back up your views with data. Unfortunately BBG, stoops to name calling when asked to provide facts. Most of what I have learned about polictics here and abroad, has been from people like yourself, providing links and quotes for me to research and read. Much appreciated. But data backs up all arguments, follow thru for Bill to see the data you can provide.
Hey Bill….pssssst….
…uhhhhh this is a LIBERAL blog, and uhhhh Goldy….well he’s a Liberal…
…not a liberal…but a LIBERAL!!!!!!
…oh and don’t look now, but uhhhh he swears too. On the blog. Check it out.
While we’re on the subject of hateful messages, here’s a gem from erstwhile GOP legislative candidate Mark Griswold, who got his ass kicked by Frank Chopp to the tune of 85% – 15%:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago.”
(Posted on Sucky Politics on 11/8/2006)
Not hard to figure out why people refused to vote for this turd — even those who normally buy the GOP label. Hoping for more dead Americans so your party will win isn’t exactly the best way to garner hearts and minds in a patriotic town like Seattle.
Bill, yes most of us are very sick of the finger pointing, name calling, slander that has been going on in politics for decades. It gets old and when the country is so divided, people will be thinking hard and long as to who, if anyone, can bring us back together. I think Obama has the best chance, he’s so new to politics, he hasn’t been completely poisoned yet, so to speak. Although, with Obama, comes some worries or “lack of experience”. McCain has the veteran experience and lately he seems to be molding into the more level headed man he needs to be to run for Prez, but his age is also a worry. I think we need someone who can unite and bring change, may people forget how united this country actually became (after how many decades?) the day of September 11, 2001. How nice it was to see the entire country standing together, undivided.
Oh and Hannah….most of us here KNOW what we’re talking about. We’ve done our research.
Do yours.
@197 “the most vile of commentary”
That would be those of you who impugned the patriotism of those of us who questioned the wisdom of your recreational war in Iraq.
It’s especially not a good idea around Vietnam Veterans like me who saw their buddies die for your freedom to be idiots.
Why didn’t you shitheels just debate the issue, and maybe say something like “we disagree with you” or “we think you’re wrong” or settled for calling us “commies” and left our patriotism out of it?
You bigmouths were strutting in ’03. Now you’re reaping what you sowed. No one — AND I MEAN NO ONE — attacks my patriotism. Memorize these words: That will never be forgotten, and it will never be forgiven. Never. Not as long as I live, not as long as you live, not after the sun burns up the earth 4 billion years from now. This indiscretion by you retarded fascist pigfuckers will keep on costing you for the rest of cosmic time.
@215 – I do alot of research, and read others links and data…I don’t, however, recall reading any researched links or data from you?
At least people like Roger, Daddy Love, John Barelli, GBS, Puddy, just to name a few, post their data to back up their views. It is very eye opening and refreshing.
Hm Bill all you have to do is give me your address if you want to see me. But don’t worry – given you used a telecommunications device to make a physical threat against me, I’ve forwarded this threat to the FBI. They’ll probably walk up your driveway before I can get there.
Threatening violence online Billo is a felony federal offense. Will you look good in orange? Only time will tell. Maybe you can get your republican pal Hannah to visit you. Meanwhile, I’ll take care of your wife for you.
Interesting story about our soldiers and their weapons:
They have had the no bid contract for 15 years. Amazing!
BTW Bill is it sinking in yet that we’re mad at you guys?
“Threatening violence online Billo is a felony federal offense”
WOW! Hope HA doesn’t get a subpoena, cuz they could find loads of threats from you BBG. Now that would be such karma. Threatening others, then when they in turn make threats back, you run to the FBI and low and behold, the FBI finds out you have made dozens of threats…hmmm
@201 Once again Hannah displays her wingnut plumage.
@222 Cuz I am voting Obama? Or should I not vote at all, which would make you happier?
@189 “And while you’re telling lies Roger how about backing up your earlier claim about Democrats ‘ending slavery’.”
I never said Democrats ended slavery. I said liberals ended slavery. The slaveowners were very conservative politically. They also had a bad attitude toward labor, just like modern conservatives do.
You should go back and re-read those earlier comments, Bill. There was no mention of Democrats or Republicans. You have a very short attention span. We were talking about “liberals.” Do you suffer from ADHD?
@204 Yeah, you seem like the type who hides behind a gun in your own house when someone insults you.
I’ll bet “come out and fight Billy!” was heard a lot in your neighborhood when you were growing up.
Gawd these wingnuts are dicks.
@209 “As I said earlier I only comment on HA a couple times a year”
(1) January – June
(2) July – December
@214 What makes you think we want to be “brought together” with those fuckwads? How about if we just euthanize them?*
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter gets huge applause from wingnut audiences for laugh lines like this, so I thought I’d try it and see if it’ll work for me, too.
Hannah sweetie, I really don’t feel like jumping through hoops on command for a denier like Cruchon who seems to want to pretend that the abolitionist movement was comprised of conservatives dedicated to social progress, better working conditions, and improving labor relations. I said liberals ended slavery and it’s up to him to rebut it if he disagrees with it.
Hannah my threats are simple – I threaten to call you (ie. Puddy) a traitor to your face. If that’s a felony bring it on. As for your pal Billo – he came right out and said he would harm me. That’s a crime. You do believe in the rule of law don’t you Hannah? Oh yeah – how’s that ignoring me going you stupid fucking cunt?
Way to go RR – Now watch Billo turn tail and run AGAIN since that’s all he’s done on this thread every time someone defeats him with facts.
Isn’t this fun RR? Of course it would be more fun if the right had something better than Billo or Hannah to throw at us – but we take what we can get.
Not only do democrats hand off a crappy economy when they leave office, they also leave behind trained terrorists.
The first Abolitionists were that bedrock-conservative group, the Quakers. You know — the anti-warmonger bunch.
Roger – understandable, but we all know that’s a hard fight for liberals to win, when the people who fought to end slavery and fought for civil rights were “conservatives” in name. So the typical conservative sees the name and the liberal name (back in the 50’s-70’s) going against the civil rights movement. It is hard to prove those “conservatives” were actually the “liberals” and vice versa.
@219 The rifles we had in Nam were crap, too. I went through 2 of them in 13 months, and neither of them ever fired an entire 30-round magazine before jamming.
@235 – what kind of rifle did you use back then? Were they similar to the current rifles?
@231 “we take what we can get”
ain’t that the truth
@234 “So the typical conservative sees the name and the liberal name (back in the 50’s-70’s) going against the civil rights movement.”
Holy christmas, were you even alive in the 50s – 70s? The civil rights movement was the liberal cause celebre of the era! The angry white guys beating up civil rights marchers with baseball bats were the same fucking redneck bunch who vote Republican today.
What’s confusing you is party labels. Lincoln was a Republican, so for the next 100 years the angry (and defeated) southerners were Democrats. Nominally, that is. There was a huge difference between southern Democrats and the rest of the party. And for over 100 years, both parties had conservative and liberal wings. But then neocons hijacked the GOP and ran off all the true conservatives, liberals, and moderates, and turned the GOP into a radical anti-government movement whose aim was to overthrow the established political order, very much like the SDS was in the ’60s.
Liberals have always been in favor of enlightened labor policies. Abolition was a quintessentially liberal idea. Going to war to preserve slavery was a fundamentally conservative act.
@238 – tell that to an old school republican, that their people in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s were actually democrats in disguise. The republicans of those years were pro civil rights, and those still around, all my grandparents, great grandparents and great aunts/uncles who were all from that era and most of them were “republican” then and still are now. The few that are “democrat” were then and still are now and they all tell a different view of the movements.
It is wierd to me, my die hard republican family members, who have been reps since the 50’s, still are and still have the same ideas and concepts and even would STILL vote for reps???? Granted, some do not agree with GWB, but they will still vote McCain even if he is tied to GWB, its that diehard conservative republican mentality, they have followed for 60+ years…just wierd to me after seeing the fall of GWB.
@236 M-16. I believe there are significant similarities, the salient ones being complex design, close machining tolerances, and not enough clearance between bolt and chamber for the particles of mud, grit, sand, and dirt that always get into your weapon in any combat environment; and use of a small-bore bullet that relies on high velocity for effectiveness.
The communist world has a very different design philosophy. Their rifles are made from cheap stamped parts as much as possible, and the actions have sloppy tolerances. They can be filthy but will still fire. They also employ a larger caliber bullet with a slower muzzle velocity.
Between the two rifle types, the commies clearly have the superior design. You talk to any SEAL or Green Beret or Army Ranger and he’ll probably tell you that he’d rather carry an AK-47 than an M-16 or its current derivatives. The 16 and its progeny is, and always has been, an expensive over-machined unreliable piece of shit. When the damn thing does fire, if you hit an enemy fighter with it, the .223 round will tumble end over end and tear huge holes in his body but it has almost no knock-down power and the fucker will keep shooting at you until he bleeds to death on his feet. You hit someone with an AK round, he goes down.
What you want from a combat rifle is not killing power but knockdown power. What is material to your survival is whether it takes 1/100th of a second or 10 seconds for the other guy to stop shooting at you after you drill him. In this respect, caliber is everything. Large-caliber bullets knock people down, small-caliber bullets don’t, it’s that simple. The commies got this right and our own government fucked it up, and continues to fuck it up.
For a hand-to-hand brawl in the back of a 5-ton truck full of high-explosive artillery rounds, I preferred a 12-gauge loaded with 0-0 buckshot. That’s what I always carried when I was guarding truck drivers on Vietnam’s dangerous roads. Sure, I had a 16 too, but that was just for inspection. For fighting, I carried the shotgun and a couple of frags.
@241 – every 1 millionth of a second counts when it comes to firing a rifle and having a misfire. Do you think the rifles we equip our soldiers with are more accurate and have less issues? Should we be looking to German rifles? I have zero experience with guns, except the bit the guys tout to me over the years, so I have no idea what’s good or bad performance when it comes to rifles.
@239 The words “Democrat” and “Republican” were never used in my discussion with Cruchon, Hannah. I said liberals freed the slaves and he asked me to prove it. Well, I’m not a dog that jumps through hoops because he says so. If he disagrees, let him rebut it. He didn’t. Instead, he came back with some bullshit claim that I said Democrats freed the slaves. I said no such thing. A certain breed of Democrats were the bad guys for the next 100 years. All the bedsheeted KKK terrorists who lynched blacks in the 20s and 30s were Democrats, but they were not liberals by any stretch of wingnut imagination. Thank God they changed their party affiliation and are Republicans now because we sure as hell don’t want their ilk in our party. The fact our party harbored them for a century is an indelible stain on our party’s history.
@240 GWB has fallen? Last time I checked, he was still fucking up the whole goddam world.
Today, the descendants of southern racists are a core GOP constituency, and in the 2008 election the redneck rural south will be the only geographic region the GOP can count on with certitude.
@241 If I had to go into combat with my choice of weapon, I would choose a Russian-made AK-47 for most applications. There are situations where I would rather fight with a shotgun, a greasegun, or grenades. But if I can put a little space between me and the badguys, my most favorite weapon of all is a radio. I was trained to be a forward observer, so I know how to call in the corrections.
You are a nation if you have artillery, and you are not if you don’t.
Stated another way, artillery lends dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl.
Democrats make excuses for the worst president ever(Carter) but will not tell the truth that Clinton (and mostly at fault) started the recession of March 2001. Typical. Democrats always blame others for their incompetence. roof roof.
Carter is not even close to being the worst president ever. Funny how you blame Clinton for Bush’s economy when the economic deterioration set in from almost the moment Bush took office. What Bush did inherit from Clinton was a modern up-to-date military in which Clinton made huge investments after the military spending cuts of George H.W. Bush.
What Bush did inherit from Clinton was a modern up-to-date military in which Clinton made huge investments after the military spending cuts of George H.W. Bush.
Bush inherited almost four months of a recession and 20 trained killer terrorists who learned how to take off in a 757 but not land. Thanks Clinton.
Carter may not have been the most successful president, but he was a decent man. You can argue, if you wish, that he would have made a better pope than president. But George W. Bush is not only the worst president of all time, he also has the worst character of anyone to occupy the office in the last 100 years. And he surely ranks among the dumbest. I can’t think of a single thing he has done right.
@250 By way of correcting your lame attempt at revisionist history, the recession started after Bush was in office, and Bush (and his advisers) ignored Clinton officials’ warnings about al Qaeda because they were focused on enacting tax cuts for the rich. 9/11 was preventable, and the Bushies dropped the ball so badly their actions amount to criminal negligence.
@250 By way of correcting your lame attempt at revisionist history, the recession started after Bush was in office,
Started March of 2001. In order to have a recession you must have 6 straight month of declining GNP. So it must have started October of 2000…. Clinton was in office most of the time between October 1 ,2000 and March 31, 2001. Nice try rabbit.
Great catch-
Rog has a bad case of “selective Alzheimer’s”!!
I see that the yapping miniature poodle is repeating the lame argument that I’ve already debunked before, and Mr. Cynical is lapping it up like an eager chihuahua.
The facts:
In other words, GDP growth peaked in March of 2001. That it constituted a recession is due to the fact that the trough occurred the following November.
More details here.
Yapping Miniature Poodle @ 248
I thank you for demonstrating the wingnut’s proclivity for begging the question (though, I should admit, that begging really is a dog’s forté).
The way the argument usually goes is this:
Wingnut claims that Carter is the worst president ever;
Liberal points out several presidents who were, by several objective measures, worse than Carter (many of those presidents being conservatives);
Conservative accuses liberal of defending the worst president ever.
The circularity of the wingnut argument gives new meaning to the word “spin”.
@ 243
The wingnut canard about 60’s civil rights legislation is particularly amusing for two reasons.
First, the fact that the issue was divisive on regional bounds seems to get lost in wingnut memories. If one examines voting records based on regional statistics, however, a higher percentage of southern Democrats supported the legislation than did southern Republicans. The same was true regarding northern Democrats vis-a-vis northern Republicans.
This point is borne out by the fact that the southern states are now largely red states as opposed to the Democratic stronghold that they used to be. We’re supposed to believe that all of those southern voters switched from voting for Democrats to voting for Republicans because the Republican Party, supposedly, favored civil rights legislation more than the Democratic party. Right.
Second, while one can bring up individual Democrats who were significantly racist, one can also bring up individual Republicans who were significantly racist. David Duke is an interesting case in point. Several times, he ran for office as a Democrat, but it wasn’t until he ran for office as a Republican that he actually got elected to office.
The point of bringing up individuals is really little more than a thinly veiled effort to detract from any discussion of which party’s favored policies are distinctly racist, because there is little doubt which party’s policies have a greater negative impact on minorities of nearly all stripes.
This is a wingnut pattern: engage in a variety of rhetorical devices designed specifically to avoid having to debate specific policy issues on their merits. When have we seen wingnuts engage in such a debate? And when they do, as is the case in this thread with respect of private vs. public school expenditures, they get their buts kicked in rather spectacular fashion.
The period from a peak to a trough is a recession and the period from a trough to a peak is an expansion. According to the chronology, the most recent peak occurred in March 2001,
So then you are saying the economy peaked on Bush’s watch. That makes sense. Thanks Don!
You see Don, you lefties want it both ways. You want to say that the recession was all Bushes fault but if you do then you have to admit the economy peaked under his watch. Of course I think all of this is silly, but you guys started it. roof roof.
Classic liberal logic blames Carters disastrous economy on a president who was booted out of office 6 years earlier but blames Bush for a recession which occurred before he could assemble his staff.
This is a wingnut pattern: engage in a variety of rhetorical devices designed specifically to avoid having to debate specific policy issues on their merits. When have we seen wingnuts engage in such a debate? And when they do, as is the case in this thread with respect of private vs. public school expenditures, they get their buts kicked in rather spectacular fashion.
Dream on. Public schools will never be able to compete with private schools when it comes to value or price. I gave you an example of a school which was sustantially less than public schools. We don’t need to debate which is better. The Seattle public schools are a disaster…. Everyone knows that.
“So then you are saying the economy peaked on Bush’s watch.”
Yup. Which means, during Bush’s watch, the economy stopped growing. In fact, during Bush’s watch, the longest-running period of economic expansion came to a halt.
“Public schools will never be able to compete with private schools when it comes to value or price.”
Well, except for the fact that the data we’ve unearthed in this thread shows otherwise. I should point out that you have not provided any performance data for the one low-cost Montessori school (which only goes through grade 8), nor have you made any attempt to adjust the performance data to account for the fact that private schools have the luxury of selecting which students they will choose to accept.
In short, the only people who “know” that private schools offer a better value are those who have reached that conclusion either in the absence of probative data or, in many cases, despite data to the contrary.
But, thank you for playing. I predict that you’ll keep asserting the claim, and that you’ll not ever produce sufficient data to prove your claim to be true.
This one deserves it’s own special response:
“Classic liberal logic blames Carters disastrous economy on a president who was booted out of office 6 years earlier but blames Bush for a recession which occurred before he could assemble his staff.”
That’s not reflective of flawed liberal reasoning. Rather, it’s reflective of just how badly (in the case of Nixon) and how rapidly (in the case of Bush II) Republicans can screw up our economy.
So then you are saying the economy peaked on Bush’s watch.”
Yup. Which means, during Bush’s watch, the economy stopped growing. In fact, during Bush’s watch, the longest-running period of economic expansion came to a halt.
I think he did fairly well. He inherited 20 trained terrorist who put the economy in a tail spin in 2001. We pulled out of it. Yes the economy is not doing well now, but it was worse in 2000.
Rather, it’s reflective of just how badly (in the case of Nixon)
Well it took a republican to fix it. Carter sure the hell didn’t come close. hehehehe
“I think he did fairly well. He inherited 20 trained terrorist who put the economy in a tail spin in 2001.”
The tailspin started five months before 9/11, and pulled out of that tailspin less than three months later. 9/11 was a psychological blip that really had little to do with the what the economy was like in 2001.
Where we are now is a direct result of some of the most ridiculous policies this side of Warren G. Harding. More importantly, the entire sub-prime fiasco is a direct result of an implementation of the Republican ideal of laissez-fair capitalism: bankers and investors chasing profits in high risk ventures–the consequences be damned.
The point is not about Bush. The point, if we’re to fully understand what’s happening now, is the literal bankruptcy of Republican economic ideas.
“‘Rather, it’s reflective of just how badly (in the case of Nixon)’
Well it took a republican to fix it. Carter sure the hell didn’t come close. ”
Actually, it was Carter who appointed Volker as chairman of the Fed, and it was that appointment, more than anything else, that resolved the problem of inflation.
And, let’s not forget Nixon’s price and wage controls and Ford’s “Whip Inflation Now” buttons. The combined effects of Nixon’s disastrous policies and Ford’s feckless lack of any policies left a mess too large for anyone to clean up within the span of a single presidential term.
Those who want to call Carter the worst president ever have to be some of the most blatant sufferers of convenient amnesia on the planet.
Well it took a republican to fix it. Carter sure the hell didn’t come close. ”
Actually, it was Carter who appointed Volker as chairman of the Fed, and it was that appointment, more than anything else, that resolved the problem of inflation.
Actually it had more to do with Reagan and his tax and monterary policy that took effect during the early days in his office. The problem was rampant inflation which was halted by the tightening of the money supply. This caused a sever recession from 1981 through 1983 (just asked Chrysler). In 1982 Reagan enacted the ACRS tax policy which excelerated depreciation write offs for business. He also lowered the top tax rates from 70% to 28%. This gave industry and small business an incentive to reinvest in capital goods. By the end of 1983 to 1984 the economy turned and by 1985 it was a rocket. Carter had little or nothing to do with this. Nice try though. roof roof.
The point is not about Bush. The point, if we’re to fully understand what’s happening now, is the literal bankruptcy of Republican economic ideas.
If anything republicans have proved that their economic policies work. Tax cuts work everytime they are tried.
“Actually it had more to do with Reagan and his tax and monterary policy that took effect during the early days in his office.”
See, this is the kind of revisionist history for which you idiots have become famous. The monetary policy part was Volker, not Reagan. And, as I pointed out, Carter is the one who appointed Volker.
“If anything republicans have proved that their economic policies work. Tax cuts work everytime they are tried.”
Ah, yes. The Republican remedy for everything. Cut taxes. Unfortunately, for both Bush tax cuts, the facts don’t agree with the Republican fantasy.
In short, the only people who “know” that private schools offer a better value are those who have reached that conclusion either in the absence of probative data or, in many cases, despite data to the contrary.
You dont have to look find data that proves private schools are better value than public screwels. The one that stands out the most is that nearly 40% of the parents by-pass public education in Seattle and send their kids to private schools. No only are they losing out on the oppertunity cost of a free public education valued at $8,999 (Will use the liberal lie amount in this case) but they spend 9k out of their own pocket to send them to private school. So the real cost to those parents are 18k. Yikes. The only reason more parent don’t send their kids to private school is because they can’t afford it. All this so that the liberals can have a convinient outlet to indoctrinate children.
See, this is the kind of revisionist history for which you idiots have become famous. The monetary policy part was Volker, not Reagan. And, as I pointed out, Carter is the one who appointed Volker.
Well if Carter took office in January of 1977 and hired Volker than why didn’t he do the same thing as Reagan?? Why was inflation still rampant in late 1980 but was under control in 1981? He had him long enought right?
“You dont have to look find data that proves private schools are better value than public screwels. The one that stands out the most is that nearly 40% of the parents by-pass public education in Seattle and send their kids to private schools.”
Oh, there’s little doubt that folks who choose to send their children to private schools rather than public schools believe that private schools offer a better value. The question is whether or not that belief is justified by actual data. I rather strongly suspect that most of those parents “know” things the same way you “know” things.
“Well if Carter took office in January of 1977 and hired Volker than why didn’t he do the same thing as Reagan?? Why was inflation still rampant in late 1980 but was under control in 1981? He had him long enought right?”
Carter didn’t appoint Volker until August of 1979, and, when it comes to reigning in the money supply, it’s generally not a good idea to do so very rapidly. Do it too quickly and you end up with more than a recession.
By the way, you claimed that tax cuts always work. Interesting that the 1978 tax cut didn’t seem to work. More interesting, still, is the predicted doom and gloom that didn’t follow the Bush I and Clinton tax increases.
But, hey, don’t let a few facts get in the way of a perfectly good fantasy.
Oh, there’s little doubt that folks who choose to send their children to private schools rather than public schools believe that private schools offer a better value. The question is whether or not that belief is justified by actual data. I rather strongly suspect that most of those parents “know” things the same way you “know” things.
04/21/2008 at 11:48 pm
Oh, you must be referring to those unbiased studies comparing a 1st year charter school in the inner city for troubled kids to a public school in Bererly hills conducted by your liberals cronies. You have a right to your opinion but when it comes to kids I trust their parents a whole lot more then any study you might dig up. Most resonable people would also, of course when have liberals ever been reasonable.
So I am assuming that if you believe that Volker was soley responsible for our economy of the mid 80’s then you would be consistant and say that Greenspan (A Reagan appointee) was responsible for our economy in the 90’s. Right?