A heartfelt thanks to the 74 readers who have donated $4,335 to our second annual HA Pledge Week. But while that already surpasses last year’s $4,044 total we’re still far short of our 150 donor/$6,000 goal, six days into the drive.
If I’m at all disappointed it is with the total number of donations, still less than half this year’s target and 32 shy of last year’s total of 106 contributions. It is only through the extraordinary generosity of the donors thus far — averaging almost $59 per contribution — that Pledge Week hasn’t proven to be a bust. I suppose I shouldn’t be picky, but I had hoped for a broader base of readers to show their support.
But there’s still time. Last year a flood of $5, $10 and $20 donations helped put us over the top, and I’m hoping you ride to the rescue this year as well. Please show your support for local progressive media and help me take HA to the next level. Please give today.
When does your pledge drive end?
Why American Troops In Iraq Commit Atrocities
“More Convicted Felons Allowed to Enlist
“WASHINGTON (April 21) – Under pressure to meet combat needs, the Army and Marine Corps brought in significantly more recruits with felony convictions last year than in 2006, including some with manslaughter and sex crime convictions.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://news.aol.com/story/_a/m.....3209990001
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m sure it’s comforting to Iraqis that we’re emptying our prisons into their neighborhoods. Waaaytagooo wingfucks!!!
We’re over halfway there in total contributors. Finally!
C’mon folks. How about a “surge” of $5/$10 contributions?
The point about a P.O. Box is well taken.
Contact Goldy by e-mail and he will provide.