Less than two days left in our annual pledge week and we’ve raised a respectable amount of money, though we’re still far short of our 150 donor/$6,000 target. A huge thanks to the 67 of you who have donated $3,690 thus far.
The righty trolls in the comment threads like to accuse me of being a deadbeat, derisively pointing to this fund drive as proof positive. But what I really am is an entrepreneur, if with an admittedly shaky business plan: asking you to choose to help pay for a service you obviously find valuable. Prove me right, and them wrong; please give today.
It’s the right wing turds who are the deadbeats. They come here to spread their cowardly swill but don’t pay their share. Just like they send other people’s kids to die in Iraq and don’t pay the bill – leaving it for four or five generations from now to pay.
speaking of cowards.how is all mouth and no action today.
You seem like a pretty knowledgeable guy when it comes to this computer and Internet stuff. Have you thought of getting a regular job? Obviously, you can’t make much doing this stuff, and you’ve got to think about your retirement funding. Social security ain’t gonna cut it for your golden years, so, unless you’re sitting on one helluva an IRA, you need to think about getting a permanent gig that will help you save towards retirement.
Goldy…sorry it took me a few days! Good luck in the final quest here! Someday HA will be big enough for you to live comfortably off advertising…in the mean time, I donated to the cause and hope it helps you some over the next few months! :)
Goldy – I see you didn’t buy the advice I gave you yesterday about getting some marketable skills and working your ass off for 30 years or so. So try this…
Being a social parasite with no real marketable skills makes you a perfect candidate for a gummint job. I mean… ANYBODY can get a gummint job, and once you’re on, you’re set for life. Guaranteed job security, and no requirement to actually do anything unless you feel like it for some reason.
You’re big buddies with Ron Sims. Why don’t you setup a meeting with him and ask him to hire you. Since you fancy yourself a “wonk”, you could get a job just “wonking”. You could pontificate about the evils of capitalism, the beauty of marxism, how there’s no such thing as private property, why some people should get special privileges based on who they fuck, global warming, gun control, and a whole host of left wing causes.
Try it. Can’t hurt to ask…
My ability to donate much has truely been demolished by the massive taxation and new fee suck ups this state has enacted in the last four years. It has cost me and my household thousands per year, year after year going forward.
But having said that, I also do find Goldy to be a very unique citizen for your type, and think you folks of like thinking here at this site need to get off your royal duff and show some real $$$ support for him.
You think this site just happens?
He’s raising a daughter and keeping you all afloat, so Especially go to task for him…DUH!
Those politicians such as Darcy Burner, Ron Sims, Christine Gregoire, and Greg Nicholes and many of the hundreds of thousands of GuvMent that work under them need to be putting Goldy on Track here.
So Put it up … !
In the future you shouldn’t set a time – just call it a pledge drive. Then eventually you’ll reach the goal and can easily declare victory.
Wow, who knew the righties were such a bunch of concern trolls. Tell me, fellas, when was the last time Goldy told you to sell your SUVs and take the bus? Oh, that’s right – he never has. It’s surprising (or maybe not) to read all of these manly men who are so critical of others telling them what to do all tell Goldy how he should raise his daughter, earn his living, plan for retirement, etc. Just stupendous.
Oh I know it is tough for you to see that some conservatives actually have a heart, there are you know a “thousand points of light” with us conservatives.
And especially thanks for calling me out for wishing Goldy well in his pledge week!
I hope you’ll actually plop a few hundred more $’s in his bucket as a result of me.
So thanks for tearing into me, and for not noticing that I was actually wishing Goldy well in his $$$ Drive and life long ventures with his family.
Gees no wonder……………….
Mark @5 is the poster child for the HA fundraising department! At least he’s finally taking my advice about how to properly heckle the bloggers! Good job, your food pellet in the mail!
I’m still not sure how Goldy is going to report the income from his fund-raising venture. Based on what he says it is for, it’s income.
Goldy, are you going to pay 15%+ self-employment tax on this?
Are you going to pay income tax on it (if you earn enough to pay taxes)?
Soliciting gifts in exchange for a service provided (this Blog) is taxable income Goldy.
Don’t tell me you are going to cheat!!
Guys like me pay the majority of taxes.
Guys like Goldy pay nothing & bitch & moan.
You are not a Non-Profit Goldy.
Please tell us you are going to pay the taxes!
B&O Taxes Too!
Goldy can do whatever he wants to do, but the advice is free, even from the non-aligned guys like me. Goldy has to take the responsibility for how his gig turns out. I just want to give some good advice as I don’t think anyone can make a living being a blogger.
Anyone counting on social security only for his or her retirement is looking forward to a pretty bleak retirement. That’s why it’s soooo improtant to have other sources of retirement funding. After all, Wal-Mart can’t employ 50 million boby-boomer greeters at their stores!
If Goldy wanted to cheat on his taxes I’d bet my bottom dollar that Mr. Cynical would be the guy who could tell him how to do it. Republicans invented cheating on taxes.
“Republicans invented cheating on taxes.”
I can’t wait to hear your proof of this comment! People who get W-2’s and 1099’s for all their income have a pretty tough time cheating dude.
However, on “calls for cash” like this, there is no other reporting to the government. It’s an honesty test.
Many people overpay taxes out of fear of the IRS.
Some “Progressive” communities are actually promoting tax cheating thru a Town Dollar barter system. The fact is, you must report the Fair Market Value of anything you receive in exchange for your business services.
A plumber who barters with his attorney neighbor for legal services in exchange for a new toilet installed in his house has taxable income. So does the Lawyer.
These “Progressives” who are promoting this. when confronted, pretend how folks handle their taxes on these schemes is not their concern. WOW!
Is Cash for Blog Guy services taxable to Blog Guy?? Honesty test.