Three days into HA’s Second Annual Pledge Week we’re almost halfway toward our $6,000 target and a third of the way toward our goal of 150 contributors. A big thanks to all of you who have given thus far.
But as great as the response has been we’re heading into a slow weekend, and we’re still a long way off, so I’m hoping a lot more of you will pull out your credit cards and chip in. A little over $30 a person from 101 more contributors will get us past both our targets… is that so much to ask in support of a blog that has become a regular part of your daily routine and a critical part of our local progressive media infrastructure?
This morning I posted a preview of the The Ti-Po, a snarky review of Seattle’s two dailies, just one of many new features we’re developing for the expanded HA. Your contributions make this work possible, so thank you in advance for giving whatever you can today.
Hey Goldy, not going to get a snail mail address for us trolls to mail to?
Marvin Stamn,
You can always try this:
David (Goldy) Goldstein
c/o The Montlake Ale House
2307 24th Ave E
Seattle, Washington 98112
They’ll get it to him.
An extra ration of Pledge Week Brownie Points and a pint of Montlake ale to the winner of this week’s quiz …
Eldridge Cleaver said this: “I had seen that face so many times before — hard, bitter, scurvy — all those things I had seen in his face on the bodies of nighttime burglers who had been in prison for at least ten years.”
About whose face was he speaking?
[] A. Richard Nixon
[] B. Jimmy Hoffa
[] C. Attorney General John Mitchell
[] D. Pat Paulsen, 1968 pres candidate of the Stag Party, and the most issues-averse candidate prior to Barack Obama
Answer in current issue of The Atlantic, several pages after the scurvy face of Al Franken and several pages after a photo of Seattle’s kool Koolhaus library, a $170,000,000 monument to the edifice complex of Deborah Jacobs.
The best way to ensure Goldy receives a snail-mailed donation is to mail it to a bar?
Troll @ 4,
“The best way to ensure Goldy receives a snail-mailed donation is to mail it to a bar?”
Yes. Of course. With all those bills piling up, Goldy has something of an avoidance relationship with his mailbox….
Troll @4,
And believe it or not, I don’t particularly want to publish my address on the Internet. That said, it’s not like I’m unlisted. If somebody wants to send me a check, drop me an email and I’ll give you my address.