Between helping a friend move on Sunday and playing goalie in my co-rec soccer game last night, I’ve been doing a lot of standing in the rain recently. And that can only mean one thing. Summer is over and it’s time for the baseball playoffs. Here’s some history behind the four playoff matchups:
National League
Chicago Cubs vs. Arizona Diamondbacks
The Cubs were formed in 1870 as the Chicago White Stockings. Also in 1870, the newly named town of Phoenix purchased a 320 acre lot of land that eventually became the city’s business downtown. The last time the Cubs won the World Series, in 1908, the population of Phoenix was around 10,000. In 1915, the Cubs’ new home, Wrigley Field could hold 18,000 spectators. Today it seats 41,000, much fewer than the population of Phoenix, which thanks to the invention of air conditioning, has 1.5 million people, and its own team.
Philadelphia Phillies vs. Colorado Rockies
The Phillies were formed in 1883 and were originally called the Quakers. At the same time in Denver, a con-artist named “Soapy” Smith was able to corrupt officials in the quickly growing capital of the new state of Colorado with the money he made from his infamous soap scam. When the Phillies won their only ever World Series in 1980, the Colorado Rockies were still a hockey team. The Phillies won the NL East Division title this year for the first second time since 1983, the year after the old Colorado Rockies moved to New Jersey and became the Devils, and 10 years before the baseball Rockies were born.
American League
Boston Red Sox vs. LA Angels of Anaheim
The Red Sox were founded at the beginning of the American League in 1901 as the Boston Americans. At that time, Anaheim was a small farming community. In 1920, Red Sox owner Harry Frazee sold Babe Ruth to the Yankees, allegedly to finance a Broadway play. This action would curse the team for 84 years until they won the World Series in 2004. In 1924, the Ku Klax Klan secretly won 4 of the 5 seats on the city of Anaheim’s Board of Trustees. This action cursed the city of Anaheim for 78 years until 2002, when the Angels won their first World Series. The following year, a Mexican-American named Arte Moreno bought the Angels, changed the name to the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, and began trying to market the team to Hispanic fans. Since that bit of beautiful karma, even Anaheim’s NHL team has been good.
New York Yankees vs. Cleveland Indians
The Yankees and the Indians were both founded at the beginning of the American League in 1901. The Yankees were originally the Baltimore Orioles for two years before the owners were able to move the team to New York. There they were first called the Highlanders because their home field was on a hill. They didn’t become the Yankees until moving to the Polo Grounds in 1913. The Indians also went through a number of name changes. They started as the Cleveland Blues in 1901, but became the Bronchos (1902), the Naps (1903), the Molly McGuires (1909), and finally the Indians in 1911 after the city was allowed to vote on a name. Since then, the success of the Yankees and the Indians baseball teams has pretty much paralleled the fortunes of Yankees and Indians in this country as a whole.
Glad to see that Lee is a fan…And a compendium of almost TMI ancient baseball history in the days before rubber cleats and the profane designated hitter rule.
Do you have any predictions?
BTW…the worst thing the Walt Disney Co. ever did was buy the Angels. It was bad for Disney, bad for the Angels, bad for baseball, and, last but not least, bad for the schmucks who had the misfortune of being Disney shareholders at the time.
I wouldn’t mind seeing the Cubs advance if only to hope for a Lountrum. When he was still managing the Mariners, my #2 son and I happened to be seated in the Avaya Club on the second level and third base side of home plate. I’d gotten the tickets as a fee for piping. The seats were right on the rail, and that was the night Lou threw the tantrum to end all tantrums. Baseball at its finest!
As an aside (I haven’t asided in a while), when I was a young boy in the late 50’s and very early 60’s, I lived in Phoenix, and, as a reward for being a school crossing guard, I would go with similarly militaristic kids to watch Cubbie spring training. Those were the days of Ernie Banks and Tacoma’s Ron Santo. Great games. The Red Sox were there, too, and I believe the played each other from time to time.
Since the thread is open…is Steve Kelly right? Is keeping Bavasi a bad idea?
Please…dump Jeff Weaver, and no Barry Bonds!
The Piper
I’m a Phillies fan, and my 89 year old grandfather predicted in March that they’d go all the way this year (and he’s never predicted that before, I swear). So it’s a done deal. They’re taking it. :)
I love that Cleveland named itself after one of their players. I sort of wonder if the Penguins could have paid Mario Lemieux less if they agreed to pay him.
You’re not saying that for Jamie Moyer’s sake, are you? It’s not as though he’ll give you a discount on a new windshield or anthing.
For me? Anybody but the Yankees. Like Notre Dame football, you either love the Yankees or hate the Yankees, and growing up in the 50’s and 60’s, I grew to hate the bully Yankees.
HA regulars who root for underdogs should keep this in mind.
My oldest son, the staff sergeant, is furious at the Mets’ collapse. A highlight of his life was when he was 11-years old, and he and #2 son visited my sister who lives in NYC, and they got to see both a Mets’ and a Yankees’ (#2’s then-favorite…I’m not a perfect father) game. He’s 30-years old now, but he still has the Mets cap and jacket he wore to that game.
Sadly, right now he’s sitting in Germany heartbroken at this betrayal by his team. Shades of Marv Throneberry and Casey Stengal’s immortal description of the Mets, “Can’t anybody here play this game?”
The Piper
You’re not saying that for Jamie Moyer’s sake, are you?
Nope, I’m a Philly native. I was in 3rd grade when they lost to the O’s in the World Series and I watched Joe Carter’s fateful home run in 1993 in a dorm lounge as I started college.
Moyer is a Philly native as well, and in fact, his older sister was my music teacher in 7th grade (and he was already in the major leagues by then, that guy has been around forever).
Also, my father’s family is entirely from NY, but they’re all Mets fans (former Dodgers fans). The Mets collapse was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.
You’re not saying that just to spite me, are you? Remember…it’s my serving-our-nation son who’s the Mets fan, not me. Just ’cause it served your Phillies fantasy!
I still harbor a fondness for the Pittsburgh Pirates dating from their 1960 championship season. No finer baseball player EVER than Roberto Clemente. And Dick Groat, Vern Law, Bill Mazerowski (walk off homerun to win game 7 against the hated Yankees), gruff old manager Danny Murtaugh, and my favorite, catcher Smokey Burgess.
Used to follow the Dodgers when I was a boy since L.A. was the major league team of choice for Arizonans. The 1959 World Series victory over the White Sox was heard throughout Grandview Elementary School, and especially in Mr. Blood’s 5th-grade class. Koufax, Drysdale, Wally Moon, Duke Snider, Johnny Podres, John Roseboro, and manager, Walter Alston.
Union 76 had a promotion that year where you could get a print of a painting of each Dodger with a new one every week. Got them all…
Baseball unites all Americans…It’s ingrained into our collective gene pool.
The Piper
Geez, the attack on Limbaugh sure is backfiring on you guys. Media matters has been exposed as nothing more than a HRC front group. Reid and Murtha have been exposed (again) as a fucking liars and hacks. I guess when you can’t win in the arena of ideas, you have to do personal attacks.
Clinton perfected the art of lying… you guys gotta learn from him. What ya gotta do when ya lie, is to do it in a way that can’t be easily refuted. Limbaugh put the tape on his website for everyone to hear.
But that’s OK… your platform of Surrender and Socialism is a sure winner.
What? Shouldn’t you be holding a sign on a street corner right now muttering to yourself and trying to keep your sweatpants from falling down?
“The Cubs were formed in 1870 as the Chicago White Stockings.”
And haven’t won a game since.
Hef’s Bunnies your team in the race?
The Piper
The Phillies won the NL East Division title this year for the first time since 1983
That should be 1993:
Errors and amplification:When it opened in 1914, what we now call Wrigley Field was Weeghman Park, home of the Federal League’s Chicago Whales. The Cubs played at the West Side Grounds until the Feds folded after the 1915 season.Shame on you for forgetting that our Phillies also won the NL East (and went to the World Series) in 1993. That’s the Dykstra/Daulton/Kruk/Schilling club, the one with *%#@!& Mitch Williams as their closer.The Harry Frazee No, No, Nanette thing is a total canard. Frazee produced three other Broadway plays between the Ruth sale and the opening of No, No, Nanette nearly six years later.The Indian after whom the Cleveland franchise was allegedly (but not actually) named was Lou Sockalexis, a Penobscot who was (erroneously) thought to have been the first Indian major leaguer.The Cleveland franchise changed its name to Indians in 1915, not 1911.Otherwise, GO PHILLIES!!!!
Grrrr… My “unordered list” HTML didn’t work.
Thanks, either ESPN got this wrong too, or my eyesight is going and I couldn’t tell 1983 from 1993 on the ticker (and for some reason I thought 1993 was after they added the wild card – and that the Phillies were the wild card).
and for some reason I thought 1993 was after they added the wild card – and that the Phillies were the wild card
That was just Mitch Williams.
Rub it in, Another TJ.
Williams was, quite literally, the wildest pitcher in major league history. He walked 544 batters in 691.1 innings, an average of 7.1 per 9 innings. I always wondered why any batter ever took a swing against him. The likelihood that he could put three pitches in the strike zone before he threw four that missed was really, really low.
The surest of sure things — when Rickey Henderson led off the bottom of the 9th of Game 6 of the 1993 Series against Williams, he drew a base on balls.
It’s gotta be the Cubs and the Sox in the Series.
Pardon this intrusion into your baseball reverie. Re our still to be definitized bet: I have nothing against Hopelite. If you win, feel free to donate my $100 to them, no regrets on my part. Win some. Lose some.
However, I prefer cash–held by a 3rd party. Cash is the medium of most gambling activities, for very good reasons I might add.
Is the wager a go or a no-go? In or out?
Old money would go with Phillies/Cubs in NL finals, and NYY/Indians in AL. New money should hope for some sort of cross-country split so that games are played in East and West (better for tv schedules), therefore a Cleveland/ LAA and AZ vs Cubs seems something to cheer for. Can’t accept any team from a city that has a port on the Atlantic Ocean.
Maybe…but the scariest pitcher ever in MLB was Ryne Duren who was so blind some say he couldn’t legally drive. He was a fastball pitching reliever who hit not only batters, but guys waiting in the on-deck circle. Read about him at
That he pitched for the Yankees makes him the enemy. He did, though, also pitch for Philadelphia. No accounting for taste.
The Piper
Careful…given that this is a baseball thread, you should know that this is how Pete Rose got started.
BTW…I think that if MLB let a guy like Ty Cobb in the Hall of Fame, Pete Rose, scummy bugger that he is, deserves to be there, too.
And it’s Hopelink…Learn about it at
You want it straight up or odds? But to keep it clean, winnings go to Hopelink.
BTW…I don’t bet often, but I’ve never welched on a bet; I’m a conservative, not a chisler.
The Piper
Oh yes, Piper, I know about Duren. Can’t say I was even in the ballpark to see him pitch during his Phillies career, but I certainly saw more than a few games at Connie Mack in 1963 and 1965.
Every time he came into a game, the phrase “Coke-bottle glasses” wafted across the airwaves. That he was an alcoholic didn’t help his control either.
Control? He had control? I never knew…
Had they been around when he played, Attends would have sold like hotcakes to batters so scared to face him that they oopsed their flannels.
As far as his drinking? Just one more Yankee making it through the day…
The Piper
Re: P*** R***
No, no, a thousand times no. R*** broke the most important rule of the game, shamelessly, repeatedly, and knowingly. For that, he amply and fully deserves baseball’s equivalent of the death penalty. No matter what reprehensible activities a baseball man may have participated in (Cobb’s sadistic violence, Anson’s abject racism, Speaker’s KKK membership, etc.), they all pale by comparison within the baseball context.
Always keepa you eye on de ball! You canna play if you no keepa you eye on de ball!
And Steve Howe got how many chances after being busted with drugs how many times?
Barry Bonds. Mark McGwire. Sammy Sosa. Rafael Palmeiro. Nuff said.
And Ty Cobb would probably have been run out of MLB if he was alive today, because there ain’t a locker room in either league that he would’ve turned against him in about five minutes flat with his hatred.
Kinda makes the Hit King a minor offender by comparison.
And someone let Shoeless Joe Jackson in while they’re at it……
You sure you’re not Chico Escuela?
“Thank you, Hane. Baseball been berry, berry good to Chico!”
One of the better post-MLB career sports casters of his day.
The Piper
Let Pete’s numbers speak for themselves…
But, PTBAA, let this be a lesson to YOU: wagering for personal profit in a baseball thread could earn you the undying enmity of HA regulars. To save your own soul among the HA folks, you’ll have to make the check out to Hopelink.
The Piper
PS @ 31 & etc.: So now you speak for HA’s “regulars”? You’re too much. So, OK, Hopelite it is. But you have to come up with the cash. We could always direct a 3rd party to make the donation.
As for “head up” or “odds”–I have already stated the odds requested. Please do pay attention.
So stop prevaricating. Yes or no?
PS: I had Duren’s baseball card (circa 1959) when I was a kid. You couldn’t see his eyes through those lenses.
“Careful…given that this is a baseball thread, you should know that this is how Pete Rose got started.”
Pete Rose got his start by blogging? Astounding.
What sound is made by an imploding bagpipe? A great, sucking whine?
Pretty well describes Pooper scooper, I guess….
Williams was, quite literally, the wildest pitcher in major league history. He walked 544 batters in 691.1 innings, an average of 7.1 per 9 innings. I always wondered why any batter ever took a swing against him. The likelihood that he could put three pitches in the strike zone before he threw four that missed was really, really low.
My favorite Wild Thing story is from John Kruk. Kruk credits Williams with saving his life. Evidently Williams tried to throw over to first on a pickoff, and he was so wild that it skipped in the dirt, came up, and hit Kruk right in the crotch. So, Kruk eventually has it checked out by a doctor, they find a growth, and his cancer is detected early enough that it’s still treatable.
I hope that story’s true.
No, no, a thousand times no. R*** broke the most important rule of the game, shamelessly, repeatedly, and knowingly. For that, he amply and fully deserves baseball’s equivalent of the death penalty. No matter what reprehensible activities a baseball man may have participated in (Cobb’s sadistic violence, Anson’s abject racism, Speaker’s KKK membership, etc.), they all pale by comparison within the baseball context.
At the risk of continuing what is consistently the most contentious of baseball debates other than DH/no DH, my view is that Rose should have nothing to do with baseball on the field – no playing, coaching, managing, or other executive position. But HOF? Yeah, sure, whatever. It doesn’t have anything to do with the outcome of any game.
Well, the testicular cancer part is true.
Kruk has been known to embroider for effect.
I don’t know if you guys keep track of this stat N, but John Kruk has to have the highest “Funny Story Per Game Played” (FSPGP) average in the history of baseball. Roger McDowell may be close though.
My favorite that I can think of now is how he once traded his uniform number for several cases of beer.
I’m sure I can get SOMETHING going here by merely mentioning the onetime Seattle wunderkid…….Alex (The Vile) Rodriguez….
Exactly…Banned from the game, but not from his place in the history of it.
The Piper
I STILL have a 1959 Topps Ryne Duren baseball card…and a ton more including a 1953 Satchel Paige pitching for the St. Louis Browns – value not high since it’s pretty worn.
Give me your requested odds again, please…Under the weather today, and don’t feel like looking them up again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I trust you enough to not need a third party to hold your losings.
He got started placing wagers during baseball related events, which this is. Please tell me you don’t have a Pete Rose-haircut. That would be too much, too ugly.
The Piper
Say what you will about him and his love of what he sees in the mirror each morning, but as a ball player, he’s for real…500 home funs faster than any MLB player since Jimmie Foxx.
And I like the fact that he wears his stockings the way the old-timers used to…
The Piper
Wow two worthless chadt comments .99501 and climbing
Kruk is a lot like “Mr. Baseball,” Bob Uecker…”J-u-u-u-u-s-t a little outside…” who was one of Johnny Carson’s favorite guests. At least Kruk could play the game.
The Piper
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Phillies! I love that team.
Howard is the man! Rollins flies! It is funny that Jamie Moyer in the playoffs while the Mariturds sit at home.
And Kruk tells it like it is!
Barry Bonds did drugs? Come on…
At least one Philly team is doing well…
Piper, I’d argue that R*** is more famous for being excluded from the HOF than he would be if he were in it.
If he had a plaque, he’d just be a run-of-the-mill HOFer. A great player, to be sure, but not in what I’d call “the HOF of the HOF” like (just to name some of his teammates over the years) Bench or Schmidt or Carlton or Morgan.
Like Nolan Ryan, his fame far exceeds his place among the greats of the game. It’s entirely based on one big honkin’ total-stat, ignoring the bigger negatives that go with it. As in almost 1200 more outs than any other player (over 13% more than Aaron in 2nd place), and as in one of the worst base-stealers ever (198 SB, 149 CS = 57%).
R*** should be happy he’s not in the HOF. If he were, we wouldn’t be talking about him.
Wow as if we didn’t already know the bent of CBS News?
Amazing, the incestuous nature of the left and the news and the left and the blogs!
Can’t even use his name? Wow! Strong feelings about Pete, eh what?
I’ll bet if you asked him, he’d rather be in the HofH…name me a big leaguer who doesn’t want to be there. So far as I know, his “celeb” status hasn’t really parlayed itself into Michael Jordan-level riches (selling drawers with Rod Tidwell and the occasional hot dog), and he’s stuck signing autographs for whatever he gets for them.
He played the game hard and well and put up the numbers…I think he’d want in in order to have what he did on the field recognized and remembered.
Pro’s don’t have to be pure to be pro’s.
The Piper
Wow Ford sales down 21% from a year ago.
Does any Moonbat! remember this?
Of course not, it’s over 24 hours old!
Maybe it’s working?
yes, his skills are impressive (when he wants to play) but loyalty counts for a lot, as YOU should surely admits, and he doesn’t seem to be loyal to anything other than Alex.
You can’t attack Oprah!
Puddy LOVES to inform us with his scintillating wit, to wit:
“Waaaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa”
Isn’t that JUST BRILLIANT???
Links to original available on request.
True, loyalty is important. But he didn’t create free agency; blame Curt Flood for that.
Still…as a BALL PLAYER, he’s already at HofF numbers. And a lot of HofF players had their own issues with attitude and effort at times. The Babe would often play semi-smashed, but his pure ability allowed him to play that way better than the rest of the team cold sober.
A-Rod can be too full of himself, but like Reggie Jackson said of the 72 Oakland A’s, between the foul lines is all that matters.
The Piper
@41: “I STILL have a 1959 Topps Ryne Duren baseball card…and a ton more including a 1953 Satchel Paige pitching for the St. Louis Browns – value not high since it’s pretty worn.”
Paige probably the best pitcher ever. Mom threw my small collection out when I left for college…Musial, Mays, Yaz rookie card…a small tragedy.
Give me your requested odds again, please…Under the weather today, and don’t feel like looking them up again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Number of Pope losing election efforts to 1
I trust you enough to not need a third party to hold your losings.
No chain of custody or method of payment verification…no bet.
He got started placing wagers during baseball related events, which this is.
Surely you jest. WTF is a ‘baseball related event’ that you can bet on? Batting practice? He bet on games. How he got hooked on gambling is simply something you know anything about, and please don’t pretend otherwise. Rose was a degenerate gambler and exhibited all the classic symptoms of the disease…Come to think of it, he probably would bet on batting practice if he could find another as sick as he was. Worse, despite his mega salary he had problems, like paying off his losses. A despicable quirk we sincerely wish you do not share.
@55 Still, his gratuitous trashing of Seattle after his rather, uhm, devious departure certainly does nothing to elevate the art, and if you’re going to argue that baseball is more than a crassly commercial venture it seems to me that you have to have standards to justify that claim.
Many feel that baseball has been greatly debased, nearly to the point of making itself irrelevant to American life, by the base pursuit of the buck. Somewhere there’s got to be a shred of honor preserved, and Alex does nothing to associate himself with that goal.
Maybe that’s too philosophical, but in an age of already declining traditions, it seems to me we need to draw a line attitudinally if not legally.
Of course, George of the House of Yankee can be argued to be worse than A-Rod, by far, but he’s an owner and a different species.
Won’t argue with you because the record supports most all of what you say. Sometimes change sucks, and a lot of the change that has taken place in professional sports is negative.
I have a hard time comparing professional football today to the Lombardi-era Packers or the 72 Dolphins without thinking that what we have today is less than than what we had back then.
But you can say the same thing about many, if not most, endeavors in life. Still, would you rather live then or now? If you were the age you are now back then, you probably would be dead now, so…
And no owner was a bigger horse’s butt than Charley Finley.
The Piper
Well, you have your pipes, I have my own idiosyncracies. None of us wants to be entirely in the present dimension. We need a few anchors amidst the tempest.
Besides, you forget Marge whats-her-name.
There was a REAL anchor….
Schodt…Marge Schodt…As good a ball player as was Pete Rose, Cincinnati owner Marge Schodt and he deserved each other.
The Piper
Ooops, that mighht have been football.
Oh, right.
I could be wrong, but wasn’t it the White Sox that began as the White Stockings?
You are correct…See
The Piper
No, it was the Cubs. It’s possible that when the American League later put a team in Chicago, it just semi-recycled that old name, but I’m not sure.
Both teams started as the White Stockings
Recycled is a good term…The name was used both by the team that became the Cubs and the team that became the White Sox, with the Cubs using it first.
The Piper
My god, you’re a buffoon. The AFA has boycotted the following companies:
Disney, Procter & Gamble, Sears, Abercrombie & Fitch, Crest, Volkswagen, Wal-Mart, Tide, Clorox, Pampers, Microsoft, Burger King, Carl’s Jr., Kraft Foods, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Old Navy, NutriSystem, MTV, S. C. Johnson & Son, and American Airlines.
When you boycott all the companies in the world, I guess you can take credit for the ones that do poorly.
Puddybud, do you have any pride left?
“Many feel that baseball has been greatly debased, nearly to the point of making itself irrelevant to American life, by the base pursuit of the buck.”
Many may feel that way, but they would be wrong in one very important respect–baseball has always been about the pursuit of the buck. You think the reserve clause was about preserving the hallowed nature of the game in the minds of the american public? The anti-trust exemption? Did the Black Sox and Hal Chase engage in chicanery and throwing games just because they were pure evil?
I would argue otherwise. The enterprise you view today is a reflection of us and what we have become and the stubborn hallucination, verging on a pathological national trait that we can get something for nothing. Nay, that we are entitled to it.
Steroids…what about steroids? Nothing has brought me more disappointment in baseball than steroids. I’m really sick of * records.
The Piper
Steroids? Steroids? When you worship money unconditionally and exalt greed as a civic virtue, why is there suprise at such outcomes? Especially in the broken market that is professional sports today.
When markets don’t work, like, they fail.
Good luck with that question. He’s not even housetrained.
Chadt: Take your bassett to DL. See who gets in!
Lee: All I did was ask a question. If you disagree you say so. And… who said I was part of the boycott?
Lee, you are so into yourself. I bet you look in the mirror and say “I bet everyone on ASSWipes is so envious of my superior intellect”. You prove liberalism is a mental disorder everyday!
Thanks for the colorful commentary.
Lee: I’d suggest you get one of these shirts but, your friends may crack up laughing and agree donkoinfanticide was the primary option.
Lee: All I did was ask a question.
You asked an extremely stupid question.
If you disagree you say so. And… who said I was part of the boycott?
I didn’t say you were part of the boycott. But you suggested that the boycott was working.
Lee, you are so into yourself. I bet you look in the mirror and say “I bet everyone on ASSWipes is so envious of my superior intellect”. You prove liberalism is a mental disorder everyday!
It’s not a mental disorder to be able to point out when others are stupid. I’ve spent time arguing with people on the internet for about 14 years now. When I started, I was very pro-Israel and much more of a conservative libertarian. My views have changed over the years because I care about logic, I care about the truth, and I refuse to believe things just because I want to believe them. I want to find the reality behind what is happening in this world and I feel I’m very far along in that journey. I don’t really care if I hurt your feelings or if you think I’m a pompous ass. You have a very distorted view of reality, and of the people who visit this site and try to have intelligent discussions, and frankly, you should be ashamed of yourself.
My Basset is a lot more rational than YOU’LL ever be. And intelligent. And loyal to her species.
Puddybud says:
Lee: I’d suggest you get one of these shirts but, your friends may crack up laughing and agree donkoinfanticide was the primary option.
That’s revolting. Even for you. You need psychiatric intervention. Seriously.
What a loony toon he is. I don’t even know what the point of that comment was.
Neither does he. It doesn’t matter to him, though.
The Chicago NL franchise, now the Cubs were playing baseball before Custer got his comeuppance at Little Bighorn.
Fox News rocks! Bill O’Reilly is The Man ! Anything else is shit! Including this blog!