I’ve been told that state Rep. Ross Hunter was disappointed by the reception he and newly minted Democrat Rodney Tom got at last week’s 48th LD Democrats meeting. It wasn’t hostile or anything, they just weren’t welcomed with candy and flowers.
I’m not sure what Hunter expected. Flipping a Republican is big news and all, and Tom will certainly give state Sen. Luke Esser a run for his money — if he wins the primary — but the 48th had already recruited a strong challenger to Esser in Debi Golden.
Or more precisely, the Senate Dems had already recruited a strong candidate in Golden, and so if she and her supporters seemed a bit taken aback by Tom’s challenge, well, that’s to be expected. Commitments were made to Golden, and while I can’t really blame the Senate Dems for switching horses if they truly believe Tom is the stronger candidate, the manner in which they did it was rather ham-fisted.
According to Golden, both the Senate and House Dems recruited her for their respective races as early as July, and by October she had agreed to take on Esser with the assurance that she would have the backing of the SDCC unless Hunter himself decided to enter the race. Tom has told people that he knew he was going to switch parties as early as November, but Golden only started hearing rumors a couple days before he officially announced his candidacy. About an hour after the news broke, Sen. Karen Keiser stopped by to officially give Golden the bad news and ask her to exit the race.
As we now know, Golden refused to drop out, and last week the 48th LD Dems passed a motion affirming her right to stay in the race. This should be a good primary fight between two candidates who are strong in different ways, and I certainly wouldn’t count Golden out. In 2004, after a late start and with little money, Golden came within a couple points of beating Tom. Personally, I just think she’s a better fit for the district, and, well… quite frankly, female candidates tend to have an advantage out here.
I expect the primary to be a good, fair fight, and whoever wins should emerge stronger for it. I’ve heard the Dems have warned Golden not to “go negative” against Tom, but I’m not really sure what that means. Certainly his voting record should be fair game, as long as it is honestly represented.
One final comment on this whole affair. Like Hunter, I certainly encourage other Republicans — several of whom have seen the GOP leave them far behind — to seriously consider switching parties before the 2006 election. But before they do, I think the WSDCC might want to reconsider Section VI, Paragraph C of their nominating rules, which states that to be eligible for the party’s nomination:
The voter must not have been registered as a member of any political party other than the Democratic Party for at least one (1) year immediately preceding filing for office
If they’re going to ask Golden to take one for the team, the least the Dems can do is make certain that they are playing by the rules.
Ugly politics by those in the know. Yuck.
Not at all ugly – Dencracy in action. The reason for a primary is a multi candndate sort our, with lots of discussions on the ground, across the lakes and in the air.
In this case, rather that be divided, the media will be on the Dems. and they might stir some energy up in that district that will help defeat Esser.
He is a homophobic dog. Out of touch with the Eastside of this era.
Thoise of us out of that disrict can be players now – but most importanty the day after the primary.
What an interesting year. With the Dems just stirring and shaking in all directions.
Gregoire polling way up, voters are pleased by the session and her strong and problem solving style. The contrast to Locke is simply astonishing – even to this Locke voter. – RR, do your thing.
In state politics close primaries actually help candidates. Most people know nothing about state politics and if Tom/Golden duke it out the winner will have a lot of name recognition.
The media will also be reporting on the likelyness that one of them may beat Essler for months in advance.
I’d bet on a Democratic victory.
Since when did Dems worry about “rules”???
Rules are for those who disagree with the establishment.
So Rodney Tom found his reception a bit chilly, huh??
I wonder how it was when he contacted his donors????
Probably even colder.
I hope Rodney has been taking plenty of Vitamin C, Echinacea, Zinc and ther herbal remedies. My guess is things will be C-O-L-D for a long time for him. Perhaps Tom could run for President of Antartica??
“The Rules”
Why do Democrats always think “the rules” will save them, as if there is a big referee in the sky who will come down and stop things if people violate “the rules”.
You have to fight for the rules. They do not exist independent of consensus. You have to remind people why there are rules, what the value of them is. It’s like people who say the Iraq war is “illegal”. Well, what police will come and arrest George Bush for violating the “law” of the United Nations? Bush violated the law with the NSA spying, does this mean that “the rules” will be enforced? No.
If Golden wants to use “the rules” she will have to remind Democrats why they exist. Why is it wrong for the party to recruit candidates at the 11th hour, and from other parties? Is it because candidacy should express the will of the membership and not just the will of the leadership? Of course, but you have to remind people of that.
But Democrats can’t criticize the leadership without being called disloyal, so the rules are never going to be enforced.
In all fairness, Tom was not ‘registered’ as a republican in the last year.
Give Rodney Tom a break. I like him. Even if we disagree on a few issues, we agree on far more than we disagree. I would have preferred he stay in the Republican Party and fight for his principles and persuade more Republicans to adopt his point of view. But the next best thing is for him to do what he’s chosen to do — help move the Democratic Party in a fiscally conservative direction and promote business and free enterprise over big government. In short — he’ll be every Republican’s favorite Democrat. Go Rodney!
Gerald @6,
In all fairness, nobody in WA state was “registered” as Republican last year. But I think the spirit of this rule is clear, even if technically it wouldn’t hold.
Stefan @7,
Gee… I’m not sure your endorsement helps Tom much in a Democratic primary.
But… I haven’t said anything negative about Tom. I meant what I said… he and Golden have different strengths against Esser, and if not for the fact that we already had a strong candidate in the race I would have welcomed Tom unreservedly. I can easily support him in a general election. But first he has to win the primary.
That may be true Goldy, but according to the Washington State Legislature he is an acting Democratic Representative.
He is litterally an active Democractic Representative as we speak (even though session is over). Would we deny an active Democratic elected official that mostly votes Democratic to run?
The D next to his name may be new, but it’s there:
Gerald @10,
Did I say we should deny him the opportunity to run as Democratic? It’s not Tom who was asked to drop out of the race.
There will be a primary. And this is one of those races where I think a primary will be good for the party.
help move the Democratic Party in a fiscally conservative direction
Well that tops all, Minnow! You wouldn’t happen to have any opinion on the borrow and squanderers who control things in Congress these days, would you Minnow?
Well I do not think the rule is an issue unless the party or a majority of the membership in the district object. The rule is intended as a safegard against a shill signing up to run only to trash the D in the primary with the intent of helping make the R stronger in the general. Tom is no shill.
As for the Senate Caucus and Karen Fraizer, the way the things work, you never know for sure what the targeted R is going to decide till the press confrence. And I do not buy that Tom had told anyone of his decision more than a week or two out. In any event the right thing to do was to recrute a good candidate like Golden. The chance to unelect Esser is just too great. I also have no problem with Sen. Fraizer asking Golden to stand down. The SDCC has the job of managing the cycle resources so that the maximum number of seats can be won. Trying to save money in this primary is an understandable goal. And, I am fine with Golden”s choice to press on. This is her right and I wish her good luck. Goldy, you are right that a primary race is not a bad thing. The best that comes from a primary race is that a non-incumbant has longer to build name recognition with the voters and a voter who vates for you in a primary is not going to go away in the general. It is however key that the two play nice and join to beat Esser after the primary is over.
ParticleKlown sez:
“The rule is intended as a safegard against a shill signing up to run only to trash the D in the primary with the intent of helping make the R stronger in the general.”
Don’t need a “shill” to trash you PINHEADS….you are doing a good enough job of that all on your own!
1) Illegal tax increase to circumvent spending limits.
2) Adopt a clearly unsustainable Budget that sets the State up for huge deficits in 2 years.
3) Pretend you are going to cut 1000 guv’mint management jobs…when in reality, it was only a shell-game like the Budget.
You KLOWNS need to focus on the issues while you are in charge. It doesn’t appear you are capable. One sideshow after another.
Rossi in ’08!!!
Sharkansky @ 7
No rational person would give credence to a single word you say. That your words may reflect reality is merely incidental and an inevitability of the process of creating effective lies. You serve no non-cynical purpose. There is no knowledge or insight to be gained from you.
dlaw roger rabbit in drag
sin ical @14 Whats that? “Gasp gasp…we R’s are so insignificant…gasp gasp and we are going to get het real bad…gasp gasp cuz the prez is a scumbag gasp gasp and everyone is finding out…sob sniff gasp sputter”
Rossi in 08 my ass.
Ask Dino how his face got cut sometime. Can you say knife fight?
Also ask him about his use of prostitutes on a trade mission?
Also ask him how many tens of thousands in commissions he took that were funneled to him as payola while he was in the senate?
Also ask him where the permits are for work done at his home?
If he is what gives you hope you may as well OD cuz he is done.
Gregoire’s “accomplishments”
1) Illegal tax increase to circumvent spending limits.
2) Adopt a clearly unsustainable Budget that sets the State up for huge deficits in 2 years.
3) Pretend you are going to cut 1000 guv’mint management jobs…when in reality, it was only a shell-game like the Budget.
Traffic is still a horrible mess.
The Bureaucracy is gobbling up dollars and NOTHING is being done…except extensions for the so-called EMERGENCY AWV Project so the Seattle in-crowd can make billions off a lame-brained tunnel the folks around the rest of the State will pay dearly for.
PM throws out a bunch of trash to deflect from the reality of 15 months under Gregoire. When she runs in ’08, the surplus will be history, forecasts bleak and all kinds of underhanded conduct will be exposed.
BOZO – your predictions are just as credible as the ones you made for the election contest, I-912 and David Irons – not credible at all.
Your so smart, what is the solution to the affordable housing problem??
BOZO – your predictions are just as credible as the ones you made for the election contest, I-912 and David Irons – not credible at all.
Commentby For the Clueless— 3/21/06@ 5:44 pm
We did predict who whould be president in 2004. Give us a little credit.
Speaking as someone who attended the meeting, Goldy’s characterization in this post is quite accurate. Noone appeared to have anything against Rodney Tom, but the manner in which the switch was handled reeked, and it rubbed people the wrong way.
On the plus side, Rodney Tom and Debi Golden were speaking to each other for some minutes at the meeting, and they appeared to be civil.
We’ll see how it works out.
For the sake of accuracy – i’d just like to add that there were some critical comments made about Rodney Tom’s voting record, but they were more than offset by Ross Hunter vouching for him.
“Rules are for those who disagree with the establishment.” Commentby Mr. Cynical— 3/21/06@ 2:29 pm
This has to rank as one of Mr. C’s silliest comments.
Mr. C never misses an opportunity to rail against the Democratic establishment that has run this Washington for 21 years.
On the other hand, Mr. C never rails against the Republican establishment in the other Washington that never misses an opportunity to break the rules.
Hey Cynical, if you’re so all-fired het up about enforcing rules, let’s start with the Constitution. When you guys get that down, we’d like to talk to you about the Geneva Convention. And FISA. And separation of powers. And while I’m on the subject of separation, let’s not forget separation of church and state. That’s plenty more rules we’d like to talk to you about, if you have time.
A Republican pontificating about breaking rules is like Ted Bundy ranting against serial killers.
“Why do Democrats always think ‘the rules’ will save them, as if there is a big referee in the sky who will come down and stop things if people violate ‘the rules’. You have to fight for the rules.” Commentby dlaw— 3/21/06@ 2:31 pm
Now here’s an honest Republican. (I didn’t think they existed anymore.) Fellow Democrats — are you PAYING ATTENTION?
Ignore previous post; it’s a computer malfunction.
“Why do Democrats always think ‘the rules’ will save them, as if there is a big referee in the sky who will come down and stop things if people violate ‘the rules’. You have to fight for the rules.” Commentby dlaw— 3/21/06@ 2:31 pm
Now here’s an honest Republican. (I didn’t think they existed anymore.) Fellow Democrats – are you PAYING ATTENTION? The horse is speaking. No rule has ever been self-enforcing. That’s why traffic laws don’t mean a damn thing without traffic cops. Republicans understand that — and that’s why they violate the Constitution, the Geneva Convention, FISA, and your other legal and moral rights. THE CONSTITUTION DOESN’T MEAN A DAMN THING WITHOUT GUNS. Liberals must arm! Republicans will respect your constitutional rights to free speech, your own religion, and your own political views when you stick an AK-47 in their face. It’s the only language they respect.
Hey Stefan! I know you read this blog! Why aren’t you going to share the loot from your lawsuit against King County with the generous donors to your “legal action fund” who paid for the lawsuit? Because you’re a selfish prick? Or because you can’t hold a job and need the money? Or maybe both? The world is waiting for your answer.
Hey Stefan! Glad to see you come out for fiscal conservatism. Now how about reimbursing King County for the full-time staffer they gave you for six weeks while you pursued your public records hobby at taxpayer expense.
Hey Stefan! What are you planting in your garden this spring? Can I put in a request?
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots, carrots
YUMMY !!!!
Bunny @ 28
Obviously you’re a disturbed person.
I would just say that your notion that **I** am a Republican shows your mental defect is much more serious than you might imagine. Please make your doctors aware that your hallucinations are returning.
Goldy, why don’t your Cantwell rules apply in this case? If Aaron Dixon was running as a Dem would would we not see all your vitriolic posts about Dems that don’t support Cantwell?
BTW, I think you confuse “support” and “vote.” Cantwell doesn’t have a record that working-class voters can support, but she’ll still get most of our votes because it’s a two-party system.
dlaw leader of his own party of one. Well at least the grass roots are in sink with the chair. LOL
also dlaw. Carrots good for eye sight so RR can see right through your load of BS. Good news is so can those of us without super rabbit powers. So whats your point dlaw? That you are a highbred troll. Whats the diff trollboy.
Re: shills: Esser won his first primary against Sants Contreras, a well-liked-by-both-sides moderate R, by having one run as the D, splitting those moderate votes. The real evil in this race is Esser. We have to be vigilant about slimey, underhanded, sneaky…uh, politics as usual. Seriously, if we start scaring off good people, policy will be left in the hands of the idealogues, scoundrels and pond-scum.
Just to make sure my comment #7 above is not taken out of context — I’ll be supporting Luke Esser in the general election. But the pro-business, fiscally conservative, pro-school-choice, anti-teacher-union Rodney Tom is easily the best Democrat running for the Legislature this side of Tim Sheldon. Rodney Tom has my unqualified support in the Democratic Primary. Any Democrat who wants the Democratic Party to move beyond this “progressive” nonsense and adopt more ideas from the Republican Party should be ga-ga over Rodney Tom. Go Rodney!