If you can I’d encourage you to attend one of these rallies Saturday:
The Walk for Choice in Seattle. Noon to 3:00. At Broadway and Pine.
If you’re in or can make it down to Olympia, there’s a rally in solidarity with Wisconsin’s public employee unions. At the Tivoli Fountain. (updated originally had the wrong location, and updated again with a better website).
Just to nitpick, it appears the Walkerites are meeting on the Capitol steps, while the pro-union folks are meeting at the Tivoli Fountain.
@1, updated, thanks.
Republicans Are Anti-God
“[B]oth in Communist Poland and in Wisconsin today, the target [of repressive governments] was unions and their collective bargaining rights. And in both cases, we see the Roman Catholic Church supporting organized labor.
” … [W]orkers of the Solidarity trade union movement went on strike in August 1980 to regain their freedom and their rights … they negotiated with Communist party officials, who were actually more willing to make concessions than Walker ….
“Solidarity leaders … insisted that free trade unions and the right to collective bargaining were absolutely essential to guaranteeing freedom in Poland. … The workers in Wisconsin are on the same page: they are willing to concede economic benefits, but they will not budge on their right to collective bargaining.
” … Solidarity had a strong … ally: the Catholic Church. Labor rights had been a pillar of Catholic social teaching since the 19th century, and Cardinal Karol Wojtyla of Krakow and the Primate of Poland, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, had for decades proclaimed the church’s support for a broad human rights agenda, including the rights of workers.
“Wojtyla was elected Pope John Paul II in 1978 … and the pontiff’s 1981 encyclical on human labor, ‘Laborem Exercens’ — published while Poland’s internal struggle was growing — buoyed Solidarity’s case for independent unions. In the pontiff’s words, workers have the ‘right … to form associations for the purpose of defending the vital interests of those employed in various professions.’
“Moreover, the pontiff declared unions are a ‘mouthpiece for the struggle for social justice, for the just rights of working people.’ The Polish government wanted to keep this mouthpiece silent. Likewise, Walker is attempting to squelch the voice of workers ….
“Just as the church leaders stood up for Solidarity, Archbishop Jerome Listecki of Milwaukee has raised his voice. In a recent statement, he quoted Pope Benedict XVI, who has argued that unions are more necessary than ever in the global economy, especially given the tendency of governments to limit the ‘negotiating capacity’ of workers in the name of ‘economic utility.’
“Listecki … exhorted his fellow citizens to realize that ‘hard times do not nullify the moral obligation each of us has to respect the legitimate rights of workers’ and that it is wrong to ‘marginalize or dismiss unions as impediments to economic growth.’
“He echoed what the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops wrote long ago, namely that economic decisions must not take place over the heads of workers whose livelihoods depend on them. On Thursday, the point man on social justice issues for the American hierarchy, Bishop Stephen Blaire of Stockton, also reiterated that point in a letter to Listecki expressing ‘support for and solidarity’ with the statement of the Wisconsin bishops.
“‘Catholic teaching and your statement remind us these are not just political conflicts or economic choices; they are moral choices with enormous human dimensions,’ Bishop Blaire wrote. ‘The debates over worker representation and collective bargaining are not simply matters of ideology or power, but involve principles of justice, participation and how workers can have a voice in the workplace and economy.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So there you have it: The Republican position on labor unions is immoral and anti-God, and Walker and all the Republicans in the Wisconsin legislature are on their way to Hell.
I can’t imagine anyone who believes in God wanting to go to Hell, so Walker and the Wisconsin Republicans must be atheists.
Maybe the Catholic Church should excommunicate anyone who votes for anti-union legislation.
If Republicans want to revert to medieval labor policies, maybe the rest of us should revert to burning heretics at the stake.*
* Just kidding! Heh — wingnut joke.
GOP Rep. Paul Broun today belatedly condemned a comment by a townhall audience member on Tuesday who asked the congressman, “Who’s going to shoot Obama?”
At the time, Broun responded to the man by suggesting that he shared the man’s “frustration with this president,” and witnesses report that Broun laughed at the question.
Broun issued a statement today after a public outcry over his reaction to the remark was picked up by the national news media.
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