Hmm. Did you know that Clallam County locks up 57 percent of its African American population, Walla Walla County 58 percent, and Mason County a whopping 65 percent? Do those percentages seem impossibly high? Well they are, and it all gets back to our state’s policies regarding felons, and the way it distorts state and local politics.
The other day, when I wrote about WA’s felon disenfranchisement laws — which a New York Times editorial calls “morally outrageous” — I ignored the flip side to the political impact of felons: how situating prisons in rural areas exports both money and political power to these regions.
As Steve Zemke explains over at Majority Rules, the U.S. Census counts non-voting prisoners where they are incarcerated, rather than where they lived before imprisonment (and tend to return upon their release.) These census figures are used for drawing congressional and legislative district boundaries, resulting in over-representation in the rural areas where prisons tend to be situated, and under-representation in the urban areas from which the prison population is largely drawn. It also distorts the distribution of federal and state funds tied to population and demographics.
In Washington state and throughout the nation, non-voting prison populations essentially function as “phantom voters,” helping to increase the political clout of Republican-leaning rural districts, while decreasing the power of their urban counterparts. Indeed, researchers have found 21 counties nationally where at least 21 percent of so-called “residents” actually live behind bars.
That explains Mason County’s absurdly high African American incarceration rate; only a handful of these inmates are truly native to the county. In fact, Mason County’s permanent (though rotating) non-voting prison population inflates its census count by about 5 percent… essentially stealing both tax dollars and political power from the urban areas exporting the prisoners. Meanwhile, upon release, these prisoners return to their urban homes, impoverished and disenfranchised.
In opposing efforts to bring WA’s laws more in line with the rest of the nation by making it easier for ex-felons to regain the right to vote, Republicans like to spout moralistic homilies about doing the time if you do the crime, and stuff like that. But in truth, their stubborn support of the status quo is mostly based on their perception that it grants them a political advantage.
What we have now are social, economic, political and legal policies that, intentionally or not, work together to permanently disenfranchise minorities and other disadvantaged groups. We have structural social inequities that conspire to condemn whole segments of minority communities to near permanent underclass status. (How else to explain multigenerational pockets of poverty without resorting to racialist theories?) We have a so-called “war on drugs” that disproportionately imprisons minority and lower income citizens, felon voting laws that disproportionately disenfranchise minorities, and census and redistricting policies that distort the representational balance between urban and rural districts.
None of these policies, laws and institutions may have been devised with the purpose of granting Republicans an electoral advantage, but that clearly appears to be the result, and thus the state GOP will always oppose any reform they perceive might shift the balance the other way. And while the larger social injustice is certainly more egregious than mere partisan electoral inequities, it is the latter that makes the former so much more difficult to correct, for those who would benefit most from reform are those who have no voice.
When we imprison and disenfranchise an ever growing number of our urban citizens, it not only provides a direct economic benefit to the conservative-leaning rural districts where we locate our prisons, it also grants them an unfair electoral advantage by distorting the population figures used for redistricting. And one cannot understand the opposition to reforming our felon voting and other related laws, without understanding this simple political reality.
“What we have now are social, economic, political and legal policies that, intentionally or not, work together to permanently disenfranchise minorities and other disadvantaged groups.” [Goldysteinburg] Garbage!!!!! The ONLY group that can be legally shit upon is white males! Every other groups has “ACL Jew” backed “rights”.
Poor, poor, discriminated-against white rich guys … nobody wants to be in your shoes, huh.
This country will soon fight the final war, not between black and white, but between taxpayers and tax receivers. It will be ugly as the parasite Democrat tax receivers, through “guvment”, continue to turn the USA into a socialist third world Democrat shit hole like Detroit, Gary, Philly, and South Central LA. The only answer for the taxpayers is to kill or leave.
Ever consider that prisons are in rural areas because the cities don’t want them close by? That’s what I have found in a variety of states.
Well I certainly don’t see the sense of allowing Walla Walla’s prison population to be counted as part of Walla Walla county’s population. After all, inmates aren’t part of the community and can’t vote, and most have no local ties. How are military personnel counted for redistricting purposes? I believe it’s based on home of record, is it not? Why not the same system for prisoners.
Come and get us, pussy. (click-click)
RR: The “guvment” parasite tax receiver. Atlas Has Shrugged, and you are nothing but a grasshopper in the cold of winter. You produce nothing, and will starve.
Ouch! I agree with the wabbit…
6.No need. You Democrats will eat each other.
Where would you find the land in a city to build a prison? And how about security? It’s a lot easier to catch someone who makes it over the wall if the prison is surrounded by miles of empty farmland. Why should inmates be considered residents of the county where the prison is? I can’t think of a single reason. They’re certainly not there voluntarily.
[Just Crapped Himself] mommy is calling…time to get your ass wiped!
10 million illegals will inhabit WASH state, all requiring free medical, education, welfare, and social services. The state will raise taxes again and again and again. Crime will skyrocket, and the private sector will leave. Then the blacks, Mexicans, and “guvment” hacks will eat each other. [Ah, the perfect Hillary Village………..All Democrats!!!!]
vancouversucks, Aloha!!!
Galt is dead. He’s been dead a long time. You can come out of mourning now. BTW, JCH, when are you coming to get us? I chambered a round, but it’ll corrode before YOU get here.
As long as we’re going to have California’s housing prices, we might as well have California’s fiscal problems, too.
14.never..I left….You libs can tax and eat each other!!
We wouldn’t have all these problems in Washington if we didn’t have so many Hawaiians coming here.
Just as I thought … like prr, you’re a no-show. Pussy.
3/5 compromise redux
All the new illegals will need homes, too. You must pay for them!!
Hey kiddies! It’s time again for the Chicken Picture and the Chickenhawk Song!!
Get busy, libs!! Lots of new taxes to pay!!
HL, methhead! God, I bet you have made 3 or 4 men unhappy.
It would be a hoot if we could resurrect John Belushi to read JCH’s rants!
Sorry, RR. My choice was to leave. Like John Galt, I just don’t care whether Dems eat each other to get through the winter.
Identify the following sound: bawk-bawk-bawk-bawk-bawk-bawk
[ ] 1. Mariah Carey’s new song
[ ] 2. Loose fan belt in Dick Cheney’s car
[ ] 3. Scooter Libby being singing to prosecutors
[ ] 4. Karl Rove in a blender
[ ] 5. JCH threatening liberals with “civil war”
Hey, it worked in Leningrad.
So, If Headless Lucy “OD”s and dies in the alley, I would step around her. Not my problem.
26, You can’t have a war if the producers just………..leave. You libs will have to eat each other. That will be fun to watch. Kind of like Zimbabwe. Or Detroit.
The nice thing about being in prison is you have no income, so you don’t have to pay taxes. Right, JCH? You should know.
Oh, so we’re not going to have a civil war after all? Don’t let the door hit your ass on your way out!
If it did, and JCH got an ass bruise, he’d want a Purple Heart for it.
Where’s Dumb Ass Wash Out? You know, DA WO?
Imagine an economy where the “Headless Lucys” produce goods and services rather than living off the taxes of the private sector. [hehe] RR, you will have to tax HL to get your pension, and HL would have to tax RR to pay her NEA union job. You all would starve!! [Classically funny!]
WTF is up with JCH? Traumatic circumcision? No one would go with him to the prom? Mommy and daddy distant and uncaring? He’s got failure written all over him…
31, You still don’t GET IT!! I’ve already left!! No more Kalifornia 540s. Let the Democrats support the 10 million illegals, and let another 10 or 20 million Mexicans all come to play in LA. Enjoy, rat fuckers!! Eat each other!!
vancouversucks, Imagine if Headless Lucy and you had to produce and pay taxes to pay for GBS and RR? Not me, but you!! Add in another 5 or 10 million illegals and “guvment” hacks that all require you to support them. Classic!! The perfect Hillary Village!
Imagine 20 million Mexicans all coming to live with you libs!! Pay up, boys!!
37 JCH, why do you assume you pay more in tax than I do?
Could be I pay more, AND I am not a greedy sociopath.
“You still don’t GET IT!! I’ve already left!!”
Then why are you still here?
So are you saying we’re fucked because Bush is letting all the Mexicans in? Just asking …
Identify the following sound: bawk-bawk-bawk-bawk-bawk-bawk
[ ] 1. Mariah Carey’s new song
[ ] 2. Loose fan belt in Dick Cheney’s car
[ ] 3. Scooter Libby singing to prosecutors
[ ] 4. Karl Rove in a blender
[X] 5. JCH threatening liberals with “civil warâ€
You know, for someone who has in theory left for “paradise,” JCH does nothing but post to this board. Which just shows he’s a chicken-shit bullshitter. Kevin Carns would be my guess.
C’mon, Goldy, throw us a bone, and give us enough of JCH’s IP address to show his ISP. Tell you what, if it’s in Hawai’i, I’ll pay Mark the Red Dick’s debt to you, $100, wasn’t it? I’m guessing it’s actually in Olympia.
44..Wrong again. Lots of rain over the last 4 weeks. Lots!! 3-5 inches a day.
44, Anonymous, Goldy, You have my permission, and the 100 bucks should be donated to the HAs website. Anonymous….You fucked up again! Pay up to Goldy, Dickhead!!
I’m beginning to think you are becoming the first Black Jewish Blogger…….from now on we’ll simply call you SAMMY DAVIS, JR.!!!!
You will rank right up there with Bill Clinton, the First Black President….and Al Gore, the First Black Inventor of the Internet!!
So are you saying we’re fucked because Bush is letting all the Mexicans in? Just asking …
Commentby Roger [Too many grasshoppers, and the ants are leaving!! Enjoy, grasshopper RR!]
Oh and let’s not forget Teddy Kennedy, the first black swimmer!
I dunno, I guess this just seems to me to be a phantom issue. It all balances out when the people are paroled, and new prisoners enter the system. It ialways in flux. And while they are in that particular prison, the area the prison is in bears the burden for it in its infrastructure.
And how many prisons and what kind of population of each are we discussing? According to the DOC our state wide prison population is about 17000.
Those numbers are echoed on the federal DOJ Statistics page.
Thats hardly a nudge in the statistics for most counties.
Next, the percentage of inmates is 72% white, debunking your theory on the disporportionate disenfranchisement of minorities.
Frankly this is a lovely piece to be outraged over except the amount of impact is negligible and the conclusions are faulty.
45 You don’t get to count golden showers fucktard.
Riddle: what lives in paradise, yet prefers to be urinated on?
Answer: JCH
Goldy: Yes, it would seem to make sense to locate prisons in rural areas. These facilities bring jobs and incomes to those, who for some inexplicable reason cannot stand on their own two feet without always asking for a new military base near by, tax subsidized schools, roads, and law enforcement, or more farm and\or timber subsidies. And really, I do not hold a grudge. If it helps them, so be it. I’m happy to lend a helping hand.
But I draw the line at including prisoners in the population of these rural paradises for the purpose of defining legislative districts. That is simply going too far. Rural areas are already over-represented in various “senates” to begin with. The U.S. Senate is the classic example.
I would also point out the since about half of all inmates serve less then ten years, and the census and redistricting is generally an every ten year project, the impact is again dilluted.
There may indded be other methods of gathering statistics, and other uses for the population of a particular institution, but it is still neglible.
How would that dilute anything, 57? Assuming the numbers being tossed out here are correct, at any one time, there are ~17000 (minus some small %age who actually live there) extra people living in the areas where the prisons are located. Doesn’t matter how long the terms are, etc.
Also, to karl @50, the 72% figure for Caucasians in WA state needs to be taken in the context of the overall racial distribution in WA state. According to the 2000 Census, 82% of WA residents are Caucasian. So there does, in fact, appear to be a disproportionate percentage of minorities in the WA prison population, if the 72% figure is accurate.
65, DA WO, Bests regards, JCH
How Hillary wins in 08: Bus in 20 million illegals in 06. Register them to vote Democrat. Have each illegal bring in their entire illegal Mexican and South American families. Bus them to the 5 or 10 states that need a few more Democrat vote [AZ, NM, Ohio, etc] Shake, and repeat. Hillary wins in 08.
60, cont….Any questions will be considered racist by LA RAZA!!
17000 people out of a population of 6 million or so? that amounts to less then .3%
Id call it a fairly small amount of uncertainty.
Yes I suppose in a small county like Clallum, it means that the prison population is about 1% of the general population. But how many of those are actually transplanted?
And since the drain on a county like King, where all the legislative districts are anyway is minor, the changes are still insignificant. Even if ALL 17000 came from urban king county, that would amount to less the 1% of its urban population missing and spread out to 16 major or minor prisons, not counting work release.
Of course, King COunty houses 22% of the state population, and Pierce County about 16, so the drain is not totally away from them. And subtract about 7% of the people with foreign citizenship, and who knows what percent for out of state residents. At best slightly over half or about 9 thousand or so actually are housed outside the two biggest counties who are the ones in theory crying over the loss of population.
Look, all I can say is in this state, I dont see the numbers of being dramatically reflective of a huge change in districting.
I will concede that in other states with larger prison populations, it could be.
BTW, watch the blacks scream when the Hispanics become the “backbone” of the Democrat Party. Kalifornia, NM, NV, and AZ will soon become “Mexico Norte” and all will go Democrat each and every election.
1000 buses in 2004 to Ohio filled with illegals ready to vote Democrat would have delivered President Kerry. Think about it!
The “Browning” of the Western US will deliver the electorial votes to bring about President Hillary.
Has anyone evr seen Goldy and Sidney Blumenthal in the same room?
Has anyone ever seen Goldy and Sidney Blumenthal in the same room? I think they are the same Hillary sucking up, ACLJ loving Democrat.
okay…i just have to jump in here and say something….
JCH…what is your problem? first of all it’s California with a “C”. the k thing is really old.
and to the rest of you …people are no longer put in jail because of the color of their skin.
they are put in jail BECAUSE THEY ARE CRIMINALS.
just as [for you especially JCH] the color of one’s skin does not reflect how that person will vote. after living in very racist washington for 6 LONG years i can honestly say that i have never met so many racist people in my life as in that state.racist people with no work ethic at all.[you could all learn alot from the mexicans you are so often ripping apart]
the last thing anyone needs to worry about is mexicans.i would rather live in a town FULL of mexicans than in washington state any time.washington is just chock a block full of idiots that can’t drive, won’t work, and love to bitch constantly.
good grief…are you all realy this unevolved????
and goldy my dear, they [unfortunately] put prisons in rural areas [and ruin them by doing so] because whiney city people like you don’t want them in the cities where at least 85% of the inmates come from originally.
and do i need to point out to you nimrods that the very last thing any of us need [i don’t care where you stand politically] is for FELONS to be voting?
once you are a felon you should lose the PRIVELEDGE to vote permanently!
i see washington hasn’t changed a bit…still nothing but racist this and racist that.
mexicans, indeed!
just as [for you especially JCH] the color of one’s skin does not reflect how that person will vote. [Wrong, asshole. Blacks vote Democrat at 115% of registration. You know, Goldy knows it, and I know it.]
christmasghost, You are as niave as a child. And the socialist, Marxist spelling is “Kalifornia”.
JCH…you are truly an idiot.
KALIFORNIA…….wow, that’s a’s not marxist spelling you tool ,it’s IDIOT’S spelling. i suppose you think it’s called “cali” too don’t you?
and if i am naive'[which i am not] at least i can spell it. same can’t be said for you.naive my ass…i like to think of it as intelligence. to decree that because someone’s skin is a certain color they will always vote a certain way only makes you look stupid [i know…you were already there but…] and is completely incorrect. how about condi rice for example? in your over simplified world she is not only black she is a woman which [in your world] would make her vote democrat 1000% of the time, right?
oh, don’t worry, the liberal nimrods on here need a good swift kick too. goldy, you KNOW better. when you write things like this you are no different than the JCH’s of the world. all you see is skin color too. acting like you are “only bringing the message” may fly in backwater washington….but no where else.
god…do you think you fools could E-V-O-L-V-E maybe just a little??????
New poll shows Bush’s approval rating at 60%. The respondents being 50% republican, 30% democrat and 20% independent was conducted by Fox news. The unbiased poll has an error rate of + or – 2%.
That is hilarious RUFUS! And being complete Bullshit, it fits right in with the rest of your posts.
GBS, I’m going to court martial right here on HorseAss. Before I pronounce sentence, what do you have to say concerning your insubbordinate conduct? In addition, the board is informed that you have had previous infractions of the UCMJ, reducing your rank to E-3. You may consider this your XO’s inquiry.
Let the HorseAss Board understand that GBS is “UA” and has been “Booted from the Board”. “Raped and hog tied” like a white boy walking 8 Mile in Detroit at 2 AM.
Seems that most right leaning idealogues here don’t have the time or energy to honestly debate the merits of an issue but are quick to resort to any way they can to avoid discussing an issue on its merits.
How does taking away someones right to vote and then not giving it back after they have served their time help to reintegrate them into society? How does counting for census purposes a prisoner in the jail they are in make any sense? These 17,000 prisoners are usually not legally residents of the county the jail is in. They can’t vote in jail. For census data prisoners should be listed as to the county they claim is their legal residence, not where they are serving time in jail. Is that so complicated to figure out?
Chech out more information on this issue at http://www.prisonersofthe They note that in the last census, nationally about 2.1 million people were in jail. They note that this was larger than the combined population of Alaska, Wyoming and Vermont, our 3 smallest states. Since census data is used to “apportion voting representation, draw political boudaries and allocate funds among state and local governments” this is not a small issue. In fact it is a Constitutional issue because the US Constitution in Article I,Section 2 requires a census that is an “actual enumeration” of the population.
You can follow up on this in an indepth article in the Pace Law Review in 2004 located at It notes that some 200 counties have more than 5% of their listed population in jail and 18 counties have more than 20% in jail.
A friendly reminder to you donks about where you came from and the traditions of your party
Democrats = Voter Fraud.
That is hilarious RUFUS! And being complete Bullshit, it fits right in with the rest of your posts.
Commentby Donnageddon— 3/1/06@ 8:43 pm
Exaclty like CBS’s poll. If it is from CBS you know it is BS. It has been donkumented.
Donna- your whole party is bullshit. You wouldn’t know bullshit it it hit you in the face. Speaking of Bullshit did you ever locate Kerry’s medical records yet. Hehehehehe
No, the problem RUFUS is that your poll is a figment of your imagination.
You are so distraught about the fall of the NeoCon empire that you make shit up.
But then you have always made shit up. You are a NeoCon. It is what you do.
No your confused Donna. The Diebold voting scandal is a figment of your imagination. Did you take your medicine by the way?
I wasn’t looking for Kerry’s medical records, but I am sure you can make some up. You are good at that.
RUFUS, provide a citation for the FOX news poll.
It is easy, just right click and copy the URL, then paste it into the comment box, then click “Say it!”
But, you won’t because you made it up!
You are so distraught about the fall of the NeoCon empire that you make shit up.
But then you have always made shit up. You are a NeoCon. It is what you do.
Commentby Donnageddon— 3/1/06@ 9:17 pm
Ah Donna- Your ilk keeps on distorting the truth trying to get
Bush but you never do. You house of lies will tumble just like it has over and over again.,2933,186525,00.html
See RUFUS this is a citation from FOXNews. IT shows that Bush and Chertoff knew that NOLA was going to drown.
And they did nothing.
This is gonna make the REAL poll numbers for Bush drop even more.
Donna- The MSM monopoly is over!! Is has been since the 80’s.
Get use to it.
RUFUS, you chicken shit NeoCon… post the URL for the FAKE FOX poll showing 60% approval for Bush.
Do it!
You will be a NEOCON hero, rather than a sad little NeoCon clown, unable to deal with reality.
RUFUS is a true member of the NeoCon Clown community.
I prefer the Reality Based community.
C’mon RUFUS… show everybody how popular Bush is. Post the URL for the poll you claim.
Yep- The right wing media has shined it light on the lefties.
No more fake memos. No more fake news stories from the NY
Times and Newsweek. You lefties need to get over it and stop
whining like stuck pigs.
Let me help you out, RUFUS.
This is the FOXnews site.
Maybe they have the poll you claim hidden somewhere… go fetch it RUFUS!
Show us that you all that you are not just another lying NeoCon Clown!
Man, RUFUS, I want to thank you for showing everyone that you are so stupid, that you would claim results for a fake Poll, and then expect nobody to check on it.
RUFUS = NeoCon Zombie
Donna is just trying to change the subject. He is still sore
about me calling him out on the John Kerry medical records
from a dozen threads ago. You still looking Donna. OK
So if Goldy isn’t the first Black, Jewish Blogger (aka the Sammy Davis, Jr. of Bloggers)….perhaps he is trying to be that Steve Martin Character ffrom the movie THE JERK (appropriate title for our celebrity!). Remember this? Goldy is perhaps Navin R. Johnson reincarnated!!!!!!!!!
Navin R. Johnson: “Huh? I am not a bum. I’m a jerk. I once had wealth, power, and the love of a beautiful woman. Now I only have two things: my friends and… uh… my thermos. Huh? My story? Okay. It was never easy for me. I was born a poor black child. I remember the days, sittin’ on the porch with my family, singin’ and dancin’ down in Mississippi.”
Perhaps Goldy was born a “poor black child’.
That’s it….a poor black child AND a Holocaust victim!
Kind of hard to reconcile with a privileged life in Philly….but hey, it’s only a Blog where fantasy rules!
New poll shows Bush’s approval rating at 60%. The respondents being 50% republican, 30% democrat and 20% independent was conducted by Fox news. The unbiased poll has an error rate of + or – 2%.
Comment by RUFUS — 3/1/06 @ 8:31 pm
I think I will keep that comment RUFUS. It will show up often to remind everyone that you , as a loyal NeoCon, just love to make shit up!
Are you mad Donna because Dan Rather’s sorry lying ass got kicked off the air. Courage Donna Courage.
“Donna is just trying to change the subject.” – RUFUS
Nope, just responding to your lying post.
RUFUS, are you mad because you just got caught lying?
Steve @76
YOur initial premise is faulty because
a) voting is not the central point of integration into society, behavior is and
b) they can petition for their rights to be reestablished.
If there is a bitch here it is to the unreasonable nature of fines, which when they remain unsatisfied, it prevents restoration of voting rights. I might even sign on to that if the amounts are unreasonable.
Voting is right, but not one without restrictions, its just a fact. Citizenship, residency, age etc, all are conditional factors. If society places a stigma on bad acts agai8nst society, which is what a criminal act is, then so be it.
The simple solution is not be a criminal.
The 2.1 million figure is deceptive and you know it, because it includes local jails where
a) they are not removed from their area of residence, and
b) they are likely not felons and as such are not losing their voting rights.
So bifurcate the numbers or dont use them.
And yes, it makes just as much sense to say that is where they live when they are incarcerated, because that IS where they live. The local area supports the prisons, they are the residennts.
So a few rural areas might gain a few square miles in a district. Let me see facts where this made such a marked difference. And I am not saying it couldn’t happen, but it would have to be an extreme case, where the prison is large, it is situated near a very very small community, and it is one of only a few in the entire state, so it takes in MOST of the convicted felons.
What this avoids discussing is any aspect of concequences and personal responsibility.
But fine, go ahead and fix the residency aspect of it, honestly is such a non issue i dont care. It doesnt really matter to anyone. They dont lose their residency permanently, it is a temporary situation that for about half the incarcerated is resolved naturally in 10 years or less.
But the voter rights is seperate issue altogther, and no amount of fast talk is going to make them into a single racial issue.
Or is RUFUS mad because Americans hate Bush, and that most Americans are Democrats?
Did you read that REAL FOXnews URL I posted, RUFUS? Huh? Did it hurt to see that even FOX can no longer protect BushCo?
Danna- Why do you defend proven liars like CBS? Why do you lefties constantly defend liars?
Let it out, RUFUS. Tell everyone how you are so upset about the downfall of the Bush mis-Administration that you started making up polls in your fantasy world. That you lied. That you broke the first rule of NeoCons.
You got caught.
RUFUS, why do you make shit up?
A: Because lies are all you have left.
A 45 day delay? Good Idea!
In fact, it is the law.
C’mon RUFUS… post the source for your “Poll results”
Don’t be afraid!
Unless of course, you just made it up!
LOS ANGELES – Pledging to eliminate the city’s $245 million budget deficit over the next five years, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said Wednesday that tough choices will have to be made and did not rule out new taxes. [Another Democrat third world shit hole is broke!! The solution: Raise taxes until all the Republicans leave.. Hint: This is King County in 10 years.]
karl 100
Steve 76
Debating voting rights is fine but take heed. When people on the left mention “voters rights” that code words for voter fraud. Please see my post at 77.
Please see RUFUS’s post at 72
New poll shows Bush’s approval rating at 60%. The respondents being 50% republican, 30% democrat and 20% independent was conducted by Fox news. The unbiased poll has an error rate of + or – 2%.
Comment by RUFUS — 3/1/06 @ 8:31 pm
RUFUS made that shit up. Nothing he says can be taken seriously.
Yeah, RUFUS, you are gonna be seeing that post a lot.
Get used to it.
Donna I resent that. My post is every bit as true as the National guard memo from CBS. You take that back.
RUFUS, I agree, your post is a big fat lie.
And you will see it often. In fact, everytime you post an obvious lie.
I might make a collection of all your obvious lie posts.
I need to get a bigger hard drive.
Donna you believed that the memo from CBS on Bush’s Natinal Guard
story is true right? Yes or No.
Now RUFUS is blubbering, just like a Randy “Duke” Cunninham as he admits that he is just another corrupt NeoCon Liar.
So Donna you just admited that CBS lied and cant be trusted on
your comment on 114. Yes or No…. answer the fucking question.
The memo was a lie, RUFUS, just like your posts!
Nope, I am not admitting that CBS can’t be trusted.
And CBS did not conduct the REAL poll.
And neither CBS, not FOXnews conducted your FAKE poll.
Rememebr that post, RUFUS
New poll shows Bush’s approval rating at 60%. The respondents being 50% republican, 30% democrat and 20% independent was conducted by Fox news. The unbiased poll has an error rate of + or – 2%.
Comment by RUFUS — 3/1/06 @ 8:31 pm
Yeah that is the poll you pulled out of your ass.
“Yes or No…. answer the fucking question.”
I answered the question. Now it is your turn.
Why do you lie all the time?
Answer the Fucking question RUFUS!
That is all I wanted to hear. Donna admits that CBS are a bunch of liars. So I quess that CBS poll has as much truth as my Fox poll. Thanks Donna for clearing that up.
“Donna admits that CBS are a bunch of liars.”
RUFUS, we have already established you are a liar, now we now that you have a reading problem.
Nope, I am not admitting that CBS can’t be trusted.
Comment by Donnageddon — 3/1/06 @ 9:59 pm
Now, RUFUS, why do you lie in every post?
Answer the Fucking question, RUFUS!
I guess it is silly of me to ask RUFUS to answer the question.
We have already established RUFUS lies all the time.
Yes or No…. answer the fucking question.”
I answered the question. Now it is your turn.
Why do you lie all the time?
Answer the Fucking question RUFUS!
Commentby Donnageddon— 3/1/06@ 10:00 pm
The donks repeat the 34% approval rating like it is the bible truth from a known liar CBS. I come up with a fictitious poll which is closer to the truth and I get called a liar. Leave it to a donk.
This is great fun, RUFUS! With every post we can see that you just cannot stop lying!
You truly are a NeoCon of the highest order!
I am not the one quoting CBS.
This is fantastic!!
I come up with a fictitious poll which is closer to the truth and I get called a liar.
Yes, RUFUS, that is the way it works.
RUFUS, you are not quoting CBS, that is the first truth you have said
You are quoting a fictitious poll
I am not quoting the CBS poll Donna… come on get it straight.
I come up with a fictitious poll which is closer to the truth and I get called a liar.
Comment by RUFUS — 3/1/06 @ 10:06 pm
That one is a KEEPER! Keep ’em coming RUFUS, I have plenty of space on my hard drive to save a lot of quotes like that!
@ 128 Donnageddon said “RUFUS, you are not quoting CBS”
@ 129 RUFUS said “I am not quoting the CBS poll Donna… come on get it straight.”
This is GREAT Stuff RUFUS, go on!
I can just see RUFUS, spinning, out of control. Every post he makes is fodder for ridicule. He can barely see anymore.
His world is crumbling.
This is fantastic!!
I come up with a fictitious poll which is closer to the truth and I get called a liar.
Yes, RUFUS, that is the way it works.
Commentby Donnageddon— 3/1/06@ 10:07 pm
Yeah in the land of the lefty media yes.
No, RUFUS, coming up with a “fictitious poll” is the definition of lying in every world.
Keep ’em coming!
Keep what coming? Medical records from the military? Memos from Mary Mapes?
The legislature is moving quickly to block Seattle officials’ efforts to replace the Alaska Way Viaduct with a tunnel.
A bill that would require Seattle to come up with the additional funding needed for a tunnel by the end of April passed the House Transportation Committee by a lopsided 26-2 vote.
If the bill becomes law, it would virtually force Seattle to build a new viaduct instead of a tunnel. State funding for the project should be sufficient to build a replacement viaduct, whereas a tunnel would require local taxes.
President Bush’s current approval rating of 34% will look good a few months from now; as he gets caught in more and more lies, the vast majority of the American people will accept the fact that Bush is not trustworthy, and growing numbers will turn their backs on him. Look for a Democratic landslide this fall.
RUFUS “Keep what coming? Medical records from the military? Memos from Mary Mapes?”
No, the public demands more “fictitious polls”!
Your ass has been handed to you, RUFUS. You are now officially a self confessed NeoCon Liar Clown.
No, the public demands more “fictitious polls”!
Dont worry, CBS will come out with another one shortly.
Your ass has been handed to you, RUFUS. You are now officially a self confessed NeoCon Liar Clown.
Commentby Donnageddon— 3/1/06@ 10:35 pm
ah pleaaaase. Give me a break Mr. John Kerry released his medical records.
And if you report it, RUFUS, we will all now know that you just made it up!
RUFUS = Self Confessed Liar
How is that making shit up working out for you RUFUS?
Not so well?
There is a couple of solutions to your problem.
1. Quit Fucking Lying
2. Take one for the Human Race, and jump off the Aurora bridge.
The last person who got their ass handed to them for lying was John Kerry by the swift boat veterans.
Actually Dan Rather got his ass handed to him, but was that before or after Kerry? They both got their asses handed to them for lying.
Interesting points, RUFUS, but now that we know you are a self confessed liar… well, I just can’t believe anything you post.
Actually the democrats collectively got their asses handed to them in 2004. Didn’t they say they were going to take Florida in 2004 because of 2000. Over 300,000 people handed the democrats their ass that day.
Sorry, RUFUS, you lied before. How can we believe you now?
actually you could say that the democrats got their asses handed to them by over 60 million people in 2004. The most ever to vote for a president.
You know the vietnam vet may have lost the war in 1973 but they won a more important war in 2004. God bless the swift Boat veterans for the Truth.
Interesting speculation, but then you are a self confessed liar… so I must assume that you are making that shit up.
Welcome to the Donna and Rufas show.
Don, Not your finest hour. JCH
You are right. Bush won by his own merrits. No one paid attention to the swifties.
JCH.. uh, not your finest decade.
You being an obvious racist clown
@ 154, well. Based on experience, i would have to say you are lying.
I wonder what it would be like if John Kerry was president? Well I quess we will never find out. Kind of like his medical records.
You’re right, there are 2 issues here. Goldy blogged on both and I commented on both. It was probably wrong in my response above to mix the felon voting issue with the phantom voting issue. So you were making some good observations
My comment on felons is that I agree with you that excessive fines can make it difficult for a felon to petition to get their voting rights back. In reality I doubt that most will be that motivated to pay off their fine to get back their right to vote, Based on the number of people who don’t vote in general its hard enough to get non felons to vote.
The 2.1 million prisoner figure I mention in regards to phantom voters is from the US Dept of Justice and references people who are in prison. I don’t believe it counts people who are temporarily in local jails.
The issue is now before Congress. Use of census data regarding prison population counts in setting legislative district boundaries has been a factor in areas like upstate New York. Again more technical information is available by going to
nice bunch of teenagers you got posting; about 130 posts of “neeter, neeter”
Appreciate the response.
The 2.1 million figure is referenced on the DJ page and does indeed reference local jails. It basically identifies anyone incarcerated at any level.
The actual amount in a state or federal prision is about 1/3 less then that number, which is still a large number of people.
from the DOJ website:
WASHINGTON — The nation’s prisons and jails held 2,131,180 inmates as of June 30, 2004, the Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) announced today. Two-thirds were in federal and state prisons, and the other third were in local jails. Jail authorities were supervising an additional 70,548 men and women in the community in work release, weekend reporting, electronic monitoring and other alternative programs.
There are also about 100k of those who are non citizens, and about 10k under 18, none of whom can vote anyway.
Just keeping it in persepctive.
righton, do you support RUFUS using “fictitious poll” numnbers?
Of course you do. Spreading misinformation and lies is what NeoCons do. Want evidence that Republicans commit poll fraud?
Rufus has supplied th smoking gun.
[From an Old Frat Buddy…..It’s worth the reading time……..I missed a turn off over in St.Louis yesterday and had to go down Page Ave.for quite a way to get back to the Highway.Wow what a trip.Groups of young men standing on every corner drinking in the streets,wearing their gangster clothes,music so loud you could hardly speak to the person next to you in the car even with the windows up and the streets full of trash and drug deals and beater cars worth a few hundred dollars with $2000 sets of wheels.This was at 1pm in the afternoon on a work/school day.According to their Democrat leadership I am somehow supposed to feel sorry and pay for this human rubbish…I don’t think so. [Dems turning America into a third world shit hole Hillary Village one city at a time. Not a Republican around for miles!]
So if Goldy isn’t the first Black, Jewish Blogger (aka the Sammy Davis, Jr. of Bloggers)….perhaps he is trying to be that Steve Martin Character ffrom the movie THE JERK (appropriate title for our celebrity!). Remember this? Goldy is perhaps Navin R. Johnson reincarnated!!!!!!!!!
Navin R. Johnson: “Huh? I am not a bum. I’m a jerk. I once had wealth, power, and the love of a beautiful woman. Now I only have two things: my friends and… uh… my thermos. Huh? My story? Okay. It was never easy for me. I was born a poor black child. I remember the days, sittin’ on the porch with my family, singin’ and dancin’ down in Mississippi.”
Perhaps Goldy was born a “poor black child’.
That’s it….a poor black child AND a Holocaust victim!
Kind of hard to reconcile with a privileged life in Philly….but hey, it’s only a Blog where fantasy rules!
Damn, this thread is too funny.
StuckonStupiddon, calling out JCH. Sorry donnod, it was a poor attempt of being GBS. Now he did it right.
Cynical, Puhlease! Don’t equate a person from the lily white areas of da Philly ‘burbs from being from de ghetto. Look up 15th and Federal St and 12th and Washington Ave in South Philly. Now that’s were I’d be from. Donnod – go to Google Maps and you’ll find my old territory. My cousins lived on S12th and Lombard and N12th and W Stiles and 61st and Carpenter!
Goldy now where you be from in Philly?
PuddyBud “Damn, this thread is too funny.
StuckonStupiddon, calling out JCH”
Perhaps you should actually read it next time.
Lord, but you are a moron.
Donnod: How is the St. Louis Dispatch, in the heart of Missouri Donk country a lie? Does Donk MSM links get filtered by those blood-shot eyes? Are you in StuckonStupid world? Didn’t you receive your latest orders from Lt. Gen Russel Honore?
Yes, the next dullest ASSes knife (after rugrat of course) judging people’s intelligence. I did read it. Look at Post #166. You called JCH a liar when he posts a credible link. Missed the reference to donk voting practices? WHere I disagree with JCH’s racism at times, this is where he gets his busing them in and getting them to vote quotes!
What is your IQ donnod? You surely demonstrate a LOW intelligence quotient here donnod!!! Remember, reading is fundamental. But being a donk, just looking at the headlines qualifies donnod as reading the article!
PuddyBud, I have no idea what you are talking about @ 166 and 167.
And I am pretty sure you don’t either.
PuddyBud “WHere I disagree with JCH’s racism at times,”
At which times to you agree with JCH’s racism?
Donnod, of course you have no idea what you said above. U’s be a dull knife. My post #166 & #167 refer to Rufus post #77 last night on the St. Louis Dispatch. Your post #78 last night said the St. Louis Dispatch URL was a lie. You see, you don’t have to work real hard at being a dull knife because it comes naturally. You have no concept of what you write. It just flows out of your ASS and when called on it you perform that which comes naturally, you are stuckonstupid! Navigate above and reread from 77 onward donnod!
Bye donod
Donnod regarding JCH’s racism, you missed that just like Roger Dumb Bunny missed what I do for a living. I restated it two or three times recently to JCH. Why not contact GBS for assistance? He has a great memory or he saves what people say offline. Maybe you should perform the same thing and it could help you with that nanometer sized brain you seem to possess and underutilize!
Also donnod while you are trying to figure out what you wrote last night, try this from,2933,186634,00.html
This is also one of only a handful of times that Bush’s approval has dropped below 80 percent among Republicans. Today 77 percent of Republicans approve, down from 82 percent in early February. Disapproval among Democrats went from 79 percent in early February to 84 percent today. Approval among independents is essentially unchanged at 35 percent.
What Rufus was saying is if you change the %ages of how CBS ran their poll and polled 50% Repubs, 20% Donk and 30% Independents the approval number changes. Does it change to Rufus’ numbers? I doubt it but the number will be higher that See BS, land of Rather! But being a dull knife you could not figure that out either. So you wrote over 10 dumb knife posts calling Rufus a liar when he was making a point of how See BS conducts polls. When you find a brain, come on back to ASSes and we can dialog. Until then learn to remember what you wrote the night before!
GBS, do you have any more of that Ginko you can send to Donnod? He needs something to leave stuckonstupidville!
PuddyBud, do you have any idea the difference between JCH and RUFUS? You seem to be lost in a fog of despair and NeoCon nonsense.
I was slamming RUFUS (not JCH) concerning the fake poll numbers he used @ 72, you dumbass.
RUFUS finally admitted he made the numbers up @ 124 “I come up with a fictitious poll ”
The rest of your ranting is based on your inability to comprehend what is right in front of you. You dumbass looooser.
And PuddyBud, concerning the party affiliation percentages in the REAL poll that looonacy was covered here, @ 43
Have someone read it to you, PuddyBud.
Good try donnod. I mixed up the #78. Thanks for clarifying.
Post #118:# The memo was a lie, RUFUS, just like your posts
Regarding [JCH], many moons ago he too posted about the donkocratic voting issues of Missouri. Where do you think he gets his votes for $$$$ comments from? Paraphrasing [JCH] “Bus them in, pay them $5 and they’ll vote Donk!” All bought and paid for. Damn, donnod you are a real dull knife! So is the St. Louis Dispatch URL a lie from Rufus? You claim it’s so in #118. Only dull knives like you make generalizations!
PuddyBud, as always, debating you is like shoveling water with a rake.
WTF, are you talking about the St. Louis Dispatch URL?? I could give a big flying fuck about the “St. Louis Dispatch URL” you keep harping on… And I never commented on it, dipshit!
Jesus, you are sofa king we taught Ed.
Donnod: Again you make generalizations without evaluating the consequences. You said Rufus lies in all his posts. One post contained the URL regarding donk voting practices being prosecuted. Now you say in 177 you like to give flying fucks. You a bird man too? Typical. When the truth hits a donk in the face they deflect and obfuscate the issue. Talk about flying fucks. Man you are as incoherent as a bum in pioneer square. Good job donnod.
Hey Freep:
Got a new name for you: Foghorn Leghorn or…
how about Foghorn Freephorn?
I think the cartoon character fits you to tee.