The latest installment in the ongoing saga of the Washington State Senate Republican Caucus (popularly known as “The Great Unraveling”), involves Sen. Cheryl Pflug (R-Delusional) who observers have described as increasingly erratic since her divorce… even for a Republican. I’d ask her legislative assistant about it, but apparently she’s no longer on the job.
Rumors are flying that Pflug’s assistant is enjoying paid administrative leave after enduring sustained “verbal abuse” during the recent legislative session, while others say that Pflug has outright fired her LA. I guess the only thing tougher than being a Republican state senator these days is working for one.
Heh. Can’t make this shit up, I tell ya.
Goldy, send her my resume.
Will, I think by now P-flug is precluded by leadership from employing male staff.
Did not know the Sen from the 5th was divorced. Oh look out! Now she really is free to frolic.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE watching the righties blow themselves up. It’s good for Washington – it’s good for America.
If I were a more mature and magnanimous person, I would feel sorry for this state’s Republicans. Because I am not that person, however, I can take pure and unfettered delight in their current travails. Please, oh please, Pammy and Cheryl and all of you, keep up the entertainment.
Republicans get divorced? You don’t say! What happened to their “family values”?! Republicans treating their spouses the same way they treat their employees — as disposal commodities! That’s too rich!!!
Calling Richard Pope….Oh Richard….readers seek the bound to be colorful court records memorializing the senators divorce.
Query: For Republican politicians, is being delusional a job requirement or merely a positive attribute?
David, having reported this news, aren’t you fearful she may come after you with a baseball bat?
Hi, I am a racist.
Hi, Iam a sexist.
It’s probly another libral meedya plot.
Dang librals.
Is it possible that the GOP is just left with supporters in the 12 IQ range and accordingly, it will simply be no fun just kicking the living shit out of them over and over? Looking at the best the GOP has to offer, I am afraid that’s the endgame. This is just TOO easy.
@11, 12: Is that you, Dufus? Or just another wingnut latecomer who thinks there’s something novel about posing as a Democrat?
@14 Yeah, we’re scraping the bottom of the wingnut barrel, if this thread is any indication.
Superior Court Case Summary
Court: King Co Superior Ct
Case Number: 06-3-04286-1
Sub Docket Date Docket Code Docket Description Misc Info
05-08-2006 $FFR Filing Fee Received
1 05-08-2006 SMPTDS Summons & Pet For Dissolution
2 05-08-2006 *ORSCS
JDG0011 Set Case Schedule
Judge Catherine Shaffer, Dept 11 04-09-2007ST
3 05-08-2006 CICS
LOCK Case Information Cover Sheet
Original Location – Kent
4 05-08-2006 INFO Information /cif/ Sealed Sub
5 06-26-2006 ACSR Acceptance Of Service
6 06-28-2006 NTAPR Notice Of Appearance / Resp
7 06-28-2006 RSP Response To Petition
8 08-15-2006 AFSR Affidavit/dclr/cert Of Service
9 08-17-2006 CINSC Confirm Issues: No Status Confer.
– 08-17-2006 CIFAM C.i.: Referred To Family Law Med.
10 10-02-2006 NT Notice Noncompliance/ Fcs
11 10-17-2006 NT Notice /med Noncompliance/fcs
16 10-18-2006 DCLR
ACTION Declaration Of Cheryl Pflug
Temp Orders
15 10-18-2006 PPP
ACTION Proposed Parenting Plan Mother
Temp Orders
17 10-18-2006 FNDCLR
ACTION Financial Declaration / Petitioner
Temp Orders
12 10-18-2006 NTMTDK
ACTION Note For Motion Docket
Temp Orders 11-02-2006MF
13 10-18-2006 SEALFN Sealed Financial Document(s) /cs
18 10-18-2006 MTAF Motion/dclr Temp Order/ Pet
14 10-18-2006 SEALFN Sealed Financial Document(s)
19 10-20-2006 COPC Confirmation Of Parenting Class
20 10-24-2006 NTMTDK
ACTION Note For Motion Docket
Mtn For Temporary Order 11-08-2006MF
21 11-01-2006 ORDSMF Ord/notc Dismissal Of Family Court
22 11-02-2006 HSTKIC Hearing Stricken: In Court Other
23 11-02-2006 FNDCLR Financial Declaration /resp
24 11-06-2006 SEALFN Sealed Financial Document(s) /cs
23A 11-02-2006 DCLR Declaration /bryan Pflug
26 11-06-2006 DCLR Declaration Of Cheryl Pflug
25 11-06-2006 SEALFN Sealed Financial Document(s)
27 11-07-2006 DCLR Declaration/reply/c Pflug
28 11-08-2006 MTHRG
FAM0002 Motion Hearing
Family Law – Kent
– 11-08-2006 VIDEO Video Log 1frjc-06-145/1028
32 11-13-2006 ORCJ
JDG0026 Order For Change Of Judge
Judge Laura Gene Middaugh, Dept
29 11-08-2006 PPT
FAM0002 Parenting Plan – Temporary
Family Law – Kent
30 11-08-2006 AGOR Agreed Order Re Wachovia Account
31 11-08-2006 REC
JDG0011 Recusal Of Judge
Judge Catherine Shaffer, Dept 11
33 11-16-2006 TMORS
JDG0011 Temp Order Of Child Support
Judge Catherine Shaffer, Dept 11
31 11-08-2006 REC
FAM0002 Recusal Of Judge
Family Law – Kent
33 11-16-2006 TMORS
FAM0002 Temp Order Of Child Support
Family Law – Kent
34 11-16-2006 NT Notice /noncompliance/fcs
37 12-12-2006 MAIL Mail Return – Unclaimed /robinson
36 12-08-2006 NT Notice /non Compliance/fcs
38 12-15-2006 COPC Confirmation Of Parenting Class
39 01-22-2007 ORPTH Order To Appear Pretrial Hrg/conf 03-02-2007
40 02-28-2007 NT Notice Of Case Closure/fcs
41 03-02-2007 ORPTC Order On Pre-trial Conference
42 04-04-2007 NTSSTD
EXP0003 Nt Stlmt/auth Clrk Strk Trial Date
Ex-parte, Eastside
45 04-05-2007 MTHRG
EXP0003 Motion Hearing
Ex-parte, Eastside
43 04-05-2007 DCD
EXP0003 Decree Of Dissolution
Ex-parte, Eastside
43 04-05-2007 DCD
Decree Of Dissolution
48 04-05-2007 CRTC
EXP0003 Certificate Of Compliance
Ex-parte, Eastside
48 04-05-2007 CRTC
Certificate Of Compliance
– 08-22-2007 CRFOLY
EXP0003 Certificate Mailed To Olympia
Ex-parte, Eastside
44 04-05-2007 ORS
EXP0003 Order For Support -final
Ex-parte, Eastside
46 04-05-2007 FNFCL
EXP0003 Findings Of Fact&conclusions Of Law
Ex-parte, Eastside
47 04-05-2007 PP
EXP0003 Parenting Plan (final Order)
Ex-parte, Eastside
51 05-22-2007 DCLR Declaration Of Bryan Pflug
49 05-17-2007 SEALFN Sealed Financial Document(s)
50 05-17-2007 ORQDR
Qualified Domestic Relations Order
There could be some juicy stuff in there, you never know. There was a temporary order hearing in November 2006, with competing declarations. Cheryl & husband swapping accusations, no doubt. Possibly some issues over parenting plan (custody & visitation), which could make for really interesting stuff. But apparently Cheryl got the kid(s), at least in the November 2006 temporary order hearing.
Pflug, Cheryl Ann
Petitioner King Co Superior Ct 06-3-04286-1 05-08-2006 Domestic
Superior Court Case Summary
Court: King Co Superior Ct
Case Number: 06-9-34226-2
Sub Docket Date Docket Code Docket Description Misc Info
11-16-2006 TMORS
Temp Order Of Child Support
Against Resp, Bryan Pflug & In Favor Of
11-16-2006 TMORS
Temp Order Of Child Support
Petr, Cheryl Pflug
11-16-2006 TMORS
Temp Order Of Child Support
Atty Fees
11-16-2006 TMORS
Temp Order Of Child Support
(stat Int @ 12% Per A)
Her website still pretends she is happily married. I also notice that she was a star pupil and ended up going into nursing….it doesn’t mention that she is Republican too much or that she has any psychiatric problems.
I’m not a big fan of going through dissolution paperwork and publicizing the details of competing affidavits/charges relating to temporary restraining orders or parenting plans. The problem is that both sides fire broadsides at each other on paperwork in the initial stages, without a court hearing or witnesses which can determine whether the allegations are true or exaggerations of relatively minor events. It usually starts because the party initiating the action is requesting a temporary restraining order, and needs to “show cause” why it is necessary. At the initial hearing, the judge is making his decisions just based on that initial paperwork (no oral testimony) and he/she doesn’t have the slightest idea at the who is telling the truth, who is exaggerating, and who isn’t.
Most of the time, within two or three months, things have settled down and those charges which arose in the initial paperwork are usually dropped by both sides.
That’s why I think state law should be amended to allow mutual temporary restraining orders without the need to “show cause” why they are necessary. Just have both parties prohibited from taking the child out of the jurisdiction for a couple of months, both parties prohibited from harrassing the other, and freezing all financial accounts except for what is necessary to pay ongoing bills for the next two months until a hearing can be held within sixty days.
So Richard, first thanks, are you able to get and post the depositions?
rhp6033 the good senators conduct is a valid issue.
Also, is it unusual to see two Judges recused in a little case like this?
Could political pressure have been a factor?
I didn’t see any depositions being filed in the docket, perhaps I missed them.
Normally depositions don’t get filed, unless they have to be for a reason. In fact, they aren’t even transcribed unless one of the parties orders them from the court reporter, and pays the transcription fee (it can be substantial). Before the deposition can be part of the court record, the attorney has to ask the court for permission to “publish” the deposition.
It looks like there was no trial, therefore no trial transcript (again, the transcription would have to be paid for by the requesting party).
The declarations and financial statements in support of motions are usually another matter, but it looks like in this case the lawyers had the good sense to order them sealed. Maybe they missed something?
23A 11-02-2006 DCLR Declaration /bryan Pflug
26 11-06-2006 DCLR Declaration Of Cheryl Pflug
27 11-07-2006 DCLR Declaration/reply/c Pflug
Not sure but these three documents might be interesting.
Particle Man – Judge Middaugh is married to democrat senator Adam Kline.
Thanks Random Observer. Shucks, I was wanting for some sort of crazy P-flug caused recusal. That however makes sense.