Peter Goldmark has another diary in the recommended list on Daily Kos today. Help keep it there by recommending his diary now.
While you’re at it, there are a couple other things you can do for Goldmark. Tomorrow is the last day to vote in the DCCC’s “Candidate for Change” contest. Vote for Darcy Burner and write in Peter Goldmark. And then when you’re done, give them both some money.
The midterm election looms, and once again efforts begin afresh to increase voter participation. It has become standard wisdom in American politics that voter turnout is synonymous with good citizenship, justifying just about any scheme to get people to the polls. Arizona is even considering a voter lottery, in which all voters are automatically registered for a $1 million giveaway. Polling places and liquor stores in Arizona will now have something in common.
On the political left, raising the youth vote is one of the most common goals. This implicitly plays to the tired old axiom that a person under 30 who is not a liberal has no heart (whereas one who is still a liberal after 30 has no head). The trouble is, while most “get out the vote” campaigns targeting young people are proxies for the Democratic Party, these efforts haven’t apparently done much to win elections for the Democrats. The explanation we often hear from the left is that the new young Democrats are more than counterbalanced by voters scared up by the Republicans on “cultural issues” like abortion, gun rights and gay marriage.
But the data on young Americans tell a different story. Simply put, liberals have a big baby problem: They’re not having enough of them, they haven’t for a long time, and their pool of potential new voters is suffering as a result. According to the 2004 General Social Survey, if you picked 100 unrelated politically liberal adults at random, you would find that they had, between them, 147 children. If you picked 100 conservatives, you would find 208 kids. That’s a “fertility gap” of 41%. Given that about 80% of people with an identifiable party preference grow up to vote the same way as their parents, this gap translates into lots more little Republicans than little Democrats to vote in future elections. Over the past 30 years this gap has not been below 20%–explaining, to a large extent, the current ineffectiveness of liberal youth voter campaigns today. [………..Not to worry, lib Dems!!! Another 20 million illegals from Mexico, and few million from the Sudan and Zimbabwe, and the Democrats will still have a shit load of voters to ensure the USA becomes a third world Democrat Hillary Shit Hole Welfare State!!!!!!]
Frank Murkowski, Alaska’s ethically challenged GOP governor, has a nearly 4-to-1 edge over Low Tax Looper, according to recent polling data. Looper pulled only 4% of the vote against a write-in candidate in his race for a Tennessee state senate seat vacated by Looper murdering his opponent; Murkowski is supported by 15% of Alaska’s GOP voters.
Murkowski’s two primary opponents divvied up the remaining 85% of the vote. Murkowski’s platform can be summed up: “If the environment’s for it, I’m ag’in it!!!” However, Alaska voters seem to be focusing more on (a) appointing his own daughter to a U.S. Senate seat, (b) spending public money to buy a private jet, and (c) cutting oil royalty payments to older voters.
2 For story, see
Karl, Did Democrat Mrs. Grossman visit Democrat Hero “Tookie” Williams several times in the morg? Exactly what was she doing there??? [“9 inch, hard, dead, Democrat love!!!!”]
The federal 9th circuit court of appeals has upheld a lower court ruling holding unconstitutional Washington’s beloved “blanket primary.” The ruling is zero surprise; the court is simply following SCOTUS precedent in a case that threw out California’s blanket primary. The basis of the court rulings is that political parties have a right to choose their own candidates.
An arbitrator has ordered King County elections department to reinstate former absentee ballot supervisor Nicole Way with partial back pay. The arbitrator did not find that Way was free of fault; but he concluded Way’s mistakes, errors, and omissions justified only a 3-month suspension without pay, not termination. Because Way has been off work longer than that, the county will owe her some back pay. Way is a member of the Teamsters Union, which represented her in the binding, non-appealable arbitration.
JCH’s sex life consists of taking the bus to the beach and hiding in the bushes with binoculars.
Eat shit, Stefan! (while I eat CARROTS from your garden — YUMMY!!! crunch crunch crunch)
By the way, Stefan, why didn’t you keep the windfall from your lawsuit against King County elections all to yourself, instead of sharing it with the generous donors to your “legal action fund” who paid for the lawsuit?
9 correction
“did” not “didn’t”
@1 Fortunately, the degeneracy is not %100 per cent transmissable. I have met many ‘Recovering Republicans’ born of first cousins. . .uh, I mean Neo-Comvicts.
Mrs. Rabbit says JCH “must be going stir crazy on his little island.” That’s understandable, when you live on an island you can throw a stone across. For photo of JCH’s island, see
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Roger at 5 and 6
While the party may be pleased with these rulings, I’m not sure that the rank-and-file should be.
The federal 9th circuit court of appeals has upheld a lower court ruling holding unconstitutional Washington’s beloved “blanket primary.”
I could see room for modification, but I think they threw out the baby with the bathwater here.
Yes, the party should have control over the party endorsement, and the ballot should make that clear. Perhaps something with a prominent Donkey (or Elephant) and the phrase “Endorsed by the Washington State Democratic (or Republican, or Libertarian, or whatever) Party, with other Democrats having to use something like “Democrat (self-declared)”, or even Independent (declared Democrat).
If the party’s favored candidate cannot make it through a “top two” primary, then that candidate is a lost cause, and throwing more money into that election is a waste of the party’s assets.
Another “win” that we should be very wary of. This lady’s poor judgement and lack of attention to detail may not have cost us (or anyone else) the election, but it certainly did us no good. Essentially, she failed at some of the most basic functions of her job.
Roger@12 Roger I was thinking his island was more like this:
Doctor JCH Kennedy spews:
Doctor JCH Kennedy spews:
Tree Frog Farmer spews:
Libertarian spews:
rhp6033 spews:
proud leftist spews:
Jim King spews:
Doctor JCH Kennedy spews:
Doctor JCH Kennedy spews:
rhp6033 spews:
Doctor JCH Kennedy spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Mark The Redneck spews:
Jim King spews:
John Barelli spews:
Mark The Redneck spews:
Libertarian spews:
Mark The Redneck spews:
Mark The Redneck spews:
Libertarian spews:
Mark The Redneck spews:
Mark The Redneck spews:
Libertarian spews:
rhp6033 spews:
Mark The Redneck spews:
Mark The Redneck spews:
John Barelli spews:
Doctor JCH Kennedy spews:
ConservativeFirst spews:
Mark The Redneck spews:
Mark The Redneck spews:
Doctor JCH Kennedy spews:
John Barelli spews:
Mark The Redneck spews:
Libertarian spews:
Mark The Redneck spews:
Jim King spews:
Mark The Redneck spews:
Jim King spews:
proud leftist spews:
anonymous spews:
Mark The Redneck spews:
Jim King spews:
Mark The Redneck spews:
Doctor JCH Kennedy spews:
rhp6033 spews:
It seems that Hezbollah had a bit of help in killing Israeli soldiers during their five-week war. The help came in the form of nifty little night vision goggles found by the IDF. How many? Try 250 sets found in a Hezbollah stronghold.
Now this may come as a bit of a surprise to you, but Hezbollah doesn’t exactly have a manufacturing process cranking out these night vision goggles. The were made in England.
How, you ask, did they come to be in the possession of Hezbollah? It seems that these goggles were shipped from Great Britain to Iran in 2003 under a United Nations program to combat rampant drug smuggling in Iran.
So … here’s your chain of possession. From Great Britain to the United Nations. From the UN to Iran. From Iran to Hezbollah.
Any questions?
Mrs. Grossman, “Tookie” Williams’ 9 inches of “love”!!!!!!!!! [Compare that to Carl’s 3 and one quarter inches of “love”!!!!]
Interesting. It wasn’t so long ago that US military experts were complaining about sensitive US night vision gear supplied to the IDF was being handled carelessly, and falling in to Fatah and Hisbullah hands.
Equipment by itself does not kill soldiers, skilled operators kill opposing soldiers. The Israeli’s lost this conflict They need scapegoats. They foolishly tried to conduct the initial campaign as a strictly air assault. When this proved unsuccessful, they sent in ill prepared, green ground troops. Troops, who are home now and bitterly complaining of how they were deployed. There are political consequences to be paid for this debacle.
The military generally does not use nightvision scopes for infantry, but rather night vision goggles. Seeing better, by itself, does not mean shooting better. It can lead to tactical advantages. But the expertise of the operators is paramount.
Several salient points get glossed over in this ‘talking point’. Yes, the Mullahs in Iran supply Hisbullah. Yes, they are cheap and probably relished giving free western gear to Hisbullah. However, Iran has no shortage of cash. . .and there are excellent nightvision goggles readily available on the open market for a price.
What was truly in play here was the training and dedication of the boots on the ground. Hisbullah showed their stuff in a way the IDF high command never anticipated. The rest is sour grapes.
As far as this 9th Circuit Court ruling about primaries, I never did understand why anyone would have a problem with the Dems choosing the Dem candidiate, the Reps choosing the Rep candidate, and other parties choosing their candidates. Why was this ever an issue?
The IDF researves are particularly critical of the Israeli government’s handling of the military in this engagement. Among the comments which caught my attention: An Israeli reservist complaining that the “veteran reserves” were not used in Lebanon, instead of the “green regulars”.
Of course, we tend to think of the “regulars” as being the best troops available, and the “reserves” as older, less combat-ready troops who can provide support in a pinch.
Just a reminder that everything in the Middle East is very complicated, and often backwards from our usual understanding and preconceptions. These people (both Israeli and Muslim) have been fighting each other for generations, and they’ve gotten to being pretty good at it, including the ability to get support from their political base.
Having Bush and Rumsfield involved is, intellectually, like putting your grandmother straight off the farm into a roomful of con artists. Your not sure exactly who’s going to end up with the most money, but you know Grandma is going to have lost her farm within an hour.
Consultation with a team of research psychiatrists reveals the following concerning JCH [Part 1]:
He was born to an alcoholic mother who cuckolded his father. When young JCH would return home from school, he would invariably find his mother blowing a stranger. She would ignore him even after she had completed the task at hand. JCH’s father, tiring of the openness of his wife’s philanderings, eventually left home. He blamed JCH, telling him that his whimpiness had caused his mother’s sexualization. Teenaged JCH found comfort at home only in the arms of his younger sister. She was plump, but loving. Even she rejected him, however, when she caught him wearing her underwear in front of a mirror while singing along with Barry Manilow. After leaving home, JCH desperately sought friendship from anyone who did not revile him. Drifting to San Diego, he became the bitch for a group of sailors who passed him around between rounds of crack. JCH found that he most preferred being with the African-American men in the group as they would occasionally offer him a kind word, or a sip of beer. Eventually, however, even the sailors tired of JCH’s rantings about his various fantasies, such as having a college degree. After dressing him in diapers under the pretense that they were going to play a “game,” JCH’s friends kicked him out into the street. Feeling rejected and betrayed, JCH began developing obsessive notions about African-American men and their sexual activities. He sought entry into a group of Second Amendment militia wannabes who railed against immigrants and America’s failure to adhere to the gold standard. JCH thought, once again, that he had found a home.
Well, we are headed for THE PEOPLE choosing THEIR top two, and to hell with the parties. The next Grange initiative will pass overwhelmingly, and we’ll have non-partisan elections for every office. And with the loss of partisan elections will also come the loss of the parties’ special status for being conduits of campaign cash. Washington’s political parties will have only themselves to blame…
proud leftist, yawn……..Into the boxcar, Carl!!! NOW!!!!!!!
BTW, Carl, Has your daughter ever “enjoyed” Democrat “Tookie” Williams’ 9 inches of “Democrat love”? Have you?
JCH at 1: Normally your conclusions would be correct – young people normally due vote in the same manner as their parents. But the level of disatisfaction with the Republicans, even among conservative voters, is being multiplied among the young. My own son and daughter, who interact with lots of normally conservative young people at college and church, have expressed surprise at the extent of the cynicism they are seeing among their conservative friends.
The problem for the Republicans is that the negative impacts of their policies impact the young people the most. Many of them have lost friends in the Iraq war, and their buddies who return home are expressing frustration that the administration doesn’t have a clue about what’s going on over there, or a policy for allowing them to get out of the conflict. The tax cuts and resulting deficits will leave a tremendous burden on their generation, more than ours. The Republican plan to privatize
Social Security makes it even less likly they will ever receive any benefits, rather than more so.
So Democrats don’t need to have as many babies as Republicans. All they have to do is let the Republicans in office from time to time, and the Republicans will do a good enough job of turning Republicans into Democrats.
21…..I can’t wait for “Part Two”!! ROTFLMAO!!!
John – In light of the court rulings that the blanket primary is unconstitutional, all the philosophical second-guessing in the world won’t create any room for “modifications.” The blanket primary is dead, period. It’s noteworthy that virtually all the political parties were co-plaintiffs in the lawsuits that killed it. It may be the only thing the parties have ever agreed, but they all hated the blanket primary.
“How, you ask, did they come to be in the possession of Hezbollah?” Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 8/22/06@ 1:05 pm
There’s probably an American arms dealer who votes Republican acting as an intermediary somewhere in that supply chain. Republicans will do anything for money.
You can buy night vision scopes from any hunting supply store. BTW, most hunting supply stores are owned by Republicans. Most gun shows are run by Republicans. They’ll sell anything to anybody, no questions asked. When Democrats try to pass laws requiring them to ask questions, Republicans are against any regulation whatsoever of these gun sales.
Wait until today’s twentysomethings try to buy a house … or even buy gas … on their generation’s earnings. They’ll be flocking to the Democrats (and to unions) in droves.
I wonder how many young people working their way through college in minimum wage jobs will vote for a party that wants to pay watiresses $2.12 an hour and empty the tip jar into the owner’s pockets?
26 Part 2
JCH’s sex life consists of riding the tourist bus to the beach at sunset and hiding in the bushes with night vision goggles.
Maybe you moonbats can “educate” me.
Seattle Times reports today that because of that stoopid fucking neanderthal president we have that funding for research at UW has been “slashed” and that researchers are facing massive layoffs. Researchers say they are “hanging on by their fingernails. According to the article, a whopping $7 million has been “cut” from funding down to a measly $989 million. Holy shit, 7 million bucks is a lot of money.
So can someone “educate” me as to how the fuck a “cut” of 0.7% can be so fucking catastrophic? SEVEN TENTHS OF ONE PERCENT. And tell me whether you’d consider this to be just bad reporting or just good old fashioned librul media bias.
@31 Don’t forget, RR- in 43 states the minimum IS $2.13 for tipped employees- only Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, Montana, Nevada, and Minnesota- do better. So although those idiot Republicans in D.C. wanted to lower tipped employees wages in those states- almost all of your precious BLUE states treat tipped employees like SHIT.
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Roger Rabbit— 8/22/06@ 2:26 pm
John – In light of the court rulings that the blanket primary is unconstitutional, all the philosophical second-guessing in the world won’t create any room for “modifications.” The blanket primary is dead, period. It’s noteworthy that virtually all the political parties were co-plaintiffs in the lawsuits that killed it. It may be the only thing the parties have ever agreed, but they all hated the blanket primary.
Well, the court’s reasoning was that the parties had the right to control their own candidates, so I’m not sure that the entire issue is dead on that account.
After all, nothing in the Constitution says that we must have a Democrat and a Republican on the final ballot.
I think that allowing the parties to control who may use the party logos and requiring non-party-endorsed candidates to clearly state that they are “self-declared” would answer that objection, and is a good idea in any case.
The fact that none of the party leadership liked the “blanket” primary system seems to be a big mark in favor of keeping it.
If a candidate with the help of a major political party, cannot get into the “top two”, then that candidate should bow out gracefully and go home.
Of course, that leaves caucuses picking the “official” party candidate, but I think we can all live with that.
The caucuses would have to at least consider how much support their candidate would get from independents and even members of the opposing party before making their choice, but it would still be their choice.
If the “official” party candidate lost the primary, then the party should have some mechanism available to decide whether or not to endorse the primary winner, but it should not be manditory. Hey, if some LaRouche candidate somehow pulls out a win, he should still be on his own.
Still, party leadership would hate it. Darn. (Who can I talk to over at the Grange to get this thing started, anyway?)
Where the fuck did it state in the senate bill $2.13 per hour.
Shit, do you guys hafta lie all the fucking time?
The minimum wage is a sop to the poor wherein they get a temporary benefit that falls victim to inflation over an astonishingly short period of time. Let’s raise it $10 per hour, nationwide, but in a few years that $10/hour won’t be enough to live on.
The important thing for young folks to learn is that they don’t ever want to live on minimum wage.
Jim King Tax Evasion Felon – have you turned yourself in yet to the IRS? Because the only fucking way your employee can LOSE money is by lying about tips in the first place. And you are a willing co-conspirator. They might go easy on you if you fess up you know…
Lib – Why 10 bucks an hour? That’s only 20k per year if the worker is employed full time. HTF do you live in FUWA on 20k/yr? You can’t. So if you’re so fucking concerned, why not a bigger number… say $25 per hour?
OK, MTR, $25 per hour, then. What ever!
Lib – I need something for my moonbat quote file so I can shove it up your ass later. Come right out and say you think minimum wage should be $25 per hour. The rest of you can too…
Here’s another great one for you Seattle based moonbats. Our friend Eyman started a formal opposition campaign today against Seattle’s proposal for the property tax that never ends. Tim is gonna defend you against the unprecedented level of greed by Seattle city gummint.
DAY ONE WATCH: WHERE’S GOLDY? Is Goldy gonna support Tim or open up his wallet and let city gummint just take whatever they want.
This is great. Which is worse? A rock or a hard place? Do tell… LMAO….
The minimum wage is a temporary benefit to folks on the bottom of the ladder. Every now and again, it is increased, and the economy absorbs the increase. While it does little to impact the cost of living for everyone else, other factors DO cause the cost of living to rise, thereby negating any previous benefit from increasing the minimum wage. It’s like a kid working to build a sandcastle at low tide. Eventually the tide rises, wiping ot the sandcastle. It’s a pessimistic viewpoint, I’ll admit, but it’s how I see it.
Before I forget, I don’t think MTR responded to this post. Perhaps he didn’t see it on the previous thread:
Just catching up on threads from over the weekend. I found the following comment, which to me seemed rather revealing:
“On corporate taxes, you show again what a media dupe you are. Corporations have a moral obligation to their shareholders to pay only those taxes that are required by law. Corporations are not charities.”
The comment was from Mark the Redneck, # 51 on the 8/19/2006 Open Thread.
You will all be proud to know that MTR is now in agreement that any payment of 28 million from Safeco to Mike “I’ve Got Mine” McGavick is illegal unless Safeco received full value in return for that payment. Safeco is not a charity, it could not pay 28 Million dollars just because Mike was a “helluva guy”, and did a “helluva job” under his previous contract. Unless the corporation was under a legal obligation to pay, it could not pay 28 million dollars for past performance, whether the Board of Directors approved it or not.
So, MTR – what exactly, did “Bought and Paid For” McGavick do, or promise to do in the future, that was worth 28 Million? Could it be that his promise to “be available” for advice for two months was worth 28 Millinn? Naaaww, only a idiot would believe that.
Perhaps Safeco felt that having McGavick as a U.S. Senator, owing a HUGE debt of gratitude to Safeco for financing his campaign and a rather oppulant lifestyle, was in the best interest of Safeco and the insurance industry in general? Methinks we are getting closer to the truth, are we not?
Just for argument’s sake, perhaps I am wrong, and Mike McGavick did indeed negotiate the deal of the century – talking experienced corporate board members and former government executives to part with 28 million dollars for only two months of part-time work which were probably never actually performed. If that is the case, the Senate is a poor position for someone of those talents. Instead, lets appoint him as lead negotiator with the Iranians and N. Koreans. Perhaps he can talk them into giving up their nuclear programs, and pay us several billion dollars each for the trouble?
I made minimum wage when I was 16 years old. Made a buck sixty five clearing brush. I got buck eighty five the next summer washing dishes in university cafeteria. Worked my ass off in both jobs.
But to suggest that minimum wage is somehow necessary for “those at the bottom of the ladder” is not accurate. Most minimum wage jobs are held by people who aren’t attempting to live on those jobs. Are there exceptions? Sure, but they are few. And the people who hold those jobs are hopeless losers who fucked up their lives through their own bad choices. I have little sympathy for them.
rhp – Geez ya lost me… how did we go from taxes to class envy?
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Mark The Redneck— 8/22/06@ 3:22 pm asked where the $2.13 per hour came from, and after reading the bill that was passed, I can’t find it either.
Apparently the employer of a tipped employee would not have to pay $2.13 per hour. They could pay them nothing, or even possibly charge the employee for the “priviledge” of working at the establishment and getting tips, so long as the total amount they took home was at least equal to than the minimum wage.
(Ok, Mabel. You made $100 in tips on an 8 hour shift, you owe me $38.96 for letting you work here.)
This situation is so absurd that I’m sure that I must have missed something. Some other provision in the bill. Even the Republicans aren’t that heartless, are they?
Mrs. Rabbit says JCH “must be going stir crazy on his little island.”
Commentby Roger Rabbit [……………………………………………Dear Mrs. Rabbit, “Little island”? This island is the size of the state of CONN! We have surf, SCUBA, volcanos, Snow boarding om Mauna Kea, and the International Championship Bill Fishing Finals [“grander” blue marlins]. Neil Young lives here. Clint has a place on the island, and Miss Winfrey owns a shit load of land. So does the drummer from “U2”. Plus every eatery and “Hard Rock” bars and “discos”. We even have fish with large, funny noses that like like Carl Grossman!!!
Commentby Libertarian— 8/22/06@ 3:24 pm
“The minimum wage is a sop to the poor wherein they get a temporary benefit that falls victim to inflation over an astonishingly short period of time. Let’s raise it $10 per hour, nationwide, but in a few years that $10/hour won’t be enough to live on.”
Are you advocating raising the minimum wage?
Conservativefirst – I asked the same question and suggested $25. He didn’t disagree.
Barelli – Dont be a fucking idiot.. I know it’s tough. Fercrissakes read sections 401 and 402 of the bill. THose numbers don’t appear. Don’t fucking lie to me you asshole…
The Louisiana Democratic Congressman caught on FBI surveillance tapes taking $90,000 in cash has been selected by the Democratic Congressional caucus to lead a delegation from Capitol Hill on a tour of New Orleans next week to “join in prayer with the people of the region, to reflect and remember.” Jefferson has denied any wrongdoing in a case that sparked controversy when the FBI searched his Capitol Hill offices.
“Over here’s the French Quarter. I got my first Democrat bribe there as a little boy.
Now we’re in the 9th ward. See this busted dam; I got a big haul from the cement contractor. Well, it was actually my Democrat brother-in-law who dropped a load a mud and called it cement.
And here’s where the appliance store was that sold me my freezer. It has a big freezer!!
Next stop … the airport, where I picked up all those Nigeria bigwigs and their suitcases of cash.”
Here they are, Mark. The employer seems to be required to make up any difference between the amount of tips and the minimum wage.
As I said, that seems incredible, so I’m sure that I missed something. Probably some sort of limit on the “additional amount on account of tips received by such employee”
But I couldn’t find it.
Oh, and Mark. I’ve kept all of my posts to you free of obcenities. This will be the last post that contains obcenities that I will respond to.
Essentially, if you can’t manage to express yourself in reasonable language, I will assume that your argument is bogus and just ignore it.
Section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 206(a)(1)) is amended to read as follows:
`(1) except as otherwise provided in this section, not less than–
`(A) $5.15 an hour beginning September 1, 1997;
`(B) $5.85 an hour, beginning on January 1, 2007;
`(C) $6.55 an hour, beginning June 1, 2008; and
`(D) $7.25 an hour, beginning June 1, 2009;’.
Section 3(m) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 203(m)) is amended–
(1) by redesignating paragraphs (1) and (2) as subparagraphs (A) and (B), respectively;
(2) by striking `Wage’ paid to any employee’ and inserting `(1) `Wage’ paid to any employee’;
(3) in subparagraph (B) (as so redesignated), by inserting before the period the following: `: Provided, That the tips shall not be included as part of the wage paid to an employee to the extent that they are excluded therefrom under the terms of a bona fide collective bargaining agreement applicable to the particular employee’; and
(4) by adding at the end of the following:
`(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, any State or political subdivision of a State which on or after the date of enactment of the Estate Tax and Extension of Tax Relief Act of 2006 excludes all of a tipped employee’s tips from being considered as wages in determining if such tipped employee has been paid the applicable minimum wage rate, may not establish or enforce the minimum wage rate provisions of such law, ordinance, regulation, or order in such State or political subdivision thereof with respect to tipped employees unless such law, ordinance, regulation, or order is revised or amended to permit such employee to be paid a wage by the employee’s employer in an amount not less than an amount equal to–
`(A) the cash wage paid such employee which is required under such law, ordinance, regulation, or order on the date of enactment of the Estate Tax and Extension of Tax Relief Act of 2006; and
`(B) an additional amount on account of tips received by such employee which amount is equal to the difference between the cash wage described in subparagraph (A) and the minimum wage rate in effect under such law, ordinance, regulation, or order, or the minimum wage rate in effect under section 6(a), whichever is higher.’.
Barelli – C’mon… are you telling me that you really believed that any politician would seriously propose cutting minimum wage to two bucks an hour? That was the level 30 years ago…
Are you advocating raising the minimum wage?
Commentby ConservativeFirst— 8/22/06@ 3:56 pm
The most important thing the minimum wage does, in my view, is motivate people to NOT to want to live at that level. I don’t care, either way, if they raise it or not, but the trend has been to have periodic increases. They haven’t had one in a while, so I guess it’s due.
Barelli – Thanks for being honest. The rest of you moonbats should be like John here. And you ought tell Cantwell to knock it off too.
Now, MTR is a stupid mutherfucker who didn’t bother to read all that was laid out for him the other night, but come on, Barelli- you are smarter than that!
The new sub (2) is the federal override of the seven states with no tip credit- that require employers to pay tipped employees the full minimum age. You won’t find anything about the minimm wage for tipped employees anywhere else in the bill BECAUSE THEY DIDN’T PROPOSE CHANGING ANY OF THAT!
Even as they were proposing giving all other minimm wage employees an increase, tipped employees were being left out- EXCEPT for the tipped employees in washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, Montana, Nevada, and Minnesota WHO WOULD HAVE HAD THEIR WAGES CUT.
Go dig through the posts in Radio Silence to find the explanations. I’ll be nice- it begins with #182…
Barelli – Be careful… King is an admitted tax evader who conspires with employees who fail to report tips to IRS. Unless you wanna be his cellmate, I’d be careful.
MTR- you had the one night of fun you get from me- you were not up to the challenge. When you chose to cut and run so you could go play butt buddy with Left Turd, you lost. So give it up. You can’t even talk to the BACK of the hand, because even it isn’t listening.
Hey, JCH,
Have you picked up your neighbor’s new CD? Neil Young’s new CD’s got this great little number called “Let’s Impeach the President.” It’s real catchy, a toe tapper. You ought to pick it up.
JimKing@60 MTR is actually a circle-jerk or daisychain of several conservative wannabes. The embarrassing thing (for a Republican) is that some of these socially retarded individuals actually have some professional qualifications. One, a physician, couldn’t be Roger Rabbits vet. . .,
another, so proud of his engineering credentials I wouldn’t let build a brick shit-house.
Tax Evader King – Then explain to me HTF your bartender could complain about losing $200 per week if she was being honest?
@62- Anonymous- I know what MTR is- he’s a liberal out to make conservatives look bad, just like Left Turd is a conservative out to make liberals look bad… And he is so dense no one has been able to x-ray his skull to see where to drain the water off the brain.
Actually, Anonmymous, MTR (and Left Turd) cannot follow a simple argument, or reason their way through toilet paper. Don’t worry- I never take them seriously. I do hope someone diverts them before they cast their vote for Burrage, though…
King – Do you think IRS Tax Court will buy your arguments?
Hey, JCH,
Have you picked up your neighbor’s new CD? Neil Young’s new CD’s got this great little number called “Let’s Impeach the President.” It’s real catchy, a toe tapper. You ought to pick it up.
Commentby proud leftist [……….Neil flys in his private jet to the new private Kona airpost, then limos to his private, gated, mansion in North Kohala. He uses almost as much fossil fuels as Al Gore, then sings about “protecting the environment” and “saving the world”. Typical hypocite lib!! He has housekeepers, and his cook shops at the Kona Safeway. The locals rarely [if ever] see him. Now, on the other hand, Clint toured the entire island last year and shook hands with everyone!! What a great REPUBLICAN!!!!]
Gee, MTR still can’t subtract. It’s sad that such a fine education has gone to waste upon such a “producer”, that he cannot do a first-grade math problem without trying to add taxes to it.
MTR, you ignored my previous explanation, so pay attention: First you take the existing minimu wage. Then you reduce it (subtraction) to the $2.15 (or thereabouts) it would be under the House bill. It’s simple, really. By trying to multiply it by tax rates, you are just confusing yourself, and multiplication is far too difficult for you to understand yet, so please leave it until you get to the third grade.
Or do you just like to repeat lies over and over again, defaming people who give the facts? If so, you have learned your lesson as a Republican very well. Now go back to your playpen and try not to cry so much.