A 12-year-old girl was abducted and murdered, and what is our good friend Stefan’s response to the arrest of her suspected killer, Terapon Dang Adhahn? The headline: “And He’s a Registered Voter.”
Stefan likes to dismiss me and my fellow progressive bloggers as the crazy “nutroots,” but what kind of sane person would instantly respond to a heart-wrenching tragedy like this by looking up the suspect’s voter registration record? I guess, in Stefan’s mind, Dean Logan has yet more blood on his hands.
What a tragedy. My heart goes out to the family..It is unimaginable what they are going thru……….
Goldy, I have to agree. Snarky political jabs at a time like this is poor taste indeed.
I hope God takes care of that young girl, and that her family can find somekind of commfort at the most terrible time in their lives…
What a damn tragedy…..
Stefan has no shame. The tragedy and this girl is just a prop in his twisted mind.
Too bad it wasn’t Steffy’s daughter. Yes that’s over the top. Don’t care. That fuck wasn’t worried about going over the top when he wrote his crap.
Keep singing sheep chorus.
Try to forget the hate you spewed when Pope John Paul died, or the hate you spew at any misfortune the besets a Conservative.
I will say one thing for the fuckelstein.. he makes a great fat pied piper for you willing idiots.
Anyone who tries to make an obscure political point by using this horrific tragedy to their advantage is just a sick fucker.
So let us just see if we have this right:
the fuckelstein groupies are incensed *INCENSED I SAY!* that Acorn has been exposed and charged with voter fraud, that a 70 yr old woman and her dog exposed the hypocrisy of kinky county voting regs, but pointing out the fact that an ILLEGAL (one of the victim groups you so heartily champion) a felon illegally registered to vote (another victim group you heartily champion) killed a young woman is just too much for your delicate sensibilities.
#6 Don’t forget to mention the tens of thousands of legitimate voters the Cons caged off the voting rolls in Florida, and Ohio. You slimeballs complain about a couple acorn votes, and your criminal enterprise keeps tens of thousands from voting. Many of them vets.
Republicans belong in cages. Period.
Dug @4, @6,
You think the unmoderated nature of the threads here on HA is a weakness. But what it really does is allow hate-filled cowards like you to publicly hang yourselves on your own words. Keep it up.
No DarcyBurnerReallyHatesYou @6, we are as upset and angry about the murder of this girl as anyone. What we take exception to is that Stefan would use this to make a point about the alleged murderer’s voting record.
I’ll tell you what else incenses me: when guns are used to kill people because conservatives won’t do what needs to be done to keep them out of the hands of people. But, ooooohh noooooo, we can’t do that despite the thousands that die because you want to do a little target practice every now and then.
Guns don\’t kill people you moron. Guns are inanimate OBJECTS… kinda like the fucklestein sheep here.
You are upset about the murder of the girl boo-fucking hoo … do you even know her name, you miserable piece of scum… No, of course not, you are upset that one of your favored victims screwed up. You don\’t give a fuck about that girl.
Fucklestein you have mastered the use exploitation.
Go to hell.
#6 Don’t forget to mention the tens of thousands of legitimate voters the Cons caged off the voting rolls in Florida, and Ohio. You slimeballs complain about a couple acorn votes, and your criminal enterprise keeps tens of thousands from voting. Many of them vets.
Woof woof. I keep on hearing that line, but I haven’t heard of one democrat dog that was denied thier right to vote. Explain? Woof woof Man these donks get pissed when you make harder for them to cheat….. panting…. Good boy.
Good for Stephan. These donks tried to pass Haq off as a conservative after he shot a pregnant Jewish woman. Of course Haq was a self professed life long liberal. Man you donks sure can dish it out, but you can’t take it. woof woof. Hehehehe
It is a tragedy. Child molesters cannot be cured. We need to keep them locked up in leper-like colonies.
A bludgeon is an inanimate object too, idiot. Put an madman and an inanimate object together and your still stuck with an madman, but potentially also a murderer.
Jane Balogh’s Dog – What a sick person you are, laughing about this when a girl was found dead in a ditch.
Jane Balogh’s Dog @15 – Wow, a girl is found dead in a ditch and what matters to you is the political persuasion of her killer? Talk about politicizing a tragedy! Pathetic.
You are right. I have gone over the line. I am behaving like a democrat. I should not be making political hay out of this tragedy. Nuff said.
Jane Balogh’s Dog said, “You are right. I have gone over the line. I am behaving like a democrat. I should not be making political hay out of this tragedy. Nuff said.”
As he continues to make political hay out of this. What a loser.
You fuckelstein sheep present a true picture of liberal granola munching, wine cooler sipping, tree hugging, veggie eating, metrosexually confused liberal wackos who belong to PETA, GREENPEACE,SIERRA CLUB,CODEPINK, and every other other wacko groups (because they will HAVE you) and think the symbol of peace is a chicken footprint because a white dove is too Christian.
Damn these dems sure have short memories (roll eyes). Night all.
Wow, the righties are really wrong tonight.
It’s nothing but a tragedy and my heart goes out to the girls family and friends.
You seem obsessed with the idea that you should let any hate spewing extremist who drops by to trash any thread with any kind of bullshit, and that constitutes a freedom of speech issue that trumps maintaining ANY kind of order. Some of us, who support you morally and financially, may elect not expose ourselves to this totally gratuitous vandalism and chaos just because you think it makes you some kind of hero for tolerating it.
maybe it just makes you a chump and a sucker for people who can’t spray shit around in any other forum.
Perhaps you should consider whether your principles outweigh turning this into a cesspool that will eventually be populated only by total nutcases.
Why doesn’t Stefan blame Bush and the REPUBLICANS for this? And specifically, the 41st President George Herbert Walker Bush.
I will start out with the assumption that Terapon Dang Adhahn is NOT a citizen of the United States. The newspaper article says he is in federal custody on an immigration matter. Mr. Adhahn doesn’t show up as a party to any case in federal court, so he is not charged with a federal crime. (A U.S. citizen could possibly be in federal custody on an immigration related matter, but only if charged with an actual crime – well, anything is possible with Gonzo in charge of DOJ.) If held on a pure immigration violation, then he is presumably not a citizen.
If Adhahn is not a citizen now, then he wasn’t a citizen back in 1990 and 1991. Adhahn pleaded guilty to felony incest in Pierce County Superior Court No. 90-1-01326-1 and was sentenced for this felony on September 4, 1990:
Adhahn should have been deported for this sex offense felony. The responsibility for doing this fell under the U.S. Department of Justice, which was headed by a Republican under G.H.W. Bush.
Had Adhahn been deported back in 1990, he would not have had the opportunity to rape and murder this 12 year old girl (okay, allegedly rape and murder, but it appears from the newspaper article that he has confessed to this crime for all intents and purposes). Nor would he have had the opportunity to improperly register to vote as a non-citizen in Pierce County on March 8, 2002.
Violent rape should be a capital offense, punishable by death. Any serious molestation of a child (and by “serious”, I mean somewhat more than groping or taking pictures of them naked) should also be considered a capital offense, punishable by death.
I do not support the idea of “registered” sex offenders: when a person has done their time, they should be allowed to return to being an ordinary citizen, complete with the ability to vote. Instead, we should make the sentence appropriate to the crime.
As for this particular case, if it is proven that this guy is guilty of raping and killing this poor girl, he should be hung by the neck until dead, and it should be televised for all to see. That, in my mind, is an appropriate punishment for his actions.
This exchange between me and Proud Leftist is so good, I am going to post it in every thread on HA from now on. It destroys the Publicans’ stupid talking points – period.
“I’m working really hard to understand how President Bill Clinton’s actions act as justifcation for the righties. Read this fuckwads.
If your lame ass argument is that Bill Clinton was a bad President – which is what you say – and if your argument now is that the AWOL coward GW Bush is in someway comparable to Bill Clinton, what you are actually saying is that GW Bush is NO BETTER THAN CLINTON.
Does it hurt to be that stupid? I really want to know.
proud leftist says:
RES @ 18
You’ve hit it on the nose. The rightwing fringefucks consider Clinton to be the personification of evil–indeed, he is the devil incarnate in their twisted little minds. Nonetheless, their justification for all of the Bushites’ sins is, always, “well, Clinton did it, too.” Methinks they never studied logic.”
And what’s better, is that the rightie traitor keeps pointing out that this is true. Thanks MTR. Please keep proving my point for me.
Puffybutt is up to 17 different names here. But it’s still HIS wife who likes to suck my cock.
Puffybutt you coward. When are you going to sue me you cunt? Can you imagine the way I have degraded your train-pulling Muslim wife here? I can’t believe you don’t have the hair on your chest to sue me. Come on bitch. What’s stopping you? Of course I forgot – fear and common sense.
Stefan is just a pussie. Anyone caught posting anything that proves his positions to be stupid, or just plain wrong gets their comments deleted, and they then get banned.
Stefan is a pussie.
Can’t take the heat Stefan?
You post your ReichtWing propaganda Stefan, and the truth tellers call you on it, and you just can’t handle it. Being shown to be wrong over, and over, with links……
You try to impress your pea brain con readers with your bashing of “liberals”, but never a peep about the tens/hundreds of thousands of innocent people killed because of our invasion of Iraq. You forget to mention the fact that practically the whole world is becoming anti-american. What about the GOP controlled government that had doubled our national debt, and racked up trillions in more debt we may never be able to pay back so the billionaires can keep more of their money.
Stefan Shyster, doesn’t it suck to be a Republicon these days?
If you still think Bush is doing a good job, and Cons are good for America’s future you belong in a rubber room…..
It appears the only thing that matters to today’s cons is greed, unaccountability, secrecy (executive privilege even on Pat Tillman’s death), and lust for hookers or children.
So Stefan. Why don’t you blog on all the people that were covering up Mark Foley’s sexual preferences? Blog who Jeff Gannon Guckert’s White House lover was? You are so into voting issues, you can blog caging lists, or blog on the actions of Ken Blackwell, and Choicepoint, Jeb Bush, and Catherine Harris in 2000.
It must reeeeeeeely suck being a Republicon these days Stefan. The good guys are mowing your type down by the truckload!
@3 28-30.
I know you can’t help yourselves. But you simply show that you are just as low as those you show contempt for…
Goldy you have to admit Stefan makes a great point. Why Adhahn was still in this country after being release from prison and not deported? You know that the Democrats are so desperate for votes that they would pay any price for that vote. Wouldn’t want to really clean up the voter’s registration of who are register illegally in this State. Now that the Democrats run this State why are we still having all these problems with sex offender and your children are not safe no matter where you live? The Governor wants to clear out the prison system and dump them into everybody’s back yard except her own. NIMBY’s!!! Now if you want to fix the problem, out source the prison system to Mexico. Then hire all legal Mexicans’ there to run the system and have the Human rights monitor their well being. Then upon completion of their time return them to Boston Massachusetts to serve out their probation. Just think of the money savings and the government sector gets a small taste of looking for a new job. WOW what a novice idea and the Mexicans will not have to swim the Rio Grand like Ted Kennedy did to get a great job.
Police have found the body of Zina Linnik, the abducted 12-year-old Tacoma girl. The suspect is in custody:
Court records name the man as 42-year-old Terapon Dang Adhahn, a convicted sex offender who has been in custody on an unrelated immigration matter since Monday.
In 1990, he was charged with violently raping a 16-year-old relative, according to court records. He pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of first-degree incest in exchange for completing 60 months of sexual-deviancy counseling.
Adhahn was arrested Monday on an unrelated immigration matter, and was charged Monday with failing to register as a sex offender.
“unrelated immigration matter”? If he’s not a citizen, why wasn’t he deported after the 1990 crime?
Adhahn is registered to vote in Pierce County.
Posted by Stefan Sharkansky at July 13, 2007 12:36 AM
Roger is the Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda for the Socialist Democrats Party today just like Paul Joseph Goebbels was in Hitler Germany. His Nazi friends taught him the trade when he visited them in jail.
They must have “hours” on the computer in the Day Room where Klake is an inmate.
Poor silly Klake, did you bother to read Richard @ 25. Adhahn was in the custody of the first Bush Administration’s INS. They let him go, not a Democrat.
But don’t let the facts confuse your talking points
The Tacoma paper ran a pretty good editorial today. An excerpt:
“What seems clear is that Zina might be alive today if officials hadn’t dropped the ball back in 1990. That’s when the suspect, Thai immigrant Terapon Adhahn, was convicted of sexually assaulting his 16-year-old half-sister.
Adhahn served a 60-day jail sentence, underwent 60 months of court-ordered treatment and was classified as a Level 1 sex offender. He could have been deported after a 1992 conviction for intimidation with a dangerous weapon. But he wasn’t, and Zina is dead because of it.
A spokeswoman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement said, “He escaped our attention.”
That’s not good enough. The public deserves to know why a convicted sex offender was allowed to stay in this country, posing a threat to its children.
David, Stefan reported the perp is registered to vote in Pierce County. Get the facts straight.
K @ 36
Poor silly Klake, did you bother to read Richard @ 25. Adhahn was in the custody of the first Bush Administration’s INS. They let him go, not a Democrat.
But don’t let the facts confuse your talking points ”
What STATE did he commit the crime in 1990 in?
What STATE did he commit the crime in 1992 in?
Washington State. Which has been controlled by the democrats for the past 20 frigging years. Our laws come first. Then INS. If we plea bargin and convict on a lessor crime, he is a free pervert (level 1). If the laws had not allowed a plea bargin, he would have been convicted and deported.
Has nothing to do with federal goverment, and Richard knows it. He is just deflecting.
So, this creep was registered to vote. BFD. Ted Bundy was also registered to vote AND a Republican party employee. Let’s focus on the victim and her family and not on cheap politics.
Darn, randall, you beat me to it by just a few minutes. Though I’m not sure I would have remembered to include Bundy’s GOP-employment credentials.
What do you expect from donks. They always blame the mistakes they cause on republicans.
Let’s focus on the victim and her family and not on cheap politics.
Donkacractic for:
Let’s not talk about the real reason why this happened because our party caused this.
Dan @ 42:
If blame is the game you must play, someone pointed this out here much earlier that the name for blame is Bush. As in George Herbert Walker Bush who was President and in charge of what was then called INS when this creep was convicted both the first and second times. Damn Bushes.
Well Dan, you avoided this last time I asked it, so I’ll try again. Republicans control the prosecutors office at every level- county, state and federal. How do you blame the legislative and executive branches for the laws not being enforced?
Randall @ 43
If you would read #39 again, you will see that Richard doesn’t quite get all the FACTS right
The State of Washington (which as no connection to GHB) first had to CONVICT him of a deportable crime. The STATE didnt. They plea bargined it down to an Incest crime, not a violent rape crime (which would have deported him at that time).
So it is our own damn fault. Not anyone’s at federal level.
If my memory serves me correctly, this state has been ran by democrats for over 20 years.
Get the point?
Why do we have such laws allow for baby rapers to NOT be deported????
Hey Luigi @38,
I never said anything about where anybody was registered, I just referenced Stefan’s obsession with Dean Logan. Get your facts straight.
But hey, you know, if you can choose to infer that I was being intentionally misleading about something, then I guess it’s totally okay for Stefan to attempt to exploit this poor little girl’s brutal murder in an attempt to make a cheap political point. I guess really, my Logan dig makes me worse than Stefan, right?
K @ 44
In 1990??? Who was the Pierce country prosecutor on this case in 1990?
I’ve got no problem with deporting them or jailing them.
Say, how did that Republican majority do for the past several years addressing immigration issues? Had the House Senate and Presidency. What did they do?
Reading many of the comments here about immigration it strikes me that no matter what political side one falls on, our federal leadership has failed us on this issue.
There have been Republican administrations and Democrat administrations both since the 1990 and none has served the public well on the issue of immigration.
Violent crimes, especially those against children, should be grounds for deportation, period.
Legal aliens who commit these crimes should be deported immediately after serving their sentence. Immigration officials should be checking the status of every current inmate and if they are not legally here, after their sentence, ship them out…
We ought to be in the business of exporting these criminals not importing them.
Right on the head, RS. Neither side should feel the need to make hay over a tragedy that could’ve been potentially averted had the bureaucracy done its job over a decade ago.
David @ 47
David, I gotcha, and you know it. Your last cheap political point about Stefan’s state of mind doesn’t make any sense; Stefan reported the perp registered to vote in Pierce County. Don’t let the facts get in the way of a cheap political point.
re 25: Good point.
Based on the guy’s sexual predilections, the odds are that he probably voted Republican. Look at all the pervs that have turned up in that party.
Washington State is becoming the state known as the state safe to rape children and have your dog vote democrat. Only in a state controlled by democrats.
Typical of the 8th grade girl mentality of this website.
The posting tries to call out Stefan for politicizing the death of the Tacoma girl. Then, just about every comment deals with the politics of the situation.
let me add my 2 cents: My dad can beat up your dad.
The point, to which moron Goldy is oblivious or willfully oblivious, is that the Democrats who run almost everything here could not find a probably deportable felon who failed to register as a sex offender, but who illegally registered as a voter.
Democrats could find him when sending unlawful ballots, but couldn’t find him in time to verify his immigration status or his compliance with parole.
Even if we accept the assertion that voter-registration fraud is not election fraud, we have a fraud problem that this incident makes clear even to head-up-their-horse’s-ass progressives. Even if we accept the assertion that federal immigration law can be blown off by blue-state sanctuaries (don’t ask, don’t tell), most of us can tell that too many lives are being destroyed by immigrants who came here illegally or who overstayed their visas. All of us can surely uderstand the cost of the destructive Democrat bias against the ‘prison-industrial complex.’
Thanks to the Shark for again showing how pathological progressives are.