My ass hurts.
I fell down the stairs last night. Or more exactly, both feet slid out from under me, landing me hard on my ass.
Anybody who has ever bruised their coccyx knows how painful the initial trauma can be, and as I lay at the bottom of the stairs for a few minutes, gasping for air and attempting to assess the true extent of my injury, I couldn’t help but think about how something as pedestrian as a comfy new pair of woolen socks slipping on the carpet could absolutely change a person’s life.
In a nation where access to health care has traditionally been tied to employment, even a relatively minor illness or household injury can set off a cascade of events that leads from a middle class lifestyle to despair. Be it a tumble down the stairs, a slip in the bathtub or a torn up knee during a beer-belly softball match, everyday injuries can quickly put white and blue collar workers alike out of a job. And with the loss of employment so too goes the health insurance… assuming you were fortunate enough to have health benefits in the first place.
One minute you’re kissing your daughter goodnight, and the next minute you’re writhing at the bottom of the stairs, having taken the first clumsy step toward toward economic uncertainty.
We hear a lot in the US about the need for individuals to take personal responsibility for their actions. “Why should I have to pay for your child’s education?” we’re often asked. “Why should I have to pay for your health care, or your buses, or to regulate the safety of products you’re too stupid avoid?”
“I’ve worked hard for my money,” the familiar conservative refrain goes, “so why should I have to pay for the consequences of your bad choices?”
Bad choices. You know, like choosing to fall down the stairs.
As it turns out I’ve likely suffered little more than a couple of nasty contusions, so I guess I was lucky. I don’t have statistics in front of me, so I don’t know how often a broken wrist or an injured back or a blown out knee ultimately leads to a person losing everything they’ve worked a lifetime to achieve, but you know it happens, and it happens every day.
So honestly, selfishly resent all you want the notion of a social welfare state, but don’t give me any of that personal responsiblity crap. It’s a bigger pain in my ass than… well… my ass.
Goldy, take it from me, a lawyer, there’s worse things in life than being judgment-proof. When you’re judgment-proof, you can say anything you want about anybody and there’s not a damned thing they can do about it.
Sen. Larry Craig made some bad choices, and when he got caught, he went running to the ACLU for free legal help.
Doug McKelway, a TV show host in Washington D.C., makes bad choices too. First, he made a bad choice when he invited Mike Rogers to appear on his show. Mr. Rogers is an activist who exposes closeted gay politicians who vote against gay rights. Second, McKelway made another bad choice when he threatened to punch Mr. Rogers on the air. Then, he made yet another bad choice when he by refused to apologize. He’s one of those people who can’t accept personal responsibility for their own actions.
Have you been following Ed Shultz and his discussion about how the single payer movement has been shut out of the health care debate?
I voted for Obama, and he’s infinitely better than any of the Republican choices, but I’m deeply disappointed that all he’s doing is tinkering on the edges with health care.
@3. That’s republican free speech and is protected. As in….if a comedian makes a bad joke about Limbaaaagh, she should be professionally destroyed, but if someone makes threats against gay people, that’s protected speech.
Goldy…beyond the moral and compassion arguments you bring up here, there’s also a financial argument in favor of universal health care in dealing with illness and injury early on.
With good health benefits, it’s free or at least affordable to get preventive care. In your case now that may be an x-ray to ensure no serious damage, and maybe some PT sessions to rehab if needed.
But with no benefits, even preventive care can be expensive. So if you’re not sure about the seriousness of an injury, you will not get that checkup or x-ray, and if the injury gets worse over time you may eventually need emergency care and major surgery, which even if you can’t pay the hospital will still do and then pass on the costs to other patients through higher costs.
Personally I’d rather my fellow citizens and I cover your x-ray today then be stuck with a $10,000 bill for your ER trip and surgery next year.
If what Wanda Sykes said is untrue, please explain. We’ve got conservative politicians who hope for another terrorist attack. Why?
To prove that they are right.
Limbaugh hopes the wholle country fails. Why?
To prove he’s right.
People who are committed to an erroneous ideology are potentially dangerous and violent enemies — and they should be treated as such.
But back to health care…
Is it un-pragmatic to want to have universal health care?
Hear, hear!
I don’t think busting your butt by falling down could be a failure of personal responsibility: shit happens.
Losing one’s job because one is a lazy piece of shit is an example of poor personal responsibility.
Into every life a little rain must fall…There are no guarantees.
Because of these simple axioms, it’s incumbent upon each of us to store up supplies for the type of figurative winter you described, Goldy. Or to make sure you have a strong support network of family, friends, house of worship, community, etc., such that you then don’t end up being a drag upon the public purse by going on the dole.
Your personal responsibility is to take the vagueries of life into account. Don’t stretch things so tight that at the first sign of difficulty all hell breaks loose.
That you fell on your seat of learning isn’t a question of responsibility (unless you were bombed or doing a Superman imitation, that is). That you don’t anticipate and sock some away for just such a rainy-day occurance is.
There was a time when America worked exclusively on that principle – and it worked quite well.
The Piper
Piper @ 11
There was a time when America worked exclusively on that principle – and it worked quite well.
Why do we have a Federal Depositors Insurance Corporation, Piper?
My name is David G, and I’m John Edwards’ love child. I am so ashamed.
I’m ashamed that I didn’t know which of Daddy’s Two Americas to send ProFlower flowers to for Mothers Day … Rielle’s white-trash America, or Oprah’s Real America. Rielle looked like a sure bet to be me mum since I’m trash and more-or-less white, but then there was this from MSNBC:
“Proving the title of her new memoir, ‘Resilience,’ to be accurate, Elizabeth Edwards sheds some highly personal insights into her life, her health and her husband’s infidelity with Oprah Winfrey, in a TV interview to air on The Oprah Winfrey Show Thursday.”
Infidelity with Oprah? Everybody knows that lawyers such as Daddy and Rad Dyke Rabbit like to do it in their briefs, but Daddy finally hit the big time. The old man was my main man for president, of course, but doing Oprah is even bigger and better than buzzing Manhattan in Air Force One. To say nothing of the fact that Oprah has even more money than Tony Rezko.
So what’s a mother to do? And what am I to do? Can’t even get past Step 1 in my 12-steppin’ since I can’t make a fearless inventory because I don’t know who’s who and what’s what.
I mean, I can’t even get the truth about Daddy and … Mommy … from the New York Times. They’ve got no time for Daddy because they’re still trying to prove that McCain had an affair with Larry Craig.
And what was Daddy to do? Everybody knows Elizabeth is radioactive, and nobody would want John Edwards’ John Thomas to glow in the dark, if you know what I mean.
(But what am I going to send him for Fathers Day?)
And about my fat aching ass … I’m sure y’all get tired of hearing a grown man snivel and whine, but I’ve got whining rights because I was a motherless child. So show some respect, or at least some sympathy, which I’m very good at soliciting.
Interesting you should mention FDIC, DJ. Have in my hand a little liberal book about FDR’s Hundred Days that makes this interesting point: FDR forcefully opposed FDIC, which was thrust on him by the fattest of fatcat bankers.
FDR believed FDIC would evoke moral hazard. Bankers big and small would take grievous risks if they believed leviathan government would clean up their messes by insuring deposits. FDIC, in other words, traduced the protections of Glass/Stiegel and anticipated the moral-hazard problems of TARP-Geithner bailouts.
@7 One of the conservative politicians who hopes for a terrorist attack is Mark Griswold.
(In Griswold’s case, the term “politician” is a technicality, because the closest Griswold ever came to public office was the 15% of the vote he got against Frank Chopp a couple of elections ago.)
Here’s what Griswold said:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
(Note: “FullContactPolitics” was identified as Griswold by HA sleuth Richard Pope, who found a comment that Griswold signed with both his screen name and real name, so there’s no doubt about who “FullContactPolitics” is.)
This comment was hosted by a blog run by none other than public records entrepreneur Stefan Sharansky, who is now a hero among the local wingnuteratti because of his adeptness at suing public agencies to lift money from taxpayers’ pockets and put it in his own:
So, one may ask fairly, what is Stefan doing by providing a forum to America-haters who want terrorists to attack our country again? Some would call that treason.
Roosevelt “feared that strong banks would be pulled under by bailing out weaker ones” via FDIC, but was strongarmed by politicians from the heartland of the homeland to accept a deposit-insurance amendment to his banking bill. Midwesterners believed their constituents would never support the banking system without a deposit guarantee.
Oh, and FDR’s Inauguration Day play to save the banking system? FDR had no plan of his own for the gravest crisis he faced in 1933. He took a plan off the shelf of Hoover’s administration, and accepted the offer of Hoover’s Treasury Dept and Federal Reserve to stay on the job past inauguration day and to implement the plan.
America’s banking and credit systems were saved, in other words, by the people FDR and Jon DeVore later denounced as economic royalists.
@11 Here is the conservative solution to America’s health care problems:
“Into every life a little rain must fall…There are no guarantees.”
And they expect people to vote for them? They dish out patronizing platitudes instead of solutions and dare to call it “leadership”? Unfortunately, Pooper isn’t alone, he’s typical of conservatives. We liberals have a better idea: Solve the fucking problem.
So damned glad I’ve got his AssHoliness Pope Richard Pope lookin’ out for me.
“I’ll put it to you this way, you give me a water board, Dick Cheney and one hour, and I’ll have him confess to the Sharon Tate murders.”
Jesse Ventura
Am sure Goldy can get Rabbit or one of his other suck-up sycophants to kiss it and make it better.
Dick Cheney offed Sharon Tate? I thought it was Obama’s main squeeze, Bernardine (stick a fork in it) Dohrn.
Liberals are the fucking problem. Solve it.
Pooper’s platitudes? He’s got nothin’ on platitudinous Obama’s platitudes. So when are you libs gonna regain your gag reflexes and give our Platitudinizer-in-Chief the disrespect he deserves? Maybe when you start paying your fair share of the multi-trillion-dollar tab your, um, *** has run up in a little over 100 days.
Let’s see … trillions and trillions of dollars divided by 100+ days = … Holy shit! I think we’re talking real money!
@16, 18 Is there some reason you didn’t mention that Glass and Steagall were both Democrats, and their legislation was repealed by a Republican congress?
@24, 25 – Mmmm, kicked a soft spot, did I?
Folks, what we have here is a wingnut troll complaining about Obama’s deficit spending to clean up a mess created by Bush’s deficit spending.
24, 25 (continued) We held a national referendum on these issues. We won. You lost. Don’t like it? Suck my rabbit dick.
Looks like we’ve got a sockpuppeting troll at work today, wearing many disguises. Mom must have gone to the grocery store, so he’s hijacking her computer for awhile.
Goldy: Most people your age have enough common sense not to scamper down a set of carpeted stairs in woolen socks to begin with….
But hey, I learned that early on in life (say age 8-10) having grown up in a large house with a staircase and yes, a tumble or two that landed me ass over tea kettle. However, I don’t recall having your same “poor me” attitude, and just chalked it up to a learning experience. Next time, slow the fuck down and reach the landing in one piece.
Time to grow up, folks and yes, take some “personal responsibility” for your actions- intentional or otherwise. As Wilford Brimley would say, it’s the “right thing to do”.
should have waited till after tonights ‘drinking liberally’ event, where at least you’d have a better excuse for falling down a flight of stairs.
Goldy, just socks? Well, I for one think you should be surcharged by your healthcare provider for a minimum of three years for such carless behavior.
Pay for a burger and fries with a credit card just one time in that period and you my friend will be uninsurable!
You’re kidding, aren’t you? You are going to criticize Goldy for walking down carpeted stairs in socks? You miss the point of his post, of course, about how the unexpected can change the course of life. No one can anticipate what can come along. No one gets to write his or her own script. That’s what you guys don’t get. You’re fine with thinking you do have complete control, until things don’t work out the way you thought they would. Then, you have a come to Jesus moment, and realize you’re wrong. You quit being Republican. That’s why you folks in your political party are an endangered species. See the cover of Time this week, by chance? Anyone who believes that he or she can anticipate the hurricanes that come our way is, simply, an idiot.
re 11: Piper: At the turn of the century there was a full time job in NYC that consisted of picking up the bodies of penniless elderly who had died the previous night.
Please spare me your Pollyanna lectures. The old way in this country was not a good way. You live in a fantasy land of John Wayne movies and Little House on the Prairie history.
Never was. Never will be.
@ 16
Interesting you should mention FDIC, DJ.
On the other hand, you’re failure to answer the question I actually asked is both predictable and uninteresting.
At various times in my life when I’ve been unemployed or working for myself, I’ve purchased health care from BlueCross for about $90 a month.
The deductible was $1000, but if I had a serious injury or sickness, it was not going to bankrupt me. I think I was being responsible.
Of course, there are people in our society that can’t afford $90 a month, and there should be a safety net for them regarding health care. But how do you identify the people with real need and those who are just irresponsible?
If you lived in Canada, you would have stood for days in a waiting room (I’m assuming your ass was to sore to sit). Eventually some guy named Omar who can’t speak English would have shoved his fist up your ass, given you some Tylenol and sent you home.
33. proud leftist spews:
The last person I heard of falling down the stairs ass over elbow like Goldy while simply walking down them was Eddie Murphy’s aunt bunny. Sound familiar Goldy? Or, most likely, he was rushing down and slipped letting his centrifical force take him the rest of the way down the staircase. Only he can clear that up.
I didn’t miss it, I just disagree that personal responsibility doesn’t play into the scenario. Who other than Goldy is to blame? The damn inanimate stairs? The manufacturer of the ‘woolen socks’?
Of course not, that’s why it’s called the ‘journey’ of life. Some roll with the punches and some blame others for their personal shortcomings. Goldy just happens to be in the latter camp.
@33 They pretty much miss all points. That’s why they shouldn’t be trusted to run a dog kennel let alone our government. Well, one of many reasons why.
@34 Pooper yearns for a time when the typical American home had a dirt floor, the only available medical care was folk remedies, and hardly anyone lived to see age 40.
@37 Bullshit. You don’t know anything about Canada. How could you? They won’t let you across the border.
@36 $90 a month for health insurance? Are you kidding? Sure, you can buy a policy for that — one of those policies that covers almost nothing and excludes nearly everything. Real health insurance costs at least $500 a month for a single person, close to $1000 a month for a couple. $90 doesn’t even pay for a nurse to take your temperature, and no insurance company that provided any actual coverage for that price could stay in business.
“I’ve worked hard for my money,” the familiar conservative refrain goes
Well, actually no. Many have cheated, chisled, waffled, wheedled, whined, and stolen, and once you get to a certain level, making money from the fact that you have money is relatively easy because we have established social rules to make it so. This is not survival of the fittest. It is survival of the best connected.
Alone my ass.
It’d be so sweet if the medical plan of the EFF for Pooper is one of those medical IRAs or health savings accounts.
That and the medicare doughnut hole was the shrub solution to health care for this country.
@42: I dunno. I’d bet I could do OK selling $90/mo health insurance against heart disease to 17 year olds if one could get enough buyers. Slam dunk.
As for anything else? Well, life is a pre-existing condition.
Yet they can afford $60 for cable.
Go figure.
You fell on the stairs, and I give a fuck why?
What’s so funny is that all health insurance is socialist – it’s just a bunch of people banding together to get better rates.
So then they all pay socialist health insurance premiums AND money comes out of their taxes to pay for health care for poor people.
Of course, they could get better coverage for less money if they formed a group with everyone else, including the poor people; but that would be enlightened self-interest and conservatives seem to be afraid of the word enlightened.
National “one payer system” healthcare can be summed up with one simple analogy:
Oprah’s “Free” KFC grilled chicken giveaway.
KFC has since rescinded this offer due to the overwhelming demand, which any dumbass could have foretold them they should have expected when you give something away for “free”, the demand will always over time exceed supply. Bad marketing.
Liberals have never learned this basic principle of economics, which is why they want the likes of the DMV running Nationalized healthcare.
Hey Rabbit, you ready to “accept your conditions” like Daschle suggests. You are just too old to spend any more money on! Thats where its headed big timer!
It’s basically a catastrophe plan. If I broke a leg or got cancer, it wasn’t going to ruin my family. I could go to the doctor if I got sick, (I could even use my same doctor I had from previous employer sponsored health insurance, as he was in the network) but the first $1000 came out of pocket.
I would pay for teeth cleanings out of pocket – found a dentist who did it for $120.
Being on this plan certainly made me think about being healthy/careful.
@43 What they really mean is their employees worked hard for their money. All they do is sit in the country club telling anyone who’ll listen about how “hard” they “work.”
@47 You’d give a fuck if it was your stairs and I was Goldy’s lawyer.
@48 A “conservative” is someone who’ll gladly pay more for something to make sure not one penny of his money benefits anyone else.
@49 Leave it to Ricky Dumbass to conclude that a single PAYER system has to do with something that’s FREE.
Incoherent gibberish @50: WTF are you talking about?
@51 How do you “think about being healthy/careful”? Can you avoid gettomg appendicitis by deciding to be “healthy” and being “careful” not to get it? Does that also work to prevent infections, high blood pressure, arthritis, and tumors?
Here’s something that’ll make you healthier: Government inspection of restaurants, meat-packers, and food importers. Oh wait! Conservatives don’t believe in government interference with markets! They believe in caveat emptor! You’re supposed to set up your own multimillion-dollar food testing facility and test all food products yourself before buying them! If you don’t, you’re not a careful consumer, and you deserve to get sick and die! Forget about millions of people banding together to finance a government food inspection agency staffed by experts and paid for with a miniscule (per person) amount of taxes, because that’s so-shu-lism!!!
One of the main purposes of this blog is to point out that conservatives are total fucking idiots, and their stupid dogmatism doesn’t work worth beans in the real world.
@41 – Roger:
“@37 Bullshit. You don’t know anything about Canada. How could you? They won’t let you across the border.”
Your reply to Mr Cynical is quite incorrect. Mr Cynical was correct @37 that if Goldy were to be treated in Canada he likely “would have stood for days in a waiting room”.
There is an interesting article at
that is titled:
“A Canadian Doctor Describes How Socialized Medicine Doesn’t Work
By DAVID GRATZER | Posted Thursday, July 26, 2007 4:30 PM PT”
There is a very similar article at http://physicianonhealthcare.b.....ights.html
“Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Canadians face long waits for many kinds of health care
This one is for all these dreamers who want to socialize a whole sector of the American economy:”
Please read both articles and then forward the links to President Obama and our Senators that we do not need a nationalized health care system similar to Canada as that system has proven faults. Hopefully, the President and Congress, if they proceed down the health care road, will take the best of health care systems worldwide to create a workable system for the United States.
Oh BTW, with the Canadian system you and I would have tremendous problems with rationed care for older people.
52. Roger Rabbit spews:
The only Kountry Klubber here at HA is your LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNmate…Kountry Klubber steve! Thanks for reminding us Rog.
Steve is also a Yacht Klub Kommodore!
Too Damn Funny
One more time – Apparently the links are blocking (Ok that fixed it)
63. me spews: (Your comment is awaiting moderation.)
Sorry if this is a duplicate post:
@41 – Roger you posted:
“@37 Bullshit. You don’t know anything about Canada. How could you? They won’t let you across the border.”
Your reply to Mr Cynical is quite incorrect. Mr Cynical was correct @37 that if Goldy were to be treated in Canada he likely “would have stood for days in a waiting room”.
There is an interesting article at
www ibdeditorials com/IBDArticles.aspx?id=270338135202343
that is titled:
“A Canadian Doctor Describes How Socialized Medicine Doesn’t Work
By DAVID GRATZER | Posted Thursday, July 26, 2007 4:30 PM PT”
There is a very similar article at
“Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Canadians face long waits for many kinds of health care
This one is for all these dreamers who want to socialize a whole sector of the American economy:”
Please read both articles and then if you feel like it, forward the links to President Obama and our Senators that we do not need a nationalized health care system similar to Canada as that system has proven faults. Hopefully, the President and Congress, if they proceed down the health care road, will take the best of health care systems worldwide to create a workable system for the United States.
Oh BTW, with the Canadian system, you and I would have tremendous problems with rationed care for older people.
re 62: Yes. The waiting is much shorter here because of the 47 million uninsured Americans.
Oh, and when was the last time you dropped in on your doctor and was imme3diately taken in? If you had to wait or make an appointment for another day, then you are full of shit.
And you are.
re 60: I guess that guy you are talking about is an elitist Liberal — like some guy with a fake Texas accent who was raised in private schools and was a legacy at one Ivy League College and a mercy case at the other because his powerful daddy got him in.
You are yesterday’s news..
’53. Roger Rabbit spews:
@47 You’d give a fuck if it was your stairs and I was Goldy’s lawyer.
05/12/2009 at 9:48 pm’
What senile Rodent, unfortunate extreme O.C.D. sufferer and Alzheimer’s patient meant is that as a retired professional courthouse janitor, he could clean the blood evidence up in such a way that only Luminol could detect it. Congrats Rodent! We finally found you useful!
63. Oswald Spengler spews:
Oswald you idiot. Had the broncial thing a month or so ago. Called my doctor…got in to see him within the hour. Antibiotics prescription. Gone.
Uninsured people are tying up waiting rooms in certain states..particlarly California.
If health care were “free” can you imagine the impact of the “freeloaders”??
Today’s Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll has the Presidential Approval Index at +7, +2 over yesterday and an increase of 600% since May 2nd. Approval for our nation’s president is soaring.
A couple years back I found my birth mothers family (I was adopted). My remaining birth aunt told me about my great-grandmother, grandmother, grandfather, mother, aunt, uncle all died of colon cancer. Of course there was immediate concern. I called a doctor about getting a colonoscopy, went the same day to get the kit to cleanse the system, went back in 3 days for the test.
But then, I didn’t go to the government run olive view medical center.
And for you haters… the test came back clean and after talking to some of my cousins it was revealed that the cancer was caused from radon in the family basement. None of the offspring have had any problems.
So I’ll be around here for a long time to post the articles that the left wing-nuts here don’t want to see.
@68: Does a lack of brain cells run in your family too?
I have already posted information (real facts, not stupid anectdotes) about how our health care system is failing compared to Canada and the rest of the world.
But facts are something that Klynical doesn’t understand.
We spend more on health care then any other country in the world and we get less out of it. We are ranked 37th in the world between Costa Rica and Slovenia. Canada spends less and is ranked 30th and Grewat Britain and most of Europe (including Germany and France) are ranked way above us).
We have over 46 million uninsured (and that number is growing).
Our businesses are at a competitive disadvantage because of the high health care costs and it is estimated that insurance company bureaucracy wastes upwards of 100 billion per year.
What are we getting for our money? Very little, but the insurance companies and the big Pharm companies are getting rich off of us.
Only a fool cites anectdotal information….
As an infantry officer, an Iraq combat veteran and a West Point graduate with a degree in Arabic, I refuse to lie to my commanders. I refuse to lie to my peers. I refuse to lie to my subordinates. I demand honesty and courage from my soldiers. They should demand the same from me.
As an infantry officer, I am not accustomed to begging. But I beg you today: Do not fire me.
How sad that a graduate of west point has to beg the obama administration not to fire him.
Of course, the left supports the troops. Dailypus has his back, oops, not a peep from dailypus.
Little ricky D. – the brainless one. Thanks for the laughs Ricky. I love reading your posts because it is hard for me to believe that someone so stupid and unable to process information could also be so unaware of how apthetically dumb they are….but you take the cake.
Little Ricky said:
I guess Ricky has an opinon and will make the actual facts “fit” his opinon.
First, the idea that health care should be a “free market” to begin with is patently absurd. Putting aside the fact that the entire rest of developed world considers a “free market” in health care to be absurd… I want to ask little Ricky to explain how:
1. You can select any AFFORDABLE insurance.
2. If you have a preexisting condition you can select any AFFORDABLE insurance
3. You can selct any AFFORDABLE insurance if you are unemployed.
4. Once you get tht insurance, they will cover what you actually NEED.
5. When you have an emergency, like a heart attack (MI) you can call around and shop for the best emergency room rates.
I could go on and on, but the poiont is that helath care does not (and never has) fit into a free market scenario. So all that blather about the free market is simply BS.
Does our system deliver better health care than the rest of the world? NO
Is our system cheaper than the rest of the world? No – it is more expensive.
Then why do we keep our broken system?
Because the republicans support the big money drug company and insurance company lobbies and scream socialism when we try to fix it.
@70: So Marvin – do you support this soldier or are you just throwing stuff out there?
Only a coward reports something without tking a stand.
I say get rid of DADT. It is old and useless. A soldier is a soldier. Either they do a good job or a bad job. Their bedroom behavior with a consenting adult is of no concern to me.
A things I did:
* No snowboarding or soccer
* Washed hands many times to combat viruses
* Ate healthy, got sleep
For me, knowing that the first $1000 for a health issue I had would be out my pocket made me more aware of my lifestyle choices wrt my health.
Of course, there are ailments that you can’t prevent – like cancer. But if I got it, I would be covered for the most part.
Actually, after reading your posts I feel like a member of MENSA.
Which is why I wonder if you’ve ever re-read one of your inane and anger filled posts. You take “apthetically(sic) dumb” to a whole new level.
Actually, my opinion and the facts are one and the same in this instance, and most of the time for that matter.
Is that why people from Canada come down here in order to take advantage of it? You’re an absolute, unadulterated moron…but we’ve already established that fact.
Then move there then stupes. Quit whining why we should be like everyone else when they’re the ones coming here to take advantage of our “free market” health system. Once again, you’ve risen to “village idiot” level in this room which only supercedes Goldy for his stupidity in being the Jerry Ford of political blogging.
Why go on? you’ve established your unheralded retarded status already. No need to brag about it further. Also, you have no point as the “free market” system is the only viable system for quality healthcare. You can’t disprove that fact despite attempts to do so in your rage filled mutterings on this blog, dolt.
Actually, quite the opposite. In addition , you’re the blatherskite here.
Yes, stupes. That’s the point.
Gee Goldy, if you were able to keep a job and make it as a lawyer, (as you’ve proven you cannot), and could become employed you’d have health insurance. Quit whining like a woman. Sorry you fell on your head…ahem…I mean ass.
Goldy if you need someone to rub your ass, then let me know…this big bear will be there for you.
Of course I’m throwing democrat shit out there. This has democrat written all over it, from a democrat’s “don’t ask don’t tell” to obama’s refusal to sign an executive order in the interim to suspend gay discharges while Congress deliberates.
But I’m all in favor of him being in the military.
You gotta love the excuse for why obama is letting this guy get kicked to the curb…
“‘I don’t know?’ The answer should have been a one-word answer: ‘Yes,'” Aubrey Sarvis, executive director of Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, said in a statement accusing Obama of caving to senior military leadership and the religious right.
Obama is caving to the religious right? Anything a liberal/democrat can say/do to insult those on the other side of the isle is fair game, no matter how unbelievable.
Remember, it’s not me throwing the “faggot” word around as an insult on this blog, that honor belongs to steve, manoshit, gbs and bibigoober.