Obviously it’s the dastardly work of the Ilwaco chapter of ACORN.
UPDATE–Here’s another tweet from the same GOP official:
Also ONLY known dems (small town) received yellow feedback forms for Baird
about 4 hours ago from txt
But I thought there were people there she doesn’t know? I’m so confused.
Obviously Twitter needs an “internal consistency” hashtag.
Sheep who is reading John, use your heads. Do your research. Democrats are pretending to be Republicans and committing acts of vandalism and causing disturbances.
Troll, that’s exactly what I would say if I were one. Of course, I lack a sense of originality. Indeed, I’m a bit of a ditto-head. I don’t think for myself. My favorite song is, “Onward Christian soldier, marching on to war….”
“Sheep who is reading John, use your heads. Do your research. Democrats are pretending to be Republicans and committing acts of vandalism and causing disturbances.”
Is Troll drunk, plain stupid, or retarded? I can never tell.
More on Troll’s idiotic Malkin-inspired conspiracy theory:
Attack, listed as an “occasional contributor” to the Queers Against Obama blog, recently wrote a post blasting President Barack Obama, saying “the repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ has nothing to do with gay rights, but rather is a plan to fill the US military with more queer bodies.”
Hmm. Turns out the far left and far right share an equal hatred of Obama. More proof that he’s governing from the middle.
@1 First of all, this is old news and has been commented on in this blog before. Like a week ago, maybe more. Secondly, the guy who busted the windows of the Democratic office isn’t a Democrat just because they paid him $500 to doorbell. More likely he’s a street person with a drug-fried brain.
Re: #4
Does troll live in Colorado? Hmmmmmm….
I wonder when somebody here at HA will post a blog topic that actually debates/discusses details of what is in the health bill.
I think this blog has covered the “look, another the dissenter/obstructionist/hypocrite” topic enough. I get a Ground Hog Day feeling just about every day I visit HA.
Anyone have a new idea, opinion or concept about the actual health bill?
It is the will of Landru — which Cynical serves.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Obama is so fucking clueless and the tards can’t see it for some fucking reason. The ship is sinking. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA FAIL.
I have health insurance because I FUCKING PAY FOR IT! Work and be self sufficient.
re 8: “Progressive is what the Kommies in the 50’s called themselves.”
So did Teddy Roosevelt — the noted Stalinist — as did Woodrow Wilson — the Socialist Nazi.
George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan called themselves ‘fiscal conservtives’. What a hoot you are with your cookie cutter Republican talking points.
Are you ready to cut and run from Afghanistan yet, like George Will and Dick Cheney? They don’t support our troops and are surrender monkeys.
Mark – I don’t know you or your financial situation. I don’t care. But your “I got mine, Fuck everyone else” position is why the Republican party is eventually doomed.
I have health insurance. I pay for it. I own a business. My premium in 2007 for a family of three was $270. In 2008, family of four was $340. Now in 2009 family of four $379. Just the jump from 2008-2009 represents an 11% increase. For what? Did my kids do anything except routine check-ups? Did I become a greater risk? I fully expect a rate increase in 2010.
The current system is not sustainable and deep down you must know it. There will come a tipping point where I can’t afford insurance and my present lifestyle. At that point I have 3 choices that I see. Go without – risky, unacceptable. Close my business and go back to a job with benefits. Fire an employee or two and work way more hours so I can afford to pay myself more. (Unintended side effect, I see my kids less. child care costs go up since I can’t be around. My employee goes on unemployment which we all pay etc…)
No matter what you do for work Mark, you have a tipping point too.
Well, the hoot is that the system IS unsustainable, the Republicans and blue dogs will sink reform, the whole thing will collapse in 5-10 years, and the assholes like Cynical and Mental Mark will be back here blaming the Democrats.
Having health insurance is the easy part. Any yahoo with a few hundred bucks can buy health insurance.
The problem is when you get sick and they cancel on you the next year for having the audacity to get sick. Or when they say they won’t cover your child’s delivery because pregnancy is a pre-existing condition. Or try having diabetes, where they can tie pretty much anything you get from a hangnail to lung cancer to your diabetes — and of course the diabetes is a pre-existing condition.
And “getting a job” won’t help if you work for a small business that can’t afford to insure its employees. Or if you make just enough money that you have to choose between health insurance and food for the kids . . . and you go hungry while they eat ramen again and put off going to see about those headaches you’ve been having for fear it might be something worse than stress.
Health care in this country is a disgrace, and the disgrace reflects on those who support the status quo.
OK, I should say that “funding for health care in this country is a disgrace,” not the health care itself. The doctors and nurses and other health care professionals in this country do a stellar job, and in fact many of them want the system changed as much as the rest of us so they can go back to practicing medicine instead of fighting with insurance companies to get them to pay for a life-saving treatment.
You do not, asshole…you get it from your employer.
Pelletizer farts
Yep, the kind of people ACORN signs up for national elections. Or is he one of your leftist bunny friends and you know the drug-fried brain look in his eyes. Hey isn’t that the look we see in ylb’s (spongebob wondermoron squarepants) eye… “the drug-fried brain look”?
Or it could be a murdering, thieving, raping heterosexual.