Am I in Hell? I think I’m on the bus home from Drinking Liberally, but perhaps my ring of Hell smells of stale fries and the soundtrack is off key versions of whistled patriotic songs. If this posts, I was not in Hell.
I see from the last thread that Doctor Dumbfuck, he of 4,000+ pro-Putin hashtags, thinks I use the word “treason” too often.
Ana Navarro, “The sheer amount of contact and meetings that none of them remember between Trump world and the Russians involved with the Kremlin is astounding.”
While it may be great fun to mock the stupidity of team Fuckface in light of this active conspiracy to abet espionage, it’s foolish to go along with the “gang who can’t shoot straight” defense.
Even a campaign as unconventional as Fuckface’s would have had strict constraints on these kinds of contacts binding on all the campaign principals. Certainly in the case of a family as mixed up with Russian organized criminals and Russian state enterprises as this one, the legal team advising the campaign would have made it absolutely binding on every member of the family that any contacts like these be submitted for legal review.
Bypassing those strictures is not a “goof”.
It was a witting act to further what the individuals involved at least suspected was a criminal conspiracy. And they didn’t want the lawyers to know about it. Because they knew the lawyers would kill the buzz. And at least the President’s son, his son-in-law, and his campaign manager made that decision.
Eddie Haskellspews:
Drumpf is a fat fuck which nobody can deny! For he’s a jolly good Fatttt Fuckkkkkkkkk, which nobody can deny!
Hillary Clintonspews:
Did you have a blackout on the bus home? Don’t let the booze get in control. It’s easy to do if you don’t pay close attention.
All things in moderation.
Humpty Dumpty Drumpspews:
Thanks Vlad. I’m a jolly good Fattttttt Fuckkkkkk which nobody can deny!
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Serious question: Can a president issue pardons without making them public, you know, just in case?
Serious response: Is Bowe Bergdahl still in a whole mess o’ trouble? He is? Well, I guess you have your answer.
The King of All Radio is swinging hard this morning. Seemingly overnight it’s gone from, “there is no there there on the Russia story.” to “You just can’t charge Don Jr. with a crime if you didn’t charge serial lawbreaker Hillary.”
Uh, actually, you can. That’s kind of how it works. You investigate, decide if there is a crime and weigh if you can get a conviction. Haven’t you watched a single episode of “Law & Order.” And in this case, Don Jr., on Twitter appears to have admitted to knowingly attempting to accept illegally obtained information that the Don Jr. knew was illegally obtained.
But clearly even the GrandPooBah of conservative thought now sees there is a there there so it’s on to, “Well it was illegal but it wasn’t……HILLARY!”
Bowe Bergdahl is still on active duty and we’re past two years since he was charged without any kind of trial starting. Allegedly it’s going to start in October but we’ll see.
it doesn’t help the government’s case that Terrence Russell who debriefed Bergdahl on his return is a witness for the defense and not prosecution.
Why did a recruit who washed out of the Coast Guard for psychological reasons get accepted by the Army? It was in his DOD file when he volunteered for the Army.
And in this case, Don Jr., on Twitter appears to have admitted to knowingly attempting to accept illegally obtained information that the Don Jr. knew was illegally obtained.
Which statute did that action violate? If it didn’t, why post about Don Jr. committing a crime?
You’re making a weak argument, one which will probably be proven incorrect.
This (bolded text) is probably your best argument:
Preet BhararaVerified account
Preet Bharara Retweeted The New York Times Quick reminder: something doesn’t have to be illegal for it to be foolish, wrong and un-American.
@DonaldJTrumpJrPreet Bharara added,
The New York TimesVerified account @nytimes
Replying to @nytimes
The emails also show that Donald J. Trump Jr. was eager to accept what he was told was the Russian government’s help
8:46 AM – 11 Jul 2017
Kellyanne Conway has a sad. Republicans obstructing the Kenyan usurper was good, Democrats obstructing Russia’s stooge is bad.
Why did a recruit who washed out of the Coast Guard for psychological reasons get accepted by the Army? It was in his DOD file when he volunteered for the Army.
Why did the Obama adminstration claim that he served with “honor and distinction”? Team Obama, after all, knew
what Bergdahl had done when they made the deal for his return.
Yes, Bergdahl is still on active duty. It’s that innocent-until-proven-guilty thing, which apparently holds for military court. Supports the government’s position better than it supports Bergdahl’s.
Bergdahl is, after all, charged with misbehavior before the enemy.
While Bergdahl is still on active duty, you know who isn’t? Two of the military who were sent on missions to look for him after he deserted:
The former Navy SEAL, retired Senior Chief Petty Officer James Hatch, suffered a career-ending leg wound when he was sprayed with AK-47 fire while chasing enemy fighters on a July 2009 search mission. He testified he nearly bled to death and has endured 18 surgeries since then.
On a separate search mission that month, U.S. Army National Guard Sgt. First Class Mark Allen was shot in the head, suffering a traumatic brain injury that left him in a wheel chair and unable to communicate.
“‘The White House has been thrust into chaos after days of ever-worsening revelations about a meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a lawyer characterized as representing the Russian government, as the president fumes against his enemies and senior aides circle one another with suspicion, according to top White House officials and outside advisers.”
No surprise here that some people would rather we talk about Bergdahl today.
No surprise here that some people would rather we talk about Bergdahl today.
I assume you read that part of my spew @9 about the former US Attorney referring to Trump, Jr. as un-American, even if not felonious?
Yeah, Steve, I’m totally burying the Trump thing. You got me.
Conspiracy to commit a crime.
“A criminal conspiracy exists when two or more people agree to commit almost any unlawful act, then take some action toward its completion. The action taken need not itself be a crime, but it must indicate that those involved in the conspiracy knew of the plan and intended to break the law.”
Don Jr. and others not only negotiated with one agent of a foreign government to accept aid in an election (“Influence measures”) but then actively had a meeting with another agent of the same foreign government who they explicitly believed would aid in the election.
§ 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments.
Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply himself, or his agent, to any foreign government, or the agents thereof, for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.
“Obviously I’m the first person on a campaign to ever take a meeting to hear info about an opponent… went nowhere but had to listen,” Don Jr, admitting that he met wit a foreign agent to see what information they had that would “interrupt measures” in the United States.
@ 14
And the dispute between Russia and the US regarding the election would be….
what, exactly?
Hey, Steve @12, this is me avoiding the Trump, Jr. thing again.
Mothers, don’t let your babies grow up to be useless fuckssocial justice warriors.
Evergreen president presents plan to address student safety in wake of unrest
▪ Damage control: Bridges said they’ve seen a “slight decline” in enrollment since the campus incidents erupted in May, but not at the levels of other colleges in the country that have experienced student unrest in recent years.
“No one has told me they’re not coming back because of that,” Bridges said. “We don’t know how to draw a comparison.”
Hey, guys, if you need some advice about how to spend serious time on your knees, YLB’s the man to ask.
On Monday, staff and volunteers began calling about 1,200 students who were admitted and haven’t enrolled in classes yet.
“We’re also calling those current students who were here in the spring, didn’t graduate and didn’t register for fall classes,” Bridges said.
My bet is this will be DeRay McKesson’s next paid gig:
▪ A full review: Bridges said he wants to get an external review conducted of the college’s actions, policies and procedures this fall. He expects that would be completed by November.
Two of the military who were sent on missions to look for him after he deserted:
Good to know you aren’t following the Bergdahl case at all but feel qualified to opine on it.
All the commanding officers in the unit will testify that no one was killed looking for Bergdahl. Each mission briefing after he was gone at some point included instructions to report anything they hear about Bergdahl. Now if you are inclined, you could get it in your head, as some members of Bergdahl’s unit have, fog of war and all, that every mission after he disappears is a mission to find him. The commanders will testify differently and made public statements, see the serial podcast, to that effect. No one was injured looking for Bergdahl. In each case the missions were unrelated but a standing order to keep an eye out for Bergdahl was in effect.
Note that the Army times link mentions that injuries by those claiming to have occurred searching for Bergdahl are not evidence at trail but may be considered IF he is convicted at sentencing.
Bergdahl dissappeared on June 30th
“It was in mid-August that the battalion, still in Paktika province, started taking casualties. On Aug. 18, a roadside bomb killed Staff Sergeant Clayton Bowen, 29, and Private First Class Morris Walker, 23.
Bowen’s mother, Reesa Doebbler, says she was told by her son’s former comrades that he was on a mission to provide election security, an account confirmed by other sources, including a U.S. military official. “
@ 17
None of what you wrote is news to me. Did I state that people were killed looking for the deserter? Why, no, I did not.
Did I state that the severe injuries to others incurred while searching for the deserter would be used as evidence? Why, no again, I did not.
You for some reason mentioned that the deserter is still on active duty. I merely chose to draw a contrast between his status and that of two people who had to go and look for the deserter.
I would say I’m following reasonably closely, yes. A couple of years ago I was involved in an exchange with one of the HA moderators about the case.
I’m still surprised that Team Obama so badly misread public reaction to the deserter’s return.
Wingnut Traitor Handbookspews:
“There’s absolutely no law against that!” shows him the law
“What part of that law did he break?” shows him the part he broke
“But that isn’t against the law! later, rinse, repeat
Wingnut Traitor Handbookspews:
Follow my recipe carefully to achieve a delicious portion of seemingly confusing legal chop suey.
Serves 50 to 60 million willing dupes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Won’t it be hilarious if Bergdahl walks and Trump Jr. goes to prison? Is Las Vegas giving odds on which is more likely to be convicted?
@ 19
References a 200 year-old law for which a violation has never, ever been prosecuted.
Uh huh.
Donald, Jr. will have to wait in line until his father has been prosecuted for violating it, it seems:
Laurence Tribe ✔ @tribelaw
Trump’s “jokes” inviting an adversary to wage cyberwar against the U.S. appear to violate the Logan Act and might even constitute treason.
9:35 AM – 28 Jul 2016 · Cambridge, MA
Humpty Dumptyspews:
For I’m a smelly good fellow, for I’m a smelly fat fellow, for I’m a smellllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy fat fellow, which noboby can deny!
Hey Vlad, sing along with me.
Fir you a smelly fut fellow, fur you a smell fut fellow, for u a smelly futttttttt fellow, which nobudy cun deni Hahahahahah!
Forreeeeee – hey Vlad watch out for that shank shot!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 Maybe we should start with the question, Which statute DIDN’T he violate?
Interesting that nearly everyone on the planet except you thinks he’s in legal jeopardy.
Theoretically, he can get a pardon from his dad, but this assumes Trump wouldn’t throw his son under the bus to save his own skin, which is a pretty big assumption.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 “It’s that innocent-until-proven-guilty thing, which apparently holds for military court. ”
Apparently. We’re not part of Russia. Yet.
Wingnut Traitor Handbookspews:
How’s the treason taste?
Need more salt? There’s always more “libbie” tears!
Humpty Dumptyspews:
@25 Yet?
We are all Russians!
@ 24
Interesting that nearly everyone on the planet except you thinks he’s in legal jeopardy.
Maybe on whatever planet you inhabit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 Oh, I think you’ll get some sort of satisfaction, eventually. It’s unlikely Bergdahl will get to just walk away from what he did. Unless the commander in chief shoots off his big mouth again and hopelessly compromises his ability to get a fair trial.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 Who said anything about the Logan Act? The rap against Fuckface Junior is that he broke campaign laws.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 Well, of course, as Trump himself said, these people could stand in the middle of the street and shoot somone, and Republicans would insist on their innocence.
That’s why I said “nearly” everyone. I had to make allowance for the fact some people are as dumb as you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In case nobody noticed, there were special elections yesterday in the ultra-red state of Oklahoma for two longtime GOP legislative seats, and the Democrats flipped both of them.
What’s really interesting is both of these Democratic winners were the losing candidates just a few months ago.
The text quoted @14 is from the Logan Act, Clueless Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Two down, 1,028+ to go.
What the Democrats don’t want you to know: Party lost more than 1,030 seats in state legislatures, governor’s mansions and Congress during Barack Obama’s presidency
Oh, and you moved the needle from 72-26 to 70-28, or thereabouts. Well done!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 You really ARE a dumbfuck. That’s exactly my point! Unless you’re living under a rock, oblivious to the swirl of news, you should know the rap against Junior is NOT that he violated the Logan Act, but that he may have violated campaign laws. Even Fox viewers who never pick up a newspaper know that! You’re in dire need of a remedial reading course.
Your reading comprehension skills are fast fading. It was not me who brought up the Hatch Act, I merely responded to it by questioning its relevance.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 Think of them as the first bricks from the top of a crumbling dam washing away.
Conservative Ross Douthat,
“…the hapless Don Jr. — the Gob Bluth or Fredo Corleone of a family conspicuously short on Michaels… ”
They’re the noise, not the signal, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 Go ahead, don’t put on a life jacket, I don’t care. It’s your ass, not mine, that’s going to drown when the dam breaks. I no longer support enforcing life jacket laws. I’m tired of trying to save dumbshits from their own stupidity.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@39. You like earring your words – don’t you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 When you think about it, the White House is a convenient gig for a Russian mob associate. He’s immune from prosecution, can pardon his cronies, and has Secret Service protection from hitmen.
I don’t get it. You libbies are treating the Trump turmoil as if the end result is going to something like the nomination of SCOTUS judges and social policy directed by someone other than Mike Pence, should Trump leave office.
How might that be better for you?
“Fredo Corleone” is what the WH insiders are calling DUMPSTER JR.
“social policy directed by someone other than Mike Pence, should Trump leave office”
I’ll wait to see what Mueller comes up with. This present Manafort/Kushner/Junior Russian collusion issue is just the tip of the iceberg. It’d be my guess that Kushner and Manafort, and possibly Pence, have much bigger problems coming their way than does Junior.
Politically Incorrectspews:
We had a pretty good day in the market today. I made no buys today because I like to wait until there’s a good sell-off of a few hundred points. When the little guy is running for the exit, that’s the time to buy. When the little guy can’t wait to get in, that’s the time to look at selling and booking some profits.
It really isn’t too complicated, but it does take time, discipline and dilligence.
My guess is that video of Trump partying with the Russians Junior colluded with probably won’t help.
“CNN obtains footage of Trump palling around with Russian figures at the center of Don Jr.’s emails”
So then you admit that bringing up two people that just happened to be in Bergdahl’s unit was simply grandstanding and nothing to do with nothing.
Well argued.
Humpty Dumpty Drumpspews:
@43 actually no…..personally I’ve given up hope that this Country doesn’t become a fascist dictatorship, but it sure is fun watching and seeing Repukes be so humiliated. Keep your head up you dumbfuck traitor.
You wanting this to be about libbies wanting to go back in time is just nothing more of you trying to deflect from what is going on. Embrace it. After all you built this. Take pride in your accomplishments. Don’t try turning this on libbies. It’s about you and your love for this greatness. Hahahahahaha
Long live Ireland – True home of the Free and the Brave.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Clearly. And plenty of people have gone to jail for those violations. I really don’t see any point in entertaining Doctor Dumbfuck’s self-serving hair splitting. Treason is treason. And it is plenty obvious that Republicans simply no longer care if they hurt the country in pursuit of their narrow self interests. There’s no redeeming their turpitude. Because they no longer operate with any kind of moral framework beyond an all encompasing narcisism.
Humpty Dumpty Drumpspews:
I couldn’t be more happier with the turn of the events lately and in hindsight it was really good that Hillary lost. As a result this really showcases Republucans for the greatness that they are.
Pence will only showcase their true craziness even more, if we ever get to a point where there is any true governing happening.
Posting on Facebook never has been as fun.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Gee, I duuno. I guess some of us “libbies” think America might possibly be better off without a mob of incompetent corrupt white supremacist plutocrats under the control of a Russian dictator in charge of the federal government. Weird, right?
You gotta laugh but it's so pathetic you're just sadspews:
Absolutely right!
She must be real, real, real stupid and dumb.
After all, nobody but a dumb girl prepares their own exhibits.
And that is what is most important right now to Congessional Hibilly-Traitors!
@ 51
Posting on Facebook never has been as fun.
If a tree falls in a forest and no one..
Roger Rabbitspews:
@46 You’re talking about timing the market. Good luck with that. If you come up with a way to do it, patent it. Until then, the rest of us consider such efforts a rookie mistake.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 “I don’t get it.”
If we gotta be stuck with a conservative administration, at least don’t stick us with a corrupt and traitorous one.
Does that help?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Impeachment is no longer just blog talk.
“On Wednesday, Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) introduced an article of impeachment in the House, seeking to remove President Donald Trump from office for obstruction of justice. Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) co-sponsored the article.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course, this isn’t going anywhere with the Traitor Party in control of the House, but this process takes time, and by then things could change in the House.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 That’s what Nixon’s bootlickers said, too.
Humpty Dumpty Drumpspews:
@55 Repukes will never learn. Just like you built this – you guys are destroying yourself, which I take great joy in!
If you guys had any fucking brains you wouldn’t be destroying yourselves, by not supporting this fuck of a President. You guys are the reason for him and now you are the reason for your own destruction; oh, with the help of a bare chested pony rider,let’s not forget about the great leader Putin that Repukes so much adore.
Here’s a hint – save yourselves, by swallowing your pride and standing up to the bullshit that is the modern day Repuke Party. Some people may actual not desert your party and respectfully some people may actual join it. Just a bit of wisdom. Take it or leave it,
Politically Incorrectspews:
56 – No, what I do is buy when things are on sale. I’m not a market timer. I just like to buy when the market is down, and I’ve been at it for nearly 40 years now, so I’m not a rookie either. It has worked out pretty well.
The little guy always wants to buy when the market is high and sell when the market is low. I avoid that and patiently wait for opportunity. Discipline is key.
Kind of sucks to do so, but I agree with Bill Kristol.
“WHOA. Don Jr.’s false statement Sat. was drafted by WH aides & seen by Trump. This wasn’t Jr being dopey. This was an attempted WH cover-up.”
Dumbest president ever. It’s not a question of “who’s going to prison?” It’s more like, “who isn’t?”
Although they don’t include him as a suspect, I figure Manafort with Russia behind him. Putin’s version of a horse’s head in a bed. Heh. Perhaps there’s a golden showers video in our future!
“Who exactly leaked Trump Jr. emails story to The New York Times?”
This revelation means it was the Obama Justice Department that enabled the newest and most intriguing figure in the Russia-Trump investigation to enter the country without a visa.
Thanks again DUMMOCRETINS!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Makes sense. Fuckface and Tillerson obviously failed Vladdy in Hamburg. Presumably Putin’s help had a timetable and deadlines attached. The G-20 meeting provides a convenient mileage marker.
Dance with the Devil…
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I understand she bought her undies at Gumps. So I guess they’re “implicated” as well.
I imagine Ivanka might skate through this, but if she doesn’t, I think she’d look pretty hot in orange. The orange cheeto in orange? That’d look pretty funny. And satisfying.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
NPR – No Treason
Chicago Tribune – No Treason
Vox – No Treason
Alan Dershowitz – No Treason
Jonathan Turley – No Treason
Must really pizz off the HA DUMMOCRETIN FOOLS!
Uh, oh. The loon is back. Although it looks to me like he hasn’t quite got his head put back together yet. Must suck to have an exploding head. Sad!
I wonder which will win this time, Chrome or the Loon? Heh. Just kidding. Chrome always wins.
Treason is an oft used word.
Remember Obamacare was treason
Not releasing a birth cirtuficate was treason
Not saying ‘Islamic Terrorisn’ was treason.
Following W’s law for leaving Iraq was treason
Apology your was treason.
Treason involves an active war.
But you know, trying to obtain illegally hacked information is a crime. Accepting campaign aid from foreigners is a crime. Conspiring with agents of a foreign government to effect an American elections is a crime. They just aren’t treason. So don’t use the word.
Just say criminal.
It will drive them crazy because there is really no defense.
Roger Rabbitspews:
” … Trump Jr.’s admission … ‘hasn’t penetrated the races yet,’ according to one Republican operative involved in the midterms, who requested anonymity in order to offer a frank assessment. ‘Health care is something that the donor community cares more about, to be honest with you,’ the Republican said. ‘This is something that we’ve been talking about for a while now, the Russia stuff, and it’s not making a dent.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Not making a dent. Right. The only thing the rich donors who fund the GOP care about is taking a trillion dollars away from Medicaid and giving it to themselves. Frikken traitors.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@61 So. You’re a dip buyer. Isn’t everyone these days?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@63 Sources say the tip was leaked to NYT from inside the WH and scuttlebutt has Bannon as the leaker.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@64 “This revelation means it was the Obama Justice Department that enabled the newest and most intriguing figure in the Russia-Trump investigation to enter the country without a visa.”
Right. It went down like this:
“I’d like to come to the U.S. for a few days to defend my client, who is being sued by the U.S. Attorney.”
“No problem. Here’s your ‘parole letter’ to gain entry.”
Not exactly the sort of decision that requires a presidential briefing or decision. Of course, it might have gotten more scrutiny if she’d also said, “Oh, and while I’m here, I’m going to meet with a Trump family member and top Trump campaign staffers to meddle in your presidential election.”
Probably wouldn’t have gotten the “parole letter” from the previous administration under those circumstances.
@64 (continued) The silver lining here, moron, is that Trump may be able to get away with passing this off as an overeager rookie mistake by a semi-estranged son who was an outsider in terms of the family business and wasn’t really part of his dad’s presidential campaign. You know, something like, “He meant well, but he fucked up.”
The presence of Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort at that meeting will be harder for Trump to explain away. So will the lies about nearly everyone around Trump — you see, it turns out that all the Trump confidants who denied speaking with the Russians did speak with the Russians — repeatedly.
To avoid culpability for impeachable offenses, Trump will have to argue he didn’t know about any of this, it was all done behind his back by family members and his closest associates, who all betrayed him. That’s a tall order for a guy with a reputation as a world-class liar.
And it’s also a leadpipe certainty it will eventually be revealed his family members and closest associates discussed quid pro quos with the Russkies. That’s why the FBI, CIA, NSA, and other intelligence agencies are involved — they already know they did. You see, they wiretapped the Russkies.
Go ahead, loon, keep making excuses for these traitors, above all the traitor in the White House. Holding yourself out as a fellow traveler of Putin’s tools can’t hurt you, because we already know what kind of stuff you’re made of.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@67 They probably don’t have a jumpsuit big enough to cover that pus gut. They’ll have to special order one. In Spandex, so it can stretch over the cheeseburgers as they go down.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@68 It’s early, fool. Trump’s scandals are still in the pre-indictment phase. Bergdahl’s case is a little further along, but still in the presumed-innocent phase; these things take time.
Patience, it will all come to fruition in its own good time.
Some people complain our legal system grinds too slowly because it gives too much deference to defendants’ rights. For example, it can take 20 years to execute a heinous killer.
There will always be people like Puddy and Trump who support summary firing squads and see no need for charges, a trial, or appeals.
Until they take over, Trump doesn’t have to worry about being executed for treason. Natural causes will take him long before our cumbersome legal machinery can do so.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@69 In a previous post, I speculated the loon might be temporarily gone on an IT assignment in North Korea. Maybe Kim decided they didn’t want to keep him. He became a worthless mouth to feed when they realized Trump wouldn’t trade anything for him.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Right now, wherever you look, Hillbilly-Traitors are passionately defending Fuckface and his team of Russian moles. On the airwaves, the intertubes, social media accounts, wherever you turn “Republicans” are sticking up for their President. But dont forget that in three and a half years they are all going to start pretending that none of this ever happened!
Got the tee shirt.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“The story with Don Jr. falls into the category of being taken with a grain of salt, or several grains of salt. People are reserving judgment,” said Vlad Davidiuk, a senior official in Texas’ Harris County GOP.
Yet, remarkably, a thorough search of their social media histories uncovers a ready willingness to buy into Pizzagate, Birfergate, SethRichGate, Jade Helm, as well as the usual melange of concerns about Chelsea murdering Vince Foster after bearing his negro(?) love child, etc.
Aside from that it’s just the usual lazy J-school quote report you get from 45 min worth of long distance phone calls to the first number you get on Google.
Yes. I imagine it is quite true that Democrats hoping to pick up Congressional seats can’t actually rely on flipping the local county Hillbilly-Traitor Party chair. Wowsers! But it’s probably also true that any Democrats expecting to see a big move toward our candidates because of Fuckface Treason had better brace themselves for some uncomfortable truths. People who vote PussyGrabber are just way to stupid to give a single fuck about something as silly as giving our country away. Unless it’s a black guy accused of giving our country away. That would be different.
There is no Pee Tape!
There is a Pee Tape, but so what!
@ 58
Perhaps the Democrats can hold another mock impeachment inquiry.
In the Capitol basement yesterday, long-suffering House Democrats took a trip to the land of make-believe.
They pretended a small conference room was the Judiciary Committee hearing room, draping white linens over folding tables to make them look like witness tables and bringing in cardboard name tags and extra flags to make the whole thing look official.
Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.) banged a large wooden gavel and got the other lawmakers to call him “Mr. Chairman.”
Pretending, as in Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit pretending that he is a successful investor and a reasonable example of a capitalist.
Politically Incorrectspews:
74 –
“@61 So. You’re a dip buyer. Isn’t everyone these days?”
No, there are lots of folks who like to buy high and sell low. Even after being lectured to for years, people still like to buy at the tops and sell at the bottoms. Buying when other are scared and selling when they’re confident can add at least a percent to long term performance. Having the discipline to do so is the heart of the matter.
Yeah, everyone’s a star investor.
I’d like to think I have been more successful at it than a typical investor. Honestly considered, however, had I simply dollar cost-averaged over the not-quite 30 years I have been investing, which requires the discipline only not to interfere with an automatically timed event, I’m pretty sure I would have been better off.
Bogle has it right.
“Yeah, everyone’s a star investor.”
Indeed. I don’t trade any more, but I was into technical analysis, trading mostly in biotech. Hell, I didn’t even care if it was a real company as long as Bios were popping and the company’s chart and volume were right.
I suppose like yourself, I don’t come here for investment advice.
@ 87
I suppose like yourself, I don’t come here for investment advice.
Au contraire, mon ami.
In fact, the key to my Notadumbfuck Investment Method absolutely requires
I read carefully what Roger Rabbit says he does, or just did. Then I do the opposite.
It might not beat dollar cost averaging, but I’m absolutely certain it’s better than Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit achieves. I mean, look how he’s spending his retirement. If you had two quarters to rub together during your retirement, Steve, why would you be spending it here all day?
He can’t afford to do anything else.
Whidbey Island – mostly the south end – has a local version of Craigslist. It’s run by a very interesting guy with a publishing history, who is a lifelong surfer.
I see Humpty (Me) is saying that “most people would have taken the meeting with the Russians”
Yeah and most people would have had and have had blow jobs from their interns.
My god what fucking bombastic mother fuckers these fucking hypocrites are….they sure love lowering the bar beneath zero when it suits them. But make sure the Bar is at Level 10 for everyone else.
Go FUCK yourself – you fucking sideways talking mother fuckers! Eat shit and die. Or in the Apes case – Eat Banana and fucking croak!
Wingnut Traitor Handbookspews:
Almost time for lunch.
Is anybody hungry for Nothingburger?
They say The President has a fabulous recipe!
P.S. “Barron’s in the basement mixing up the medicine…”
You gotta laugh but it's so pathetic you're just sadspews:
@53 Ha! What does it say about her managerial abilities? What does it say that SHE doesn’t take responsibility? The BUCK stops … where? Clearly she ASSumes
Interesting comparison note the 16 hour claim for the 2oth century limited. Right now Bing Maps shows 12 hours and 20 minutes driving time station to station (in light traffic). Today AMTRAK’s train via Washington is 22 hours.
The old train was overnight and had a better restaurant but driving is still better than either on time and flexibility. AMTRAK has a cheap fare for a coach seat and offers roomettes but at all prices flying is faster and no more expensive.
A French style high speed train would cost billions to lay new dedicated track but still take 5+ hours from NYC to Chicago vs 2 to fly. In France a trip from Paris to Toulon (pretty much across the entire country) is 580 miles making trains somewhat competitive. Passenger trains worked when highways were limited and cars not a comfortable or reliable. Flying killed the long distance runs and decent highways make the middle distances problematic. Car travel is true point to point and very flexible. Also the cost to take a small group (family or co workers) is no more than for just the driver.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Wait. Now you’re saying she didn’t prepare the exhibit?
Are you sure? Do you wan’t some time to revise?
Maybe wait 24 hrs before you get ahead of the reporting by giving us a “full release” of all the exhibits?
Maybe go another 24 hrs before you step on you dick again?
Nah! Why break tradition!
You gotta laugh but it's so pathetic you're just sadspews:
@ 96: I’m saying she was dumb enough to PUBLICLY stand beside it WITHOUT LOOKING AT IT. That’s bad enough.
How much dumber does she need to prove herself to be?
Perhaps standing next to a poster of you while wearing a T-shirt?
You gotta laugh but it's so pathetic you're just sadspews:
@94 He’s a pro-bort. You should love him
You gotta laugh but it's so pathetic you're just sadspews:
You gotta laugh but it's so pathetic you're just sadspews:
psst, @96: Obviously you didn’t bother to read anything beyond the headline. The money shot was the mocking tweet.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@84 “a reasonable example of a capitalist”
I’m an example of a capitalist. There’s no such thing as a reasonable capitalist. We’re driven by pure unadulterated greed and don’t give a damn about anything except our portfolios.
You ought to know this value system well, Doctor Dumbfuck. After all, you’re part of it, and one of its prophets. Just like me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@84 Go ahead, keep kidding yourself that none of this means anything, or will have any consequences.
@85 “Having the discipline to do so is the heart of the matter.”
Not hard at all. Even a rabbit can do it. But it gets a little trickier when you know stocks are overpriced, have been inflated by central banks’ policies, the policy support is in the process of being withdrawn, and the market keeps going up anyway.
What do you do when P/Es are high, yields are low, the stock market is a two-legged stool, and cash earns nothing? That’s the question of the hour.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@86 No, I have it right. To wit: Everybody can win at this game, and it’s easy to do, because compounding does the work for you.
All you have to do is make three, four, or five percent in your first year. Then multiply that by 1.03, 1.04, or 1.05 in your second year. And so on. Run this through a calculation and see what $1 is worth in twenty, thirty, or forty years.
Anyone who invests even a modest sum at the start and does this for a lifetime can end up rich.
Of course, it goes a lot faster, and you get a lot richer, if the market is returning eight, ten, or twelve percent a year. That doesn’t happen all the time, but it happens some of the time.
The beauty is this whole fucking thing runs on autopilot.
And it doesn’t matter a damn whether you beat the averages or not. If you do, who cares? If you don’t, who cares?
Roger Rabbitspews:
The question of whether “average” investors should just put their money into a market-index ETF is hotly debated. Barrons came out with a cover story a couple weeks ago warning people away from ETFs. The theory behind ETFs breaks down if everyone does it. Plus ETFs charge fees, so an index ETF will always underperform the index it mirrors. The thing to do is create your own portfolio of individual stocks that functions as an ETF of sorts, i.e., a broadly diversified portfolio of top stocks with all dividends reinvested (not dripped).
@87 Technical analysis is voodoo. I’m not saying it’s completely bunk. It’s based on repetitive human behavior, and has some validity simply because humans tend to be habitual. But past trading patterns predict the future only as long as traders keep doing what they’ve done in the past, and there are some problems with assuming they will.
So the biggest problem with technical analysis is that the stock market is dynamic and trading behavior changes over time. For example, in the 1950s about 90% of the market was mom-and-pop investors, and about 10% was institutional and professional trading. Nowadays those figures are reversed; the latter account for 90% of trading and small investors only 10%, if that much. Now you have the market dominated by computerized trading, quants, algorithms, high frequency trading, etc. That screws up the applicability of your historic charts.
So a chart of trading five years ago doesn’t really tell you much about current trading patterns. You’d do better to steal everyone’s algorithms and synthesize them all in your supercomputer.
I find it much easier to simply review each company’s fundamentals and assume its stock price will eventually mean-revert to a value based on how much money the company makes. That’s not hard to do. I can formulate a basic judgment by glancing at the current Value Line report for about 20 seconds, then work from there if I feel further research is needed.
You gotta laugh ... and I dospews:
@106 Please attempt to make up your little mind: am I “stepping on my dick” or do I need an abortion. Dude, BIOLOGY is science. Learn it.
You gotta laugh but it's so pathetic you're just sadspews:
@88 Well, if your investing methodology consists of doing the opposite of what I do, then you’re losing money hand over fist. One more reason to call you Doctor Dumbfuck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Another reason was #88 and its linked-to primogenitor are idiotic comments is because there are many different ways to make money in the stock market.
People who chase momentum stocks make money (at times). People who invest in deep value stocks make money (at times). People who play the charts make money (at times).
People who play the compounding game make money all the time, because the rules of math never change. Multiplying a positive number greater than zero by another positive number greater than zero ALWAYS produces a larger number. No exceptions.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
108, And another!
So much flushing! So much winning!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@88 ” If you had two quarters to rub together during your retirement, Steve, why would you be spending it here all day?”
Good question. Why do you?
As for me, what could possibly be more fun than rankling Doctor Dumbfuck? I feel like a giraffe kicking a lion to death when I post here.
Humpty Dumpty Drumpspews:
@95 what’s the cost to continually build and or expand airports……only thousands? And the cost to build and expand highways……only thousands? Aside from your other points, which still didn’t account for any negatives or positives of TRAINS, your use of BILLIONS really scared me – you would make a good FAUX NEWS reporter, but they all seem to be jumping ship or getting grouped by the boss.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@92 You have to remember that Conway is a lawyer, so it’s perfectly natural for her to behave like a desperate defense attorney trying to save an obviously guilty client from the chair. The whole idea is to convince the client you tried, so you’ll get paid.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@93 So now wingnuts, most of whom can’t spell “to” or “too” correctly, are giving liberals spelling lessons?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@97 Using that vicarious logic, you could accuse me of looking dumb by standing next to a Republican in a grocery checkout line. It does happen occasionally. About a third of my neighborhood votes GOP.
You gotta laugh ... and I dospews:
@114 Yawn. Go search the cost of ‘high speed rail’ California’. Let us know the original estimate and all the NEW estimates. Don’t forget the projected time frames and the ACTUAL time frames. Be sure to mention Gov. Brown BEGGING Trump for federal dollars to fund it. I believe the word BILLIONS will come up multiple times.
Those would be called FACTS. Of course, being a proud inhabitant of The Socialist People’s Republic of Seattle you will conveniently neglect to mention those FACTS and find yet another squirrel to chase.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@99 Of course, a know-nothing moron like you who doesn’t bother to look anything up wouldn’t be aware that Planned Parenthood’s business is 3% abortions and 97% other (mostly preventive) health care services. So, of course, you wouldn’t realize that maybe the team is promoting the other 97%. Why are you against health care that saves lives? Because you’re stupid and ignorant, or because you’re a dick?
You gotta laugh ... and I dospews:
In the Socialist People’s Republic of Seattle, Roger Rabbit cheers although he may be conflicted between his love of the portfolio over which he gloats and his political views.<br?
Cognitive dissonance is a bitch. Or in Rabbits case, his master.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@106 Just another idiot troll so completely blinded by his hatred of abortion that he can’t see anything else.
Funny how the same people who think an abortion is the crime of the century have no remorse about starting wars that kill millions.
Even when they attacked the wrong country.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@109 Can’t stand a woman telling you to shove your sanctimonious hypocrisy up your chauvinistic ass, eh?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@118 Your neighbors voted for it. Got a better system?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Retainer, baby.
Unless you’re family, without it, the calls don’t get through, the emails go to junk, and the letters get round filed.
Only fools and amateurs give it away.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@120 Correlation isn’t causation, numbnuts.
The stock market is going up because the global economy has finally turned around and there’s now synchronized economic growth in all the major regions. Even Japan is finally growing.
That’s why the market doesn’t go down despite Trump’s scandals and the fact virtually none of his agenda has been enacted. Anyone with eyes can see the market is ignoring Trump.
You gotta laugh ... and I dospews:
Ah your refuge: name calling. ‘The market was down yesterday … until Jr released his emails’ as said by a CNBC host. Try not to stumble on FACTS. I’d hate to have to pay for your broken hip when you are doing so well.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@118. Deflect. I’m not questioning the billions you state. I’m questions your failure to speak or mention about the billions for the other things from road buildings, airports and power plants (nuclear and non nuclear) and the cost of cleanup of nuclear and all the other related things to the planet that trains, planes and automobiles. And to the Noah’s Ark in Tennessee.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@126 You are an idiot. That’s a fact. Stating facts is not name calling. Especially when the fact is so obvious.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Wow the senile idiot wabbit has its ASS handed to itself again,
@127. I really wish I could interpret what you were so ineptly trying to convey. A complete sentence in there somewhere may have helped.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
There isn’t a single deleted comment in the thread at this point, Gomer.
But at least two at-home abortion kits proudly donated to celebrate His Righteousness! And also your stupidity, Gomer.
Shall we make it three?
You gotta laugh ... and I dospews:
I never said there was a deleted comment. I said it was and still is marked as “waiting moderation”:
You gotta laugh … and I do spews:
Thursday, 7/13/17 at 2:37 pm
Your comment is awaiting moderation. Reading is hard
Humpty Dumpty Drumpspews:
Ohhhh, your one of those elitests that complain about elitests. You fucking hillbilly.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
right alongside your Canadian Super Model girlfriend, eh Gomer?
Humpty Dumpty Drumpspews:
@133. Should say You’re
Had time to fix @135 but I wanted it to bother you so I left it – you dumbfuck
Holy shit! The story continues to race ahead of our “libbie delusions”!
Fuckface has now admitted that he knew about the election hacking meeting.
And still the credulous, low information, hillbilly Republicans remain utterly loyal to their daily dose of orange throat yogurt.
You gotta laugh ... and I dospews:
@136 Whine to “the moderator”: I did not transcribe, I copied and pasted it from the comment as it appears to me.
You gotta laugh … and I do spews:
Thursday, 7/13/17 at 2:37 pm
Your [SIC]* comment is awaiting moderation.
*Look it up
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Like this:
Gomer spews:
Thursday, 7/13/17 at 2:37 pm
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I get it. I really do. Fuckface has reduced conservative politics to a laughing stock and degraded Republicans to the status of World Star Hip Hop.
Speaking of Hell and “off key versions of whistled patriotic songs”
CNN anchor Poppy Harlow made the most hilarious gaffe ever on Thursday when she mistook the American national anthem for the French national anthem.
Harlow was discussing President Trump’s meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron when she told viewers to “listen in to the French national anthem for just a moment.”
The video then focuses solely on a band blaring the Star-Spangled Banner before Trump and Macron, with the former putting his hand over his heart.
Obviously, the Star-Spangled Banner is America’s national anthem, while the French national anthem is La Marseillaise, which sounds nothing like the Star-Spangled Banner
After admitting that he had been previously made aware of the election hacking meeting arranged by Don Jr., Fuckface went on to try to redirect pool reporter’s attention to the Russian lawyer, pointing out that he saw:
…something about her being in congress recently talking to members…
She had meetings with various people. So it’s the same thing.”
Which would be absolutely true. It would be exactly the same thing if she had meetings with various people in order to arrange a conspiracy to violate federal laws.
So, is Fuckface throwing Dana Rohrbacher under the bus too?
You gotta laugh ... and I dospews:
@141 et al: Vulgarity is a sign of a dull and banal* mind. Attempt to exercise your imagination. Try to stretch your vocabulary. Buy a thesaurus. Attempt intelligence and class instead of crass* street ignorance and boorishness.
*Look it up
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
And yet, quite obviously, if it didn’t bother you you wouldn’t go to all that trouble to point it out so often.
Rather telling I suppose, that in the comment you chose to highlight my vulgarity was specifically targeting your Republican Great Leader.
All worship eventually reaches a crisis of faith. Have you finally discovered a pube or two in your orange throat yogurt, Gomer?
Non vulgarity is a sign of a pussy whipped Drumpf boy.
You gotta laugh ... and I dospews:
@143, et al:
It delights me to consider you the standard bearer of intelligence here at the ASS and in the Socialist Peoples Republic of Seattle. Your leadership and superb representation of today’s progressives with your erudite commentary is absolutely incontrovertible. Mommy must be so proud.
Charges that members of the Clinton campaign were in cahoots with a far left opposition research and propaganda firm, Fusion GPS, it is becoming more and more apparent that many of the false stories that Fusion GPS was pushing came directly from the Kremlin.
Yippee, Skippy they finally won a special election!
Tuesday night, Democrats picked up two seats in Oklahoma, a once-blue state where the Obama years had reduced them to a rump party. … There was celebration on progressive social media as soon as the races were called. …[Alas] The victories also did little to slice into what, by the end of the Obama years, had become a Republican supermajority. After Tuesday, just seven Democrats will sit in the 42-member state Senate. After the 2008 election — the first since 1972 in which the Democrats’ presidential candidate carried no Oklahoma county — Democrats held 22 seats. Many of the losses since then had come in rural districts.
2008 is calling – Democrats want to be relevant again: The grand total: a net loss of 1,042 state and federal Democratic posts, including congressional and state legislative seats, governorships and the presidency.
Democratic U.S. Senate seats fell from 55 to 46. Their share of the House plummeted from 256 seats to 194. Republicans still control both chambers .
Democratic governerships also became a rarity during this eight-year period, slipping from 28 to 16.
The Obama years coincided with a loss of 958 state legislative seats for Democrats.
Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.
Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.
Try to remember, these fairy tales you tell yourself about your devotion to Fuckface are exclusively for your benefit.
And if the day ever comes that you manage to really comprehend that, you just might be able to escape having to gargle this guy’s ball cheese in the near future.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
No wonder the Fusion GPS fool canceled his Congressional testimony. It seems GPS Fusion founder behind the debunked “Trump Dossier” was on the payroll of Russian lawyer You don’t say… In the WaPost too. This should really screw up the screams of Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom
Fusion GPS was on the payroll of an unidentified Democratic ally of Clinton when it hired a long-retired British spy to dig up dirt on Trump. In 2012, Democrats hired Fusion GPS to uncover dirt on GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney. And in 2015, Democratic ally Planned Parenthood retained Fusion GPS to investigate pro-life activists protesting the abortion group.
The hits keep coming!
You gotta laugh: TWO seats in OK... "WINNING!"spews:
A FEW QUOTES for the thumb sucking, too lazy, pajama boys:
As the Grand Marshal of the Supreme Court assembles the posse of Bailiffs, Trumpeters and Attendants, the Learned Scribes are generating the Official Law Warrant of Justice to arrest Donald Trump Jr. for High Treason, which they will do after marching to the White House on a carpet of rose petals strewn by Fair Maidens.
Or something. Whatever. The Menscian media is in a spazz yet again.
Boy oh boy, maybe this time we can overturn the results of the election…
And I admit I almost didn’t think it could happen, but things have gotten stupider. Somehow the media and their enablers decided that the worst thing in the world is for someone to be willing to hear negative information about a political opponent from a foreign government, which wasn’t a bad thing until Trump’s son tried it unsuccessfully. Apparently Putin’s cunning spies work through chunky music industry gadflies and third-tier lawyers and don’t actually have any dirt to give. Who knew?
But hey, collusion or something. Whatever.
Surprise! This stupidity drops right after Trump crushes it with a speech in Poland and right after James Integrity Boy Comey was revealed to have been playing the kind of classified materials games he let Clinton slide on.
Yeah, yeah, intent. Whatever.
It’s all about liberals retaking power and trying to make sure we normals never get a say in our own governance again. Make no mistake, there are plenty of nominal Republicans who would be happy for that to happen. According to David Brooks, we peasants lack sufficient sandwich savvy for self determination.
Let me break down how this is going to end. Liberals are going to gobble yet another Treason Viagra and the hot chick of success is gonna let them buy her a pricy dinner and then smile and say “Let’s just be friends.”
I would almost feel sorry for them if they weren’t a bunch of evil, aspiring fascists who want to turn all of America into Evergreen College.
Oh, meanwhile in Iraq, which never mattered to Democrats, the people who were slicing the heads off dudes, tossing gays off buildings, and selling women into sex slavery, have been annihilated. This happened under the tender loving care of Mad Dog Mattis, the guy who Trump put in command of our armies and who refocused our military away from making it more comfortable for people who don’t understand that a penis makes you male to killing our civilization’s enemies.
Do you think this latest nonsense is going to stop Trump, by which I mean the people who support him? Do you think the normal people in America are thinking “Gosh, a campaign tried to get negative information about its opponent? I’m shocked and stunned and emotionally ruined. I don’t know where to turn or what to do. I guess I better support a bunch of liberal fascists who want to take my money and my power and my guns and who boo God.”
Whatever. Now Tim Kaine is channeling his inner Louise Mensch, who seems to be channeling the voices in her head, and is screeching “TREASON!!!” But we should be forgiving because Tim has an excuse.
He’s an idiot.
. . . Let all those latter-day converts to McCarthyism working as associate sociology professors at Gumbo State and who drive old Corollas with fading bumperstickers that read “Nuclear Freeze Now” keep tweeting “TREASON” in all caps. You go, girls.
Again, whatever.
AND SO MUCH MORE … but you should probably wait till tomorrow after your milk and cookies. We wouldn’t want you little libbies to have bad dreams!
Or, just read it on the bus.
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.
The Treason Clause applies only to disloyal acts committed during times of war. Acts of dis-loyalty during peacetime are not considered treasonous under the Constitution. Nor do acts of Espionage committed on behalf of an ally constitute treason. For example, julius and ethel rosenberg were convicted of espionage, in 1951, for helping the Soviet Union steal atomic secrets from the United States during World War II. The Rosenbergs were not tried for treason because the United States and the Soviet Union were allies during World War II.
Under Article III a person can levy war against the United States without the use of arms, weapons, or military equipment. Persons who play only a peripheral role in a conspiracy to levy war are still considered traitors under the Constitution if an armed rebellion against the United States results. After the U.S. Civil War, for example, all Confederate soldiers were vulnerable to charges of treason, regardless of their role in the secession or insurrection of the Southern states. No treason charges were filed against these soldiers, however, because President Andrew Johnson issued a universal Amnesty.
The crime of treason requires a traitorous intent. If a person unwittingly or unintentionally gives aid and comfort to an enemy of the United States during wartime, treason has not occurred. Similarly, a person who pursues a course of action that is intended to benefit the United States but mistakenly helps an enemy is not guilty of treason. Inadvertent disloyalty is never punishable as treason, no matter how much damage the United States suffers.
Now, don’t you feel foolish? You should. There is no honor in being the fool.
Roger Rabbitspews:
See #129 for sample Puddy wet dream.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
because, you know, better things to do
Aaaand… 166, Treason
Perhaps I would feel foolish had I voted to betray my country.
But since I don’t eat clay, fuck my close relations, engage incessantly in incomprehensible conspiracy delusions about birth certificates, or campaign for bloated gaseous golden showering perverts…
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
That’s a new one. You can “cancel” a subpoena. Who knew!
The things you can learn from Crazy Uncle Treason…
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Yup. I think it worked. And it only took a couple dozen derranged comment postings from an obviously unstable mind in a random out of the way blog to do it. But I for one feel quite certain that when we awake tomorrow the entire global media establishment will have abandoned all interest in reporting out the Republican/Russian criminal conspiracy in favor of some random assortment of unsourced accusations against “those darned Clintons”. It’s always worked before, right?
. . .Half my life’s in books’ written pages
Live and learn from fools and from sages
You know it’s true
All the things come back to you
. . .Dream on, dream on, dream on,
Dream yourself a dream come true Dream on, dream on, dream on,
Dream until your dreams come true
Dream on, dream on, dream on,
Dream on, dream on,
Dream on, dream on, ah
Roger Rabbitspews:
@133 Why would the moderators bother with you? Think about it. They don’t give a shit what you post in this cesspool, as long as you don’t get them in trouble by violating copyright laws.
You just have to know when to quote ’em, and when to ellipses ’em. Judicious editing of other people’s work to keep it within fair use avoids problems.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
senile idiot wabbit fool,
Wet dream or FACT?
You lose!
Sux to be the senile idiot wabbit fool!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
senile idiot wabbit fool @172,
Sez the fool who posts more than two paragraphs so many times over so many years breaking the rules all the time!
Sux to be you senile idiot wabbit fool!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@142 Personally I think their national anthem is twice the anthem ours is. “Casablanca” would be half the movie if the crowd in Rick’s sang the SSB instead of La Marseillaise. The krauts would have laughed at that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@143 With Fuckface, loyalty is a one-way street, and at some point the Republicans in Congress will tire of this blowhard who cares about no one but himself.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@144 We know what “banal” means, dummy. Boy, do we ever. We’ve been immersed in it ever since Reagan.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@149 In other words, you didn’t vote.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@153 Think of those two seats as the top bricks on a leaking dam.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@154 Thought you didn’t believe CNN. Except when you do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@155 You don’t need Ukrainians to question Drumpf’s fitness for office. Any third grader who isn’t in a coma can do that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@173 What we have here is someone who can’t tell the difference between wet dream and fact. Sort of limits his reproductive potential. On the other hand, thank God there’s only one of him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@174 Yeah, but I know how to get away with it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Remember that meeting with the Russian lawyer? Someone else was there, too: An ex-Soviet counterintel agent with “ongoing” ties to the Kremlin.
Still wanna argue Donnie Jr. was a naive little boy who didn’t know what he was doing? And that Kushner and Manafort were just there for the ride? Meanwhile, “House Republicans voted Thursday to block an effort aimed at revoking the security clearance of White House senior adviser Jared Kushner.”
The GOP is a nest of mobsters, spies, and traitors.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Lots of people don’t vote.
But what can you say about people who don’t vote while vigorously campaigning to install a mob of Russian puppets in the White House?
@ An Obvious BullShit Artist @ 164:
“Oh, meanwhile in Iraq, which never mattered to Democrats, the people who were slicing the heads off dudes, tossing gays off buildings, and selling women into sex slavery, have been annihilated. This happened under the tender loving care of Mad Dog Mattis, the guy who Trump put in command of our armies and who refocused our military away from making it more comfortable for people who don’t understand that a penis makes you male to killing our civilization’s enemies.”
This if course, is pure propaganda. The first sentence is bullshit. Liberals protested and denounced the war in Iraq, simply because there was no reason to attack them at all. Except for the fact that their military had already been destroyed and they were weak, and ripe for the picking. Conservative Democrats went along with the war because their office and financial well-being demanded it.
As for the beheadings, none of that was happening in Iraq until George Bush used the domestic attack on 9/11/01 to attack Iraq, which was not involved in that attack and may have actually been committed by Saudi Arabia, to justify destroying an entire nation that had not attacked us in favor and support of the Nation that actually had.
Meanwhile, in Saudi Arabia, our most important ally in the Arab world, one can be decapitated just for protesting something, based entirely on the word of a single accuser. One can be accused of anything in Saudi Arabia by anyone with the money and social influence to make the accusation stick. Thats how riots start, and Saudi Arabia is a nation ruled by rioters. Sharia Law is the Saudi legal foundation. It wasn’t in Iraq, nor Libya, nor even Syria. Wahabism is a Saudi Arabian political construct. ISIS is a Wahabist movement and is funded by Saudi Arabia.
Iraq, Syria, Libya and at one point Egypt had all openly discussed, and in the case of Iraq, actually attempted to stop using the U.S. Dollar to sell their oil. Qaddafi was trying to get the standard changed to Gold.
Lose the petrodollar, and the United States collapses. Our currency is based on the value of a consumable and perishable product with a limited supply, and we’re willing to flatten whole cities and butcher millions of people to preserve that paradigm.
Sure, Hillary was a bit of a warmonger. She, like every other national politician had assumed that sticking a wet finger into the wind was the direction a campaign should follow. But at least she was well educated, highly experienced in both foreign and domestic policy and had the intelligence to back it up.
Now, we have an uneducated, illiterate, imbecilic and totally unqualified moron in the White House who “won” because of crimes and treasonous activities that the GOP were more than enthusiastic to commit as long as they allowed them to gain the offices. Offices that they openly use to enrichen themselves at the cost of everything else.
True Soviets, the GOP. Just one big mafia. They’re not isolationist, they seem to honestly believe that they have the god-given right to rule the world. They’ll sell isolationism and nationalism to get elected because for them, it works.
Oh, that, and making sure the number of people who are even allowed to vote at all is reduced to the point where all they need to do is harvest enough cash to buy the propaganda to fool the people who are.
I see from the last thread that Doctor Dumbfuck, he of 4,000+ pro-Putin hashtags, thinks I use the word “treason” too often.
Ana Navarro, “The sheer amount of contact and meetings that none of them remember between Trump world and the Russians involved with the Kremlin is astounding.”
While it may be great fun to mock the stupidity of team Fuckface in light of this active conspiracy to abet espionage, it’s foolish to go along with the “gang who can’t shoot straight” defense.
Even a campaign as unconventional as Fuckface’s would have had strict constraints on these kinds of contacts binding on all the campaign principals. Certainly in the case of a family as mixed up with Russian organized criminals and Russian state enterprises as this one, the legal team advising the campaign would have made it absolutely binding on every member of the family that any contacts like these be submitted for legal review.
Bypassing those strictures is not a “goof”.
It was a witting act to further what the individuals involved at least suspected was a criminal conspiracy. And they didn’t want the lawyers to know about it. Because they knew the lawyers would kill the buzz. And at least the President’s son, his son-in-law, and his campaign manager made that decision.
Drumpf is a fat fuck which nobody can deny! For he’s a jolly good Fatttt Fuckkkkkkkkk, which nobody can deny!
Did you have a blackout on the bus home? Don’t let the booze get in control. It’s easy to do if you don’t pay close attention.
All things in moderation.
Thanks Vlad. I’m a jolly good Fattttttt Fuckkkkkk which nobody can deny!
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Serious question: Can a president issue pardons without making them public, you know, just in case?
Serious response: Is Bowe Bergdahl still in a whole mess o’ trouble? He is? Well, I guess you have your answer.
The King of All Radio is swinging hard this morning. Seemingly overnight it’s gone from, “there is no there there on the Russia story.” to “You just can’t charge Don Jr. with a crime if you didn’t charge serial lawbreaker Hillary.”
Uh, actually, you can. That’s kind of how it works. You investigate, decide if there is a crime and weigh if you can get a conviction. Haven’t you watched a single episode of “Law & Order.” And in this case, Don Jr., on Twitter appears to have admitted to knowingly attempting to accept illegally obtained information that the Don Jr. knew was illegally obtained.
But clearly even the GrandPooBah of conservative thought now sees there is a there there so it’s on to, “Well it was illegal but it wasn’t……HILLARY!”
Bowe Bergdahl is still on active duty and we’re past two years since he was charged without any kind of trial starting. Allegedly it’s going to start in October but we’ll see.
it doesn’t help the government’s case that Terrence Russell who debriefed Bergdahl on his return is a witness for the defense and not prosecution.
Why did a recruit who washed out of the Coast Guard for psychological reasons get accepted by the Army? It was in his DOD file when he volunteered for the Army.
@ 7
And in this case, Don Jr., on Twitter appears to have admitted to knowingly attempting to accept illegally obtained information that the Don Jr. knew was illegally obtained.
Which statute did that action violate? If it didn’t, why post about Don Jr. committing a crime?
You’re making a weak argument, one which will probably be proven incorrect.
This (bolded text) is probably your best argument:
Preet BhararaVerified account
Preet Bharara Retweeted The New York Times
Quick reminder: something doesn’t have to be illegal for it to be foolish, wrong and un-American.
@DonaldJTrumpJrPreet Bharara added,
The New York TimesVerified account @nytimes
Replying to @nytimes
The emails also show that Donald J. Trump Jr. was eager to accept what he was told was the Russian government’s help
8:46 AM – 11 Jul 2017
Kellyanne Conway has a sad. Republicans obstructing the Kenyan usurper was good, Democrats obstructing Russia’s stooge is bad.
Why did a recruit who washed out of the Coast Guard for psychological reasons get accepted by the Army? It was in his DOD file when he volunteered for the Army.
Why did the Obama adminstration claim that he served with “honor and distinction”? Team Obama, after all, knew
what Bergdahl had done when they made the deal for his return.
Yes, Bergdahl is still on active duty. It’s that innocent-until-proven-guilty thing, which apparently holds for military court. Supports the government’s position better than it supports Bergdahl’s.
Bergdahl is, after all, charged with misbehavior before the enemy.
While Bergdahl is still on active duty, you know who isn’t? Two of the military who were sent on missions to look for him after he deserted:
The former Navy SEAL, retired Senior Chief Petty Officer James Hatch, suffered a career-ending leg wound when he was sprayed with AK-47 fire while chasing enemy fighters on a July 2009 search mission. He testified he nearly bled to death and has endured 18 surgeries since then.
On a separate search mission that month, U.S. Army National Guard Sgt. First Class Mark Allen was shot in the head, suffering a traumatic brain injury that left him in a wheel chair and unable to communicate.
“‘The White House has been thrust into chaos after days of ever-worsening revelations about a meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a lawyer characterized as representing the Russian government, as the president fumes against his enemies and senior aides circle one another with suspicion, according to top White House officials and outside advisers.”
No surprise here that some people would rather we talk about Bergdahl today.
No surprise here that some people would rather we talk about Bergdahl today.
I assume you read that part of my spew @9 about the former US Attorney referring to Trump, Jr. as un-American, even if not felonious?
Yeah, Steve, I’m totally burying the Trump thing. You got me.
Conspiracy to commit a crime.
“A criminal conspiracy exists when two or more people agree to commit almost any unlawful act, then take some action toward its completion. The action taken need not itself be a crime, but it must indicate that those involved in the conspiracy knew of the plan and intended to break the law.”
Don Jr. and others not only negotiated with one agent of a foreign government to accept aid in an election (“Influence measures”) but then actively had a meeting with another agent of the same foreign government who they explicitly believed would aid in the election.
“Obviously I’m the first person on a campaign to ever take a meeting to hear info about an opponent… went nowhere but had to listen,” Don Jr, admitting that he met wit a foreign agent to see what information they had that would “interrupt measures” in the United States.
@ 14
And the dispute between Russia and the US regarding the election would be….
what, exactly?
Hey, Steve @12, this is me avoiding the Trump, Jr. thing again.
Mothers, don’t let your babies grow up to be
useless fuckssocial justice warriors.Evergreen president presents plan to address student safety in wake of unrest
▪ Damage control: Bridges said they’ve seen a “slight decline” in enrollment since the campus incidents erupted in May, but not at the levels of other colleges in the country that have experienced student unrest in recent years.
“No one has told me they’re not coming back because of that,” Bridges said. “We don’t know how to draw a comparison.”
Hey, guys, if you need some advice about how to spend serious time on your knees, YLB’s the man to ask.
On Monday, staff and volunteers began calling about 1,200 students who were admitted and haven’t enrolled in classes yet.
“We’re also calling those current students who were here in the spring, didn’t graduate and didn’t register for fall classes,” Bridges said.
My bet is this will be DeRay McKesson’s next paid gig:
▪ A full review: Bridges said he wants to get an external review conducted of the college’s actions, policies and procedures this fall. He expects that would be completed by November.
Good to know you aren’t following the Bergdahl case at all but feel qualified to opine on it.
All the commanding officers in the unit will testify that no one was killed looking for Bergdahl. Each mission briefing after he was gone at some point included instructions to report anything they hear about Bergdahl. Now if you are inclined, you could get it in your head, as some members of Bergdahl’s unit have, fog of war and all, that every mission after he disappears is a mission to find him. The commanders will testify differently and made public statements, see the serial podcast, to that effect. No one was injured looking for Bergdahl. In each case the missions were unrelated but a standing order to keep an eye out for Bergdahl was in effect.
Note that the Army times link mentions that injuries by those claiming to have occurred searching for Bergdahl are not evidence at trail but may be considered IF he is convicted at sentencing.
Bergdahl dissappeared on June 30th
@ 17
None of what you wrote is news to me. Did I state that people were killed looking for the deserter? Why, no, I did not.
Did I state that the severe injuries to others incurred while searching for the deserter would be used as evidence? Why, no again, I did not.
You for some reason mentioned that the deserter is still on active duty. I merely chose to draw a contrast between his status and that of two people who had to go and look for the deserter.
I would say I’m following reasonably closely, yes. A couple of years ago I was involved in an exchange with one of the HA moderators about the case.
I’m still surprised that Team Obama so badly misread public reaction to the deserter’s return.
“There’s absolutely no law against that!”
shows him the law
“What part of that law did he break?”
shows him the part he broke
“But that isn’t against the law!
later, rinse, repeat
Follow my recipe carefully to achieve a delicious portion of seemingly confusing legal chop suey.
Serves 50 to 60 million willing dupes.
@6 Won’t it be hilarious if Bergdahl walks and Trump Jr. goes to prison? Is Las Vegas giving odds on which is more likely to be convicted?
@ 19
References a 200 year-old law for which a violation has never, ever been prosecuted.
Uh huh.
Donald, Jr. will have to wait in line until his father has been prosecuted for violating it, it seems:
Laurence Tribe ✔ @tribelaw
Trump’s “jokes” inviting an adversary to wage cyberwar against the U.S. appear to violate the Logan Act and might even constitute treason.
9:35 AM – 28 Jul 2016 · Cambridge, MA
For I’m a smelly good fellow, for I’m a smelly fat fellow, for I’m a smellllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy fat fellow, which noboby can deny!
Hey Vlad, sing along with me.
Fir you a smelly fut fellow, fur you a smell fut fellow, for u a smelly futttttttt fellow, which nobudy cun deni Hahahahahah!
Forreeeeee – hey Vlad watch out for that shank shot!
@9 Maybe we should start with the question, Which statute DIDN’T he violate?
Interesting that nearly everyone on the planet except you thinks he’s in legal jeopardy.
Theoretically, he can get a pardon from his dad, but this assumes Trump wouldn’t throw his son under the bus to save his own skin, which is a pretty big assumption.
@11 “It’s that innocent-until-proven-guilty thing, which apparently holds for military court. ”
Apparently. We’re not part of Russia. Yet.
How’s the treason taste?
Need more salt? There’s always more “libbie” tears!
@25 Yet?
We are all Russians!
@ 24
Interesting that nearly everyone on the planet except you thinks he’s in legal jeopardy.
Maybe on whatever planet you inhabit.
@18 Oh, I think you’ll get some sort of satisfaction, eventually. It’s unlikely Bergdahl will get to just walk away from what he did. Unless the commander in chief shoots off his big mouth again and hopelessly compromises his ability to get a fair trial.
@22 Who said anything about the Logan Act? The rap against Fuckface Junior is that he broke campaign laws.
@28 Well, of course, as Trump himself said, these people could stand in the middle of the street and shoot somone, and Republicans would insist on their innocence.
That’s why I said “nearly” everyone. I had to make allowance for the fact some people are as dumb as you.
In case nobody noticed, there were special elections yesterday in the ultra-red state of Oklahoma for two longtime GOP legislative seats, and the Democrats flipped both of them.
What’s really interesting is both of these Democratic winners were the losing candidates just a few months ago.
@ 30
The text quoted @14 is from the Logan Act, Clueless Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Two down, 1,028+ to go.
What the Democrats don’t want you to know: Party lost more than 1,030 seats in state legislatures, governor’s mansions and Congress during Barack Obama’s presidency
Read more:
Oh, and you moved the needle from 72-26 to 70-28, or thereabouts. Well done!
@33 You really ARE a dumbfuck. That’s exactly my point! Unless you’re living under a rock, oblivious to the swirl of news, you should know the rap against Junior is NOT that he violated the Logan Act, but that he may have violated campaign laws. Even Fox viewers who never pick up a newspaper know that! You’re in dire need of a remedial reading course.
Your reading comprehension skills are fast fading. It was not me who brought up the Hatch Act, I merely responded to it by questioning its relevance.
@34 Think of them as the first bricks from the top of a crumbling dam washing away.
Conservative Ross Douthat,
“…the hapless Don Jr. — the Gob Bluth or Fredo Corleone of a family conspicuously short on Michaels… ”
@ 37
They’re the noise, not the signal, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@39 Go ahead, don’t put on a life jacket, I don’t care. It’s your ass, not mine, that’s going to drown when the dam breaks. I no longer support enforcing life jacket laws. I’m tired of trying to save dumbshits from their own stupidity.
@39. You like earring your words – don’t you.
@38 When you think about it, the White House is a convenient gig for a Russian mob associate. He’s immune from prosecution, can pardon his cronies, and has Secret Service protection from hitmen.
I don’t get it. You libbies are treating the Trump turmoil as if the end result is going to something like the nomination of SCOTUS judges and social policy directed by someone other than Mike Pence, should Trump leave office.
How might that be better for you?
“Fredo Corleone” is what the WH insiders are calling DUMPSTER JR.
“social policy directed by someone other than Mike Pence, should Trump leave office”
I’ll wait to see what Mueller comes up with. This present Manafort/Kushner/Junior Russian collusion issue is just the tip of the iceberg. It’d be my guess that Kushner and Manafort, and possibly Pence, have much bigger problems coming their way than does Junior.
We had a pretty good day in the market today. I made no buys today because I like to wait until there’s a good sell-off of a few hundred points. When the little guy is running for the exit, that’s the time to buy. When the little guy can’t wait to get in, that’s the time to look at selling and booking some profits.
It really isn’t too complicated, but it does take time, discipline and dilligence.
My guess is that video of Trump partying with the Russians Junior colluded with probably won’t help.
“CNN obtains footage of Trump palling around with Russian figures at the center of Don Jr.’s emails”
So then you admit that bringing up two people that just happened to be in Bergdahl’s unit was simply grandstanding and nothing to do with nothing.
Well argued.
@43 actually no…..personally I’ve given up hope that this Country doesn’t become a fascist dictatorship, but it sure is fun watching and seeing Repukes be so humiliated. Keep your head up you dumbfuck traitor.
You wanting this to be about libbies wanting to go back in time is just nothing more of you trying to deflect from what is going on. Embrace it. After all you built this. Take pride in your accomplishments. Don’t try turning this on libbies. It’s about you and your love for this greatness. Hahahahahaha
Long live Ireland – True home of the Free and the Brave.
Clearly. And plenty of people have gone to jail for those violations. I really don’t see any point in entertaining Doctor Dumbfuck’s self-serving hair splitting. Treason is treason. And it is plenty obvious that Republicans simply no longer care if they hurt the country in pursuit of their narrow self interests. There’s no redeeming their turpitude. Because they no longer operate with any kind of moral framework beyond an all encompasing narcisism.
I couldn’t be more happier with the turn of the events lately and in hindsight it was really good that Hillary lost. As a result this really showcases Republucans for the greatness that they are.
Pence will only showcase their true craziness even more, if we ever get to a point where there is any true governing happening.
Posting on Facebook never has been as fun.
Gee, I duuno. I guess some of us “libbies” think America might possibly be better off without a mob of incompetent corrupt white supremacist plutocrats under the control of a Russian dictator in charge of the federal government. Weird, right?
“War on MEDICAD”: Congrats WA this is one half of the empty brain trust you keep electing.
Absolutely right!
She must be real, real, real stupid and dumb.
After all, nobody but a dumb girl prepares their own exhibits.
And that is what is most important right now to Congessional Hibilly-Traitors!
@ 51
Posting on Facebook never has been as fun.
If a tree falls in a forest and no one..
@46 You’re talking about timing the market. Good luck with that. If you come up with a way to do it, patent it. Until then, the rest of us consider such efforts a rookie mistake.
@43 “I don’t get it.”
If we gotta be stuck with a conservative administration, at least don’t stick us with a corrupt and traitorous one.
Does that help?
Impeachment is no longer just blog talk.
“On Wednesday, Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) introduced an article of impeachment in the House, seeking to remove President Donald Trump from office for obstruction of justice. Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) co-sponsored the article.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course, this isn’t going anywhere with the Traitor Party in control of the House, but this process takes time, and by then things could change in the House.
@37 That’s what Nixon’s bootlickers said, too.
@55 Repukes will never learn. Just like you built this – you guys are destroying yourself, which I take great joy in!
If you guys had any fucking brains you wouldn’t be destroying yourselves, by not supporting this fuck of a President. You guys are the reason for him and now you are the reason for your own destruction; oh, with the help of a bare chested pony rider,let’s not forget about the great leader Putin that Repukes so much adore.
Here’s a hint – save yourselves, by swallowing your pride and standing up to the bullshit that is the modern day Repuke Party. Some people may actual not desert your party and respectfully some people may actual join it. Just a bit of wisdom. Take it or leave it,
56 – No, what I do is buy when things are on sale. I’m not a market timer. I just like to buy when the market is down, and I’ve been at it for nearly 40 years now, so I’m not a rookie either. It has worked out pretty well.
The little guy always wants to buy when the market is high and sell when the market is low. I avoid that and patiently wait for opportunity. Discipline is key.
Kind of sucks to do so, but I agree with Bill Kristol.
“WHOA. Don Jr.’s false statement Sat. was drafted by WH aides & seen by Trump. This wasn’t Jr being dopey. This was an attempted WH cover-up.”
Dumbest president ever. It’s not a question of “who’s going to prison?” It’s more like, “who isn’t?”
Although they don’t include him as a suspect, I figure Manafort with Russia behind him. Putin’s version of a horse’s head in a bed. Heh. Perhaps there’s a golden showers video in our future!
“Who exactly leaked Trump Jr. emails story to The New York Times?”
Now this is interesting…
This revelation means it was the Obama Justice Department that enabled the newest and most intriguing figure in the Russia-Trump investigation to enter the country without a visa.
Thanks again DUMMOCRETINS!
Makes sense. Fuckface and Tillerson obviously failed Vladdy in Hamburg. Presumably Putin’s help had a timetable and deadlines attached. The G-20 meeting provides a convenient mileage marker.
Dance with the Devil…
I understand she bought her undies at Gumps. So I guess they’re “implicated” as well.
I imagine Ivanka might skate through this, but if she doesn’t, I think she’d look pretty hot in orange. The orange cheeto in orange? That’d look pretty funny. And satisfying.
NPR – No Treason
Chicago Tribune – No Treason
Vox – No Treason
Alan Dershowitz – No Treason
Jonathan Turley – No Treason
Must really pizz off the HA DUMMOCRETIN FOOLS!
Uh, oh. The loon is back. Although it looks to me like he hasn’t quite got his head put back together yet. Must suck to have an exploding head. Sad!
I wonder which will win this time, Chrome or the Loon? Heh. Just kidding. Chrome always wins.
Treason is an oft used word.
Remember Obamacare was treason
Not releasing a birth cirtuficate was treason
Not saying ‘Islamic Terrorisn’ was treason.
Following W’s law for leaving Iraq was treason
Apology your was treason.
Treason involves an active war.
But you know, trying to obtain illegally hacked information is a crime. Accepting campaign aid from foreigners is a crime. Conspiring with agents of a foreign government to effect an American elections is a crime. They just aren’t treason. So don’t use the word.
Just say criminal.
It will drive them crazy because there is really no defense.
” … Trump Jr.’s admission … ‘hasn’t penetrated the races yet,’ according to one Republican operative involved in the midterms, who requested anonymity in order to offer a frank assessment. ‘Health care is something that the donor community cares more about, to be honest with you,’ the Republican said. ‘This is something that we’ve been talking about for a while now, the Russia stuff, and it’s not making a dent.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Not making a dent. Right. The only thing the rich donors who fund the GOP care about is taking a trillion dollars away from Medicaid and giving it to themselves. Frikken traitors.
@61 So. You’re a dip buyer. Isn’t everyone these days?
@63 Sources say the tip was leaked to NYT from inside the WH and scuttlebutt has Bannon as the leaker.
@64 “This revelation means it was the Obama Justice Department that enabled the newest and most intriguing figure in the Russia-Trump investigation to enter the country without a visa.”
Right. It went down like this:
“I’d like to come to the U.S. for a few days to defend my client, who is being sued by the U.S. Attorney.”
“No problem. Here’s your ‘parole letter’ to gain entry.”
Not exactly the sort of decision that requires a presidential briefing or decision. Of course, it might have gotten more scrutiny if she’d also said, “Oh, and while I’m here, I’m going to meet with a Trump family member and top Trump campaign staffers to meddle in your presidential election.”
Probably wouldn’t have gotten the “parole letter” from the previous administration under those circumstances.
@64 (continued) The silver lining here, moron, is that Trump may be able to get away with passing this off as an overeager rookie mistake by a semi-estranged son who was an outsider in terms of the family business and wasn’t really part of his dad’s presidential campaign. You know, something like, “He meant well, but he fucked up.”
The presence of Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort at that meeting will be harder for Trump to explain away. So will the lies about nearly everyone around Trump — you see, it turns out that all the Trump confidants who denied speaking with the Russians did speak with the Russians — repeatedly.
To avoid culpability for impeachable offenses, Trump will have to argue he didn’t know about any of this, it was all done behind his back by family members and his closest associates, who all betrayed him. That’s a tall order for a guy with a reputation as a world-class liar.
And it’s also a leadpipe certainty it will eventually be revealed his family members and closest associates discussed quid pro quos with the Russkies. That’s why the FBI, CIA, NSA, and other intelligence agencies are involved — they already know they did. You see, they wiretapped the Russkies.
Go ahead, loon, keep making excuses for these traitors, above all the traitor in the White House. Holding yourself out as a fellow traveler of Putin’s tools can’t hurt you, because we already know what kind of stuff you’re made of.
@67 They probably don’t have a jumpsuit big enough to cover that pus gut. They’ll have to special order one. In Spandex, so it can stretch over the cheeseburgers as they go down.
@68 It’s early, fool. Trump’s scandals are still in the pre-indictment phase. Bergdahl’s case is a little further along, but still in the presumed-innocent phase; these things take time.
Patience, it will all come to fruition in its own good time.
Some people complain our legal system grinds too slowly because it gives too much deference to defendants’ rights. For example, it can take 20 years to execute a heinous killer.
There will always be people like Puddy and Trump who support summary firing squads and see no need for charges, a trial, or appeals.
Until they take over, Trump doesn’t have to worry about being executed for treason. Natural causes will take him long before our cumbersome legal machinery can do so.
@69 In a previous post, I speculated the loon might be temporarily gone on an IT assignment in North Korea. Maybe Kim decided they didn’t want to keep him. He became a worthless mouth to feed when they realized Trump wouldn’t trade anything for him.
Right now, wherever you look, Hillbilly-Traitors are passionately defending Fuckface and his team of Russian moles. On the airwaves, the intertubes, social media accounts, wherever you turn “Republicans” are sticking up for their President. But dont forget that in three and a half years they are all going to start pretending that none of this ever happened!
Got the tee shirt.
Yet, remarkably, a thorough search of their social media histories uncovers a ready willingness to buy into Pizzagate, Birfergate, SethRichGate, Jade Helm, as well as the usual melange of concerns about Chelsea murdering Vince Foster after bearing his negro(?) love child, etc.
Aside from that it’s just the usual lazy J-school quote report you get from 45 min worth of long distance phone calls to the first number you get on Google.
Yes. I imagine it is quite true that Democrats hoping to pick up Congressional seats can’t actually rely on flipping the local county Hillbilly-Traitor Party chair. Wowsers! But it’s probably also true that any Democrats expecting to see a big move toward our candidates because of Fuckface Treason had better brace themselves for some uncomfortable truths. People who vote PussyGrabber are just way to stupid to give a single fuck about something as silly as giving our country away. Unless it’s a black guy accused of giving our country away. That would be different.
There is no Pee Tape!
There is a Pee Tape, but so what!
@ 58
Perhaps the Democrats can hold another mock impeachment inquiry.
In the Capitol basement yesterday, long-suffering House Democrats took a trip to the land of make-believe.
They pretended a small conference room was the Judiciary Committee hearing room, draping white linens over folding tables to make them look like witness tables and bringing in cardboard name tags and extra flags to make the whole thing look official.
Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.) banged a large wooden gavel and got the other lawmakers to call him “Mr. Chairman.”
Pretending, as in Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit pretending that he is a successful investor and a reasonable example of a capitalist.
74 –
“@61 So. You’re a dip buyer. Isn’t everyone these days?”
No, there are lots of folks who like to buy high and sell low. Even after being lectured to for years, people still like to buy at the tops and sell at the bottoms. Buying when other are scared and selling when they’re confident can add at least a percent to long term performance. Having the discipline to do so is the heart of the matter.
Yeah, everyone’s a star investor.
I’d like to think I have been more successful at it than a typical investor. Honestly considered, however, had I simply dollar cost-averaged over the not-quite 30 years I have been investing, which requires the discipline only not to interfere with an automatically timed event, I’m pretty sure I would have been better off.
Bogle has it right.
“Yeah, everyone’s a star investor.”
Indeed. I don’t trade any more, but I was into technical analysis, trading mostly in biotech. Hell, I didn’t even care if it was a real company as long as Bios were popping and the company’s chart and volume were right.
I suppose like yourself, I don’t come here for investment advice.
@ 87
I suppose like yourself, I don’t come here for investment advice.
Au contraire, mon ami.
In fact, the key to my Notadumbfuck Investment Method absolutely requires
that I visit here:
I read carefully what Roger Rabbit says he does, or just did. Then I do the opposite.
It might not beat dollar cost averaging, but I’m absolutely certain it’s better than Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit achieves. I mean, look how he’s spending his retirement. If you had two quarters to rub together during your retirement, Steve, why would you be spending it here all day?
He can’t afford to do anything else.
Whidbey Island – mostly the south end – has a local version of Craigslist. It’s run by a very interesting guy with a publishing history, who is a lifelong surfer.
I see Humpty (Me) is saying that “most people would have taken the meeting with the Russians”
Yeah and most people would have had and have had blow jobs from their interns.
My god what fucking bombastic mother fuckers these fucking hypocrites are….they sure love lowering the bar beneath zero when it suits them. But make sure the Bar is at Level 10 for everyone else.
Go FUCK yourself – you fucking sideways talking mother fuckers! Eat shit and die. Or in the Apes case – Eat Banana and fucking croak!
Almost time for lunch.
Is anybody hungry for Nothingburger?
They say The President has a fabulous recipe!
These people obviously believe Republican voters are dumb as shit.
I can’t argue with that.
P.S. “Barron’s in the basement mixing up the medicine…”
@53 Ha! What does it say about her managerial abilities? What does it say that SHE doesn’t take responsibility? The BUCK stops … where? Clearly she ASSumes
Deservedly mockable
Of course.
With Putin behind him, he’ll walk away with the nom.
Planes, TRAINS and automobiles:
These could be Taggart Transcontinental Posters”
Wait. Now you’re saying she didn’t prepare the exhibit?
Are you sure? Do you wan’t some time to revise?
Maybe wait 24 hrs before you get ahead of the reporting by giving us a “full release” of all the exhibits?
Maybe go another 24 hrs before you step on you dick again?
Nah! Why break tradition!
@ 96: I’m saying she was dumb enough to PUBLICLY stand beside it WITHOUT LOOKING AT IT. That’s bad enough.
How much dumber does she need to prove herself to be?
Perhaps standing next to a poster of you while wearing a T-shirt?
@94 He’s a pro-bort. You should love him
Self-defeating, zero self awareness. Publicity whores
psst, @96: Obviously you didn’t bother to read anything beyond the headline. The money shot was the mocking tweet.
@84 “a reasonable example of a capitalist”
I’m an example of a capitalist. There’s no such thing as a reasonable capitalist. We’re driven by pure unadulterated greed and don’t give a damn about anything except our portfolios.
You ought to know this value system well, Doctor Dumbfuck. After all, you’re part of it, and one of its prophets. Just like me.
@84 Go ahead, keep kidding yourself that none of this means anything, or will have any consequences.
@85 “Having the discipline to do so is the heart of the matter.”
Not hard at all. Even a rabbit can do it. But it gets a little trickier when you know stocks are overpriced, have been inflated by central banks’ policies, the policy support is in the process of being withdrawn, and the market keeps going up anyway.
What do you do when P/Es are high, yields are low, the stock market is a two-legged stool, and cash earns nothing? That’s the question of the hour.
@86 No, I have it right. To wit: Everybody can win at this game, and it’s easy to do, because compounding does the work for you.
All you have to do is make three, four, or five percent in your first year. Then multiply that by 1.03, 1.04, or 1.05 in your second year. And so on. Run this through a calculation and see what $1 is worth in twenty, thirty, or forty years.
Anyone who invests even a modest sum at the start and does this for a lifetime can end up rich.
Of course, it goes a lot faster, and you get a lot richer, if the market is returning eight, ten, or twelve percent a year. That doesn’t happen all the time, but it happens some of the time.
The beauty is this whole fucking thing runs on autopilot.
And it doesn’t matter a damn whether you beat the averages or not. If you do, who cares? If you don’t, who cares?
The question of whether “average” investors should just put their money into a market-index ETF is hotly debated. Barrons came out with a cover story a couple weeks ago warning people away from ETFs. The theory behind ETFs breaks down if everyone does it. Plus ETFs charge fees, so an index ETF will always underperform the index it mirrors. The thing to do is create your own portfolio of individual stocks that functions as an ETF of sorts, i.e., a broadly diversified portfolio of top stocks with all dividends reinvested (not dripped).
Just purchased another kit in your name!
@87 Technical analysis is voodoo. I’m not saying it’s completely bunk. It’s based on repetitive human behavior, and has some validity simply because humans tend to be habitual. But past trading patterns predict the future only as long as traders keep doing what they’ve done in the past, and there are some problems with assuming they will.
So the biggest problem with technical analysis is that the stock market is dynamic and trading behavior changes over time. For example, in the 1950s about 90% of the market was mom-and-pop investors, and about 10% was institutional and professional trading. Nowadays those figures are reversed; the latter account for 90% of trading and small investors only 10%, if that much. Now you have the market dominated by computerized trading, quants, algorithms, high frequency trading, etc. That screws up the applicability of your historic charts.
So a chart of trading five years ago doesn’t really tell you much about current trading patterns. You’d do better to steal everyone’s algorithms and synthesize them all in your supercomputer.
I find it much easier to simply review each company’s fundamentals and assume its stock price will eventually mean-revert to a value based on how much money the company makes. That’s not hard to do. I can formulate a basic judgment by glancing at the current Value Line report for about 20 seconds, then work from there if I feel further research is needed.
@106 Please attempt to make up your little mind: am I “stepping on my dick” or do I need an abortion. Dude, BIOLOGY is science. Learn it.
Honest to God, you cannot make this stuff up:
A COMPLETE lack of self awareness, public image … and [deplorable] irony.
@88 Well, if your investing methodology consists of doing the opposite of what I do, then you’re losing money hand over fist. One more reason to call you Doctor Dumbfuck.
Another reason was #88 and its linked-to primogenitor are idiotic comments is because there are many different ways to make money in the stock market.
People who chase momentum stocks make money (at times). People who invest in deep value stocks make money (at times). People who play the charts make money (at times).
People who play the compounding game make money all the time, because the rules of math never change. Multiplying a positive number greater than zero by another positive number greater than zero ALWAYS produces a larger number. No exceptions.
And another!
So much flushing! So much winning!
@88 ” If you had two quarters to rub together during your retirement, Steve, why would you be spending it here all day?”
Good question. Why do you?
As for me, what could possibly be more fun than rankling Doctor Dumbfuck? I feel like a giraffe kicking a lion to death when I post here.
@95 what’s the cost to continually build and or expand airports……only thousands? And the cost to build and expand highways……only thousands? Aside from your other points, which still didn’t account for any negatives or positives of TRAINS, your use of BILLIONS really scared me – you would make a good FAUX NEWS reporter, but they all seem to be jumping ship or getting grouped by the boss.
@92 You have to remember that Conway is a lawyer, so it’s perfectly natural for her to behave like a desperate defense attorney trying to save an obviously guilty client from the chair. The whole idea is to convince the client you tried, so you’ll get paid.
@93 So now wingnuts, most of whom can’t spell “to” or “too” correctly, are giving liberals spelling lessons?
@97 Using that vicarious logic, you could accuse me of looking dumb by standing next to a Republican in a grocery checkout line. It does happen occasionally. About a third of my neighborhood votes GOP.
@114 Yawn. Go search the cost of ‘high speed rail’ California’. Let us know the original estimate and all the NEW estimates. Don’t forget the projected time frames and the ACTUAL time frames. Be sure to mention Gov. Brown BEGGING Trump for federal dollars to fund it. I believe the word BILLIONS will come up multiple times.
Those would be called FACTS. Of course, being a proud inhabitant of The Socialist People’s Republic of Seattle you will conveniently neglect to mention those FACTS and find yet another squirrel to chase.
@99 Of course, a know-nothing moron like you who doesn’t bother to look anything up wouldn’t be aware that Planned Parenthood’s business is 3% abortions and 97% other (mostly preventive) health care services. So, of course, you wouldn’t realize that maybe the team is promoting the other 97%. Why are you against health care that saves lives? Because you’re stupid and ignorant, or because you’re a dick?
In the Socialist People’s Republic of Seattle, Roger Rabbit cheers although he may be conflicted between his love of the portfolio over which he gloats and his political views.<br?
Cognitive dissonance is a bitch. Or in Rabbits case, his master.
@106 Just another idiot troll so completely blinded by his hatred of abortion that he can’t see anything else.
Funny how the same people who think an abortion is the crime of the century have no remorse about starting wars that kill millions.
Even when they attacked the wrong country.
@109 Can’t stand a woman telling you to shove your sanctimonious hypocrisy up your chauvinistic ass, eh?
@118 Your neighbors voted for it. Got a better system?
Retainer, baby.
Unless you’re family, without it, the calls don’t get through, the emails go to junk, and the letters get round filed.
Only fools and amateurs give it away.
@120 Correlation isn’t causation, numbnuts.
The stock market is going up because the global economy has finally turned around and there’s now synchronized economic growth in all the major regions. Even Japan is finally growing.
That’s why the market doesn’t go down despite Trump’s scandals and the fact virtually none of his agenda has been enacted. Anyone with eyes can see the market is ignoring Trump.
Ah your refuge: name calling. ‘The market was down yesterday … until Jr released his emails’ as said by a CNBC host. Try not to stumble on FACTS. I’d hate to have to pay for your broken hip when you are doing so well.
@118. Deflect. I’m not questioning the billions you state. I’m questions your failure to speak or mention about the billions for the other things from road buildings, airports and power plants (nuclear and non nuclear) and the cost of cleanup of nuclear and all the other related things to the planet that trains, planes and automobiles. And to the Noah’s Ark in Tennessee.
@126 You are an idiot. That’s a fact. Stating facts is not name calling. Especially when the fact is so obvious.
Wow the senile idiot wabbit has its ASS handed to itself again,
And again
and again
like a broken record!
I refuted every one of your backASSwards pro-bort BS with actual FACTS and links. Evidentlt, it is “awaiting moderation” [snicker and /eye roll].
Your loss as you remain ignorant of them.
MORE insanity and RACISM EVERYWHERE! from the Socialist People’s Republic of Seattle:
The Times noted one councilman’s head-tilting response. Councilman Larry Gossett was concerned that power-washing the feces and urine off the sidewalk would bring back images of the civil-rights era when black civil rights activists were hosed by local authorities, though he offered no evidence to back up the concern.
He’d rather you wallow in filth.
@127. I really wish I could interpret what you were so ineptly trying to convey. A complete sentence in there somewhere may have helped.
There isn’t a single deleted comment in the thread at this point, Gomer.
But at least two at-home abortion kits proudly donated to celebrate His Righteousness! And also your stupidity, Gomer.
Shall we make it three?
I never said there was a deleted comment. I said it was and still is marked as “waiting moderation”:
Ohhhh, your one of those elitests that complain about elitests. You fucking hillbilly.
right alongside your Canadian Super Model girlfriend, eh Gomer?
@133. Should say You’re
Had time to fix @135 but I wanted it to bother you so I left it – you dumbfuck
There goes Progressive Drunk Tuesdays!
Holy shit! The story continues to race ahead of our “libbie delusions”!
Fuckface has now admitted that he knew about the election hacking meeting.
And still the credulous, low information, hillbilly Republicans remain utterly loyal to their daily dose of orange throat yogurt.
@136 Whine to “the moderator”: I did not transcribe, I copied and pasted it from the comment as it appears to me.
*Look it up
Like this:
I get it. I really do. Fuckface has reduced conservative politics to a laughing stock and degraded Republicans to the status of World Star Hip Hop.
But the day drinking won’t help any.
Speaking of Hell and “off key versions of whistled patriotic songs”
“The most trusted name in news”
After admitting that he had been previously made aware of the election hacking meeting arranged by Don Jr., Fuckface went on to try to redirect pool reporter’s attention to the Russian lawyer, pointing out that he saw:
Which would be absolutely true. It would be exactly the same thing if she had meetings with various people in order to arrange a conspiracy to violate federal laws.
So, is Fuckface throwing Dana Rohrbacher under the bus too?
@141 et al: Vulgarity is a sign of a dull and banal* mind. Attempt to exercise your imagination. Try to stretch your vocabulary. Buy a thesaurus. Attempt intelligence and class instead of crass* street ignorance and boorishness.
*Look it up
And yet, quite obviously, if it didn’t bother you you wouldn’t go to all that trouble to point it out so often.
Rather telling I suppose, that in the comment you chose to highlight my vulgarity was specifically targeting your Republican Great Leader.
All worship eventually reaches a crisis of faith. Have you finally discovered a pube or two in your orange throat yogurt, Gomer?
Gotta love CantVoteWell, and she CantSpellWell either.
@145 hey fuckface von clownschmuck cousin of Drump – here’s your airplane.
Hyperloop One nailed its first test run – Mashable
Non vulgarity is a sign of a pussy whipped Drumpf boy.
@143, et al:
It delights me to consider you the standard bearer of intelligence here at the ASS and in the Socialist Peoples Republic of Seattle. Your leadership and superb representation of today’s progressives with your erudite commentary is absolutely incontrovertible.
Mommy must be so proud.
psst: We in sane Puget Sound didn’t vote for Trump … but we absolutely voted against that Evita Peron wannabe Felonia Von Pantsuit
Why is this left wrong punk scared of meeting congress?
“The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back.”
Charges that members of the Clinton campaign were in cahoots with a far left opposition research and propaganda firm, Fusion GPS, it is becoming more and more apparent that many of the false stories that Fusion GPS was pushing came directly from the Kremlin.
Yippee, Skippy they finally won a special election!
2008 is calling – Democrats want to be relevant again: The grand total: a net loss of 1,042 state and federal Democratic posts, including congressional and state legislative seats, governorships and the presidency.
BUT, but TWO!, they sputter …
Here’s some interesting shit…
Forgot this eh DUMMOCRETINS?
Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.
Forgot this eh DUMMOCRETINS?
Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.
Oh no…
Seems the Ukrainian foundation transferred millions to the Clinton Foundation.
Meanwhile just down the road in Olympia…
Boom shaka laka!
Meanwhile Mook and Podesta… Blame it on da Russians!
Try to remember, these fairy tales you tell yourself about your devotion to Fuckface are exclusively for your benefit.
And if the day ever comes that you manage to really comprehend that, you just might be able to escape having to gargle this guy’s ball cheese in the near future.
No wonder the Fusion GPS fool canceled his Congressional testimony. It seems GPS Fusion founder behind the debunked “Trump Dossier” was on the payroll of Russian lawyer You don’t say… In the WaPost too. This should really screw up the screams of Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom
Fusion GPS was on the payroll of an unidentified Democratic ally of Clinton when it hired a long-retired British spy to dig up dirt on Trump. In 2012, Democrats hired Fusion GPS to uncover dirt on GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney. And in 2015, Democratic ally Planned Parenthood retained Fusion GPS to investigate pro-life activists protesting the abortion group.
The hits keep coming!
As I take my leave, (because, you know, better things to do) I gift you with this outstanding and hilarious mockery of the always laughable and desperate leftists.
A FEW QUOTES for the thumb sucking, too lazy, pajama boys:
AND SO MUCH MORE … but you should probably wait till tomorrow after your milk and cookies. We wouldn’t want you little libbies to have bad dreams!
Or, just read it on the bus.
Dear sad wannabe @165:
U.S. Constitution – Article 3 Section 3
Article 3 – The Judicial Branch
Section 3 – Treason
Please, do yourself a favor and educate yourself.
Now, don’t you feel foolish? You should. There is no honor in being the fool.
See #129 for sample Puddy wet dream.
Aaaand… 166,
Perhaps I would feel foolish had I voted to betray my country.
But since I don’t eat clay, fuck my close relations, engage incessantly in incomprehensible conspiracy delusions about birth certificates, or campaign for bloated gaseous golden showering perverts…
That’s a new one. You can “cancel” a subpoena. Who knew!
The things you can learn from Crazy Uncle Treason…
Yup. I think it worked. And it only took a couple dozen derranged comment postings from an obviously unstable mind in a random out of the way blog to do it. But I for one feel quite certain that when we awake tomorrow the entire global media establishment will have abandoned all interest in reporting out the Republican/Russian criminal conspiracy in favor of some random assortment of unsourced accusations against “those darned Clintons”. It’s always worked before, right?
@165, et al
Wishing you good night, sweet dreams, arrivederci and Сейчас слушает
@133 Why would the moderators bother with you? Think about it. They don’t give a shit what you post in this cesspool, as long as you don’t get them in trouble by violating copyright laws.
You just have to know when to quote ’em, and when to ellipses ’em. Judicious editing of other people’s work to keep it within fair use avoids problems.
senile idiot wabbit fool,
Wet dream or FACT?
You lose!
Sux to be the senile idiot wabbit fool!
senile idiot wabbit fool @172,
Sez the fool who posts more than two paragraphs so many times over so many years breaking the rules all the time!
Sux to be you senile idiot wabbit fool!
@142 Personally I think their national anthem is twice the anthem ours is. “Casablanca” would be half the movie if the crowd in Rick’s sang the SSB instead of La Marseillaise. The krauts would have laughed at that.
@143 With Fuckface, loyalty is a one-way street, and at some point the Republicans in Congress will tire of this blowhard who cares about no one but himself.
@144 We know what “banal” means, dummy. Boy, do we ever. We’ve been immersed in it ever since Reagan.
@149 In other words, you didn’t vote.
@153 Think of those two seats as the top bricks on a leaking dam.
@154 Thought you didn’t believe CNN. Except when you do.
@155 You don’t need Ukrainians to question Drumpf’s fitness for office. Any third grader who isn’t in a coma can do that.
@173 What we have here is someone who can’t tell the difference between wet dream and fact. Sort of limits his reproductive potential. On the other hand, thank God there’s only one of him.
@174 Yeah, but I know how to get away with it.
Remember that meeting with the Russian lawyer? Someone else was there, too: An ex-Soviet counterintel agent with “ongoing” ties to the Kremlin.
Still wanna argue Donnie Jr. was a naive little boy who didn’t know what he was doing? And that Kushner and Manafort were just there for the ride? Meanwhile, “House Republicans voted Thursday to block an effort aimed at revoking the security clearance of White House senior adviser Jared Kushner.”
The GOP is a nest of mobsters, spies, and traitors.
Lots of people don’t vote.
But what can you say about people who don’t vote while vigorously campaigning to install a mob of Russian puppets in the White House?
@ An Obvious BullShit Artist @ 164:
“Oh, meanwhile in Iraq, which never mattered to Democrats, the people who were slicing the heads off dudes, tossing gays off buildings, and selling women into sex slavery, have been annihilated. This happened under the tender loving care of Mad Dog Mattis, the guy who Trump put in command of our armies and who refocused our military away from making it more comfortable for people who don’t understand that a penis makes you male to killing our civilization’s enemies.”
This if course, is pure propaganda. The first sentence is bullshit. Liberals protested and denounced the war in Iraq, simply because there was no reason to attack them at all. Except for the fact that their military had already been destroyed and they were weak, and ripe for the picking. Conservative Democrats went along with the war because their office and financial well-being demanded it.
As for the beheadings, none of that was happening in Iraq until George Bush used the domestic attack on 9/11/01 to attack Iraq, which was not involved in that attack and may have actually been committed by Saudi Arabia, to justify destroying an entire nation that had not attacked us in favor and support of the Nation that actually had.
Meanwhile, in Saudi Arabia, our most important ally in the Arab world, one can be decapitated just for protesting something, based entirely on the word of a single accuser. One can be accused of anything in Saudi Arabia by anyone with the money and social influence to make the accusation stick. Thats how riots start, and Saudi Arabia is a nation ruled by rioters. Sharia Law is the Saudi legal foundation. It wasn’t in Iraq, nor Libya, nor even Syria. Wahabism is a Saudi Arabian political construct. ISIS is a Wahabist movement and is funded by Saudi Arabia.
Iraq, Syria, Libya and at one point Egypt had all openly discussed, and in the case of Iraq, actually attempted to stop using the U.S. Dollar to sell their oil. Qaddafi was trying to get the standard changed to Gold.
Lose the petrodollar, and the United States collapses. Our currency is based on the value of a consumable and perishable product with a limited supply, and we’re willing to flatten whole cities and butcher millions of people to preserve that paradigm.
Sure, Hillary was a bit of a warmonger. She, like every other national politician had assumed that sticking a wet finger into the wind was the direction a campaign should follow. But at least she was well educated, highly experienced in both foreign and domestic policy and had the intelligence to back it up.
Now, we have an uneducated, illiterate, imbecilic and totally unqualified moron in the White House who “won” because of crimes and treasonous activities that the GOP were more than enthusiastic to commit as long as they allowed them to gain the offices. Offices that they openly use to enrichen themselves at the cost of everything else.
True Soviets, the GOP. Just one big mafia. They’re not isolationist, they seem to honestly believe that they have the god-given right to rule the world. They’ll sell isolationism and nationalism to get elected because for them, it works.
Oh, that, and making sure the number of people who are even allowed to vote at all is reduced to the point where all they need to do is harvest enough cash to buy the propaganda to fool the people who are.
Gotta love the loon’s double-post head explosions of hate! Chrome wins again!