I’ve never really understood why our increasingly Democratic state still has a Republican Sec of State. And has had one for ever. But at least with most of the previous ones, they never seemed to have their hand on the scale. Sure, sometimes they’d propose bad ideas like only counting ballots received by election day.
Now though, it seems every day there’s some new fuckery from Wyman’s office.
Bad news for Hillary would be another four years of Obama stump speeches.
Headline of the day
“Economy posts largest quarterly growth in 2 Years.”
And in a related note…
Finally! An actual case of voter fraud! In Florida, a temporary election worker was caught marking blank ballots with votes for a Republican candidate for mayor.
Congratulations Senator Duckworth.
Jesse RodriguezVerified account
NBC News: FBI re-opening investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail s
Apparently they just found an email she sent to Trump.
Jason Chaffetz ✔ @jasoninthehouse
FBI Dir just informed me, “The FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation.” Case reopened
9:57 AM – 28 Oct 2016
Lucy, holding that football again. Laces toward me, of course.
Goldman Sachs might have reason to worry.
Stocks slide after FBI says it’s probing new Clinton emails
U.S. equities gave back earlier gains on Friday after the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced it is investigating new emails related to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
The Dow Jones industrial average briefly traded more than 30 points lower after the announcement, before holding around breakeven. The index was trading about 75 points higher before the new probe was announced. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq composite were both trading higher as well, before trading approximately 0.2 percent lower.
“The market has been very sanguine in pricing in a victory for Hillary Clinton. If something happened that threatened that outcome, then that would be hurtful for the market given the uncertainty surrounding Donald Trump’s fiscal policy,” said Phil Orlando, chief equity strategist at Federated Investors.
Comey’s letter announcing the re-opening of the investigation states that the FBI learned about new emails from an unrelated case.
We know the FBI is looking into the DNC hacking.
And if you’re keeping score:
WikiLeaks ✔ @wikileaks
WikiLeaks #PodestaEmails
-Started: October 7
-Releases to date: 21
-Emails published: 35,594
-Total emails to be published: 50,000+
7:19 AM – 28 Oct 2016
Looking forward to Donna Brazile’s spin on Sunday.
Probably no truth to the rumor that Pence’s plane skidded because the pilot was trying to avoid Bill Clinton, who at the time was walking across the runway to get to Lynch’s plane.
I came here just to predict that Boob would be back after news of FBI reopening investigation in Clinton email. Now I’m not sure if he’s been back as of until now, but just like clockwork. Boob you are beyond predictable.
looks very, very, very promising. Right Boob? Not merely promising. Clear proof of criminal misdeeds! A vast armory of smoking guns! Piles of dead bodies covered in her “nasty” finger prints! Vince Foster’s gotta be in there somewhere!
Demands for frog march in 3… 2… 1…
at his age all that jumping on and off the Breitbart/alt-Right/NPI bandwagon has gotta be wearing on his knees. Particularly when you consider how much time he spends down on them otherwise.
Drudge is on it.
Wagons not yet fully circled, apparently.
A Clinton campaign spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
I have a hard time believing Team Clinton didn’t know about this ahead of time.
Its interesting to contemplate how this FBI letter story will be kept alive into next week. Undoubtedly the Republican Presidential nominee will shout about it at his rallies. Undoubtedly the paid surrogates will mention it at every media appearance. Undoubtedly it will be discussed on Sunday. But beyond Comey’s letter it is very unlikely that there will be any more communication forthcoming from the FBI. So any effort to “sex it up” and pique public interest will depend entirely on speculation. And while the Republican Nominee and his campaign surrogates will certainly indulge, the media is going to be more guarded. That leaves this story pretty meatless.
Somebody like Drudge will comb through his fetid swamps of “volunteer contributors” to produce juicier speculation. But that doesn’t seem to gain the traction it once did outside the lunacy bubble. I’m trying to imagine what kinds of made up bullshit a guy like Giuliani claims to know in order to draw attention and hang flesh on this skeleton of a story. Most of these whores have started to look beyond November 8th. I’m not sure how much personal credibility they’ll be willing to burn on this.
@ 13
That leaves this story pretty meatless.
So meatless that despite #CrookedHillary having a 99.9+% chance at election (sidebar), @GoldyHA (another sidebar) tweeted about a Trump presidency just now.
Most of these whores have started to look beyond November 8th.
Well, yeah. That’s when December 19th falls.
More pussy grabbing from the Pussy Grabber
Pretty interesting confrontation here between political strategist, attorney, and former Executive Director and Gen. Counsel of the CBC Angela Rye and compulsive shoplifter Katrina Pierson.
Republican Spokes-Goblin Pierson accuses Rye of “running the CBC finances into the ground” on a nationally broadcast television program. Rye calmly points out to Pierson how that would be impossible since by the time she was serving the CBC the Republican House leadership had taken away caucus budgets. She then points out that the claim, which is essentially indefensible, is defamatory.
I’d encourage her to sue Pierson. But Rye probably isn’t interested in owning a trailer outside of Dallas.
Wise woman.
Serves that bitch right for not fucking him more often than she did.
New Emails in Clinton Case Came From Anthony Weiner’s Electronic Devices
So, #CrookedHillary now a party of interest in a criminal investigation of a man accused of sexually preying on a minor.
And Bill isn’t.
When a corporation is a total asshole, the thing to do is change its name, not its business practices.
“So, #CrookedHillary now a party of interest in a criminal investigation of a man accused of sexually preying on a minor.”
Well, that’s certainly one approach to hanging meat on the story. Although factually inaccurate and depending on tortured word play. Which means the “independent” media will avoid it. And you can’t make it into a bumper sticker slogan. Probably need to tighten it up or do better. But honestly, just saying “Weiner” over and over again is pretty effective. The media just love that story. And the public is pretty repulsed by the man. So you might just want to clean that line up, remove the falsehood, and emphasize the Weiner connection for maximum impact. Don’t expect it to move the dial much.
@ 19
Here’s the thing:
It wasn’t when the FBI was investigating #CrookedHillary and Co. that they found the emails on the electronic device(s) co-owned by her closest aide and the aide’s husband.
One would have thought that if #CrookedHillary were the target that the close aide would have been thoroughly scrutinized, and the devices seized and evaluated months ago.
Instead the FBI found the emails when they investigated her husband for something totally unrelated.
If that’s the case they’re looking at Huma. Weiner was Energy Commerce and Judiciary before resigning so there isn’t a lot of cause for direct communication between him and HRC.
If this thread is any indication, the next eight years will be filled with all sorts of geriatric wall-flinging, flagpole-running, etc. Should be fun!
The most Boob can possibly get out of this is a Tim Kaine presidency.
Why is that a “thing”?
I mean, you obviously intend to suggest that the circumstances as you describe them imply some sort of mens rea. Exactly how?
Perhaps in a few weeks or months when the investigators have concluded their work something like that might come to light. More likely it won’t. I’m frequently astonished at some of the emails that I retain on my phones, tablets, and various computers. To say nothing of all the cloud accounts. And I’m not a very important person. Warrants must be specific to person and/or place. So the fact that some of the devices involved in the Weiner investigation didn’t overlap with devices in the SOS email server investigation is not at all remarkable. Out of respect for the Constitution, even bad judges are reluctant to license fishing expeditions.
I’ve still got two old phones, to say nothing of the half dozen or so “smart” media and other devices laying around that may or may not have email on them. And I work at home. People like these who have multiple offices, multiple homes, multiple phones, change phones and tablets every year, and surround themselves with staff to coordinate it all for them are bound to be pretty complicated. It seems more likely to me that the devices belonging to Ms. Abedin and Mr. Weiner were probably never covered in any inquiry from “months ago”.
I’m not scratching around for an escape valve here. This honestly seems much more pedestrian to me than you seem to think. I’m just wondering if you are seeing something I’m not. Or if this is just more of the usual delusion.
Hail Mary of the millennium.
You could build a very fascinating word cloud out of the content appearing on even the more moderate right wing media web sites in the last hour or so on account of the Comey letter.
At least 90% of it consists of speculation.
But I think of the stuff that is not speculation, the words that Republicans should emphasize would be:
“Weiner”, “sexting”, “email”, “FBI”, “criminal investigation”, and “15-year-old girl”.
But, surprise (yawn), already it appears that panicked Republicans down ballot along with surrogates are overplaying the hand Comey dealt them here.
That’s the air leaking out.
I don’t think anyone has ever seen Tim Kaine with a spine.
Should be interesting.
Perhaps Seattle needs to go all Negan-style on the homeless, drug addled street urchin thieves.
….time to shut that shit down, no exceptions.
Get the ones that want to get clean some help….the rest of them need to have a date with Lucile.
Just a thought…..obviously coddling them sure isn’t working….time to go to the other end of the scale perhaps?
HA HERO SINCE 2016!!!!11111
Any State or otherwise classified email that made it to Weiner is totally safe.
I mean, there is never any correlation between online porn surfing and identity theft, right? Especially with the eastern Europeans.
So it’s all good.
Did Hillary and Huma know about Weiner’s escapades?
“Lunacy bubble”. Nice way to put where the HA trolls live their “lives”…
Look at the freak @29..
Its little blue pills commercials weren’t gaining any “traction” here in the threads.
So it changes up with a fantasy of making raw hamburger out of the less fortunate with a baseball bat covered in barbed wire.
Nice “commercial” there for the “center” aka the interminably angry and hateful Dorkus Moron kreeps.
Nice way it extols its oh so superior “life”.
Waytogo little maxwipe butt plugg! We continue to laugh at you!
@ 23
The most Boob can possibly get out of this is a Tim Kaine presidency.
I gave this some more thought. I think it’s the most we all could possibly get out of this, RR.
Meanwhile the cold reality meets the warmth of day… http://www.wsj.com/articles/th.....1477608696
Meanwhile Loretta Lynch pleads the fifth? http://freebeacon.com/national.....-payments/
The political arm of Obummer’s sadministration. Remember when the libtards screamed about John Ashcroft?
LULZ…..YLBreastfeeder always takes the bait.
aint no shuttin that shit down…lol.
@ 35
Remember when the libtards screamed about John Ashcroft?
Remember when Comey protected his boss Ashcroft when some in the GOP were pressing the latter to do something he wasn’t healthy enough to complete with full mental capacity, and in the process Comey defied the wishes of those in his own party?
Those were the days. Back then, liberals lauded him for his principles. Nowadays they talk about Comey like this:
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
If Democrats don’t want FBI directors to act in a partisan manner perhaps they should stop appointing Republicans FBI director?
and……how is a drug addled thieving street urchin zombie “less fortunate” ? they are there by their own free choices in life.
no sympathy from me….
@31 who care you Pussy Gropper.
bullshit, I have NEVER grabbed YLB’s pussy.
ya, me neither! I would never grab that elephant ear looking thing….it looks like it went 12 round against Mike Tyson
psssst Humma – Anthony’s got a big dick and he’s showing it to little girls.
end of email – what a scandal!
Grab Pussy – nothing. How do Pussy Grabbers tie an email to a sexting scandal to the state department breach. No evidence.
The Holy rollers – bearing false witness. A nuclear bomb from the North Koreans can’t come quick enough to put them out of their misery.
besides, I thought you and YLB had a little thing going. He/She/it sure has a fetish for butt plugs….YLB treats them like a baby does a binky…
I pray that Donald becomes El Presidente. And the economy collapses. Oh, how much fun that would be….if some country doesn’t nuke us first.
Yippie! Have at it you Pussy Grabbers.
@43 your fantasy – admit it.
@42 showing sympathy towards a creep who likes underage kids?
wow….perhaps that is pretty telling about you and your “desires”
maybe you should call 1-800-NAMBLA
@46 sympathy? Sympathy for who? Kim Jun Dung grab Pussy boy? Or did you mean Drumpf?
I tried calling the number but the line was busy. Let me know when you hang up so I can call them back
“lmfao”… “lmfao”… “lmfao”…
@36 admits that it’s attracted to yours truly. Obsessed! Ewwwww kreepy…
@38 the always wrong wing kongress just passed legislation to help opiate addicts – the butt plugg DOUBLES DOWN on a fantasy about killing them with a barbed-wire baseball bat!
@40 now the kreepo sex fantasies start
@41 it’s circle jerking its own self!!! Look everyone.. it’s jacking itself on-line!
@42 FULL JERKING MODE ON! it ropes in another commenter into its kreepo sex fantasy!
@43 It feeds on some porn..
“lmfao”… WHAT A FREAK! Keep it up little maxwipe butt plugg! We laugh at you again! This shit must be cheaper for you than a little blue pills script.
Oh, lookie, Wonkette wants ‘bagger as a reader:
Anthony Weiner’s Dick Explodes All Over Hillary Clinton’s Emails
Read more at http://wonkette.com/608059/ant.....gisXDcj.99
@50 grabbing any pussy tonight?
Did anyone grab yours?
I don’t know if either translation gets it right. Mexico uses Civil Law and is a different system than ours. That is lost in either translation. What is a grave or minor crime in Mexico is not something that corresponds to felony and misdemeanor here. Different crimes in both systems are categorized differently. Some things that are misdemeanors here are grave crimes there and vice versa and some things such as adultery is not a crime in Washington state, but is a gave crime throughout Mexico. No matter the language there is likely to be some confusion. Some Washington state citizens may actually suffer confusion when they have gotten a speeding ticket (perhaps one that is serious and can be criminal) gone to court and maybe confused if they can vote or not.
@51 Garfield and other pussies are waiting to be grabbed in Bloom County.
@2 That is not voter fraud. It’s a pretty classic case of fraud and it happened where real fraud happens and can be pretty effective fraud. That is fraud by public officials particularly those in charge of elections.
This is otherwise known as a form of stuffing the ballot box.
@13 The story is not meatless. The real problem is that the FBI investigation has been trashed. The FBI has a problem in that they have in custody one or more laptops and those laptops have already been seized under warrants. These laptops contain one or more Clinton e-mails that it would appear were not correspondence between Huma and Clinton. The presence e-mails brings up certain issues such as did Weiner get access to the server at one point. How did the e-mails get on there. Is he a stilted poll seeking revenge or blackmail? Is he a Russian spy? Or just the simple if these are on his laptop and he had access who else could have gotten access. Or who could have gotten access to Weiner’s (and Huma’s) laptop and gotten to the e-mails. IF Huma was an employee of the State Department why was she not using a State Department mail box for her mail and following the departments rules.
The fact Senate Democrats are now making a lot of noise and making demands on the FBI director, who may or may not need a warrant (looks like he better get one like yesterday) is going to eat a lot of crow. I am glad I’m not the folks who were involved with these lap tops might have been some unpleasant locker room like talk happening recently. Perhaps even some ball and pussy grabbing, but in a non sexual way.
Wonder if any elite Democrats are wondering if maybe we should have kept that Weiner guy in the House and busy. My ain’t he a gift that keeps on giving.
@16 They both need to go out and hug a NFL official who wear stripes.
@18 It’s an old American tradition. Just ask the residents of Hang Town, California or the residents of Rattlesnake Gulch, Arizona.
Urchin looking up at Hero with big brown eyes.
“Please Mr Hero may I have another? Please?”
apologies to Mr. Dickens.