I just gotta pass on this amusing exchange between outgoing council members Dwight Pelz and David Irons. It’s not verbatim, and it’s from a secondhand source who wasn’t in council chambers at the time, but I’m just a lowly blogger, so secondhand, paraphrased accounts are good enough for me.
Apparently, during the course of a discussion of something or other during the council meeting, Pelz mentioned that he’s running for chairman of the state Democratic Party. Irons piped up, “Can I vote for you?” And Pelz shoots back, “No, but your sister can.” After a pause, Pelz added, “In fact, I’m hoping for four votes out of your family.”
Gotta laugh.
(For those who don’t know, Irons’ sister Di is the State Committeewoman from the 5th Legislative District, and thus will definitely have a vote in January’s election of a new state chair.)
You guys are all jerks.
Why not tell a cripple joke while you are at it.
After reading the piece about Pelz on Stefan’s blog, i conclude that Pelz is truly a dangerous idiot.
If the righties hate him, sounds like Pelz is the right person for the job.
and then Irons went home and beat his mother, so that she can’t vote for Pelz
Irons is a cripple, I think.
In the brain area!
belltowner; ok, funny..
voter advocate; precisely why are politics are screwed up,and why goldy’s got a good gig going; yellow dog dems unite
“Why not tell a cripple joke while you are at it.”
Goldy just did — Irons is a mental cripple.
Did anyone notice that RR used the term “cripple” in post #8? Roger Rabbit is not a big fan of PC. This should make the Republicans happy. But … if any of you trolls don’t like it, go fuck your armadillo.
Paul Berendt is the kind of Dem leader you righties love, willing to take it in the ass.
We need a guy who can pitch.
don’t say I’m being a jerk, I’m just playing hardball, like the regular GOP folks do (I’m sick of pussy liberals)
@ 7
I am a YDD, but that’s not the point. The WAGOP is trying to score points on the election stuff, and though I side with Bob Ferguson in his criticms of KCRE, I refure to allow the GOP to distort the facts. So, yeah, unite. Why should Goldy change his tune? One Sound Politics is enough.
“After reading the piece about Pelz on Stefan’s blog, i conclude that Pelz is truly a dangerous idiot.”
Since you can only read pictures, I assume you’re referring to Stefan’s not-so-subtle juxtaposition of Pelz’s photo with Castro’s photo?
Hey, I can play this game too.
Photo A – http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....52623.html
Photo B – http://history1900s.about.com/.....tler15.htm
all right, only 13 comments till the Nazi slur….
way to go rabit man
@ 9
You’ve got it wrong. Everyone knows that Armadillos don’t put out.
I guess Irons probably went home to beat his sister into voting for someone other than Pelz.
Roger, if Pelz thinks Castro is peachy-keeno, the Pelz is an idiot.
Hmmm, Pelz sponsored a resolution to declare Granna province in Cuba a “sister county”, therefore he and Castro are buds?
Washington’s apple growers would like better trade with Cuba, are they Castro lovers, too?
What the fuck…. that was FUNNY.
You know, if you wanna bitch about snarky remarks. I was in court on a speeding ticket explaining circumstances and I said something stupid like “I wasn’t going 72 in a 55. I don’t know where that came from”, and the judge said quickly “..the radar”. Boy did I feel stupid. I guess he had heard that one before.
“all right, only 13 comments till the Nazi slur…. way to go rabit man”
Hey shithead, I have a proposal for you — your side will call our side commies, and our side will call your side Nazis. Deal?
“You’ve got it wrong. Everyone knows that Armadillos don’t put out.”
That’s why it’s important for you trolls to educate your armadillos about what they’ve been missing out on.
Libertarian, I figure anyone who thinks Pelz is Castro probably can be convinced that Stefan is Hitler.
Jesus loves sinners, but he loves reformed sinners even more. Go ye forth and speed no more.
you know that your right/left at 20 are actually correct, but they do apply to the far extreme right and far extreme left.