It’s not something the campaign likes to talk about, but when Darcy Burner first started pushing her Responsible Plan to end the war in Iraq, the folks at the DCCC weren’t exactly supportive. Sticking your neck out on a controversial issue like that is just not the sort of thing that challengers are supposed to do, so you can be damn sure that the DCCC didn’t encourage any of Darcy’s colleagues to sign on. And yet, over 50 fellow challengers did anyway.
And now we House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Stefan’s girlfriend) not only recording a video in support of Darcy, but mentioning the plan by name.
You want a guy with great hair and big biceps representing you in Congress, faithfully supporting the Bush policies on Iraq and the economy? Vote for Dave Reichert. But if you want a smart, energetic representative, willing and able to challenge the establishment in both parties, and still come out on top, your only choice is to vote for Darcy Burner.
Here’s what I wrote to the Burner campaign after seeing this message:
Thank you for forwarding this message from Speaker Pelosi. Speaker Pelosi has been one of the greatest disappointments in the history of American politics. She rode into office on a tide of anti-Bush administration feelings, and an overwhelming desire from the American people to end the crimes of this administration and to end the war in Iraq. She immediately violated her oath of office upholding the Constitution of the United States, by ‘taking impeachment off the table’. It is the duty of Congress to provide a check on the powers of the Executive, never more so than one as out of control as the present one. She is a complete failure as House Speaker and the Democrats have failed in their two years of running the House because they have caved into the wildly unpopular Bush administration on every front.
Ms. Burner, if this is the sort of person you choose to use as an endorser for your campaign, I do not see how any of the serious issues facing us will begin to be solved.
Let’s see – choose Pelosi as your “endorser” or the war criminal Bush? No contest.
While I like Darcy and plan to vote for her, I agree that an endorsement from Pelosi might backfire.
Let’s see choose war criminal McCain or war criminal Wes Clark (another Darcy fan)…less of a contest.
And what is it with this latest campaign flyer Darcy put out. Not much info, but the photo is telling. There is sitting on a desk with two guys…right of her and older man (about 50 or so) looking straight ahead away from her and the camera. His whole body posture and face say: “I don’t want to be here, why on earth am I sitting here. I’m so uncomfortable”.
The on the left of her, standing up in a suit a little too tight is a younger guy who is not looking at her, but looking down her blouse. Very funny….and I can tell you, he ain’t looking at her heart.
Quite the revealing photo.
How ignorant is darcy to think that the leader of a congress with 13% approval ratings would help her.
Here’s a recent video of pelosi getting heckled by a fellow lefty for not doing her job.
Slowly the lefties of the country are realizing that the democrats have been lying to them. From pelosi saying bush hadn’t committed any crimes to be impeached over to Kanjorski admitting the Democrats Over-Promised on Iraq to get elected.
Darcy doesn’t have to be told how to hug a rabbit! She spontaneously wrapped her arms and pretty much her whole self around the rabbit. Reichert wouldn’t know how to hug a rabbit unless someone drew a picture for him. And it would take him 20 years to find the rabbit!
I’ve seen Burner’s TV ads and it reminds me of a little girl playing with silly putty and crayons. Charming, but not electable. Same as Obama.
Great Article by Clinton’s former Chief Campaign strategist on how the Clinton’s have “hi-jacked’ the Democratic Convention
And a recent poll shows only 1/2 of Dems think placing Hillary into nomination will hell unify the Dem Party. What a huuuuge risk by O-blah-blah. Already a Colorado Hillary delegate sent e-mails disparaging O-blah-blah…and the Colorado Dem Chair demanded that she come in and explain why she should still be a delegate. This is just starting to heat up.
SJ–Hillary wants to run in 2012. McCain will be 75 then and very vulnerable.
Hell, I don’t think she has given up on this year yet…deep down.
Do you really think the Clinton’s want O-blah-blah to win?
How about Nancy Pelosi?
Why is she screwing around with Burner and less than aggressive in supporting O-blah-blah??
While I think Pelosi’s behind the curve regarding impeachment, Iraqi withdrawal, and a host of other issues, this endorsement shows that there is one thing which will unite the Democrats: the heartfelt desire to save the country from Republicans. So the next time the wingnuts write about a “fractured” Democratic party, remember that:
(a) hey, were Democrats, we never PRETENDED to belong to an “organized political party (real democracy is kinda messy); and
(b) right now McCain is having more problems that we are – today the Evangelicals are threatening to sit out the election if he doesn’t select a strong anti-abortion as his VP.
@9 “Great Article by Clinton’s former Chief Campaign strategist”
Dick Morris? The guy who went from fucking prostitutes to fucking goats? No wonder you like him.
9 Funny thing….I keep hearing about the “Hillary holdouts” and how they’re such sore losers they’re going to disrupt the Democratic convention or vote as a bloc for McCain out of sheer spite.
Where do I hear this from? From the likes of Mr. C and the rest of the neocon propaganda Wurlitzer.
Propaganda my ass–
Read this from the Denver Post:
Sounds like the O-blah-blah Democratic Party establishment is pretty ham-handed.
Why should this Clinton delegate have to “explain” her derrogatory comments about O-blah-blah??
Kind of like the old Soviet Union, isn’t it?
NO ONE can disagree with the establishment.
Free Speech is banned.
@ 1:
I agree that Nancy Pelosi is a failure. I’ve sent $100 to Cindy Sheehan’s campaign and sent an email to Speaker Pelosi’s camp informing her of the reasons why I am financially supporting a candidate whose CD I don’t live in, i.e. failure to uphold the Rule of Law.
If that’s all we were going to get from her than John Boner should still be Speaker.
13 If you think the feminists who are a trifle disappointed with not being able to get a woman elected President this time around are going to go vote for a guy who publically calls his wife a “trollop” and “c**t”, you’re even dumber than I thought.
I have to admit there seem to be some pretty odd “Democrats” in California–not only Pelosi but Howard Berman (d-MPAA) and Diane Feinstein (d-RIAA).
Mr. C @ 13:
I know you want to see Obama implode and McCain win. I get it.
But deep down in your heart of hearts you know and I know that McCain is NOT going to be the president.
Democrats, unlike the Republicans and conservatives are not mesmerized by Authority / Submissive roles. That’s what happens when people with higher educations think independently.
Clinton supporters want the recognition their candidate deserves, and since it was virtually a tie to the end of the Democratic primary, they simply want her name placed in nomination and officially recorded.
Then, after Obama’s acceptance speech at Invesco Field that will completely dominate anything coming from McCain, public support will swell towards Obama. From Hillary supporters, independents, moderates, and left-leaning Republicans.
Remember my prediction; Obama 321 electoral votes in November.
I half seriously predicted that it was only a matter of time before The Darcy would be using her house fire for political gain. Then, some weeks later……..what do you know? She runs a desperate sounding commercial where she throws in a word about her house burning down. Even when you make jokes about The Darcy, they sometimes come true.
@18 “desperate sounding commercial”
Hardly. If you want “desperate”, look no further than your own post.
I’d hardly call the spot “desperate”, but perhaps she put a little too many eggs in a 30-second basket. It starts out talking about her background and her accomplishments, then tries to make the point about her and her family picking themselves up from adversity and soldiering on, while attempting to thank everyone who helped out in the same sentence. Because that last part is so abbreviated, to someone who doesn’t know the whole story it might look like the part about the fire was just tossed in to elicit sympathy. Bad editing more than anything else.
@8 After 8 years of warmongering, torturing, lying, stealing, and buttfucking, the 8th District may be ready to vote for charming.
Some of you boys are sure scared by a little bit of a thing like Darcy..hah!
Hey Art…you are spot on…The *
PUMAs were going to have a HUGE conference to plan their attack on the convention. After all they have “2, 2.5 million members!!!!!!” Funny thing, only 30 people signed up for the conference.
They were going to collect money for “500 greyhound buses!!!!!!!” to transport those 2.5 million supporters ( ignore their math, lol) but they couldn’t get enough money to do anything but help a few of the 30 pay for the plane fare.
* Party Unity My Ass
Hmmmm….many busloads of agent-provocateurs imported to disrupt something. Seems we’ve seen that before, haven’t we? Oh, yeah…that’s right. The Florida recount in 2000.
From RealClearPolitics:
sparky @ 22
The PUMAs are a lot better organized and a lot more pissed off than you’re giving them credit for. They’re getting national media play and they could play “Ross Perot” in this election.
@8: Just about the most stupid comment I have ever seen – nothing of substance there.
What has Reichert done to make him worth a vote…anything?
He flip-flops on votes to make it look lioke he supports the environment, he votes with Bush most of the time and has supported:
tax-cuts for the rich
the biggest budget and trade deficits in history
NAFTA and giving away Amercan jobs
big breaks for oil compaies and drug companies
Burner opposes all of these.
If you have nothing of substance to say – then your comments are worthless. I will assume you support all the above policies that have failed.
@18: You made a joke? I thought all your posts were jokes. Especially, the Bush-loving and Reichert-loving posts where our economy is ruined by idiot republicans who spend us into bankruptcy on unnecessary wars.
I also thought your posts on oil drilling, helping oil companies keep their profits, giving the ultra-rich tax breaks they don’t need and helping drug companies buy off the FDA were hilarious.
The point is Pelosi and many, many other Democrats aided and abetted the criminal Bush and his war spending. Now that Darcy Burner has hitched her wagon to Pelosi are we to believe Burner will not vote for funding the continued wars?