When Seattle Times political reporter David Postman sat down with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently, talk turned to the difficulty Dems have had sticking to their agenda in light of the narrow majority they hold in the Senate. But Pelosi told Postman that they were working harder, particularly on Iraq. (The emphasis is mine):
“This time we just said, ‘What do we want in this bill? What is the statement that needs to be made?’
Part of that statement has been to reflect what is in a document called the Responsible Plan to End the War in Iraq. Created by Burner and a team of experts, the plan calls for a rapid troop withdrawal and an increased diplomatic and humanitarian effort in Iraq.
The plan has been endorsed by other Democratic congressional challengers, as well as some retired military officers.
Big threads of the plan include legislation that already existed in Congress but failed to pass under two years of Democratic control.
“You could think of a million things you could do better in terms of Iraq, probably at least a million,” Pelosi said. “But it’s a question of where you put the focus. And yes, indeed, what she has done helped focus that.”
And Burner got other candidates to sign on. “That drumbeat isn’t lost on Congress.”
There are some who have attempted to dismiss Burner’s efforts on the Responsible Plan as mere political calculation, while others have attempted to dismiss the effort itself. When asked to comment on the Plan, Dave Reichert routinely brushes of the questioner, claiming matter-of-factly that Burner didn’t even write it.
As usual, Reichert couldn’t be further from the truth. Indeed, the back story on the Plan is at least as revealing as the Plan itself.
The Plan was conceived during the heady days of Burner’s remarkable Internet fundraiser, when she raised an astounding $123,000 in small donations from 3,200 contributers over a weekend in August. As President Bush was stopping traffic in Bellevue to raise money for Reichert, Burner and a handful of experts assembled at a hotel down the block to livestream an innovative, online “town hall meeting” on the war in Iraq. And near the end of the broadcast, Burner made a surprise announcement that Gen. Paul Eaton had agreed to work with her to create a comprehensive proposal to responsibly draw down our troops and bring them home.
Burner’s bold announcement drew little coverage, even here on HA, because quite frankly I thought she might have gotten a little caught up in the moment. This is not the kind of thing that mere congressional challengers do—or are even capable of doing—and I winced at a promise I thought she would have a tough time delivering in a credible manner.
Burner’s staff and advisers were even less enthusiastic. A candidate’s primary job early in a campaign is to raise money, and the consultancy class frowns upon nearly anything that might distract the candidate from precious “call time.” It is also generally accepted campaign wisdom that challengers are usually best off avoiding specificity on issues so that it is the incumbent’s record that draws the scrutiny of voters.
Throughout the fall of 2007 advisers suggested Burner reconsider the project, and I had more than one conversation with nervous staffers who worried that her efforts were costing the campaign far too much in time, focus, and financial resources. The DCCC, whose favor Burner couldn’t afford to lose, was equally unenthusiastic, and while I’m told they never asked her to abandon the plan, they never encouraged her either… and they certainly didn’t encourage other challengers to sign on.
But Burner proved undaunted. No doubt personal ambition drives all politicians to some extent—like blogging, it is an inherently narcissistic profession—but Burner’s political ambitions have always been motivated by what she sees as an extraordinary opportunity to make a difference. For Burner, most of the elements of what eventually became the Responsible Plan were obvious; in fact many had already been proposed by the Baker-Hamilton Commission or in existing legislation. What Burner hoped to produce was a comprehensive proposal that could serve as a framework for enacting a realistic legislative agenda over a relatively short amount of time.
And that is what Burner eventually willed into creation, a Responsible Plan so credible that it has drawn the endorsement of over 50 other House and Senate challengers along with numerous military and national security experts, and has, in the words of Speaker Pelosi, “helped focus” the agenda of the Democratic leadership.
One thing that remains clear is that by sending Darcy Burner to the other Washington, 8th CD voters will not only get a reliable vote on the issues they care about most, but a remarkably smart, independent and creative leader who through hard work, determination, and sheer chutzpah will quickly rise up the Democratic ranks. Burner doesn’t want to go to Congress to be a rubberstamp for Nancy Pelosi, she wants to go there to solve problems.
That is what she has done with her Responsible Plan. And that is what Burner will do as the elected representative from Washington’s 8th Congressional District.
I’m still waiting for John Kerrys plan to get
us out of Iraq. Remember? He had one. Burner
helped focus congress. HA HA HA HA HA
I must say I think it’s sad when a challenger is the one to “focus” the current seated member of congress! Truly pathetic that they are finally admitting they have not been focused and it took an outsider to open their eyes!
Let’s get her in there and maybe get the seated members off their asses and actually get something done around here! Go Darcy!
Nothing ‘responsible” about a “rapid withdrawal”. Not even Barry Hussein is taking this seriously. It will promptly be thrown in the garbage no matter who wins in November.
Darcy, you’re better suited to be an officer of your local Rotary Club than a member of Congress.
1 & 3, The Iraqis obviously don’t share your “sense” of “responsibility”.
What is it with this states fascination in electing dumb broads. Geeesh
Speaking of dumb broads – JANE!
The fact that a challenger and a committee of outsiders developed a “Responsiblity Plan” should be a clue to Congress that they rank high on the Fical List.
@5: Ah, I see you’ve been pawing that Jennifer Dunn fold-out and photo spread again.
Then again, we have Dixie Lee Ray. Oh, the shame.
From homeowners association board member to congressman?
From community rabble rouser to president?
Is this the best you guys can do? Are you fucking kidding me?
Redneck @9,
Better than your draft dodging, war mongering, coke snorting, beer swilling, dry drunk of a president.
@9, 10
And the “War Hero” that sang like a bird to the enemy and then ditched his wife. His kid has a $15,000 credit card debit on daddy’s American Express for fucks sake.
Reichert isn’t a has-been; he’s a never-was. Meanwhile, Burner is one of the most influential people in politics, and she isn’t even in Congress yet. But she will be.
@3 What’s responsible about continuing to throw lives and money at a lost war that shouldn’t have been fought in the first place?
Is there even a mission in Iraq? Does anyone know what it is? This seems to be nothing but fighting for its own sake.
Thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit that we have some responsible people like Darcy Burner in this country, to offset the harm done by irresponsible juveniles like you.
@5 Yeah, what were those eastern Washington Republicans thinking when they sent Cathy McMorris to Congress?
By the way, why hasn’t McMorris resigned to stay home with her baby? And why aren’t all of you “family values” neo-hypocrites making an issue of that?
@9 I asked before and I’ll ask again: Why did fate strike down Mr. Tim Russert instead of your useless protoplasm? Pay your gambling debt, sociopath!
@10 I’m not so sure he’s dry.
I can’t wait for Burner and Obama and other new Dems get into office and start shaking things up. We desperately need adults in DC to clean up the mess the goopers have made.
The only focus ditzy, I mean Darcy has is her gaze into the shiney sphere of ignorance and bewilderment. Get laid already Goldy, this is becoming really pathetic-even for you.
Historians Predict Overwhelming Obama Victory
“June 15) – One week into the general election, the polls show a dead heat. But many presidential scholars doubt that John McCain stands much of a chance, if any.
“Historians belonging to both parties offered a litany of historical comparisons that give little hope to the Republican. Several saw Barack Obama’s prospects as the most promising for a Democrat since … 1932.
“’This should be an overwhelming Democratic victory,’ said Allan Lichtman, an American University presidential historian …. Lichtman, whose forecasting model has correctly predicted the last six presidential popular vote winners, predicts that this year, ‘Republicans face what have always been insurmountable historical odds.’ His system gives McCain a score on par with Jimmy Carter’s in 1980. …
“’It is one of the worst political environments for the party in power since World War II,’ added Alan Abramowitz, a professor … at Emory University. His forecasting model … gives McCain about the same odds as Adlai Stevenson in 1952 and Carter in 1980 ….
“[T]he biggest obstacle in McCain’s path may be running in the same party as the most unpopular president America has had since … the advent of modern polling. …
“Though the Democratic-controlled Congress is nearly as unpopular as the president, Lichtman says the Democrats’ 2006 midterm wins resemble … 1966 and 1974, which both preceded a retaking of the White House two years later. …
“[M]any historians remain extremely skeptical about McCain’s prospects. ‘I can’t think of an upset where the underdog faced quite the odds that McCain faces in this election,’ said Sidney Milkis, a professor … at the University of Virginia. Even ‘Truman didn’t face as difficult a political context as McCain.'”
(Quoted under fair use)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You fascist traitors may as well stand in front of a mirror and practice saying “President Obama”!! But look at the bright side — you’re going to get peace and universal health care from it. And some of you will even get free room and board.
Grease up your lips, Republican cocksuckers! A new sheriff is coming to town.
#20 is a generic post on the general topic of this blog, which is
Inflation Hits 140% Under Bush!!!
The P-I reported yesterday that electricity costs increased 11.7% between April and May in the Puget Sound region. Multiplying by 12 months, that’s an annual inflation rate of 140.4%!!! Overall household energy prices in the same period were up 8.1%, a 97.2% annual rate. Gasoline was up 7.9% (94.8% annual).
By comparison, food inflation was downright placid at only 1.6% (19.2% annual).
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Welcome to Argentina! That’s what America’s economy has become under Republican mismanagement.
With inflation running in triple digits, I won’t be surprised if unions and other workers seek modest wage adjustments in the 60% to 80% range. They would still be losing ground but that’s probably the most they can hope for in today’s recessionary environment.
And let’s not forget that John McTraitor gave the Air Force tanker contract (and thousands of Boeing jobs) to our good French friends. All you Freedom Fries lovers are celebrating that one! But it probably won’t play well with Washington voters this fall.
@10 Sorry Goldy, whether you like it or not, the man is The President, yours included. Respect the office, even if you can’t respect the individual.
What a bunch of crap. Do you even believe the bullshit you vomit forth? You’re so far out there, Roger, you give partisan hacks a bad name.
From time to time I return to HorsesAss, it is amazing to find these freaks who are still supporting the Iraq occupation. They remind me of the creationists and people who say there’s no global warming.
Look, Darcy is a FAKE on the antiwar issue, she has not been seen or heard by ANYONE in the antiwar movement the past 5 years. She is a corporate clone. Aug 27th was no exception, she was goofing off, schmoozing with her power base and fundraisers, while we were protesting BUSH, here’s some video of real antiwar people: http://video.google.com/videop.....9035861287
I continue to feel DARCY should have been with us in front of the Hyatt.
Throw Away The Key
Manson killer Susan Atkins is asking California authorities for “compassionate release.” She is currently in a hospital, and reportedly has had a leg amputated and is suffering from terminal brain cancer. According to news reports, Atkins has only a few months to live.
This isn’t the first time Atkins has asked California to let her out of prison. She’s been denied parole 17 times.
Atkins originally was sentenced to death. She was one of Charles Manson’s closest associates and arguably the most vicious of the Manson gang. She participated in 8 of the 9 Manson murders, and it was Atkins who repeatedly stabbed Sharon Tate, then drank Tate’s blood.
I agree with Debra Tate, the slain actress’s only living relative, who said: “It is her duty, in order to pay for her crimes, to die in prison.”
In my opinion, none of the Manson killers should ever be released from prison, for any reason. Being spared from the death penalty was more compassion than they deserved, and all that any of them should ever get.
@24 No, he’s just “a president,” and an ersatz one at that. He was installed by a coup, and will be remembered by history as George The Pretender.
@25 So, you admit that McCain did more than anyone else in Congress to block the Boeing tanker contract? He did, you know.
All the dead ender Republicans on this board heckle Burner. It is true it will be hard to win the 8th.
But I love how they want to reward Sheriff Hairspray with another term. That guy is a fucking joke. He knew Gary Ridgeway was the killer. Five people ID’d Ridgeway from photo’s. Two guys ID’d Ridgeway’s truck parked in Ridgeway’s driveway, pleaded to Hairspray to investigate it, and Hairspray never got around to it. Even though Ridgeway was one of his top suspects at the time.
Why did he do it?
It probably had nothing to do with Hairspray getting his own department just for that twenty year investigation. I mean, the guy waited for years after DNA testing became viable to send in Ridgeways sample to a lab.
Tomas Guillen, the Times reporter, said Hairspray “used the grave site of a murder victim for personal ambition,”
Burner will only be a freshman congresswoman when elected, and will not get much influence. But at least she will not be an embarrasment for this state like Hairspray.
He has got absolutely zero done while in Congress, just like he got absolutely zero done in the Green River Killer investigations.
DNA caught Gary Ridgeway, while Hairspray was busy styling his hair for 20 years.
re 24: “Respect the office, even if you can’t respect the individual.”
Does that Idea really make sense to you? Would you say the same about a principal that molested children? Would you say the same about a president that murdered 4,000 + soldiers for no purpose other than his own aggrandizement?
A Republican President by the name of Roosevelt stated that respecting a man because of an office he holds is a fool’s game.
Doesn’t surprise me that it’s your game.
@24 If you had a sliver of respect for the office you would be calling for the Current Occupant’s resignation or impeachment. Often and loudly. Go fuck yourself.
What the fuck happens when a city gets flooded?
When Nawlins got flooded there was complete mayhem. Killings, rapes, robbery, and various forms of thuggery. Local and state gummint demanding feds drop what they’re doing and hep them.
Same fucking thing happened this weekend in Cedar Rapid Iowa. How many have to die before FEMA gets its shit together?
What the fuck happens to people when they’re flooded? Why do people do such things?
What’s the cause? Is it because GWB is preznit, or is it global warming? Gotta be one or t’other.
Can you moonbats explain?
Goldy 10 – Draft dodger???
LMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you mean like Bubba?
The Bubba who “loathes” the military.
The one who settles for fat ass/thick thighs hillary? Or fat ass thick lips Monica?
Hey, tell me… your kid will get out of school soon. Who is going to feed her lunch while she’s off for the summer.
I’d be glad to send you $100 so she doesn’t have to go hungry this summer. Send me your address, and I’ll send $100 bill. You gotta promise that you’ll spend it on food for her.
Fucking loser…
@32 What a tool… You amuse me, old man.
Gotta agree with 1 and 26.
Recycling of existing legislation is innovation?
Having read the plan it makes no specific call for withdrawal, but puts it in the hands of the military. In other words, “phased withdrawal” with no time-line. And “phased withdrawal” was Nixon’s plan for withdrawal from Viet Nam.
Burner is funded endorsed, and in part created by those Dems who’ve used this war as little but a platform for getting more Dems in office.
As when Charlie Brown runs to kick the football and Lucy promises she’ll hold it, a vote for Darcy Burner who promises she’ll work to end the war will yield predictable results.
More like from editor of the Harvard Law Review and lecturer on constitutional law at The University Of Chicago to President.
Having a president that doesn’t use the Constitution as toilet paper will be a nice change.
say goldy where the fuck did you serve.there is a gold mine in the skt.so goldy try the air force.
lily if darcy gets into congress all she will do is make yhe coffee.and her plan sucks the high hard one.
These folks seem to think “The Plan” is a good idea.
Darcy Burnercandidate for U.S. House, Washington
Donna Edwardscandidate for U.S. House, Maryland Eric Massacandidate for U.S. House, New York Chellie Pingreecandidate for U.S. House, Maine
TOM PERRIELLO candidate for U.S. House, Virginia
Jared Polis candidate for U.S. House, Colorado
George Fearing candidate for U.S. House,Washington
Larry Byrnes candidate for U.S. House, Florida
STEVE HARRISON candidate for U.S. House, New York SAM BENNETT candidate for U.S. House, Pennsylvania
Harry Taylor candidate for U.S. House, North Carolina
Alan Graysoncandidate for U.S. House, Florida Dennis Shulmancandidate for U.S. House, New Jersey Larry Grantcandidate for U.S. House, Idaho
Leslie Byrnecandidate for U.S. House, Virginia
Jim Huntcandidate for U.S. House, Montana
Bill O’Neillcandidate for U.S. House, Ohio
Jill Derbycandidate for U.S. House, Nevada
Alice Kryzancandidate for U.S. House, New York
Ed Fallon candidate for U.S. House, Iowa
Mike Waltner candidate for U.S. House, Pennsylvania
Joe Garcia candidate for U.S. House, Florida
Steve Marks candidate for U.S. House, Oregon
Debbie Cook candidate for U.S. House, California Don Wiviott candidate for U.S. House, New Mexico Darius Shahinfar candidate for U.S. House, New York
Faye Armitagecandidate for U.S. House, Florida
Tom Wyka candidate for U.S. House, New Jersey Cheryl Sabel candidate for U.S. House, Alabama Timothy Cunha candidate for U.S. House, Florida
Ron Shepston candidate for U.S. House, California
Barry Welsh candidate for U.S. House, Indiana Gretchen Clearwater candidate for U.S. House,Indiana
Roger Waun candidate for U.S. House, Texas
Ellen Greenberg candidate for U.S. House, New Jersey
Clint Curtis candidate for U.S. House, Florida
Jane Mitakides candidate for U.S. House, Ohio Jennifer Dougherty candidate for U.S. House, Maryland
Gilda Reed candidate for U.S. House, Louisiana
Kyle Foust candidate for U.S. House, Pennsylvania
Mike Turnercandidate for U.S. House, Virginia Cheryl Edecandidate for U.S. House, California Richard Cartercandidate for U.S. House, Nebraska Samm Simpson candidate for U.S. House, Florida Bill Hedrick candidate for U.S. House, California Steve Blythecandidate for U.S. House, Florida
Mike Carroll candidate for U.S. House, Ohio
Howard Shankercandidate for U.S. House, Arizona
Mary Pallant candidate for U.S. House, California Clyde Malloy candidate for U.S. House, Florida Steve Young candidate for U.S. House, California Tony Barr candidate for U.S. House, Pennsylvania Phillip Steck candidate for U.S. House, New York Doug Tudor candidate for U.S. House, Florida
And by the following four Senate candidates
Steve Novick candidate for U.S. Senate, Oregon Jeff Merkley candidate for U.S. Senate, Oregon Greg Fischer candidate for U.S. Senate, Kentucky Bob Tuke candidate for U.S. Senate, Tennessee
And by
Major General Paul Eaton (U.S. Army ret.)former Security Transition Commanding General, Iraq
Dr. Lawrence Korbformer Assistant Secretary of Defense in the Reagan Administration
Brigadier General John Johns (U.S. Army ret.)specialist in counterinsurgency and nation-building
Capt. Larry Seaquist (U.S. Navy ret.)former commander of the U.S.S. Iowa and former Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Policy Planning
Thank you for the remarkable insight into the process.
Have you considered writing a book on her campaign? I culd imagune a cross between tracy Kidder abnd Joel Klein! Seriously, a book like that, amiodst what is likely to be tumultuous post 2008 book se4ason, might do very well!
As long as SJ is one of the charcters that is.
All other issues aside, general Vini gave a great speech on this topic. Obama can not withdraw quickly nor can we win as posited by McCain.
The real outcome is gong to require much that is in the RP PLUS some hard decsions it avoids.
Got any facts to back up the shit you’re stinking up the internet with?
I don’t think Obama has much to worry about. I think he’s a shoe-in for November. All he has to do is handle any brush fires quickly and professionally, and he’s in there for ’08.
McCain’s just got too much BS in his background that’s gonna hamstring him in November. Even his own party doesn’t support him fully, and he’s having trouble getting the evangelicals on board. The Republicans have moved so far to the right that McCain is actually seen as a liberal by some of the frothy hard-right, religious zealot Republicans. A lot of the middle-of-the-road folks prefer Obama because he seems like such a nice guy. I like him, too, but I don’t agree with much of his stuff. I guess I’m just incredibly grateful that Hillary is outta-there for 2008! Better luck next time, Hills!
SJ @ 42,
I actually met Joe Klein the very weekend that his cover was blown for being the true author of “Primary Colors.” It was on Cape Cod, back in ’96, I think.
I remember walking with the guy, helping him gather up some of his beach accouterments and he was worried on how all this notoriety would turn out. I actually didn’t think he had much to worry about as his book and the later movie deal made him a multi-millionaire. I guess he’s still in the politico game for amusement, ’cause he sure don’t need the money!
re 45: You said ‘cooter’.
When, oh!, when will this godawful war be over so ‘W’ can resume his golf game?
It’s a tragedy. But ‘W’, at great inconvenience to himself, did the right thing.
Who among us has made a greater sacrifice?
Well, while I steadfastly resist tooting my own horn, I did give up tiddlywinks in honor of the war. I mean, I just couldn’t go on–knowing our boys (& girls) were in harms way. I was in the middle of squidging a wink one fateful day when I realized…. I just couldn’t go on.
Pusdrivendyke@30: Since historical facts are anti-matter to your single celled organism called a mind:
1) DNA testing in 1985 was only 1:1,000,000. Ridgway’s lawyer protested this test and won in court.
2) The FBI administered the lie-detector tests not Reichert.
3) I posted the other facts many times. Even nevercorrectstilnotbright changed his tune. Keep sucking the pus FOOL!
headless lucy spews:
re 45: You said ‘cooter’.
I can’t find the word “cooter” in my commnet at 45, lucy. Would you point that out to me, ’cause I sure as hell can’t see it.
Are you confusing “accouterments” with “cooter?”
The fact remains that the Responsible Plan would not have been developed without Darcy Burner’s intelligence and drive. She’s done more work in this campaign cycle than Lazy Davey has done in four years in the Congress.
What’s crazy is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results. We need a change from Bush’s butt kissers like Dave Reichert. Vote for change this year. Vote for Darcy Burner. I’m sure as hell going to.
Hey, how many of you trolls are being paid by the RNC, Dave Reichert’s campaign, 3rd-party conservative organizations, or the NRCC to post here? Tell the truth now. We all know that answer is not zero.
What’s a “3rd-party conservative organization?”
Do you mean something like the John Birch Society?
And that is what Burner eventually willed into creation, a Responsible Plan so credible that it has drawn the endorsement of over 50 other House and Senate challengers along with numerous military and national security experts, and has, in the words of Speaker Pelosi, “helped focus” the agenda of the Democratic leadership.
I’m curious to know of other “military and national security experts” who have endorsed this plan other than the four names that actually appear on the document?
53 PI
Like a 527–aka the Swift Boaters.
Like American Conservative Union
American Family Association
American Freedom Center
Eagle Forum
And yes, the John Birch Society and the NRA too. But there are more.
Why, are you working for one of these? Are you working for a conservative political action organization I have not named?
45 JC
Four’s not enough for you?
And that is what Burner eventually willed into creation, a Responsible Plan so credible that it has drawn the endorsement of over 50 other House and Senate challengers along with **numerous** military and national security experts, and has, in the words of Speaker Pelosi, “helped focus” the agenda of the Democratic leadership.
Goldy states “numerous.” I assume, then, there are many more than four.
“I’m curious to know of other “military and national security experts” who have endorsed this plan other than the four names that actually appear on the document?”
And how many “national security experts” are signed on, and supporting the unresponsible plan that was, and is being carried out now?
Daddy @ 55,
No, I currently don’t have a job. I am, however, a member of the NRA but none of the other organizations you mentioned.
My idea of gun control is being able to hold the weapon steady so as to hit your target.