I’m guessing HA regular Richard Pope isn’t the most popular Republican down at King County Republican Central Committee headquarters today, now that our local GOP has agreed to accept a $40,000 civil penalty for chronic and acute public disclosure violations during the 2006 election season. Check out the PDF of the KCRCC’s stipulation agreement with the state Public Disclosure Commission for yourself.
It’s a pretty stunning document, outlining dozens of late and incomplete contribution and expenditure reports… some of them as much as 275 days late. The King County Republicans’ brazen flouting of our campaign disclosure laws can only be chalked up to arrogance or incompetence. Or both. And they wonder why King County voters don’t seem to want to trust their party with running state and local government?
Arrogance and lack of respect for the law are the only ways to explain not just the late reports but failing to respond when the late reports and errors were pointed out.
Why is the GOP getting special treatment? Didn’t the Democrats pay $250,000 for the same thing?
“The King County Republicans’ brazen flouting of our campaign disclosure laws can only be chalked up to arrogance or incompetence.”
Another possibility is they DON’T RESPECT LAWS.
There’s a lot of that in the White House, too.
GOP = lawless thugs
Someone needs to be executed. Republicans don’t care about monetary sanctions. The only way they might learn a lesson is to have one of their own beheaded in the public square.
Why is the GOP getting special treatment? Didn’t the Democrats pay $250,000 for the same thing?
And they wonder why Washington voters don’t seem to want to trust the Washington State Democrats with running state and local gover- hey, wait a minute…
And yeah, gee, the GOPers fucked up campaign laws on reporting requirements. Just like the Dems did, SEVERAL times. Yawn. Making this into something sinister is partisan hackery when uSP does it, and it’s hackery when HA does it too.
Nice “own goal” Roger. :)
“WASHINGTON (May 3) – Fighting to hold on to his job, World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz issued a broadbased rebuttal Thursday that blamed unclear bank rules for creating questions about his handling of hefty pay raises for his girlfriend.” http://tinyurl.com/ywgrqm
Cripes, what can I say? Another whiny weasel from the “taking responsibility” party is blaming his dishonesty on everyone and everything except himself. Throw the fucker in jail.
Typical of these filthy TROOP HATERS.
Does Republican sinning never stop?
Ex-Aide to Gonzales Accused Of Bias
Justice Department Scrutinizes Role of Politics in Hiring
By Dan Eggen and Amy Goldstein
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, May 3, 2007; Page A01
The Justice Department has launched an internal investigation into whether Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales’s former White House liaison illegally took party affiliation into account in hiring career federal prosecutors, officials said yesterday.
The allegations against Monica M. Goodling represent a potential violation of federal law and signal that a joint probe begun in March by the department’s inspector general and Office of Professional Responsibility has expanded beyond the controversial dismissal of eight U.S. attorneys last year.
For the record: I hope the King County Republicans don’t pull a Washington Education Association and ask for the law to be rewritten to suit them. Both deserve the full penalties.
As a Sammamish resident, its disturbing to see these illegal republican activities even carried over into our local Sammamish elections.
Also, as I recall, Dave Reichert also had a low level of disclosure in his filings for the 2006 race (this one documented in one of our local blogs), I’m not sure though if it reached the level that action had to be taken.
KOMO is reporting the discovery of evidence that John McKay was put on the list of US attorneys to be fired in 2005. Apparently the reason was that he was more interested in finding Tom Wales’ murderer than in handing the governorship to Dino Rossi.
Amicus Curiae on behalf of Washington State Labor Council
James D. Oswald
Law Offices of James D. Oswald
100 S King St Ste 560
Seattle, WA 98104-3844
“The district court issued aninjunction, requiring the union to obtain the affirmative consent of eachindividual nonmember before using that nonmember’s fees for political
UNDULY IMPEDE THE UNION IN ORDER TO PROTECT ‘THE RELATIVELY RARE SPECIES’ OF EMPLOYEE WHO IS UNWILLING TO RESPOND TO THE UNION’S NOTIFICATIONS but nevertheless has serious disagreements with the union’s support of its political and ideological causes.” Id. at 263. The court held it would be an unconstitutional burden to require all those who agree with the union’s political activities to affirmatively consent. Id. The Mitchell court quoted the United States Supreme Court’s statement in Street, that the union should not be sanctioned in favor of an employee who makes no complaint regarding the use of his or her money.”
The law wasn’t rewritten. The decision was reversed.
It’s just another in a long line of pieces of evidence that show the Publicans for the crooks they are. If Washingtonians aren’t smart enough to keep these criminals out of office, then the state deserves whatever bad things happen as a result.
In related news, outside of Trader Joe’s yesterday I saw my first guy schilling for signatures to elect an auditor.
Because if they can’t follow election law, we should really want them running elections.
To Roger @ 2 …
Perhaps the fine is lower because it’s the King County party rather than the state party.
$40K is a lot of money to the moribund KCRCC.
Roger Rabbit @ 2
The state Democrats had a larger fine, since their reporting violations involved more money — several million dollars, instead of several hundred thousand dollars.
The county Republicans paid a relatively higher fine per dollar of violation, because their violations were more serious, dollar-for-dollar. The state Democrats reported their contributions, but failed to report the names of their contributors. The county Republicans were untimely both in reporting their contributions and who had contributed them. And the county Republicans also failed to properly report over $100,000 in expenditures aimed to electing or defeating candidates.
In related news, outside of Trader Joe’s yesterday I saw my first guy schilling for signatures to elect an auditor.
Because if they can’t follow election law, we should really want them running elections.
05/03/2007 at 4:33 pm
Any party against mandatory voter ID at the polls needs an auditor looking over their shoulder. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either an idiot or a democrat.
re 20: Anyone with a lick of sense can see big potential for corruption with an ELECTED auditor.
And I do credit Republicans with having a lick of sense about who they can and can’t corrupt and how to do it.
re 20: Dan Rather was on the front lines of the Vietnam war reporting the news while George W. Bush was busy snorting coke, getting drunk, and deserting his easy military post.
You don’t deserve to mock a brave American journalist in favor of that murdering, deserting pig who stole the presidency twice.
You are a sniggering, mindless twat of a man.
22 Lucy! You really didn’t mean to use that wording, did you?
That’s almost as much of an insult to female anatomy as a certain all-too-common reference to Ann coulter.