During the Komen debacle one thing that I was pleasantly surprised to read was Patty Murray’s reactions. Not just that she was out on the issue early and that she was quite right, but also that people actually quoted her. And not just in the local papers. I’m not entirely sure that local people are really picking up on it, but Patty Murray is sort of becoming a rock star.
I mean we all know she’s a leader on veterans’ issues and that she co-chaired the super committee. She’s also done quite a bit for health care for women, but sadly that doesn’t seem to get recognized as much locally. These are clear signs of respect from her colleagues. And it’s been happening for quite a while now.
But in many ways because she’s been quietly competent* instead of a show off, she’s not recognized as much for the things she does. I hope the old timers who talk wistfully about Scoop and Maggie realize what we have now.
* Yes, I think she was competent co-chairing the super committee. The nothing that happened was better than anything the GOP offered. Recognizing that instead of working for any compromise no matter how awful seems to be the best she could do.
The pubbies got bombed in that supercommittee deal, which left them with a choice between tax increases or defense cuts — and they’ll take the blame for the resulting deficits if Congress takes any action to circumvent the automatic spending cuts! Sure looks like they were outsmarted.
Eric Cantor is trying to water down the insider trading bill.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I hope this bites the GOPers in the ass next November.
When she was first campaigning for the Senate, she was a regular at my moms house, where some caucusing and planning sessions were being done. She was always very pleasant and her real world knowledge and open mindedness were a far cry from what was there before, Mr. Brock Adams who was slandered as a Communist and a roofie-rolling date rapist, both of which were patently untrue.
I believe that was really the first hint of the new Fascist campaigning method that has since blossomed into an entire propaganda industry all on its own.
Why she was voted the “dumbest” Senator I will never understand, in the face of such notable brilliances such as John Cornwyn or John Kyl. Two primary examples of why an intelligence test and likely a basic constitutional literacy test should be required before holding any public office in this country.
Ms. Murray always struck me as being highly intelligent, and her willingness to actually make attempts to get to an actual academic source of information rather than just relying on the lobbyists is really a nice cool breeze in that hotbed of malfeasance and corruption that is the United States Senate.
Dammit, now sez I dont have permission to edit my own comment, wtf?
@4 Look out the window to see if a UFO is hovering over your burrow. I had one, and after I shot it down, the edit button worked fine again.
Every time I want to like her she goes and does something like voting yes on NDAA.
I considered addressing the dumb thing in the post but then I thought why bother. Basically, it’s my understanding hill staffers from both parties get together (D’s with D’s and R’s with R’s) and just decide on someone from the other party to smear when those rankings come out. The fact that’s the best that smear merchants have is a pretty good indication that she’s pretty alright.
PS, I can still edit my comments, but that may be a moderator thing.
A workhorse, not a show horse.
In tennis shoes (not horseshoes).
Patty Murray has been a great senator. This state should be proud of her.
Every time I want to like her she goes and does something like voting yes on NDAA.
Eggs Ackley-Wright
# 7: I agree, generally. But what happens is the aids to Democratic senators have such a “target rich environment” when trying to pick the dumbest Republican, and their vote gets split between a dozen or so Republican Senators. The aids to Republican senators get their marching orders from the top, which selects whichever Democratic senator the Republican Committee has designated as a target in the next election.
Besides, the Republicans have always measured intelligence by whether you agree with them or not. If you don’t drink the cool-aid, they consider you dumb – even if the facts are squarely on your side.
Expect that the lady who created the Planned Parenthood debacle at Komen to run for office as a Republican next cycle. She will portray herself as a pro-life defender and a martyr to political correctness. It might work in some states.
She’s already tried it. In fact, Karen Handel was elected Georgia’s Secretary of State in 2006. She resigned the position in 2010 so that she could run for Governor.
In that race, she actually came in first in the primary. However, Georgia requires a runoff if no one reaches 50%, and she lost that very close race to now-Governor Nathan Deal.
I wonder whether this contributed to her shortfall in the runoff. Mama Grizzly strikes again!
but oh Patty, when it comes to cannabis its-think of the children, blah blah–if we had any respect for the intelligence of our children we would legalize all drugs and start telling them the truth about getting high/history, psychology, religion etc. Hypocrites lack credibility….like most politicians she will get my ‘lesser of two evils’ vote unless shes a sure winner in which case i will withhold my vote–“its hard to look up to leaders who always have their ears to the ground” w. churchill