Pat Tillman was an NFL star who famously joined the Army after 9/11, only to be infamously killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan. Today his brother Kevin, who served with Pat in Iraq and Afghanistan as an Army Ranger, published a scathing critique of the nation’s policy and leadership.
It is Pat’s birthday on November 6, and elections are the day after. It gets me thinking about a conversation I had with Pat before we joined the military. He spoke about the risks with signing the papers. How once we committed, we were at the mercy of the American leadership and the American people. How we could be thrown in a direction not of our volition. How fighting as a soldier would leave us without a voice… until we get out.
Much has happened since we handed over our voice:
Somehow we were sent to invade a nation because it was a direct threat to the American people, or to the world, or harbored terrorists, or was involved in the September 11 attacks, or received weapons-grade uranium from Niger, or had mobile weapons labs, or WMD, or had a need to be liberated, or we needed to establish a democracy, or stop an insurgency, or stop a civil war we created that can’t be called a civil war even though it is. Something like that.
Somehow our elected leaders were subverting international law and humanity by setting up secret prisons around the world, secretly kidnapping people, secretly holding them indefinitely, secretly not charging them with anything, secretly torturing them. Somehow that overt policy of torture became the fault of a few “bad apples” in the military.
Somehow back at home, support for the soldiers meant having a five-year-old kindergartener scribble a picture with crayons and send it overseas, or slapping stickers on cars, or lobbying Congress for an extra pad in a helmet. It’s interesting that a soldier on his third or fourth tour should care about a drawing from a five-year-old; or a faded sticker on a car as his friends die around him; or an extra pad in a helmet, as if it will protect him when an IED throws his vehicle 50 feet into the air as his body comes apart and his skin melts to the seat.
Somehow the more soldiers that die, the more legitimate the illegal invasion becomes.
Somehow American leadership, whose only credit is lying to its people and illegally invading a nation, has been allowed to steal the courage, virtue and honor of its soldiers on the ground.
Somehow those afraid to fight an illegal invasion decades ago are allowed to send soldiers to die for an illegal invasion they started.
Somehow faking character, virtue and strength is tolerated.
Somehow profiting from tragedy and horror is tolerated.
Somehow the death of tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of people is tolerated.
Somehow subversion of the Bill of Rights and The Constitution is tolerated.
Somehow suspension of Habeas Corpus is supposed to keep this country safe.
Somehow torture is tolerated.
Somehow lying is tolerated.
Somehow reason is being discarded for faith, dogma, and nonsense.
Somehow American leadership managed to create a more dangerous world.
Somehow a narrative is more important than reality.
Somehow America has become a country that projects everything that it is not and condemns everything that it is.
Somehow the most reasonable, trusted and respected country in the world has become one of the most irrational, belligerent, feared, and distrusted countries in the world.
Somehow being politically informed, diligent, and skeptical has been replaced by apathy through active ignorance.
Somehow the same incompetent, narcissistic, virtueless, vacuous, malicious criminals are still in charge of this country.
Somehow this is tolerated.
Somehow nobody is accountable for this.
In a democracy, the policy of the leaders is the policy of the people. So don’t be shocked when our grandkids bury much of this generation as traitors to the nation, to the world and to humanity. Most likely, they will come to know that “somehow” was nurtured by fear, insecurity and indifference, leaving the country vulnerable to unchecked, unchallenged parasites.
Luckily this country is still a democracy. People still have a voice. People still can take action. It can start after Pat’s birthday.
Brother and Friend of Pat Tillman,
Kevin Tillman
Pat’s birthday is November 6. Kevin wants Americans to vote for change on November 7.
(My apologies to TruthDig for blockquoting the entire piece, but it deserves as large an audience as possible.)
I wonder how Pat voted?? Straight Republican. JCH
Vote for change.
Pat Tillman’s death, and subsequent cover-up by the Pentagon is the ultimate example of this administration’s IMAGE OVER SUBSTANCE approach to just about everything.
It’s the ultimate wanna-be totalitarian approach – hide the facts from the family, and from the American public so as to avoid slowing down the Bush propaganda machine. And if you can’t BE patriotic, just ACT like you are, and condemn everybody else to make yourself look less stupid, less incompetent. (JCH’s raison d’etre).
Pat Tillman was a great football player, and an even BETTER PATRIOT: he volunteered to fight for his country in Afghanistan, despite the fact he OPPOSED George W Doorknob’s re-election, and the invasion of Iraq.
The pussy chickenhawks over at Sound Politics could learn a thing or two from Pat Tillman. If they wanted to, of course…
Somehow I get the feeling that anyone who tries to “Swift-boat” this guy had better be a damn light sleeper.
We can always count on JCH for getting just about everything wrong. Even the simple stuff. That’s what happens when you drown in your own mental piss, right, JCH?
Interviews also show a side of Pat Tillman not widely known — a fiercely independent thinker who enlisted, fought and died in service to his country yet was critical of President Bush and opposed the war in Iraq, where he served a tour of duty. He was an avid reader whose interests ranged from history books on World War II and Winston Churchill to works of leftist Noam Chomsky, a favorite author.
When are we ever going to get a smart right wing troll on HA? Morons and racists like JCH are good at confirming what we already know about the Beavis & Butthead wing of the GOP – but it would be more fun if there was a smart right winger (or two!) to debate with once in a while.
JCH always shows up to these gun fights with a knife.
You are a shameless, pathetic coward. For a miserable piece of shit like you to try to speak on behalf of a hero like Pat Tillman is sinful. I do not even believe you are human. If you are what has become of the Republican Party, then may you all rot in the hell of your own bitterness and paranoia.
I see JCH is still spewing….
What an ass biscuit.
Why the Bush/Fox propaganda machine lied about Tillman’s death:
Tillman’s death came at a sensitive time for the Bush administration — just a week before the Army’s abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib in Iraq became public and sparked a huge scandal. The Pentagon immediately announced that Tillman had died heroically in combat with the enemy, and President Bush hailed him as “an inspiration on and off the football field, as with all who made the ultimate sacrifice in the war on terror.”
His killing was widely reported by the media, including conservative commentators such as Ann Coulter, who called him “an American original — virtuous, pure and masculine like only an American male can be.” His May 3, 2004, memorial in San Jose drew 3,500 people and was nationally televised.
Not until five weeks later, as Tillman’s battalion was returning home, did officials inform the public and the Tillman family that he had been killed by his fellow soldiers.
6 I almost wonder if JCH and his ilk (assuming they aren’t all the same individual) are actually making some misguided attempt to discredit the right as racist, psychotic, drooling imbeciles.
Anyway, it’s nice to see Toby Nixon posting here from time to time, and I hope Roger hasn’t driven Richard Pope away. Janet, I think your stuff is often worth a read. Maybe we’re being a little hard on you with the Pam Roach stuff. At least we aren’t comparing you to Ann Coulter.
Lighten up on JCH, you guys. His comments are the result of searing self-hatred. I think we should support him in this endeavor.
JCH SAYS what most Republicans THINK, but are to scared to verbalize.
Thank you, Kevin Tillman.
Somehow we were sent to invade a nation because it was a direct threat to the American people, or to the world, or harbored terrorists, or was involved in the September 11 attacks, or received weapons-grade uranium from Niger, or had mobile weapons labs, or WMD, or had a need to be liberated, or we needed to establish a democracy, or stop an insurgency, or stop a civil war we created that can’t be called a civil war even though it is. Something like that.
Because it can’t be repeated often enough.
There are Republicans whose minds you can never change. Those with children serving in Iraq, who are in TOTAL APPROVAL of their PTSD-suffering son’s benefits being cut, and folks who go bankrupt and are somehow not thinking “Gee, I am sure glad MBNA gave the Bush campaign over $200,000 to buy its way into writing a Bankruptcy Law that really punishes me and other middle-class entrepreneurs. I might have been in better economic straits before this law passed, but could I live with myself? Likelily not.”
It may be because they have no minds to change. Just waving the stars and bars in front of them with a big gold cross shuts off their critical faculties.
Somehow a narrative is more important than reality.
Somehow America has become a country that projects everything that it is not and condemns everything that it is.
Somehow the most reasonable, trusted and respected country in the world has become one of the most irrational, belligerent, feared, and distrusted countries in the world.
Somehow being politically informed, diligent, and skeptical has been replaced by apathy through active ignorance.
Somehow the same incompetent, narcissistic, virtueless, vacuous, malicious criminals are still in charge of this country.
Somehow this is tolerated.
Somehow nobody is accountable for this.
I think the difference is many Dems can say the above, several Dems in Washington are skeered to — like those who voted for the Patriot Act, or to invade Iraq until they knew the truth, all Reps in Washington are skeered to, and the Reps who do believe the above are writing it in their sekrit journals or are whispering it to their most trusted pals of any political stripe.
Sounds like Kevin can’t get over his brother being fragged. Too bad he wasn’t there to join his brother.
Goddam Republican bastards. They have no honor.
Your lying about your military service is well documented on this blog, ensnared by your own words.
You shut the FUCK up about fallen AMERICAN soldiers!!
You God Damn traitorous mother fucker!
@ 14:
You’re probably one of the ass hole jerk offs with a “Support Our Troops” sticker on your car. Unless of course they speak the truth, which means they speak out agaist Bush so you shit on them.
Stoppit right NOW!
You guys are MEAN.
were you there? Too bad you didn’t join him. You lousy coward rat bastard
@ 17 – The troops know how to support themselves, especially with a loud mouth, arrogant, “NFL star” SPC that thought he was God’s gift to the Rangers.
– one who knows
15 If this dipshit war were a movie, it’d be under the direction of Ed Wood.
@ 19 – not in that spot, but yes I was over there.
With Tor Johnson playing Rumsfeld.
22 The
So were you one of the guys shooting blanks while taking Jessica Lynch out of the hospital? Is that what you’re telling us?
Or were you one of the soldiers Bush serverd the fake turkey to?
You wouldn’t know the truth if it was fucking you in the ass. You are an unpatriotic piece of shit, whose own mother can’t stand you. Crawl away, you slug.
Thanks to
You gotta love the headline on the AP story about Caldwell’s press conference:
U.S. to Rethink Baghdad Peace Efforts
That’s like:
Oakland As to Rethink World Series Effort
“@ 17 – The troops know how to support themselves, especially with a loud mouth, arrogant, “NFL star” SPC that thought he was God’s gift to the Rangers.
– one who knows
Commentby TheRealTruth— 10/20/06@ 1:49 pm”
Your words prove you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about! Pat Tillman was anything but arrogant, you piece of dog shit.
You and JCH never served our great nation, your words prove it.
FUCK OFF you un-American mother fucker.
Really, just when you think they can’t GET any lower:
Goddam Republican bastards. Here, RealTruth, these are your heroes.
See what I mean?
Just like DeLay, using teh governemtn appratus for his private political ends. That’s against federal law, not just an ethics violation. This isn’t miserporting your land ownership, it’s a threat to Democracy.
Look, Pat Tillman’s death by friendly fire was a tragic accident, but it does nothing to diminish his patriotism or sacrifice. Friendly fire, like shit, happens. You try your best to prevent it, but 100% efficiency is unavoidable when a lot of led is flying around, and the enemy is not conveniently trying to make it easy to see from where they are firing.
I don’t think the Bush administration had any reason not to announce the cause of Tillman’s death, or to hide it from the family. It was one of the risks he assumed when he volunteered to serve his country.
Tillman’s brother is also free to speak his mind about his, and his brother’s political views on the war. That is what it means to be an American, and that is what they were fighting to protect.
Thank God we have young Americans like Pat Tillman and his brother, and many others, who will voluteer to serve their country. Its just a shame that the leadership (Pres. Bush, Rumsfield, etc.) so carelessly and incompetently squandered such a precious resource.
Why might the president and his family need a 98,840-acre ranch in Paraguay protected by a semi-secret U.S. military base manned by American troops who have been exempted from war-crimes prosecution by the Paraguayan government?
@ 35:
What we need is a Democratic controlled House that Will investigate these bastards with subpoena powers and the force of law behind them.
The conservative movements worse nightmare is about to come to life: Speaker Pelosi with subpoena powers. Shedding the light of truth on the Republican party is going to destroy them and make them irrelevant for decades to come.
So many investigations, so little time. So much shame from the Conservative’s Culture of Corruption.
@ 32:
That’s OK, President Hillary Clinton will use the Military Commission Act of 2006 to tag former President George W. Bush as an “enemy combatant” and waterboard his ass in Eastern Europe for years.
Of course, it’ll all be perfectly legal!
32 Sounds like “Monster Island”.
-The troops know how to support themselves, especially with a loud mouth, arrogant, “NFL star” SPC that thought he was God’s gift to the Rangers.
Sounds like Kevin can’t get over his brother being fragged. Too bad he wasn’t there to join his brother. –
Either TheRealTruth is just another run-of-the-mill HA troll, or he’s posting from Fred Phelps’ Westboro Baptist Church
Pat Tillman’s dead.
Osama bin Laden is still alive.
Goddam Republican bastards don’t give a FUCK about real security for our country.
You and JCH never served our great nation, your words prove it.
FUCK OFF you un-American mother fucker.
Commentby GBS […………………………………………….Consider the source……..E3 GBS. Probably a less than honorable discharge. And probably a homo!]
Yo repubs. Some republicans of the past would be Dems today.
“Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again…. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are H.L. Hunt…a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.”
–Eisenhower wrote his brother Edgar on May 2, l956:
If Barry Goldwater were alive now, he might very well be leading a military coup against the Bushistas.
In a letter to General Curtis, censuring the provost marshal of St. Louis for interfering with church matters, Lincoln writes:
“The United States Government must not undertake to run the churches. When an individual in a church, or out of it, becomes dangerous to the public interest he must be checked” (Nicolay and Hay’s Life of Lincoln).
During the war his attention was called to the notoriously bad character of army chaplains. He expressed his contempt for them, and for orthodox preachers generally, by relating the following story:
“Once, in Springfield, I was going off on a short journey, and reached the depot a little ahead of time. Leaning against the fence just outside the depot was a little darky boy, whom I knew, named Dick, busily digging with his toe in a mud-puddle. As I came up, I said, ‘Dick, what are you about? ‘Making a church,’ said he. ‘A church?’ said I; ‘what do you mean?’ ‘Why, yes,’ said Dick, pointing with his toe, ‘don’t you see? there is the shape of it; there’s the steps and front door — here’s the pews, where the folks set — and there’s the pulpit.’ Yes, I see,’ said I, ‘but why don’t you make a minister?’ ‘Laws,’ answered Dick, with a grin, ‘I hain’t got mud enough'” (Anecdotes of Lincoln, p. 86).
The power of righteous vexation is what keeps so many old Democrats hanging on in nursing homes long past the time they should have kicked off. Ancient crones from FDR’s time are still walking the halls, kept alive by anger at what has been done to our country. Old conservationists, feminists, grizzled veterans of the civil rights era fight off melanoma, emphysema, Montezuma, thanks to the miracle drug of anger. Slackers and cynics abound, not to mention nihilists in golf pants and utter idiots. Time to clean some clocks. As Frost might have written, “The woods are lovely, dark and thick. But I have many butts to kick and some to poke and just one stick.”
— Garrison Keillor
You might not have always liked Republicans, but you could count on them to manage the bank. They might be lousy tippers, act snooty, talk through their noses, wear spats and splash mud on you as they race their Pierce-Arrows through the village, but you knew they could do the math. To see them produce a ninny and then follow him loyally into the swamp for five years is disconcerting, like seeing the Rolling Stones take up lite jazz. […]
It is painful to look at your father and realize the old man should not be allowed to manage his own money anymore. This is the discovery the country has made about the party in power. They are inept. The checkbook needs to be taken away. They will rant, they will screech, they will wave their canes at you and call you all sorts of names, but you have to do what you have to do.
— Garrison Keillor 06/06
The Supreme Court ruled Friday that Arizona may require voters to provide photo IDs when they cast their ballots next month. [………………………………………………………………..The Democrats just lost Arizona. IDs required equals no Democrat voter fraud. Suck on that, GBS!!!!!]
In 1998, Al Qaeda struck the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, killing more than two hundred people. In retaliation, Clinton signed a secret Presidential finding authorizing the C.I.A. to kill bin Laden. It was the first directive of this kind that Clarke had seen during his thirty years in government. Soon afterward, he told me, C.I.A. officials went to the White House and said they had “specific, predictive, actionable” intelligence that bin Laden would soon be attending a particular meeting, in a particular place. “It was a rare occurrence,” Clarke said. Clinton authorized a lethal attack. The target date, however—August 20, 1998—nearly coincided with Clinton’s deposition about his affair with Monica Lewinsky. Clarke said that he and other top national-security officials at the White House went to see Clinton to warn him that he would likely be accused of “wagging the dog” in order to distract the public from his political embarrassment. Clinton was enraged. “Don’t you fucking tell me about my political problems, or my personal problems,” Clinton said, according to Clarke. “You tell me about national security. Is it the right thing to do?” Clarke thought it was. “Then fucking do it,” Clinton told him.
— The New Yorker
“You might not have always liked Republicans, but you could count on them to manage the bank. They might be lousy tippers…”
Commentby Ken In Seattle […….Remember when Hillary stiffed the waitress? Republicans sent her thousands!!! Ken, you cheap ass libs are classic!!! [See the above post on black democrat Snipes!]
Ken, the movie [9/11] this month notes that your above post is bull shit.
When even Mickey Mouse has been co-opted by Dominionists, and starts trying to feed us Happy Meals of blatant right-wing propaganda on network TV, it’s hard not to feel daunted by the sheer momentum of the forces that have been set in motion against us.
— Sara Robinson,
Mit der Dummheit kaempfen Goetter selbst vergebens
With the stupid, the Gods themselves fight in vain
“Donald Rumsfeld is still at the helm of the Department of Defense, which is absolutely outrageous. He served up our great military a huge bowl of chicken feces, and ever since then, our military and our country have been trying to turn this bowl into chicken salad.”
— Major General John Batiste, USA (Ret.)
“All nationalists have the power of not seeing resemblances between similar sets of facts. Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them, and there is almost no kind of outrage-torture, the use of hostages, forced labor, mass deportations, imprisonment without trial, forgery, assassination, the bombing of civilians-which does not change its moral color when committed by ‘our’ side.… The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.”
George Orwell,“Notes on Nationalism.” ,1945
In a report from the 1940s, the U.S. Office of Strategic Studies defined Goebbels’ (JCH?) propaganda technique and the imprint it left on the German people:
“Never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; and never accept blame.
Concentrate on one enemy at a time, and blame him for everything that goes wrong; People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one — and if you repeat it often enough, people will sooner or later believe it.”
“Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor Liberty to purchase power.”
— Ben Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanack
I never say anything specific about my son’s service. I am going to make an exception here, just this once, after reading Kevin’s letter.
My son served in the same squad, in the same company, in the same battalion as Pat Tillman. The respect that his fellow soldiers had for him was real. NOTHING is given to you in a Ranger battalion, even if you are pro football star. You earn everything. If anything, he was tested and teased more than other newbies.
In talking with my son it became apparent that Pat leaned to the left. He loved his country. He loved the life of a soldier. But make no mistake, he was a left leaning patriot. Many of us are.
It is distressing to have to wade through the rude and profane posts in order to get to the thougtful and informative ones. Maybe Goldy should require people to provide their real names and stand by what they say. This site is fun to read and one picks up useful and entertaining information but I for one find the name calling and swearing inappropriate. I’m not a prude and do swear with the best of them, but when it comes to invective, profanity is lame.
Frank Logan (My name)
I wouldn’t put money on it, if I were you. Not cash-in-escrow money, anyway. Only Mark the Welshing Reddick’s phony-baloney play money.
This letter kicks the warmongering, lying, stealing, Republicans right in the breadbasket.
After this letter is read by our troops in the field, I wonder how eager the Republicans will be to count military votes.
“JCH always shows up to these gun fights with a knife.” Commentby LiberalRedneck— 10/20/06@ 1:15 pm
You’re overrating him. JCH shows up for HA gunfights with a limp dick.
“I hope Roger hasn’t driven Richard Pope away.” Commentby ArtFart— 10/20/06@ 1:25 pm
Oh, come on now. I’ve always been polite to Richard. I don’t call him a fascist, traitor, or any other of the factually accurate descriptions I reserve for our trailerpark trolls like Janet Whore. After all, he’s a fellow shyster – ahem – I mean barrister. Besides, I think Richard is thick-skinned enough to survive what we do to him here. If he isn’t, he has no business running for judge.
“Lighten up on JCH, you guys. His comments are the result of searing self-hatred. I think we should support him in this endeavor.” Commentby LiberalRedneck— 10/20/06@ 1:27 pm
Yes, let’s form a support group for JCH and hand him a gun to kill himself with. Hey — just kidding Craig!!! If Coulter can crack death jokes, when can’t I? Why should Republicans have a monopoly on death jokes? They want a monopoly on every fucking thing!!
“Goddam Republican bastards. They have no honor.” Commentby Daddy Love— 10/20/06@ 1:39 pm
I knew that back when Nixon was pulling the same kind of shit.
How come you came back when Tillman didn’t? Did you run in the wrong direction?
But the Bush administration DID cover up the real cause of Tillman’s death.
“Why might the president and his family need a 98,840-acre ranch in Paraguay protected by a semi-secret U.S. military base manned by American troops”
Gee, I dunno — for the same reason the Nazis couldn’t retire in Germany?
Too little, too late. The GOP is so bad, even the Republicans are going to vote Democrat.
58 “After this letter is read by our troops in the field, I wonder how eager the Republicans will be to count military votes.”
Well, in Ohio, they don’t count votes from military folks from urban areas who….uh, gee whiz, might vote Democrat. (I have it on good authority that this wouldn’t apply in or around Columbus…) One of the Blackwell scams has been to mail purge notices to the home addresses of soldiers from places like Cleveland and Cincinnanti who were known to be overseas.
“People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one – and if you repeat it often enough, people will sooner or later believe it.”
Many years ago, during Watergate, George Will (himself no liberal) wrote the following about another lying rightwing president:
“Nixon tells lies so petty and demeaning you wonder why he stoops to it.”
Artfart @ 21, I think the director would be Benny Hill with Mr. bean staring as GWB, Puddybud as Mark Foley, Janet S as Jean Schmidt, Rufus as Condo Rice, MTR as Libby and JCH as ‘all of the pages’ because he just can’t get enough of Puddy’s Tookie.
Kevin Tillman should be hauled off to Gitmo with the other terrorist! Either you are with America and trust the Republican Party to lead her, with God by their side, or you are a TRAITOR!
Pat Tillman would take another bullet from friendly fire for his country, approve the cover up, and still vote for the GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER George W. Bush!
Maybe Kevin should be more concerned with his training so that he and his fellow men don’t shoot anymore of their own.
You know we’re winning the war on terror when the percentage of friendly fire deaths as compared to the total American casualties is above 10%
yours and your inbred party’s days of feading at the trough are severly numbered #70. Maybe the
GWB ‘torture and piss on the Constitution’ laws will turn around and bite you on your wingnut ass.
@ 72 Wrong, traitor! Torture is not illegal! It is now a law! And it is you hellbound types who place Jesus on his Cross in a jar of urine! Either you support Torture and unending imprisonment for those the GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER George W. Bush decides to torture and unendingly imprison, or you are a terrorist supporting commie fag!!
We are through with your types!! History will show this time period as the age of REASON! Not TEASON!
The only thing we are doing wrong in the war on Terror is not killing and torturing enough people who wish to harm George W. Bush and the party of God: The Republican Party!
DemocRATS just want to coddle terrorists and those who support terrorists by questioning what George W. Bush is doing!
Just keep quiet and keep eating your quiche, traitor!
traitor above, hirtory will show the 1st decade of the second millenium as the darkest days of the USA’s entire history and GWB (apparently either your bf or your pagan idol) as the worst elected politician of all time.
Yes, let’s form a support group for JCH and hand him a gun to kill himself with.
Commentby Roger Rabbit […………………………………………………Great idea! Bring me a loaded .45 smith and Wesson, or a good old [counter clockwise bore] Colt. Hollow points, RR!! Just one in the back of your head. Now hold still!! Afterwards, you are shark bait {Issac Hale State Park cliffs] , or boiled in the hot holes [lava flow] down in Kapoho [Kilauea]. Either way, they will NEVER find your body, and you will never voter Democrat again!!! I like the “boiled in lava” idea best!! It is sooooo “local” Aloha!!!! JCH]
republicgasfirst has to be a ‘reverse troll’. Nobody could actually be that dimented, not even Kauherine Harris. ROTFF&LMFAO
Roger Rabbit, Can you imagine what a 4 meter Tiger Shark off Kona Kialua [say, 100 yards off Hapuna Beach ] can do to a Democrat Roger Rabbit? The shark doesn’t just bite you, he EATS you [completely!] No, Jesse “Shakedown” Jackson or Al “Tawana Brawley” Sharpton cannot help you, as the shark isn’t “politically correct” and could give a shit about “equal rights” and you being a “Democrat victim”. No Democrat Jew lawyer named Rosenstein is going to sue the shark, because the shark has no assets!! One moment…….Roger Rabbit is bitching about Republicans not paying enough taxes………The next, the Tiger Shark tears you apart!!! [A perfect YOUTUBE video!!!]
HONOLULU – The Dog remains unleashed — for now. Attorneys for TV reality star Duane “Dog” Chapman on Friday said the Mexican federal court has granted them an order that halts the criminal case against Chapman until further evidence and witness testimony are gathered. **SNIP** The possible extradition has ignited an uproar among members of Congress and Chapman’s fans, who consider him a hero for capturing a rapist… [………………………………………………………Fuck Mexico. Like they give ashit about our laws. Mexico gives us uneducated illegals, dope, coke, TB, malaria, fat pig women all ready to have free babies at LA General, and sewage. Oh yeah……………a shit load of new Democrat voters. ]
@ 77 “the shark isn’t “politically correct” and could give a shit about “equal rights” and you being a “Democrat victim”. No Democrat Jew lawyer named Rosenstein is going to sue the shark”
Amen, Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ!! Those who disobey the laws of God and George W. Bush will be eaten by the sharks of godliness!! No Jews or Homos or Blacks allowed!!!
We are at a crossroads these days! Either we elect God into our government or we will suffer the damnation of Secular Godless Tolerance of all that God forbids!!
The Bible Can Guide us!
7:22 All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died.
7:23 And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth
This is what awaits if we vote for DemocRATS!!
We cannot shirk our duty to God and George W. Bush! We must do all we can to defeat the deamons of Tolerance and Racial “Justice” that leads us to damnation and the eternal pit of fire!
Halaliejai Honolula!! “Fuck Mexico. Like they give ashit about our laws. Mexico gives us uneducated illegals, dope, coke, TB, malaria, fat pig women all ready to have free babies at LA General, and sewage. Oh yeah……………a shit load of new Democrat voters.”
You are speaking the Republican truth, JCH!!! We have no room for Mexican fornicators and cock smoking, dope suckers! America is for AMERICANS! And Iraq is for AMERICANS! Keep up the fight against the Secular Godless Haters of THE BEST PRESIDENT EVER George W. Bush!!
God bless you Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ, you are a prophet of the America that is to come, with God and George W. Bush leading us to the Great American Future!
RepublicansFirst, Meet Mr Tiger Shark. He will be impressed with your posts!!! You may try to “understand” him!!! Tell him about “diversity”. Enjoy!!! hehe, JCH
finely,jch has found the love of his life with republiconsfirst. Sorry Puddy, looks like you lost your better half.
@ 81 “RepublicansFirst, Meet Mr Tiger Shark. Tell him about “diversity”. Enjoy!!! hehe, JCH”
No need to remind me, Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ!!! Diversity is for SINNERS! And they will be rewarded for their tolerance with TIGER SHARK TEETH! Amen, Brother!!
There is no room for diversity in God’s Republican Party! “Diversity” at its core is “Diverse”! And to Divert from God and George W. Bush’s divine plan for America is insanity and TRAITEROUS!!
Keep speaking the Republican Truth and explaining God and George W. Bush’s divine plan for America!!
let me see, diversity after Nov 7 with a Democratic House or the same perverse snake oil salesmen of the past 6 years? DIVERSITY IT IS
Obama/Warner ’08
(now that’s diverse!)
You are not paying attention. Kevin clearly makes the point that his brother disagreed, or would disagree, with the present policy and would vote to change it. Pat Tillman was not a Republican. He was a patriot. The two do not need to walk hand in hand. Asshole. Think.
Who would know Pat better, his brother and fellow Rangers or you?
Useless piece of human flesh AKA dribble@69: ” Artfart @ 21, I think the director would be Benny Hill with Mr. bean staring as GWB, Puddybud as Mark Foley, Janet S as Jean Schmidt, Rufus as Condo Rice, MTR as Libby and JCH as ‘all of the pages’ because he just can’t get enough of Puddy’s Tookie. Commentby Drivel— 10/20/06@ 5:17 pm
Usually I don’t post on the SABBATH but this post needs attention. My stand is well known on ASSWipes on gays. I quoteth Romans 1:18-thru the end. Libruls can’t stand that because it’s in the NT!
Dribble is Gary Studds – Dribble is already dead in his own mind. Funny thing is he’ll be taking Al or Jesse’s Tookie Love. I bet if a family search is performed one WILL find a direct connection to Gary Studds in dribble’s family tree (which is mostly a straight line without many branches). BTW Dribble – Mark Foley is white. You can’t claim irony or metaphors there. What part of my history on ASSWipes do you continually miss? Even GBS conceded that one!
Shabbat Shalom Goldy!
Goldy, Thank you for posting this. I have forwarded the web link to my brother in Texas, a former Marine who served in the 1st Gulf War, who is also considering NOT VOTING!
Thank you and keep up the fantastic work of keeping us all informed.
pull everyones puddy @ 86, too bad there aren’t 7 sabaths a week…then we would have peace without your blunderbutt wingnut postings
Whether it’s broken and frustrated men like JCH, or twisted & obsessed Talibangelists like Puddy (who needs satan-worshippers anymore?!) it’s pretty clear the far right knows it will be the first to go… sacrificed when their party takes a beating come November. So we should actually thank racists JCH and Puddy for continuing to push their incredibly unpopular ideologies!
The same way the GOP is running as far away as possible from Bush right now, the Republicans will do what they can to cast off Puddy’s Terri Schiavo wing – maybe into JCH’s shark invested waters!
JCH and Puddy: since you guys keep spinning the same broken, cliche-ridden record, I think RepblicansFirst! could teach you two a thing or two. Learn from him.
I especially enjoy reading JCH’s supposed threats to the life of a bunny rabbit. That is just so appropriate. JCH couldn’t shoot his way out of a paper bag…too drunk off his ass. In fact, if and when JCH does shoot himself, I don’t think it will be on purpose.
Sometimes it is tough to tell whether the angry trolls are actually serious…when they are actually funnier than the spoofing RF!
Just read the first post on this thread to see what I mean. Right, JCH?
LR@90: STUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID donk. You can’t read either. Drivel accused Puddy of doing the Tookie. Where is Puddy accusing anyone of “Tookie” love except in a retort against Drivel? I don’t remember any Tookie Love from Puddy. Maybe you are jealous of “Tookie” love?
Moonbats: Can’t read for shit!
that’s right, sorry. My mistake! The ‘fact’ I read here earlier in the week was something to the affect that puddysuxMWS. Nuff said!
I told Joe Wilson last year I had 2 heroes. Him, and Pat Tillman. Ambassador Wilson said “I only wish Pat were here with us today”.
My Heroes:
Joe Wilson
Pat Tillman
Thank You Kevin. We all mourn your loss. Our whole nation. You, your brother, and many more risk their lives protecting mine, and I am eternally grateful. Peace Out!