Um, I’m guessing Sharon’s stroke was most likely due to the fact that he was a bitter, old, fat tub-o-lard… but hateful televangelist Pat Robertson insists it was the Lord’s work:
“He was dividing God’s land, and I would say woe unto any prime minister of Israel who takes a similar course to appease the EU, the United Nations or United States of America.”
Media Matters has a transcript and video clip of Pat Robertson once again threatening divine retribution against anybody who disagrees with the right-wing political agenda. Robertson goes on to suggest that Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination was also an act of God.
What a prick.
So what did the people of Tallmansville, WV do to piss off God? He really kicked those folks in the nuts. Let’s ask Pat…
The Talibangelists are just pissed that Sharon moderated his stance in recent years, with the goal of creating a more peaceful holy land.
Without a holy war, how can these doom and gloom right wing Christians move forward promoting their End Times / Armaggedon hopes and dreams? Their “sky is falling” Y2K claims evaporated pretty quickly 6 years ago, and these nutballs have been looking for some kind of new nihilism to keep their cult “hopeful.”
I like how Robertson automatically knows what God wants, and that it just *HAPPENS* to be what Robertson wants…
F1 @ 1
Those people in West Virginia did the same thing as the folks in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama . . .They cast their electoral votes for Bush.
God had no choice but to them.
“Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:” said the Lord as he rained down punishment from the Heavens onto the conservatives.
Revelations: 3:17
Man I wish that old fuck Robertson would just die!
No way, LT – we need Robertson around. He is one of the few right wingers who is actually stupid enough to say what is on every right winger’s mind. The SP crowd is at least is savvy enough to keep their weird theocratic tendencies to themselves. But you know they wouldn’t if they ever fully seized the reigns of our government.
LT @ 5: I hope he never dies! If he represents the leading edge of Christianity in this country, everyone will see how morally bankrupt it is. He’s a walking advertisement for secular humanism!
(Aside: What kind of monster says this when some fat old guy is on a respirator after brain sugery after a stroke? I’d like to be the one who picks his old folks home nurse for him. “6:00 AM, Time for your first enema of the day, Mr Robertson!”)
In the words of my main man Leonard Pitts, forget Robinson. He is a Clown, as obvious as the grease paint on his face. Nobody listens to him or takes his ass seriously. He is the crazy Aunt that is looked on with amusement and pity.
No, what should be taken seriously are those with the power to affect public opinion who say stupid things.
Sumbitch’s spout this stuff on their radio/tv shows 24/7. Call their ass’s on it and the whore media rolls over backward to defend them.
When God old Phat Robertson ran for president in 88 (I think) the only state where he won a primary or caucus was…you guesed it, here in Washington.
Birds of a feather. Sullivan posted the following:
SHARON, ROBERTSON, AHMADINEJAD: Check out the grotesque responses to Ariel Sharon’s stroke by two leading fundamentalists in the world, Pat Robertson and Mahmoud Ahmedinejad. Robertson:
“He was dividing God�s land. And I would say, Woe unto any prime minister of Israel who takes a similar course to appease the E.U., the United Nations or the United States of America. God says, This land belongs to me. You better leave it alone.”
“Hopefully the news that the criminal of Sabra and Shatila has joined his ancestors is final.”
The difference, of course, is that only one of these maniacs is on Karl Rove’s A-list rolodex.
Divine justice would leave Robertson alive, but with some midscale aphasia … doomed to babble more incoherently than usual for the balance of his days.
Pat is an Ass.
Plain and simple.
I sure would hate to be a school board member in Dover PA right now.
Although, come to think of it, Maybe Pat is wrong, and this is proof that Allah is in charge? It makes as much sense logically.
The Holy Spirit’s message today on the Christian Prophet blog explains why Pat Robertson is “insane.” A much more reasonable view of Christianity is presented by The Holy Inheritance blog.
Pat Robertson is a Nazi.
LT @ 5
Let us pray:
“In the name of our Heavenly Father, we ask that you cast the evil spirit that is Pat Robertson, one of Satan’s numerous conservative minions, into the fires of Hell and eternal damnation. We pray to you, oh Father, that you show no mercy to Pat Robertson. And, after we impeach Bush and install a Democrat as President, may all of Bush’s Supreme Court Justices die, and join Pat Robertson, Ronald Regan, Richard Nixon, Barry Goldwater, Joseph McCarthy and Strom Thurmond in the 7th ring of Hell. For it is written that the path to the 7th ring of Hell is paved with good intentions and Republicans. Amen.”
No. Mr Robertson is an opportunist, which fits in well with our present government. The first and only thing on his mind before engaging in any action or venture is: What’s in it for ME.
In the Dantes Inferno, there was a special place reserved in Hell for Simonist, Church leaders who used their position for personnal gain.
GBS: Seeing your position ss the adult ASShead here, I agree with you on Pat Robertson. He denigrates anyone who is not a Sunday worshipping evangelical. He is an ass (lower case). I have stated this many times. He does not represent me.
CMDR Ogg: If you could stop jumping to media matters to make your points I would evaluate your position more succinctly. When I see media matters as your topical inflection point I think of DKMMTCPASS – CluedInLess&Less, and I just ignore the balance of your blog entry.
It would be pretty cool to call on God to give anyone who disagrees with your politics a stroke or other bad fortune. A lot of us would like Robertson’s power. But who called on God to attack New Orleans, Sumatra, a WV coal mine, and Afghan teachers, among others? And if Robertson did it, why?
I… I think puddy wants to have GBS’s baby…
No windie, not at all. You can have his baby – baby. GBS is an adult. Just look at how he writes his comments. It is adult conversation! I don’t agree with his other issue points but we can see each other’s position!
Ms. Chickenhawk:
You should listen to Puddy.
Robertson is a fucking idiot. Sharon is 5-7 and 300 pounds. This could have happened to him 30 years ago. Maybe God kept him alive this long so he could give the land back.
I just love it when trolls like MTR and Puddy try to distance themselves from their party’s Talibangelist base.
Without nuts like Robertson, the GOP would just be a corporation-licking, powerless bunch.
Funny stuff.
Yeah, we distance ourselves which is why we win. You guys actually embrace kooks like Dean, Kerry, The Inventor of the Internet, TSWITW, Soros and Moore. The extremists set the agenda and run the left. So keep going guys. We’re laughing at you.
Vagina Lips: On any reasonable spectrum of extremism from political left to right, none of the people you named are anywhere near extreme as Robertson.
Laugh on, nimrod.
Yeah, you have a real winning record there, Mark the Dumbass… that is why you whine about fraud after each election you lose.
And Yellowdicked Mark, when you say “We’re laughing at you.”
You realize you are standing alone with your pants around your ankles and a pool of your own piss beneath your legs.
I love Pat Robertson. Keep this man talking and talking.
Ass – They ALL are. I should have included McDermott on the list too.
Robertson has been a blowhard since his infarction, and nobody is sure when that happened…;
It’s time that we followed the admonition of Jesus Christ: to let our Light shine out to all the world.
This doesn’t mean going out and cramming things down people’s throats like
Pat Robertsona missionary, or doing thePat Robertson’sholy man’s disease (“we’re right/you’re wrong”).But if you split yourself, then you should have concern because you are not single in your mind and emotions, and a house divided against itself cannot stand. It will fall because you built it upon the sands of time instead of the rock of your own strength.
– John-Roger
All of that @31 should be in quotes,.
Or maybe we should follow the admonition of the Lord Buddha: “Others may not understand that we must practice self-control, but quarrelling dies away in those who understand this
fact. “
fire_one @33
I know nothing of the lord budda; but I bet he is smart…
“the criminal of Sabra and Shatila”
Too bad nobody here knows what he’s referring to, or you’d all be screaming about moral equivalance…
Still, as Sam Smith of the Progressive Review sez, it’s Not As Bad As Auschwitz
“I love Pat Robertson. Keep this man talking and talking.”
Send money!!! That’ll encourage him. Robertson loves lucre! He already has over a billion $$$, but he’d love more.
Hell, if you send him enough $$$ he’ll say anything you want him to. He’s for sale.
“Yeah, we distance ourselves which is why we win.”
What have you guys won lately, MTR? Governor? King County Executive? Tennessee State Senate (see below)???
Write-In Candidate: 95.2%
Low Tax Looper: 4.8%
Ya know RR @38, you get tiresome for some reason…oh, it must be your one rabbit-track mind…
Am I getting to you? Yes!!!! Yes!!!! Yes!!!! Please, God, yes! yes! yes! YESSSSS!!!! :D :D :D
You wascally wabbit!
According to the Guardian, Pat Robertson is planning to build a theme park for American fundies on holy ground along the shores of the Sea of Galilee:
“The Israeli government is planning to give up a large slice of land to American Christian evangelicals to build a biblical theme park by the Sea of Galilee where Jesus is said to have walked on water and fed 5,000 with five loaves and two fish.”
Israeli officials’ motive may be partly political: “… an undeclared benefit will be the cementing of a political alliance between the Israeli rightwing and the American Christian right.”
Not all Israelis think pandering to the U.S. Christian Right is such a hot idea, though:
“Fundamentalist Christians believe that in order for Jesus to return, two preconditions are Jewish control of the land of Israel and the conversion of the Jews to Christianity.
“Yossi Sarid, a former government minister and member of the Knesset, said he was wary of the friendship of the American Christian right and projects such as the Galilee centre. He said: ‘I am not enthusiastic about this cooperation because … they believe I have to vanish before Jesus can make his second appearance. As I have no plans to convert, as an Israeli and a Jew, I find this a provocation. There is something sinister about their embrace.'”
But Avraham Hirschson, Israel’s tourism minister, says he doesn’t give a shit about that: “‘I’m not a theologian, I’m the minister of tourism, and I’m not interested in the politics of our tourists as long as they come here. They come here as tourists, and they’re friends of Israel.'”,,1677556,00.html
Hey, I have an idea — let’s lease the Grand Canyon to the pagans for a theme park to convert all the fundies to sun worship!!! Complete with an RV city for the geezers, bikini babes, and artificial surf!!!
and to commemorate the grand opening of gawdworld, lets shove a scud up pats ass, and send him up for the newest version of the ten commandments, they’ve obviously been re written….
I am sick of heraing about Israel and the Palestinians. We need to un-do ourselves from that religious fight.
BTW, be wary of anyone who presumes to be speaking “God’s words.” They have their own agenda that has nothing to do with God.
“Jewish groups urge: Secede from Israel”
New effort seeks ‘biblical heartland’ to break away for own sovereignty
I didn’t know god was named Robert, for if that little shit Robertson is son of god, god’s name must be Robert.
Anyway, I don’t know the name of the other gods, but that god Robert sure is a malignant horror. I damn him to hell!
Sharon’s stroke was probably punishment from the 50 daily bagels and cream cheese combined with morbid obesity rather than from God.
I personally say a prayer for Howard Dean. He and Osama Bin laden both share the same idea of defeating America. Howard is the gift thtat keeps on giving.
Here is a slogan for 08′
Democrats – Under our leadership, America can never win.
america will win if all neocon warpig wackos leave for the middle east in the morning…….
and take dummy the chickenhawk with ya to give the “mission accomplished” speech….(dont forget to have him wear his johny lightning helmet)