Have you ever wanted to get down and party with Sen. Maria Cantwell and some of the state’s most prominent elected officials? Well tonight’s your chance, 6PM at the Tractor Tavern in Ballard.
Sen. Patty Murray, Rep. Jay Inslee, Rep. Jim McDermott, Rep. Adam Smith, King County Executive Ron Sims and Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels will all be there, along with musical guests Will Wakefield & The Congress Hotel, The Bradbury Press, and Ellen Says No. General admission tickets are $25.00.
Hope to see you there.
WASHINGTON— Drivers continued to find relief at the pump as the price for gasoline declined for the second week in a row, dropping to the lowest level in two months, the government said Monday. The average price for regular unleaded gasoline fell 7.6 cents over the last week to $2.92 a gallon, according to the federal Energy Information Administration’s weekly survey of service stations. [……….Quick!!!! Now is the time to act on the Democrats additional 50 cent a gallon Federal gas tax!!! This will help LOWER the cost of a gallon of galoline!! ……………………..Oh wait……….It’s won’t? Never mind……….Rosanna Rosannadana [SNL]
Who will the commie libs run in 08? “Purple Heart” Kerry? Al “SUV and Gulfstream 5″ Gore? Queen “FUCKING JEW BASTARD!!”Hillary? Maxine “MoFo” Waters? Jesse “Shakedown” Jacksooooooooooon? William J. “IceBox” Jefferson, DEMOCRAT, LA, Ted “Oldsmobile” Kennedy, Al “Tawana Brawley” Sharpton? Pat “BitchSlap The Black Female Security Guard At The LAX Airport” Kennedy, Nancy “Nip/Tuck” Pelosi? Osama “Hussuan” Barrack Obama? OK, commie libs? help me here??
Ask Maria the following questions moonbats. Her answer will be enlightening!
Why have the national moonbats party dropped the party of corruption theme against the Republicans? Well Harry Reid leads the way now. So why is the NW moonbat show still trumpeting this theme? Maybe Kos erased the message? Maybe Media Morons shredded it? Hell if I know. Read moonbats. It get really funny near the end when $$$ are delivered for favors derived!
How do you feel Maria being used by Harry Reid?
How do you feel Maria that your culture of corruption attack has been neutralized by your party boss?
Direct from the Captain himself with help from some useful URLs
When the Democrats adopted the “culture of corruption” meme as their campaign theme earlier this year, we noted that the culture hardly respected party lines. The leader of the Senate Democratic caucus, Harry Reid, took contributions from clients of Jack Abramoff and intervened on their behalf at least four times, and Abramoff hired one of Reid’s staffers and started holding fundraisers for the Senate Minority Leader in Abramoff’s offices.
Now COGirl at Hang Right Politics points us towards a Los Angeles Times report on the “culture of corruption” surrounding Harry Reid and a new real-estate development outside of Las Vegas. Reid has intervened on behalf of a powerful developer to gain government concessions while the developer puts money into Reid’s campaigns — and pays Reid’s sons’ salaries:
One of the most inhospitable places in the country, Coyote Springs Valley is so barren that, until recently, its best use was thought to be as a weapons test range.
Yet the valley — an hour northeast of Las Vegas — is on its way to becoming a real estate development of historic proportions, with as many as 159,000 homes, 16 golf courses and a full complement of stores and service facilities. At nearly 43,000 acres, Coyote Springs covers almost twice as much space as the next-largest development in a state famous for outsized building projects. …
Over the last four years, Reid has used his influence in Washington to help the developer, Nevada super-lobbyist [Harvey] Whittemore, clear obstacles from Coyote Springs’ path.
At one point, Reid proposed opening the way for Whittemore to develop part of the site for free — something for which the developer later agreed to pay the government $10 million.
As the project advanced, Reid received tens of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from Whittemore. The contributions not only went to Reid’s Senate campaigns, but also to his leadership fund, which he used to help bankroll the campaigns of Democratic colleagues.
Whittemore also helped advance the legal careers of two of Reid’s four sons. One of the two, Leif Reid, who is Whittemore’s personal lawyer, has represented the developer throughout the Coyote Springs project, including in negotiations with federal officials.
The story of Coyote Springs sounds like a Horatio Alger story. The land Whittemore bought in 1998 from a defense contractor who intended on using it for target practice had a number of restrictions on its use. A quarter of it was subject to a federal power-line right of way. Another quarter had federal protection for the desert tortoise, an endangered species that also is Nevada’s official state reptile. The land had a fragile series of streams and washes that required special permission on which to build without ruining the desert’s ecosystem.
None of these obstacles proved too difficult for Whittemore, at least not while he had his friend Harry Reid running interference in Congress. Interior refused to relocate the tortoises for over five years, until the Bureau of Land Management agreed to swap the land for another parcel abutting a federal preserve elsewhere. No one ever did an analysis to determine whether the deal was fair to either party, nor did the BLM go to Congress for approval on the changes to a project that Congress had explicitly legislated.
In 2002, Reid worked on the power corridor. He inserted obscure provisions into a land management bill that relocated the power corridor, freeing Whittemore to build on the 10,500 acres that Congress had previously held — which means that someone else now had to lose property value for Whittemore’s benefit, and for no cost whatsoever. That bald move caused raised eyebrows at the BLM and the Senate’s Energy and Natural Resources Committee, and Reid backed away — for the moment. Less than two years later, Reid tried again to give Whittemore the land for a song ($160,000), but Congress balked again. He finally settled for freeing the land for development and allowing Whittemore to buy it at a fair market rate, and forcing the government to relocate the power corridor.
In 2005, Reid and fellow Nevada Senator John Ensign conducted a series of interventions with the EPA to eliminate the final obstacle — the environmental impact on the fragile ecosystem in Coyote Springs Valley. When the agency blocked Whittemore’s efforts, Reid and Ensign held several meetings with EPA officials to pressure them into submission. Whittemore used another Reid son, Lief, to lobby his father’s office for assistance. In the end, the pressure paid off, as the EPA backed down from its opposition after winning a few concessions on the development plan.
What did Reid get in exchange for all of this support? According to the Times, Whittemore contributed $45,000 to Reid and his PACs since 2000. He also gave the DSCC $20,000 in 2000, when it pushed Reid as a leader for the party in the Senate. Reid’s son Josh got $5,000 for his unsuccessful campaign for a city council seat; his other sone Rory got $5,000 for his successful effort to win a spot on the Clark County Board of Commissioners.
Money talks. And Harry Reid walks. If you wondered why the Democrats have abandoned the corruption theme for these midterm elections, now you know.
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Jim King – I had to put all those marketable skills to work today. Tell me, did you turn yourselves into authorities so you could be charged with conspiracy to commit tax fraud? Or did somebody call you?
The ONLY FUCKING WAY that your “bartender” could actually take home less money is if she’s been lying about reporting tip income. There is no other way. You said she’d lost $200 per week, so she’s been underreporting income $10,000 per year. Do you condone such blatant dishonesty? And how could you be so fucking stoopid as to admit it here?
Maria Cantwell is a liar.
Maria Cantwell lies about lying.
Moonbats tell lies to cover up the lies that Maria Cantwell tells about lying.
Jim King is too fucking stoopid to even lie. He admits to conspiracy to commit tax fraud.
I’m going to call the Tractor Tuesday night and talk to the wait staff. I’m going to find out if you moonbats are big tippers. Or if you’re all full of fucking shit. As usual…
Can someone ask Patty Murray if she’s still the top contender for the “No Rocket Scientist” award. If she gets it, I think this will make 6 years running…
Ask Ron Sims if he rode one of his otherwise empty fucking buses to the Tractor. Or if he was in his SUV with his driver.
Just wondering
Sombody ask Maria Cantwell why she supports lying about tip income. Ask her why she lies about lying.
Also ask her why she dropped the shit about gouging by oil companies? Could it be because there is none?
Ask her if she knows how to determine the revenue maximizing prices in a commodity market. Ask her to draw the demand curve and calculate the price and then compare to current price of oil. Ask her what happens when the demand curve flattens and lowers. I can’t wait to hear her answers.
8 – Go ahead turn Jim King in. He’s a fairly public figure. Even more public in many ways than Goldy.
Show the courage of your convictions bet-welsher but you won’t because you’re a g*ddamned lying coward.
Maria Cantwell’s IQ exceeds yours exponentially. Stop while you perceive you’re ahead, m’lad. Expressing yourself exposes your intellectual inadequacies.
MTR at 8: Are you serious, or do you not understand simple subtraction, as taught in the 1st grade?
A bartender earning 7.25 p/hour (or whatever the current Washington minimum wage is) plus tips (lets say averaging $10.00 per hour, for the sake of argument) makes 17.25 per hour total. If the minimum wage becomes 2.25 per hour (or whatever the Republican proposal was), then he makes $12.25 per hour – a $5.00 per hour reduction in pay.
Whether or not he accurately reports tip income to the IRS has nothing to do with his base pay reduction.
Currently, employers are required to estimate employee’s tip income in reporting to the IRS. That estimate becomes the minimum amount the employee will have to pay, unless the employee can prove they received less money. Nobody goes to the time and trouble to do that, so the employer’s estimate generally becomes the accepted minimum, unless the employee keeps better records.
But the Republican proposal would give employers who’s employees receive on a minimal amount of tip income an incentive to over-estimate their tips, causing them to pay taxes on income they did not receive. I wouldn’t be surprised to see every fast-food joint in the country to suddently “permit” tipping, and then “assume” every employee was receiving at least 20% of the total restaurant revenue as tips, so they could reduce the minimum wage to its lowest level.
The Republican plan is for all food servers to go back to the days when they had to PAY the employer for the priviledge of working there, in the hopes they could make enough money back in tips in order to at least break even.
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
I see MTR is still at it. Keep moving that twenty from pocket to pocket, Mark! You’ll get to a million yet! Just be sure to pay the taxes on it, and I still want my 10%.
Oh, and MWS, if you’re going to plagarize posts from right wing boards (like Hang Right Politics over in Colorado) at least give the original poster credit. It isn’t as if anyone here actually believes you wrote it.
Republicans can’t comprehend anything more then the to word slogans there handlers feed them with………..
Before I forget, I don’t think MTR responded to this post. Perhaps he didn’t see it on the previous thread:
Just catching up on threads from over the weekend. I found the following comment, which to me seemed rather revealing:
“On corporate taxes, you show again what a media dupe you are. Corporations have a moral obligation to their shareholders to pay only those taxes that are required by law. Corporations are not charities.”
The comment was from Mark the Redneck, # 51 on the 8/19/2006 Open Thread.
You will all be proud to know that MTR is now in agreement that any payment of 28 million from Safeco to Mike “I’ve Got Mine” McGavick is illegal unless Safeco received full value in return for that payment. Safeco is not a charity, it could not pay 28 Million dollars just because Mike was a “helluva guy”, and did a “helluva job” under his previous contract. Unless the corporation was under a legal obligation to pay, it could not pay 28 million dollars for past performance, whether the Board of Directors approved it or not.
So, MTR – what exactly, did “Bought and Paid For” McGavick do, or promise to do in the future, that was worth 28 Million? Could it be that his promise to “be available” for advice for two months was worth 28 Millinn? Naaaww, only a idiot would believe that.
Perhaps Safeco felt that having McGavick as a U.S. Senator, owing a HUGE debt of gratitude to Safeco for financing his campaign and a rather oppulant lifestyle, was in the best interest of Safeco and the insurance industry in general? Methinks we are getting closer to the truth, are we not?
Just for argument’s sake, perhaps I am wrong, and Mike McGavick did indeed negotiate the deal of the century – talking experienced corporate board members and former government executives to part with 28 million dollars for only two months of part-time work which were probably never actually performed. If that is the case, the Senate is a poor position for someone of those talents. Instead, lets appoint him as lead negotiator with the Iranians and N. Koreans. Perhaps he can talk them into giving up their nuclear programs, and pay us several billion dollars each for the trouble?
Yesterday, an Alaska jet was evacuated in Long Beach because of smoke in the passenger cabin. Tonight, KING 5 News reports several passengers aboard an Alaska Fright Flight to Sitka last Tuesday suffered ear injuries when the cabin suddenly lost pressure.
Sounds like those guys need to hire some union mechanics.
Speaking of lying, Mark the Lying Welsher claimed cutting taxes always increases revenue. Let’s do a quickie fact check …
2000 – $1,372,376,000,000 (baseline year)
2001 – $1,297,063,000,000
2002 – $1,152,413,000,000
2003 – $1,069,364,000,000
(Data from official U.S. gov’t sources)
… yep, Welsher is lying.
Who cares if Patty Murray is a rocket scientist. She WON re-election in 2004 with 55% of the vote. She is YOUR U.S. Senator until 2010, when she will be RE-ELECTED again. Eat shit, turdblossom!
@17 rhp6033- thanks for steppin’ in
Now, my dear friend records her tips in a journal everyday and makes more than MTR does asking if we want fries with that. She is carrying a mortgage heavier than MTR’s wife- which she qualifies for by having substantiated earnings. Not that any of that matters to MTR- the only clown on the internet who LOSES money peddling porn.
But it goes a step further. My friend is the bar manager- she is making better than minimum wage- before tips. But the new hire is paid 50 cents above minimum, someone with a bit of experience makes a couple of bucks above minimm, shift leads are paid a bit more- and when the bottom is dropped out they all see a drop in base wages.
Again, not that MTR would understand.
One correction, though- the IRS establishes an assumption of tip income based on sales, and that is a tipped employees assumed tip earnings unless they can prove different. And their is, at least here in Washington, a basis for employers to NOT overestimate tipped earnings- the employer pays unemployment insurance taxes based on those “reported” earnings.
But, MTR- as you obviously spent the day buggering your son again, rather than consider the material presented to you last night- including the material from the website of GWB’s very own Department of Labor- I’m not going to bother arguing with you anymore.
Make the report to the IRS- I then get to clean your clock in court and sell your lilly white ass into Thai slavery- why do you think your body Karr confessed to a crime he didn’t commit (other than to give you thrills)? He was desperate to get away- from Thailand.
Of course, I reserve the right to keep posting true but rude comments about you.
Sounds like those guys need to hire some union mechanics.
Commentby Roger Rabbit [……………………………..Perhaps it was a union thug mechanic smoking in the restroom?]
WASHINGTON— Drivers continued to find relief at the pump as the price for gasoline declined for the second week in a row, dropping to the lowest level in two months, the government said Monday. The average price for regular unleaded gasoline fell 7.6 cents over the last week to $2.92 a gallon, according to the federal Energy Information Administration’s weekly survey of service stations. [……….Quick!!!! Now is the time to act on the Democrats additional 50 cent a gallon Federal gas tax!!! This will help LOWER the cost of a gallon of galoline!! ……………………..Oh wait……….It’s won’t? Never mind……….Rosanna Rosannadana [SNL]
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 8/21/06@ 4:45 pm
So dickhead how much was gasoline 7 years ago?
In August 2000 a gallon of unleaded averaged $1.70, so the price has risen more than 10% per year since Bush was selected president.
And you are saying thats supposedly a good thing. Maybe for Dick and George and Enron and BP. But look whats happening to Home Depot, Lowes and Walmart.
Republicans can’t comprehend anything more then the to word slogans there handlers feed them with………..
Commentby The Socialist […Carl Grossman, You are too funny!!! [“Two” versus “to”……….and “there” versus “their” is just plain “Democrat speak”!!!!!]
When gas prices were relatively “low”, I remember liberal commentators arguing that we should force prices up to push conservation and alternative sources. So prices are climbing- what’s the beef? Only asked “half” tongue-in-cheek…
Jimmy do you ever get tired of sucking dick or lying? Or are you just addicted to both? Which “liberal commentators” are you speaking of? And how is it you think they speak for anyone else but themselves?
Oh and your Aunt says hi!
@11- MTR- why don’t you go TO the Tractor Tavern and try to take $5 from each bartender and server every hour? Once again, I’ll take up a collection for your intensive care bill, but I think the posters will insist that your other debts be paid first. But we can give you bed privileges with Left Turd…
By the way, LT- my aunt and I don’t speak. If you have her, get yourself tested.
Tell the Dems to come on over and party in Eastern Washington.
MTR: an idiot wrapped in a moron. When do you ship out for the Middle East, chickenhawk!!
Take that poor excuse for a human being who uses the handle JCH Kennedy with you. See who watches whose back in the heat of battle, chickenhawks!
skinnyfreak, Tell me more about the heat of battle. Is that when you bend over and Democrat hero “Tookie” Williams gives you 9 inches of “Democrat love” up your rectum??
You Bushbots are a bunch of lying monkeys and sons of bitches.
Put your courage with your mouth is and join up to kill the al qaeda types!
So dickhead how much was gasoline 7 years ago? In August 2000 a gallon of unleaded averaged $1.70, so the price has risen more than 10% per year since Bush was selected president. And you are saying thats supposedly a good thing. Maybe for Dick and George and Enron and BP. But look whats happening to Home Depot, Lowes and Walmart. Commentby ExPatBrit— 8/21/06@ 7:29 pm
I remember someone posting the new users of gasoline since 2000. Supply and demand.
In 2001 alone, the world as a whole was using 77,040,000 barrels of oil per day, the breakdown of which is incredibly revealing. The United States averaged 19,650,000 barrels a day, which was approximately one fourth of the worldwide usage. Next on the list is the European Union with 14,540,000 barrels per day. Nations following include Japan, China, Germany, Russia, Canada, Brazil, India and so forth in that order.
List of oil-consuming states
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Countries in decreasing order of oil consumption. (Barrels per day, as of 2003.)
United States 20,033,504
Japan 5,578,386
China 5,550,000
Germany 2,677,443
Russia 2,675,000
India 2,320,000
Canada 2,193,263
South Korea 2,168,128
Brazil 2,100,000
France 2,059,843
Mexico 2,015,232
Italy 1,874,380
Saudi Arabia 1,775,000
United Kingdom 1,722,419
Spain 1,544,260
Iran 1,425,000
Indonesia 1,155,000
Top World Oil Consumers, 2004*
Country Total Oil Consumption
(million barrels per day)
1) United States 20.7
2) China 6.5
3) Japan 5.4
4) Germany 2.6
5) Russia 2.6
6) India 2.3
7) Canada 2.3
8) Brazil 2.2
9) South Korea 2.1
10) France 2.0
11) Mexico 2.0
China, whose number of automobiles and rate of oil consumption is growing by 12 percent to 15 percent per year, has emerged as a forceful player in energy markets. http://www.cfr.org/publication.....rends.html
China and India are driving oil higher.
Jimmy, your ex-girlfriend, the one you had before you turned to going after little boys, says hi.
Bummer- I went to a school board meeting instead.
LT- My ex-girlfriend died of cervical cancer. I doubt she is talking to anyone.
Mike Webb sucks @ 32.
I know all that however it seems that administration would have a plan for that also. GWB and the GOP refused to support conservation measures that if enacted by now might have shown some changes on the consumption side.
We still have tax credits for +6000lb vehicles etc.
Totally f**king inept!! And don’t say ANWR would have fixed everything.
Republicans can’t comprehend anything more then the to word slogans there handlers feed them with……….. Commentby The Socialist— 8/21/06@ 5:38 pm
Culture of Corruption isn’t from us.
Leave Iraq isn’t from us.
Impeach Bush isn’t from us.
Many more but so little time!
Good try Goldie: I copy my entries before sending with this it’s busy error message.
LT- My ex-girlfriend died of cervical cancer. I doubt she is talking to anyone. Commentby Jim King— 8/21/06@ 11:27 pm
My condolences to you.
Left turdball is an asshole. Stupid is as stupid does. He has no credible political attack, so he drops to Marianas Trench levels. This tranch is lower than whale shit and that’s what comes out of left turdball’s mouth through his fingers.
Left turdball, I see you DIDN’T take MWS’ advice. You write before checking your facts.
Watch out for Ron Sims. He’s REALLY huggy. Seriously.
It’s not the “culture of corruption” (although the entoire Republican machine in Washington exists to pass out tax money to donors based on ability to pay).
Here’s what’s happening. There are two different and major cancers eating away at Washington. One is the incompetent Bush Administration, the other is conservative ideology, which doesn’t believe in government in the first place. It’s a potent mixture, as anyone can see from inspecting New Orleans and Iraq. Domestically and abroad, conservatism is an ongoing and visible failure. Conservatism and conservatives are BAD FOR AMERICA, and the polls show that the voters realize this. Throw ’em out.
Conservatism and conservatives are BAD FOR AMERICA, and the polls show that the voters realize this. Throw ‘em out.
Commentby Daddy Love, [……………….So what we need is more welfare, “guvment” unions, and illegals to vote Democrat? Altas has Shrugged, Daddy Love. When you libs control a state, the Republican tax base will leave.]
$25 to party with those morons? Ha! I’d sooner grab a bottle of Thunderbird.