From BrianK in the comment threads:
I am an accountant. As part of my licensing and for other reasons, I am occasionally asked if I have an accounting degree. I always reply that I do have the appropriate accounting degree necessary to do my job.
I attended Portland State University when I earned this degree. PSU does not offer a degree in Accounting. Looking at my printed hunk of parchment, I see that I really have a degree in Business Administration, with a concentration in Accounting. Because that’s what they call it at that institution.
I don’t believe that I am misrepresenting myself to anyone.
Really, how hard is that for Emily Heffter and her editors at the Seattle Times to understand? Darcy Burner has a degree in computer science and economics, and Harvard’s failure to use the terminology they prefer, doesn’t make it any less so.
I myself have been called a partisan hack, and maybe it’s true, but the difference is, I’m not the largest newspaper in the state. I’m not Washington’s self-proclaimed paper of record. And I’ve never pretended to be impartial, balanced or objective. No, I’m just a partisan, foul-mouthed, dirty fucking blogger, but with its latest NRCC press release cum front page story, the Times has proven itself to be less credible than even me.
Dave Reichert, Dino Rossi, the BIAW and the WSRP are all busy violating state and federal campaign finance law, and the Times chooses to splash this kind of bullshit semantic hair splitting on their front page? Really?
Partisan hacks. That’s what they are, partisan hacks. And they should be ashamed of themselves.
But that’s the problem, Goldy. They have no shame. No morality, no consience. All they care about is fear, power, and wealth. Keep the masses scared and stupid, that’s their motto. The Party of Lincoln is now a mass of fearmongering bigots, using a faith based on peace to promote hatred and war. No wonder al-Qaida has endorsed McCain. They want a finish fight on the streets of America, and the Rovian party will give them that on a silver platter.
But we all know that. And we all know that it’s our duty as patriotic Americans to wipe the GOP cowards out of Washington DC, Washington state, and everywhere else in between. And I’m doing my part. With early voting underway here in Nevada, I’ll be casting my ballot in a few hours for a straight Democratic ticket.
Somebody try and stop me.
Darcy is a liar. A dirty rotten scoundrel at that. She’s more of a hack that you, the times, pelosi, reid and the pope combined.
The difference is that she knows she’s a hack and that’s why she has to lie. She’s a do nothing, know nothing, unqualified home owner’s association member who’s trying to have a go at the government teet.
I can’t wait for this to be over so she can slither under the rock from whence she came. That’s right, I said ‘whence’! Of course Goldy will go slip SurveyUSA a couple hundred bucks to manufacture a poll that says Burner is up by a gazillion.
This is a good post of Goldy’s. Well written. Convincing. (And echoing the Burner camp’s spin on the story, just as I predicted he’d do). But now you have to ask yourself if what he says in this post is true. After doing your own reading and research on the subject, might I suggest you ask yourself this: Would Goldy say the exact same thing if it were a Republican this happened to? Would he be saying the Republican has a degree in computer science and economics? Or would he be saying the Republican had only one degree?
And therein lies your answer whether the above post or not is sincere and true.
PS, Brian K, you are misrepresenting yourself to your clients. If you aren’t – if you are confident what you are doing is ethical and legal – I dare you to post your full name, job title, place of business, and home address here, so that people can send your comment to the regulating body that oversees your profession in the state you now live.
…and now, the understatement of the year:
Meanwhile, you dumbasses that are trying to stretch Darcy Burnouts Degree in Computer Science into an “Economics” Degree may want to visit the Harvard University website where it has the two listed individually. You either have a Bachelors degree in “Economics”(one of the most respected degrees in the world) or you have one in “Computer Science” (ummm not so much).
Even ignoring that little inconsistency, Darcy Burner is still a liar because she claims on her website Bio to have a “Degree in Computer Science AND Economics” from Harvard. Can’t wiggle out of this one Ditzy. Even Gold stain on his mount tilting at windmills can’t save you from your political doom now that you’ve been proven a liar in each of your pathetic runs for the HOR.
As I predicted earlier, Burnergate won’t really hurt Burner that much, because the local, partisan news organizations will either downplay the story or not report on it at all, which may be the case with the P.I. today. I couldn’t find the story. Did they decide not to run the story in order to help her, or did they bury it in order to help her?
Why is the P.I. burying or not covering the story?
Goldy spews–
” I’m just a partisan, foul-mouthed, dirty fucking blogger”
Truer words were never uttered by you Goldy.
Screw all these futile efforts by you & the KLOWNS to spin the latest Burner LIE……..we want to know if you were able to “comfort” poor Darcy last night?
I wonder if Reichert will do any PINOCCHIO ads for Darcy?
He sure has plenty of LIES to make her nose grow.
I appreciate that you are so desperately trying to put a smiley face on this Goldy…but it simply doesn’t pass the “Grin-test”.
Burner has repeatedly “puffed” her resume….
in a clear effort to appear to be more qualified than she is. Bottom-line.
She pretend to be a Microsoft Executive was she was merely one of thousands of Microsoft “middle managers” in order to puff her leadership/executive skills.
She pretended to have a Harvard Economics Degree in order to puff her qualifications to deal with the Country’s Economic Crisis.
She has puffed many other things.
When one puffs too much, they are called a LIAR. Like I said, she is in great company with Biden, Obama & Gregoire.
They can start a LIAR’S KLUB!!
Darcy & Biden could give Obama a run for his money. Gregoire has a ways to go to compete with these 3…especially Obama.
Nothing but spin.
It’s really very sad to watch.
Your contortions.
Your blithe disregard for the truth.
Your willingness to justify anything to reach your goals.
So this is what it means to be a liberal?
Mr. Cynical, go to the online P.I. Correct me if I’m wrong, but are they not even covering the Burner degree scandal in today’s paper?
You are correct…nothing.
I thought they had an article up last night about Republicans “accusing” Burner…but it has disappeared and I cannot even find it in the archives now.
Sandeep definitely has connections at the P-I, doesn’t he.
I did find however a new P-I Blog about getting to know American Muslims Better.
And of course plenty on Palin’s Wardrobe, Julianne Hough’s tummy issues on Dancing With the Stars, the Seattle Aquarium raising awareness with Sushi….lots of reeeeeal important stuff.
But nothing about Democrat SERIAL LIAR Darcy Burner.
Anti Inheritance tax = Seattle Times Endorsement
The statement of purpose on the masthead of ‘Rolling Stone’ has always been slyly descriptive of the state of American journalism: “All the News that Fits” (what corporate America and our advertisers wish to say).
This post is a peak into Goldy’s mind. And the more I think about it, the more scary it is.
I’ve been going to the local online news outlets, Seattle Times, P.I., Kiro TV, King TV, and Komo TV.
Every news outlet but the Times is NOT covering the Burner degree scandal… And Goldy is angry about the Times covering it. Or more precisely, he’s angry they aren’t taking the Burner camp’s spin on the story.
Goldy’s not happy with 4 out of 5 major local news outlets not covering the story. He wants a total blackout on the story! And if they must report on it at all, it must be done from the point of view of the Burner side.
People, that’s some extreme, scary stuff.
C Czenoaur–
I take it you have no inheritance to TAX?
My folks lived from paycheck to paycheck.
Me either.
I have worked, accumulated wealth & paid taxes since I was 13 years old.
Non- Federal Income Tax paying, envious KLOWNS, not as successful, want to penalize my success and spread my wealth.
No thanks!
40% of Amercians don’t pay Federal Income Tax. NONE, ZERO ZIP!
5% pay 60% and Obama wants more.
It’s already past the tipping point.
One thing KLOWNS like you don’t realize is it takes PRIVATE investment to create real jobs.
You are shooting yourselves in the foot.
Why not GROW the Economic Pie??
KLOWNS somehow believe the pie is finite!
Instead of growing the pie, KLOWNS focus on trying to take from others more successful who fuel the pie.
From the Times article:
In previous interviews with The Seattle Times, Burner’s campaign spokesman was clear that Burner had a bachelor’s degree in computer science and a “special field” — more or less a minor — in economics.
Not much of a scandal, eh trolls. Too bad.
So what??
You tell one person one thing, and then post something entirely different on the Burner website and spew something entirely different in her TV ad and at debates???
Trying to sweep this under the rug has made you KLOWNS come unhinged!
Your illogic is laughable.
7. zapporo spews:
Nothing but spin.
It’s really very sad to watch.
Your contortions.
Your blithe disregard for the truth.
Your willingness to justify anything to reach your goals.
So this is what it means to be a conservative?
Hey zippy, you misspelled conservative, so I fixed it for you. Now it reads correctly.
The story in question is here:
I’m not trying to sweep it anywhere. That is what you are trying to do. Problem is, as the expression goes, that dog don’t hunt.
How about we talk about the sharruff’s record? His not catching the Green River Killer. His rubber stamp voting record and his ranking of 401 in the House as a result.
Assholes and Trolls
Is this the best you can do?
To tell you the truth I think the question of Darcey’s degree focus is as irrelevant as Reichert’s well known associations with murders and thieves.
SeattleJew, I want to see if you are a man of character or not. Will you admit that Burner lied about having a Harvard degree in economics?
SeattleJew, I want to see if you are a man of character or not. Will you admit that Burner lied about having a Harvard degree in economics?
Actually, it shows an ongoing PATTERN of puffery and downright LIES!
When you combine Burners lying about her degree with Burner lying about her position with Microsoft combined with lying about her role with Ames Lake Association…you have a SERIAL LIAR!
Character obviously means nothing to an ATHEIST like you SJ…but it does to a lot of people.
Why does Burner contine to puff her resume??
ANSWER: Because she is obviously ashamed of her woeful lack of qualifications.
If Burner were an ‘R’, SJ and the other KLOWNS would be singing an entirely different tune.
Do you agree that the vast majority of Washingtonians & Americans in general are hardworking, honest people??
If so, don’t you believe we ought to demand the same from our elected officials and candidates?
You are such an anti-Christian, anti-Faith self-absorbed, self-worshipping ideology that you cannot see thru your own hate filter SJ.
I respect your opinion on many things. You are a very bright person.
But your ideological & hate-Christians filter is sooooo obvious to most of us.
It is getting in your way of reasonable expectations that Candidates be honest about their qualifications.
Take a shower & try again. I hope you demand better of yourself than you’ve shown recently.
SeattleJew, I have another question for you. This speaks to Goldy’s character. Please answer it directly. Do you believe that if the exact same story came out, but it was a Republican instead of Burner, and Goldy decided to write a post about the story, that he would take the same stance?
This is a Vulgar, Partisan, Leftist Blog.
By definition, we all know the answer to that question, don’t we.
SJ will ignore your direct question.
Just look at the track record of Goldy and his merry band of KLOWNS @ TEAM HORSESASS…
They have set the Guiness World Record for PICKIN’ FLYSHIT OUTTA PEPPER!
I know you are just needling these guys about the obvious Troll.
I think we must focus on reminding them that:
Honest stuff like that, you know what I mean?
Hey trolls,
If you don’t like this blog start up your very own Vulgar, Partisan, Rightist Blog. I’m sure you will get lots of traffic.
re 12: Mr. Cynical, you ignorant slut: Do the 40% who ‘pay no income tax’ pay 12.5% of their wage for Social Security that the government has collected and spent since your hero Ronald Reagan doubled it?
Yes, they do.
Do the magnanimous few who pay 60% of the Federal Income tax pay any money for Social Security after their first $90,000 in salary?
No, they don’t.
Do the ulta-wealthy pay the same tax rate on their ‘capital gains’ income as we real taxpayers do on our income?
No, they don’t.
There are many more points I could make about taxes and the wealthy and corporations that would destroy your “Federal Income Tax” meme, but I’ll have to wait, because I have to work.
Can I call my wage a ‘bonus’ and not pay any taxes on it? Probably not. I don’t manage a hedge fund.
I’m keeping an eye on you,
Phil Spectator
Isn’t this just a matter of selective parsing?
Darcy Burner has a degree in
“computer science and economics” (true)
“computer science” and [another degree in] “economics” (half true)
Is this really all Reichert campaign has? Because it’s a loser issue.
Hey Seattle Times, I am still waiting for that front page story about how BIAW and Rossi conspired to break election law, and are apparently getting away with it.
Tick, tick, tick . . .
Mr Cynical is getting extra shouty, sounding panicky and desperate.
The neoconservative ideology just is not working for most Americans. People want a change, to try something else. Maybe the democratic plans won’t all work, but everyone KNOWS the republicans are out of ideas to help the ordinary citizen.
What years did sheriff hairspray attend a first-class institute of higher learning and what degrees did he earn?
And just WHAT ELSE does hairspray have on his resume (besides NOT catching the green river killer) that qualifies him for re-election?
….I, and a whole lot of others around here, have been waiting for months for you sheriff hairspray touters to come across with SOMETHING besides…”well BECAUSE!!!…he’s not a Democrat”….
Goldy, stop lying.
I know it’s hard. You do it so much.
Darcy said she has a degree “in economics.” Many times. Without mentioning “computer science” at all. She lied.
Dang, look at all the trolls going ape shit.
This is fun.
@31 This kind of thread response gives me hope that all their heads might explode at the same time. Wouldn’t that be spectacular?
Blethin and crew are one trick ponies. I do not take anyone seriously at the Times anymore.
According to Harry Lewis, via Open Left:
I’m the professor and ex-dean who was quoted in the story, and as it happens, also the guy who wrote the CS degree requirements. At the time Darcy was at Harvard, she would have needed, as part of her CS degree requirements, several courses in a technical specialization area related to CS. She fulfilled that CS degree requirement by specializing in Economics (which meant, by the way, that she couldn’t have taken just the easy, non-mathematical Ec courses). So it’s not exactly a minor (which we didn’t have then, though we do now), and it’s also not anything that the registrar would be able to certify (because it’s an internal requirement of the computer science faculty). But it’s something everyone getting a degree in CS had to do (though other students would have other specialties). The way Darcy is describing herself is accurate.
Of course facts don’t mattter to you assholes.
Also, regarding “degree in computer science and economics,” I wouldn’t mind that shorthand verbally, but on a bio on a web site it should be more specific: it is misleading, since no such degree exists (though I do concur that it does not imply a double major or double degree, rather, it implies a specific nonexistent degree).
Frankly, I cannot find a single example of her saying she only has an “emphasis” or somesuch in economics. She has every time I’ve seen, directly claimed to have an actual degree (by itself, or combined) in economics, which is false.
…I think it would be spectacular…but wouldn’t it create another SuperFund site?
Rujax, you’re stupid or lying.
She said she got a degree in economics, full stop. This was clearly a lie on her part.
And saying she got a degree in “computer science and economics” is AT BEST misleading, because no such degree exists.
By the way, you would think that reporters at the Everett Herald would know enough about Boeing to not make mistakes when writing captions under their pictures.
In today’s online edition, there is a picture of a Boeing striker and a fake tombstone inscribed with the Boeing logo and “LEAN d.o.d. 2008”.
The caption to the story reads:
The caption writer got it completely wrong. The tombstone is not a reference to “the death of the lean economic times at Boeing”. It is a reference to Boeing’s LEAN manufacturing program. That program was originally designed to mimic Toyota’s “just in time” parts delivery systems, but in recent years it has become a cover for Boeing out-sourcing, especially to the non-union outfits like New Breed, currently handling 787 parts warehousing and delivery.
…oh yeah,
Facts Don’t Matter To Republicans…Facts Don’t Matter To Republicans…Facts Don’t Matter To Republicans…Facts Don’t Matter To Republicans…Facts Don’t Matter To Republicans…Facts Don’t Matter To Republicans…Facts Don’t Matter To Republicans…Facts Don’t Matter To Republicans…Facts Don’t Matter To Republicans…
You’re the one who can’t read.
I made the case. You make ad hominem attacks because you can’t attack my argument. Typical Democrat.
I’m STILL waiting for the “expo-sayyy” about illegal campiagn contributions to hairspray and the dino-snore…
I guess LAWS don’t matter to Republicans either.
Don’t you spray? The troll infestation is especially nasty these days. Ugh.
It is rather pathetic that these guys are hanging on for all their worth (not much) to some misapprehension regarding Darcy’s academic bona fides. As I suggested to the Times hack, they should do a side-by-side with Sheriff Hairspray’s academic transcript. Splitting hairs over what flavor of Harvard degree she has, versus his AA from a no name school that gave him a football scholarship would be mildly illuminating.
And yes, I am an elitist – I want my government run by the smartest, most qualified among us that we can convince to do the job. And yes, a Harvard degree is impressive, though as a Tufts grad I can say that I attended the only school that looks down on Harvard.
Here’s what I had to say to Emily Heffter last night:
There IS no “argument”, “PUDGE”…
Read, and COMPREHEND (if it doesn’t bake your brain too much) what the Professor-Who-Wrote-The-Program states.
And Fuck you and YOUR partisan hackery…
….and OHHH!!!!…would you PLEASE be so kind as to give me at least ONE good reason why the Honorable Representative Dave Reichert should be returned to the United States House of Representatives??? None of you jerks seem to be up to the task.
One? Any ONE???
Fucking stupid git.
You Democrats are hilarious.
She said, many times, she has a degree “in economics.”
This is a lie.
You can’t wash it away by attacking the people who are pointing out this fact.
Got an answer to my question, hack?
Rujax: I read what the professor stated. And he obviously doesn’t realize that she said, many times, that she has a degree “in economics.” Or if he does realize that, then he is wrong. I’ll tell him that to his face. She does not have a degree in economics. She lied.
She lied.
She lied.
She lied.
She lied.
See, I can repeat things too. The difference is that I am stating unimpeachable fact.
So you flunked reading comprehension…tough, huh?
Please delete the dupe. thx.
…it’s worth saying twice…har-har…
So you flunked reading comprehension…tough, huh?
Any Pay Cuts on Wall Street Yet?
Watch the video and decide for yourselves:
Harry Lewis, a professor at Harvard said “She doesn’t have a degree in economics.”
Intentional duplication…
According to Harry Lewis, via Open Left:
I’m the professor and ex-dean who was quoted in the story, and as it happens, also the guy who wrote the CS degree requirements. At the time Darcy was at Harvard, she would have needed, as part of her CS degree requirements, several courses in a technical specialization area related to CS. She fulfilled that CS degree requirement by specializing in Economics (which meant, by the way, that she couldn’t have taken just the easy, non-mathematical Ec courses). So it’s not exactly a minor (which we didn’t have then, though we do now), and it’s also not anything that the registrar would be able to certify (because it’s an internal requirement of the computer science faculty). But it’s something everyone getting a degree in CS had to do (though other students would have other specialties). The way Darcy is describing herself is accurate.
Of course facts don’t mattter to you assholes.
This is Darcy’s quote. I don’t see a mention of a degree in Computer Science. Seems to me she’s lying. Am I missing something here?
“I loved economics so much that I got a degree in it from Harvard,” the Democrat said at an Oct. 10 debate at KCTS-TV. “Now everywhere I go in this district, the only thing people want to talk to me about is the economy.”
Real Clear Politics updated their electoral vote count. It’s now Obama 306 McCain 160.
I see your point, Pudge. Democrats lie and Republicans misstate or can’t remember (to the ‘best’ of their knowledge).
Give it up. Reichert and Rossi are breaking election laws and that apparently is NOT news to the ST.
Businessman: “Call me a cab!”
Groucho Marx: “OK! You’re a cab.”
Rujax, apparently it’s tough for you, because nothing the professor said implies that it is accurate for her to say she has a “degree in economics.”
Again, I have no big problem with saying that she has a degree in “computer science and economics,” although it’s at the very least potentially misleading and in her bio she should be more clear.
My own degree is in “Communication,” but the Communication Department essentially considers it a degree in Journalism, and I often say I have a degree in Journalism. Of course, I took a lot more classes in journalism than she did in economics. I also sometimes say I got a minor in Biblical Studies, when in fact the university doesn’t have an explicit minor, but it’s enough units for a minor, and everyone graduates with that many units in Biblical Studies.
But the point is, if I put it on a campaign bio, I would say precisely what it was: a Communication degree with an emphasis in Journalism, and the equivalent of a minor in Biblical Studies.
(Actually, come to think of it, I am not even sure anymore … I know we tried to get the degree to say “Journalism,” but now I don’t remember if we succeeded. I’ll have to find my diploma.)
So she was misleading in her bio.
But saying “I have a degree in economics” is a lie. An out-and-out falsehood.
“I’m the professor and ex-dean who was quoted in the story, and as it happens, also the guy who wrote the CS degree requirements.
The way Darcy is describing herself is accurate.” Harry Lewis, Harvard Univesity
Phil Spectator: now YOU’RE lying. I am not talking about Republicans, I am talking about Darcy Burner’s clear and documented lie.
Speaking of Democrats lying, however, Democrat Fred Walser was convicted of lying while Police Chief of Sultan, and his $20,000 restitution is due today!
I love the stench of right wing hypocrisy in the morning.
Once it dissipates and the gag reflex is conquered the only thing left will be victory for those in opposition.
Poor, poor pudge.
So much faux outrage…so little evidence.
Rujax, so you deny that Darcy Burner said — full stop — that she had a degree in economics?
Or you deny that this is evidence that she said she had a degree in economics?
Or you deny that the university says she does NOT have degree in economics?
Which piece of “evidence” are you ignorant of?
OOOOOOOO….lookee this!!!!
Burner Campaign Files FEC Complaint over Reichert Loan
“Congressman Reichert is getting a massive illegal loan from media buying firm,” complaint states.
Contact: Sandeep Kaushik, (425) 443-2564
Bellevue (October 22) – The campaign of 8th District Democratic congressional candidate Darcy Burner today filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission over a six-figure illegal loan provided to the campaign of Republican incumbent Dave Reichert by his media buying firm.
The complaint comes in response to the Burner campaign’s discovery last Friday that Reichert had secured more than $1 million in television advertising time for the closing two weeks of the campaign despite being short of cash.
Reichert is able to run the ads only because he is receiving an illegal corporate loan from his media purchasing firm, Media Plus+, which is guaranteeing to pay television for the ad time after the election. The firm appears to be loaning the money so Reichert can purchase at least $580,000 of television time that he lacks the funds to pay for. That is a clear violation of the Federal Election Campaign Act, which “prohibits corporations from making contributions or expenditures in connection with Federal elections,” according to the complaint filed with the FEC, see document.
“Media Plus probably doesn’t extend credit to any of their normal clients in an amount greater than the amount the client earned all of the previous quarter,” said Ryan McBrayer, an attorney at the law firm of Perkins Coie who drafted the complaint. “Yet here, Media Plus looks to have bought airtime for the Reichert campaign that is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars more than the Reichert campaign raised all of last quarter. If so, Media Plus is really making an illegal corporate contribution because the Federal Election Campaign Act bans the extension of credit in such disproportionate and unreasonable amounts.”
“Media Plus+ is taking on the risk of having to pay back all the money that the Reichert campaign is spending on these ads. That means they are loaning the Reichert campaign hundreds of thousands of dollars of television time with the very real possibility that Congressman Reichert will not be able to pay them back after the election,” said Burner campaign spokesperson Sandeep Kaushik. “That means that this loan from MediaPlus+ to the Reichert campaign is really a corporate campaign contribution to Reichert. That is flatly illegal, and we call on MediaPlus+ and the Reichert campaign to end this illegal arrangement immediately.”
Having a degree in Accounting is akin to being a glorified bookkeeper. Being a Certified Public Accountant is being a REAL accountant. Darcy supporters are forever glossing over the truth. Like her being an executive at Microsoft, instead of being a “manager”.
26. Phil Spectator spews:
I said INCOME TAX dumba$$. Social Security is NOT Income Tax! You drank the Kool-Aid….big gulps! This is the weak rationale Obama is trying to give so he doesn’t have to call refundable tax credits to folks who pay NO INCOME TAX what it really is….
This is Darcy’s quote. I don’t see a mention of a degree in Computer Science. Seems to me she’s lying. Am I missing something here?
“I loved economics so much that I got a degree in it from Harvard,” the Democrat said at an Oct. 10 debate at KCTS-TV. “Now everywhere I go in this district, the only thing people want to talk to me about is the economy.”
Nope Phil, you aren’t missing a thing.
Darcy Burner is a Serial Liar…and the Sheriff caught her AGAIN!
and the Sheriff caught her AGAIN!
The Sheriff has risen by masking his incompetence with shameless self-promotion and some whoppers of his own.
The polls show that the voters are seeing through the fraud that is Dave Reichert.
Not even the Republican establishment in this State could support this lightweight for Governor. Imagine that. An emptier suit than Rossi.
What part of THIS:
“I’m the professor and ex-dean who was quoted in the story, and as it happens, also the guy who wrote the CS degree requirements.
The way Darcy is describing herself is accurate.” Harry Lewis, Harvard Univesity
Do you NOT understand?
hairspray’s done anyway…
…maybe SULTAN’s gonna need a new chief.
(york, york)
…I tell ya…the ghost of bruce craswell is fukkin’ you guys up.
What’s wrong with being a partisan hack? I’m a partisan hack! The only difference between me and the Times is that — in the interest of honesty and full disclosure — I admit it.
My degrees say “Bachelor of Arts” and “Juris Doctor”. There’s nothing on those documents, or in my official transcripts, that mentions “partisan hack.” But that doesn’t mean I’m not a partisan hack.
Rujax: are you really this stupid?
There’s no part I don’t understand. What you don’t understand is that when he said “the way Darcy is describing herself” refers to what is in her bio, not what she said many times, that she “has a degree in economics.”
Either that, or you’re just lying, like she is.
Pudge: You are getting hysterical. Calm down. You guys are only going down in flames (politically speaking).
65 Cyn
You know, repeating a lie 30 times does not make it true.
Phil: yawn. Prove anything I said is wrong.
Darcy lied. It’s a fact.
Speaking about partisan hacks:
“Pennsylvania Democrat Philip J. Berg, who filed a lawsuit demanding Sen. Barack Obama present proof of his American citizenship, now says that by failing to respond Obama has legally “admitted” to the lawsuit’s accusations, including the charge that the Democratic candidate was born in Mombosa, Kenya.
As WND reported, Berg filed suit in U.S. District Court in August, alleging Obama is not a natural-born citizen and is thus ineligible to serve as president of the United States. Though Obama has posted an image of a Hawaii birth certificate online, Berg demands that the court verify the original document, which the Obama campaign has not provided.
Now Berg cites Rule 36 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which states that unless the accused party provides written answer or objection to charges within 30 days, the accused legally admits the matter.
Since Obama has only filed motions to dismiss and has not actually answered the charges in the lawsuit, Berg claims, according to Rule 36, Obama has legally admitted he is not a natural-born citizen.
Now Berg is asking the court for a formal declaration of Obama’s admission and asking the Democratic National Committee for another presidential candidate.
In a statement released today, Berg argues that he filed Requests for Admissions on Sept. 15, meaning Obama had until Oct. 15 to answer or face the consequences of Rule 36.
“Obama and the DNC ‘admitted,’ by way of failure to timely respond to Requests for Admissions, all of the numerous specific requests in the Federal lawsuit,” Berg’s statement reads. “Obama is ‘not qualified’ to be president and therefore Obama must immediately withdraw his candidacy for president and the DNC shall substitute a qualified candidate.”
From Hot Air.