I have been berated as a hypocrite, from time to time, and in my own comment threads, for not covering Democratic scandals with the same vigor with which I attack those of Republicans, a charge to which I generally provide a twofold answer: 1) I only have time for a couple posts a day; and 2) HA is a partisan, liberal blog… attacking Democrats is Stefan’s job, not mine.
See, it really doesn’t bother me when folks accuse me of being biased, because I’ve never claimed otherwise. What annoys me is when folks like Stefan claim to be “small ‘L’ libertarians” instead of the knee-jerk Republicans they really are.
That said, I do I think I do a better job than the competition at being fair, if not balanced, and today’s post on Venus Velazquez’s DUI is a perfect example. After my inumerable posts castigating both Mike McGavick and Jane Hague for their DUI’s, and their failure to come clean about them, I couldn’t very well ignore a similar indiscretion from a fellow Democrat in a high profile Seattle City Council race. And I didn’t.
But after studiously avoiding discussion of Hague’s more scandalous drunken escapade, and the other infamies that have dogged her campaign, you’d think Stefan might be a tad embarrassed to quickly jump on Velazquez’s DUI arrest. He isn’t.
I’m just sayin’.
If Stefan is not embarrassed by his parenting skills, or lack thereof, why would anything else embarrass him.
He has only pretend morals and principles of convenience.
Another example: not a word about Reichert’s FEC reporting and fundraising problems from the SP crowd. You’d think the guy who loves parsing numbers would be all over this.
Their silence is about as damning a statement about how embarrassing Reichert’s poor numbers must be to them as any.
Goldy, I think both you and Stephen are hypocrites when it comes to local politics. He claims to be libertarian, but where is his coverage of Jane Hague? Likewise, where is your coverage of Richard McIver? I come to both sites to try and get a pic of both sides. But it disappoints me you two cannot put the needs of the people of Puget Sound above the wants of your respective parties.
On a slight tangent involving McIver, you were such a big proponent against domestic violence in 2005 when it benefited your party, but where are you now? Your silence on this makes me wonder if you care more about politics then the well being of women. A cheap shot? Yes, but isn’t that what it is all about these days? I am sickened I had to sink to this level, but it seems to be all that is taken seriously these days.
I guess this is off thread but it is pretty good reading. The NY Times today ranked nations by the % of GDP that goes to taxes.
NY Times Article.
The US came in 17th of 20 ranked nations. Yep we shooo ah over taxed. Terrible terrible. Oh, BTW, a number of the others also have faster growing economies. And then too we get to pay for health care and education! Aren’t we LUCKY!
Last time I checked, the Democrats were not liberal, because liberals are trying to STOP THIS ILLEGAL WAR.
Meanwhile, was that Patty Murray who voted to keep funding the war, and Maria Cantwell who didn’t? Kind of a flip flop from last year. Huh, I wonder who is next up for re-election?
I didn’t leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me.
Stefan, Stefan, Stefan. The coward that won’t let people post that shine the light of truth on his conspiracy theories.
Facts is banned from Stefan’s pathetic blog. Too much truth for the righties to deal with.
It’s ok Stefan. If you were right, you would be able to defend your positions. Since you have to ban people for making you look like a fool, I pity you.
All Facts Support My Positions.
I wonder if Stefan (since I don’t check his blog) has anything to say about Bush’s SCHIP veto which 80% of Americans support, including tens of millions of Republicons…….
Bbbububuubutttttt Christine stooooole that thar eeeelektchun from the FRAUD ROSSI he is probably still muttering.
Stefan. If you really want to look into election fraud, go to Florida, or Ohio. How about Alabama. Reeeeeeeel election fraud Stefan. Not fantasy fraud.
What is the current cost to magnificently humiliate 41
STUPID SHEEPsitting senators?$2,000,200.00
…which when combined with MATCHING FUNDS = $4,000,200.00 of priceless and PERFECT humiliation of a true bunch of horses asses!
Hey Harry, thanks for letting Rush make a FOOL of you and every single jack ass who supports fucking liberals.
I’m just sayin’, ASSHOLE “Progressive” Partisan Blogs have studiously been avoiding this embarassing liberal fucker debacle.
I was working a carpet cleaning route the day after 9/11. There were hardly any people out and about. Restaurants and all kinds of public-related businesses were dying because they were empty of people for months.
Most people were so scared, they wouldn’t leave their houses for months. This country is full of such chickenshit assholes that I sometimes wish I’d emigrated to Australia when I was young.
We’re not even a nation of sheep so much as a nation of shadow-people who crack on the rest of the world from the safety of our little gated world.
Yeah. Let’s put a fence around the country so this nation of pussies can feel safe.
Stefan. If you really want to look into election fraud, go to Florida, or Ohio. How about Alabama. Reeeeeeeel election fraud Stefan. Not fantasy fraud.
Yeah democrats cheat there too. So what. It is just like any other state. Wherever liberal are, there is cheating.
And you Republicans are the worst with your loud-mouth posturing. Where were all you chickenshit assholes after 9/11?
Hiding — like everyone else. You all have no honor and no courage. You are all just like the chickenshit in charge.
The democrats could defend themselves of their well deserved label if they were for mandatory voter IDs at the polls, until then they will always be the party of voter fraud.
You attack brain injured children because they got some government funded insurance.
I’ll tell you what. If Michelle Malkin or any other right wing nut came in my yard to harrass my family, they’d be leaving without their teeth if they left at all.
Put an end to that shit real quick.
joe pine says: You attack brain injured children because they got some government funded insurance.
boo hoo hoo
You really are a stupid fucker. No one attacked the little kid, but they sure as hell attacked the assholes that used the kid… used him stupidly without verifying their facts.
How very, typically liberal: parade a lie, then whine when caught.
… Kinda like Harry:
What is the current cost to magnificently humiliate 41
STUPID SHEEPsitting senators?$2,000,200.00
…which when combined with MATCHING FUNDS = $4,000,400.00 of priceless and PERFECT humiliation of a true bunch of horses asses!
Hey Harry, thanks for letting Rush make a FOOL of you and every single jack ass who supports fucking liberals.
@3: To get the whole story, it’s assumed you’re reading across many resources, as you are. That’s Journalism 2.0 on the Web. Notions of fairness and objectivity belong to an era in which everyone got their news from one printed/broadcast source. So Goldy is not a hypocrite in my book. See the first paragraph in the post, it’s all truth in advertising actually.
Now if Goldy tried to defend Venus Velasquez and somehow rationalize her dangerous drunken behavior while attacking Jane Hague for the same thing, that would be big time hypocrisy. He didn’t do this, and this is the point of the post.
Speaking of pussies, I wonder if any of those 41 senators are going to match the auctioned off letter they sent to Rush. They got their grenade thrown back at them with a box of nails attached to it. Heehehhe
We need to ask Dan Satterberg why he waited six weeks to charge Jane Hague-Springman with driving under the influence in King County District Court No. C00545253. Hague-Springman was arrested on June 2, 2007, but charges weren’t filed until July 16, 2007. Hague-Springman was then arraigned on July 30, 2007 (her first court appearance) — over eight weeks after her arrest.
It doesn’t matter whether Satterberg gave special treatment to Hague-Springman, or whether Satterberg is similarly lenient with every motorist arrested for drunk driving within the King County Prosecuting Attorney jurisdiction. Under RCW 46.61.50571(1), a person arrested for drunk driving is supposed to be required to appear in court within one judicial day after the arrest. If everyone waits eight weeks to be haled into court, and not just Hague-Springman, then Satterberg’s laxity is even more alarming.
Reading the Seattle Times account for Venus Velazquez, it appears she was stopped shortly before midnight Wednesday and finally released after refusing to take the breath test sometime after midnight early Thursday morning. Her first court appearance is scheduled for Saturday. Velazquez is charged in Seattle Municipal Court by the Seattle City Attorney.
This isn’t exactly the next judicial day after arrest (a day or two late), but is a damn sight better than Satterberg’s operation.
I certainly hope that Bill Sherman will be a more effective prosecuting attorney than Dan Satterberg or Norm Maleng. Especially by prosecuting crimes promptly, whether they be drunk driving or more serious matters, and regardless of whether a public official or ordinary citizen (or common criminal) is involved. In any event, it is time for a change.
#15 — A fact is a fact. It’s already verified.
If you can’t write or speak clearly, that means your thinking is muddied and confused.
That is a linguistic fact, scientifically proven time and again by that brilliant linguist, Noam Chomsky.
And you know what else. You know that “Nobel” prize that Milton Friedman won in economics? Well, there is no Nobel prize in economics.
It’s a farce set up by the Bank of Sweden that has nothing to do with the real Nobel prizes.
Your the dope who labors under ‘false illusions’. Heh!
I think we should be just as tough on Democratic mismanagement, corruption, and incompetence as we are on Republican mismanagement, corruption, and incompetence. A damn-fool Democrat can get you killed just as dead as a damn-idiot Fascist! I’m a big believer in cleaning up our own party and keeping it that way. We should have a company zero-tolerance policy. These are, of course, family affairs and none of the Republicans’ damn business so they should just keep their fat lips zipped shut while we discipline and correct our wayward children.
As HA readers know, despite being a party hack and liberal propagandist, Roger Rabbit is not a hypocrite! I don’t hesitate to criticize liberal damn-fool schemes like RTID/ST2, or Democratic political invertebrates like Pelosi or Hillary.
@4 Republicans would rather give $10,000 to an insurance company for health insurance with more holes in it than cheesecloth, than pay $5,000 in taxes for comprehensive government health care. It’s a “liberty” thing.
@5 Does this mean your anti-war views found a home in the GOP?
@7 OK, I clicked on your link, and saw a cartoon in which Rush Limbaugh offers Harry Reid for sale on eBay, and the top bid is 5.5 cents. I’ll raise you a nickel to 10.5 cents, and I’ll pay an extra quarter for Rush. I want to adopt him and train him to bring my slippers to me and fetch the newspaper.
@18 Richard, you’re going to make a fine Democrat. Your research skills are awesome.
joe pine says: #15 — A fact is a fact. It’s already verified.
Fact: Frosts own their own home, which they bought for $55,000 in 1990 and is now worth about $260,000;
Fact: Frosts invested in a commercial property, valued at $160,000;
Fact: own three cars: a Volvo SUV, a GMC Suburban and a Ford F250 Pickup work truck;
Fact: FOUR kids in 20k/year PRIVATE school, albeit with SOME scholarship dollars;
Fact: Frosts CHOSE not to buy insurance;
Fact: The kid was ALREADY covered by Schip and was/is not in danger of NOT BEING COVERED;
Fact: Harry the prick decided to trot out this hapless kid of idiot parents and once again, he deservedly got caught with his pants down around his ankles.… when the fuck are you asses going to disavow that stupid schmuck?
Fact: you are a mindless moron who sucked down the pablum spoon fed by power-hungry pricks. Grow up and learn to do your own fucking research.
@25 Harry is a small-time idiot-schmuck from a two-bit state. Texans, on the other hand, think big — they want to blow up the whole fucking world.
@25 (continued) I prefer our schmucks to your warmongers.
25 – We’re not going to take orders from you. Fuck off.
That E-Bay auction is a fucking stunt! No one’s going to fork over that kind of money for that document.
It’s all a sham that’s been arranged in advance.
That charity that Mr. Boil-on-Ass supports is going to get less than a 100k out of the deal. Some rich wingnut will get his name on a wall.
If someone tried to sell Limbaugh on eBay they’d be lucky to get 15 cents for him. His kidneys are useless, and the rest of him is nothing but hot air.
If that’s the case Roger, then I’ll buy Lush Lumpdick and use that resilient flesh of his (that is, when it comes to holding in air) and make rugby balls from it and donate them to the youth program being set up by my friends here with the Nevada Rugby Union.
And Rog, be a pal and don’t insult my new home state. We’ve got some real live ones here (hell, adult film actress Melody ‘Mimi Miyagi’ Damayo ran for the Republican nomination for governor here last year, and probably would’ve made a better guv than the schlemiel currently in office), but I’ll be personally taking part in fixing that minor problem.
re 25: Give me a few links where you did your ‘research’ and I will deconstruct it in two minutes.
Your research sounds surprisingly similar to the talking points regnant on every wingnut blog and radio program extant.
The only real research you will do on this day is to Google(tm) the word ‘regnant’ to find out what it means.
“…albeit, with some scholarship dollars.”!?!? They pay $500 per child per year. The rest is on scholarship.
That’s what I mean about ‘facts’. Technically, your fact is correct. But the “some scholarship dollars” amount to $19,500 per child. That’s how they can afford it.
You twist facts to mean what you want them to mean.
And if you get called on it, you lie.
If there are 5,000 white students at a college and 10 Black students there on scholarship, and one of those students fails, the wingnut news is 10% of Black college students fail!!!!. If 250 White students fail at the college, again, it is reported in terms of percentage.
So, the lesson is this: You are being spoon-fed data that is twisted in such a way as to confirm your prejudices rather than inform you.
If there are 5,000 white students at a college and 10 Black students there on scholarship, and one of those students fails, the wingnut news is 10% of Black college students fail!!!!. If 250 White students fail at the college, again, it is reported in terms of percentage.
So, the lesson is this: You are being spoon-fed data that is twisted in such a way as to confirm your prejudices rather than inform you.
#25 — Plainly put, you are a chump!
@25: and, of course, beyond the points JP has already made, the Frost kids were brought out to point out the SUCCESS of the S-CHIP program.
YES they were eligible for the program, THAT WAS THE POINT.
I just love Republicans who think being just one accident or serious illness from bankruptcy is A-OK!
Glad to see my shaming of you finally worked…a skosh late and arguably the least serious offense committed by liberals recently what with the woman McIver choked or the woman Everett City Councilman Mark Olson raped. Nonetheless you managed to actually mention a liberal in trouble when it was plastered all over the front page of both daily papers. A real profile in courage you are you sweaty, balding jackass.
asshole @ 38
Glad to see my shaming of you finally worked.”
You are delusional if you think you have any influence over anyone. Your irrational rantings fail to even amuse, let alone change someone else’s conduct. You are an entirely irrelevant human being, significant only because you have a carbon footprint. Now, go fuck yourself.
asshole @ 38 – the solution all problems right wing: go further to the right.
Please do that.
Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, must have eaten a lot crow along with the famous Senate dining room navy bean soup for lunch today given how he is now fawning all over Rush Limbaugh and encouraging people to bid (bidding now closed – winning bid over $2.1 million from an identified woman) on the famous letter he authored with 41-Democratic colleague co-signers criticizing Rush.
Catch Harry’s humiliation here: http://www.breitbart.tv/html/6938.html
And this whole Turkish genocide resolution is blowing up like a trick cigar in Nancy Pelosi’s face. Her Democratic colleagues are bailing quicker than passengers in Venus Velasquez DUI jaunt. Read about the egg on Nancy’s face (and it ain’t no facial treatment, either) here: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/.....r=politics
Harry’s humiliation, Pelosi’s pratfalls, Venus’ voyage home…Ain’t been a good week for you folks on the left!
Oh…Dubya’s veto of the SCHIP bill was sustained in the Democratically controlled House of Representatives. Now Nancy Pelosi will actually have to negotiate with the White House on a reasonable bill that doesn’t extend coverage to middle income families, but limits coverage to those who really need help.
Wonder what’s next?
The Piper
“…HA is a partisan, liberal blog… attacking Democrats is Stefan’s job, not mine.”
And it’s our job to call the both of you “hypocrite” when it’s warranted.
@42 You’re merely an uninvited guest here, a/k/a a troll. If you don’t like the way Goldy runs his blog, find yourself another blog! This blog is PRIVATE PROPERTY and Goldy can say anything he wants. Fuck you!
You’re just sayin’ what you’ve said before, often, knee-jerk jerk that you are: “What annoys me is when folks like Stefan claim to be ‘small ‘L’ libertarians’ instead of the knee-jerk Republicans they really are.” Care to come up with something fresh, if not original and useful?
Stefan can define his small L as he chooses, and I think I understand the definition he’s chosen. Didn’t even have to stretch synapses to get his nuances and meanings, which are quite clearly drawn to evade comparison with the big-L Lunacy of Ron Paul and Harry Browne. Their Libertarianism has much to do with dope and dopes. Ours has much to do with wariness at an evil empire of centralized power.
I think Stefan would agree that Big Government knee-jerk Republicans of the last 12 years lost their way, deservedly lost 2006, and will probably lose 2008.
And, in conclusion, Sharks eat goldyfish.
Your slapped-bitch fascination or obsession with Shark suggests that there’s a more interesting exercise than trying to explicate the genuineness of his lower-case ism, whatever it is. The fascinating or fabulous exercise is trying to explicate you.
Are you just Darcy’s pimp or polyp (not that there’s anything wrong with that) as I suspect, or is there something to you or about you that’s even more repulsive and ridiculous?
Not that I’m just sayin’, since I’m only just askin’.
@39 & 40,
Yes you are SO right…my existence is meaningless if I don’t have the approval of the lonely, underemployed assholes that populate this site. Poor me. I will have to somehow pick up the pieces of my life and move on.
Pot, kettle, black.
Look dickwad, if you don’t like the material….Go the fuck away.
Damn, my brilliant retort to post 46 is hung up. Lets try it this way.
Hey dickwad, pot, kettle, blac. You obviously have no life to go back to. Enjoy!!
Roger @ 43,
You’re a fucking troll, too, pardner. So why don’t you just shut the fuck up and go about your fucking moronic endeavors like sucking any fucking Democrat’s dick that happens to be the topic of conversation. You’re a fucking government-employee-loser, dickface!
If you don’t like me, then perhaps we should arrange to meet in real life and decide between us who the better man (rodent?) is.
I don’t have any problem with the way Goldy runs his fucking blog, asshole. All I’m saying is that I will call attention to him (and Stefan’s) hypocirisy when it arises.
When Goldy ends his post with “I’m just sayin'”, I for one know that he is trying to make his “point” without substance. It is the same ole same ole. Repeating it often to hear himself think……
My “Ex”-Husband used the reference often.
Ain’t been a good week for you folks on the left!
I love the bubble salesmen live in – if business sucks there’s always another prospect just a cold call away.
Have folks on the left stayed out of jail? Did they have the names Cunningham, Ney, Tobin, Safavian, Abramoff? Or have they been caught hustling sex in men’s restrooms?
Oh and didn’t I hear something about Denny Hastert high tailing it out of the beltway before the Duke Cunningham case spins out of control?
Yep, Denny’s been subpoenaed.
I’ll take a bad week anytime.
Goldy covers Venus only because the alternative is a liberal democrat. Had the alternative been a Republican you can bet he would be calling the SPD a bunch of race-profiling, bastards intent on fixing the election.
But Goldy, thinking we’re all idiots, pretends to be “tough” on Venus just as he is tough on Hague.
Truth is, Goldy says anything and everything, honest or dishonest, to get Dems elected. With a Democrat as the only alternative and Venus being incompetent, he sacrifices her for the good of his party.