One more thought on the WSJ/NBC poll that shows Republicans with a huge generic edge in the South, but trailing Dems in every other region. Is it possible that the so-called “enthusiasm gap” is actually exaggerating what advantage the Republicans have?
For example, let’s take a look at 2008, arguably a good year for House Dems, in which Washington state Republicans garnered almost 41% of the vote (almost identical to McCain’s share of WA’s presidential tally), but only 33% of our nine U.S. House seats. Of course nine seats only divide up so many ways, so you’d pretty much expect 41% of the vote to get you either 33% or 44% of the seats.
But now take a look at 2002, a pretty good year for Republicans nationwide. In that election, Washington Republican House candidates pulled in over 46% of the votes cast between the two major parties, but still only won 33% of the available seats.
Perhaps WA Republicans really are more enthused than WA Democrats this year, which would surely show up in generic ballot surveys. But as 2002 shows, unless that enthusiasm is distributed in the right districts, it might not have that much of an impact on the final result. I mean, does it really matter how much shoe-ins like Cathy McMorris-Rodgers, Doc Hastings, Norm Dicks and Jim McDermott win by? Does it have any impact on WA-03 how much more Republicans in WA-04 hate Democrats this year than last?
I suppose before the GOP became a regional party, mostly confined to the South and Southern-like rural and ex-urban districts — you know, like back in 1994 — the generic ballot might have been a pretty damn good predictor of congressional results, but now…? I’m not so sure.
But I guess in a few more months, we’ll find out.
You forgot Jay Inslee, my very favorite shoe-in of them all.
Jay is great, isn’t he? Let’s say it together, “Governor Inslee.”
Brenda @1,
I guess I should have included Jay, since WA-01 is a D+9 PVI.
“But I guess in a few more months, we’ll find out.”
Enthusiasm is a great thing in an election cycle. It is what can make our nation so great to live in and witness to what it can become when real populism becomes the main theme.
The sort of enthusiastic responses I see in the GOP camp are utterly bizarre. Total submission to corporate politicking, the propaganda, the outright (and outrageous) lies being told by candidates and the complete blindness to what the incumbents absolutism in the moralistic tones they set in their campaigns could become should they be allowed to actualize them in law and public policy.
They have systematically alienated a large part of the voting public with their racism and jingoism, presenting themselves as having a superior claim to the deeper nuances of constitutional law and a higher purpose for interpreting it, but then openly espousing changing, or eliminating the parts of the Constitution they disagree with. Openly promoting the violation of those laws. Openly promoting the idea that certain parts of these laws are obsolete, and must be eliminated from the national consciousness to save the nation from that ephemeral and unspecified “enemy force”.
Such things as the First Amendment, the Fourteenth, and the Fourth and Fifth are all seen as counter to their purposes, and interfering with their vision for the national personality and purpose.
Their arguments for taking control of the legal processes are all founded in fear, and not so subtle indications of the potential for violent intentions on their part if they don’t get what they want.
This describes the entire flavor of the GOP political paradigm over the last 60+ years. There is danger, we must protect ourselves, no matter what the price, no matter what the cost. Anyone who questions the motivations behind this is an enemy, and must be utterly destroyed.
It certainly worked for Ronald Reagan, and Richard Nixon, and both the Bushes. Newt Gingrich. Dick Cheney. The list of outrageous liars and national criminals in this genre of politics is truly endless.
Why is it always, without exception, the “Conservative” factions that promote the acceptance of all the notions and concepts that would inevitably result in a nationalistic and insular police state? Why is it always the most jingoistic and atavistic personalities that are promoted in the corporate media as being the greatest paragons of virtue and patriotism?
Are people really that easily misled?
Now we know why the orange man is so addicted to the bottle tan. If he wasn’t he’d look like this:
The fool’s plans are so batshit insane for lack of Vitamin D!
Hee hee. His plasticine is parted on the wrong side.
Re 5
Seriously Deathfrogg, seek pschiatric help.
The paranoi displayed in this post is truly alarming with regard to your mental well being. I’m as political as most of you, but I don’t think Obama is anything other than an extremely misguided man who would be much happier living in Sweden or France. Nor do I think Democrats are evil, just wrong on most everything with results disatrous for this country.
Medications Deathfrogg. Serious medications.
Who Says Republicans Aren’t Racists?
“Republican congressional candidate Mike Pompeo apologized Thursday after his campaign posted on its Twitter feed and Facebook page a link to a blog that uses a racial slur to refer to his Democratic opponent and calls President Barack Obama an ‘evil muslim communist USURPER.'”
Considering the fact that the alternative to Barack Obama and Joe Biden was a long term chronic alcoholic with serious health problems, and a completely uneducated, jingoistic twit, I’d say the right choice was made.
Considering the predecessors, it seems to me that there is a lot of repairing to do to this country’s reputation, economy and social fiber. Certainly Obama has the ability to do that, given a cooperative congress. The drunk and the twit would have been more of the same of the preveious administration, and we’d have 35% unemployment right now.
At least.
The fact that the racists, religious bigots and the screaming apoplectic narcissists are now considered to be the mainstream of conservativism and highly publicized as such by themselves and casual observers, I’d say my previous post at #5 was pretty spot-on.
Dick Cheney was pure evil. His intentions for the country were of the most destructive and violent nature, and he committed treason, openly, and deliberately many times. Georgie the shrub was an imbecile, and another hard core drunk who sat in his high chair and screamed about wanting to be a “war president” while throwing his mashed peas around the room and smearing his feces on the walls.
That entire administration was corrupt, and corporatist in nature. Corporatism IS fascism. That is how it is defined, and has been since Fascism was first defined as a political method. It equates money with political power, wealth with social status no matter what the personality of the individual, or their intentions.
The Conservatives define success as being ONLY from the ability to accumulate monetary wealth, and nothing else. They sneer and denigrate human rights as being counter to their purposes. They say so openly, and quite often.
For the modern conservative, the only real “freedom” is the freedom to aquire wealth and the resulting social influence. All other liberties are secondary to that. They consider themselves divinely entitled to that wealth, even to the point of having half the population living in tin roof cardboard shacks with open sewers running down the middle of the street. Every right wing dictator in history has demonstrated this quite clearly.
In Greece, In Argentina, in Cuba, and so many other places around the world including many the US Government has emplaced into their respective positions of power, and supported throughout their tenures as dictators.
Conservatism is merely the desire to return to the old feudalistic dictatorial anarchy that was the default political method most common in the world before 1776. That is why the Constitution was written, and set in stone as the law of the land. Every signatory to the original document has written about this extensively.
I suggest you read some of that.
“[Conservative] talk radio host Dr. Laura Schlessinger has issued an apology for saying the N-word several times in an on-air conversation with a caller ….”
@8 “I don’t think Obama is anything other than an extremely misguided man who would be much happier living in Sweden or France.”
I think you’re nuts. Obama saved America from suffering a Second Great Depression. So how about showing the man a little gratitude, asshole?
Of course the GOP is a regional party. The racists are concentrated in the South, and appealing to Confederate secessionist and slaveowner sympathies is what Republicans do best! Nobody else wants any truck with them.
You know what, I agree with some of what you write. Then you go off on a rant, accusing the US of emplacing Cuba and Greece, whatever that means, and make me forget you made a valid point. Or you accuse all conservatives of believing as a few fringe elements do, contrary to all common sense. Or you display an alarming paranoi about corporations and fascism.
Yes corporations have too much power. Democrats have as much blame for this as Republicans, whether you choose to believe it or not.
Yes civil rights are under attack. So Obama allowed provisions set to sunset to do so, right. Actually not. Governments who get power have to have it taken from them or they WILL keep it.
The personal attacks on men whose motives you don’t know, operating under pressures you can’t conceive of, are infantile and not worthy of response.
Conservative and Liberal thought both have a place in the American political landscape. Either unfettered would be destructive to the principles which informed the creation of this country. You may have an irrational hatred of all conservatives, but this too is true.
I’ve read the Constitution, the Federalist papers, letters from the founding fathers to wives and friends, the debates on the floor of the Continental Congress while establishing just what form our government would take.
I haven’t read the far left calumnies of these documents, and won’t. Howard Zen can kiss my ass (may he rest in peace.) Naom Chomsky is an anti American idiot for whom I have no time to waste. But the founding fathers and what they had to say about this government? Yes, I’ve read them thanks.
I think you’re nuts for thinking FDR, Johnson or Obama as anything other than power mad autocrats whose vision for this country is at odds with all reasonable interpretations of the Constitution.
And the notion of Obama saving anything is laughable. The man has no courage of his convictions. He’s written and spoken extensively his disdain for the American way of doing things. Among his first acts as president was a world wide apology tour for this country. He is an ass. He is a fool. He is a used car salesman in a pricey suit.
The economy did what economies do. It overheated and stalled, and is now in the process of restarting. No credit to idiot Obama for this. If anything his foolish policies are bankrupting our future and slowing growth.
@5 Good point…the cheering section for the right has somehow managed a quick segue from prattling about “saving and defending the Constitution” to hammering it into something that better fits their desires du jour.
“Enthusiasm” is one thing. Hysteria is quite another.
re 16
Considering the mental gymnastics the left has to perform to get any notion of Constituinality into their actions, this is pretty ironic.
Terri Shiavo? Kidnapping foreign nationals out of their own countries to imprison, without trial or even access to legal redress and torturing them? Black prisons in Iraq, Romania, Cuba and Saudi Arabia etc? Outright suppression and manipulation of votes in Ohio and Florida and Kentucky? Turning the largest domestic terrorist attack in this nations history into an excuse to totally destroy a nation that did not attack us and was not even involved? How about the Drug war”?
Do you like the Theater Security Administration? Do you like the loudest voices in your room being people like Brian Fischer, and Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh?
Why is it the fastest growing industry in the country right now is privately owned prisons? Why is it that we continue to do buisiness with Halliburton and Blackwater after the crimes they committed? They’re fucking murderers for christs sake.
Jesus H Christ in a chariot driven popsicle truck. Talk about cognitive dissonance. You really have to work hard to maintain your beliefs, don’t you?
@19 and your previous post: Brilliant “pearls cast before swine.” Completelylost is a lost cause. But you nailed it and him and his glibertarian ilk.
Frogg, you are my new favorite HA’r.
@ 20
For all his outright obtuse bullshit, Lost seems to be almost rational at times. But then he pops off with his rather poor Glen Beck/Rush Limbaugh imitations, going off the deep end of that giant tub of sewage the conservatives have dug for themselves.
I would like him to express, with specificity and exactitude, anything Barack Obama has done that is remotely unconstitutional or illegal as what Bush/Cheney did during the previous administration. Just one thing.
Well, if constitutional government is your hobby horse, by all means the
RepublicanTEA party is just the place for you.Fortunately some people have started to keep track of all the immediate changes the 2010
RepublicanTEA party sees as necessary. You know, like repealing the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, adopted in 1868.So, I love when I see brainiacs like Lost wailing about Obama and his unenumerated acts against our sacred constitution. Shows the seriousness of their stated comitment.
Of course, let’s not ever forget that when
RepublicanTEA party complain about the unconstitutional Obama administration, that under the original constitution Obama would not have been allowed to president, being black and all.Wow DeadToad, still dwelling in the past while we who think right are dwelling in the present. Somehow that seems your speed.
Just like Cass Sunstein is trying to do with his illegitimate Tea Party” operatives. Just like John Holdren is trying to do with his health care discussions, “change of heart: comments. Just like Odumba claiming there is no abortion coverage in the health care bill then funding it. Just like Odumba claiming there would be no illegal alien health care coverage and then two of his cabinet making statements they are looking to cover illegals.
Yep Goebbels has your side pegged!
@8 Lost says of our president, “an extremely misguided man who would be much happier living in Sweden or France”
@14 Then the hypocrite has the nerve to whine, “The personal attacks on men whose motives you don’t know, operating under pressures you can’t conceive of, are infantile and not worthy of response.”
@15 “He is an ass. He is a fool. He is a used car salesman in a pricey suit.”
Be afraid, wingnuts. Terror babies are coming to get you.
@25 Steve,
Terror Babies….on…BICYCLES!
heh- There’s nothing more scary to a wingnut than a brown, commie-fascist, jihadist, terror baby on a bicycle.
Re 24
Adults understand nuance. The permanent toddler mind of the liberal doesn’t.
Try, really hard, little Stevie, to understand what the adults are saying.
Deathfroggs laundry list of Bush crimes for which despite the obviously manifold evidenc no-one has been indicted- murder, war crimes, bribery and being bribed, treason, coup d’etat…
My complaint against Obama-
He is a man afraid of his convictions. He is anti-American in sentiment. He acts against the interests of the American people and the principles of the Constitution.
See, what adults understand is that the one is a political opinion. The other, were the president a private citizen, would land you in court for libel.
You know what’s interesting?
When driving near a road raging jerk with an active middle finger and a loud mouth what really sets him off isn’t your driving. Try smiling and waving. The jerk will have a heart attack in his ragings.
When discussing rationally the faults of conservatives and liberals (see 14) any shared blame or conceding that your side (gasp) makes mistakes too just results in more frothing at the mouth from the liberal.
@28 “Adults understand nuance. The permanent toddler mind of the liberal doesn’t.”
heh- Adult wingnut nuance,
“an extremely misguided man who would be much happier living in Sweden or France”
“He is an ass. He is a fool. He is a used car salesman in a pricey suit.”
Wingnuts and NPD. What’s up with that?
“results in more frothing at the mouth from the liberal”
heh- More adult nuance out of Lost. Of course, we all know that rabid wingnuts never froth at the mouth.
Re 22
In fairness Obama has not the greatness to attempt fundamental change off his own bat.
He can try to use the Commerce Clause to force people to buy what they may or may not want or need. But he can only do this because of the insane court during FDR that set that precedent.
He can try to expand the role of government into areas in which it has not business- my doctors office, private contractual agreeements regarding pay or bonuses etc- but he couldn’t do this without Johnsons Nightmare Society to set the pattern.
I guess you’re right. Obama is a little man in a big office with a lot of borrowed ideas he doesn’t really understand. Thanks for the correction.
As for what is unconstitutional in liberal policy? Taxing one citizen at higher rates than others, Social Security, all forms of welfare, medicare and Medicaid, HUD, the Education Department, and all the other inane abuses of the phrase ‘promote the general welfare.’ Answer any one of those and I’ll give you some of the fundamental illogic of liberal thought generally.
Re 30
Seriously Steve,
In your mind, in Blue Johns, in Rabbits and in most of the usual suspects here the US sucks. We need to copy the European socialist model to become a civilized nation. That is to say, we aren’t one now, and the principles of government that prohibit such adventures into the private lives of citizens need changed or ignored to accomplish our civilizing.
Just move there. Sweden is nice, if bland. France is nice, if you can handle the people. Italy is nice if chaotic. Just move there, if we are so terrible here and they have all the answers.
“Just move there. Sweden is nice, if bland. France is nice, if you can handle the people. Italy is nice if chaotic. Just move there, if we are so terrible here and they have all the answers.”
Jesus H. Christ, Lost, you’re the one who talks about moving to Italy because you’ve given up on America! Project much?
“In your mind, in Blue Johns, in Rabbits and in most of the usual suspects here the US sucks.”
Aarrgh!!! Enough!!! Stop with the projection already!!!
Re 34
I talk about moving to Italy for this reason-
If I’m going to live in a socialist state run by career government employees Italy has better food, art and architecture.
But I’d rather America return to what made us great, if given the choice.
Put in small words so that even you can understand-
Conservatives want to keep things pretty much as they are. That’s why the root of the word is ‘conserve.’
Liberals want to change things to some ideal model.
So who in the nature of things is most convinced America needs alteration, eh Steve?
“So who in the nature of things is most convinced America needs alteration, eh Steve?”
Hmm, let me guess. Would that be the guy who would bail out and leave America and move to Italy unless America changes?
Wait until Real Americans digest this about Russia defying ObaMao and making ready to fuel Iran’s Nuke reactors!
ObaMao has failed America…again.
All his JIVE talkin’ has made this world much less safe and America weaker.
This is a huge story.
ObaMao has allowed Iran to shove him around like a pansy-ass.
TODAY is the day of reckoning.
Now ObaMao also has Russia to deal with.
ObaMao==JIVE talker!
@36 lostinaseaofblue on 08/13/2010 at 9:10 am wrote:
Oh, just for fun, was the USA great in your life time?
If so, when exactly?
If not in your life time, when exactly?
“making ready to fuel Iran’s Nuke reactors!”
What Republicans believe America needs in order to return to its former greatness is another war with a Muslim nation.
RE 39
Don’t understand tenses?
It’s taken 80 years to sap some of the soul out of this country. But even a monstrosity like FDR couldn’t accomplish it completely.
Leave the major metropolitan areas and you’ll find where those emasculating policies have had little effect, except to make people mad about the direction the country has been going since FDR.
It is your inference that the country no longer is great, not my statement.
40. Steve spews:
Foolishness…you’re specialty.
ObaMao’s naive approach of pretending the threat does not exist and allowing the threat to build & grow has lead us to this day.
Iran is our enemy and the enemy of Israel.
They have a leader who has made so many violent & outrageous statements against Israel & the US…and is following thru with actions.
They are LAUGHING at the Jive-talkin’ ObaMao!!
No one wants war Steve.
But there is certainly evil in the world.
You Atheist Progressives seem to believe the US represents evil….it’s all our fault.
Most Real Americans see Iran for what it is…a real & imminent threat to our security & way of life.
The Jive-talker has really de-brained his Useful Idiots, hasn’t he?!
Thank-you Lost.
I love that bit about leaving the major metropolitan areas. The stupidity of that fits right in with the Diddler’s line of BS.
FDR was evil for rural electrification and irrigation projects outside of the major metropolitan areas.
FDR’s evil programs have held back the Diddler family and all the residents of eastern Washington. And no amount of facts shall ever cause you to rethink your premise.
You and your fellow travelers are not conservative by your definition or any other.
You are nutz. Or, as you say, Lost. :-)
I’d like to return to America in days past
when the top income tax rate was 80% from the 1930s to the 70s or 80s, whateve…
that’s when we had economic growth
because rich folks paying into government
makes it bigger
so it buys good things like infrastructure, ecuation, health, R and D…
thus makes the economy bigger
and i’d like a return to the 90’s
when we balanced the budget.
oh wait, we can return if we let the stupid tax cuts expire, they account for 30% of the deficit, but in giving back money to the rich they don’t usually spend it as wisely as the government can, when it does things like make the columbia basin fruitful or help economic growth….but the problem is the conservatives (so called) want a budget busting handout to the rich.
why can’t we go back to the tax rates of 1930-s-1972 when the economy was growing
“I love that bit about leaving the major metropolitan areas.”
I really do need to leave the major metropolitan area where I’ve lived for decades – Union, Mason County, WA, Population 500 – so I can get in touch with Real Americans.
RE 43
Not sure who ‘The Diddler’ is, or where you think I brought him, her or it up. But that fits in with your basic style of ignoring anything that you can’t refute and bringing up irrelevancies.
Nor do I know who ‘your fellow travellers’ are. I’m not planning any trips soon. And I travel with my family when I do travel. You have some beef with my wife and kids, Mike?
If you’ve read any of my postings with any reading comprehension you know the following-
I know Republicans have problems with their worldview. In the arena of civil rights particularly some of what is done is blatantly repugnant.
I believe Democrats are worse, since the civil rights violations against my economic liberty are less likely to be resisted by the people. And the social effect of their policies is far more destructive.
Neither side has a lock on the perfect way to run governments. Both sides compromising come to something the rest of the country can sort of live with.
But partisans like you can’t see this. All you can do is cheer for your side, right or wrong. All you can do is ignore facts in favor of your rose colored liberal glasses.
RE 44
So you’re a thief. Most would be more reticent about that, but okay.
Stealing 90% of another mans money by proxy (liberals don’t have the courage to accept the responsibility of the act direct) is your idea of social justice.
Wow, what a mixed up ethical and moral universe you do live in.
Re 44
Just thought you should know, as your college brainwashing in basic liberal canards gave you an incorrect notion-
Governments don’t grow economies. Businesses grow economies. The public sector doesn’t grow jobs. Businesses grow jobs.
“All you can do is cheer for your side, right or wrong.”
Pulled from your ass, as usual. We criticize Democrats all the time. Hell, I doubt that I’ve even given them so much as a compliment in over 40 years. But while Dems may disappoint us greatly, Republican policies have been ruinous for our nation.
“Not sure who ‘The Diddler’ is”
Just like you’re not sure who ‘Obamao’ might be. You’re full of NPD shit.
You are not the first to ask that question.
187. Blue John spews:
Oh REALLY? So when in our history is the high point? the perfect point in America culture? What is the ideal time you think we should aspire to? the 1960s with the civil unrest? The 1950s and segregation? The socialist and/or desperately poor 1930s? Prohibition and the lawlessness of the 1920s? The class society of the Victorian age? The 1800s before or after slavery? Before that?
YOu cannot put out a comment like that and not expect someone to want clarification!
So, Lost, when was that best time in America? That shining point that all other times are compared to?
Another Dummocrat Race is coming into play–
Friday, August 13, 2010
Under 50% for the LIAR Blumenthal!!
The Tea Party will descend on Connecticut and pummel the LIAR!!
Funny I just read a piece where the liberals and progressives of FDR’s day were tearing him to pieces about being too pragmatic and not moving fast enough. Much like Obama is being treated by a portion of the left these days.
Of course they were mostly right. FDR caved into the fear-mongering from the right wing over deficit spending and cut back some in his second term.
The result – a recession. Which was just great news for the right wingers – they crowed his policies never worked to begin with! Imagine the nerve after feckless laissez-faire policies resulted in a 30 percent hit to GNP and 25 percent unemployment during Hoover’s time and the GNP all came back during FDR’s first term.
If only FDR didn’t lose his nerve the unemployment would probably have been mostly erased as well. As it turned out it never got better than 15 percent until WWII happened.
Over 5 years unemployed. Your wife supports the family. you aren’t a real man.
Another toss-up race now strongly breaking Republican!
Friday, August 13, 2010
lost @32
Your antiquated, sclerotic view of the Constitution was long ago rejected by the Supreme Court. Had it not been so rejected, this nation would not have survived. A modern nation needs access to modern governing tools, not those of a rural, agrarian society that no longer exists. Fortunately, the drafters of our Constitution had foresight, and drafted the document to have the flexibility necessary to grow and evolve with the times, with technological advances, with social needs. I guess you don’t give them that credit.
ObaMao is also a LIAR about transparency in Government. Look at all the FOIA requests denied! An all-time record!!
More ObaMao JIVE-talkin’!!
GM and Chysler and now profitable and beginning to pay back what was lent to them by the U.S. Taxpayer.
ONE MILLION jobs were saved.
No one with an ounce of honesty can claim that the stimulus and rescue programs did not prevent economic catastrophe.
Yet things are still bad and that’s a hotbed of discontent for the fear-mongerers and resentment harvesters of the right to exploit for their own selfish gain. What a miserable bunch of America hating bastards.
Blue John,
I already answered Mike, in case you hadn’t noticed, at 41.
I missed a post of yours earlier. Like you, I have a life.
But the answer to your question is the same as the answer to Mikes. The country still is great, due to the non-metro areas retaining the self reliance and work ethic and moral values that made it so. Nevertheless it has been on a downhill slide since FDR and in large part due to him.
RE 55
Sclerotic? Interesting.
“Fortunately, the drafters of our Constitution had foresight…. I guess you don’t give them that credit.”
Liberal pressure to change makes for an unstable society, while conservative resistance to it makes for one unable to adapt. The founders understood this, and allowed a mechanism for change which required time and deliberation to ensure the change was necessary.
They very much did not want alterations in the fabric of government at the whim of the moment, or at it’s percieved need.
So what don’t I understand about that?
The Supreme Court? All of a sudden they are infallible, eh? So let’s bring back Dred Scott. This Supreme Court, in its’ infinite wisdom decided that minimum wage laws were fine, a year after deciding on a nearly identical case that they weren’t. The reason? FDR threatened to add justices until he got his way. Thus the phrase ‘a switch in time saved 9.’ This same Supreme Court decided a man growing corn on his own land for his own family was violating a law prohibiting interstate traffic of corn.
When the Supreme Court is made up of gods and not men we’ll talk.
Until then, what ‘modern governing tools?’ Warrantless wiretapping, for instance? How about deciding for me how I ought to save for my retirement? Telling me to go into the marketplace and buy a product I neither need nor want? Those tools?
Because I care about what the country looks like for my children and eventual grandchildren I’m ‘an American hating bastard.’
Because I don’t want their future mortgaged so that people can sit on unemployment for 2 damned years I hate my country?
Because I want them to be self reliant adults who can react to crisis independently rather than begging for help from their senile Uncle Sam I’m anti-American?
So be it, but YLB
Heh. Well, take a look at what the miserable policies you’ve supported have done:
Sorry it’s not all their fault. People who are lucky enough to have jobs now work well in excess of 40 hours a week, often 80 or more hours. Just to survive! American workers now work more hours than the typical Japanese – that’s disgusting.
That’s not the American dream. The KLOWN’s dream is that he’s got it made and the rest of us can go to hell.
lost @ 58
FDR and the New Deal saved this country from ruin. You’ve been asked above, yet you avoided the question: when was the idyllic moment in American history that we should use as a marker by which we can see all that we have lost? When was America’s Eden? Unfocused nostalgia for what never was provides no guidance for living now in the real world. Of course, people of your ideological ilk never have lived in the real world. You see everything with a confirmation bias–seeing only those “facts” which tend to confirm your immoveable views and filter out anything which might challenge those views. That is the trouble with contemporary conservatism in this country. Fortunately, such a selective approach to what is and what is happening ultimately prevents your side from recognizing, and working to avoid, your impending political demise.
“The country still is great, due to the non-metro areas retaining the self reliance and work ethic and moral values that made it so.”
Jesus Fucking Christ! So people living in metro areas are lacking in “self reliance and work ethic and moral values”. That’s nothing but a load of insipid, delusional and hate-filled horseshit.
“You’ve been asked above, yet you avoided the question”
This is no different than the rest of his cutting and running.
Pretty much. If there were jobs they’d be working and not need the subsidy. People have to eat and pay the rent while looking for work or retraining for an emerging industry. This is not a problem in other social democracies. There’s social insurance – there’s worker retraining and other programs.
You claim they prefer getting a check and staying home. That’s a miserable lie.
You claim to worry about a future of debt for your kids but plenty of debt was run up on the last guy’s watch. The first one trillion dollar deficit was inherited from the last guy you happily voted for.
Am I understanding you? There are of course individuals who buck the trends but the inhabitants in rural and suburban America, they are still the best of America, but the urban people, the ones in the cities, they are the drivers of the decay of America?
If you had to define four attributes that are good and four attributes that are bad about the two groups, what would they be?
The rural and suburban people are
– self reliance
– have a strong work ethic
– have moral values
– [one more thing]
Conversely the urban people are
– dependent on others
– have a lousy work ethic
– have low moral values
– [one more thing]
That’s parsing what you wrote. Would you change it? What would you add?
That’s kind of funny. I finally realized why Ted Stevens was called “Uncle Ted”.
Everywhere he went in Alaska people would come up to him and pitch an idea that would be “good for Alaska” – if only it could be funded by Federal dollars – Uncle Sam.
Yes – right wing Republican Alaska has always relied on the kindness of strangers. Sarah Palin used the services of a lobbyist while mayor of Wasilla. The hypocrisy is unfathomable.
Lordy, if his shallow and insipid posts here offer any clue, then I can only imagine how fucked up Lost’s house-flipper projects must turn out. Although I suppose I should be glad he’s not involved in any major construction projects. Best that he leaves those to the likes of Max and myself.
Hey YLB,
I work in construction, one of the hardest hit areas for unemployment.
I turn down work as often as take it. I have been too busy since being laid off over a year ago. And I haven’t sought work at all. Mostly people call me to ask if I’m available.
This is true of every man of the department that was cut which I ran, leading to my and their lay-offs.
One was laid off a few weeks ago, and found another job at the same pay in 2 days.
If I lived in the industrial east I might not have been so fortunate. But I would have moved where the work was, rather than whine and beg like a little girl for the bread to feed my family.
And out of curiousity, do you folks understand English? I’ve repeatedly written about my dissatisfaction with Bush on a number of grounds. Yet you keep asking me to support the very policies I’ve criticized from his administration. What’s the deal with that?
Re 68
Yes, you’re a huge success. Due to a progressive government and social programs and all the rest right?
If you are as you portray yourself it’s because you worked hard to earn a reputation as a man who could get a job done. You did this working from an underpriviledged background. And you have the sheer nerve to criticise the very system of rewarding independent effort that made it all possible. What ingratitude.
“Because I don’t want their future mortgaged so that people can sit on unemployment for 2 damned years I hate my country?
Because I want them to be self reliant adults who can react to crisis independently rather than begging for help from their senile Uncle Sam I’m anti-American?”
Millions lose their jobs thanks to thirty years of failed Reaganomics and Lost sees fit to demonize the unemployed as being lazy bastards wanting to live on the public dole.
You’re not only anti-American, Lost, you’re an American worker hating piece of shit.
Re 67
Precisely. Thank you for making my point.
Prior to FDR no-one would have dreamed of assuming federal responsibility for local problems. This was so clearly against common sense and the structure of the Constitution it would have seemed insane.
Then that traitorous son of a bitch came along and ruined my country.
You want to know the long term effects of progressive policy? Examine the 80 year slide in this country and you’ll see it plain as day.
See 69 Steve,
Every good carpenter I know is employed. The ones who aren’t are the ones who thought more about lunch and Miller Time than the tasks at hand. They discussed the latest girl over lunch, not the latest tools. And they have no-one but themselves to blame. So, after 2 years, get off your ass and get to work or starve.
“Yes, you’re a huge success.”
Did I say that? Or did you pull that from your ass.
“Due to a progressive government and social programs and all the rest right?”
Yeah, sure, the billions in MS construction Max and I’ve done was all financed by government and social programs. Christ, you’re fucking ignorant.
“And you have the sheer nerve to criticise the very system of rewarding independent effort that made it all possible.”
Pulled from your ass.
“So, after 2 years, get off your ass and get to work or starve.”
Where are all the millions of jobs for the unemployed, Lost? Tell us where they are. Come on. Where in America should these millions of people move to find these jobs?
Wrong. Barry Goldwater’s family in Arizona thrived on federal government contracts – pre-FDR..
Any economist worth his salt knows that government spending is essential to a modern functioning economy.
Those that don’t have it are generally places you wouldn’t want to live.
“Then that traitorous son of a bitch came along and ruined my country.”
So this nation has been ruined for nearly 80 years? I take it the days of American glory you so long for preceded the year 1932.
BJ @ 66
lost is truly lost on this urban v. rural issue. Naturally, there are plenty of exceptions, but in my experience the truly gifted, intelligent, motivated, and even physically attractive people who grow up in rural areas tend to migrate to urban areas. Those a bit more challenged tend to stay behind. If lost does not recognize that pattern, then his eyes are wilfully closed.
Yep DeadToad Goebbels has your side pegged. Ezra Klein and his Journolist (remember Lee’s positive comments on Dave Weigel, that ex WA Post conservative hater busted by his own blog commentary) said call them racists when they disagree with Odumba policies.
Yep Goebbels!
Lost, why do think that living in a city, in an urban environment causes laziness, moral decay and dependency?
What is the catalyst? What factors in the city cause the problems that rural people don’t have?
How long would it take for all the unemployed workers in America to be trained in being skilled carpenters?
Interesting because leftists of your ilk placed documenation on this blog displaying there was NEVER a balanced budget in the 90s.
Butt keep thinking that stupid mantra!
Now that’s a specious argument. Why? Puddy has detailed over and over the inner city problems Blue John. Were you asleep?
Fro remedial help ask ylb. He has his HA database ready for the first leftist pinhead to call upon him. Go ahead and get that memory refresher!
More Steve Steve Steve BULLSHITTIUM. Who has been in control of the purse string most of those 30 years? DUMMOCRAPTS!
Sure ylb… that’s why 100 economists have said Odumba and his merry CZAR peeps are failing to do it RIGHT!
The traitorous son of a bitch in my mind was Reagan and his enabler Nixon.
Nixon was the ultimate harvester of resentment, the ultimate divider. Just as America was finally extending the New Deal to all americans through the great society and the war on poverty, the long simmering legacy of racism and injustice burst onto the streets and Nixon was there to turn the fear and ignorance into political power for himself and a new breed of Republicans.
Reagan the miserable Calvinist built on Nixon’s legacy – turning Americans against each other at every opportunity.
Nixon and Reagan laid the ground work for the lockstep plutocracy protectors in the Senate and the nutcase minority in the House today.
So ylb is arguing class warfare started with Nixon? Really?
Do tell ylb… you have Puddy on the edge of his seat!
Give us YOUR thoughts not some leftist pinhead web site. Remember Puddy will verify!
Oh Lordy, the guy-who-needs-meds has shown up again and he’s still batshit insane. WTF is he trying to tell us this time?? Does anybody know? Hmm, maybe Darryl and his Puddy decoder goggles can help us out here.
Isn’t Lost fun?
Let’s recap.
Urban dwellers are lazy and won’t move to an undisclosed location (Cheney’s ranch?) where the jobs are.
Rural dwellers who stay put and don’t move from rural areas to the urban areas (urbanization) like most folks born in rural areas have (like Lost or his forefathers) for the past 200 years are better somehow.
Therefore if we would just go back to the way things were 80 years ago we would not be wasting our time laughing at mentally challenged commenters like the urban living, lazy, morally inferior Lost on our Gubernment research funded and created intertubes.
Makes perfect nonsense.
Blue John,
The Calvinist ethic together with the Puritan, whether you agree with the religious derivations or not, contributed greatly to building this country to what it is, even on the decline.
Where it remains at all this ethic is more in evidence in rural and suburban America than in urban America. This isn’t just America. I’ve noticed that Romans have more in common with Seattle dwellers in attitude and behavior than with their countrymen on the campagnia. I’ve noticed that Seattle and LA residents have more in common with each other than with the states in which they are located.
This isn’t good or bad. It is simply human nature. But traditionally cultures balance themselves from the frenetic energy of cities to the quiet conservatism of the rural areas. This hasn’t been true for the past 80 years, in part because progressive policies have altered the balance. In my view for the worse, but this is an opinion. Remember those? They were what we used in this country to come to some reasonable compromise on social issues that otherwise could tear the country apart.
Oh dear!
Because the one time this country was torn apart by civil war, it was because urban culture was demanding that slavery continue over the objection of rural Protestant peace & freedom loving, self reliant farmers.
Seriously man, you live in a fantastical bubble of ignorance.
Don’t tell Cynical that the generic ballot is not a good predictor. He’ll definitely blow a gasket.
Re 86
Umm, are you connected to reality at any point whatever?
The New Deal is and was flatly unconstitutional. It was and is a faulty socioeconomic structure, which has led us to where we are today. The Great Nightmare of Johnson was the power grab of a vicious old politician who would use whatever tools came to hand to gain and consolidate his power. Keep your leftist missionary tract on this, I’m not interested in the lies.
I’ll leave Nixon alone, as I’m only peripherally knowlegeable about him or his administration.
But Reagan the great divider. Whew. Have to wipe tears of laughter away on that lunacy! Reagan and Clinton had this in common, both were men who could unite the country despite partisan differences. Sure a few on the far left and the right disliked him, but they would have done regardless.
80% of our population lives in cities. Fuck the rural conservatives.
85 – and you don’t say which economists. (uh uh it’s not for me to look it up – it’s for YOU to support your assertion). Sure the Obama stimulus wasn’t enough by far but none of the critics can say what he could have done differently especially given the enormous challenges of Obama’s agenda, the economic situation he inherited and the make up of the Congress.
Noooo… Since at least Reagan’s time, the momentum at all levels of goverment was on the right – the direction was for tax cuts, de-regulation, strangling growth in government spending through tabor-like laws and legislative majority rules.
Now we’re finally spending SOMETHING domestically but we’re not paying for it.
That’s why it’s so necessary to let the Bush tax cuts expire and vote MORE PROGRESSIVES into office.
And finally let the Bush wars die. Afghanistan is pretty much a lost cause. I supported it because I thought it was essential to suppressing a safe haven for violent extremists but it now appears to be an expensive strategy to appease nutcase greedheads like Cheney lusting after the vast natural gas reserves of Turkmenistan.
We can’t afford it. The Afghans will have to fight the medieval fanatics themselves. Hopefully we’ve given them enough resources to accomplish that on their own.
Despite never having been adjudicated so. You have a right to your opinions, but not your own facts. And the FACT is that in this country legislation is constitutional until the SCOTUS finds otherwise, period.
Re 89
If something seems illogical, check your premises.
I don’t live in the city. Never have said I did. I have a home in the suburbs, a cabin in the woods and a house in a tiny village in Lunigiana. I lived in Seattle for 4 miserable months of noise and light and activity and moved. Wouldn’t live there again for any money.
Point is, you haven’t the faintest notion of where I live, where my father or forebears lived or really anything at all about me.
But you feel perfectly comfortable assuming a lot of stuff and basing your commentary on it.
Otherwise, yes. If jobs aren’t available where one lives moving seems a logical act. Nor does this seem particularly controversial to me.
Re 91
You do realize the Civil War was much more about federalism than slavery, right? Slavery was a hot button issue to mobilize the South to secede, but mainly the Southern states were proclaiming their right both to individual policy and to secede at will. Lincoln argued this point rather vigorously for about 4 years. Slavery was an issue, but not the primary one.
@94 Daddy Love,
Ignorant fools (a.k.a. today’s Republican TEA party) live everywhere. As prima facie I present to you urban living lostinaseaofblue.
That said, there’s plenty of evidence that they tend to be found more often in some areas.
“Reagan and Clinton had this in common, both were men who could unite the country despite partisan differences.”
heh- We were a united country under Reagan and Clinton.
There is no class warfare. It pretty much ended with Reagan’s election and as Warren Buffet said – his class won.
All the gains won by the top 2 percent are protected by filibuster rules in the Senate and a working conservative majority in the House populated by lockstep nutcase right wing Republicans and Blue Dog pseudo-Dems.
This is what Obama has to compromise with. That’s he’s accomplished as much as he has speaks volumes about how bad the state of the country really is.
Re 96
“Despite never have been adjudicated so..”
No, when a jack booted thug like FDR threatens to pack the court til he gets what he wants that’s what happens.
Ideally the court would have resigned en masse. That would have been the right thing to do, but what they did is cave.
“Point is, you haven’t the faintest notion of where I live, where my father or forebears lived or really anything at all about me.”
We do know that you’re dumber than a fucking stump. Indeed, that much we do know about you.
“That’s he’s accomplished as much as he has speaks volumes about how bad the state of the country really is.”
On this we can agree, with a difference in emphasis and out of your context.
With that I’ve got meetings the rest of the afternoon.
Have a nice day.
Don’t need to ylb. You have the link so instead of playing dumb (24×7) why not review the link from US News and World Report. Owner is Mort Zuckerman… he writes Odumba teleprompter stand here on the spot marked by X speeches
No, I don’t fantasize that the Civil War, where a group of states which not only demanded the right to enslave people, but to continue the policies of the Missouri Compromise to enshrine slavery and started a treasonous armed rebellion in order to maintain slavery after the election of the abolitionist Lincoln was about anything but slavery.
For you, the facts interfere with your philosophy, so you create your own.
See the
RepublicanTEA party position in 2010 on the 14th amendment of 1868 led by the senior senator from…SOUTH CAROLINA.
“Otherwise, yes. If jobs aren’t available where one lives moving seems a logical act. Nor does this seem particularly controversial to me.”
Answer the fucking question. Where are the millions of jobs in America that are just waiting for those lazy, good-for-nothing, unemployed American workers? Where do the millions of unemployed, due to the utter failure of 30 years of Reaganomics, move to get these jobs that are waiting for them? Name the cities. Name the states. Provide proof. And pulling more shit from your ass isn’t proof, Lost.
Opinions…They were what we used in this country to come to some reasonable compromise on social issues that otherwise could tear the country apart.
From your point of view, do you see conservatives as the ones who are compromising, the ones giving in to the unyielding progressives?
From my perspective, the progressives and the liberals are the ones doing all the compromising. We cannot have a discussion, there is not give and take, the conservatives have dug in their heels and will not give a metaphorical inch. It’s “We are right, you are wrong. Do it our way, or you are not an American!” How can we have a reasonable discussion when all we get is the conservatives screaming “Hell No!”.
Lost @ 93: “…the New Deal was flatly unconstitutional….”
Wrong again. I don’t know if you are just voicing your own opinion, or are referring to the Schector Poultry Corp. vs. U.S., 295 U.S. 495 (1935).
But if you are referring to the latter, be aware that it only invalidated those portions of the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) which mandated price fixing by industry commissions. With so many out of work during the Great Depression, the prices of food items had dropped below the cost of production, many farmers were plowing their produce in the fields, and dairy, pork, and poultry farmers were butchering their stocks since they couldn’t afford to feed them. This aspect of the NILA was an emergency measure to stabilize prices and prevent a loss of breeding stock from which it might take the a decade or more to recover.
By the time of the Shecter Poultry decision, it was already a moot point, as the commission system was already being abandoned as prices had more or less stabilized, albeit at a very low level. But the popular outrage against the court’s attempt to invalidate Roosevelt’s progams led to a Constitutional crisis. Roosevelt pointed out that nowhere in the Constitution does it limit the number of Supreme Court justices to three, and he suggested that perhaps he should appoint a few more, to more “balance” the court, perhaps with up to a total of fifteen justices.
The Nov. 1936 elections were a resounding defeat for the Republicans and an affirmation of Roosevelt’s policies. During the fall of 1936 and winter of 1937 the Supreme Court heard the case of West Coast Hotel vs. Parish, 300 U.S. 379 (1937), which was a challenge to the constitutionality of Washington state’s minimum wage law. F.D.R.’s Judicial Reform Act was placed before Congress in Feb. of 1937.
In the West Coast Hotel case, Associate Justice Roberts switched to voting with the more liberal block, reversing prior precedent and changing the course of the court in dealing with economic reform legislation. This change has been called “The switch in time which saved nine”, as it made the judicial reorganization plan unnecessary, and it was allowed to die in Congress. Thereafter the Supreme Court regularly upheld the Constitutionality of Roosevelt’s New Deal legislation.
But remember that the principle legacies of F.D.R’s programs were (a) providing jobs in bad times so people can earn a living while building important national infrastructure, (b) providing social security to our aged so the don’t die in poverty or have to compete for jobs with younger workers, (c) imposing oversight and regulation of securities and financial markets to protect investors, and (d) establishing a safe and strong banking system through oversight, auditing, capital requirements, in exchange for a limited government guarantee of depositor’s funds.
So exactly what is it about these programs that the Republicans these days hate so much?
Dang, edit function still not working.
Edit: “…nowhere in the Constitution does it limit the number of Supreme Court justices to nine….”
The New Deal is and was flatly unconstitutional.
Lost, you stated a while back, that in your vision for America, you didn’t want any Federal money going for any social program like social security, unemployment or education. Federal money was only for the military, courts and a “reasonable” regulation of commerce. (That’s a paraphrase, I may have lost something in the translation).
How about state and local money? Is it acceptable for states to spend money on social programs?
Lost @ 91:
I know that this has been an argument for the past 150+ years, mostly from southerners. I’m well aquainted with it, having grown up in the South. I’ve spent a lot of time examining the evidence, both the assertions that it was a theoretical issue of “state’s rights”, or over “unfair tariffs”, etc.
Lincoln didn’t help clarify matters at the beginning of the war, when he insisted it was for the preservation of the Union, not the end of slavery. Of course, at the time he was worried about the status of Missouri, Kentucky, and Maryland, slave states which might have seceeded as well.
But really, slavery was the overriding issue, regardless of how it was clothed. Southerners could talk about state’s rights, but hypothetical differences over government theories don’t compel a break from a union, or a civil war, unless there is a specific issue which dominates the discussion. That subject was slavery, and the South’s fears that the Lincoln administration might take actions against the rights of slaveholders.
If you dispute this, then just read the Declarations of Secession from the various Southern states, all of which mention slavery very prominantly.
Of course, the Union troops early in the war stumbled upon a contrivance which effectively freed slaves within territory they controlled, regardless of the lack of any official policy in this regard. They borrowed the southerner’s view of slaves as “property”, and reasoned that under the laws of war they could seize property belonging to the enemy which could arguably support his war effort. So hundreds of thousands of slaves who sought the protection of Union camps were referred to as “contraband” (i.e., contraband property subject to seizure), and many were allowed to remain and earn their keep with the army by performing camp labor for specific units as the company cook, cutting firewood, etc.
Since this took place for a year and a half before the Emancipation Proclamation took effect, it effectively made the Union army the largest “slaveholder” in the nation, at least for a time.
RE 110
Meeting running late, so I have a moment-
Yes. The powers not specifically granted the federal government were reserved to the states and the citizens of them. So long as a conflict with the Federal Constitution isn’t present the states can do as their various Constitutions permit.
The whole point was to keep the mass of government local where it could respond to local and regional needs on a local and regional level. This was to mean that government would be directly responsible to its citizen electors.
The Federal government was to provide for common defense, arbitrate disputes between the states or citizens of different states, provide for interstate commerce, give a unified face to the world for treaties or other negotiations and a few other minor functions. That’s all it was supposed to do.
But now here we are. We have a massive and unresponsive federal government run by career politicians and employees who owe more to lobbyists and special interests than to the voting public. We have smaller versions of this in all of the states. It’s not exactly the blueprint for democratic government as envisioned by the founding fathers.
Answer the fucking question. Where are the millions of jobs for the unemployed?
Lost won’t answer. But he’ll certainly be back to tell us again and again and again how the unemployed are lazy bastards who haven’t the gumption to move to that mythical somewhere that exists only in Lost’s delusional mind where millions of job openings are just begging to be filled.
Yes you need to back up what you claim.
I have no idea why you keep yammering about the database being backup for your ideology. That’s not its purpose. It’s purpose is to mine for facts about right wing activity in these comment threads and by doing so serving up fodder for some rich laughter at right wing expense.
By listening and hanging on to the words of hypocrites and charlatans like Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity and the like, the right wing has earned nothing less.
Re 114
I won’t answer because I don’t know. I don’t know because I don’t care. I am working, so thinking about where to go to get work doesn’t figure largely in my life.
I will say I’ve worked through 2 recessions. I’ve never lacked a job when looking for one, or wanting to work.
Are the unemployed lazy? I never said that. They might be frightened and letting the fear make decisions rather than their minds. I can’t help them with this, nor can I tell a man where to go to find work. That’s up to him. Not me.
“Are the unemployed lazy? I never said that.”
Sure thing, Lost, there’s absolutely no inference of such a sentiment in these comments:
And that’s just from this thread. You’ve spewn this shit about the unemployed for a long time. That’s because you’re a shallow and insipid asswipe, Lost.
Did I miss the announcement of your appointment to the Supreme Court? My recollection is that you finished but a year of law school, yet you can boldly proclaim “[t]he New Deal is and was flatly unconstitutional.” Don’t think you’re a constitutional scholar, bud. The Court that emerged from the FDR appointments returned the Court to constitutional reality. The wretchedly rightwing Court that dominated the first few decades of the 20th century had twisted the Constitution into a blueprint for Big Capitalism to write its own ticket (see Lochner v. New York). That Court had written the average individual out of the Constitution’s protection. The FDR Court merely restored common sense to constitutional jurisprudence.
And so after telling us that the unemployed whine and beg like little girls, that they are people wanting to sit on unemployment for 2 damned years, that they beg for help from their senile Uncle Sam, that they have no-one but themselves to blame, that they should get off their asses and get to work or starve, I ask Lost to tell us where all the millions of jobs are in this country that are going begging for applicants. What does he have to say for himself?
“I won’t answer because I don’t know. I don’t know because I don’t care.”
With that we have what is likely the only true statement that Lost has ever made here.
Re 118
If you actually can (which you can’t) refute the point at 101.
FDR decided being in control of the executive branch wasn’t good enough for his dictatorial ambitions. Therefore he attempted to pack the high court to suit his philosophies and get a rubber stamp. Very clever, and perfectly Constitutional, but thoroughly reprehensible.
BTW, in his fireside chat announcing his attempted coup d’etat FDR actually thanked people for their voluntary turning over of privately held gold. First time I’ve ever heard something which results in jail if you don’t do it ‘voluntary.’
FDR was a disgusting man with more in common with Stalin than George Washington.
I don’t know from the nonsense expressed further up this thread what “golden age” any of y’all are hearkening back to or longing for. Most likely, if it was some time before you were born you have no idea whatsoever what you’re talking about. Each era has had its good aspects of life and its problems and suffering. Someday no doubt our children or grandchildren will watch some dramatization on AMC of the era we’re living in now, and think it’s kind of cool.
@121 Well, Lost says America was “ruined” by that “traitor”, FDR. So we know it was sometime before 1932. Seeing as he’s a wingnut, I suspect he has a hankering for the pre-Civil War South, as do so many other asswipes of his ilk.
Sure, FDR threatened to pack the Court. I’m damned glad that he did. It was a desperate time that called for desperate measures. He was confronted with a Court full of troglodytes who viewed the Constitution as a tool for fucking the little guy and stuffing the pockets of the fat cats. There is no question about that. You’re just very wrong today, lost. Hungover or something?
“I don’t know because I don’t care.”
Geez, I tried really hard to find a comment of Lost’s where he didn’t denigrate the unemployed American worker, all those millions of victims of the 30 year failure that was trickle-down Reaganomics, but I couldn’t find a single one.
I see that Newt Gingrich shares Lost’s contempt for the unemployed victims of 30 years of failed Reaganomics.
Is that where Lost gets his hate? Is he hating on the unemployed because America’s college educated engineers refuse to work in their profession for less than what someone on welfare receives? Is that why corporations with over a trillion dollars in cash aren’t hiring? Is it because they, like Lost, want America’s skilled unemployed workers to become so desperate that they’ll work in an engineering profession for less than what a welfare recipient recieves??
Hell no fool. You have it right there. Puddy produces the link. Sometimes Puddy produces the link a second time cuz Puddy wants to. If you DIDN’T have the DATABASE then you could ask for it Butt, you archived it. Puddy don’t repeat links cuz you “asked nicely”?
So Steve Steve Steve, where DO YOU GET YOUR HATE from?
Seems to be seeting throughout your “commentary” eve since you arrived on HA! You hate rivals the database “king” ylb!
Will someone please kindly inform the poster @127 that I don’t converse with krazy-ass twits who refuse to take their meds? Thanks!
Geez, there’s that psycho-laugh again. I take it that somebody still refuses to take their meds.
Your heart should embrace Puddy. We of the liberal persuasion understand that those who have disabilities need our support, not our contempt.
@120 lostinaseaofblue wrote at 08/13/2010 at 3:32 pm:
And the Civil War had little if anything to do with slavery.
And you’re to be believed about anything.
My Christian heart truly does embrace Puddy, proud leftist. It’s just that the rest of me is horribly repulsed by him. I’m working on it though, and I am making good progress. I hope that soon I’ll be 100% horribly repulsed by him. Sigh! But I’m sure there’ll be a part of me that’ll always be there for him, encouraging him to, please, for God’s sake, take his meds before commenting.
“Seems to be seeting throughout your “commentary” eve since you arrived on HA! You hate rivals the database “king” ylb!”
See what I mean about the meds?
Most of what Puddy writes I have to ignore anyway, proud leftist, seeing as I don’t have a pair of Puddy Decoder Goggles and Darryl won’t loan me his. I mean, really, most of the time I have no idea at all about WTF Puddy’s even talking about. I imagine nobody else does either.
I understand your frustration with trying to interpret Puddyese. I share your frustration. Nevertheless, as good liberals, we must remember that his inability to express himself coherently must surely be causing him big quotients of pain in his life. Accordingly, as Christian leftists, we must extend him our empathy, not our wrath.
For Christ’s sake, PL! Pudpuller is insane! And not in anyway that permits empathy or compassion.
Here’s some appropriate “compassion” and empathy for Pudpuller: Like a rabid animal, it’s best left alone if you can’t readily end its misery…
“Accordingly, as Christian leftists, we must extend him our empathy, not our wrath.”
Can you see how I get those two mixed up? I’ll try to reply to something he wrote and I’ll start off feeling empathetic and all that, but by the time I put a period on the first sentence I’m feeling like spewing some progressive wrath. It’s just not easy to converse with a wingnut who is, um…
“Pudpuller is insane!”
Yeah, that’s the word I was looking for!
136, 137
In my better moments, I do think, “ah, poor Puddy. He’s just insane. No point in poking him.” Those better moments don’t last long, though, when he lashes out with his nonsense. I can never have better moments when it comes to Cynical. He, too, is insane, but it’s a venomous, venal insanity that is just too harmful.
RE 138
Oh fine. No pity for me. I’m hurt, Proud. Hurt.
Well, too nice a day, and my
RE 138
Oh fine. No pity for me. I’m hurt, Proud. Hurt.
Well, too nice a day, and my brother just bought a boat he needs lessons in skippering. Have a nice day.
A decent person backs up what he says and obviously you have some issues with that.