Worst. Campaign. Ever.
From National Post:
A Quebec comedy duo notorious for pulling prank calls on celebrities have struck again. This time, comedian Marc Antoine Audette and Sebastian Trudel Audette, known as the Masked Avengers, tricked Republican Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin into believing that she was speaking to French President Nicolas Sarkozy.
Throughout the interview Audette drops hints that he’s not who he claims to be. He names popular French singer Johnny Hallyday as his advisor on U.S. affairs and Quebec singer Stef Carse was named as Canada’s Prime Minister.
“We have such great respect for you [Sarkozy], John and I,” she gushed.
Later in the interview, Audette, jokes that he and Palin shared an interest in common, hunting.
“We should try hunting by helicopter like you did, I never did that,” Audette said.
“We could have a lot of fun together while we’re getting work done. Kill two birds with one stone,” Palin replied.
I couldn’t stand to listen to more than about the first thirty seconds.
If you must, it’s up at Eschaton. And probably all other corners of the Toobz.
There is now nothing left to be said about this woman.
Sure that’s her? How did they call her? Isn’t she on the road? Doesn’t she have handlers whose job is to protect her from herself?
It was really her alright. Her campaign has issued “an amused response to having been pranked by French-Canadian comics.”
Personally, I find it rather exciting to think that Palin and Joe the Plumber are shaping up to the face of the conservative Republican Party for the next few years, with Rush Limbaugh cheering them on.
Go Joe!! Get ’em Sarah!
The Mat-Su Barbie. The tin-pot dictator from Wasilla who would be Queen.
Only in America.
By the way, where’s the chimp?
Gone! No where to be seen.
“There is now nothing left to be said about this woman”
Oh, I don’t know. You’ve got to give her credit for staying so loyal and true to Senator McCain. Selflessly working to promote Senator McCain’s campaign to become President. ;-{)
McCain’s name nowhere to be seen at Palin rally
Ok, I understand asking President Bush to keep a low profile, and I certainly understand asking Vice President Cheney to stay out of sight (even though he hasn’t obliged), but when you need to leave off the name of the candidate, that’s pretty much the end of things for that campaign.
Joe the Plumber is just the sort of guy I
thought the democrat party was all for.
It appears to be not true. Why are they
so interested in trying to ruin this man?
Why are tards so fucking stupid? All Joe
did was ask a question.
Well, not only in America. Think about Eva Peron. She was from an actually humble background. Palin’s father was a science teacher, but she quickly learned how to grift her way to notariety. She’s drooling for a shot at a bigger trough…
You guys are down to the home stretch. Obama will win on Tueday, and then in January they’ll start the “Obamarama” – brought to you by the Milk Chocolate Messiah and His Merry Ban of Nit-wit Neo-socialist Democrats!
Like the shrunken head said in “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban,” “It’s going to be a bumpy ride!”
Is biden still the veep pick?
For someone that enjoys being the center of attention he sure isn’t getting any face time.
Ever since he guaranteed that obama would be tested and it would look like he did the wrong thing obama has kept him hidden away.
What’s worse, a veep that goes out campaigning or one that obama has to keep locked up in a closet.
Only the stupid uninformed people that aren’t capable of asking the messiah a question that would sink his campaign.
Yes, Marvin, Senator Biden is keeping a very busy campaign schedule. Of course, in his case, he leaves Senator Obama’s name at the top of the poster.
Today, he’s got rallies at:
Evansville, IN.
Marion, OH.
Bowling Green, OH.
Of course, in our party, the excitement is about the top of the ticket. When Senator Biden speaks, he draws crowds numbering in the thousands. We like him, but we all know that he’s not the main attraction.
Funny how it doesn’t seem to work that way for you Republicans. Senator McCain can’t seem to draw a crowd unless he brings Governor Palin along, and from what the reports indicate, they tend to start leaving as soon as Governor Palin finishes.
Maybe Governor Palin’s idea of leaving Senator McCain’s name off the posters isn’t such a bad one.
The campaign seems to still be afloat, Marv. And the question was answered.
Joe, however, is a fraud.
Joe the Plumber is just the sort of guy I
thought the democrat party was all for.
A guy who misrepresents himself and then calls press conferences to self-promote and milk his new found fame.
This is a flim-flam man – the perfect Republican.
There’s nothing REAL about him. We’re the reality based community. “Joe the plumber” is a fraud.
Spam E-Mails From McCain
I received a couple of anti-Obama spam e-mails this afternoon urging me to vote for McCain. The e-mails are deceptive because the subject line makes you think it’s pro-Obama. It’s written in a style to make you think it’s from a senior citizen or some other individual. The reason I could tell it’s robo-spam is because one of them was worded as though it were being sent to the writer’s relatives, and all of the addresses are strangers.
Hey, it’s one thing to use mass e-mails to campaign for your candidate. But it’s a horse of a different color to get people to read your partisan propaganda by deceiving recipients about who it’s from — and using a fictitious person to induce you to read it.
Another slimy campaign tactic brought to you by the slimeballs of the GOP.
@3 I sure hope Caribou Barbie is their nominee in 2012!
@7 Because he gave the wrong answer to his own question. Joe’s entitled to his opinion, but he’s not entitled to make up facts.
Roger Rabbit’s Health Care Plan
Simple. Let insurance companies insure routine medical care and make the federal government the insurer of last resort for people with financially catastrophic medical needs. We already do this with FEMA flood insurance and now we’re doing it for banks (and soon auto companies), so why not for patients?
This would keep medical insurance in the private sector, but make it cost much less, and remove the companies’ incentive to play coverage games because they would only be on the hook for predictable and moderate medical expenses. There would be a lot less litigation over coverage issues, but most important of all, no American would ever again have to worry about losing his home and life savings because of illness.
Imagine being on that surreal clown ship, the bent bullshit express. Both of them realize what a distended fraud the other is by now. McCain can probably barely control his urge to tear her pathetic skull off her head, chucking it into the snearing, hungry crowd. WWE meets presidential politics in an orgy of vile fornication.
According to KIRO 7 the Huskies trail USC by only 49 points in the 3rd quarter, so they still have time for a comeback. McCain thinks so, too.
Somewhat redundant?
7 minutes on the damn phone with the prank guys.
I was ashamed of Caribou Barbie’s staff.
Sort of.
Joe asked a question based on a false premise and an untrue answer was given to that question (Obama’s not a socialist and Joe would be better off under Obama’s tax plan). Then JOHN McCAIN used his name umpteen times in a debate, Sarah Palin used him umpteen times at rallies and they invited “Joe” to go on the campaign trail with them and they used Joe to try to further their lie.
Had the Republicans not taken the “Joe” ball and ran with it, I’m sure the Democrats would have left the lying tax cheat alone.
The Republicans are using Joe. The Democrats are just trying to win an election.
It just goes to show that only bottom of the barreler’s are willing to tout the Republican brand at the moment.
Obama’s up by 4 in PA and according to Zogby he’s up by 5 nationally. I guess you can’t believe everything you read in The Drudge Report.
Dick Cheney has endorsed McCain – next thing you know he’ll take McCain hunting – oops.
Yup – Cheney knows a true believer when he sees one. The Iraq war mastermind and the Iraq war cheerleader were made for one another.
Cheney was also head of the Enron task force – I mean the energy task force (oh, same thing).
Why isn’t McCain demanding off-shore drilling now? Along with the tax cuts for Exxon he wants, especially since Exxon once again has made more than any other corporation in history in the last quarter – while the rest of the economy is going down the drain.
Yup – Exxon really needs those tax breaks McCain wants to give them. Is there any super-rich entity McCain does not want to cut taxes for?
In the meantime, I would get a much bigger tax cut from Obama and I would not need to worry about my health benefits being taxed. Obama would also give me more off for college costs. Yup – McCain will have me paying much more.
@23 I would say the Republicans and Joe are using each other.
@25 Obama leads McCain 52 – 42 in the latest AP poll. If the undecideds split evenly we’re looking at about a 54% plurality with a couple of points going to 3rd party candidates.
You know where it’s all going. This is just the setup for the perfect GOP ticket of 2012, Palin and Bobby Jindal of Louisiana. That way they can get all the lunatic Xtian fundies together, Protestant and Catholic fringes in one big ticket of religious know-nothingness.
Okay, maybe not quite. Jindal’s an Ivy Leaguer who turned down Harvard Medical and Yale Law to get a Poli. Sci. degree from Oxford to boot. Doesn’t that make him an ‘elitist’? You know how the R’s just hate those elitists.
Still, that ticket would win bupkis.
Been reading about Palin’s “associations”…
A chronicle of a batshit insane world that’s more out there on the fringe than I could have ever imagined.
Is she “guilty”?
My personal favorite was when “Nicolas Sarkozy” mentioned that he loved her documentary, Nailin’ Palin, and she responded in that high, quivering voice that people get when someone says something embarrassing at a party but they don’t want to make a scene.
It doesn’t change my opinion of her (I’ve always thought she was a substandard candidate), but it did give me a giggle.
She was pissed. If they get elected, I predict we will soon be at war with Canada.