I was at a family function over the weekend. I know, the stereotype is that old white people are Trump’s base, but not my aunt and my grandmother. I never thought of either of them as particularly political, but my goodness.
Anthony Wiener got 21 months for some bad behavior. The conventional wisdom was he’d get 24, so things are looking up for Anthony! In no time at all, he’ll be back in business with the sexting to underage girls.
If #CrookedHillary had used a State Department server for her work, this Weiner thing would be a nothingburger.
Oh, well. Live and learn, amirite?
Two more years of ratings declines like this
‘Sunday Night Football’ Ratings Down Again On Day Of Player Protests
and the DNC won’t be able to use televised NFL games as cover anymore when they hold primary debates.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Puerto Rico is America. Why won’t Donald Trump stand for its people?
Hands that have grabbed pussy can no longer be used to part seas.
Oh, and the port just opened.
Large amounts of federal aid began moving into Puerto Rico on Saturday, welcomed by local officials who praised the Trump administration’s response but called for the emergency loosening of rules long blamed for condemning the U.S. territory to second-class status.
In northwest Puerto Rico, people began returning to their homes after a spillway eased pressure on a dam that cracked after more than a foot of rain fell in the wake of the hurricane.
The opening of the island’s main port in the capital allowed 11 ships to bring in 1.6 million gallons of water, 23,000 cots, dozens of generators and food. Dozens more shipments are expected in upcoming days.
In Full: Andrew Breitbart came forward at Rep. Anthony Weiner’s New York City press conference to defend himself against allegations claiming he hacked the congressman’s Twitter account.
Breitbart lives.
Politcally Incorrectspews:
He’ll be out of prison by Christmas 2018.
Here’s Maddow going into detail about the various ways that Weiner’s original wayward tweet could have been faked.
North Korea playing great headgames every Republucan would normally love and appreciate. They’ve met there match.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
I wonder if Boob is a Kim Jun Un follower?
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@3 thank god. Hopefully they’ll go under and never be resurrected.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@9 it sure didn’t help him seeking to get his dick sucked.
@11 Wrong color. Besides, Doctor Dumbfuck is already in the tank for Putin to the tune of 4,000+ pro-Putin hashtags and climbing.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Sure. No fucking telling what we’ll find on Kushner’s private accounts once Mueller gets around to him. What do you s’pose the chances are his private devices/clients/services are co-mingled with his wife? Perhaps about the same as Weiner and Abedin?
Better add popcorn to the list.
Deep thoughts…
If you’re a baby boomer who got five deferments from the Vietnam era draft, you should probably keep your opinions about what it means to respect the troops to yourself.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
So Trump is really telling us all how he feels about race relations in the US. Taking pot shots at the NFL and NBA (sports leagues that are primarily non-white in their stars).
That must be music to Piddle’s ears. That could mean Piddles could get an invite to Trump’s White House. I can see it now, “Puddy, welcome to the White House, we can certainly use a man like you here at White House. By the way, can you hold this lantern and stand over there in the corner of the Rose Garden? This place will look much better with a lawn jockey.”
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
So it’s official! Fuckface has declared the doom of the NFL and Doctor Dumbfuck concurs.
That’s it kids. It’s all over now, ‘cept for the cryin’.
Some time in the near future we’ll have to sit down with the yunguns and tell them about the olden days when there was “professional” football and a league called “The NFL”. I wonder what space-aged future hillbillies will do with the extra three days in the week. More arm fishin’?
Just how many NASCAR drivers are of African-American heritage?
From the same link above: “When he raced in NASCAR’s top national series this summer, Darrell “Bubba” Wallace Jr. became the first black driver to compete at that level since 2006. He was only the fourth black driver to compete at that level for NASCAR since 1961.
For decades it was not uncommon to see the Confederate flag waved at NASCAR tracks, though the sport’s governing body took steps in 2015 to rid its events of the symbol.
Television ratings have been declining for NASCAR over the past decade, as they have for the NFL.”
Come on boys, let’s go racin’, give me a nice Rebel Yell!
I assume Darrell Issa will be all over this. Or not.
@4. It’s a start. I personally enjoyed all the tweets the prez posted about helping Puerto Rico and the American Virgin Island
Mark Adamsspews:
@5 You do realize that it really does not matter who was elected President that the North Koreans would be doing what they are doing, and the US response would be the same? Sure there would be less Rocket Man, but on that one you Trump probably tops Hilliary. If Hilliary had been voted in we most would be in a shooting war at this point. Argentina did not think Margaret Thatcher or Britain would react in the way they did. They miscalculated. And the North Korean’s respect Trump more than they would Hilliary Clinton in the White House or any woman. It’s a cultural thing, but we paper those things over when it’s inconvenient.
Mark Adamsspews:
@4 Yes why won’t Congress grant statehood to Puerto Rico!!!
Mark Adamsspews:
@9 YOu are confusing two different situations. The person petitioning is in jail and has not been convicted. While Anthony Weiner has been out on bail. He’s been convicted. He will likely go to a low security Federal Prison. Certainly not the super max. Weiner agreed not to appeal, and the judge went along. The people in low security Federal prison are not the same as those serving time in Folsom. It will not be pleasant. On release being a convicted sex offender he may find more onerous. Though I doubt he will have to find the only bridge in the city where he can live will be an issue for him.
Who knows maybe her and the 15 year old are true lovers, and there will be a new reality TV program in about two years. The Weiner. Expect great ratings.
Mark Adamsspews:
@10 Umm we actually at war with North Korea, it’s only an armistice. Actually North Korea repeatedly over the years has stated the armistice is no more. Maybe we should take them at their word and respond appropriately. It’s suggested that if Britain and France had done that during the thirties a big war could have been prevented Maybe it’s time to test that theory.
Even the folks in Seoul are more than a bit upset with North Korea. One option is to make war. Something the President can do at any time with North Korea. And North Korean’s know that. Of course they will not sit down and talk unless we say it’s ok for them to be a nuclear power, but Japan and South Korea cannot be such, I think they have come to believe their own propaganda.
Mark Adamsspews:
@13 He may swing both ways. Sounds like you like, and he could use a friend.
Mark Adamsspews:
@17 In a sport that should the players put on the wrong colored shoe for a game means a fine, maybe Trump has a point or two, The players will ultimately do what the sponsors allow. The sponsors are disappointed and say fire these guys I think some will be fired. The NFL owners are perfectly capable of enforcing players doing or not doing certain actions during the national anthem.
Now should the ball go up. Then there will be a new kind of draft for these gentlemen in the sport of professional football, and in their new occupation they will no kneeling, they will be told to stand up and salute the flag.
It will be a true test of their bravery, How many will be as brave as Mohammed Ali? Not too many I bet.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
A gift that will very likely keep giving for years. For every campaign and administration bootlick using personal email that Mueller ties back to Manafort we get another strand connecting outward to wider Fuckface enterprises and deals involving more potential crimes.
Any possibility that Fuckface, acting through Sessions, could bring pressure to bear on Rosenstein to limit the scope is now gone. Mueller can go as far afield as these idiot’s personal internet usage data will take him.
Cuckold indeed.
Mark Adamsspews:
@18 That Theodore Roosevelt succeeded in outlawing the sport of football. This could be a very good thing for our high schools and colleges that support this sport to the expense of a lot of other possibilities. Could mean students going to school and learning, and not putting football first in the hopes they will one day get one of the positions in the NFL. The odds they will succeed are very long. Maybe some more effort in say civics could have fantastic benefits for our nation.
Puffy's Vagina Smells like a Clamspews:
@19. Once again Dale Earnhardt Jr. goes to bat where no other NASCAR driver will go. And he’s one or use to be one of the fan favorite.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Shortbus is on board! The Klavern Kurse is komplete! For daring to defy The Orange Shit-gibbon, the NFL will cease to exist.
Just curious, how will you galloping racist hillbilly fucks reconcile it when years from now nobody is fired, the NFL continues going strong, sponsors continue to fight (and pay sums of money you arm-fishin’ trailerdytes can’t even imagine) for the privilege, and more white people than ever are watching?
Well, at least you can say for a few brief weeks one fall it took your minds off all that shame, all that regret, all that “winning”, and all that corruption.
“Fuckface has declared the doom of the NFL and Doctor Dumbfuck concurs.”
It’s like those two fucks wake up each morning trying to figure out how they can do something to please Putin. Much more of their treason and America’s last best hope might be if everybody in Russia, China and North Korea dies laughing at us.
At least the loon has an excuse for his treason. He’s batshit fucking insane.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
More details as the scandal continues to widen.
Jared and Ivanka homebrewed a private domain server for their clandestine communications to escape oversight, but then both senior Fuckface advisers foolishly used the dark server for official business and government communications.
Warrants are issuing.
Good time for the Hillbilly/Traitors to refocus all their very limited attention on super duper important national anthem singing. Next up: Kathy Griffin again?
There is power in a factory, power in the land
Power in the hands of a worker
But it all amounts to nothing if together we don’t stand
There is power in a union
NFLPA is really, really powerful and well organized. There is an iron clad contract signed by the owners and NFLPA. You know what isn’t in it? Anything about pregame activities or standing for the Anthem.
So sure, some really right wing blowhard owner like Jerry Jones may actually want to fire a player who kneels. But all their attorneys will keep telling him he can’t unless he wants to pay that player several orders of magnitude above his salary to settle the labor dispute. And not a single owner wants their Players-of-color to walk off the job in support of an illegally fired colleague.
And the players who don’t agree with kneeling, well if the union calls a general strike they have a choice to make. Be one of a few who breaks the line and plays with a bunch of rejects and retirees or walk out with their colleagues so as not to lose their pensions, health care (CTE?) and other benefits. That may be tempting to some top line high payed players but it’s a hell of a lot to a league minimum guy which is most of them.
Think season ticket holders, even the ones threatening to never go if they don’t crack down on protesters, are going to pay NFL money to watch Southern Tennessee State with Tom Brady play University of Southern Utah with Eli Manning?
The owners are fucked and they know it. Their best case scenario is to wait until every player currently under contract that kneels gets past the contract and not resign them and then try to go to NLRB and argue that that they aren’t being punished for NOT violating the contract.
Money speaks for money, the Devil for his own
Who comes to speak for the skin and the bone
What a comfort to the widow, a light to the child
There is power in a union
The Union forever defending our rights
Down with the blackleg, all workers unite
With our brothers and our sisters from many far off lands
There is power in a union
You mean the game against the team who’s fanbase is in open revolt over their declared move to Las Vegas but playing out the season in their jilted home vs. the team that actually has a racist name?
I can’t imagine a reason other than kneeling that ratings are off.
BTW, did you see the long pieces last week covered by most sports media that the average age of fans of most sports is rising? But you know what is really not bringing in a new generation of fans? UFC and Nascar.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Hey there is always the WWE! A hillbilly’s dream job.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Every now and then my spouse catches me trying to use reason with our dog. You can hold his attention if you use his name frequently. And it might even appear like he’s getting it.
You can’t deduct your Sybian, either, gman.
11th Circuit: Gay Man Cannot Deduct Costs To Father Children Through In Vitro Fertilization As Medical Expenses
@38 don’t know what a Sybian is but I’m sure you are having a lot of fun with whatever it is.
Boob you are resorting to being a bigot. Not surprising, but careful because someone may actually start to think that you are a doctor, until then you are still a dumbfuck doctor.
Anthony Wiener got 21 months for some bad behavior. The conventional wisdom was he’d get 24, so things are looking up for Anthony! In no time at all, he’ll be back in business with the sexting to underage girls.
If #CrookedHillary had used a State Department server for her work, this Weiner thing would be a nothingburger.
Oh, well. Live and learn, amirite?
Two more years of ratings declines like this
‘Sunday Night Football’ Ratings Down Again On Day Of Player Protests
and the DNC won’t be able to use televised NFL games as cover anymore when they hold primary debates.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Puerto Rico is America. Why won’t Donald Trump stand for its people?
Hands that have grabbed pussy can no longer be used to part seas.
Oh, and the port just opened.
Large amounts of federal aid began moving into Puerto Rico on Saturday, welcomed by local officials who praised the Trump administration’s response but called for the emergency loosening of rules long blamed for condemning the U.S. territory to second-class status.
In northwest Puerto Rico, people began returning to their homes after a spillway eased pressure on a dam that cracked after more than a foot of rain fell in the wake of the hurricane.
The opening of the island’s main port in the capital allowed 11 ships to bring in 1.6 million gallons of water, 23,000 cots, dozens of generators and food. Dozens more shipments are expected in upcoming days.
@ 1 &2- Yes, those are the issues of the day. Meanwhile the Idiot in Chief incites N. Korea to war and insults NFL players and their mothers.
“I’m Andrew Breitbart, by the way…”
CBS News
Published on Jun 6, 2011
In Full: Andrew Breitbart came forward at Rep. Anthony Weiner’s New York City press conference to defend himself against allegations claiming he hacked the congressman’s Twitter account.
Breitbart lives.
He’ll be out of prison by Christmas 2018.
Here’s Maddow going into detail about the various ways that Weiner’s original wayward tweet could have been faked.
Weiner initially defending himself on TV was the first time I ever heard the word ‘certitude’.
Maybe Weiner can petition along the same lines for early release, after he has to start sucking dick.
‘NSA leaker’ Reality Winner, 25, seeks pre-trial release from jail after the ‘Kosher vegan’ suffered ‘health problems’ from eating prison food
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....z4tjFOSa2O
So far North Korea is winning this war.
North Korea playing great headgames every Republucan would normally love and appreciate. They’ve met there match.
I wonder if Boob is a Kim Jun Un follower?
@3 thank god. Hopefully they’ll go under and never be resurrected.
@9 it sure didn’t help him seeking to get his dick sucked.
@11 Wrong color. Besides, Doctor Dumbfuck is already in the tank for Putin to the tune of 4,000+ pro-Putin hashtags and climbing.
Sure. No fucking telling what we’ll find on Kushner’s private accounts once Mueller gets around to him. What do you s’pose the chances are his private devices/clients/services are co-mingled with his wife? Perhaps about the same as Weiner and Abedin?
Better add popcorn to the list.
Deep thoughts…
If you’re a baby boomer who got five deferments from the Vietnam era draft, you should probably keep your opinions about what it means to respect the troops to yourself.
So Trump is really telling us all how he feels about race relations in the US. Taking pot shots at the NFL and NBA (sports leagues that are primarily non-white in their stars).
I got a real chuckle out of The Donald “dis-inviting” Steph Curry to the White House for the typical post-championship team visit: https://www.theringer.com/nba/2017/9/23/16354556/donald-trump-steph-curry-white-house-visit-golden-state-warriors
That must be music to Piddle’s ears. That could mean Piddles could get an invite to Trump’s White House. I can see it now, “Puddy, welcome to the White House, we can certainly use a man like you here at White House. By the way, can you hold this lantern and stand over there in the corner of the Rose Garden? This place will look much better with a lawn jockey.”
So it’s official! Fuckface has declared the doom of the NFL and Doctor Dumbfuck concurs.
That’s it kids. It’s all over now, ‘cept for the cryin’.
Some time in the near future we’ll have to sit down with the yunguns and tell them about the olden days when there was “professional” football and a league called “The NFL”. I wonder what space-aged future hillbillies will do with the extra three days in the week. More arm fishin’?
Well there is always NASCAR. Trump touted how they were so patriotic and did not have protests: http://www.cnn.com/2017/09/25/.....index.html
Just how many NASCAR drivers are of African-American heritage?
From the same link above: “When he raced in NASCAR’s top national series this summer, Darrell “Bubba” Wallace Jr. became the first black driver to compete at that level since 2006. He was only the fourth black driver to compete at that level for NASCAR since 1961.
For decades it was not uncommon to see the Confederate flag waved at NASCAR tracks, though the sport’s governing body took steps in 2015 to rid its events of the symbol.
Television ratings have been declining for NASCAR over the past decade, as they have for the NFL.”
Come on boys, let’s go racin’, give me a nice Rebel Yell!
These guys are really amazing
I assume Darrell Issa will be all over this. Or not.
@4. It’s a start. I personally enjoyed all the tweets the prez posted about helping Puerto Rico and the American Virgin Island
@5 You do realize that it really does not matter who was elected President that the North Koreans would be doing what they are doing, and the US response would be the same? Sure there would be less Rocket Man, but on that one you Trump probably tops Hilliary. If Hilliary had been voted in we most would be in a shooting war at this point. Argentina did not think Margaret Thatcher or Britain would react in the way they did. They miscalculated. And the North Korean’s respect Trump more than they would Hilliary Clinton in the White House or any woman. It’s a cultural thing, but we paper those things over when it’s inconvenient.
@4 Yes why won’t Congress grant statehood to Puerto Rico!!!
@9 YOu are confusing two different situations. The person petitioning is in jail and has not been convicted. While Anthony Weiner has been out on bail. He’s been convicted. He will likely go to a low security Federal Prison. Certainly not the super max. Weiner agreed not to appeal, and the judge went along. The people in low security Federal prison are not the same as those serving time in Folsom. It will not be pleasant. On release being a convicted sex offender he may find more onerous. Though I doubt he will have to find the only bridge in the city where he can live will be an issue for him.
Who knows maybe her and the 15 year old are true lovers, and there will be a new reality TV program in about two years. The Weiner. Expect great ratings.
@10 Umm we actually at war with North Korea, it’s only an armistice. Actually North Korea repeatedly over the years has stated the armistice is no more. Maybe we should take them at their word and respond appropriately. It’s suggested that if Britain and France had done that during the thirties a big war could have been prevented Maybe it’s time to test that theory.
Even the folks in Seoul are more than a bit upset with North Korea. One option is to make war. Something the President can do at any time with North Korea. And North Korean’s know that. Of course they will not sit down and talk unless we say it’s ok for them to be a nuclear power, but Japan and South Korea cannot be such, I think they have come to believe their own propaganda.
@13 He may swing both ways. Sounds like you like, and he could use a friend.
@17 In a sport that should the players put on the wrong colored shoe for a game means a fine, maybe Trump has a point or two, The players will ultimately do what the sponsors allow. The sponsors are disappointed and say fire these guys I think some will be fired. The NFL owners are perfectly capable of enforcing players doing or not doing certain actions during the national anthem.
Now should the ball go up. Then there will be a new kind of draft for these gentlemen in the sport of professional football, and in their new occupation they will no kneeling, they will be told to stand up and salute the flag.
It will be a true test of their bravery, How many will be as brave as Mohammed Ali? Not too many I bet.
A gift that will very likely keep giving for years. For every campaign and administration bootlick using personal email that Mueller ties back to Manafort we get another strand connecting outward to wider Fuckface enterprises and deals involving more potential crimes.
Any possibility that Fuckface, acting through Sessions, could bring pressure to bear on Rosenstein to limit the scope is now gone. Mueller can go as far afield as these idiot’s personal internet usage data will take him.
Cuckold indeed.
@18 That Theodore Roosevelt succeeded in outlawing the sport of football. This could be a very good thing for our high schools and colleges that support this sport to the expense of a lot of other possibilities. Could mean students going to school and learning, and not putting football first in the hopes they will one day get one of the positions in the NFL. The odds they will succeed are very long. Maybe some more effort in say civics could have fantastic benefits for our nation.
@19. Once again Dale Earnhardt Jr. goes to bat where no other NASCAR driver will go. And he’s one or use to be one of the fan favorite.
Shortbus is on board! The Klavern Kurse is komplete! For daring to defy The Orange Shit-gibbon, the NFL will cease to exist.
Just curious, how will you galloping racist hillbilly fucks reconcile it when years from now nobody is fired, the NFL continues going strong, sponsors continue to fight (and pay sums of money you arm-fishin’ trailerdytes can’t even imagine) for the privilege, and more white people than ever are watching?
Well, at least you can say for a few brief weeks one fall it took your minds off all that shame, all that regret, all that “winning”, and all that corruption.
“Fuckface has declared the doom of the NFL and Doctor Dumbfuck concurs.”
It’s like those two fucks wake up each morning trying to figure out how they can do something to please Putin. Much more of their treason and America’s last best hope might be if everybody in Russia, China and North Korea dies laughing at us.
At least the loon has an excuse for his treason. He’s batshit fucking insane.
More details as the scandal continues to widen.
Jared and Ivanka homebrewed a private domain server for their clandestine communications to escape oversight, but then both senior Fuckface advisers foolishly used the dark server for official business and government communications.
Warrants are issuing.
Good time for the Hillbilly/Traitors to refocus all their very limited attention on super duper important national anthem singing. Next up: Kathy Griffin again?
NFLPA is really, really powerful and well organized. There is an iron clad contract signed by the owners and NFLPA. You know what isn’t in it? Anything about pregame activities or standing for the Anthem.
So sure, some really right wing blowhard owner like Jerry Jones may actually want to fire a player who kneels. But all their attorneys will keep telling him he can’t unless he wants to pay that player several orders of magnitude above his salary to settle the labor dispute. And not a single owner wants their Players-of-color to walk off the job in support of an illegally fired colleague.
And the players who don’t agree with kneeling, well if the union calls a general strike they have a choice to make. Be one of a few who breaks the line and plays with a bunch of rejects and retirees or walk out with their colleagues so as not to lose their pensions, health care (CTE?) and other benefits. That may be tempting to some top line high payed players but it’s a hell of a lot to a league minimum guy which is most of them.
Think season ticket holders, even the ones threatening to never go if they don’t crack down on protesters, are going to pay NFL money to watch Southern Tennessee State with Tom Brady play University of Southern Utah with Eli Manning?
The owners are fucked and they know it. Their best case scenario is to wait until every player currently under contract that kneels gets past the contract and not resign them and then try to go to NLRB and argue that that they aren’t being punished for NOT violating the contract.
You mean the game against the team who’s fanbase is in open revolt over their declared move to Las Vegas but playing out the season in their jilted home vs. the team that actually has a racist name?
I can’t imagine a reason other than kneeling that ratings are off.
BTW, did you see the long pieces last week covered by most sports media that the average age of fans of most sports is rising? But you know what is really not bringing in a new generation of fans? UFC and Nascar.
Hey there is always the WWE! A hillbilly’s dream job.
Every now and then my spouse catches me trying to use reason with our dog. You can hold his attention if you use his name frequently. And it might even appear like he’s getting it.
You can’t deduct your Sybian, either, gman.
11th Circuit: Gay Man Cannot Deduct Costs To Father Children Through In Vitro Fertilization As Medical Expenses
@38 don’t know what a Sybian is but I’m sure you are having a lot of fun with whatever it is.
Boob you are resorting to being a bigot. Not surprising, but careful because someone may actually start to think that you are a doctor, until then you are still a dumbfuck doctor.